Climate change and
international trade
What is the World
Trade Report?
The World Trade Report is an
annual publication that aims to
deepen understanding about
trends in trade, trade policy issues
and the multilateral trading
What is the 2022
Report about?
The 2022 World Trade Report
explores the complex interlinkages
between climate change and
international trade, revealing how
international trade and trade rules
can contribute to addressing
climate change.
Find out more
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Cover image:
Kamarjani, Bangladesh
Technicians travel with their equipment by rickshaw to install a solar power system at a rural house
built on Kharzanir Chor, an island on the Jamuna River. These islands come and go over a period
of around 10 to 20 years and thus connecting them to the national grid is impractical. However,
a programme of rural electrication is being rolled out using solar panels and batteries installed
at individual homes.
© Laurent Weyl / Argos / Panos Pictures.
Acknowledgements and disclaimer 2
Abbreviations 4
Foreword by the WTO Director-General 6
Key messages 8
Executive summary 9
A. Introduction 16
1. The next great transformation 18
2. Harnessing the transformative power of trade 20
3. Overview of the report 23
B. The role of trade in adapting to climate change 26
1. Introduction 28
2. Why does climate change adaptation matter? 28
3. International trade and trade policy can support climate change adaptation strategies 34
4. International cooperation is essential to assist countries in adapting to climate change 39
5. Conclusion 47
C. The trade implications of a low-carbon economy 50
1. Introduction 52
2. Achieving a low-carbon economy is an imperative but faces challenges 52
3. A low-carbon economy would change trade patterns and provide new trading opportunities 57
4. International cooperation is essential to achieve a low-carbon economy 65
5. Conclusion 74
D. Carbon pricing and international trade 78
1. Introduction 80
2. Carbon pricing policies can be an important strategy to reduce carbon emissions 80
3. Uncoordinated carbon pricing policies may undermine climate action and lead to trade tensions 85
4. Greater international cooperation is required to advance ambitious carbon pricing policies 90
5. Conclusion 94
E. The decarbonization of international trade 98
1. Introduction 100
2. Accounting for carbon emissions originating from international trade is complex 100
3. International trade affects carbon emissions in multiple ways, both positive and negative 102
4. Reducing trade-related carbon emissions requires greater international cooperation 106
5. Conclusion 112
F. The contribution of trade in environmental goods and services 116
1. Introduction 118
2. There is scope for intensifying trade in environmental goods and services 118
3. Trade in environmental goods and services can contribute to climate change mitigation 123
4. The development and deployment of environmental goods and services require
greater international cooperation 127
5. Conclusion 131
G. Conclusion 134
Opinion pieces
Danae Kyriakopoulou, “Climate inaction: implications for international trade” 30
Gauri Singh, “Green hydrogen requires an appetite for action” 60
Daniel C. Esty, “Trade implications of GHG pricing” 92
Sophie Punte, “Building momentum for zero-emissions freight movement” 110
Bibliography 136
The World Trade Report 2022 was prepared under
the general responsibility and guidance of Anabel
González and Jean-Marie Paugam, WTO Deputy
Directors-General, and was coordinated by José-
Antonio Monteiro and Ankai Xu.
Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Chef de
Cabinet Bright Okogu, Yuvan Beejadhur and Trineesh
Biswas from the Office of the Director-General,
Robert Koopman, former Director of the Economic
Research and Statistics Division, and Aik Hoe Lim,
Director of the Trade and Environment Division,
provided valuable advice and guidance.
The lead authors of the report are Marc Bacchetta,
Eddy Bekkers, Cosimo Beverelli, Mateo Ferrero,
Emmanuelle Ganne, Rainer Lanz, José-Antonio
Monteiro, Roberta Piermartini, Daniel Ramos and
Ankai Xu. Other authors are Absar Ali, Antonia
Carzaniga, Svetlana Chobanova, Lory Iunius,
Jonathan Hepburn, Thomas Kräuchi, Juneyoung Lee,
Kathryn Lundquist, Sajal Mathur, Hanh Nguyen, Yves
Renouf, Victor Stolzenburg, Enxhi Tresa, Ayse Nihal
Yilmaz, Khadija Zaidi and Ruosi Zhang.
Other written contributions were provided by Marc
Auboin, Christophe Degain, Peter Donelan, Kartikeya
Garg, Simon Hess, Gergana Kiskinova, Katharina
Laengle, Reto Malacrida, Jeanne Metivier, Marie
Isabelle Pellan, Philippe Pelletier, Rishab Raturi,
Melvin Spreij, Ludivine Tamiotti, Antony Taubman,
Jessyca Van Weelde and Xiaoping Wu.
The following colleagues in the WTO Secretariat
provided valuable written comments on drafts of the
report: Ratnakar Adhikari, Antonia Carzaniga, Mireille
Cossy, Violeta Gonzalez, Ulla Kask, Arne Klau,
Gabrielle Marceau, Clarisse Morgan, Juan Pablo
Moya Hoyos, Marie Isabelle Pellan, Cédric Pene,
Michael Roberts, Stela Rubinova, Melvin Spreij,
Karsten Steinfatt, Sainabou Taal, Antony Taubman,
Cristian Ugarte and Xiaoping Wu. Valuable research
assistance was provided by Francesco Bellelli, Basile
Feller, Tracy Frei, Benjamin Ignoto, Socrates Kraido
Majune and Xiao Yang.
External contributions were received from Daniel
C. Esty (Yale Law School), Danae Kyriakopoulou
(London School of Economics and Political Science),
Sophie Punte (We Mean Business Coalition) and
Gauri Singh (International Renewable Energy
Agency). Background research were also received
from the following WTO Chairs, in coordination
with Mustapha Sadni Jallab and with support from
Sandra Rossier of the Knowledge and Information
Management, Academic Outreach and WTO Chairs
Programme Division: Soledad Aguilar (Latin American
Faculty of Social Sciences), Osman Gulseven (Sultan
Qaboos University), Nada Hazem, Myriam Ramzy and
Chahir Zaki (Cairo University), Sufian Jusoh (National
University of Malaysia), Zhang Lei and Jiang Yue
(University of International Business and Economics),
Thuto Lucy Matobo (National University of Lesotho)
and Boopen Seetanah (University of Mauritius).
The following individuals from outside the WTO
Secretariat also provided useful comments on
early drafts of the report: Rolando Avendano,
Magnus Benzie, Chad Bown, Paul Brenton, Vicky
Chemutai, Brian R. Copeland, Rob Dellink, Klaus
Desmet, Yann Duval, Koffi Aseye Makafui Elitcha,
Robert J. R. Elliott, Daniel C. Esty, Marco Fugazza,
Ian Douglas Gillson, Christian Gollier, Jean-Marie
Grether, Stephane Hallegatte, Katy Harris, Dirk
Heine, Bernard Hoekman, Michael Jakob, Euijin
Jung, Stephen Karingi, Alexander Kasterine, Alexey
Kravchenko, Vesile Kulacoglu, Bruno Lanz, Jia Li,
Jeremy Lucchetti, Tatiana S. Manolova, Nicole
Mathys, Jason McCormack, Nanno Mulder, Hildegunn
Kyvik Nordås, Ralph Ossa, Joseph Pryor, Bernard
Sinclair-Desgagné, Ronald Steenblik, Aleksandar
Stojanov, Shawn W. Tan, Mara Tayag, Robert Teh,
Shunta Yamaguchi and Irina Zodrow.
Gratitude is also due to the speakers of the World
Trade Report 2022 Webinar Series on Trade and
Climate Change for their insightful presentations:
Brian R. Copeland, Klaus Desmet, Katy Harris, Maria
Huge-Brodin, Jenny Minier, Joseph Sarkis, Misato
Sato, Joseph S. Shapiro, Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné
and Tatiana S. Manolova. Special thanks also go to
Isabelle Albrow Gerard, Carole Boureux, Viktoriya
Lazorenko and Anne Lescure for helping with the
organization of the webinars.
José-Antonio Monteiro and Ankai Xu of the Economic
Research and Statistics Division managed the
drafting of the Report. The text production of the
Report was managed by Diana Dent and Anne
Lescure of the Economic Research and Statistics
Division. The production of the Report was managed
by Anthony Martin and Helen Swain of the Information
and External Relations Division. William Shaw and
Helen Swain edited the report. Gratitude is also due
to the translators in the Language and Documentation
Services Division for the high quality of their work.
The World Trade Report and its contents are the sole responsibility of the WTO Secretariat, except
for the opinion pieces written by the external contributors, which are the sole responsibility of their
respective authors. The Report does not reflect the opinions or views of members of the WTO. The
authors of the Report also wish to exonerate those who have commented upon it from responsibility for
any outstanding errors or omissions.
AoA Agreement on Agriculture
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
BCA border carbon adjustment
CBDR [principle of] common but differentiated
CPC United Nations Central Product
e CO
CTE Committee on Trade and Environment
EDB WTO Environmental Database
EG environmental goods
EGS environmental goods and services
EIF Enhanced Integrated Framework
EITE emission-intensive trade-exposed
EKC Environmental Kuznets Curve
EPP environmentally preferable products
EREG energy-related environmental goods
ES environmental services
ETS EU Emissions Trading System
EU European Union
ET environmental technologies
EWE extreme weather event
FFEDC fossil fuel export-dependent country
FFSR Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform
G7 Group of Seven
G20 Group of Twenty
GATS General Agreement on Trade
in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade
GDP gross domestic product
GGP green government procurement
GHG greenhouse gases
GPA Agreement on Government
GTM WTO Global Trade Model
GVC global value chain
HS Harmonized System
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDP Informal Dialogue on Plastics Pollution
and Environmentally Sustainable
Plastics Trade
IEA International Energy Agency
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMO International Maritime Organization
IP intellectual property
ITC International Trade Centre
I-O input-output
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
IRU International Road Transport Union
LDC least-developed country
MFN most-favoured nation
MSME micro, small and medium-sized
NDC nationally determined contribution
NGO non-governmental organization
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NTB non-tariff barrier
NTM non-tariff measure
OECD Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
R&D research and development
RCA revealed comparative advantage
RTA regional trade agreement
SCM subsidies and countervailing measures
SDGs United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals
SIDS small-island developing states
SPS sanitary and phytosanitary
STC specific trade concern
STDF Standards and Trade Development
TBT technical barriers to trade
Trade in embodied CO
TESSD Trade and Environmental Sustainability
Structured Discussions
TFA WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
TPRM Trade Policy Review Mechanism
TRIMs trade-related investment measures
TRIPS WTO Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development
TRAINS UNCTAD Trade Analysis Information
System database
UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change
UN United Nations
US United States
WCO World Customs Organization
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
Climate change is an existential threat to people’s
lives and is dramatically reshaping economic activity
and trade. This year alone, from the Horn of Africa to
China, from Europe to the Americas, we have seen
increasing heat and prolonged drought damage crops
and reduce electricity production, while low water
levels in major rivers have made it difficult to transport
industrial and agricultural goods. Severe flooding left
a third of Pakistan under water, devastating key export
crops and putting the country’s food and economic
security at risk.
The climate crisis is a problem of the global
commons, and one that demands a collective and
effective multilateral response. The World Trade
Report 2022: Climate Change and International
Trade reviews the role of trade, trade policy and
international trade cooperation in addressing climate
change. It discusses how changing temperature and
weather–and the low-carbon transition required to
contain rising greenhouse gas emissions–are likely
to impact the welfare of nations’ populations and alter
their comparative advantages.
The report argues that trade is a force for good for
climate and part of the solution for achieving a low-
carbon, resilient and just transition. While trade
itself does generate emissions from production and
transport, trade and trade policies can accelerate
the dissemination of cutting-edge technologies and
best practices, and enhance incentives for further
innovation while creating the jobs of tomorrow. Trade
is instrumental for investments in clean energy to
have the greatest reach and impacts, at lowest cost
and where they are needed the most. These are
returns we would be unwise to forego, especially
now that the big green investment push we need will
coincide with rising real costs of capital and looming
uncertainty about energy security due to geopolitical
tensions and war.
Trade and trade policies are also part of any sound
strategy for climate change adaptation, helping
individual countries, especially vulnerable developing
ones such as small-island developing states, least-
developed countries and land-locked developing
countries, better respond to and protect themselves
from extreme weather events, and, in the longer term,
to adjust to shifts in agricultural productivity and
changes in wider international competitiveness. At the
global level, what we call “re-globalization” – more
diversified and deconcentrated goods and services
production, drawing in formerly marginalized countries
and communities with the right business environment
– would promote supply resilience and inclusion in a
world of ever more frequent climate induced shocks.
This would provide better risk management than
reshoring, nearshoring or friend-shoring.
In tandem with other public policies, trade has
already been playing an important role in the global
climate response. For example, the cost of solar panel
systems has plummeted in the last three decades,
and about 40 per cent of the cost decline has been
attributed to scale economies made possible in part
by international trade and value chains. The capacity
of solar panels traded across borders in 2017
reached almost 80GW, equivalent to over 9percent
of global electricity generation.
Further opening up trade in environmental goods and
services could do more. The WTO estimates that
reducing tariffs and non-tariff measures on energy-
related environmental goods could increase total
exports of these products by 5 per cent by 2030 and,
at the same time, lead to a net reduction in carbon
emissions. There are employment benefits, too: the
International Energy Agency estimates that the shift
to clean energy could generate 14 million new jobs
in clean energy sectors and 16 million jobs in related
sectors globally by 2030.
by the WTO
Beyond amplifying the impact of climate policies and
financing, greater international trade cooperation is
key to manage and minimize potential trade frictions
associated with climate action. For instance, close to
70 carbon pricing schemes are presently in operation
worldwide. Without common approaches for prices
and comparing equivalence, there is a significant risk
that unilateral measures aiming to prevent carbon
leakage and loss of competitiveness could stoke
trade tensions and create high administrative costs
for firms and governments. Uncoordinated climate
actions could also hamper decarbonization efforts by
raising uncertainty and discouraging much-needed
The ongoing proliferation of decarbonization
initiatives and standards – there are more than 20
different decarbonization standards in the steel
sector alone – creates confusion for producers and
could potentially lead to trade frictions. In line with
its longstanding role of promoting transparency vis-à-
vis policy measures affecting trade and encouraging
cooperation in the direction of comparability,
compatibility and harmonization, the WTO could play
a similar role for carbon pricing and standards. The
WTO is working with other multilateral agencies –
the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development and
the World Bank – on bringing in a trade perspective
to discussions and research on carbon mitigation
Clear, predictable and shared understandings about
trade-related climate measures would serve the
needs and development opportunities of businesses
and consumers in developing countries far more
effectively than the high transaction costs that
would come with a mess of varying rules for different
markets. But a just transition to a low-carbon
economy demands additional measures, including
financial support, to help low-income regions address
and overcome the potential adverse effects of carbon
pricing. The case for delivering on the US$100 billion
climate financing pledge remains strong, and a robust
response on loss and damage is urgently needed.
The Aid for Trade initiative – which is increasingly
about investment for trade – can and should help
developing and least-developed countries build
climate-friendly critical trade infrastructure. This
would support a resilient and inclusive low-carbon
This report is being launched at the same time as
the 27
United Nations Climate Change Conference
(COP27). What I hope to see emerge there and
elsewhere is a trade and investment facilitation
pathway in support of a just transition to a low-carbon
economy. Finance is one part of the equation – but
it is not the only part. A good trade policy framework
is necessary to turn climate investment into climate
transformation. We must start to talk about trade not
as a threat but as a solution to the climate crisis.
Achieving better trade and climate outcomes
is possible – but we will need strong political
leadership. Our success at the WTO’s 12
Conference in June 2022 – where members
unanimously agreed that trade must be part of the
solution to climate change and struck an accord on
curbing harmful fisheries subsidies that is the WTO’s
first agreement with environmental sustainability at its
core–shows that this is possible.
Looking ahead, the WTO has an opportunity to
use the present moment to strengthen its role as a
forum for coordination on trade and climate change,
to address trade policy barriers holding back the
dissemination and use of low-carbon technologies,
and to support structural changes needed to
decarbonize the global economy. I hope we will make
the most of this opportunity.
Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Key messages
Climate change is reshaping countries’ economic and trade prospects, and is a
major threat to future growth and prosperity. Higher temperatures, rising sea levels and
more frequent extreme weather events bring the prospect of productivity losses, production
shortages, damaged transport infrastructure, and supply disruptions. Without significant
reductions in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many countries are likely to find their
comparative advantages changing, with agriculture, tourism and some manufacturing sectors
particularly vulnerable to climate impacts.
Trade is a force multiplier for countries’ adaptation efforts, reducing costs and
increasing impact. Climate shocks will remain costly and disruptive, but trade can help
countries better prepare and respond, through access to technologies and critical goods
and services, such as food and healthcare products. This is particularly relevant for the
most vulnerable economies – least-developed countries, small-island developing states,
and landlocked developing countries. In the longer-run, open international markets would
help countries smooth necessary economic adjustment and resource reallocation, and more
diversified sources of supply for key goods and services would translate into greater resilience
against localized weather events.
Trade can reduce the cost of mitigation and speed up the low-carbon transition and
the creation of green jobs. Though trade, like most current economic activity, generates
GHG emissions, it also contributes to reducing them, by enabling access to cutting-edge
climate technologies; incentivizing innovation in low-carbon technologies by expanding market
size; and fostering competition and scale economies that help drive down costs. Trade and
value chains have been major factors in the dramatic fall in the cost of generating solar and
wind energy. With renewable energy now cheaper than fossil alternatives in some places, the
adoption of renewables has accelerated. But there is scope to do more: WTO simulations
suggest that eliminating tariffs and reducing non-tariff measures on a subset of energy-related
environmental goods could boost exports by 5 per cent by 2030, while the resulting increases
in energy efficiency and renewable uptake would reduce global emissions by 0.6 per cent. To
the extent trade helps speed up the low-carbon transition, it would contribute to job creation:
one estimate suggests the global shift to clean energy will generate as many as 30 million new
jobs in clean energy and related sectors by 2030.
International trade cooperation can make climate actions more effective, and
the low-carbon transition more just, by minimizing trade frictions and investor
uncertainty. As governments ramp up climate action towards nationally determined
contributions, there is a risk that unilateral measures aiming to prevent carbon leakage and the
loss of competitiveness of domestic industry could stoke trade tensions, create investment-
discouraging uncertainty, and impose disproportionate costs on firms and governments in
developing countries. International cooperation on trade-related aspects of climate policy,
such as carbon pricing and decarbonization standards, would reduce these risks. The WTO
could play a more valuable role as a venue for transparency, comparability and potential
harmonization of such measures. Aid for Trade, as well as trade-oriented private investment,
can help developing and least-developed countries build climate-resilient trade infrastructure,
contributing to making the low-carbon transition more just and fair.
Executive summary
Climate change represents a severe, pervasive and
potentially irreversible threat to people, ecosystems,
public health, infrastructure and the global economy.
Left unabated, it could undo much of the progress
made over recent decades in development, poverty
reduction and prosperity creation. Developing
countriesin particular small-island developing
states and least-developed countries (LDCs)are
likely to suffer the most, due to their greater
exposure and vulnerability to climate risks and natural
disasters, and their more limited capacity to adapt to
climate change. Leveraging trade to tackle climate
change presents several development and growth
opportunities and will require significant policy
actions to advance a just transition towards a low-
carbon, inclusive and resilient future.
In the face of this existential threat, the 2022 World
Trade Report explores the multifaceted relationship
between international trade and climate change. It
looks at how international trade might exacerbate
climate change, how the consequences of climate
change might alter trading patterns and relationships,
and how trade could be a force multiplier for the global
response to the climate crisis. The report spells out
various ways international trade cooperation, fostered
by the WTO, could support and lower the cost of
implementing the Paris Agreement and fulfilling the
Glasgow Climate Pact’s goal of net-zero greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions by mid-century (IPCC, 2022a).
The report’s core message is clear: trade is a critical
point of leverage for transforming the global economy
and putting the planet on a sustainable trajectory.
Climate change is a problem of the global commons.
Markets do not suffice to address the threats from
GHG accumulation in the atmosphere because
firms and consumers often do not directly face
the costs of the emissions they cause. To correct
these market failures, carefully constructed climate
change mitigation policies are needed to incentivize
behavioural change and increased investment in
energy efficiency and climate-friendly technologies.
Ambitious GHG mitigation policies face a wide range
of challenges, including conflicting economic and
development priorities, divergent energy strategies
and geopolitical competition. Fragile economic
recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, rising
inflationary pressures, increasing food security
challenges and the war in Ukraine have added further
uncertainties. While the transition to a low-carbon
economy entails substantial short-term investment
and adjustment costs, it will yield major economic
dividends and create wide-ranging opportunities
for more sustainable and fair development. A well-
managed low-carbon transition can limit climate
risks, promote biodiversity and improve food security.
Investments in clean energy also promise better air
quality, public health and quality of life for people
across the world. Bold climate actions could yield a
cumulated economic gain of US$ 26 trillion between
2018 and 2030 (Garrido et al., 2019). The low-carbon
transition could also create millions of new jobs in
clean energy and energy-related sectors and support
a more inclusive economy, not least because more
women work in the renewable energy sector than in
the fossil fuels sector (IRENA, 2021).
Because the existing build-up of GHGs in the
atmosphere makes some degree of climate change
unavoidable, adaptation strategies are also required
to make communities more resilient in the face of
sea level rise, more intense storms and changed
rainfall patterns leading to more floods, droughts and
wildfires as well as significant effects on agricultural
productivity. These consequences will profoundly
impact international trade and coping with them
requires adaptation efforts to identify, prevent and
reduce climate risks, and minimize unavoidable losses
and damages (IPCC, 2022b).
The report makes clear that trade and climate change
are deeply intertwined, and that more effective
responses to mitigate and adapt to climate change
will require stronger and better international trade
The report makes three key points. First, while
climate change can have profound negative impacts
on international trade, trade and trade policies
are essential elements of sound climate change
adaptation strategies. Second, although trade
generates GHG emissions, trade and trade policies
can foster the transition to a low-carbon economy by
providing access to and spurring innovation in low-
carbon technologies, disseminating best practices
and helping clean energy investments achieve the
greatest reach at the lowest cost. Third, improving the
ambition and effectiveness of climate action requires
greater international trade cooperation at the WTO.
Even though climate change can have profound
negative impacts on international trade, trade
and well-designed trade policies are essential
elements of sound climate change adaptation
Climate change can cause productivity losses,
supply shortages and transport disruptions, severely
impacting trade. Because these impacts will differ
across regions, some economies will be at a
disadvantage. Export growth of agricultural products
and light manufacturing from LDCs have been found
to decrease, on average, by between 2 and 5.7 per
cent in response to a rise in the country’s temperature
by 1°C (Jones and Olken, 2010).
Extreme weather events can also affect key transport
corridors and infrastructure, potentially creating
vulnerabilities in the global trade network. Maritime
transport – which accounts for 80 per cent of world
trade by volume – is particularly exposed to climate
change, while other modes of transport can also
be impacted. Small economies and landlocked
countries, which trade through a limited number of
ports and routes, can suffer major trade bottlenecks
from climate-related disruptions. For instance, the
Paraná River transports 90 per cent of Paraguay’s
international trade of agricultural goods, but recurrent
droughts have in recent years frequently lowered
water levels, diminishing the weight barges can carry,
causing congestion and delays.
Climate-induced disruptions tend to be more severe
in heavily concentrated global value chains (GVCs)
where intermediate inputs are difficult to replace
in the short run. For example, in 2011, flooding
in Thailand disrupted the global electronic and
automotive industries, causing an estimated 2.5
percentage point decline in the rate of growth of
global industrial production (Kasman, Lupton and
Hensley, 2011). Climate-induced supply chain risks
are often exacerbated by firms’ limited capabilities to
assess climate risks and implement risk management
Without significant reduction in GHGs, climate
change is likely to alter countries’ comparative
advantage and trade patterns by changing
endowments in natural resources or altering the
efficiency with which land, labour, capital and other
production factors can be deployed to produce
goods and services. Commodity dependence and
lack of diversification can exacerbate vulnerabilities
to climate change, underscoring the need to support
efforts to accelerate economic diversification.
Agriculture, tourism and some manufacturing
sectors are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Agriculture is the most exposed and vulnerable
sector to changes in temperature and precipitation,
raising serious concerns about future food security.
Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are expected to
experience larger adverse agricultural yield shocks
than other regions; and given their high share of
agricultural employment, they may face more severe
labour market disruptions. Changes in climate might
also reduce the touristic appeal of long-favoured
destinations, while sea level rise and extreme
weather events could permanently damage tourism
infrastructure. Manufacturing sectors dependent on
climate-sensitive inputs, such as food processing,
could suffer from reduced access to raw materials.
Labour-intensive production could also be adversely
affected as rising temperatures diminish capacity to
work and raise risks of accidents and heat exhaustion.
Adapting to climate change is a sustainable
development imperative. Without understating how
costly and disruptive adaptation will continue to be,
trade can make an important contribution to climate
risk prevention, reduction and preparedness.
Trade can facilitate the development and deployment
of pro-adaptation technologies, such as climate-
resistant crop varieties, early warning systems and
water conservation and storage systems. By fostering
higher economic growth, trade can generate
additional financial resources to invest in adaptation
strategies such as climate-resilient infrastructure.
Trade openness also allows for wider access to
services that help prepare for climate-related
shocks, such as weather forecasting, insurance,
telecommunications, transportation, logistics and
health services.
Access to imported essential goods and services,
such as food and medical supplies, can help
economies cope and recover after an extreme
weather event hits. Facilitating imports of
construction materials can contribute to post-disaster
reconstruction. Allowing trade to resume faster after
climate-induced shocks can also support economic
recovery. Even in the absence of extreme weather
events, long-term shifts in weather patterns can still
cause crop yields to fall, and trade can help alleviate
food insecurity by allowing regions to import food
to fill demand gaps. Overall, countries more open
to trade tend to have a greater capacity to adapt to
climate change (see Figure 1).
The role of trade in coping with climate change
underlines that trade policies must be an integral
Figure 1: Greater capacity to adjust to climate change tends to be associated with greater
openness to trade
urces: Authors’ calculations based on ND-GAIN Climate Readiness Index and the trade openness index for 2020 from the World
Development Indicators.
Note: The climate change readiness index measures a country’s ability to leverage investments and convert them to adaptation actions.
The trade openness measures the sum of a country’s exports and imports as a share of that country’s GDP in percentage.
part of climate change adaptation strategies. A small
but increasing number of trade measures notified by
WTO members between 2009 and 2020 are related
to climate change adaptation, though these measures
– which mostly take the form of support in the
agricultural sectoraccount for less than 4per cent
of all notified climate-related trade measures (161 out
of 4,629).
Trade and trade policy are, however, not a panacea
to adapt to the highly disruptive consequences
of climate change. Addressing the factors and
conditions underpinning the vulnerabilities and
exposures to climate risks is essential. In addition,
well-functioning markets, including in the areas of
infrastructure, finance, food and labour, are important
to facilitate adjustment.
Although trade generates GHG emissions, trade
and trade policies can be part of the solutions
to support a low-carbon transition.
Trade, like most economic activities, emits GHGs.
The world share of carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions
embodied in world goods and services exports
peaked in 2011 and was estimated to account for
around 30 per cent of global carbon emissions in
2018. This share indicates the close relationship
between production, trade, consumption and the
consequent emissions under current technologies
and production processes.
International trade has complex effects, both positive
and negative, on GHG emissions, going well beyond
the emissions released during the production and
1 1.4 21.2 1.6 2.2
Trade openess index (in logarithm)
1.8 2.4 2.6
Climate change adaptation readiness index
Low-income Middle-income High-income
transportation of the exported goods and services.
The overall impact of trade on carbon emissions
depends, among others, on the sector and countries
involved as well as the energy sources, production
methods and modes of transport.
On the positive side of the ledger, international trade
increases the worldwide diffusion and deployment of
lower-emission goods, services, capital equipment
and know-how. It also reduces the costs of these
products through efficiency improvements, economies
of scale and learning-by-doing. For instance, the cost
of solar electricity has plunged by 97 per cent since
1990. A significant part of the cost decline of solar
panel systems has been attributed to GVCs, which
have enabled producers to lower production costs
and reap economies of scale by locating different
production stages in different countries (WTO and
IRENA, 2021). Market opportunities for low-carbon
exports can also spur more investment and innovation
in new low-carbon technologies and encourage
efforts to better adapt these technologies to local
In addition, trade opening can reduce the carbon
intensity of economic output by shifting resources to
more productive and cleaner firms, as firms engaged
in international trade tend to be more competitive
and energy efficient than purely domestic firms. The
higher incomes typically associated with greater
integration into global trade also give individuals the
space to demand higher environmental quality and
to pressure governments to adopt more stringent
climate regulations and provide additional financial
resources for environmental protection.
International trade in renewable energy and electricity
has also the potential to help compensate for the
uneven geographical distribution of usable sunlight
and wind, though this will hinge on important
technological breakthroughsnotably in energy
storage. More developing countries are already
moving to harness their abundant renewable energy
potential. For instance, Morocco hosts the world’s
largest solar power station, while Egypt is building a
solar photovoltaic park touted to become the world’s
On the negative side of the ledger, trade opening
raises GHG emissions by increasing the production,
transportation, consumption and disposal of
products. The fragmentation of production
represented by GVCs involves more transport and
therefore more emissions. Trade may–in the absence
of relevant policies – incentivize emissions-boosting
Changes in the sectoral composition of
production–a standard result of trade opening–can
also increase or reduce GHG emissions, depending
on whether the country in question has a comparative
advantage in carbon-intensive industries, which
in turn depends on factors including resource
endowments, technological level and environmental
and energy policies (WTO, 2021a).
Rising concern about trade-related GHG emissions
has led to calls to limit imports in favour of producing
and consuming local goods and services. But if
countries close their borders to trade, meeting
demand for previously imported goods and services
would cause domestic production and associated
GHG emissions to rise; while foregoing the broader
gains from trade would cause living standards to fall.
Instead of re-shoring, the low-carbon transition
would be better supportedand acceleratedby
cleaner trade, which would involve reducing the
carbon intensity of production, transportation and
GVCs, developing and deploying climate-friendly
technologies and promoting trade in climate-friendly
goods and services. Major decarbonization pathways
for international transport include switching to
lower-carbon fuels, improving vehicle efficiency and
phasing-out carbon-intensive vehicles.
Well-designed trade policies must support the role
of trade in deploying and disseminating climate
mitigation technologies. Trade and trade policies are
an integral part of a limited but increasing number
of countries’ plans to achieve carbon emission-
reduction targets under the Paris Agreement’s
nationally determined contributions. Complemented
by other policies, trade policies can help countries
diversify away from reliance on carbon-intensive
sectors, create new jobs and increase the ambition
of mitigation efforts. Between 2009 and 2020,
WTO members notified 3,460 trade-related climate
change mitigation measures explicitly addressing
climate change mitigation, energy conservation and
efficiency, and alternative and renewable energy.
Support measures and technical regulations are the
main types of notified trade-related climate change
mitigation measures (see Figure 2).
Despite the benefits of opening trade in the
environmental industry, barriers to trade in
environmental goods and services remain significant.
