Track Status of Payment Page | 1 Last Updated: 3/25/2021
Track Status of Payment
Use your supplier portal to track the status of your payment. Your supplier portal allows you to track an invoice through
the review process and verify when payment will be made. Additionally, your portal is updated when a payment has
been issued to you.
You must have the appropriate permissions to view invoice information for your company. Your company representative
may need to delegate access. Review these instructions to learn more.
The Jaggaer portal is not accessible on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.
It must be accessed from a desktop computer.
First, log in to your Jaggaer supplier portal. Once logged in, navigate to your Indiana University portal by clicking Indiana
University in the Customer Portal Access section.
Track Status of Payment Page | 2 Last Updated: 3/25/2021
Once in the IU portal, select Search for Sales Invoices from the Orders module, available in the left-hand menu. In
Jaggaer, invoices are referred to as Sales Invoices.
Jaggaer automatically returns all Sales Invoices created in the last 90 days. Search for older invoices by changing the
timeframe in the drop-down menu to the left of the search field.
Use the search field at the top of the page to search for a specific invoice or locate it in the list. Click a Sales Invoice
Number to view additional details and a printable version of the Sales Invoice.
The Pay Status of the Sales Invoice reflects if payment has already been made or if the invoice is still under review. The
table below describes the different Pay Statuses you may see.
Pay Status
In Process
Invoice is enroute and under review by IU staff.
Invoice is considered “OK to Pay.” Payment will be made by due date stated on Sales Invoice. Past due
payments in Payable status are expedited and issued next business day.
Payment has been issued. Review the Payment Date and Payment Method columns, located to the right
of the Pay Status, of your search results to see when and how payment was issued.
Invoice was cancelled by IU staff.
This Pay Status is not used at IU. Contact Accounts Payable at or (877) 481-0007.
Track Status of Payment Page | 3 Last Updated: 3/25/2021
Click the Created Date: Last 90 days drop-down to display all invoices or specify a different timeframe. Click more
options > for even more search options. Click Apply to alter your search.
Filter your results by clicking the Add Filter drop-down.
The table below outlines some filters which may be most helpful. Multiple filters may be applied at once.
Available Filter
Invoice Date
The date included on the supplier-provided Invoice. Used to determine the invoice due
Paid Date
The date payment was issued.
Pay Status
Reflects whether payment has already been made or will be made. Refer to table above
for additional details.
Purchase Order Number
The PO number associated with the Sales Invoice.
Record Number
The check number or ACH number associated with the payment.
Track Status of Payment Page | 4 Last Updated: 3/25/2021
Select a filter and a new field appears where you can enter search parameters or select items. In the example below, the
Pay Status filter has been applied. In the example below, the filter will return Sales Invoices which are “Payable” and will
be paid by the due date. Click Apply to filter.