In addition, tariff and non-tariff barriers tend to be
lower in carbon-intensive industries than in clean
industries (Shapiro, 2021).
Removing barriers to trade in environmental products
can contribute to addressing climate change. WTO
simulation analysis suggests that eliminating tariffs
and reducing non-tariff measures on some energy-
related environmental goods and environmentally
preferable products could increase global exports
in these products by US$ 109 billion (5 per cent)
and US$ 10.3 billion (14 per cent), respectively,
by 2030. The resulting improvements in energy
efficiency and renewable energy adoption are
estimated to reduce net carbon emissions by 0.6 per
cent, while the knock-on effects of accelerating the
spread of environmental innovation would do much
more, including increasing the demand for ancillary
services relating to the sale, delivery, installation and
maintenance of environmental technologies.
That said, harnessing the full potential of international
trade in renewable energy and other environmental
goods and services also requires ambitious climate
policies and actions to upgrade power-generation,
transmission and distribution infrastructure as well as
to build a well-functioning quality infrastructure.
Improving the ambition and effectiveness
of climate change action requires greater
international trade cooperation.
Addressing climate change requires global
cooperation on all fronts, and international trade
cooperation, at the WTO and elsewhere, is an integral
part of the efforts.
The bottom-up international climate regime, with
nationally determined contributions and mitigation
actions, encourages broad-based participation and
underlines the urgency of climate action. But it also
results in widely varying levels of climate ambition
across jurisdictions, with the attendant risks of carbon
leakage and competitiveness loss, especially in
carbon-intensive and trade-exposed sectors. These
risks have prompted some countries to consider
border carbon adjustment measures. Uncoordinated
trade-related climate policies, however, could give
rise to trade tensions and heighten marketplace
uncertainty in ways that discourage much-needed
Figure 2: Support measures and technical regulations are the most common trade-related
climate change mitigation measures
Sources: Authors’ calculation, based on the WTO Environmental Database.
Note: The category “technical regulations” includes conformity assessment procedures. One notified measure can cover more than one
type of policy.
Support measures Technical regulations Other measures
Notified climate change mitigation measures
2017 2018 2019 202020152014 2016201320112009 2010 2012
low-carbon investment. Avoiding such outcomes
calls for leveraging every opportunity at the WTO and
elsewhere for improving cooperation on the trade-
related aspects of climate change policies.
At the regional level, a limited but increasing number
of trade agreements, namely 64 out of 349 notified
regional trade agreements (RTAs), explicitly contain
climate change-related provisions. Some of these
RTAs commit parties to effectively implement the
Paris Agreement and adopt climate change policies,
including carbon pricing, while a few others remove
some trade and investment barriers to climate-friendly
goods, services and technologies.
At the global level, as noted above, the open and
predictable international markets underpinned by the
multilateral trading system already facilitate access to
environmental technologies, food and other critical
supplies. WTO members notify climate-related
measures and discuss potential concerns, as well
as the underlying environmental rationale, in various
WTO bodies such as the Committee on Trade and
Environment. These discussions are also a venue for
exchanging national experiences and practices.
The WTO agreements expressly recognize the
rights of members to adopt measures to protect
the environment, so long as they are not applied
arbitrarily and are not more restrictive than necessary
to meet the objective in question. Climate objectives,
rather than the protection of domestic producers,
must be the central rationale for the development
and implementation of trade-related climate policies.
Trade-related climate policies should also consider
their impact on other nations’ climate efforts. The
protection and enforcement of intellectual property
rights, as provided by WTO rules, is also essential
to support innovation in environmental technologies
while promoting the transfer of technology.
But WTO members can do much more to enhance
the contribution of trade and trade policy to their
climate objectives.
First, with the increasing number of trade-related
climate measures being taken nationally, there
is a strong case for strengthening the role of the
WTO as a forum for coordination and dialogue,
and for identifying potential action on trade and
climate change. The committee process could be
used to identify transparency and knowledge gaps,
opportunities for coordination, capacity needs and
perspectives of developing countries, and areas
for further work, including potential negotiations. At
the 12
Ministerial Conference in June 2022, WTO
members concluded an agreement that prohibits
certain types of fisheries subsidies. Continuing
work on additional provisions for a comprehensive
agreement on fisheries subsidies would further
contribute to sustainable management of marine
resources and biodiversity.
Second, members are already beginning to pursue
a new generation of sustainability driven initiatives
aimed more at using trade as a means to help achieve
global public goods than at correcting a particular
trade distortion. These initiatives include the
Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured
Discussions, the Informal Dialogue on Plastics
Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics
Trade, and the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform initiative.
Some of these discussions focus on traditional fare
for trade negotiators, namely tariff and non-tariff
policies. For instance, removing trade barriers on
environmental goods and services would lower costs,
expand markets and boost the deployment of climate-
friendly technologies. Pursuing greater alignment on
low-carbon standards would lower compliance costs
and encourage greater scale and investment.
Other initiatives focus instead on generating new
knowledge that can inform and improve governments’
efforts to integrate trade into their environmental
and climate change strategies. This could involve a
better understanding of the environmentally harmful
impacts of subsidies or of trade-related linkages with
the circular economy. Finding a balance between
support incentives for low-carbon technologies
while minimizing negative spillovers on trading
partners would also provide more predictable and
credible market signals for low-carbon investment
and consumption. The dialogue on plastics seeks to
generate knowledge on plastic trade flows in order
to support negotiations on an international plastics
treaty under the auspices of the United Nations
Environment Programme.
Third, WTO members could work on supply side
factors to enhance the climate resilience of their
supply chains. Deepening and diversifying supply
and transport networks would not just help reduce
vulnerability to the kinds of supply chain disruptions
seen since the start of the pandemic; it would also
enhance resilience in the face of localized climate
events. Stronger information sharing and monitoring
would help food and energy security for all members,
while helping them manage risks related to supply
chain bottlenecks. An example of how this might
work in practice is the Agricultural Market Information
System, which is a platform of international agencies,
including the WTO, which tracks the supply of key
agricultural commodities and provides a forum for
coordinated policy responses when needed to
prevent markets from seizing up. At the 12
Conference, WTO members vowed to address the
global food security challenges by exempting from
export restrictions food bought by the World Food
Programme for humanitarian purposes and pledging
to facilitate trade in food, fertilizers and other
agricultural inputs. Implementing these decisions
could contribute to managing the knock-on effects of
surging food prices during a crisis, thus increasing
food security.
Fourth, improving the ability to understand and
manage climate-related risks and investment
opportunities would improve the synergies between
climate finance and Aid for Trade. Climate finance
to developing countries continues to fall short
of the US$ 100 billion goal for 2020 (OECD,
2022a) and has not achieved the balance between
adaptation and mitigation finance set out in the Paris
Agreement (UNEP, 2021a, 2021b). However, the
Aid for Trade initiative, supported by the WTO and
other organizations, can help developing countries,
particularly LDCs, to build climate-resilient trade
capacity and infrastructure, and support trade
policies to foster a low-carbon transition. Between
2013 to 2020, Aid for Trade disbursements related
to climate action totalled US$ 96 billion, with a
larger share of the disbursements directed at climate
mitigation (see Figure 3).
Finally, reinforcing the WTO’s existing cooperation
with international and regional organizations, including
in the areas of climate risk prevention, climate-
induced disaster relief, transport decarbonization
and climate finance, is important to advance trade
cooperation on climate change. Over the past few
years, WTO members have started to address some
of these issues. However, the scale and urgency of
the climate crisis demand additional efforts in support
of a more inclusive and just transition to a low-carbon
economy and a more resilient future.
Figure 3: Aid for Trade disbursements related to climate change have increased over
the past decade
Sources: Authors’ calculations, based on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development DAC-CRS (Development Assistance
Committee Creditor Reporting System) Aid Activities Database.
Note: Only projects with an explicit objective of adapting to or mitigating climate change and projects identifying climate change as
important but secondary objective are considered as climate change-related official development assistance. Projects can be cross-
cutting and have both adaptation and mitigation objectives.
Energy Transport and storage Agriculture, forestry and fishing Others
Climate change adaptation
Aid for Trade disbursements related to climate change
(current US$ billion)
Climate change mitigation
Tackling climate change requires a transformation of the global
economy. While limiting consumption and changing lifestyles
would help, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero will be
impossible without technological and structural change on a global
scale. This transformation will involve costs, but also opportunities
– not just to head off an environmental catastrophe, but to reinvent
the way the world generates energy, manufactures products and
grows food. Just as trade helped to drive economic progress in
the past by incentivizing innovation, leveraging comparative
advantages and expanding access to resources and technologies
– trade can play a central role in driving progress towards a low-
carbon global economy. But harnessing the potential of trade will
demand new policies and more cooperation.
1. The next great transformation 18
2. Harnessing the transformative power of trade 20
3. Overview of the report 23
1. The next great transformation
Paradoxically, economic progress is both the cause
of and the solution to the climate crisis. To head off
dangerous climate change, the Paris Agreement aims
to limit the global warming to 1.C this century. This
means that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need
to be cut by roughly 50 per cent by 2030 and reach
net zero by 2050.
The most realistic way modern
economies can achieve this goal – without cutting
back living standards in richer countries and cutting
short development in poorer ones – is by modernizing
even more, harnessing human innovation, ingenuity
and entrepreneurship to advance low-carbon
technologies and to use the planet’s resources more
Dramatic advances in automation, transportation
and industrialization – all powered by fossil fuels –
have driven the exponential growth of the global
economy over the past two and half centuries,
resulting in rising living standards, increased mobility,
and improved material well-being for a fast-growing
global population. In important ways, the industrial
revolution was also an energy revolution (Wrigley,
2010). By discovering how to convert fossil fuels into
mechanical energy, starting with the steam engine,
humanity unlocked seemingly limitless supplies of
energy to power seemingly limitless economic growth
and development.
But ever-expanding growth has also released ever-
greater amounts of heat-trapping GHG emissions
into the atmosphere – from electricity generation,
transportation, industry, agriculture and deforestation
– which in turn has contributed to the warming of the
planet and its negative climactic and environmental
knock-on effects. Almost three-quarters of global
GHG emissions come from energy consumption;
another 18.4 per cent from agriculture, forestry and
land use; 5.2 per cent from industrial processes; and
3.2 per cent from waste (Ritchie, Roser and Rosado,
2020). As long as the world remains dependent on
high-carbon technologies, increasing economic
production will almost inevitably lead to increasing
GHG emissions.
Yet, while technological and economic progress has
fuelled” the climate crisis, it is also indispensable
to mitigating and overcoming it. Replacing fossil
fuels with renewable energies – solar, wind and
geothermal power, and others – is essential to
avoid and reduce GHG emissions, as are steps to
decarbonize transportation, steel production, cement
manufacturing and agriculture, and to make economic
ecosystems less wasteful and more resource-
efficient overall.
Adapting to the adverse effects of climate change
will also require technological solutions – from
developing drought-resistant crops and resilient
water supplies, to building flood defences, improving
weather forecasting and setting up early warning
systems (UNFCCC, 2016a).
Given that many lower carbon technologies – from
solar panels and electric cars to vertical farms and
electric arc furnaces – already exist, the challenge
is to scale up their production and deployment. One
influential study argues that two-thirds of economies,
including major emitters like the United States, the
European Union and China, could reduce their GHG
emissions by 80 per cent by 2030, and achieve
carbon neutrality by 2050, through the mass adoption
of electrification based on existing wind, hydro and
solar technologies (Jacobson et al., 2017).
Even more cutting-edge technologies, such as green
hydrogen or direct air carbon capture and storage,
are also advancing rapidly. Then there are the
myriad “soft” climate technologies – data-crunching,
information-sharing, training and education – which
are easier to adopt, and which will be just as critical
to shift economies towards low-carbon alternatives.
It is also important to focus not just on what
technologies are needed, but on how they are used. It
has long been recognized that it is only by using new
technologies that we learn how to optimize and exploit
their full potential (Arrow, 1962). This “learning-by-
doing” dynamic can take time (David, 2002). In the
same way that it took decades for the invention of the
dynamo to translate into mass electrification, it could
take years to realize the full potential of solar power or
carbon farming. Thus, it makes sense to scale up new,
clean, low-carbon technologies now, even if the initial
investment costs are high, as expanding capacity
early on can encourage usage, improve performance,
drive down prices, and ultimately make renewable
technologies more attractive and competitive.
Realizing the potential of one innovation also often
hinges on marrying it to another innovation (Harford,
2017). Just as the explosion of the internet after
the mid-1980s depended on parallel innovations in
satellite and fibre optic telecommunications, electric
vehicles are now poised to revolutionize clean-energy
transportation because they are benefitting from
other technological breakthroughs, including the
mass production of affordable lithium-ion batteries,
the roll-out of electric vehicle charging networks and
more readily available renewable energy.
Conversely, the absence of synergistic technologies
can significantly slow or block economic progress.
For example, the lack of affordable and efficient
technological solutions to the challenge of long-term,
large-scale energy storage – a challenge arising from
the intermittent nature of some lower carbon energy
technologies such as solar and wind power – is a key
missing piece of the renewable puzzle which urgently
needs to be “discovered” if renewables are to become
a reliable replacement for fossil fuels worldwide.
This positive process of technological interaction,
cross-fertilization and mutually reinforcing innovation
takes place at the global, not just the firm, level. The
fact that photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert solar
energy into electricity, are increasingly affordable and
available is the result of mutually supportive back-and-
forth innovations across several continents, including
US investments in PV cell research and development
(R&D) in the 1960s and 70s; European policies to
accelerate domestic solar panel installation in the
1990s and 2000s; and Chinese efforts to improve
and scale production after 2011 (IEA, 2022a).
Technological cooperation, competition and cross-
fertilization do not just spur innovation; they also
encourages needed technological diffusion. Many
developing countries have abundant renewable energy
potential that access to low-carbon technologies and
infrastructure could unleash (IRENA, 2022). This is
starting to happen. Kenya is already a world leader in
the number of solar panel systems installed per person,
while 90 per cent of Nepal’s electricity comes from
hydro-electric power. Locally generated renewable
energy allows developing and least-developed
countries to bypass many of the logistical difficulties
and high costs involved in the transmission and
distribution of fossil-fuel energy, improving their energy
access and self-sufficiency. Bringing clean energy to
the 759 million people in the developing world who
still lack access to electricity would not only stimulate
economic growth and job creation and reduce poverty,
but would significantly improve essential services,
such as healthcare, education and the internet.
The shift to low-carbon farming – especially
climate-smart agriculture techniques that focus
on intercropping, crop rotation, agroforestry, and
improved water management – can bring similar
benefits to developing-country farmers in terms
of improved productivity, greater resilience, less
deforestation, and reduced reliance on fertilizers and
fuels (Brakarz, 2020). In short, the diffusion of low-
carbon technologies can provide poorer countries
with the essential tools they need both to limit GHG
emissions and to accelerate their development.
Achieving a shared and “just” transition to a low-
carbon global economy is not just the right thing to
do; it is also in everyone’s interests. Climate change
will not be stopped if only wealthy economies have
access to low-carbon technologies while poor
economies continue to have to rely on fossil fuel-fired
power plants and internal combustion engines. Since
everyone is impacted by climate change, everyone
has an interest in ensuring that the technological
tools and resources to reduce emissions are as
widely available as possible.
Wealthy economies can also benefit in more direct
ways from technological development in poorer
countries. A striking example of North-South
technological collaboration is the ambitious plan to
deliver Moroccan solar and wind farm electricity to
UK consumers via an underwater cable stretching
3,800 km – the world’s longest cable of this kind.
When completed in 2030, it is hoped that the Xlinks
Morocco-UK Power Project will deliver low-cost, clean
power to over 7 million UK homes, representing 8 per
cent of current UK electricity needs (Hook, 2021).
Indeed, the transition to a low-carbon global economy
will create enormous investment, employment and
growth opportunities – not just adjustment costs –
for developed and developing countries alike. For
example, global investment in the low-carbon energy
transition – across sectors ranging from power
generation, energy storage and electric vehicles, to
sustainable materials, electrical efficiency and carbon
capture – already totalled US$ 1.3 trillion in 2021,
doubling the investment of US$ 655 billion in 2017
(IEA, 2022b). In order to reduce GHG emissions to
net zero by 2050, cumulative investment in renewable
energy would need to reach US$ 131 trillion over the
next 30 years (McKinsey & Company, 2022).
Similarly, massive investment opportunities are
opening up in the steel, cement, farming, forestry
and waste management industries as they shift to
low-carbon technologies and processes. Building
low-carbon industries and infrastructure will not
only require new investment and equipment; it will
also require new workers and skills. Shifting to clean
energy, for instance, could generate 14 million new
jobs in clean energy sectors and 16 million additional
jobs in energy-related sectors globally by 2030 (IEA,
2021). In short, the transition to a low-carbon economy
will entail the construction of a new economy.
The good news is that low-carbon technologies are
expanding – and at a faster pace than many predicted
(Naam, 2020).
For example, renewables accounted
for roughly 11 per cent of global primary energy and
30 per cent of electricity generation in 2021 (IEA,
2022b). Despite supply chain bottlenecks, rising raw
material prices and growing geopolitical tensions,
the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that
renewables are on track to account for almost 95 per
cent of the increase in global power capacity through
2026, with solar power alone providing more than
half of that increase. The IEA expects the amount
of renewable capacity added between 2021 and
2026 to be 50 per cent higher than between 2015
and 2020 – and even these optimistic forecasts may
underestimate the speed and scale of the transition.
The bad news is that although global renewable
energy capacity is growing rapidly, overall global
energy demand is growing almost as fast, so fossil
fuel consumption continues to rise (see Figure A.1).
Nearly 80 per cent of the world’s energy is still
generated by burning fossil fuels, notably oil, coal
and gas, partly because supplies of renewable
energy need to be scaled up, and partly because
fossil fuel consumption is still subject to strong path
dependence due to technological, infastructural,
institutional and behavioural lock-ins. Global energy-
related carbon emissions rose by 6 per cent in 2021
to 36.3 billion tonnes – their highest level ever, and
65 per cent higher than they were in 1990 (IEA,
2022c). The IEA estimates that the current pace of
renewable power capacity growth will need to double
over the next decade if the global economy is to stay
on a pathway to net zero emissions by mid-century.
Other sectors also face the challenge of accelerating
the shift to low-carbon technologies and practices.
The challenge is especially daunting in agriculture
– compared to power generation or transportation,
for example – because the emissions-reduction
technologies are more amorphous and the sector
is more diffuse, requiring changes to how over
two billion people farm and how billions more eat
(McKinsey & Company, 2020). At the same time,
the challenge is intensified because of agriculture’s
unique vulnerability to climate change – including
extreme weather events, frequent droughts, and
invasive species and pests – and because of an
expanding global population’s growing need for food.
2. Harnessing the transformative
power of trade
What role will trade play in the transition to a low-
carbon global economy? In the past, trade has been
part of the problem, contributing to climate change
both directly, by generating increasing transport
emissions (shipping, air freight, trucking and rail), and
indirectly, by helping to drive carbon-intensive global
growth. But in the future, with the right policies in
place, trade can be a major part of the solution.
Figure A.1: Fossil fuels remain the dominant energy source despite increasing use
of renewables
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on Smil (2017) and BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2017).
Traditional biomass Coal Oil Nuclear RenewableGas
Trade can increase counties’ access to lower-
emissions goods, services and capital equipment,
and can help to diffuse critical technologies
and know-how. It can drive down the costs of
environmental products by encouraging efficiency,
economies of scale and learning-by-doing. Perhaps
most importantly, it can spur innovation by opening
up new market opportunities for low-carbon exports
and investments and by incentivizing entrepreneurs
and industries to compete to fill them.
If low-carbon production reaches the point where
it beats high-carbon production on price and
performance – because environmental costs are
internalized in high-carbon production through taxes
and other policies or because technological advances
alone make low-carbon alternatives cheaper and
better – then market forces will increasingly drive the
transition and progress will accelerate.
This is already happening. Scientific advances,
more efficient production processes, and rising
global demand – all supported by open world trade
– have driven an astonishing reduction in price
and improvement in performance of low-carbon
technologies (see Figure A.2). The price of solar
power, for example, has fallen by almost 90 per cent
since 2010, while the efficiency of solar panels has
doubled since 1980. Last year alone, the cost of
electricity from onshore wind fell by 15 per cent,
and from offshore wind by 13 per cent. The price of
lithium-ion batteries has plunged by 97 per cent since
1990, while their energy density has nearly tripled in
just 10 years.
Even more challenging sectors, such as steel
production, managed to cut energy use in half
between 1975 and 2015 – with reductions continuing
– because of technological advances and a shift from
traditional blast furnaces toward electric arc furnaces
(IEA, 2020). As a result of these dramatic price and
performance improvements, low-carbon technologies
are becoming more economically competitive, not just
more environmentally sustainable, alternatives. For
example, almost two-thirds of the world’s new wind
and solar power plants are able to generate electricity
more cheaply than the world’s cheapest new coal
plants (IEA, 2022a; WTO and IRENA, 2021).
The fundamental driver of this change is
improvements in technology and production, which
are in turn being driven by strong learning-by-doing
effects. As the world gets better at building, installing
and using solar panels, for example, the price falls
and the technology improves. It has been estimated
that every time the number of solar panels installed
doubles, their price drops another 30 to 40 per cent
(Naam, 2020). By helping to create a competitive,
dynamic and integrated a global marketplace for solar
and other clean technologies, trade plays a central
Figure A.2: The price of renewables has plunged in the last 10 years
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis (2019).
Onshore wind
Gas peaker
Solar thermal
(combined cycle)
(US$ per megawatts)
2009 2019
role in underpinning and accelerating this process. It
is significant that between 2010 and 2020, exports
of solar panels increased and their prices fell sharply
(see Figure A.3).
But the contribution of trade and trade policy to a
just low-carbon transition could be strengthened
and improved. One positive step would be to reduce
trade-distorting measures on climate-friendly
goods, services and technologies and to strengthen
supply chains. Opening up trade across a range of
low-carbon products and services would expand
global access, increase competition and lower
prices, making it easier and cheaper for economies
to transition to low-carbon energy, mobility and
production alternatives, and thus reducing overall
emissions. Conversely, by making it more difficult
to import key environmental technologies, e.g., by
raising tariffs or imposing restrictions, the shift from
a high- to a low-carbon economy will only be slowed
and impeded.
Another key issue is the interface between trade and
environmental subsidies and other support measures.
A growing number of countries use subsidies either
to encourage producers to invent, adopt and deploy
low-carbon technologies, or to encourage consumers
to purchase environmentally sustainable products
and services. If they are well-targeted and non-
discriminatory, environmental subsidies can play
a positive role in scaling up new technologies and
making climate-friendly products more affordable.
Government incentives to insulate homes, install
solar panels or buy electric vehicles are increasingly
common examples.
But subsidies can also be used to support carbon-
intensive production and consumption, making
the climate crisis even worse. In the case of fossil
fuel subsidies – which amounted to US$ 440
billion in 2021 (IEA, 2022d) – many governments
find themselves in the contradictory position of
encouraging oil, gas and coal industries even as
they are discouraging them with carbon taxes and
regulations. Moreover, subsidies can negatively
impact other trade partners by distorting markets
or unfairly boosting exports. The challenge is to
find an optimal balance between maximizing
positive spillovers from environmental support
measures – both nationally and globally – and
minimizing negative ones.
One of the most challenging issues is the relationship
between trade and carbon pricing. Environmental
Figure A.3: As the use of solar panel exports increases, their price falls
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on data on solar PV module costs from Kavlak, McNerney and Trancik (2018) and Bloomberg
Terminal and trade figures from the UN Comtrade database.
Note: The trade data covers the Harmonized System (HS) code 85414.03, which does not distinguish between solar PV cells and modules
and other products such as light-emitting diodes.
Imports of solar PV panels (cells and modules) Average solar PV module price
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Trade in solar PV panels in real US$ million (2015)
Solar PV module price in real US$ (2015) per watt
subsidies and carbon prices are essentially the
opposite sides of the same coin. The former makes
environmentally friendly purchases cheaper, while
the latter makes environmentally damaging ones
more expensive, all with the aim of persuading firms
and consumers to switch to less carbon-intensive
Ideally there would be a global agreement on
carbon prices. Instead, close to 70 separate carbon
pricing initiatives have been adopted in 46 national
jurisdictions worldwide – which risks creating a
patchwork of different systems, tax rates, covered
products and certification procedures. As a result,
countries with high carbon taxes worry that their
industries will shift to low- or no-carbon tax countries
– i.e., “carbon leakage” concerns. Conversely,
countries with no carbon taxes worry that their
exports will be unfairly shut out of carbon-taxing
countries – i.e., “hidden protectionism” concerns.
Although WTO rules – especially those concerning
national treatment – allow tax adjustments at the
border, adjusting taxes for carbon could prove far
more complex than adjusting them for alcohol, for
example. The challenge is to find a policy mix that
balances the need to discourage carbon emissions
with the need to encourage trade to support a low-
carbon transition.
Arguably the most important way trade can
contribute to a “just” transition to a low-carbon
global economy is by helping to expand, diffuse
and share technological progress. Today’s world
economy is an increasingly interdependent system,
and climate change is the most challenging collective
action problem it has ever faced. It is unrealistic,
not to mention unfair, to expect poorer countries to
take the same steps to curb carbon emissions as
advanced ones if they lack the technological and
financial resources to do so. Indeed, this is explicitly
recognized in the core concept of “common but
differentiated responsibilities” set out in the Paris
Agreement. The developed world has a direct stake
in helping the developing world to manufacture,
deploy and maintain low-carbon technologies, if only
because no one country can solve the climate crisis
on its own. Trade cooperation is key to driving this
global transformation; trade fragmentation would
invariably set it back.
3. Overview of the report
This year’s World Trade Report looks at the
relationship between climate change and trade,
examines why trade is an indispensable part of the
solution to tackling climate change, and discusses
areas where policies need to improve. A core
message of the report is that solving the climate
crisis depends on a far-reaching transformation of
the global economy, and that trade will be critical to
driving the needed technological and economic shift
to a low-carbon future.
The other core message is that this unprecedented
global shift will require unprecedented international
cooperation – and that there is no alternative to
achieving a just transition where the costs and
benefits are more evenly and equitably shared.
Thirty years after the adoption of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), this report underscores how the goals
of environmental sustainability and economic
development are not only compatible, but inextricably
and mutually dependent.
Although the issue of trade and climate change
is by no means new, the relationship is complex,
multifaceted and fast-evolving. This is partly due
to the fact that the relationship not only involves
the interplay between international trade and
climate change, but also covers linkages with trade
policies and climate policies (see Figure A.4). Their
interactions occur in several directions, with both
direct and indirect mechanisms which are in part
determined by geographical, institutional, socio-
economic and technological conditions. The global
nature of climate change further amplifies this
complexity (WTO and UNEP, 2009).
The report opens with a chapter on adapting to the
consequences of climate change. While reducing
GHG emissions to limit the rise in global temperature
to well below 2°C – and preferably to below 1.5°C
– is essential to limit the consequences of climate
change, past GHG emissions have already caused,
and continue to cause, global temperatures and sea
levels to rise, and have increased extreme weather
events. Many consequences of climate change are
already hard to reverse. Adapting to the changing
climate and its cascading impacts is therefore a
sustainable development imperative. Chapter B
explores how the geophysical effects of climate
change will affect international trade, and identifies
the effects of such changes on trade costs, supply
chains and the most vulnerable regions and sectors.
It discusses ways in which international trade and
trade policy can help with climate change adaptation
strategies, and outlines how international cooperation,
and the WTO in particular, can contribute to helping
countries, and in particular developing and least-
developed countries, adapt to some of the disruptive
consequences of climate change.
Mitigating climate change by reducing GHG emissions
is essential but requires a large-scale transition to a
low-carbon economy. Chapter C examines the role
of ambitious climate change mitigation policies and
well-functioning financial markets in supporting and
accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.
It discusses how the transition to a low-carbon
economy could change trade patterns and provide
new economic opportunities, as well as certain initial
disadvantages for some economies. Such changes
require enhanced international cooperation, and
the WTO can play an important role in supporting
climate-change mitigation efforts.
Among the many policies to mitigate climate change,
carbon pricing has attracted increasing attention as
it puts a price on carbon emissions as a means of
reducing emissions and supporting investment into
lower-carbon alternatives. Chapter D explores the
role of carbon pricing in reducing GHG emissions
and the relationship between carbon pricing, trade
and trade policies. The necessity of developing a
solution to the current patchwork of uncoordinated
carbon pricing policies, which could lead to tensions
in the global trading system, is discussed, as well as
the importance of international cooperation to achieve
convergence on global carbon pricing approaches.
While international trade separates production and
consumption across space, the emissions generated
in one country to produce goods and services are
not necessarily the same as the ones required for its
consumption. Chapter E analyses how the emissions
originating from international trade can be measured,
and examines how trade both contributes to GHG
emissions and diffuses the technology and know-
how needed to make production processes cleaner.
The necessity for greater international cooperation
to establish adequate carbon measurement
and verification, improve carbon efficiency in
transportation, and ensure the environmental
sustainability of global value chains, is reviewed.
The development and diffusion of climate-friendly
technologies, including renewable energy and
energy efficient technologies, are key to tackle
climate change. Chapter F discusses how trade
in environmental goods and services can enable
access, deployment and diffusion of environmental
technologies, which are instrumental in mitigating
carbon emissions and developing ways in which
people and trade can adapt to climate change.
While the WTO agreements ensure that trade in
environmental technologies flows as smoothly and
predictably as possible, the WTO could make an
even greater contribution to promoting trade in
environmental goods and services.
Figure A.4: The relationship between climate change and trade is complex and multifaceted
Source: Authors’ elaboration.
+ / -
Trade Climate change
+ / -+ / -
+ / -
+ / -
Geography Institution Socio-economy Technology
1 “Net Zero” involves reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs)
to as close to zero as possible, so that any GHGs that
are produced can be absorbed from the atmosphere.
GHGs are gases in the atmosphere such as water vapour,
carbon dioxide (CO
), methane (CH
) and nitrous oxide
O) that can absorb infrared radiation, trapping heat
in the atmosphere. This greenhouse effect means that
emissions of GHGs due to human activity cause global
warming. The species of gases reported under the
common reporting format of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are: CO
fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes (CO
FFI); net CO
emissions from land use, land-use change
and forestry (CO
-LULUCF); methane (CH
); nitrous
oxide (N
O); and fluorinated gases (F-gases), comprising
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs),
sulphur hexafluoride (SF
) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF
(IPCC, 2022a). Although carbon dioxide is the primary
GHG emitted through human activities, methane has
become an emerging GHG given its more potent heat-
trapping ability.
2 It has been pointed out that economic authorities have
dramatically underestimated the rapid expansion and
declining costs of renewables every year since 2000
(Beinhocker, Farmer and Hepburn, 2021).
The role of trade
in adapting to
climate change
While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to limit
the consequences of climate change, climate change is already
having a major impact on the environment, people and, as a result,
the global economy. This chapter explores the impacts of climate
change on international trade and discusses the role that trade,
trade policy and international cooperation can play in supporting
climate change adaptation strategies. Climate change increases
trade costs and disrupts production and supply chains. However,
trade and trade policies, in conjunction with relevant policies and
international cooperation, can help to alleviate some of the impacts
of climate change, including on food security, by contributing to
enhancing economic resilience.
1. Introduction 28
2. Why does climate change adaptation matter? 28
3. International trade and trade policy can support
climate change adaptation strategies 34
4. International cooperation is essential to assist countries
in adapting to climate change 39
5. Conclusion 47
Key facts and findings
Climate change can impact international trade by affecting trade costs, altering
comparative advantages, and disrupting global value chains. A rise of 1°C has
been found to reduce the annual growth of developing countries’ exports by
between 2.0 and 5.7 percentage points.
Climate change adaptation encompasses actions that reduce the negative
impacts of climate change, while taking advantage of potential new opportunities.
International trade can help support climate change strategies, such as
prevention and reduction of, and preparedness for, climate risk, as well as
recovery and rehabilitation from climate disasters. Trade can also contribute
to strengthening food security during climate-induced supply-side disruptions.
Although climate change adaptation initiatives are mostly locally-led,
international cooperation is essential to enhance the resilience of international
trade with regard to climate-induced shocks and to improve economies’
capacity to adapt to climate change.
1. Introduction
The consequences of climate change, including
global warming, rising sea levels and extreme weather
events (EWEs), are already tangible and are affecting
lives, livelihoods and ecosystems around the world.
The future holds higher global temperature, a faster
sea level rise, more frequent and intense EWEs,
and other short- and longer-term climate hazards
(IPCC, 2021). Although reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions is necessary to mitigate climate
change and limit the most severe consequences of
climate change, finding ways of adapting to climate
change and its current and future consequences is a
sustainable development imperative.
This chapter discusses how climate change can affect
international trade through productivity alteration,
supply chain disruptions, changes in trade costs and
modified comparative advantages. It then reviews
how international trade and trade policy can support
climate change adaptation strategies. The chapter
concludes by examining the role of international
cooperation, and in particular that of the WTO, in
helping with climate change adaptation.
2. Why does climate change
adaptation matter?
Climate change is not only an environmental problem,
but also a systemic risk affecting people and the
economy. Its effects on international trade can
already be seen. Global warming reduces capital and
labour productivity, and EWEs can disrupt transport
infrastructure. Without adaptation and mitigation,
these effects will continue to increase in the future,
impacting trade costs and factors of comparative
(a) Climate change has severe effects
on people and the economy
Climate change affects almost all aspects of human
life. Between 2030 and 2050, climate change could
cause 250,000 additional deaths per annum as a
result of malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat
stress alone (WHO, 2018). It may also have severe
social and political implications, including domestic
or communal violence, resulting, for example, from
forced migrations from one region to another due to
rising sea levels or drought, especially in countries
with weak property rights (see Box B.1) (Burke,
Hsiang and Miguel, 2014).
Climate change poses a severe threat to the global
economy. Projections by the OECD suggest that
a warming of between 1.6°C and 3.6°C above pre-
industrial levels by 2060 could cause global annual
GDP losses of between 1 and 3.3 per cent relative
to a hypothetical reference scenario in which climate
change damages do not occur (Dellink, Lanzi and
Box B.1: Climate change impacts on security in the Sahel
The Sahel is a semi-arid transition zone dividing the Sahara Desert to the North and tropical Africa to the
South. Agriculture and cattle-herding remain the main economic pillar of the region. Food, water and energy
availability, and ultimately security in the region, are at risk as a consequence of climate change (Rose, 2015).
Successive years of poor rainfall and frequent droughts have pushed pastoralist populations to migrate
to more humid regions for longer periods of time (Brottem, 2016; Nyong, 2007). Migrations of herders to
land occupied by sedentary farmers can lead to conflicts over land use and other resources (Nyong, 2007).
Confrontations tend to occur periodically, particularly around water resources and fodder, and in areas with a
lower level of agricultural productivity (Nyong, Fiki and McLeman, 2006).
Climate change is expected to exacerbate these issues by extending the annual dry season and, thus, the
period during which the same land is used both for maturing crops and for roaming cattle, further increasing
the risk of conflict. A 1°C rise in temperature has been found to increase the probability of conflict between
farmers and herders by 54 per cent in the Sahel, compared to a 17 per cent increase in the probability of
conflict in places where farmers and herders do not have to compete over access to limited land and water
resources (Eberle, Rohner and Thoening, 2020). Such conflicts limit the ability of local communities to adapt
to climate change, potentially creating a “climate-conflict trap” (Granguillhome et al., 2021).
Climate change-induced instability can also affect trade, including small scale cross-border trade.
Conflicts destroy food supply and the production capacity of farms, and ultimately deter investment across
the agricultural value chain (Kimenyi et al., 2014). Such instability in agricultural markets often translates
into increased food prices, which affect the poorest households disproportionately. In this context, risk
management strategies, including climate-resistant agricultural investment, crop diversification, insurance
and safety nets, can help farmers adapt to climate change, while mitigating conflict risks.
Chateau, 2019). Although the range of projected
GDP losses at the global level is broadly consistent
in the literature,
such projections are necessarily
speculative, due to the uncertainty of how climate
change will progress and how economies will
adapt. Projections also vary based on modelling and
calibration approaches. There is also considerable
heterogeneity in projections across regions. For
example, GDP losses are expected to be much higher
in regions highly exposed and vulnerable to weather-
related hazards and with lower resilience to losses,
such as the Middle East and North Africa, South and
Southeast Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa (Dellink,
Hwang, et al., 2017). The most vulnerable populations,
in particular those in developing countries and in
small-island developing states (SIDS), are likely to
bear a disproportionate share of the burden due to
their higher exposure and lesser capacity to adapt to
climate change.
(b) The impacts of climate change
on trade are heterogenous across
regions and sectors
Climate change, both in terms of gradual changes –
such as temperature and sea level rise or changes in
precipitation regimes – and in terms of the increasing
frequency and intensity of EWEs, can have severe
effects on trade. In the short term, the damage caused
by EWEs can reduce productivity, increase trade
costs and disrupt supply chains. In the long term,
climate change can affect trade through its impact
on factor endowments and comparative advantage.
As discussed by Danae Kyriakopoulou in her opinion
piece, the risk of inaction in climate change has
profound implications on international trade.
(i) Climate change will alter patterns of
comparative advantage, leaving some
economies at a disadvantage
The availability and productivity of arable land, water,
capital and labour are being affected by climate
change, and the effect differs across regions. Higher
temperatures and the increased frequency and
intensity of droughts, floods and rain are degrading
land quality in some regions and reducing crop yields
(Sleeter et al., 2018). Rising temperatures and sea
levels and melting glaciers are altering the hydrological
cycle (i.e., the circulation of water between the
ground and the atmosphere), leading to flooding and
loss of land. Meanwhile, groundwater reservoirs are
declining in regions with low water runoff. Overall, the
distribution of water is expected to become even more
uneven (Lall et al., 2018; World Bank, 2016).
Human exposure to increased temperatures reduces
labour productivity by diminishing capacity for
physical work and mental tasks and by increasing the
risks of accidents and of heat exhaustion or stroke
(Kjellstrom, Holmer and Lemke, 2009; Somanathan
et al., 2021; UNDP, 2016). Empirical evidence
suggests that for every 1°C temperature rise
above 25°C, labour productivity falls by 2 per cent
(Seppanen, Fisk and Faulkner, 2003). One measure
of adaptation to counteract the impact of increasing
temperatures on human capital productivity is an
increased use of energy-efficient air conditioning in
workplaces. But this would entail higher costs both
in terms of acquiring air conditioning systems and of
energy costs to run them, with a consequent loss of
competitiveness for firms.
Rising temperatures may also reduce capital
productivity. For example, higher temperatures can
cause heavy machinery to overheat more often,
requiring more frequent and longer cool-down
periods. Outdoor infrastructure may depreciate
faster, which would reduce its lifespan (IPCC,
2014a). Overall, the impact of climate change on
trade through changes in productivity channels
depends on the geographical localization of countries
and on what they produce, and this is likely to alter
comparative advantages.
Changes in the patterns of demand, beyond changes
in production specialization, will also matter to shape
the impact of climate change on trade. In this respect,
a country’s reliance on trade with climate-vulnerable
countries and communities, and its levels of global
integration more broadly, will also matter, as they
determine the exposure of that country to climate
impacts from abroad. In this regard, trade can be a
channel through which climate change damages can
spread across countries (Schenker, 2013; Schenker
and Stephan, 2014; WTO, 2021c).
The impact of climate change is expected to be
stronger on countries in lower-latitude regions, many of
which are developing economies whose comparative
advantage stems from climatic or geophysical
factors. Based on projections, an increase in global
temperatures of 2.C by 2060 could decrease export
volumes by as much as 5 to 6 per cent for countries in
South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, 3 to 4 per cent
for the Middle East, North Africa, and South-East
Asia, and 2 per cent in Latin America, compared with
less than 1 per cent in Europe and North America
(Dellink, Hwang, et al., 2017). However, the complex
set of linkages that exist within and across economies
makes it particularly difficult to predict to what extent
an economy will gain or lose competitiveness in a
given sector in response to a climate-related shock. At
By Danae Kyriakopoulou
Senior Policy Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate
Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and
Political Science, Advisory Council member at the Official Monetary
and Financial Institutions Forum Sustainable Policy Institute, and
Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum
Climate inaction: implications
for international trade
The pandemic-related disruption
of supply chains and the political
imperative to reorient partnerships
following the outbreak of the
Ukraine war have exposed the
vulnerability of global trade to
risks originating outside of the
economy. Climate-related risks
are increasing in frequency,
intensity and geographic spread.
Unlike the pandemic and the war,
we can anticipate and manage
them, albeit against a diminishing
window of opportunity.
Policies aimed at mitigating climate
change and adapting to its effects
are occasionally dismissed as
“too costly”. In a post-pandemic
environment of stressed finances
for governments, businesses and
households, an “expensive and
unaffordable green transition” makes
an easy target. Such narratives are
dangerously short-sighted: delaying
climate action bears the much
greater opportunity cost of inaction.
Continuing with “business as usual
is becoming visibly more costly,
not only in terms of the natural
environment, but also in the global
economic, financial and trade
system. The trade implications of
more frequent and intense extreme
weather events (EWEs), of gradual
climatic changes and of policy
adjustments, such as climate-
driven taxes and regulation, are
already manifesting through multiple
EWEs, such as hurricanes and
floods, are directly damaging critical
infrastructure, including roads,
bridges, ports, railway tracks and
airports. More frequent disruptions
hurt both goods and services
trade, such as tourism. Food and
agriculture trade is particularly
exposed to heatwaves and droughts
that can affect crop yields and
tempt countries to restrict exports.
In May 2022, India – a major wheat
producer – banned exports on the
grounds of national food security
amid a heatwave.
But there doesn’t have to be a
natural disaster for there to be an
economic one: gradual changes
in temperature that expose capital
equipment and labour to heat
stress, or increase cooling costs
in storage facilities, can also hurt
productivity and disrupt global
value chains (GVCs). Economies
whose comparative advantage
is tied to climatic processes are
highly exposed: degraded land and
water stress will impact agriculture,
while ecosystem damage and
shifts in weather conditions will
affect tourism in sea or ski resorts.
Such processes can shift patterns
of comparative advantage and
structurally change global trade.
While some risks can be partly
managed by diversifying supply
chains and building buffer stocks,
these strategies have limits and
would involve compromising on
the fundamental building blocks
of the modern trade system:
specialization according to
comparative advantage, economies
of scale, and optimizing of global
value chains (GVCs).
And it is not just the physical
climatic disruptions that threaten
global trade, but also the so-called
“transition risks” inherent in the
changing strategies, policies or
investments needed in the green
transition. The uneven pace of
climate action across countries
has led some governments to
consider border carbon adjustment
measures involving charges on
imports and/or export rebates,
to level the playing field among
firms subject to different climate-
related regulations and taxes. Such
measures, while addressing carbon
leakage, can unravel trade patterns
by incentivizing re-shoring or short-
circuiting supply chains.
The risks of inaction highlight
the urgent need to redesign our
economies in a way that works
for the planet and its people, now
and for the future. But this is not
only a negative story about risks.
It is a growth, investment and
trade story of change towards a
future that is enormously attractive,
with more productive economies,
healthier societies and more fruitful
the same time, understanding the mechanism through
which this happens provides insights as to which
economies are most at risk.
Whether an economy gains or loses comparative
advantage in a given sector depends broadly on
its initial productivity, and how its productivity and
prices respond to a climatic change relative to other
competing economies. It also depends on the linkages
between different economic sectors, both within and
across regions. For example, an analysis of the relative
ability of a country to produce food products vis-à-
vis its trading partners, commonly known as revealed
comparative advantage (RCA),
shows that, in the
case of an increase in global temperatures of 2.C
by 2060, RCA could increase for some economies.
However, it could also decrease for other economies
faced with a similar agricultural yield shock if the latter
depend more on domestic agricultural output for
exports of manufactured food products. These impacts
could be further amplified by the negative effect of
climate change on income and, thus, on final demand
(Dellink, Hwang, et al., 2017).
Geography-related temperature levels are a driving
force behind the disproportionate impacts of climate
change on developing economies and least developed
countries (LDCs). Since the current temperatures in
many developing economies and LDCs are already
higher than in developed ones, the marginal negative
impact of increasing temperatures on the former is
also higher (while some developed countries in colder
northern regions may even experience productivity
gains in some sectors). A given temperature increase is
likely to cause productivity to decline more in developing
economies and LDCs, as their productivity in non-
agriculture sectors is often lower than in developed
economies, meaning these economies would lose
not only their existing comparative advantages, but
would also find it particularly challenging to develop
comparative advantage in other sectors (Conte et al.,
2021; Schenker, 2013). Since productivity losses and
gains tend to be geographically concentrated, and
neighbouring economies tend to trade more with each
other than with more distant economies, losses and
gains in trade are likely to be shaped by geographical
patterns of productivity changes, which could increase
international inequalities (Dingel, Meng and Hsiang,
These impacts can be amplified by economic
factors such as commodity dependence or a lack
of diversification (UNCTAD, 2019). Countries that
have less diversified exports tend to be generally
more vulnerable to climate change (see Figure B.1).
For instance, Sub-Saharan Africa, in which most
countries’ exports are dominated by the agriculture,
energy or mineral sectors, is one of the regions most
exposed to climate change.
(ii) Climate change is likely to increase
trade costs unevenly across regions
Transport infrastructure is dangerously at risk of
damage both from gradual climatic changes and from
EWEs (Koks et al., 2019; WTO, 2019). Increasing
temperatures can cause roads, bridges, runways
and railway tracks to depreciate faster. Transport
infrastructure and inland waterways can become
partially or completely inoperable due to EWEs and
sea level rises in coastal regions (EEA, 2017; IPCC,
2014b). Climate change will increase infrastructure
maintenance and repair costs, indirectly adding to
trade costs. The unpredictability of damages related to
EWEs is a source of uncertainties and high operational
risks that can increase disruptions and delays, and in
turn create additional costs, such as requirements for
freight insurance (Barrot and Sauvagnat, 2016; Boehm,
Flaaen and Pandalai-Nayar, 2019; WTO, 2021c). In
particular, climate change can affect strategically
important junctures on transport routes through which
exceptional volumes of trade pass in the global trade
and this can create vulnerabilities for the
trade system (Bailey and Wellesley, 2017).
While all modes of transport are likely to be negatively
affected by EWEs, maritime transport – which
accounts for 80 per cent of world trade by volume
– is particularly vulnerable and exposed to climate
change. In a worst-case “high emission” scenario
where GHG emissions continue to rise unchecked
and global temperatures rise by around 4°C by 2100,
the number of ports at extremely high, very high or
high risk from multiple climate hazards could almost
double, from 385 to 691 key ports globally (out of
2,013 examined) (Izaguirre et al., 2021).
Greater heat stress and increased coastal flooding
and overtopping due to sea level rise, can have a
strong impact on waterways and port capacity, and
negatively impact trade by exacerbating bottlenecks,
capacity constraints, congestion and delays, thereby
increasing trade costs. For example, in the three
months following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Gulfport
and the Port of New Orleans saw a direct reduction
of between 71 per cent and 86 per cent of both
exports and imports due to the destruction of their
port facilities, although there was no overall impact
on aggregate US trade because other ports took up
the slack (Friedt, 2021).
However, while developed and larger economies
tend to have a more diversified and resilient transport
infrastructure, small or landlocked countries, whose
trade flows through a limited number of ports and
trade routes, are especially vulnerable in this regard
(Bahagia, Sandee and Meeuws, 2013; Izaguirre et
al., 2021). For instance, the Paraná River, which
transports 90 per cent of Paraguay’s international
trade of agricultural goods, 85 per cent of Argentina’s
and 50 per cent of Bolivia’s, now frequently reaches
very low levels due to recurrent severe droughts.
Shallow water forces cargo ships to operate at half
or lower capacity in order to navigate and transport
agricultural commodities and other goods, causing
significant congestion and delays around the
waterways and ports (Batista and Gilbert, 2021).
Other rivers, including the Danube and the Rhine, are
experiencing similar situations with low water levels,
making it impossible for many vessels to operate.
Although climate impact on transportation is expected
to be largely negative, climate change could positively
affect some regional transportation networks (WTO,
2019). For instance, a reduction in sea-ice may lead
to the availability of new and shorter shipping routes.
In the Arctic, the ice cap loss caused by warmer
temperatures could open up the possibility of a
northwest passage during portions of the year, which
would reduce maritime shipping times and distances
between parts of Asia and Europe by up to 40 per
cent (Rojas-Romagosa, Bekkers and Francois, 2015).
However, the benefits of these new routes remain
uncertain because of factors such as underdeveloped
communication and transportation infrastructure
in the region and reduced speeds and potential
damage to ships due to hazardous sailing conditions.
Increased shipping activity in the region could also
have adverse consequences for ecosystems.
(iii) Trade in agriculture and tourism are
particularly vulnerable to climate
If temperatures continue to rise in the absence of
robust adaptation measures, climate change will
have profound effects on trade in agriculture. Existing
models emphasize two potential effects.
First, the effects of climate change on trade in
agriculture are heterogenous across regions. For
countries that would experience a loss in agricultural
productivity, or negative yield shock, all else being
equal, the impact on trade could depend on the
magnitude of the shock relative to that experienced
in other countries. Sub-Saharan Africa and South
Figure B.1: Economies with less diversified exports tend to be more exposed to climate change
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on ND-GAIN Climate Vulnerability Index and IMF Export Diversification Index for 2014.
Note: The climate change exposure index measures how much societies and economies will be stressed by the physical impacts of climate
change. The size of the dots represents each country’s vulnerability to climate change. The climate change vulnerability index considers
countries’ exposure to climate change, their sensitivity to related impacts, and their adaptive capacity.
The export diversification index
ranges from zero (no diversification) to one (complete diversification).
0.25 0.35 0.45
Climate change exposure index
0.55 0.65 0.75
East Asia and the Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America the Caribbean
North America Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia
Middle East and North Africa
Export diversification index
Asia are the regions often projected as the most
vulnerable to climate change effects. Economies in
these regions are reliant on exports of agriculture, but
are also major importers of agricultural commodities
for domestic consumption. They are expected to
suffer larger negative yield shocks compared to other
regions (IPCC, 2022a; Jägermeyr et al., 2021). This
means that as their production suffers, their exports
could decline, forcing them to import more to meet
domestic demand (Dellink, Chateau, et al., 2017;
Gouel and Laborde, 2021; Hertel, 2018).
Second, under more severe climate damages, only a
few economies in colder regions would experience
productivity gains in agriculture. In such a scenario,
international markets for agriculture could become
concentrated, with few dominant exporters (FAO,
Climate change is also likely to increase agricultural
trade volatility. By increasing the risk of simultaneous
failure of crop systems in multiple grain- or food-
producing economies, climate change increases
concerns about food security (Adams et al., 2021). For
instance, the possibility of simultaneous production
losses greater than 10 per cent happening in the four
largest maize-exporting economies in any given year
could increase from 0 per cent to 7 per cent as a
result of global warming of 2°C, and to 86 per cent
as a result of global warming of 4°C (Tigchelaar et al.,
2018). Such an occurrence would cause widespread
shortages and a surge in world prices of these
commodities. This is especially worrisome in view of
the evidence that governments often react to rising
food prices by imposing export restrictions, which
would exacerbate these effects (Giordani, Rocha and
Ruta, 2012). Such higher global prices can make it
even more difficult for net food-importing developing
countries to purchase food (Welton, 2011).
Since climate is an important factor in the choice
of tourist destinations, tourism is also expected to
be affected by moving towards higher altitudes and
latitudes as climactic zones shift northward (Biango,
Hamilton and Tol, 2007; Hamilton, Maddison and Tol,
2005). Due to increasing temperatures, traditional
summer destinations may lose their appeal in summer
months but become more suitable in other seasons.
More favourable climates in northern regions may also
divert tourist flows, further increasing competition
between tourist destinations. For instance, as the
Atlantic and Northern European coasts become
warmer, they could gain tourists at the expense
of Mediterranean beach destinations which are
becoming too hot (EEA, 2017). Similarly, warmer
winters are a risk to winter and mountain destinations
(WTO, 2019).
Low-lying island nations whose economies are highly
dependent on tourism are particularly vulnerable
to climate change. Sea level rise and EWEs could
make these destinations permanently unattractive to
visitors by causing damages to tourism infrastructure
and sites. For example, in Pacific island countries,
such as the Marshall Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu,
over 95 per cent of the built infrastructure is located
in coastal regions vulnerable to risks caused by sea
level rise and EWEs (Kumar and Taylor, 2015; Wolf
et al., 2021).
(iv) Manufacturing sectors are exposed
to climate-induced global value chain
Manufacturing sectors tend to be less vulnerable
to climate change, partially because of a lower
sensitivity and higher adaptive capacity to climatic
variability. However, industrial sectors dependent on
climate-sensitive inputs (such as food processing),
labour-intensive sectors and sectors highly integrated
into global value chains (GVCs) are likely to be
affected. For example, export growth of agriculture
products (e.g., cereals, dairy and eggs, leather,
animal feed) and light manufacturing (e.g., clothes,
shoes, furniture, consumer electronics and home
appliances) from low-income economies to the United
States have been found to decrease by between 2
and 5.7 per cent in response to a 1°C temperature
increase (Jones and Olken, 2010). While the impact
of temperature increase on agriculture-related
exports is generally a result of climate-induced
damage to agricultural productivity, the impact on
light manufacturing trade is likely a result of reduced
labour productivity at higher temperatures.
Climate change will also affect the manufacturing
sectors through disruptions in supply chains. For
instance, the 2022 floods in Pakistan destroyed
approximately 40 per cent of the country’s cotton crop,
severely impacting the textile industry – Pakistan’s
largest export – which relies heavily on domestic
cotton production for raw materials. Adverse effects
of local weather events can, under certain conditions,
propagate along supply chains and across countries
(WTO, 2021c). For example, in 2011, flooding
in Thailand disrupted the global electronic and
automotive industries, causing an 80 per cent decline
in year-on-year global production in November 2011
(McKinsey Global Institute, 2020) and an estimated
2.5 per cent decline in global industrial production
growth (Kasman, Lupton and Hensley, 2011). Japanese
manufacturers, heavily dependent on intermediate
inputs from Thailand, produced at least 423,000 fewer
cars in 2011 because of the floods (Haraguchi and
Lall, 2015).
Among GVC-intensive sectors, the potential impacts
of climate-induced GVC disruptions are more severe,
with effects lasting up to many months, for relation-
specific supply chains than for other types of supply
because each supplier manufactures a
unique and highly differentiated input that is difficult
to replace in the short term. For instance, the supply
chain of advanced semiconductors is relation-
specific, with many components manufactured in
the Asia-Pacific region. The probability of disruptive
hurricanes in these manufacturing hubs is expected to
increase two to three times by 2040. Any disruption
could have cascading effects. For a five-month
supply disruption, downstream industries could
lose between 5 and 30 per cent of their revenue,
depending on their level of preparation (McKinsey
Global Institute, 2020).
Climate-induced supply chain risks can be further
exacerbated by firms’ limited capabilities to assess
emerging risks from climate change and adopt risk
management strategies. Firms, including in developed
economies, do not always prioritize climate change as
an operational risk (Tenggren et al., 2020). In addition,
the complex structure of many supply chains makes
comprehensive climate-related risk assessment and
management particularly challenging.
3. International trade and trade
policy can support climate
change adaptation strategies
Even if the Paris Agreement’s long-term goal of
limiting the rise in global temperature to well below
2°C – and preferably to below 1.5°C – is met, past
GHG emissions have already caused, and continue
to cause, global temperatures and sea levels to rise,
and more frequent and intense EWEs, making climate
change adaptation an imperative. Climate change
adaptation strategies encompass actions that reduce
the negative impact of climate change, while taking
advantage of potential new opportunities that climate
change might create. Reducing the consequences
of climate change can be achieved by identifying,
preventing and reducing actual or expected climate
risks, exposure and vulnerabilities, and by being
prepared to cope with the effects of climate change
and to minimize unavoidable losses and damages
from climate change by adjusting existing systems
(IPCC, 2007a, 2022b).
In practice, adjusting existing systems means
adapting the behaviours of people, firms and
governments, and modifying infrastructure to deal
with the current and future changing climate.
Common examples of adaptation strategies include
early warning and information-sharing systems, flood
risk control, insurance, the introduction of new crop
varieties, livelihood diversification, soil and water
conservation, and sustainable forest management.
Although climate change adaptation and mitigation are
often considered separately, they can be considered
as two sides of the same coin. For instance, well-
managed afforestation and reforestation can increase
carbon storage capacity, while at the same time
reducing exposure and vulnerability to weather-
related risks, such as landslides.
Given the urgency
to scale-up climate change actions, synergies
between climate change adaptation and mitigation
can help achieve climate resilience more effectively.
While international trade affects climate change
(see Chapter E), it can also play an important role in
climate risk prevention, reduction and preparedness,
and in climate disaster recovery and rehabilitation,
even though the consequences of climate change
will remain disruptive and costly. Trade can help
strengthen food security, and facilitate access to
essential goods and services after EWEs hit.
In that
context, trade policies can also be integrated into
climate change adaptation strategies. However, other
coordinated policies and actions are important to
mitigate the costly adjustment to changes caused by
climate change.
(a) Trade can support climate change
adaptation actions through economic
Adapting to climate change requires important
investment in infrastructure to increase resilience and
reduce vulnerability at the community, local, regional,
sectoral and national level. Investing in improved
climate resilience offers a significant cost-benefit
ratio, ranging from 2:1 to 10:1, and in some cases
even higher, since it can avoid far worse damage later
on (GCA, 2019). Yet, efforts to adapt to the impacts
of climate change are still lagging.
Although developing countries are considered to be
those most vulnerable to a rapidly changing climate,
progress in climate change adaptation strategies
tends to be more frequently and rapidly achieved in
advanced economies. For many developing countries,
lack of finance remains an obstacle to invest in
climate change adaptation.
In this context, international trade, as a driving force
for sustained economic prosperity,
can indirectly
help economies steer some of their financial
resources towards climate change adaptation
strategies. Developing economies that opened up to
trade have, on average, enjoyed a 1 to 1.5 per cent
higher rate of growth, culminating in 10 to 20 per cent
higher growth after a decade (Irwin, 2019). Higher
economic growth can, in turn, provide financial
support and material preparation for essential climate
change adaptation, such as investment in climate-
resilient infrastructure.
(b) Trade can enhance economic
resilience to climate change shocks
International trade can help countries prepare for,
cope with and recover from climate-related shocks
more effectively. Risk prevention and reduction can be
achieved by explicitly integrating risk management into
decision-making, including financial appraisal of risks
and early warning systems. Climate risk screening,
resilience performance rating or sustainability
standard can be used to identify climate risks and
evaluate and reward resilience attributes of public and
private investments (World Bank, 2021). In parallel,
preparedness encompasses strategies and actions
effectively designed to anticipate, respond to and
enable recovery from the impacts of likely, imminent
or current climate-related shocks. Some of these
strategies can include developing disaster responses
and contingency plans, identifying priorities and
reviewing insurance coverage. In that context, trade
in services, including weather forecasting, insurance,
telecommunications, transportation, logistics and
health services, can play a key role in the preparation
of firms, citizens and governments for climate-related
shocks (WTO, 2021c).
When an extreme weather-related shock hits,
international trade can, under certain conditions,
spread its effects across countries, but at the
same time it can contribute to making economies
more resilient by ensuring the timely availability of
essential goods and services. Imports provide a vital
channel for increasing the availability of goods and
services that may be in short supply in a disaster-
struck country. Such goods and services include
food, medical supplies, emergency equipment and
expertise to aid relief and recovery efforts. Efficient
customs clearance, transit procedures and public
procurement processes are essential for trade to play
this role effectively.
Allowing trade to resume faster in the aftermath of
climate-induced shocks and disruptions can be an
important economic stimulus that supports economic
recovery (WTO, 2021c). For instance, facilitating
imports of construction materials can contribute
to sustaining infrastructure and post-disaster
(c) Trade can contribute to improving
food security arising from changing
comparative advantages
Open trade can help countries to adapt to changes in
comparative advantages caused by climate change,
and to benefit from potential new opportunities,
although systemic cascading risks from climate
change will remain. Extreme heat has been found to
reduce productivity in manufacturing and services
less than in agriculture, which could ultimately
change countries’ comparative advantages (Conte
et al., 2021; Nath, 2022), as warmer countries could
be forced to adapt to climate change by shifting
domestic production toward manufacturing and
services, while increasing food imports from relatively
more temperate regions. Some developing countries
have already started to shift away from agriculture
and manufacturing towards services. High trade
costs could, however, prevent such trade-related
adjustments (Conte et al., 2021), as countries more
exposed to the direct impacts of climate change tend
to bear higher trade costs (see Figure B.2).
Policies aimed at reducing trade costs can support
part of the adjustment caused by changes in
comparative advantages due to climate change,
while minimizing changes in patterns of consumption
through imports, and thus potentially minimizing
welfare losses. Simulations suggest that reducing
trade costs in lower-income economies would, all
things being equal, reduce their welfare losses
caused by climate change by up to 68 per cent
(Nath, 2022). Promoting trade could also reduce the
incidence of climate-induced migrations, as trade and
international labour mobility tend to be substitutes
rather than complements (Conte et al., 2021).
Trade and well-functioning markets can contribute to
improving food security across multiple dimensions,
including food availability, nutrition, access and
utilization (FAO, 1996; 2018b, 2018c). Trade can
directly contribute to improving the availability of food
by easing its movement between surplus and deficit
economies. However, low levels of purchasing power
among vulnerable population groups are likely to be
further exacerbated by climate change and continue
to compromise people’s access to food.
(d) Trade can facilitate the acquisition
and deployment of technologies that
can contribute to climate change
Adapting to climate change can require adopting
specific technologies to adjust existing systems
to deal with current and future consequences of
climate change. For instance, technologies that can
offset negative agricultural yield shocks include crop
varieties with higher heat or salinity tolerance, early
warning system for biopesticide use, fertilizers and
machinery, as well as irrigation, water conservation
and storage systems (Kuhl, 2020). Trade and trade
policies can increase access to these technologies,
especially in countries most vulnerable to climate
shocks. The removal of unnecessary barriers to trade
could improve farmers’ access to new technologies
and reduce their exposure to climate-induced
shocks. For example, barriers to trade in seeds,
such as inconsistent or unnecessarily strict control
procedures, can cause delays that reduce seed yield
and productivity (Brenton and Chemutai, 2021).
Another potential mechanism for technology transfer
is participation in GVCs (Sampson, 2022). GVC
integration can facilitate access to foreign non-
codified knowledge and technology transfers for
firms to optimize production processes, help boost
domestic innovation through international knowledge
spillovers, and enhance absorptive capacity for
new technologies (Branstetter and Maskus, 2022;
Piermartini and Rubínová, 2022). For instance,
some large retailers are collaborating with their food
suppliers on resilient strategies to better manage
growing conditions, improve yields and reduce the
need for fertilizers.
(e) Trade policies can be integrated into
climate change adaptation strategies
By their very nature, climate change adaptation policies
are varied. Although there is no comprehensive
typology of climate change policies, they can be
broadly classified into three types: structural, social
and institutional (IPCC, 2014a). Structural and
physical measures include, among other things,
the application of technologies and the use of
ecosystems and their services to serve adaptation
needs (e.g., reforestation). Social measures target
the specific vulnerabilities of disadvantaged groups
and propose solutions (e.g., increasing investment in
education and improving labour mobility). Institutional
measures relate to specific economic and regulatory
policies, which foster investments in adaptation to
climate change. In that context, trade policy can also
support climate change adaptation actions.
A review of all explicitly environment-related trade
measures notified by members to the WTO between
2009 and 2020 shows that, while a large majority
of notified climate change-related trade measures
relate to mitigation, only 3 per cent of all notified
climate-related trade measures (161 out of 4,629)
can be explicitly linked to climate change adaption.
Trade-related climate change adaptation measures
predominantly take the form of support measures,
with more than three-quarters of notified measures
Figure B.2: Countries more exposed to climate change tend to face higher trade costs
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on ND-GAIN Climate Vulnerability Index and WTO Trade Cost Index for 2017.
Note: The climate change exposure index measures how much societies and economies will be stressed by the physical impacts
of climate change. The trade cost index measures the cost of trading internationally relative to trading domestically.
2.5 3.5 4.5
Climate change exposure index
Trade cost index
Low-income Middle-income High-income
covering grants and direct payments, non-monetary
support and/or loans and financing. Technical
regulations and conformity assessment measures
are other common types of adaptation measures (see
Figure B.3). More than half of the notified climate
change adaptation measures cover the agricultural
sector, illustrating its vulnerability to climate change
and its need to adapt.
While international trade can be an important
component of climate change adaptation strategies,
trade policies alone cannot reduce the negative
impact of climate change and help take advantage
of potential new opportunities. Other policies and
actions are essential to adjust to current or expected
effects of climate change. Macro-fiscal policy
planning is important to address climate adaptation,
such as identifying contingent liabilities from natural
disasters and environmental shocks, developing a
financial strategy to manage contingent liabilities and
evaluating climate and disaster risks of the financial
system (Hallegatte, Rentschler and Rozenberg,
In that context, ensuring mutual supportiveness
between economic policies, including trade policies,
and climate change adaptation policies is essential
to strengthen the role of trade while addressing
broader challenges of adaptation (see Box B.2). For
instance, the role of international trade in improving
food security can be strengthened by improving
the functioning of markets for food and agriculture,
including by reducing distortions,
competition, and ensuring that the true costs of
food and farmed goods are reflected when traded
internationally. The resilience of vulnerable economic
actors can be enhanced by redressing the under-
provision of public goods, for example, by improving
the availability of advisory services or investing in
research into new crop varieties and livestock breeds
that are more resistant to climate impacts (FAO,
UNDP and UNEP, 2021; Gadhok et al., 2020).
Policies that support social inclusion, such as
access to basic services, digital technologies,
financial inclusion, and social protection are
essential to attenuate some of the consequences
of climate change. While the disruptions caused
by climate change are unlikely to be fully avoided,
well-functioning labour markets are important to
help economies both maintain existing comparative
advantages and build comparative advantages in new
sectors. For example, while trade can provide access
to new technologies such as high-yield climate-
Figure B.3: Financial support and technical regulations are the most common trade-related
climate change adaptation measures
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on the WTO Environmental Database.
Note: The figure reports climate change adaptation measures notified to the WTO between 2009 and 2020 by types of policies. One
notified measure can cover more than one type of policy.
Notified trade-related climate change adaptation measures
Grants and direct payments
Loans and financing
Tax concessions
Income or price supports
Non-monetary supports
Support measures
Technical regulation
Countervailing measures/investigation
Public procurement
Import tariff
Conformity assessment procedure
Other measures
resistant crops, the lack of technical skills of some
farmers can slow down their uptake and ultimately
negatively impact agricultural productivity further
exacerbating the impacts of climate change. Labour
mobility obstacles or frictions can also slow down
or prevent shifts to new comparative advantages.
Individuals working in sectors that are contracting
due to climate change may lose their jobs, and
may only be able to find new job opportunities in
expanding sectors if they possess the relevant
skills and have the financial resources to relocate
to a different region if necessary. Labour market
adjustment policies, including skills development
programmes, are important to reduce labour mobility
frictions (WTO, 2017).
Certain vulnerable groups, such as micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and women in
certain socio-economic groups, face even greater
difficulties in adjusting due to social, economic and
cultural reasons (IPCC, 2014a; Nellemann, Verma
and Hislop, 2011) (see Box B.3). For example, in
low- and lower-middle-income countries, 52 per cent
of the female workforce is employed in agriculture
(World Bank and WTO, 2020), and as climate change
puts a strain on agricultural sectors, social norms or
Box B.2: Making the “blue economy” last in Mauritius by leveraging trade and sustainability
Mauritius is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and EWEs. Over the coming 35 years,
7 per cent of its GDP could be lost to cyclones alone (Beejadhur et al., 2017). What the island will produce
and trade in the future could depend on the decisions it takes today in terms of the adaptation, resilience,
restoration and sustainable development of its natural “blue”, or ocean, capital and its pathways for a just
transition to a low-carbon economy.
To build back better from the COVID-19 recession, the Mauritian Government’s “Vision 2030” aims to
promote the blue economy as one of its main pillars of development (WTO, 2021e). The goal is to increase
the contribution of the blue economy, which constituted nearly 12 per cent of the country’s GDP before the
pandemic, to 25 per cent by 2025, by strengthening traditional economic ocean activities such as tourism,
fisheries and seaport activities, and by developing emerging industries such as aquaculture, maritime
services, ship-building and repairs, marine biotechnology, and mineral exploration. A set of incentives under
new premium investment certificates for aquaculture, industrial fishing and seafood processing have been
launched to promote innovative and sustainable solutions, but challenges remain.
The fact that Mauritius is an island increases the pressure on the sustainability of its ecosystem. Recent shocks
with concomitant impacts on health or food and energy security have exposed the country’s vulnerabilities.
Building a sustainable blue economy requires a robust plan that takes into account several conflicting
objectives within and across sectors. This process has started in sectors such as port infrastructure,
shipping, tourism, seafood, aquaculture and energy. For instance, for economic diversification and to better
meet its energy needs, Mauritius recently evaluated its offshore hydrocarbon potential. Economic gains from
hydrocarbon exploitation for Mauritius could outweigh the costs of less effective climate actions (Moolna,
2021). However, climate policies to deal with, for example, ocean acidification or sea-level rise are not an
either/or option for Mauritius.
Mauritius can also, through international trade, better leverage the benefits of the ocean economy.
Strategically located at the crossroads of Asian and African sea routes, Mauritius’ seaport has the potential
to become a hub of global trade flows, including container transhipment. However, it is urgent that trade and
environmental policies, which have often evolved independently, be integrated to support the blue economy
(de Melo, 2020).
Steps are already being taken to align the blue economy with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A new Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping was created in 2019 to improve
coordination and management of ocean-related matters. Mauritius is a party to a number of fisheries
management arrangements and multilateral environment agreements. The island has adopted legislation on
coastal zone protection as part of its Integrated Coastal Zone Management framework. The Environment
Protection Act and Climate Change Act also provide for the protection of the coastal environment. More
capacity-building and technical assistance are needed, and economic, including trade, and climate
policies need to support one another in order to address the short- and long-term costs and opportunities
accompanying the expansion of the blue economy.
household responsibilities may prevent these women
from seeking employment in other sectors – especially
if this means having to move to a different area –
and this can negatively affect both households and
economies at large. In addition, the consequences
of climate change may cause some individuals to
lose their means of livelihood permanently. However,
social policies, such as education and compensation
policies, like lump sum payments, can support the
groups most exposed to the economic consequences
of climate change.
4. International cooperation
is essential to assist countries
in adapting to climate change
Although climate change adaptation initiatives are
often locally led, international cooperation in climate
change adaptation is key to leverage synergies and
help limit and manage the risk of losses and damages
from climate change. This is because unilateral
national policies aimed at tackling the effect of
climate change can produce negative spillovers
on other countries. It is important to coordinate
responses to climate shocks and to assist countries,
particularly the developing economies that are the
most affected, in their adaptation efforts. Although
climate change will remain highly disruptive,
cooperation on international trade is essential to
enhance the resilience of global trade to climate-
related shocks and crises and to improve economies’
capacity to adapt to climate change, while minimizing
negative cross-country spillovers. International trade
cooperation toward adaptation to climate change
can, however, be challenging in situations where
climate change issues intersect with national security
priorities (see Box B.4).
(a) International cooperation on climate
change adaptation is cross-cutting
The need for the widest possible international
cooperation on climate change has been recognized
in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda,
in keeping with which the international community
has committed to take urgent action to combat
climate change and its impacts under Sustainable
Development Goal 13 (“Climate Action”). Climate
change adaptation is addressed through several
extensive international cooperation initiatives. Parties
to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement
Box B.3: Climate change impacts on MSMEs
MSMEs are the most vulnerable of all types of firms to EWEs, and are set increasingly to experience trade-
and climate-related disruptions (Skouloudis et al., 2020). For example, trade in tourism, a sector in which
many MSMEs are active, will continue to be challenged as EWEs interrupt travel and impact destinations
(Badoc-Gonzales, Mandigma and Tan, 2022). Yet, when it comes to adaptation, only 38 per cent of small
businesses have made investments to reduce climate-related risks, compared to 60 per cent of large firms
(ITC, 2021). MSMEs tend to be “reactive” rather than “proactive” when it comes to adaptation, and respond
to regulation or market requirements (Burch et al., 2016). Some reasons for this lag are that their access
to information, financial resources, expertise and time is more limited (Burch et al., 2016; ITC, 2021; WTO,
2022a). MSMEs led by women and young people tend to struggle even more with adaptation, and may have
less capacity and fewer skills to take advantage of new opportunities (ITC, 2021).
On the flip side, efforts to adapt to climate change can create opportunities and benefits for those MSMEs
that have re-focused on environmental themes, such as “ecopreneurs” who develop new products and
services. In addition, MSMEs that succeed in increasing production efficiency and lowering business
costs may thereby discover new opportunities. According to a recent survey, more than half of African firms
reported that improving their companies’ environmental performance had led to improvements in the output
and quality of their products, access to new markets, reduced input costs and a better ability to access
green finance (ITC, 2021).
Even though MSMEs are slow to initiate change, and international trade can spread climate-related business
disruptions, trade can also drive MSME climate adaptation, especially through consumer demand and
exposure to “external actors” (ITC, 2021; Klewitz and Hansen, 2014). Although MSMEs may not be able to
take the most drastic changes, they are generally more nimble than larger firms and can better identify new
market opportunities to fill the related gaps (Burch et al., 2016). However, further research is required to
better understand the interlinkages between climate change adaptation and MSMEs’ trade challenges and
recognize that adaptation is a global challenge and
a key component of the long-term global response
to climate change. The UNFCCC Nairobi work
programme (NWP) assists countries, in particular
developing countries, in improving their understanding
and assessment of impacts, vulnerability and
adaptation, and in making informed decisions on
practical adaptation actions and measures. The Least
Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) further
provides technical guidance and support to the
LDCs to formulate and implement national adaptation
plans and programmes of actions. Climate change
adaptation is recognized by UNFCCC as having the
same importance as mitigation, and is supported by
financial mechanisms such as the Green Climate
Fund (GCF) and dedicated funds such as the
Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), the UNFCCC
Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), and the
Adaptation Fund.
In addition, many international organizations
and regional development banks are engaged in
different aspects of climate change adaptation. For
instance, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk
Reduction (UNDRR) supports the implementation
of the intergovernmental Sendai Framework on
Disaster Risk Reduction to strengthen resilience to
climate change-related, and other natural and man-
made, disasters (WTO, 2021f). Similarly, the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) tracks weather
records and disseminates weather information that
can facilitate better preparation and forewarning of
Box B.4: Climate change and the emerging “geoeconomic order
A growing suspicion towards globalization has led to the emergence of “geoeconomics”, a macro-level
change in the relationship between economics and security in the regime governing international trade and
investment (Roberts, Choer Moraes and Ferguson, 2019). The development of geoeconomics may lead to the
expansion of economic isolationism, leading to a technological and trade decoupling of national economies,
eventually lowering welfare and increasing geopolitical frictions.
Climate change could impede the pursuit of geoeconomic policies by countries heavily dependent on
imports of environmental technologies or of agricultural products, the domestic production of which is
negatively affected by climate change. Likewise, countries applying ambitious climate change policies could
limit their vulnerability to geoeconomic measures from countries producing carbon-intensive products by
reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and, in the case of other raw materials, by boosting recycling and
the use of secondary materials. They would thus reduce risks of geopolitical frictions without undermining
the multilateral trading system. However, countries may also adopt restrictive trade measures impacting
environment-friendly goods and services in an attempt to preserve the strategic resources, foreign supplies
or trade routes put at risk by climate change, and which they deem essential for their survival.
The extent to which geoeconomics can threaten climate change adaptation is already visible from the
consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, such as blocking the planting, harvesting and transportation of
grains. In a geopolitically volatile context, geoeconomic strategies pursued aggressively with “beggar-thy-
neighbour” intents could lead to a carbon “race to the bottom” as countries in crisis lower their environmental
standards and “self-sufficiency” policies lead to the opening or re-opening of domestic carbon-intensive
Ideally, the response to such risks should be to increase international cooperation, both on climate change
and on related trade policies. However, should geoeconomic policies become prevalent as the impact of
climate change on trade worsens, countries may eventually equate the protection of their essential economic
interests with national security. Given that such measures may not be amenable to justification under the
WTO “General Exceptions”, such as those found in Article XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) and Article XIV of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) because of their strategic
or geopolitical dimension, WTO members may invoke the “Security Exceptions” of Article XXI of the GATT,
XIV bis of the GATS or Article 73 of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS). These exceptions on national security would nonetheless continue to provide a multilateral
legal framework with which unilateral geoeconomic measures would have to comply. Improved transparency
and monitoring of these measures could also contribute to limiting their impact on the multilateral trading
(b) International cooperation on trade can
help increase the ambition and viability
of climate adaptation strategies
International cooperation on trade and trade-related
policies can help support different dimensions
of climate change adaptation, from climate risk
prevention, reduction and preparedness to climate
disaster response and recovery. International
cooperation on trade policies can assist governments
in reducing climate risks and vulnerabilities and in
coping with and recovering from the consequences
of climate-induced shocks.
Regional trade agreements (RTAs) are increasingly
considered as laboratories for negotiating new types
of provisions to address recent trade-related issues.
A limited number of RTAs incorporate provisions
explicitly addressing climate change adaptation.
These provisions cover various commitments, from
adopting measures for evaluating the vulnerability
and adaptation to climate change
to facilitating the
removal of trade and investment barriers to goods,
services and technologies that can contribute to
Other most common explicit provisions
promote cooperation activities, including vulnerability
and adaptation assessments.
These provisions on climate change adaptation are
complemented by other explicit provisions addressing
natural disasters (WTO, 2021f). Although the
inclusion of provisions explicitly addressing natural
disasters in RTAs is not a recent phenomenon, the
number of these provisions in any given agreement
has increased over the years (Figure B.4). These
provisions cover a broad range of issues. Several
RTAs require the adoption of natural disaster
management measures.
Some RTAs lay down
exemptions in case of natural disasters, such as full
rebate of customs duties on imports for rescue and
relief assistance.
Cooperation provisions remain
the most common explicit provisions on natural
disasters, covering various issues, including disaster
prevention, mitigation and response; early warning
systems, and recovery and rehabilitation.
While the new Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
is the first WTO agreement to put a primarily
environmental objective at its core (see Box B.5),
Figure B.4: The number of provisions related to natural disasters in RTAs has increased
in recent years
Source: Monteiro (2022a).
Note: Analysis based on RTAs notified to the WTO. “North” is defined as high-income countries, whereas “South” is defined as middle-
and low-income countries according to the World Bank’s country classification.
1990 1995 2000 2005
Year of signature
2010 2015 2020
South-South RTA
North-South RTA North-North RTA
Number of provisions related to natural disasters
the WTO also contributes to climate adaptation
efforts by providing a framework that minimizes trade-
related negative spillovers effects and maximizes
positive spillovers effects. This framework comprises
the following elements.
First, WTO members have the right to adopt trade-
related measures aimed at protecting human,
animal or plant life or health in the context of
climate adaptation. At the same time, WTO rules
ensure trade-related climate change adaptation
measures are not disguised protection. These rules
are monitored in WTO committees and councils,
which allow members to exchange views and
address specific trade concerns arising from certain
measures. WTO rules are further enforced through
the dispute settlement mechanism, which formally
deals with trade conflicts among members.
Second, the WTO Agreements promote transparency
by requiring formal, publicly available notifications
of relevant laws and regulations affecting trade,
including those related to climate change adaptation.
The collective assessments of each member’s trade
policies and practices, under the WTO Trade Policy
Review Mechanism, promote greater transparency
in, and understanding of, members’ trade policies
and practices, including those that relate to climate
change adaptation.
Third, the WTO, through its committees, councils
and other bodies, serves as a platform for members
to exchange views on important trade-related issues
and address trade concerns, including those related
to climate change adaptation. Some of these WTO
bodies cover specific areas of trade measures, such
as technical regulations and subsidies, or specific
Box B.5: Marine resources, climate change adaptation and the role of the WTO
Vulnerability to climate change is exacerbated by the loss of biodiversity, which occurs when natural
resources, including marine resources, are not sustainably managed (World Bank, 2008). For example,
overfishing and illegal fishing are serious global problems that threaten the ocean ecosystem, as well as
livelihoods and food security. Although many factors are responsible for unsustainable fisheries management,
certain fisheries subsidies are an important driver. Subsidies directed to the fisheries sector may be worth
in excess of US$ 30 billion every year, out of which more than 60 per cent could have a capacity-enhancing
effect leading to unsustainable overfishing (Sumaila et al., 2019). Climate change adds to the burden on
fish stocks, because many marine fish stocks are diminished by ocean warming, and overfishing further
exacerbates the vulnerability of these stocks (Free et al., 2019).
A major complication in tackling fisheries subsidies comes from the fact that marine resources do not stop
at national borders. Unilateral action by a single country is not sufficient to preserve fisheries resources,
and any subsidy or government intervention is likely to have international repercussions. For example, if a
country institutes quotas on fish catches or increases monitoring of fishing activities, all countries benefit.
Nevertheless, if other countries sharing the same fisheries resources do not commit to similar measures, the
restrictions will likely be compensated by an increase in catches by other nations (Pintassilgo, 2003).
International cooperation is, therefore, the most effective means to address these externalities. In this
context, the WTO is in a unique position to address fisheries subsidies, given its existing framework of
binding multilateral subsidies disciplines and the multilateral nature of WTO negotiations, along with the
economic and trade implications of such subsidies.
At the WTO’s 12th Ministerial Conference in June 2022, WTO members concluded the WTO Agreement on
Fisheries Subsidies that prohibits (i)subsidies contributing to illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing
or fishing-related activities in support of such fishing; (ii) subsidies regarding overfished stocks (except
subsidies implemented to rebuild the stock to a biologically sustainable level); and (iii)subsidies provided to
fishing or fishing-related activities in the unregulated high seas.
WTO members also resolved to continue work on additional provisions that would achieve a comprehensive
agreement on fisheries subsidies, including through further disciplines on certain forms of fisheries subsidies
that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing. Equally importantly, the WTO Agreement on Fisheries
Subsidies sets out a mechanism to enhance notification and transparency on fisheries subsidies. This new
agreement also contributes to achieve target 14.6 of the Sustainable Development Goals calling for the
prohibition of certain forms of fisheries subsidies.
sectors, such as agriculture and services. Others deal
specifically with trade-related environmental issues.
For instance, the WTO Committee on Trade and
Environment (CTE) provides a forum to support policy
dialogue and share knowledge and best experiences
in trade-related climate change adaptation strategies.
Finally, the WTO also provides trade-related technical
assistance and capacity building to developing
countries and LDCs, which can help to build climate-
resilient trade capacity. Current initiatives include
Aid for Trade, the Enhanced Integrated Framework
(EIF), and the Standards and Trade Development
Facility (STDF).
(c) Predictability, dialogue and
coordination are key to increasing
climate resilience of supply chains
Although GVCs have been very effective in lowering
global production costs allowing countries to engage
in international trade and maximize their comparative
advantage, they can be, as discussed above,
particularly exposed to the effects of climate change.
International cooperation supporting preventive action
against climate-related risks can help improve the
adaptation and resilience of GVCs to climate change.
An open and predictable trading system can foster
foreign direct investment, provide options for
production diversification, and allow firms to organize
their supply chains by prioritizing resilience over other
concerns like fiscal considerations. WTO provisions
allow and sometimes even encourage countries to
take trade-related measures that may prove beneficial
in responding to and building resilience against
EWEs (see Table B.1).
Trade facilitation plays a key role in supporting the
resilience in the face of climate-related shocks. It
smooths the functioning of supply chains during
normal times, and, as the COVID-19 pandemic
demonstrated, it is also vital for speeding imports
of essential goods such as food, medical supplies
and emergency equipment in response to a disaster.
The WTO TFA seeks to minimize the incidence and
complexity of import and export formalities in order
to facilitate trade, including for goods in transit. The
TFA simplifies customs processes for both regular
trade and for post-disaster assistance. In this regard,
the TFA requires members to take “additional trade
facilitation measures” for the benefit of traders,
commonly known as “authorized operators”, who
have been approved by or on behalf of the national
customs administration as complying with specific
supply chain security standards. Such measures
include lighter documentary and data requirements,
a reduced rate of physical inspections, elimination of
fees and unnecessary delays or restrictions on goods
in transit, pre-arrival filling and processing of transit
documentation, rapid release time, deferred payment
of duties and other charges.
Climate-related shocks and associated fears of
shortages or inflation can provoke governments into
taking trade-restrictive measures such as export
restrictions, thus disrupting value chains. The WTO’s
trade policy monitoring and other transparency
mechanisms play a role in enhancing information and
fostering coordination among members to ensure
restraint regarding restrictive trade policies. In this
regard, more can be done by engaging a discussion
on how to improve cooperation to avoid the imposition
of restrictive uncoordinated export measures.
Further strengthening the WTO’s trade policy
monitoring and coordination functions could also
help to identify challenges and opportunities for
building supply chain resilience to climate change.
The WTO’s work with vaccine manufacturers during
the COVID-19 pandemic could serve as a blueprint
for dialogue among governments, businesses and
other stakeholders to address potential climate
change-induced bottlenecks in supply chains.
International cooperation can further strengthen the
resilience of supply chains, including by disciplining
reshoring policies, information-sharing, cooperating
on standards, and managing risks of supply chain
bottlenecks (WTO, 2021c).
(d) Well-functioning markets are important
to address climate-related food
security challenges
In order to maximize the opportunities that trade
offers to enhance food security, it is important to have
well-functioning food markets. Imports of essential
commodities in countries that lack water or fertile
soil, or that are subject to EWEs, need to move easily
across borders. Disciplines in agriculture that foster
an open, predictable and transparent environment
are, thus, important, and complement rules that shape
trade and markets in a number of other areas, such
as trade facilitation, transport, telecommunications,
financial services, competition and public
procurement. Volumes of food imported or exported
can be significantly reduced by port disruptions, as
well as by high domestic transportation costs and
lack of competition in the distribution sector, the
latter particularly affecting poor people in rural areas,
who thereby face more obstacles to benefitting from
open markets.
The AoA recognises the need to take food security
into account, both in existing commitments on market
access and agricultural support and in ongoing
In particular, WTO disciplines on
agriculture promote open, fair and predictable trade
in food, thus contributing to providing the necessary
regulatory environment for food security.
For example, surging food prices often trigger export
restrictions in key foodstuffs, which can ultimately
exacerbate price increases (Giordani, Rocha and
Ruta, 2012). Under the GATT, export prohibitions or
restrictions temporarily applied to prevent or relieve
critical shortages of foodstuffs or other essential
products are allowed. However, the AoA requires
WTO members to give due consideration to the
effects of export restrictions on importing members’
food security, as well as to consult importing
Table B.1: Selected examples of resilience policies under WTO agreements and decisions
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)
Define in advance domestic customs disciplines to be implemented during an emergency.
Temporarily suspend regular customs charges on the entry of imported goods.
Facilitate customs processes and procedures to speed up imports of relief goods and other necessities.
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement and WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
Ensure quality and safety of imported relief goods, including foodstuffs.
Adapt technical standards for construction and building materials to local environmental constraints.
Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)
Ensure access to goods of primary necessity, including food supplies.
Provide financial support and government services for relief from natural disasters.
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM)
Provide financial support to enterprises to recover from climate-related natural disasters.
Enabling Clause, Decisions on waivers for preferential treatment for LDCs, Waivers under the Marrakesh
Grant non-reciprocal preferences to support export diversification and, following EWEs, to promote the recovery of
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
Automatically recognize the professional qualification of foreign service providers for relief services and
Improve access for the population and for businesses to cash aid resources.
Improve the supply of weather-related services to build capacity to anticipate EWEs.
WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
Ensure balanced framework for innovation and diffusion of climate adaptation technologies.
Support technology transfer to LDCs.
Agreement on Government Procurement 2012 (GPA 2012) (Plurilateral)
Use emergency government procurement flexibilities to accelerate procurement processes for goods and services
needed for recovery.
members, and to notify the Committee on Agriculture
before instituting such measures.
At the WTO’s 12
Ministerial Conference (MC12)
in June 2022, WTO members agreed to exempt from
export restrictions food bought by the World Food
Programme for humanitarian purposes. Ministers
also adopted a Declaration pledging to facilitate
trade in food, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs.
They stressed the importance of not imposing export
restrictions, and encouraged members with surplus
stocks to release them on international markets.
Importantly, they vowed to cooperate on enhancing
agricultural productivity. Implementing this decision
could contribute to enhancing food production
and help to manage the knock-on effects of
surging food prices during a crisis, thus increasing
food security.
For over a decade, the Agricultural Market Information
System (AMIS) (set up by the G20 in response to
the global food price hikes of 2007-08 and 2010)
has been helping to share information about food
supply and stockpiles, promoting policy dialogue
and contributing to strengthening resilience to
shocks, including those associated with climate
change. While AMIS currently focuses on four major
crops (wheat, maize, rice and soybeans), enlarging
its product coverage could help further improve
transparency on agricultural markets.
The WTO’s monitoring and transparency functions
also contribute to helping markets to operate
efficiently. The WTO Committee on Agriculture
provides a forum for members to exchange views
about compliance with existing rules and to address
Although rules on agriculture and related negotiations
aim to discipline and further reduce trade-distorting
domestic support, the AoA exempts from reduction
commitments programmes which cause only minimal
trade distortions. These “Green Box” support
measures include general services, such as research,
pest and disease control, and extension and advisory
services for farmers. The latter are particularly
important in enabling producers in low-income
countries to improve productivity sustainably, thereby
strengthening climate resilience in agriculture.
WTO “Green Box” disciplines also cover public
stockholding programmes that are used by some
governments to purchase, stockpile and distribute
food to people in need. While food security is a
legitimate policy objective under the AoA, some
stockholding programmes are considered trade-
distorting when they involve purchases from farmers
at prices fixed by governments.
Currently, pending
the negotiation of a permanent solution, WTO
members have agreed to refrain from challenging
developing countries that exceed their agreed
limits for trade-distorting domestic support through
public stockholding programmes, subject to certain
The SPS Agreement, which sets out basic rules
on food safety and on animal and plant health
standards, helps ensure food security by facilitating
safe trade. This is important because the increase in
temperatures, rainfall, humidity and drought caused
by climate change can facilitate the establishment
and spread of invasive species and can contribute
to increased and new SPS risks, which in turn could
affect agricultural production, consumption and
trade. International collaboration, for instance through
the STDF (see section B.4(d)), is important to help
developing countries with such issues. The SPS
Agreement also allows for the speeding-up of control,
inspection and approval procedures for foreign relief
goods, such as in the case of food shortages.
WTO members could do more to ensure that trade
contributes to more sustainable, resilient and
equitable markets for food and agriculture products,
and to put in place disciplines more supportive of
policies promoting climate change mitigation and
adaptation practices in agricultural production. For
example, governments could consider updating
existing rules and disciplines to transition away
from price and production-linked subsidies, and
to increase support for programmes improving the
delivery of public goods. Such adjustments could
ensure that subsidy programmes do not harm the
competitiveness of producers elsewhere, while also
sustainably increasing farm yields, raising incomes,
and supporting job creation in ways that can
strengthen adaptation to climate change.
Reducing trade barriers could also increase food
availability in global markets and support efforts to
overcome poverty. It could complement efforts to
boost domestic farm productivity and help ensure
that trade enables producers to respond to future
demand growth. Estimates suggest that phasing
out agricultural tariffs and implementing other trade
facilitating measures could reduce the climate
change impact on undernourishment by up to 64 per
cent in 2050, meaning that as many as 35 million
fewer people would suffer from hunger (Janssens et
al., 2020).
(e) More trade-related technical
assistance and capacity building for
climate change adaptation is needed
To adapt to climate change, low-income and
vulnerable countries need to enhance the resilience
of their infrastructure and upgrade their productive
capacities in agriculture and other sectors. Annual
adaptation costs in developing countries are
estimated at US$ 70 billion and are expected to
reach US$ 140 to US$ 300 billion in 2030, and
US$ 280 to US$ 500 billion in 2050 (UNEP, 2021b).
Climate finance has, however, fallen short of its
US$100 billion goal for 2020 and has not achieved
the balance between adaptation and mitigation
finance called for in the Paris Agreement. Climate
adaptation finance only represented a quarter of
total climate finance in 2019, while climate mitigation
finance and cross-cutting climate adaptation and
mitigation finance constituted 64 per cent and 11 per
cent, respectively. Adaptation finance is particularly
important for the poorest and most vulnerable
countries, which represents more than 40 per cent of
climate finance provided and mobilized to LDCs and
SIDS, almost double the share of adaptation finance
in total climate finance for all developing countries
(OECD, 2021) (see also Chapter C).
The Aid for Trade initiative helps developing countries,
in particular LDCs, to build the trade capacity and
infrastructure they need to increase their participation
in and benefit from international trade. A limited but
increasing number of Aid for Trade projects integrate
environmental considerations (OECD and WTO,
2022). In 2020, Aid for Trade disbursements with a
climate objective (adaptation, mitigation or cross-
cutting) amounted to US$ 15 billion, representing
31 per cent of total Aid for Trade. Around US$ 5.75
billion, or 12 per cent of total Aid for Trade, were
allocated to projects with adaptation as a single or
cross-cutting climate objective.
More than half (54 per cent) of adaptation-related Aid
for Trade went to agriculture in 2020, reflecting the
degree to which climate change is disproportionally
affecting this sector (Figure B.5). Besides agriculture,
adaptation-related Aid for Trade targeted projects
in the energy (11 per cent of adaptation-related Aid
for Trade in 2020), transport and storage (10 per
cent), banking and financial services (8 per cent) and
forestry (7 per cent) sectors.
Although Aid for Trade disbursements related to
climate change adaptation are limited, many projects
show how investing in adaptation to transboundary
climate risks represents an opportunity to build
and increase the resilience to climate impacts
(Benzie and Harris, 2021). For instance, when, in
2015, Cyclone Pam destroyed much of the seafront
infrastructure of Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Enhanced
Integrated Framework (EIF), together with Fairtrade
Australia and New Zealand, helped Vanuatu rebuild
and improve the waterfront with more climate-resilient
materials, and in an economically inclusive way aimed
to foster interaction between tourists and local small
businesses. The EIF has been active in other Aid
for Trade projects targeted at adaptation, such as
providing greenhouses and hail nets to small farmers
in Lesotho to promote resilience to changing weather
patterns, and mapping landslide risk and promoting
sustainable soil and water management as a way to
enhance coffee-growing communities’ adaptation
and preparedness in Timor-Leste (EIF, 2022; Ramsay,
The WTO can also help countries mobilize support
and build trade-related capacities for adaptation.
For example, the WTO surveys LDCs’ evolving
technology needs and priorities and supports them
by monitoring developed countries’ programmes for
transferring relevant technologies to LDCs in line with
their obligations under the WTO TRIPS Agreement.
Between 2018 and 2020, climate change adaptation,
including disaster prevention and water management,
was an important element in 25 per cent of the 152
environmental technology transfer programmes
reported by developed members to the WTO (see
also Figure C.7 in Chapter C).
The capacity-building needs of developing countries
and LDCs relating to trade and climate change
adaptation intersect with the work of several WTO
committees, including the Committee on Trade and
Environment (CTE), the Committee for Trade and
Development, and the TRIPS Council.
Climate change adaptation is also increasingly
incorporated into the work of the STDF, a global
partnership providing a funding mechanism for
innovative and collaborative SPS projects in
developing countries to facilitate safe trade. The
STDF also identifies and disseminates good practice
on topics that cut across the areas of food safety,
animal and plant health, and trade.
Although trade-related technical assistance and
capacity-building for adaptation have increased
in recent years, more can be done to better exploit
synergies between climate finance and Aid for Trade.
The Aid for Trade initiative could help to mobilize
additional funding for climate change adaptation by
better integrating the trade dimension into countries’
national adaptation strategies and by including
climate considerations in Aid for Trade projects.
Strengthening the discussions on the trade-related
adaptation needs of developing countries and LDCs
in the WTO could also contribute to a higher degree
of alignment and coherence between Aid for Trade
and climate finance programmes.
5. Conclusion
Climate change is a current reality. In the short term,
EWEs will continue to cause disruptions to supply
chains and transport networks, shortages of key
commodities, and international price fluctuations.
Over the long term, further gradual climate changes
and more frequent and intense EWEs will alter
regional patterns of specialization. Left unchecked,
climate change will lead to a humanitarian crisis
characterized by increasing poverty, food insecurity,
disease and unnecessary additional deaths. It may
also contribute to geopolitical instability, as countries
compete for access to dwindling resources and
seek to protect their industries and markets through
economic decoupling and the building of zones of
economic and political influence.
Trade – with the multilateral trading system at its core
– can help countries attenuate some of the effects of
climate change by protecting themselves against, and
responding to, short-term shocks like EWEs and by
ensuring the timely availability of critical goods and
services, such as food, healthcare, transportation and
communication. Although adapting to climate change
will continue to remain costly, trade may help countries
adapt to climate-related changes in comparative
advantages, for example by importing what they may no
longer be able to produce and exporting what they may
produce in excess. Trade can also facilitate access to
technologies that minimize some of the costs and the
economic effects of climate change.
WTO rules, supported by policy dialogue and
cooperation, provide the open, non-discriminatory
and predictable trading environment necessary
for trade to be a means of adapting to some of the
consequences of climate change. Some trade
measures, such as suspending custom duties,
opening markets to foreign service providers, and
simplifying import procedures, can enhance the
response to, recovery from and resilience to short-
term climate-induced shocks, as well as support
more long-term adaptation to climate change.
Figure B.5: Most Aid for Trade disbursements related to climate change adaptation cover
Source: Authors’ calculations, based on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) DAC-CRS (Development
Assistance Committee Creditor Reporting System) Aid Activities Database.
Note: Only projects with an explicit objective of adapting to climate change and projects identifying climate change adaptation as
important but secondary objective are considered as adaptation-related official development assistance.
Agriculture Energy Transport and storage Forestry Industry OtherBanking and financial services
Aid for Trade disbursements related
to climate change adaptation (current US$ billion)
At the same time, a lot more can be done to help
low-income and vulnerable countries to meet the
challenges of climate change adaptation. Platforms
for policy dialogues, like the WTO Committee on
Trade and Environment, can be used by members
to share knowledge and expertise necessary to
develop successful climate adaptation policies. Aid
for Trade and related initiatives such as EIF and STDF
can also help to mobilize funding and build trade-
related capacities for climate change adaptation in
developing countries and LDCs.
Although international trade and trade policy can
contribute to climate adaptation strategies, trade
policy alone cannot automatically foster adaptation
to climate change. While adapting to climate change
will only get more expensive if GHG emissions are
left unchecked, countries must adopt and implement
comprehensive and coherent climate adaptation
actions, such as strengthening transport networks,
diversifying production, suppliers and customers,
and making long-term investments in human capital,
in order to avoid, to the extent possible, and minimize
losses and damages caused by climate change.
1 See Bosello, Eboli and Pierfederici (2012), Bosello
and Parrado (2022), Eboli, Parrado and Roson (2010),
IPCC (2014a), Nordhaus (2014), and Roson and van der
Mensbrugghe (2012). Larger losses have been estimated
by the Swiss Re Institute (2021).
2 Some climate change adaptation actions, such as air-
conditioning, can, in the absence of complementary
actions, increase electricity demand and generate GHG
emissions. Complementary actions include improving
energy efficiency in air conditioning technology, supporting
renewable energy sources and enhancing building thermal
3 Revealed comparative advantage is defined as the share
of an economy’s exports of given commodities in that
economy’s total exports, relative to the share of the world’s
exports of these commodities in total world exports.
4 For food trade, for example, these can be straits and canals,
coastal infrastructure in major crop-exporting regions, and
inland transport infrastructure in major crop-exporting
5 For details on how the climate change exposure and
vulnerability indexes are calculated, see Chen et al. (2015),
and for the methodology of the export diversification
index, see Henn et al. (2020), Loungani et al. (2017), and
Papageorgiou, Spatafora and Wang (2015).
6 For example, a 1°C increase in temperature has been
found to lower industrial output in low-income countries by
2.02 per cent (Dell, Jones and Olken, 2012).
7 For animals and plants, climate change adaptation implies
either adjusting to the changing climate and its effects by
spending more time and energy on life-sustaining measures
(e.g., body temperature regulation) or moving, to the
extent possible, to regions with less hostile environmental
8 Afforestation refers to the process of planting new
trees in an area where there were no trees before, while
reforestation refers to the process of planting trees in a
forest where the number of trees has been decreasing.
9 See Alcalá and Ciccone (2004); Amiti et al. (2017); Amiti
and Konings (2007); Frankel and Romer (1999); Wacziarg
and Welch (2008); Gries and Redlin (2020); and Cerdeiro
and Komaromi (2021).
10 For instance, an increase in international trade creates new
employment opportunities and improves welfare outcomes,
which tend to reduce the incentive to move abroad for job
11 See for instance https://corporate.walmart.com/esgreport
12 Notified trade measures with the following objectives
are considered to be related to climate change, namely:
afforestation or reforestation; air pollution reduction;
alternative and renewable energy; climate change mitigation
and adaptation; energy conservation and efficiency; and
ozone layer protection. For more information, see WTO
13 In agricultural and food markets, governments tend to
create price-altering trade policies when global agricultural
and food prices rise substantially.
14 For example, Korea-Peru RTA.
15 For example, Colombia-Ecuador-European Union-Peru
16 For example, Canada-Chile RTA.
17 For example, Southern African Customs Union (SACU).
18 Paragraph 14 in the Outcome Document (WTO official
document number WT/MIN(22)/W/16/Rev.1, which can
be consulted at https://docs.wto.org/) of the 12th WTO
Ministerial Conference (June 2022) recognizes the
contribution of the multilateral trading system with regard to
the 2030 Agenda.
19 Some RTAs replicate or build on existing WTO disciplines
relevant to build climate resilience, while others establish
new commitments (WTO, 2021c).
20 For example, a “Trade 4 Climate” dialogue among
businesses, members and stakeholders organized by the
WTO and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
in October 2021 (https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/
envir_e/trade4climate_e.htm) highlighted the links between
climate change and natural disasters, and their impact on
21 The important role of trade and the WTO in contributing
to food security is also reflected in the international
community’s commitment in Sustainable Development Goal
2b to correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions
in world agricultural markets (https://sdgs.un.org/goals/
22 For more information, see https://www.wto.org/english/
The trade implications
of a low-carbon economy
The global economy needs to effect wide-ranging and immediate
changes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions sufficiently
to limit climate change. This chapter explores how the transition
to a low-carbon economy could impact international trade patterns,
and outlines the role that trade, trade policy and international
cooperation can play in supporting a just low-carbon transition.
Although a low-carbon transition entails short-term investment
and adjustment costs, it can also provide important economic
benefits and opportunities. The WTO has an important role to
play in increasing the ambition and viability of climate change
mitigation actions.
1. Introduction 52
2. Achieving a low-carbon economy is an imperative
but faces challenges 52
3. A low-carbon economy would change trade patterns
and provide new trading opportunities 57
4. International cooperation is essential to achieve
a low-carbon economy 65
5. Conclusion 74
Key facts and findings
Although the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, overall emissions have increased by more than 85 per cent since
1990. This highlights the urgency of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
Some of the available options to support a low-carbon transition include
shifting the energy mix away from fossil fuels, promoting alternative
and renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and reducing production
and consumption.
A net-zero carbon economy could modify trade patterns by altering comparative
advantages. While some economies could export more renewable electricity,
others could benefit from opportunities to produce and export goods and
services using clean energy.
Unilateral and uncoordinated trade-related climate policies can, depending
on their design and implementation, create trade tensions that can ultimately
undermine climate change mitigation efforts.
The fight against climate change calls for greater multilateral cooperation
and coherent actions to support a just low-carbon transition. The WTO
contributes to supporting climate change actions by helping to prevent
unproductive trade frictions and promoting efficient trade-related climate
1. Introduction
Although the COVID-19 pandemic caused a
temporary reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
), methane (CH
) and nitrous oxide (N
O) have
increased by more than 85 per cent since 1990.
GHG emissions from human activities are already
responsible for approximately 1.1°C of global warming
since the pre-industrial period.
The 2015 Paris Agreement commits countries to limit
the global average temperature from rising to well
below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue
efforts to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C. GHG
emissions need to be cut by roughly 50 per cent by
2030 and reach net zero by 2050 in order to stay
below 1.5 °C of global warming (IPCC, 2022b).
Reaching net zero emissions requires reducing
GHG emissions to as close to zero as possible and
offsetting any remaining emissions by removing an
equivalent amount of GHG from the atmosphere and
storing it permanently in soil, plants, or materials. For
this to occur, important changes would have to be
made in the structure of production and consumption,
including specialization patterns and international
trade. This raises the question of how trade, trade
policy and international trade cooperation, as well as
the WTO, can support the transition to a low-carbon
This chapter discusses how ambitious climate change
mitigation policies and well-functioning financial
markets are essential to support and accelerate the
transition to a low-carbon economy. It then discusses
how a low-carbon economy could change trade
patterns and provide new economic opportunities.
The chapter concludes with a discussion of the role
of international cooperation, and in particular that of
the WTO, in supporting climate-change mitigation
2. Achieving a low-carbon economy
is an imperative but faces
Tackling climate change requires major climate policy
actions to steer the economy towards a low-carbon
emission path, yet there is no single strategy that
can support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
In addition, various challenges face the adoption
and implementation of carbon mitigation policies,
including conflicting economic, energy and political
priorities (see Box C.1).
For instance, only 6 per cent of the US$ 13 trillion
in COVID-19-related stimulus packages adopted
by G20 economies in 2020 and 2021 has been
allocated to areas that could also reduce global GHG
emissions, including installing renewable energy
systems, improving energy efficiency in buildings
and electrifying transportation systems. Another
3 per cent of the stimulus packages has been
directed at areas that are likely to increase emissions
by supporting carbon-intensive activities (Nahm,
Miller and Urpelainen, 2022). In comparison, 16 per
cent of total global fiscal stimulus spending adopted
during the 2008-09 global financial crisis was
targeted at activities contributing to environmental
protection, including climate change mitigation
(Jaeger, Westphal and Park, 2020).
Addressing the distributional consequences of
climate change policies is also important to ensure a
fair and inclusive transition to a low-carbon economy.
Well-functioning financial markets are also essential
to support a low-carbon economy.
(a) Different strategies can support the
transition to a low-carbon economy
Efforts to reduce and prevent GHG emissions into
the atmosphere, commonly referred to as climate
change mitigation, are essential to limit global
warming and substantially reduce the future effects of
climate change (IPCC, 2022b). The urgency to move
towards a low-carbon economy requires a significant
transformation of the way energy, goods and services
are produced, delivered and consumed.
There is, however, no one-size-fits-all strategy to
support a low-carbon transition. A low-carbon
economy can be achieved in a number of ways, for
example by shifting the energy mix away from fossil
fuels; promoting alternative sustainable renewable
energy sources, such as geothermal, hydro and solar
power; improving energy efficiency in buildings,
transport, industry and consumption; and reducing
production and consumption.
Inducing consumers to make behavioural changes
could significantly support a transition to a low-carbon
economy if these changes curb energy demand (IEA,
2021). This could involve encouraging consumers
to purchase and adopt low-carbon products and
technologies, such as solar water heaters and electric
vehicles, and encouraging behaviour that is more
conscious of the consequences of consumption,
such as economical energy use, switching transport
modes and consuming less carbon-intensive food
(Lonergan and Sawers, 2022).
(b) Ambitious climate change mitigation
policies are essential
Every five years, signatories to the Paris Agreement
submit roadmaps to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Secretariat, known as Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs), which detail how they plan to
achieve their carbon emission-reduction targets.
review of the 164 latest available NDCs reveals that
the most frequently listed measures in NDCs are
related to the energy sector, including electric power
generation from renewable energy and low- or zero-
carbon fuels (UNFCCC, 2021). Many NDCs also
report measures for enhancing carbon sequestration,
the most frequently indicated being afforestation,
reforestation and sustainable forest management.
While positive, the level of ambition of these policies
is not currently enough to achieve a low-carbon
economy consistent with the Paris Agreement’s
timeline, namely cutting by half GHG emissions by
2030 and reach net zero by 2050 (UNEP, 2021a).
The lack of progress stems in part from the fact
that climate change is a market failure because it
Box C.1: Implications of the war in Ukraine on climate change
The war in Ukraine is having a devastating impact on the Ukrainian people, infrastructure and economy. It
is also having a disastrous impact on the environment, for example through the destruction of forest and
marine ecosystems, air and water pollution, and waste. Given the important roles of both Russia and Ukraine
in the global commodities and energy markets, cascading impacts of the conflict are being felt worldwide,
including through higher food and energy prices and the reduced availability of certain Russian and Ukrainian
exports (WTO, 2022b).
The war and its consequences highlight the importance of devising climate change strategies that balance
energy and food security with environmental imperatives. It is, however, unclear at this stage, whether the
war and its geopolitical consequences will slow down or accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
In response to rising oil and gas prices consequent to the war in Ukraine and as a result of sanctions on many
Russian exports, some countries have opted to diversify their energy suppliers, signing contracts for liquefied
natural gas (LNG) from Africa, the Middle East and the United States (Dvorak and Hirtenstein, 2022). Some
countries are also considering increasing natural gas and oil production, building new natural gas pipelines,
and reopening or extending the operation of coal-fired power plants (Tollefson, 2022).
Although these new commercial energy contracts and projects may address the current urgent energy
security problems, they could also slow down the transition to a low-carbon economy if, for example, new
providers of coal, gas and oil demand long-term supply commitments. The race to secure LNG supplies by
some countries could further exacerbate price spikes in LNG, which could drive some developing and least-
developed economies to increase or switch their energy consumption to high carbon-intensive fossil fuels,
such as coal and oil.
The war could also lead some governments to redirect public spending, initially allocated to tackling climate
change, to other priorities, some of which may be carbon-intensive, such as military equipment. More
generally, geopolitical tensions could imperil international cooperation on climate change, which is essential
to make significant progress in tackling climate change.
At the same time, energy security concerns, in particular energy independence, stemming from the
consequences of the war in Ukraine, could also accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. In
response to the war, some countries have adopted plans to accelerate their clean energy transition by
increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy production capacities. Energy price hikes could also lead
some consumers to buy more energy-efficient products and smaller or electric vehicles.
An accelerated low-carbon transition would require a diversified and affordable supply of the metals and
minerals required to produce renewable energy equipment and energy-efficient products, the availability of
which is not currently guaranteed as a result of the war. However, international trade may help to ensure a
more diversified and resilient supply of critical materials, and further contribute to the transition to a low-
carbon economy.
has been caused by actors who are not necessarily
experiencing the consequences of their acts. For
example, firms and consumers may not directly
face the climate change-related consequences of
the GHG they emit, and, as a result, they continue
to emit excessive quantities of GHGs. Measures to
tackle climate change can also be characterized by
positive externalities, for example all economic actors
benefit from increased climate change mitigation
efforts, even if they did not contribute to these efforts.
However, this can create incentives to free-ride on
climate efforts made by others, limiting the global
level of climate change mitigation efforts. Climate
change mitigation policies are essential to tackle
these market failures.
Other market failures may also call for policy
interventions. For example, climate-friendly
innovations in one country can benefit the innovation
activity of all other countries since they increase
the global stock of knowledge and support the
decarbonization process of the economy. In the
presence of such knowledge spillovers, companies
that invest in research and development (R&D) into
low-carbon technologies are often unable to capture
the entire return of their investment. Economies of
scale, sunk costs and costs of reorienting research
and switching technology also give established,
higher-carbon technologies an advantage (Acemoglu
et al., 2012).
In addition, the capital required to transition to low-
carbon alternatives is often subject to uncertainties,
political risks and a lack of short-term return on
investment which can often impede the funding of
innovative or large-infrastructure projects. Low-
carbon infrastructures often require substantive
upfront investment in networks, such as electronic
grids or charging stations for electric vehicles,
which can also be difficult to establish without
policy interventions. Finally, information about the
energy efficiency or carbon content of a product or
production process may not be available, making
it difficult for economic agents to make informed
decisions (Stern and Stiglitz, 2022).
(c) Climate change mitigation policies
are multifaceted
Climate change mitigation policies can support the
transition to a low-carbon economy by establishing
incentives and requirements to deploy climate-
friendly technologies and to facilitate the withdrawal
or improve the energy efficiency of carbon-intensive
The effectiveness of climate change
mitigation policies depends on their design and on the
responses of firms and consumers. Firms generally
only change their behaviours if they are legally
required to do so or it is economically profitable,
while people generally only change their behaviours
if they are legally obliged to do so, if the alternative is
cheaper or better, or if they want to imitate or conform
with social norms (Lonergan and Sawers, 2022).
Policy instruments for a low-carbon transition can be
grouped according to their underlying mechanisms
that aim to achieve climate change mitigation (IPCC,
2007b), namely (i)command-and-control instruments;
(ii) market-based instruments; (iii) information
instruments; and (iv)voluntary agreements.
(i) Command-and-control instruments
Command-and-control instruments are the most
common form of climate mitigation policies (IPCC,
2007b). Command-and-control measures fall
broadly into two categories: (1) regulatory measures
on processes and production methods and
(2) prohibition mandates of certain products and
Reducing the environmental impact of production
activities may sometimes involve setting standards
and regulation for the way products are produced.
These regulatory measures commonly take two
forms: (1) performance standards, which dictate
specific environmental outcomes to be achieved
per unit of production (e.g. number of grammes of
per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated) and
(2) technical standards, which specify various
pollution abatement technologies or production
methods to be used by producers (WTO and UNEP,
Prohibition, or phase-out mandates, as well as bans
on sales and imports of high-emission equipment and
energy-inefficient products, are increasingly common.
Such mandates are introduced to eliminate existing
fossil-fuel assets, such as coal-fired power plants,
and to prevent new investment in high-emissions
equipment (Finon, 2019).
(ii) Market-based instruments
In recent years, market-based instruments have
become an alternative to traditional command-
and-control policies (Peace and Ye, 2020). These
instruments have the advantage of providing greater
flexibility in how economic agents wish to reduce
GHG emissions. Market-based instruments can
be categorized into four broad groups: (1) carbon
pricing, (2) support measures, (3) fossil fuel subsidy
reform and (4) green government procurement.
Carbon pricing, including carbon taxes and emission
trading schemes, is often highlighted by economists
as an efficient way to reduce emissions (Aldy
and Stavins, 2012; Metcalf and Weisbach, 2009;
Stavins, 2022) (see Chapter D). Carbon pricing is
associated with the idea that polluters should pay for
the damage they cause. By putting a price on carbon
emissions, the costs of economic agents’ GHG-
emitting activities are made explicit, thereby giving
agents incentives to find ways to reduce emissions.
Moreover, by giving agents the flexibility to choose
the appropriate course of action to reduce emissions,
carbon pricing can also stimulate innovation for new,
low-carbon products and production processes.
Governments can also support a low-carbon
transition by incentivizing the development,
production and adoption of low-carbon products and
technologies. R&D subsidies can lower costs and
improve the performance of low-carbon technologies,
as well as foster innovation in environmental
technologies (Acemoglu et al., 2012; Bosetti et
al., 2013; Verdolini et al., 2015). Subsidies can
also be given to producers of renewable energy.
Feed-in tariffs, for instance, allow renewable energy
producers to receive a guaranteed price for each unit
of electricity generated, guaranteed grid access and
long-term contracts with electric grid utilities (Fell
and Linn, 2013; Wilke, 2011). Subsidies can also be
provided to consumers to encourage the adoption of
low-carbon products and technologies, for example
LED lighting or electric vehicles (Finon, 2019).
The phasing-out of fossil fuel subsidies also affects
the carbon price. Because fossil fuel subsidies
essentially function as a negative carbon price,
removing these subsidies results in an increase
in the price of carbon-based fuels (Jenkins, 2014;
van Asselt and Skovgaard, 2021). Subsidy reform
therefore enables the incorporation of costs of
environmental externalities that were not reflected
under the subsidized prices and thereby incentivizes
a decreased use of fossil fuels. More generally,
reforming support measures targeted at carbon-
intensive products and activities, such as some
agricultural subsidies, can lead to reduction in GHG
emissions (OECD, 2022b; Springmann and Freund,
Through green government procurement (GGP)
policies, governments can influence private sector
producers through their purchases of low-carbon
goods and services, create markets for new entrants,
and stimulate innovative solutions to climate change
problems by awarding public R&D contracts. Given
the sheer volume of demand for goods and services
that government procurement can represent,
can create a large and stable demand for new low-
carbon solutions before a commercial market is
(iii) Information instruments
Firms and consumers may act inefficiently when
they lack the necessary information about the
environmental consequences of their actions.
Information instruments provide environment- and
energy-related information on specific products
and activities to allow investors and consumers to
make climate-informed choices. The disclosure of
environmentally related information includes labelling
programmes, rating and certification systems, public
awareness campaigns and environmental self-
declaration claims.
Eco-labels, including carbon labels, are increasingly
being adopted (OECD, 2016). The carbon-
related information intended to consumers can be
communicated in different ways.
A low-carbon label
shows that the product’s carbon footprint has been
reduced without necessarily specifying by how much.
A carbon neutral label indicates that the product’s
carbon footprint has been reduced but any remaining
carbon emissions have been compensated via carbon
offset projects. A carbon score lists the amount of
carbon emitted across the product’s lifecycle. A
carbon rating shows how the product performs in
terms of energy use and efficiency relative to others
similar products in its category.
While information-enhancing initiatives can be
owned or managed by governments,
information instruments are increasingly adopted
by the private sector and non-profit organizations.
An increasing number of firms use eco-labelling to
establish or foster niche markets for environmentally
friendly products. Some firms also voluntarily disclose
information about their environmental performance.
Recently, collaborations between public and private
sectors on environmental information schemes have
become common, such as roundtable certification
(iv) Voluntary agreements
Voluntary agreements are customized contracts
between a government authority and one or
more private sector parties, that aim to improve
environmental performance and resource utilization
beyond compliance to regulated obligations
(Cornelis, 2019; IPCC, 2007b).
There is no legal
obligation to participate, and, in most cases, there are
no penalties for terminating participation (Karamanos,
2001). Voluntary agreements can, in some cases,
obviate the need to use legislative action. They can
also encourage a proactive, cooperative approach
between public and private sectors. In addition, they
can lead other firms to imitate the environmentally
friendlier practices of voluntary agreements-signatory
(d) Addressing the distributional
and political implications of ambitious
climate change mitigation policies
is essential
The adoption and implementation of ambitious carbon
mitigation policies can face challenges in some
segments of the population and some sectors. This
is because the distributional consequences of carbon
mitigation policies can include replacing existing
sectors, activities and technologies with alternatives
that are more efficient or that use low-carbon energy
sources, and this can provoke opposition, which may
impede implementation (Jenkins, 2014; Nemet et
al., 2017; Stern, 2017a). In addition, as discussed in
Section C.3., the trade implications of some climate
mitigation policies, can affect governments’ mitigation
policy strategies and level of ambition, such as the
risk of relocation of carbon intensive activities to
countries with less stringent climate policies.
Carbon mitigation policies which aim to increase
fossil fuel prices can, at least in the short term,
increase energy prices generally, and negatively
impact consumers and producers. Pressures from
those who lose out, or who may lose out, because
of decarbonization can slow down the transition to
a low-carbon economy by hindering the use of more
efficient, low-emission technologies. The climate
change mitigation policies necessary to establish the
transition to a low-carbon economy therefore require
public support to ensure they are credible, effective
and long-lasting.
For instance, carbon pricing policies often face
significant political economy hurdles (Jenkins and
Karplus, 2017) and raise concerns about the burden
that carbon price increases may impose on low-
income groups.
At the same time, however, the
potential of these policies to raise revenue that can
then be redistributed for various purposes (known as
“revenue recycling”) has been proposed as a possible
remedy to distributional concerns (Jakob et al., 2016;
Rausch and Yonezawa, 2021).
Similarly, fossil fuel subsidy reforms have been
known to incur significant distributional and
political implications with, in some cases, extensive
strikes and violent public protests that have
prompted governments to reverse their reforms.
Other structural factors, such as insufficient
institutional or governance capacity, may also make it
difficult to remove fossil fuel subsidies once they are
in place (Lockwood, 2015; Skovgaard and van Asselt,
Some climate change mitigation policies can benefit
certain groups more than others, and can thereby
garner greater political support (Jenkins, 2014).
For instance, subsidies encouraging households
to purchase electric vehicles have been found
particularly to favour high-income earners (Sherlock,
2019; Sovacool et al., 2019), while developing
and expanding an affordable electrified public
transportation network, through GPP, can particularly
benefit lower-income and/or minority groups who
may not own cars and who rely on public transport
to commute to work and to school (Slastanova et al.,
The distributional effects of some climate change
mitigation policies may be more salient for
producers than consumers, if the former face the
direct impacts of the policies and cannot reflect
the increased costs that result from these policies
in the prices of goods and services (Johnstone and
Serret, 2006). For instance, the compliance costs
of regulations, including environmental ones, tend to
impact micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
(MSMEs) disproportionately (Crain and Crain, 2010).
Nevertheless, climate change mitigation policies can
be designed in such a way as to lessen the burden
faced by vulnerable groups, which could help to
support and lead a more fair and inclusive transition
to a low-carbon economy.
(e) Well-functioning financial markets
are essential to support the transition
to a low-carbon economy
The transformation across all energy and land-use
systems that a low-carbon transition could entail
would require a significant expansion in investment
(IEA, 2021). McKinsey (2022) estimates that a total
investment of US$ 275 trillion would be required
in capital spending on physical assets over the
period 2021-50 in order to limit global warming to
less than 1.5°C; this would represent an average of
US$ 9.2 trillion per year. As discussed in Section
C.4.1, achieving a low-carbon economy on a global
scale also requires offering financial support to
developing and least-developed countries (LDCs)
to mitigate the adverse impacts of the transition and
enable them to invest and take advantage of new
Global funding for the energy transition alone is
estimated to amount to US$ 131 trillion over the next
30 years (McKinsey, 2022), and annual clean energy
investment worldwide would need to more than triple
by 2030 to around US$ 5 trillion to reach net zero
emissions by 2050. This investment could add an
extra 0.4 percentage points to annual global GDP
growth (IEA, 2021). The magnitude of the investment
requirements implies that contributions from financial
institutions and the private sector will be crucial.
Firms finance their activities, such as investing in
climate-friendly technology, by using the profits they
generate, raising their debt or issuing bonds. The
interest rate on debt and the equity cost of capital –
two components of the cost of capital – can influence
a firm's decision to invest in low-carbon-emission
projects. For instance, high interest rates make
investment more expensive, and less attractive, for
firms and reduces their investment. Conversely, a high
ratio of the firm’s price to profits (also known as the
price/earnings ratio) typically signals that the market
considers that the firm in question is high quality and
low risk or growing fast, and investors, typically, make
money by acquiring equity shares in firms with high
profits or high price/earnings ratios.
Financial markets, including central banks, can
support the transition to a low-carbon economy by
adopting strategies to reduce funding in carbon-
intensive projects, enhancing risk management
capabilities to identify new low-carbon opportunities,
and developing new financial products to support
investors in winding down carbon-intensive legacy
assets. Total climate finance, comprising funds from
corporations, commercial financial institutions and
household consumption, has steadily increased
over the last decade, reaching an annual average of
US$ 632 billion in 2019 and 2020 (Climate Policy
Initiative, 2021). Private-sector-led climate-related
activities are most common in renewable energy
investment, in particular on-shore wind and solar
photovoltaic (PV) energy projects, and in energy
efficiency investment and waste management.
Other climate-related projects include land-fill gas
capture and projects in agriculture and forestry and
IT applications for process monitoring and control, to
support resource efficiency such has smart irrigation
and smart cold chain management.
Privately financed climate projects are typically the
result of the combined effects of a range of public
interventions and of broader enabling conditions
(OECD, 2017). Innovative financial instruments such
as carbon finance, green stock indices and green
bonds raise money from investors to exclusively
finance environmental projects. For instance, green
bond markets have grown quickly in size and market
coverage since the first green bond was issued in
2007 by the European Investment Bank. At the end
of 2021, the global green bond market reached a
total volume of US$ 517.4 billion, marking a market
expansion trend of 10 consecutive years (Climate
Policy Initiative, 2021).
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria
are increasingly incorporated into investors’ analysis
processes to identify material risks and growth
opportunities in low-carbon investment, among
others. While ESG is a promising approach, ESG
ratings are not standardized, and unfortunately the
ESG approach is also associated with free-riding,
greenwashing and mis-selling risks (Lonergan
and Sawers, 2022). Free-riding arises when firms
are willing to undervalue high-carbon-emission
assets and sell them to obtain a higher ESG score.
Greenwashing arises when firms with a high ESG
continue to hold high carbon emission assets. The
risk of mis-selling comes from the investors’ high
expectation that ESG investment will necessarily
deliver high returns, although many ESG investment
remain risky.
Harmonizing ESG criteria and measurement tools
and improving information disclosure and regulatory
control can improve the effectiveness of ESG finance
in contributing to a low-carbon economy by reducing
the cost of capital of low-carbon projects.
3. A low-carbon economy would
change trade patterns and
provide new trading opportunities
History has shown that the dramatic opening of the
world economy, combined with the rapid pace of
technological change, have improved the welfare
and living standards of billions of people around the
world, including its poorest citizens. This process was
necessarily accompanied by economic changes and
some disruptions in the jobs market, as economies
shifted from lower to higher productivity and from
declining industries to rising ones (WTO, 2017).
The transition to a low-carbon economy should be
no different, with economies shifting from fossil fuels
to renewable energy sources and from high-carbon-
intensive activities to low-carbon-intensive ones.
This transformation is likely to affect international
trade flows by altering comparative advantages.
New trading opportunities for renewable energy and
low-carbon-intensive products are likely to emerge,
although addressing any climate-related trade
tensions is essential.
(a) The transition to a low-carbon
economy provides opportunities
to support a more sustainable
and equitable development
A low-carbon economy brings considerable
environmental benefits that can contribute to a more
sustainable development path. The transition to a
low-carbon economy averts and minimizes the severe
consequences of climate change, including a rise in
global temperatures, sea levels and frequency, duration
and intensity of extreme weather-related events, such
as floods, cyclones, and droughts. The low-carbon
transition also improves air quality, which in turn
improves health and living conditions. Decarbonization
through sustainable land management, climate-smart
agricultural practices and forest protection can also
promote biodiversity, improve food security and
enhance climate resilience (see Chapter B).
While the transition to a low-carbon economy would
entail short-term investment and adjustment costs,
it could also provide important economic benefits
and opportunities to support a more sustainable and
fair development. It is estimated that bold actions in
climate mitigation could yield a cumulated economic
gain of US$ 26 trillion between 2018 and 2030
(Garrido et al., 2019). This transition would also limit
the risks of a changing climate. As noted in Chapter
B, without ambitious mitigation measures, climate
change could cause 250,000 additional deaths per
annum (WHO, 2018) and up to 18 per cent of global
GDP loss by 2050 (Swiss Re Institute, 2021).
While the transition to a low-carbon economy
is expected to change the way agricultural and
manufacturing goods are produced, services are
delivered and buildings are heated and cooled,
the labour market is also likely to go through a
transformation, with job opportunities moving
between occupations and sectors. Workers in
carbon-intensive industries, such as cement and
steel, are likely to be disproportionately affected.
The low-carbon transition could also, however, bring
about employment opportunities since the renewable
energy sector is more labour-intensive than the fossil
fuel sector (Garrett-Peltier, 2017). The renewable
energy sector already provided 12.7 million jobs
globally in 2021 (IRENA and ILO, 2022), and it is
projected that 14 million jobs could be created in
clean energy and 16 million additional jobs in energy-
related sectors by 2030 (IEA, 2021).
Jobs in the
renewable energy sector are also more gender-
inclusive than jobs in fossil fuels, with women holding
32 per cent of total renewables jobs but only 21 per
cent in fossil fuels jobs. The overall magnitude of the
labour shift associated with a low-carbon transition
could still be relatively limited, given that most jobs
are likely to be neither high-carbon-intensive nor low-
carbon-intensive (IMF, 2022).
The obstacles and labour mobility frictions
experienced by workers who wish to move into sectors
with rising employment (e.g., solar panel installation)
and out of declining ones (e.g., coal mining) can be
high. Mismatches between skills offered and wanted
in the labour market impede workers’ transition
between jobs (ILO and WTO, 2017). In addition,
geographical frictions, or barriers, account for a
substantial share of the total mobility costs affecting
the reallocation of workers between regions, and may
be related to physical geography, social networks,
family ties, cultural barriers, language and housing.
Labour mobility costs tend to be higher in developing
countries (WTO, 2017).
Supporting the labour market adjustment for workers
displaced by the closure of carbon-intensive
industries is essential to ensure a fair transition to
a low-carbon-emission economy. Labour market
adjustment policies can take different forms, including
job-search assistance, skills development and
training programmes (Bacchetta, Milet and Monteiro,
2019; WTO, 2017). Environmental and low-carbon-
intensive jobs tend to be higher-skilled and better-
paid jobs (ILO, 2018), which could attract some
workers, including displaced workers, to these job
opportunities. The wage premium in environmental
jobs could thus also contribute to facilitating the
labour market adjustment (IMF, 2022).
(b) International trade in low-carbon
technologies and in renewable energy
can support a low-carbon transition
Although international trade emits GHG, it can
play an essential role in supporting and promoting
the development, access and deployment of low-
carbon technologies. Trade in renewable energy
and electricity can also help to make production
processes cleaner by providing access to affordable
sustainable and renewable energy sources.
International trade can support a low-carbon
transition by helping to share out the fixed and sunk
investment costs of new environmental technologies,
as high investment costs are often associated with
the development of new technologies, including
environmental ones. This can come about in supply
chains when coordination between upstream and
downstream firms can lead to cost allocation, shared
decision-making and long-term commitment (Ghosh
and Shah, 2015; Mattingly, 2017; Qin et al., 2021;
Xu and Xie, 2016). Often, only a small number of
countries have specific technological expertise
in the manufacturing of specific environmental
technology, such as renewable energy components
and equipment, trade in environmental products
thus provides access to technologies with a level of
efficiency that cannot be replicated domestically in
importing countries (Garsous and Worack, 2021).
International trade can also contribute to a low-carbon
transition by promoting the diffusion of environmental
technologies, as it increases the dissemination of
knowledge across borders (see Chapter F). The
diffusion of knowledge and ideas can also improve
productivity. An increase in innovation in cleaner
energy technologies, often measured by the number
of relevant patents, has been found to reduce energy
intensity and improve environmental performance
(Chakraborty and Mazzanti, 2020; Ghisetti and
Quatraro, 2017; Wurlod and Noailly, 2018). In
addition, knowledge diffusion across countries and
sectors can enable economies to exploit differences
in comparative advantages more effectively, thanks to
differences between countries in their access to and
absorptive capacity of knowledge in environmental
technologies (Bretschger et al., 2017).
International trade in renewable energy and electricity
could also help to compensate for the uneven
geographical distribution of clean energy sources,
such as solar irradiation and wind power density. For
example, the potential for solar energy production
is particularly high in many countries in Africa, Asia,
Latin America and the Middle East, while the potential
for wind power tends to be very high along coastlines
above the northern tropic and below the southern
tropic. For instance, the world’s largest solar power
station was built in Morocco, while the largest
offshore wind farm is located in the United Kingdom.
Trade and investment in goods and services related
to sustainable renewable energy can contribute to
increasing the global production of renewable energy
at low cost. For instance, the capacity of solar panels
globally traded in 2017 was estimated at almost
80 gigawatts, the equivalent of more than 9 per cent
of the global electricity generation in 2017 (Wang et
al., 2021).
However, the full potential of international trade in
renewable energy and electricity requires addressing
the structural challenges on existing power-generation,
transmission, and distribution infrastructure created
by new renewable electricity flows as well as the
inherent variability of renewables, including potential
imbalances in supply and demand and limited storage
capacity (McKinsey & Company, 2021). Despite rapid
and significant advances in high-voltage direct current
power transmission (Patel, 2022), cross-border
electricity transmission via high-voltage lines over
long distances remains relatively costly. Renewable
energy could alternatively be exported via pipeline or
ship by using energy carriers, namely gases or liquids
produced using renewable energy (van der Zwaan,
Lamboo and Dalla Longa, 2021).
In recent years,
the potential of green hydrogen as a versatile carbon-
free energy carrier is being increasingly recognized, as
discussed by Gauri Singh in her opinion piece.
The transfer of environmental technologies could also
help to overcome the mismatch between the regional
location of renewable energy resources and the
availability of low-carbon technology. Recent analysis
of patenting activity suggests that the trajectory of the
climate change mitigation knowledge flow increased
(especially from developed to developing countries)
after the Kyoto Protocol and especially the Paris
Agreement (Torrance, West and Friedman, 2022).
Developing countries frequently lack significant
legacy, carbon-heavy energy systems; which, with
the relevant energy and environmental policies, could
enable them to leapfrog directly to low-cost and
reliable renewable energy technologies that are well-
suited to serving dispersed rural populations with
limited or no access to electricity or other sources of
energy (Arndt et al., 2019).
The transition to a low-carbon economy is likely
to take place in a world of increasing geopolitical
tensions and supply chain disruptions (see Chapter
B). In this context, it is essential that the supply of
energy and key mineral resources needed to produce
some low-carbon technologies, such as renewable
energy equipment and energy efficient products, is
diversified and resilient. In order to assemble a risk-
based supply strategy, future energy needs need to
be evaluated in light of energy security concerns,
and transparency and coordination among trading
partners must be supported (WTO, 2021c).
(c) A low-carbon economy would impact
trade patterns
While climate change may alter countries’
comparative advantages (see Chapter B), a low-
carbon transition is also likely to lead to shifts in trade
patterns. The impact of the low-carbon transition
is likely to be stronger on those countries whose
comparative advantage stems from fossil fuel energy
and high-carbon intensive activities. While a growing
literature on climate change and trade looks at the
future consequences of climate change, in particular
By Gauri Singh
Deputy Director-General,
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Green hydrogen requires
an appetite for action
The International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA)’s World
Energy Transitions Outlook 2022,
which sets out in precise detail the
route to achieving 1.5°C by 2030,
argues in favour of using hydrogen
to achieve full decarbonization
(IRENA, 2022). This means raising
global production to five times
the current production, or 614
megatonnes of hydrogen per year,
to reach 12 per cent of the final
energy demand by 2050. Green
hydrogen is expected to make up
the vast bulk of this production.
Discussion of green hydrogen
arrives at the right time.
Renewable power generation
costs have plunged over the
past decade, driven by rapidly
improving technologies,
economies of scale, competitive
supply chains and an ever-
improving developer experience.
To use just one example,
electricity costs from utility-scale
solar photovoltaics fell by 85 per
cent between 2010 and 2020.
Unlike fossil fuels, renewable
energy can potentially be produced
by every nation. It is energy-fair.
The same can be said of green
hydrogen, which is a process
of conversion, using water and
electrolysis technology powered
by renewable energy. The method
could radically transform the way
global energy is traded.
Green hydrogen can also be
economical in locations with the
optimal combination of abundant
renewable resources, space for
solar or wind farms, and access to
water, matched with the capability
to export to large demand centres.
New power centres could be built
in places that exploit these factors
to become hydrogen hubs for its
production and use.
Until recently, however, there
has been no cost-effective
way of transporting renewable
electricity over long distances to
link low-cost production sites with
demand. Suitable transmission
lines are rare and extremely
expensive to construct. The
use of hydrogen as an energy
carrier could provide the answer,
enabling renewable energy to be
traded across borders in the form
of molecules or commodities such
as ammonia.
To make trade cost-effective,
production of green hydrogen
must be sufficiently less expensive
in the exporting region than in the
importing region to compensate
for transport costs. This cost
differential will loom large as the
scale of projects increases and
technology develops to reduce
transport costs. Hydrogen trade
can lower energy supply cost
energy since cheaper energy is
tapped into. It can also lead to a
more robust energy system with
more alternatives to cope with
exploding crises.
We still have much to do. For the
hydrogen trade to truly flourish
globally, a market needs to be
created to generate demand,
promote transparency, and
connect suppliers and end
users. Underpinning the market,
nations need to produce a
market regulatory framework
containing the flexibility to
promote growth. And there must
be an internationally accepted
certification scheme accepted
by all. Finally, innovation must
dramatically improve the available
technologies that reinforce the
integrated value chain.
Green hydrogen is not going to
leap on to the world’s energy
stage fully formed and ready
to salvage efforts to achieve
1.C by 2030. It is going to
require decisive action and
dynamic innovation to create new
production centres and stimulate
demand. Above everything else,
it will take ambition and clear-
sightedness about our future
prospects. The world must be
prepared to extend its reach to
grasp every opportunity for energy
transition. Taking the first step is
simple: we just have to reach out.
global warming, on some trade patterns, the trade
implications of the transition to a low-carbon economy
have been less discussed.
The WTO Global Trade Model (WTO GTM) was
used to fill part of this gap and analyse how moving
towards a low-carbon economy by 2050 could impact
the economy and trade patterns.
It is important,
however, to emphasize that the simulation scenarios
are not forecasts or predictions for the future but
representations of what could happen in the future
under a set of assumptions. In this analysis, the low-
carbon transition is assumed to be achieved thanks to
international cooperation and the adoption of global
carbon pricing, which is based on a combination of
global emissions reductions with announced NDCs
until 2030. Under this scenario, fossil fuels extraction
and use are phased out by 2050, while electrification
and renewable energy use increase to achieve low-
carbon emissions by 2050.
(i) A low-carbon economy could spur
regional trade in renewable electricity
Assuming a successful transition to a low-carbon
economy, this transition is likely to change the
structure of domestic energy production and the
composition of energy trade. The simulation results
suggest that the global share of fossil fuel exports
in total energy exports would decrease, while the
global share of trade in renewable energy in total
energy trade is projected to increase with the level of
decarbonization ambition (right panel of Figure C.1).
However, a low-carbon transition would lead to a 38
per cent reduction in energy trade from 2022 to 2050
(left panel of Figure C.1). Two forces may explain
this result: a reduction in fossil fuel exports and an
increase in trade in renewable energy. The latter
is, however, not large enough to offset the former
because fossil fuel energy (i.e., natural gas, coal,
oil) is assumed to remain much more tradeable than
trade in electricity, including from renewable energy
sources, due to high costs to transport electricity.
(ii) The low-carbon transition would
shift production and trade patterns,
affecting regions differently
The economic impacts of a low-carbon transition are
likely to be unevenly distributed, with those highly
dependent on fossil fuel energy exports more severely
impacted. In addition, a broad range of policies and
a well-functioning financial and labour markets can
contribute to mitigating the adjustment costs to a
low-carbon economy and opening up new economic
The simulation results suggest that a low-carbon
economy would necessarily lead to a substantial
Figure C.1: Trade in electricity could increase in a low-carbon economy
Bekkers et al. (2022).
Simulation results based on the WTO GTM. The “low-carbon 2050” scenario assumes countries cooperate to achieve almost net
zero emissions by 2050.
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuel
Percentage share
Energy export share in total energy production Electricity export share in total energy export
2022 Low-carbon 2050
reduction in the real output of coal, oil, gas and
refined petroleum products in all regions, ranging from
between 50 per cent in fossil fuel export-dependent
countries (FFEDCs)
to more than 60 per cent
and 70 per cent in low- and higher middle-income
countries. At the same time, capital and labour would
likely be reallocated to different activities to ensure a
low-carbon transition. Countries could thus shift their
production and comparative advantages from fossil
fuels sectors to energy-intensive industrial sectors,
such as iron and steel, and to knowledge-based
sophisticated sectors, such as computer electronic
equipment and motor vehicles.
The change in trade patterns as a result of
decarbonization is reflected in the relative ability
of a country to produce a good vis-à-vis its trading
partners, commonly known as revealed comparative
advantage (RCA). The increase in the RCA of
FFEDCs in energy-intensive sectors could be larger
than in sophisticated sectors, because a reduction
of fossil fuel prices as a result of decarbonization
makes regions with large reserves of fossil fuels more
competitive in energy-intensive sectors (see Figure
C.2). This trend, though smaller in magnitude, could
also be observed in low-income countries. Due to the
shift of energy-intensive sectors and sophisticated
sectors to other regions, high-income countries
could experience a small reduction of their RCA in
sophisticated sectors and energy-intensive sectors,
although they would maintain their comparative
advantage in sophisticated sectors.
At the same time, FFEDCs and low-income regions
could benefit from a low-carbon transition. As
mentioned in the previous section, decarbonization
could help FFEDCs and low-income regions to
diversify their economies away from volatile fossil
fuel sectors towards more sophisticated sectors
with more growth potential, offering new economic
opportunities. Furthermore, FFEDCs and low-income
countries with significant renewable energy source
potentials could also shift towards production and
exports of renewable energies. However, the current
export revenues from fossil fuels would not be fully
replaced with revenues from exporting renewable
electricity, because unlike fossil energy, electricity,
including from renewable sources, is less tradeable
over long distances.
Production and export
opportunities may also be explored in goods and
services produced with renewable energy.
The materialization of these new economic
opportunities hinges to a large extent on the adoption
of complementary policies to facilitate access to and
diffusion of environmental technologies, and shift
Figure C.2: A low-carbon economy could lead economies to shift their comparative advantages
Bekkers et al. (2022).
Results based on the WTO GTM. Revealed comparative advantage (RCA) is an index defined as the share of an economy’s exports
in that economy’s total exports, relative to the share of the world’s exports in that sector in total world exports. A RCA higher than one
indicates a country has a revealed comparative advantage for a given sector. The higher the value of a country’s RCA for a sector, the
higher its export strength.
Fossil fuel
Revealed comparative advantage index
Low-income Lower-middle income Higher-middle income High income
Fossil fuel export-dependent
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuel
2022 Low-carbon 2050
investment from fossil fuel-based physical capital
to human capital (Peszko et al., 2020). Policies
to tackle climate change, promote education and
energy infrastructure are also essential to ensure that
countries have the appropriate enabling conditions to
support the environmental industry (see Chapter F).
As discussed in Section C.4, financial and technical
support are also important to mitigate the adverse
impacts of the transition and enable countries, in
particular low-income economies, to take advantage
of new low-carbon economic opportunities.
(d) Some climate change mitigation
policies may have trade implications
The transition to a low-carbon economy requires
ambitious climate change mitigation policies. Some of
these policies can have trade impacts and generate
cross-border spillovers, which may affect governments’
mitigation policy strategies and levels of ambition.
One key problem is that the effectiveness of certain
mitigation policies, when adopted unilaterally, may be
undermined by the lack of ambition in other countries
and a loss of competitiveness (see also Chapter D).
While not all climate change mitigation policies have
trade implications, trade-related climate change
mitigation measures are often notified to the WTO.
Between 2009 and 2020, WTO members notified
3,460 measures explicitly addressing climate
change mitigation, but also energy conservation and
efficiency, and alternative and renewable energy.
Most of these notified trade-related climate change
mitigation measures are support measures and
technical regulations and conformity assessment
procedures (see Figure C.3). For example, notified
measures include new regulatory requirements
to reduce the use of fluorocarbons and promote
alternative chemicals with low global warming
preferential tax treatment for energy-
saving and new energy vehicles and vessels,
the use of import licences to regulate lighting with
minimum energy performance standards.
Depending on their design and implementation, trade-
related climate change mitigation policies can raise
concerns among trading partners on the grounds that
these measures can discriminate among different
trading partners or between imports and similar
domestic goods, or can unnecessarily restrict trade.
For instance, prohibition and phase-out mandates
can have negative impacts on trade by forcing foreign
suppliers that previously served a given market to
redirect their exports or terminate them entirely.
Figure C.3: Support measures and technical regulations are the most common trade-related
climate change mitigation measures
Authors’ calculations, based on the WTO Environmental Database.
The figure reports climate change mitigation measures notified to the WTO between 2009 and 2020 by types of policies. One
notified measure can cover more than one type of policy.
Notified trade-related climate change adaptation measures
Grants and direct payments
Loan and financing
Non-monetary support
Income or price support
Tax concession
Support measures
Technical regulation
Countervailing measures/investigation
Import licence
Public procurement
Conformity assessment procedure
Export licence
Investment measure
Other measures
Carbon pricing can also have trade implications, as
discussed in detail in Chapter D.
Some types of
support measures can also create trade tensions,
such as support measures that attribute exclusive
rights to the use of research output by domestic
firms (WTO, 2020a) or that are provided to shield
domestic producers from foreign competition, or
strategically for industrial policy purposes (UNEP and
DIE, 2017). For instance, subsidies with local content
requirements can spur investment in homegrown
climate-friendly infrastructure and technology, but at
the same time be trade-restricting.
Fossil fuel subsidy reform can also affect trade
competitiveness by increasing the prices of
intermediates for energy-intensive industries
(Burniaux, Château and Sauvage, 2011), thus
increasing the production costs and reduce the
competitiveness of carbon-intensive industries
such as steelmaking, petrochemicals and aluminium
(Cockburn, Robichaud and Tiberti, 2018; Ellis, 2010;
Jensen and Tarr, 2003). The removal of support for
fossil fuel consumption and production worldwide
also impacts FFEDCs. However, ultimately, the
trade impacts of fossil fuel subsidy reform depend
on firms’ response measures (Moerenhout and
Irschlinger, 2020). Firms can, for example, substitute
certain energy inputs for alternative sources, improve
resource efficiency or pass directly the compliance
costs on to consumers, although if firms decide
to respond by increasing prices, this can harm
their competitiveness in the international market
(Rentschler, Kornejew and Bazilian, 2017).
The use and proliferation of informational instruments,
such as environmental labels, has important trade
implications. Few mandatory labelling requirements
are currently in place, but prominent voluntary
labels can ultimately become a market entry
requirement (OECD, 2016). The multiplication
of informational schemes may negatively impact
the international competitiveness of producers by
increasing compliance costs, including the costs of
information-seeking, of switching to more expensive
environmentally-friendly production methods, and of
adopting complex certification and audit procedures.
The latter are particularly burdensome for producers in
developing countries and MSMEs, who often lack the
infrastructure required for certification and traceability
requirements (UNEP, 2005) (see Box C.2).
At the same time, some trade policies can incentivize
higher levels of environmental protection. For instance,
government support, such as R&D investments, can
propagate knowledge diffusion across borders (Fadly
and Fontes, 2019; Shahnazi and Shabani, 2019),
and trade can play an important role in enhancing
this effect. Similarly, GGP policies can be combined
with more open government procurement markets
to increase the number of suppliers participating in
Box C.2: The role of MSMEs in a low-carbon transition
MSMEs account for roughly 90 per cent of global businesses and an estimated 50 and 35 per cent of GDP in
developed and developing economies, respectively (WTO, 2016). Many MSMEs are owned and led by women
(World Bank and WTO, 2020).
Although MSMEs can play a large role in achieving global decarbonization targets, only a fraction of them have
plans to decarbonize their activities (BCG-HSBC, 2021), despite the fact that the transition to a low-carbon
economy offers them a number of opportunities and benefits, from new environmental products and services,
to increased production efficiency and lower business costs (ITC, 2021). For instance, 25 per cent of total
expected investment across 15 clean energy sectors in developing countries could be accessible to MSMEs
(World Bank, 2014). Internationalization can further drive MSME sustainability practices, through exposure to
new technologies, new compliance requirements in foreign markets, and demand for sustainability by foreign
consumers (Hojnik, Ruzzier and Manolova, 2018).
Nevertheless, significant challenges inhibit further carbon mitigation initiatives by MSMEs. Capital-constrained
businesses may be unable to invest without support in more sustainable production and energy-efficient
techniques, despite their long-term payoffs (IEA, 2021). MSMEs may also struggle to comply with, or benefit
from, climate change mitigation policies, particularly when national and international standards diverge (WTO,
Often designed in developed economies, environmental standards and other non-tariff measures to support
environmental products, including testing and conformity assessments, can be especially challenging for
MSMEs from developing economies to comply with (Pesko et al., 2020). Clear climate change mitigation policies
designed with MSME considerations in mind can both promote inclusivity and provide new environmentally
sustainable business opportunities for all enterprises.
tenders, and potentially give government purchasers
access to more climate-friendly goods, services and
technological solutions.
Trade can also raise ambitions with regard to
environmental standards and regulations, since firms
that wish to export to highly regulated countries have
an incentive to develop or adopt higher standards.
Analyses of the car industry, for instance, have found
that markets that have high emission standards for
vehicles tend to put pressure on countries that do
not, thereby inducing a ratcheting-up of regulations
in these countries (Crippa et al., 2016; Perkins and
Neumayer, 2012). As discussed in the next section,
international cooperation plays an important role in
mitigating potential negative trade impacts and in
leveraging synergies through concerted, coordinated
and transparent actions.
4. International cooperation is
essential to achieve a low-carbon
Climate change is a problem of the global commons.
In the absence of global coordination, the adoption
of individual climate change mitigation strategies
is likely to be less than optimal (Akimoto, Sano and
Tehrani, 2017; Thube, Delzeit and Henning, 2022). In
addition, economic agents may avoid reducing their
GHG emission by free-riding on the mitigation efforts
of others, while governments’ concerns over losing
competitiveness could lead to “race to the bottom”
or “regulatory chill” situations in which they lower or
fail to implement their climate policies, or refrain from
adopting ambitious climate policies (Copeland and
Taylor, 2004; Dechezleprêtre and Sato, 2017).
International cooperation can help to overcome these
challenges and to scale up action on climate change
mitigation. It helps to avoid unproductive frictions or
obstacles and to address cross-border spillovers,
both negative and positive, generated by unilateral
climate policies (Kruse-Andersen and Sørensen,
2022). International cooperation ultimately can help
allow for the reduction of GHG emissions at the
lowest possible cost for growth and is essential for a
just transition to a global low-carbon economy.
(a) Greater international cooperation
is needed to support a just low-carbon
Despite the UNFCCC’s 30-year history, progress
on climate action has been too slow and uneven to
fully contain global temperature increase. The current
GHG emission reduction pledges that countries
made under the Paris Agreement and other climate
mitigation measures adopted would only reduce
global carbon emissions by 7.5 per cent by 2030,
more than six times less than what would be necessary
to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5°C
by 2100. In the absence of more ambitious climate
change policies and initiatives, the world is projected
to hit global warming of about 2.7°C by the end of the
century (UNEP, 2021a).
To keep the increase in global temperatures below
1.C, the aspirational goal of the Paris Agreement,
the world needs to halve annual GHG emissions in the
next eight years. This requires additional cooperation
among countries. To illustrate the importance of
international cooperation, the WTO GTM was used
to assess the CO
emission and global temperature
trajectories of three scenarios (Bekkers et al., 2022).
The baseline “business-as-usual“ scenario assumes
countries continue to implement their climate change
mitigation policies at their respective 2021 levels,
without taking further action to implement their NDC
pledges. The simulation results suggest that, in the
absence of more ambitious global climate change
mitigation actions, global annual carbon emissions
could reach over 50 gigatonnes of CO
(Gt CO
) in
2050, while the average global temperature could
rise by 2°C warming and by over 3°C by the end of
the century (see Figure C.4).
Under the “divided world” scenario, countries are
assumed to take unilateral climate change mitigation
policies, including national carbon pricing, in line with
their NDC pledges until 2030.
After 2030, carbon
prices are assumed to follow a linear growth pattern,
resulting in a wide gap between unilaterally imposed
carbon prices, which lead countries with high
carbon prices to impose border carbon adjustments
on imports from countries with less stringent
mitigation policies (see Chapter D). Electrification
and renewable shares would keep increasing in an
uneven manner until 2050, while coal phase-out
would be achieved only by countries which have
pledged to do so by 2050. The lack of international
cooperation could lead to relatively constant global
carbon emissions and an average global temperature
rise of 1.9°C by 2050 and 2.6°C by the end of the
century, well above the Paris Agreement’s objective
to mitigate climate change.
The “low-carbon cooperation” scenario, described
in Section C.3, assumes countries cooperate
to tackle climate change by adopting ambitious
climate changes policies, including a global carbon
pricing system. In contrast to a situation marked by
unilateral and uncoordinated climate change policies,
international cooperation and coordinated actions
could lead to annual global carbon emissions to fall to
14.4 Gt CO
and the global average temperature to
rise by approximately 1.7°C by 2050, below the Paris
Agreement’s objective to limit global warming to well
below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
In addition to achieving carbon mitigation objectives,
greater international cooperation is also needed to
ensure a just low-carbon transition. As discussed
in Section C.3, the impacts of decarbonization are
unevenly distributed between high-income and
low-income regions. Low-income economies could
experience a slow-down in economic growth in the
absence of complementary and adjustment policies
because their economy is less diversified and
relatively more reliant on fossil fuel than middle- and
high-income economies (except FFEDCs). In addition,
low-income economies tend to face a relatively high
cost of capital and a limited access to international
financial markets which hinder governments and firms
in those countries to finance the transition towards a
low-carbon economy.
Several options, including additional financial
mechanisms, have been discussed in the literature
to enable developing countries, and in particular
LDCs, to offset the economic costs associated with
the transition from an economy based on relatively
cheap fossil fuels to an economy based on low-
carbon technologies. For example, the so-called
Global Carbon Incentive (GCI) would establish a
global fund into which regions emitting more than the
global average would contribute to the fund, while
regions emitting less than the average would receive
revenues from the fund (Cramton et al., 2017; Rajan,
The WTO GTM was used to explore how such a
global fund could contribute to a just low-carbon
transition. The simulations suggest that implementing
an additional financing mechanism to distribute the
low-carbon transition burden between high- and
low-income countries could increase low and lower-
middle income countries’ real income by 4.5 per cent
and 3.2 per cent, respectively, thus turning the initial
negative impact of decarbonization for low-income
countries into a positive impact on economic growth
(see Figure C.5). Additional financing mechanisms
can therefore play an important role in rebalancing
the decarbonization impacts with a relatively minimal
cost and contribute to a just low-carbon transition.
Figure C.4: International cooperation is needed to reduce carbon emissions and limit global
warming to less than 2°C
Bekkers et al. (2022).
Results based on the WTO GTM. The “business as usual” scenario assumes countries continue to apply their climate change
policies at their 2021 levels. The “divided world” scenario assumes countries adopt unilaterally climate change policies. The “low-carbon
cooperation 2050” scenario assumes countries cooperate by adopting a global carbon pricing system.
Global surface temperature
(degrees Celsius)
Business as usual
Divided world Low-carbon cooperation 2050
(b) International cooperation on climate
adaptation is broad and diverse
International cooperation on climate change mitigation
is cross-cutting and involves a broad range of actors
at the national, regional, plurilateral and multilateral
level. The UNFCCC is the central multilateral
framework for tackling climate change, providing an
international forum for global negotiations on climate
change, while also coordinating the implementation
of climate policies. Such coordination can play an
important role in the development of national GHG
reduction policies, as it can provide assurance to
domestic policymakers that commensurate efforts are
being taken internationally by key trading partners. A
number of countries also pursue bilateral and regional
agreements on climate change mitigation in parallel
to and in support of the commitments established
under the UNFCCC (OECD, 2015).
Other international cooperation efforts, including
through other multilateral environmental agreements,
have also increasingly looked at how enhanced
coordination under their own frameworks could support
climate action. For example, the parties to the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone
Layer adopted the Kigali Amendment to reduce the
production and trade of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
a refrigerant with high global-warming potential. Its
full implementation is expected to prevent up to 0.C
of global warming by the end of the century. Some
sectoral cooperation efforts are directly related to
climate mitigation, such as sustainable forestry efforts
under the International Tropical Timber Organization
(ITTO), support for low-carbon energy transition at the
International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and efforts to
decarbonize transportation under the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) (see also Chapter E).
Cooperation and coordination among non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), and between
them and governments, are also on the rise.
private sector has also intensified its engagement
in international cooperation on climate change
Figure C.5: Greater cooperation with additional financing mechanism would support a just
low-carbon transition
Bekkers et al. (2022).
Results based on the WTO GTM. The figure displays the change in real income in 2050 relative to “business as usual” scenario.
The “business as usual” scenario assumes countries continue to apply their climate change policies at their 2021 levels. The “low-carbon
cooperation 2050” scenario assumes countries cooperate by adopting a global carbon pricing system. The “low-carbon cooperation 2050
with global fund” scenario assumes that countries cooperation by adopting a global fund to compensate adversely affected countries.
Each country’s net payment to the global fund is calculated on the basis of the difference between the country’s per capita carbon
emissions and the global average per capita emissions, multiplied by its population and a reference global price for carbon emissions.
Lower-middle income Higher-middle income High-income Fossil fuel
Change in real income in 2050
Low-carbon cooperation 2050 Low-carbon cooperation with a global fund 2050
(c) International cooperation on trade can
support and enhance climate change
mitigation actions
Although the term “international trade” does not
feature in the Paris Agreement, its parties have
discussed numerous trade-related elements to
support climate efforts as part of their cooperation
under several technical bodies, including the Forum
on Response Measures, the Katowice Committee
of Experts (KCI) and the Koronivia Joint Work on
Agriculture. In such discussions, the potential role of
trade to support parties in their climate efforts has
often been highlighted, including the role of trade in
helping countries to diversify economically away from
their reliance on carbon-intensive sectors and with
the just transition of workforces to new low-carbon
sectors (UNFCCC, 2016b).
International trade is also an integral part of a
limited but increasing number of countries’ NDCs to
achieve their climate mitigation goals (WTO, 2021f).
A review of the NDCs announced in the run-up to
the 21
Conference of the Parties or Paris Climate
Conference (COP21) of 2015 reveals that, while
45 per cent of NDCs included a direct reference to
trade, only around 22 per cent of all NDCs referred
to specific trade-related measures geared towards
fostering emission mitigation (Brandi, 2017). The
trade implication of some of these explicit measures
listed in NDCs may, however, not necessarily
materialize depending on the instruments and
measures ultimately adopted at the domestic level to
implement them.
The last 30 years have seen a rapid proliferation
of regional trade agreements (RTAs). While RTAs
traditionally aimed at lowering tariff and non-tariff
trade barriers, an increasing number of RTAs explicitly
address sustainable development and environmental
issues. The number and level of detail of
environmental provisions in RTAs has also increased
significantly over the years (see Figure C.6), with the
most detailed provisions often found within chapters
dedicated to environment or sustainable development
or within environmental cooperation agreements
(Monteiro, 2016).
Provisions that explicitly address climate change in
RTAs have similarly increased over the years, although
these tend to be less frequent (namely, 64 RTAs
notified to the WTO) and detailed than other types of
environmental provisions (WTO, 2021b).
Figure C.6: Environmental provisions in RTAs continue to expand
Authors’ calculations, based on updated data from Monteiro (2016).
Analysis based on RTAs notified to the WTO. “North” is defined as high-income countries, whereas “South” is defined as middle-
and low-income countries according to the World Bank’s country classification.
1980 1985 1990 1996 2001 2007
Year of signature
2012 2018
South-South RTA
North-South RTA North-North RTA
Number of types of environmental provisions
Provisions on climate change can take many forms.
Some provisions underscore the importance of
addressing climate change, including through trade
in environmental goods and services and reducing
subsidies for fossil fuels, while others require
the parties to effectively implementing the Paris
Agreement and adopt climate change policies.
The most common type of provisions identifies
climate change mitigation as a cooperation area,
covering different issues including alternative energy
and energy conservation, sustainable forestry
management, and activities related to aspects of the
international climate change regime with relevance for
Explicit provisions on climate change are often
complemented by other environmental provisions.
For instance, provisions establishing level-playing-
field commitments to ensure environmental policies
are effectively applied. RTAs may also establish
institutional arrangements as tools for ensuring
implementation. These can entail, for example, setting
up committees to ensure dialogue on implementation,
implementing public accountability mechanisms,
and carrying out ex post reviews of commitment
implementation (Monteiro, 2016; Monteiro and
Trachtman, 2020).
In addition to regional trade initiatives, the multilateral
trading system provides an enabling framework that
contributes to can support climate mitigation efforts.
As discussed below in greater detail, WTO rules, the
WTO monitoring and transparency functions, and the
Aid for Trade initiative provide important mechanisms
to foster a coherent linkage between trade and
climate policies.
(d) WTO rules help to prevent
protectionism and to promote efficient
and effective trade-related climate
Measures adopted by WTO members in pursuit of
climate goals may, by their very nature, restrict trade
and thereby affect the rights, under WTO rules, of
other members. The WTO Agreements expressly
recognize the rights of WTO members to adopt
measures to protect the environment so long as they
are not applied arbitrarily and are not more restrictive
than necessary. WTO members have also reaffirmed,
at the political level, that WTO rules do not override
environmental protection (WTO and UNEP, 2009,
The preamble of the Marrakesh Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO
states that sustainable development
and the protection of the environment are central
objectives of the multilateral trading system.
According to WTO jurisprudence, the preamble to
the WTO Agreement “informs” the reading of all WTO
covered agreements and “shows that the signatories
to that Agreement were, in 1994, fully aware of
the importance and legitimacy of environmental
protection as a goal of national and international
The common understanding on the urgent need
to act on climate, as enshrined, for example, in the
Paris Agreement, is important since WTO law
should not “be read in clinical isolation from public
international law.”
A deeper understanding by
the trade community of the content and rationale
of the multilateral climate framework can be key
to enhancing the mutual supportiveness between
the two systems. This requires enhanced domestic
coordination between ministries and domestic
agencies involved in trade and climate policies and
diplomacy, but it is also carried out by the regular
work of the Committee on Trade and Environment
(CTE), as discussed below.
While WTO rules do not prevent members from
adopting a wide range of ambitious climate measures,
they do impose a series of requirements to ensure
that measures are tailored to their objectives.
In particular, members seeking to adopt trade-
related climate measures must respect a series of
key WTO principles, such as non-discrimination
between domestic and foreign products (national
treatment) and among trading partners (most-
favoured nation treatment), transparency in designing
and implementing the measure, avoiding creating
unnecessary barriers to trade, and the prohibition on
quantitative restrictions to trade.
However, even if certain climate measures might,
at first, appear to be contrary to one or more of
such principles as defined in WTO Agreements
(e.g., because they impose restrictions on trade in
certain particularly carbon-intensive goods), WTO
rules contain important flexibilities that allow for the
accommodation of legitimate policies. Article XX of
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
introduces the “general exceptions” to obligations
under this agreement, one of the main examples
of such flexibility. However, several other WTO
Agreements contain similar flexibilities, such as the
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS),
the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreements,
and the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment
Measures (TRIMs Agreement). WTO adjudicators
have reaffirmed time and again the rights of WTO
members to determine their own environmental and
climate policies, as well as the degree of protection
they choose, even if that significantly restricts trade.
Environment-related disputes at the WTO have
helped to clarify that there are several useful checks
to ensure that trade-related measures to fight climate
change are not misused for protectionist purposes.
These checks include:
Coherence: The trade restriction or difference
in treatment between domestic and imported
products can be explained by the legitimate
objective pursued rather than by the granting of
protection to domestic sectors.
Fit-for-purpose: The measure can efficiently
contribute to the legitimate objective in a balanced
way or is part of a domestic conservation
policy also restricting domestic production or
Mindful and holistic: The measure forms part of a
holistic climate policy and considers the impact
on other countries, as well as on other national,
regional and international efforts on the same
Flexible: The measure is result-oriented and takes
into account alternative measures to address the
same challenge as effectively.
Environmental measures modified in light of these
principles following WTO disputes have resulted
in more coherent and effective measures to protect
the environment, even if they have also led to more
significant trade effects. That is because once the
unjustifiable or arbitrary discriminatory elements of
these measures were corrected or eliminated, the
environmental policies were often applied to a wider
and more coherent number of goods, more effectively,
and more in line with the legitimate objective (WTO,
Several other WTO disciplines also seek the same
objective of ensuring better, more effective and
less distorting trade policies aimed at legitimate
objectives. A number of WTO agreements address
specific types of trade-related measures, which can
be applied to address climate change, as discussed
in Section C.2.
The TBT Agreement covers mandatory technical
regulations, voluntary standards and conformity
assessment procedures in respect of all products
(including industrial and agricultural products). It
recommends that technical regulations should,
to the extent possible, be based on performance,
rather than on design and descriptive features.
This principle helps to ensure that producers and
innovators anywhere — including from developing
countries and LDCs — can find the most effective
and efficient way of fulfilling the requirements of the
technical regulation. It can also avoid “locking-in”
certain technological solutions that might no longer
be the most environmentally efficient in the future.
The TBT Agreement also recognizes the need to
support developing-country producers to comply
with such requirements.
The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
establishes a balanced framework for the innovation
and dissemination of climate technologies for
the mutual benefit of innovators and technology
users, in particular through a range of tailored
domestic measures concerning the governance of
the intellectual property (IP) system for social and
economic welfare. The IP system works in conjunction
with international trade to facilitate knowledge
transfers and diffusion of critical mitigation
technologies, including through the effect of GVCs
and knowledge spillovers, and trade in knowledge-
intensive goods (Delgado and Kyle, 2022).
Under Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement
developed-country members are required to provide
incentives for enterprises and institutions in their
territories to encourage technology transfer to LDCs.
Since 2003, developed-country members have been
required to submit annual reports on actions taken or
planned in this area. A review of the annual reports
submitted by nine developed-country members
between 2018-20 reveals that some 754 technology
transfer programmes, of which 152 covered
environmental and climate change technologies
transferred to 41 LDC recipients.
Around 82
per cent of these programmes focused on various
climate-related issues, including renewable energy,
energy efficiency, climate adaptation and sustainable
water and forest management (see Figure C.7).
The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing
Measures (SCM Agreement) disciplines the use of
subsidies, and regulates the actions WTO members
can take to counter the effects of subsidies. While not
all climate support measures are covered by the SCM
Agreement (as it only covers financial contributions,
income or price supports that confer a benefit),
subsidies that are specific to certain enterprises and
cause adverse effects can be “actioned” by affected
WTO members by applying domestic measures
(countervailing duties) or through the WTO Dispute
Settlement System (WTO, 2020b). In addition,
subsidies contingent upon the use of domestic
goods or export performance are considered to be
particularly harmful to trade and prohibited.
The SCM Agreement used to include a list of certain
“non-actionable” subsidies, including those for R&D,
regional development and the adaptation of existing
facilities to new environmental requirements. However,
this provision applied only during the first five years
that the SCM Agreement was in force. A revival of
the category of non-actionable subsidies is often
discussed within the context of government support
for climate change mitigation (Howse, 2010).
In recent years, a few disputes concerning support
provided for renewable energy generation and
conditioned upon the use of domestic content (i.e.,
local content requirement) were brought before
the WTO Dispute Settlement System.
In none of
these disputes was the goal of promoting renewable
energy put into question. However, the aspects that
were found to be contrary to WTO disciplines were
the requirements for energy producers to use local
components and products. In addition, the Appellate
Body indicated that, when assessing the benefit
from a support measure for renewable energy, due
consideration of a country’s sustainable energy
production objectives should be given, and that an
appropriate benchmark should be used that could
take into consideration the differences in costs and
environmental externalities involved in fossil fuel-
based energy and renewable energy production.
In effect, these trade disputes raise the question of
whether local content requirements are effective
and appropriate means of promoting renewable
energy production. Some evidence suggests that
local content requirements have hindered global
international investment flows in solar PV and
wind energy, reducing the potential benefits from
international trade and investment (OECD, 2015;
Stephenson, 2013) and ultimately can hamper or slow
down climate change mitigation efforts (WTO and
IRENA, 2021).
The increasing use of trade defence measures, namely
antidumping, countervailing duties and safeguards,
against imports of renewable energy goods and
other products required for the low-carbon energy
transition has also raised concerns about their impact
on climate mitigation efforts (see Chapter F) (Horlick,
2014; Kampel, 2017; Kasteng, 2014; UNCTAD, 2014).
Figure C.7: Most environmental technology transfer programmes reported under TRIPS Article 66.2
relate to climate change
Authors’ calculations, based on the reports submitted by developed-country members under TRIPS Article 66.2
The numbers in parenthesis report the number of environmental technology transfer programmes by type of environmental objective
reported under TRIPS Article 66.2 between 2018 and 2020.
Renewable energy (57)
Water management (26)
Ecosystem (9)
Wildlife (3)
ment (7)
Forests (9)
Climate adaptation
Disaster prevention
Energy efficiency (22)
While WTO members have the right to decide
whether to initiate investigations and apply trade
defence measures (including based on public interest
considerations, such as climate change), WTO rules
seek to ensure that such measures and processes
are not abused.
The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) aims to reduce
trade restrictions on agricultural products caused
by barriers to market access, exports subsidies
and subsidies that directly stimulate production
and distort agricultural trade. The AoA contains,
however, a category of permissible subsidies, known
as "Green Box" support measures, which include
certain flexibilities for domestic support afforded
for environmental purposes. This, together with
certain conditions and other flexibilities for limited
distortive programmes, can provide members with
opportunities to pursue climate-related measures in
the area of agriculture (see Chapter B).
The plurilateral WTO Agreement on Government
Procurement (GPA 2012) commits its signatories
to opening their government procurement markets
to each other’s suppliers in a reciprocal manner.
The GPA 2012 can help governments to obtain
better value for money for climate-friendly goods
and services through GPP (See Section C.2).
The agreement notably allows parties to apply
technical specifications aimed at promoting natural
resource conservation or protecting the environment,
as well as to use the environmental characteristics of
a good or service as an award criterion in evaluating
As the low-carbon transition entails a change
in the composition of energy trade as well as
trade in manufactured inputs and complementary
products necessary to generate renewable energy,
governments may increasingly resort to trade
policies to adjust to and support this transition.
Greater cooperation on trade policies, such as trade
remedies, subsidies, IP protection and local content
requirements, would be necessary to discuss further,
and potentially clarify, strengthen and update WTO
rules to ensure the low-carbon transition can be
achieved as smoothly as possible.
(d) Transparency and dialogue support
coherent and fit-for-purpose climate
change policies
Transparency is an important feature of decision-
making and regulatory action to address
transboundary problems, such as climate change
(Gupta and Mason, 2014). It contributes to build
trust, enhance accountability, and potentially improve
the effectiveness of climate change policies.
Several WTO agreements require WTO members to
inform each other about new or forthcoming trade-
related measures, including those related to climate
change. The notification process is an essential tool
to facilitate access to information about trade-related
climate measures contemplated by members.
Under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism,
WTO members also carry out periodic collective
assessments of each member’s trade policies
and practices. These exercises promote greater
transparency in, and understanding of, members’
trade policies, including those that relate directly to
climate change.
The WTO Environmental Database (EDB) compiles
in one single interface the environment-related
measures notified by members, as well as the
environment-related information contained in
members’ trade policy review reports.
For transparency to be effective, it is essential to
go beyond the simple exchange of trade-related
information, and understand what is being notified
and their implications on other members. Through
its committees and other bodies, the WTO provides
a forum that give members the opportunity to share
experiences and best practices and address trade
concerns and avoid trade disputes.
Climate-related trade measures are discussed in most
WTO bodies. For instance, the Council for Trade in
Goods has recently discussed the European Union’s
plans for a carbon border adjustment mechanism.
Market access issues related to environmental services
were addressed in the Council for Trade in Services.
The TRIPS Council discussed a wide array of policies
and initiatives addressing the interplay of IP, climate
change and development.
The TBT Committee
considered several specific trade concerns related
to technical regulations and conformity assessment
procedures related to energy efficiency.
A more focused discussion on trade and climate
policies takes place in the CTE, where members
specifically meet to discuss how trade and
environmental measures could work better together to
promote sustainable development. These discussions
and information exchange also cover issues related
to the low-carbon transition, such as environmental
taxes and labelling schemes, sustainable natural
resource management, environmental goods and
services, and the environmental footprint of products
and organizations. The CTE also serves as a forum
where the secretariats of multilateral environmental
agreements, such as the UNFCCC, and other
institutions, such as the International Civil Aviation
Organization, regularly brief WTO members on their
trade-related environmental work.
At the same time, more could be done to ensure that
the work in the WTO leads to solutions and concrete
actions supporting the transition to a low-carbon
economy. Three new environmental initiatives – the
Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured
Discussions (TESSD) and the Informal Dialogue on
Plastics Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable
Plastics Trade (IDP) (both launched in November
2020), and the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform initiative
(FFSR) (launched in December 2021), share the
common goal of ensuring that trade and the WTO
form part of the solution to climate change and
environmental degradation.
These initiatives, which
are open to all WTO members, also actively involve
external stakeholders, such as NGOs, businesses,
academia and other international organizations, each
of which provide technical expertise and experience.
Climate change is one of the main themes of the
TESSD, which aim to complement discussions in the
CTE. Participants in the TESSD have been discussing
how trade-related climate change measures can best
contribute to climate and environmental goals and
commitments, while remaining consistent with WTO
rules. They are working towards identifying solutions
and concrete actions to contribute to the transition
to a low-carbon economy, including environmental
goods and services, the circular economy, sustainable
supply chains and the trade and environmental effects
of subsidies.
The IDP is concerned with the rising environmental,
health and economic costs of plastics pollution, since
99 per cent of plastics are fossil fuel-based, and can
release emissions throughout their lifecycle (CIEL,
2019). Plastics currently generate 1.8 gigatonnes
of CO
-equivalent, and this could more than
double by 2060 in the absence of significantly more
stringent and coordinated action (OECD, 2022c).
Participants in the IDP have been discussing how
the WTO can contribute to strengthening policy
coherence, exploring collective approaches among
WTO members, and improving technical assistance
to developing countries in support of global efforts
to reduce plastic waste and move towards a circular
plastics economy.
The FFSR initiative encourages the rationalization
and phasing-out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies
that lead to wasteful consumption. Globally, countries
subsidized fossil fuel production and consumption to
the tune of over US$440 billion in 2021 (IEA, 2022d).
The initiative foresees exploring the trade relevance
of discussing FFSR in the multilateral trading system,
including by taking stock of international efforts and
members’ priorities, discussing the development and
social aspects of FFSR, and providing updates on
members’ actions with regard to transparency and
In addition to dedicated environmental initiatives,
the WTO could further strengthen its role as a
forum for coordination and dialogue on trade
and climate change, as well as for cooperation
with other international organizations to develop
recommendations regarding the trade-related
policies and instruments needed for the transition to
a low-carbon economy (see, for example, Chapter D
on carbon pricing). In addition, the WTO could also
advance dialogue with the private sector to address
trade-related challenges for decarbonizing supply
chains (see also Chapter E).
(e) Aid for Trade can play an important
role in supporting a just transition to a
low-carbon economy
As discussed in Section C.2, climate finance is vital
for a just transition to a low-carbon economy. Yet,
climate finance levels remain far below what is needed
to prevent global temperature from rising above
1.C. Available estimates suggest that although total
climate finance has increased, on average, by almost
15 per cent between 2011 and 2020, the increase
in annual climate finance flows has slowed in recent
years. Projections suggest that annual climate
finance flows would need to increase by 590 per cent
in order to reduce GHG emissions by 45 per cent by
2030 and avoid the most dangerous consequences
of climate change (Climate Policy Initiative, 2021).
The Aid for Trade initiative can help to assist
developing countries and LDCs in mobilizing some
of the financial support required to meet their trade
integration objectives while pursuing the transition to
a low-carbon economy.
While Aid for Trade mainly tracks concessional
financing (official development assistance flows),
climate finance also includes non-concessional
financing (other official flows), export credits and
private finance mobilized through public climate
finance. In 2020, climate-related Aid for Trade
represented more than 50 per cent of climate-related
official development assistance flows, illustrating the
rising complementarities in trade, development and
climate agendas (OECD and WTO, 2022).
Over the period 2013 to 2020, US$ 80 billion were
disbursed to Aid for Trade projects with a climate-
mitigation objective; disbursements almost doubled
between 2013 (US$ 6.5 billion) and 2020 (US$ 12.3
billion) (see Figure C.8). In 2020, 43 per cent of
mitigation-related Aid for Trade targeted renewable
power generation, distribution and energy
conservation, while 23 per cent went to climate-
friendly infrastructure, and 17 per cent went to
agriculture, forestry and fishing.
With more developing countries and their financing
partners prioritizing climate mitigation in their
development programming, the share of Aid for Trade
dedicated to the transition to a low-carbon economy
is set to grow. However, more could be done to
exploit the synergies between climate finance and Aid
for Trade by mainstreaming trade considerations into
climate strategies – and climate considerations into
trade cooperation strategies.
5. Conclusion
The transition to a low-carbon economy would require
a substantial transformation of energy, production,
transport and land-use systems. This transformation
is unlikely to be achieved without ambitious climate
change policies that may comprise a broad range of
different measures, including market-based measures,
command-and-control regulations, information-based
instruments and voluntary agreements.
Trade can contribute to supporting the low-carbon
transition by incentivizing environmental innovation,
leveraging comparative advantages in the production
of low-carbon technologies and renewable energy,
and expanding access to and deployment of critical
low-carbon goods and services. A transition towards
a low-carbon economy is also likely to change what,
with whom and how trade is conducted. Trade in
renewable energy and electricity and trade in goods
and services produced and delivered with clean
energy could expand significantly.
While decarbonization offers new trading opportunities
for many economies, including developing countries, a
just low-carbon transition may require complementary
policies to help affected regions and vulnerable
groups, including MSMEs, to decarbonize and adjust
production and consumption patterns more smoothly.
Well-functioning labour and financial markets are
Figure C.8: Most Aid for Trade disbursement related to climate change mitigation covers
energy and transport
Authors’ calculations, based on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) DAC-CRS (Development
Assistance Committee Creditor Reporting System) Aid Activities Database.
Only projects with an explicit objective of mitigating climate change and projects identifying climate change mitigation as important
but secondary objective are considered as adaptation-related official development assistance.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Energy Transport and storage Industry OtherBanking and financial services
Aid for Trade disbursements related to climate change mitigation
(current US$ billion)
essential to support the economic changes needed to
move to a low-carbon future.
International cooperation is essential to achieve
a low-carbon economy. The WTO contributes
to supporting climate change mitigation actions
in several ways. WTO rules support members in
pursuing their climate objectives by helping to prevent
unproductive frictions and obstacles, and ensuring
efficient and effective trade-related climate policies.
By fostering transparency and providing a forum for
policy dialogue, the WTO can contribute to coherent
and fit-for-purpose climate policies. In addition, the
Aid for Trade initiative can support a just transition to
a low-carbon economy.
The progress on global climate actions, however, has
been insufficient to fully contain global temperature
increase. Greater international cooperation on climate
change mitigation is essential to promote a just low-
carbon transition. The WTO can further contribute to
strengthening the interlinkages between trade and
climate objectives by advancing solutions for trade-
related climate action.
1 GHGs comprise carbon dioxide (CO
), methane (CH
nitrous oxide (N
O) and fluorinated gases, including
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
and sulphurhexafluoride (SF
). Although discussions on
climate change tend to focus on CO
because it is the main
contributor to climate change, accounting for about three-
quarters (74.1 per cent) of total emissions, it is estimated
that methane contributes 17.3 per cent, nitrous oxide 6.2
per cent, and other emissions 2.4 per cent (WRI, 2022).
2 Reducing production and consumption to mitigate GHG
emissions is commonly known as “degrowth”. Although
controversial, this strategy has been proposed by some
scholars as an alternative means of achieving a low-carbon
economy which would allow to minimize unfeasibility and
unsustainability risks associated with strategies aimed at
decoupling GDP and GHG emissions (Keysser and Lenzen,
2021; Lenzen, Keysser and Hickel, 2022).
3 Unlike the previous framework for climate action under
the UNFCCC – the Kyoto Protocol – the Paris Agreement
requires all parties, whether developed or developing
countries, to take action and contribute to climate change
mitigation and adaptation.
4 Nevertheless, several challenges to the transition to a low-
carbon economy have been identified in the literature. For
instance, the so-called “green paradox” could arise if fossil
fuel owners chose to extract and monetize fossil fuel more
quickly in reaction to an anticipated phase-out of fossil
fuel assets, thereby causing more carbon emissions to be
released more quickly (Sinn, 2012).
5 For instance, 87 per cent of global annual farm support
(approximately US$ 470 billion) are estimated to be price-
distorting, as well as being environmentally and socially
harmful, with the vast majority of support provided for the
most emission-intensive products. The removal of fiscal
subsidies could decrease global GHG emissions from
agricultural production in 2030 by 11.3 million tonnes of
-equivalent (CO
e), while the removal of all border
measures could further reduce GHG emissions by 67.1
million tonnes CO
e (FAO, UNDP and UNEP, 2021).
6 Government procurement amounts to approximatively
US$ 11 trillion per year, accounting for about 12 per cent of
world GDP (Bosio and Djankov, 2020).
7 So-called food miles labels indicate that the product
is locally grown. As discussed in chapter E, although
international transportation, especially by air and road,
releases GHGs, it is not always the main contributor to a
product’s carbon footprint.
8 Eco-labels mandated by government agencies may also be
considered as environmental regulations.
9 Like GGP, voluntary agreements are voluntary in nature.
However, whereas GPP requires commitments on the part
of the government to use environmentally friendly goods
and services in the public procurement process, voluntary
agreements require commitments and action from private-
sector firms, with a view to reducing emissions.
10 In high-income countries, carbon pricing has a larger
percentage impact on the cost of living for poorer
households since they tend to spend a larger proportion of
their income on fuels (Goulder et al., 2019). Conversely, in
developing countries carbon pricing policies tend to have
a larger negative impact on the cost of living of the rich
households compared to the poor (Dorband et al., 2019).
11 The distributional impacts of removing fossil fuel subsidies
tends to be more progressive in developing countries than in
developed ones (Goulder et al., 2019). The removal of fossil
fuel subsidies impacts equity through several channels. It
impacts the cost of consumption directly, by raising the price
of fuels, and indirectly, by raising the prices of fuel intensive
products. Raising the price of fuels tends also to cause an
increase in the labour intensity of production. This in turn
raises employment opportunities and the greater scarcity of
labour raises the wage rate in relation to the rental rate on
capital (Malerba and Wiebe, 2021).
12 An accelerated delivery of international public finance will
be critical to a low-carbon transition, and the private sector
will need to finance most of the extra investment required.
Indeed, of the amount required for the energy transition
pathway aligned with the ambition to limit global warming to
less than 1.5°C, around US$ 3.4 trillion (59 per cent) and
US$ 2.2 trillion (60 per cent) are expected to come from
private-sector equity and lending, in the periods from 2021
to 2030 and from 2031 to 2050, respectively (IRENA,
13 Learning effects, economies of scale and technological
innovations, such as drones and artificial intelligence, could
reduce the labour intensity of the renewable energy sectors
in the long run (IRENA, 2021).
14 However, energy carriers are a less efficient mode of
energy transport compared to fossil fuel energy because
of the energy required for their production and potential
reconversion processes (Brändle, Schönfisch and Schulte,
15 The WTO GTM is a computable general equilibrium model,
focused on the real side of the global economy, modelling
global trade relations See Aguiar et al. (2019) for a
technical description of the WTO GTM.
16 For modelling purposes, renewable energy includes solar
and wind power. It does not include hydrogen, which is
included, for the purpose of the simulation, in the non-
electricity nest of the production structure. Switching to
renewable energy could lead to higher trade in that energy,
but also to higher trade in other minerals.
17 In these simulations, fossil fuel export-dependent countries
and regions are Russia, the Middle East and Northern Africa.
18 Although green hydrogen offers an opportunity for energy
trade, the scale of trade in hydrogen is projected to be
smaller than the current scale of fossil fuels. The share of
trade in green hydrogen is projected to reach 17.6 per cent
of total energy trade by 2050 compared to 72.9 per cent for
fossil fuels exports in 2021.
19 Notified trade measures with the following objectives
are considered to be related to climate change, namely:
afforestation or reforestation; air pollution reduction;
alternative and renewable energy; climate change mitigation
and adaptation; energy conservation and efficiency; and
ozone layer protection. For more information, see WTO
20 See TBT Notification – Japan G/TBT/N/JPN/628.
21 See SCM Notification – China G/SCM/N/343/CHN.
22 See LIC Notification – Australia G/LIC/N/3/AUS/12.
23 See CMA Meeting, Japan-India, G/MA/M/74.
24 See also CMA Meeting Minutes G/MA/M/74; G/MA/M/73;
25 The average global temperature levels implied by different
paths of carbon emissions are obtained using the Model
for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate
Change (MAGICC) based on the projected CO
by the WTO GTM Model. For the “business-as-usual”
and “divided world” scenarios, it is assumed that CO
emissions post-2050 remain constant at 2050 levels.
emissions follow the Shared Socioeconomic
Pathway (SSP) 2-4.5 scenario of the IPCC, which assumes
a “middle of the road” world where trends broadly follow
their historical patterns resulting in a global warming of
2.5-2.7°C by 2100. For the “cooperation towards net zero”
scenario, it is assumed that CO
emissions will reach net
zero after 2050 and remain this way until 2100. Non-CO
emissions follow the SSP1-2.6 scenario of the IPCC, which
assumes a world of sustainability-focused growth and
equality resulting in a global warming of 1.7-1.8°C by 2100.
26 For modelling purposes, the different climate change
policy instruments are not distinguished. These policies
are implemented in the simulations as cost-neutral shifts in
production methods.
27 Examples of initiatives include the “We Mean Business
Coalition”, the Science Based Targets initiative, the UN
Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, the Global Cement and
Concrete Association (GCCA) 2050 Net Zero Global
Industry Roadmap, and the COP26 declaration on
accelerating the transition to 100 per cent zero emission
cars and vans.
28 Trade will also play a role in the implementation of Article6
of the Paris Agreement, which establishes rules for
internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs),
i.e., cooperative approaches to facilitate the exchange of
emissions reductions above those pledged under NDCs.
It has been estimated that, by 2030, carbon trading (i.e.,
the government-authorized buying and selling of credits
corresponding to emissions of a certain amount of GHGs)
under ITMOs could save US$ 250 billion a year in climate
mitigation costs in the energy sector alone (Edmonds et al.,
29 See for instance Colombia-Ecuador-European Union-Peru
RTA and European Union-United Kingdom RTA.
30 Although there is limited empirical evidence on the
effectiveness of provisions on climate change in RTAs,
environmental provisions in RTAs have been found to
reduce the emissions of certain pollutants, including CO
emissions (Martinez-Zarzoso and Oueslati, 2018) and
deforestation (Abman, Lundberg and Ruta, 2021).
31 At the Doha Ministerial Conference, in 2001, WTO
members recognized that, under WTO rules, no WTO
member should be prevented from taking measures for
the protection of the environment at the levels it considers
appropriate, as long as these measures are not applied
in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary
or unjustifiable discrimination between countries where
the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction
on international trade. See ttps://www.wto.org/english/
32 See https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/04-
33 Appellate Body Report, US – Shrimp (1998), para. 129.
34 Appellate Body Report, US – Gasoline (1996), p. 17.
35 Appellate Body Report, US – Gasoline (1996), p. 25.
36 Appellate Body Reports, US – Gasoline, US – Shrimp;
EC – Asbestos, Brazil – Retreated Tyres; and US – Tuna II
37 The nine developed-country members are the European Union
(with 55 technology transfer programmes), the United States
(35), Norway (24), Japan (10), Switzerland (10), the United
Kingdom (8), Australia (6), Canada (3) and New Zealand
(1). The main LDC beneficiaries of the technology transfer
programmes are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mozambique,
Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
38 Although not directly focused on climate mitigation, the
Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies adopted at the 12th
WTO Ministerial Conference in June 2022 could also
help to contribute to climate mitigation strategies by
improving the energy efficiency of vessels (Kristofersson,
Gunnlaugsson and Valtysson, 2021) and supporting more
sustainable diets (Gephart et al., 2021) (see Box B.5).
39 Some WTO members have, in the past, formally proposed
the reintroduction of the non-actionable subsidies category,
including that adopted for environmental purposes,
specifically in favour of developing-country members. No
decision on this matter has been adopted so far. See WTO
official documents number WT/MIN(01)/17, TN/RL/W/41
and WT/GC/W/773, which can be accessed at https://
40 See, for example, Canada – Feed in Tariff; India – Solar
Cells; and US — Renewable Energy.
41 See Canada – Feed in Tariff, at paragraphs 5.174-190.
42 The GPA 2012 has 21 parties covering 48 WTO members.
More information is available at: https://www.wto.org/
43 It has been estimated, for instance, that through the work of
the TBT Committee on specific trade concerns, € 80 billion
worth of unnecessary trade costs affecting EU exports
were avoided over a 10-year period (Cernat and Boucher,
44 See https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news20_e/
45 See https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news20_e/
46 See https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news21_e/
47 See, for instance, https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/
48 Three separate ministerial statements were launched at
a joint event on 15 December 2021: TESSD Ministerial
Statement (WT/MIN(21)/6/Rev.2); IDP Ministerial
Statement (WT/MIN(21)/8/Rev.2); and FFSR Ministerial
Statement (WT/MIN(21)/9/Rev.1).
49 For example, a virtual “Trade 4 Climate” Dialogue was
hosted by the WTO and the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC) on 26 October 2021: https://www.wto.
Carbon pricing and
international trade
Although different instruments can be used to mitigate climate
change, carbon pricing has attracted increasing attention. This
chapter explores the role of carbon pricing in reducing greenhouse
gas emissions and its implication on international trade and trade
policies. Carbon pricing puts a price on carbon emissions, which
can motivate firms and individuals to make more climate-friendly
investing and purchasing decisions. While the proliferation of
carbon pricing schemes highlights the urgency to tackle climate
change, they may lead to an unnecessary complex patchwork of
domestic and regional schemes. Greater international cooperation
is essential to find common solutions to carbon pricing, and the
WTO remains an appropriate forum to contribute to these efforts.
1. Introduction 80
2. Carbon pricing policies can be an important strategy
to reduce carbon emissions 80
3. Uncoordinated carbon pricing policies may undermine
climate action and lead to trade tensions 85
4. Greater international cooperation is required to advance
ambitious carbon pricing policies 90
5. Conclusion 94
Key facts and findings
Almost 70 carbon pricing initiatives, covering 23 per cent of global greenhouse gas
emissions, have been adopted in 46 national jurisdictions worldwide. A proliferation
of different carbon pricing initiatives increases the risk of creating a complex
patchwork of different systems.
A uniform global carbon price would be more efficient to reach emission reduction
targets than regional carbon prices because it would allow emissions to be reduced
in places where it costs less to do so.
Carbon pricing policies in the absence of adjustment policies can adversely affect
low-income regions and exporters of fossil fuels and of emission-intensive products.
However, carbon pricing policies can also help countries to diversify their economies
away from fossil fuel energy.
Uncoordinated carbon pricing policies increase the risk of carbon leakage,
competitiveness losses in regions implementing ambitious climate policies,
and additional administrative costs.
Although border carbon adjustment can, to some degree, help address carbon
leakage and limit competitiveness loss, it can also generate trade conflicts and
economic losses for countries affected.
1. Introduction
Achieving large greenhouse gas (GHG) emission cuts
at the pace necessary to avoid the worst consequences
of climate change has become a pressing challenge
for policymakers and has reignited the debate about
appropriate climate policy responses. Carbon pricing
is often seen as an important instrument to accelerate
a low-carbon transition by incentivizing firms and
individuals to reduce their carbon emissions or pay for
their carbon emissions.
This chapter explores the features, challenges and
trade implications of carbon pricing. It reviews the
trade relevance of a global carbon pricing scheme as
a means of preventing a patchwork of uncoordinated
carbon pricing policies. A proliferation of different
carbon pricing policies could lead to high transaction
costs and the introduction of border carbon adjustment
(BCA) mechanisms, which could, in turn, lead to trade
tensions. The chapter concludes by discussing the
importance of international cooperation to address the
fragmentation of carbon pricing schemes and support
ambitious climate mitigation actions.
2. Carbon pricing can be an
important instrument to reduce
carbon emissions
GHG emissions create social and market costs, also
known as externalities, which are not reflected in the
value of products, services or financial assets (see
Chapter C). To correct this market failure, carbon
pricing is often presented, by many economists, as
the most efficient approach to cut GHG emissions.
Carbon pricing is a market-based instrument that sets
a price on carbon dioxide (CO
) or equivalent GHG
emissions. The carbon price reflects the additional
cost on the environment and the society of emitting
an extra unit of GHG (e.g., ton of CO
or equivalent
GHG). Carbon prices encourage producers to
decrease the carbon intensity of the production and
transportation processes, and consumers to buy less
carbon-intensive goods and services.
While a large part of the current debate about
climate change policy relates to carbon pricing, the
implementation of carbon pricing schemes faces
important political challenges given its potentially
major domestic and international distributional
consequences. A well-designed carbon pricing policy
needs to be complemented with additional policies
to address distributional concerns and other market
failures associated with a low-carbon transition (see
Chapter C).
(a) Carbon pricing schemes proliferate but
cover only a modest share of emissions
Carbon pricing can be imposed implicitly through the
compliance costs of price-based regulations (e.g.,
fossil fuel prices or renewable energy subsidies) or
explicitly by specifying a price directly on carbon
emissions. Explicit carbon pricing can take two main
forms: carbon tax and emissions trading scheme
(Fischer and Fox, 2007; Goulder and Schein, 2013;
WTO and UNEP, 2009).
The carbon tax is determined by the regulator
who sets a price on carbon through a tax or fee
on GHG emissions or on the carbon content of
fossil fuels. While the price of carbon is fixed, the
quantity of emissions released into the atmosphere
is initially unknown and will depend on the firms’
and consumers’ reaction to the carbon tax. Some
might choose to pay the carbon tax and emit GHG
emissions, while others might opt to reduce their
carbon emissions so as to avoid paying the carbon
tax. As a result, carbon tax makes the realization of
carbon reduction targets more uncertain.
Under an emission trading system (sometimes
referred to as “cap and trade” or “allowance trading”),
the regulator sets a maximum quantity of GHG
allowed to be emitted in a given year (i.e., cap)
and issues allowances (or permits) to emit GHG to
match the cap on total emissions. Operators must
hold allowances for every ton of GHG they emit. An
allowance market is created to allow operators to buy
or sell allowances. Operators who emit more GHG
than they have allowances for have to buy allowances.
Conversely, operators that reduce their carbon
emissions can sell their unused allowances. The
interaction between the demand and supply in the
market determines the price of an allowance, i.e., the
carbon price. Unlike a carbon tax, the carbon price
in an emission trading scheme is less certain but the
quantity of GHG emitted is more predictable.
The number of jurisdictions with carbon pricing
schemes has accelerated in recent years. As of 2022,
close to 70 carbon pricing initiatives are implemented
in 46 national jurisdictions (World Bank, 2022). Most
carbon pricing schemes have been adopted in high-
and upper middle-income economies, while a couple
of lower middle-income economies, such as Côte
d’Ivoire and Pakistan, are considering introducing a
carbon pricing scheme.
Carbon taxes are more common than emission trading
schemes, in part because they are relatively easier to
manage and involve lower administrative costs than
emission trading schemes. Some jurisdictions have
implemented both a carbon tax and an emission
trading scheme to address emissions from different
Existing carbon prices vary widely across jurisdictions,
ranging from less than US$1 to more than US$130
per ton of CO
(see Figure D.1). Carbon prices tend
to be higher in high income-economies and have hit
record levels in many jurisdictions in 2021.
Although the number of countries with carbon pricing
is increasing, existing carbon pricing schemes
cover only 23 per cent of total carbon emissions. In
addition, less than 4 per cent of global emissions
is currently covered by a carbon price in the range
needed by 2030 to prevent the average global
temperature from increasing by 2°C (World Bank,
2022). The High-Level Commission on Carbon
Prices concludes, based on a review of literature and
policy experiences, that a price between US$50 and
US$100 per ton of CO
would be required to meet
the Paris Agreement temperature objective (High-
Level Commission on Carbon Prices, 2017).
(b) Pricing carbon globally could
contribute significantly to the
low-carbon transition
In adopting the Paris Agreement, countries committed
collectively to limit the average global temperature
rise to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to
limit warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century.
To achieve that objective, each government chose
its own national determined contribution (NDC) to
limit and reduce GHG emissions (see Chapter C).
However, while the international climate change
regime encourages broad-based participation, it
also causes heterogeneous climate change policies
across countries, with some countries implementing
more stringent climate policies than others.
Every five years, countries are required to revise and
update their NDCs. Recent analysis shows that the
current NDCs and other climate mitigation measures
adopted would only reduce global carbon emissions
by 7.5 per cent by 2030, well below the 50 per
cent reduction by 2030 necessary to limit global
temperature rise to less than 1.5°C (UNEP, 2021a).
Given the limited progress made towards a low-
carbon transition, a number of economists,
governments, international organizations and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) have called for a
global carbon pricing mechanism, on the basis that
a common approach would raise the price and thus
decrease demand for carbon-intensive goods and
services, leading to a reduction in GHG emissions.
A relatively recent strand of economic literature
analyses the features, challenges and trade
Figure D.1: Carbon prices vary widely but their GHG emission coverage remains low
Authors’ calculation, based on data on carbon pricing schemes from the World Bank Carbon Pricing Dashboard.
The figures display national and regional carbon prices in 2022. Each bubble represents the GHG coverage by a country’s carbon
pricing scheme(s) relative to global GHG emissions. The average carbon price is calculated for countries with more than one regional,
national and subnational carbon price schemes.
GDP per capita in 2021
Carbon price in 2022 (US$/tCO
0 50,000 100,000 150,000
Global GHG
coverage (%)
Global GHG
coverage (%)
Carbon tax Emission trading scheme (ETS)
Carbon tax and ETS
Country's carbon pricing GHG coverage in 2022
Carbon price in 2022 (US$/tCO
0 20 6040 80 100
Lower middle-income Upper middle-income
implications of global carbon pricing schemes
(Böhringer et al., 2021; Nordhaus, 2015; Stiglitz,
2015). Different types of global carbon pricing
mechanisms have been proposed in the literature.
Under an international emission trading scheme,
country-specific GHG emission reduction targets
are set and countries would sell or buy the surplus or
deficit of emission rights. In contrast, an international
carbon taxation scheme requires countries to apply
a tax on GHG emissions or policies realizing an
equivalent reduction in GHG emissions (Cramton et
al., 2017; Nordhaus, 2013).
The WTO Global Trade Model (GTM)
was used
to simulate carbon emission paths under various
scenarios and infer the carbon prices required to
achieve by 2030 specific emission cut targets. The
carbon prices are analysed under a uniform global
carbon pricing scheme and under uncoordinated
region-specific carbon pricing schemes. For the
purpose of the simulations, two targets for cutting
global emissions are considered: (i) the global
emission reduction necessary to achieve the
initial NDCs submitted in 2015;
and (ii) the global
emission reduction that would limit the average global
temperature rise to 2°C.
The simulation results suggest that the implementation
of the initial NDCs would correspond to a 10 per
cent reduction in global carbon emissions in 2030
compared to a baseline scenario in which countries
do not take climate action. A reduction in carbon
emissions of 27per cent in 2030 would, however, be
required to prevent the average global temperature
from rising above 2°C (IPCC, 2022b).
The simulation results further confirm that a uniform
global carbon pricing mechanism is more efficient
than uncoordinated regional carbon pricing schemes.
In particular, under uncoordinated carbon pricing
schemes, an average international carbon price of
US$73 per ton of carbon
would be needed to cut
emissions to prevent the average global temperature
from rising above 2°C. The same climate objective
could, however, be achieved with a lower uniform
global carbon price of US$ 56 (see Figure D.2).
Unlike uncoordinated carbon pricing schemes, a
uniform carbon price incentivizes economic operators
to seek the lowest cost abatement options worldwide,
allowing the GHG emission abatement to take place
in the least costly place. In addition, a global carbon
price establishes a transparent price signal that can
spur even greater low-carbon innovation.
Carbon pricing would, however, also incur losses
in output because it generates distortions to the
economy. Following the introduction of a carbon
price, the price of fossil fuel energy and other carbon-
intensive goods and services increase, which makes
production more expensive and reduces the demand
and production. In order to prevent the global
temperature from rising above 2°C, the projected
reduction in output would correspond to 0.46 per
cent of global GDP if a uniform carbon price is set
globally. In contrast, uncoordinated regional carbon
pricing would result in a 0.68 per cent reduction in
global GDP (see Figure D.2).
However, it is important to note that these reported
GDP effects do not reflect the global and regional
benefits of climate change mitigation. Carbon pricing
corrects market failures and thus contributes to a
higher welfare, since it helps to limit and avoid the
consequences of climate change at the global level
and induces environmental and health co-benefits at
the domestic level (see also Chapter C). In addition,
carbon pricing can help countries to become less
dependent on fossil fuels and support the transition
to a more diversified low-carbon economy by
mobilising public funding, and future-proofing long-
term investments into assets aligned with low-carbon
development objectives.
(c) Promoting carbon pricing globally
faces major challenges
While a well-designed global carbon pricing scheme
could support a low-carbon transition, its adoption
and implementation at a global scale face a number
of important challenges. In particular, two main
challenges are associated with promoting a global
agreement on carbon pricing: (i) free-riding and (ii)
fair burden-sharing.
(i) Free-rider problem
In the absence of coordination, individual countries
may have an economic incentive to hold off on
adopting carbon pricing until they observe how other
countries act, in order to benefit from the efforts
of those other countries. If the benefits of climate
mitigation accrue to all countries but the cost of
carbon pricing is only borne by the countries that
adopt carbon pricing, individual countries may not
have sufficient incentives to introduce carbon pricing.
The simulation results based on the WTO GTM
confirm that most countries and regions would not
have enough incentive to introduce a carbon pricing
scheme once a coalition of countries with more
ambitious climate targets decided to adopt carbon
This is because, as discussed above,
carbon pricing generates distortions and raises the
price of energy and the production costs, which can
depress the production. The output loss as a result
of introducing carbon pricing would deter most
countries from adopting carbon pricing policies.
Various approaches to overcome free-riding have
been proposed in the literature on carbon pricing.
For instance, carbon tariffs could be imposed on
non-participant countries to encourage them to
join the coalition of countries that have adopted a
common carbon pricing scheme (i.e., “tariff climate
club”) (Böhringer, Carbone and Rutherford, 2016;
Nordhaus, 2015). Different types of carbon tariffs
have been proposed, including a uniform import tariff
duty on imports from countries outside of the climate
club, regardless of the carbon content of the imported
products (Nordhaus, 2015) and import tariff duties
determined by the carbon content of imports (i.e.,
BCA). As discussed below, such options can have
important trade implications. Alternatively, a global
agreement on carbon pricing could be complemented
with financial or cooperation mechanisms to
incentivize non-participant countries to join the
coalition by providing them with financial or technical
support. For instance, as discussed in Chapter C, a
global carbon fund could redistribute the revenues of
carbon pricing between regions.
The WTO GTM was used to simulate potential,
hypothetical scenarios to illustrate the challenges
of promoting carbon pricing. The simulation results
suggest that a coalition of ambitious regions
adopting a carbon pricing scheme and imposing
on non-participant countries import tariff duties
determined by the carbon content of imports would
not be effective to encourage the adoption of carbon
pricing schemes. This is because the incentive to
avoid facing carbon tariffs would not be sufficient to
offset the adverse impact of introducing domestic
carbon policies in non-participant countries. Similarly,
a global carbon fund redistributing the revenues
of carbon pricing between regions according to
their emission level per capita (Rajan, 2021) would
not provide enough incentive for non-participant
countries to adopt a domestic carbon pricing
Conversely, the simulation results suggest that a
uniform import tariff duty applied by a coalition of
ambitious regions on non-participants’ imports
regardless of the carbon content of the imported
products imposed, would provide sufficient
incentives for non-participating regions to join the
carbon pricing coalition (Nordhaus, 2015). Similarly,
an emission trading scheme with relatively larger
Figure D.2: Global carbon pricing is more efficient than uncoordinated carbon pricing
Bekkers and Cariola (2022).
Simulation results based on the WTO GTM. The right panel displays the (weighted) average carbon price (in dollars per ton of
emission) that is needed to achieve the respective carbon emission cut target. The left panel indicates the projected global GDP
loss in per cent in 2030 following the implementation of carbon pricing relative to a hypothetical reference scenario in which countries
do not take climate action. The “initial NDCs” scenario assumes CO
emission cut targets set out in countries’ 2015 NDCs are achieved
by 2030. The “2°C target” assumes CO
emission cuts by 2030 consistent with limiting the average global temperature rise to less than
Uncoordinated carbon pricing Uniform global carbon pricing
Relative change in global GDP by 2030 (%) Required carbon price (US$ per ton of CO
Initial NDCs target
2°C target
-0.22 22.6
-0.10 13.7
-0.68 73.2
-0.46 56.5
emission reduction targets for developed economies
than for developing ones could incentivize developing
economies to participate in a global emission trading
However, introducing a global emission trading
scheme might involve a number of design challenges.
Individual countries could be reluctant to make
commitments on emission targets far into the future
given the risk that the emission reduction targets
set initially might ultimately be too high if economic
growth were to turn out higher than expected.
Furthermore, if global targets were negotiated first
and country-level emissions targets subsequently,
each individual country could have an incentive to set
low targets and let other countries make ambitious
commitments. In contrast, reaching an agreement
on a global carbon tax scheme would require all
countries to take responsibility at the same time
(Cramton et al., 2017).
(ii) Fair burden-sharing
The economic costs resulting from the implementation
of carbon pricing schemes need to be shared in
a fair way, in line with the principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) established
under the Paris Agreement. According to the CBDR
principle, all governments are responsible for
addressing global environmental destruction, but are
not equally responsible, in recognition of the fact that
economies that industrialized earlier have historically
contributed more to environmental degradation
than those economies of recent or ongoing
industrialization. The CBDR principle also reflects the
differences in economic capacities to contribute to
climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
As discussed above, adopting a carbon pricing
scheme in the absence of complementary policies
and financial mechanisms could negatively impact
non-participant countries, including LDCs and fossil
fuel export dependent countries. To address fair
burden-sharing considerations and incentivize more
countries to introduce carbon pricing schemes,
several proposals have been put forward in the
literature. For example, an international carbon price
floor (ICPF) system sets differentiated minimum
international carbon prices according to countries’
economic development, with a higher international
carbon price floor for high-income economies and a
lower one for low-income economies (Parry, Black
and Roaf, 2021).
The simulation results based on the WTO GTM
suggest that differential carbon price floors of
US$25, US$50 and US$75 for low-income, middle-
income, and high-income regions, respectively, would
be insufficient to insulate low-income regions from
the adverse effects of carbon pricing and a reduction
in real income (see Figure D.3). For many developing
regions, the real income decline would be nearly as
large as under a uniform carbon price of US$ 48 that
would produce equivalent reductions in global carbon
emissions. The benefit of differential carbon prices
for developing countries is limited because even a
low carbon price would impact production decisions
and thus reduce real income.
Furthermore, when
high-income regions introduce higher carbon prices,
there can be adverse spill-over effects on low-income
regions. For example, fossil fuels exported from low-
income countries will face higher taxes when they are
exported to high-income regions.
According to the WTO GTM simulation analysis,
other types of carbon pricing schemes, such as a
carbon pricing scheme implemented by a coalition
of countries, combined with a uniform import tariff
duty or a BCA, would also impact negatively on
low-income economies in the absence of support
measures (Bekkers and Cariola, 2022). In fact, the
simulation results suggest that a carbon pricing
scheme with a global carbon fund (Rajan, 2021) or
an emission trading scheme with relatively larger
emission reduction targets for developed economies
than for developing ones would enable to rebalance
some of the carbon pricing’s economic burden between
low- and high-income countries.
(iii) Technical challenges in global carbon
In addition to the two main challenges, promoting
carbon pricing globally also involves a number of
design and implementation issues.
A key choice is between an international carbon
tax scheme or an international emissions trading
scheme. Carbon tax is often considered to be
easier to implement than emission trading scheme.
Other advantages of a carbon tax over an emission
trading scheme include stable carbon prices that
can facilitate investment decisions without fear of
fluctuating costs and the possibility to generate large
tax revenues (Avi-Yonah and Uhlmann, 2009).
On the other hand, negotiations over a global carbon
tax also face challenges. Setting the international
carbon price(s) and calculating the carbon content of
products and services require relevant detailed and
up to date information, including on carbon emissions,
that might be missing for some countries or sectors.
The credibility and effectiveness of a global carbon
pricing system also depend on well-functioning
institutions and a high level of regulatory competence
and monitoring system (Rosenbloom et al., 2020).
A global carbon pricing mechanism also requires
a high level of coordination across jurisdictions.
Cross-country financial and technology transfers
might also be warranted, which could involve difficult
In addition, in the absence of affordable alternative
low-carbon technologies and solutions, carbon
pricing might fail to modify the behaviour of firms and
consumers, especially when the demand for carbon-
intensive goods and services is not very sensitive to
price changes. Other climate policies might have to
be implemented first to remove certain economic and
political barriers hindering the adoption of stringent
climate policy (Lonergan and Sawers, 2022). More
generally, effective carbon pricing policies need to
be complemented by other policies, including on
innovation, energy and infrastructure, to ensure the
availability of alternative, low-carbon technologies
and to address economic and political roadblocks
that may arise during the low-carbon transition.
3. Uncoordinated carbon pricing
policies could undermine climate
action and lead to trade tensions
Beyond the risk of free-riding, unilateral and
uncoordinated carbon pricing policies can raise
concerns about their environmental effectiveness
and impact on international competitiveness. Large
disparities in carbon pricing between countries can
lead to calls for the introduction of BCA mechanisms,
which risk generating trade tensions. BCA raises a
number of issues, both in terms of its design and of
its relevance to WTO rules.
(a) Uncoordinated mitigation policies
can lead to carbon leakage, loss of
competitiveness and burdensome costs
Uneven and uncoordinated climate change mitigation
efforts can displace carbon emissions from regions
with stricter climate policies to those with laxer ones;
this is known as carbon leakage (Mehling et al.,
2019). It can also lead to competitiveness losses in
industries and regions with more ambitious climate
Figure D.3: Low-income regions would be adversely affected by a global carbon price without
complementary mechanisms
Bekkers and Cariola (2022).
Simulation results based on the WTO GTM. The figure displays the change in real income relative to a hypothetical reference
scenario in which countries do not take climate action. The scenario “differential international carbon pricing floor” considers carbon price
floors of US$ 25, US$ 50 and US$ 75 for low-, middle- and high-income countries, respectively. The scenario “uniform global carbon
pricing” considers a uniform carbon price of US$ 48 with equivalent aggregate carbon emission reduction. The abbreviations read as
follows: European Free Trade Association (EFTA), European Union (EU-27) and Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Sub-Saharan Africa LDC
Sub-Saharan Africa other
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Latin America
Southeast Asia
Asia LDC
Asia other
Korea, Republic of
Relative change in real income by 2030 (%)
Differentialinternationalcarbon price floor Uniform global carbon price
change mitigation goals, and can generate substantial
compliance costs for companies complying with
policies in different jurisdictions.
(i) Differences in carbon prices are likely
to lead to limited carbon leakage
Carbon leakage occurs when the unilateral
implementation of a climate policy, like carbon pricing,
in one jurisdiction leads to higher emissions in other
jurisdictions. Carbon leakage can materialize through
different channels: (i)competitiveness, (ii)the energy
market, and (iii)income (Dröge et al., 2009).
Leakage through the competitiveness channel
happens when a unilateral carbon policy raises
production costs in one jurisdiction, causing domestic
firms to lose market share relative to foreign firms.
Leakage through loss of competitiveness rises with
the emissions differential between trading partners,
and the emission intensity and trade exposure of
products (Böhringer et al., 2022). Sectors particularly
exposed to carbon leakage include, among others,
cement, steel and aluminium.
Leakage through the energy market channel arises
when demand for fossil fuels in jurisdictions with
unilateral carbon policies is reduced, and this
depresses the world price of fossil fuels, thereby
increasing fuel consumption and carbon emissions
in jurisdictions without carbon policies. Leakage
through the income channel occurs when unilateral
carbon policies lead to changes in terms-of-trade,
which in turn affects the global distribution of income,
consumption and emissions (Cosbey et al., 2020).
Different factors can mitigate the risk of carbon
leakages. For instance, carbon leakage can decrease,
if environmental innovations resulting from unilateral
carbon pricing policies are adopted, through
technology spillovers, in jurisdictions without carbon
policies (Barker et al., 2007).
Carbon leakage can be measured in different ways,
including with leakage rates, defined as the change
in foreign emissions relative to domestic emissions
reductions as a direct consequence of unilateral
emissions pricing. For example, a leakage rate of x
per cent in a given jurisdiction indicates that x per
cent of the domestic emissions reduction resulting
from emissions pricing is offset by an increase in
emissions abroad.
The empirical evidence on the extent of carbon
leakage is mixed. For instance, numerous empirical
studies find little evidence that the European Union’s
Emission Trading System has led to carbon leakage
to jurisdictions outside Europe and attribute this
situation to the high number of allowances freely
allocated to emission-intensive trade-exposed (EITE)
industries to avoid leakage (Dechezleprêtre et al.,
2022; Naegele and Zaklan, 2019).
On the other hand, some empirical evidence also
suggests that that carbon leakage differs across
countries and can be substantial in some cases,
mostly for small open economies (Misch and
Wingender, 2021). The average leakage rate is found
to be 25 per cent, implying that a reduction of 100
tons of carbon emissions domestically would be
accompanied by an increase of 25 tons of carbon
emissions abroad.
In addition to empirical studies, simulation studies
have also assessed the risk of carbon leakage
associated with carbon pricing. An analytical
literature review of studies consisting mainly of
computable general equilibrium analysis reports an
average carbon leakage ratio estimated at around 14
percent (Branger and Quirion, 2014). More recently,
carbon leakage rates for industrialized countries have
been estimated to range between 5 per cent and 30
per cent (Böhringer et al., 2022).
According to the WTO GTM simulation analysis,
the estimated aggregate carbon leakage rates seem
to be relatively limited and do not exceed 13 per
cent (Bekkers and Cariola, 2022).
However, the
magnitude of the estimated carbon leakage rates
differs significantly by sector, with the chemical and
EITE sectors particularly exposed to carbon leakage
(see Figure D.4).
(ii) Competitiveness losses in emission-
intensive trade-exposed sectors could
be substantial
Firms in regions with more ambitious carbon policies
can face a loss in competitiveness, because a higher
carbon price increases the abatement costs and the
production costs as firms have to divert financial and
technical resources away from production and toward
reducing GHG emissions.
The empirical evidence on the competitiveness
consequences of environmental policy is mixed,
partly reflecting differences in types of pollutants
considered (i.e., local, regional and global pollutants)
as well as the use of different conceptual frameworks,
data sources and proxies, and econometric
methodologies (WTO, 2013). Carbon pricing has
been found to have only small effects on short-term
competitiveness (Venmans, Ellis and Nachtigall,
More generally, the empirical literature suggests
that differences in the degree of stringency of
environmental policies tend to influence the
distribution of pollution-intensive production
across countries, suggesting that more stringent
environmental policy can have a deterrent effect
on the production of pollution-intensive goods.
For instance, in Canada, more stringent air quality
standards have been found to have reduced export
revenues by about 20 per cent (Cherniwchan and
Najjar, 2022), and in the United States, changes
in environmental compliance costs have been
estimated to account for 10 per cent of the change
in US trade flows to Canada and Mexico (Levinson
and Taylor, 2008). Nonetheless, there is no robust
empirical evidence that the potential deterrent effect
of stringent environmental policy is strong enough to
be the primary determinant of the direction of trade
or investment flows (Copeland, Shapiro and Taylor,
2022) (see also Chapter E).
In addition to empirical analysis, simulation studies
have been used to analyse the risk of competitiveness
loss associated with carbon pricing. For instance,
unilateral carbon pricing has been found to lead to
competitiveness losses in EITE industries (Carbone
and Rivers, 2020). The WTO GTM simulation results
suggest that, although the overall loss of production
in EITE sectors in regions with more ambitious climate
targets would be modest, the loss of competitiveness
could be more substantial for some carbon-intensive
sectors, such as cement and aluminium (see Figure
D.5) (Bekkers and Cariola, 2022).
(iii) Uncoordinated carbon pricing
schemes increase administrative
and compliance costs
In addition to concerns of carbon leakage and
competitiveness loss, differences in carbon pricing
policies can impose additional administrative and
compliance costs.
Administrative costs correspond to the costs incurred
by the government to implement, monitor, and enforce
the carbon pricing scheme. Administrative costs of
a carbon tax include taxpayer registration, returns
filing and payments, inspection, audit, investigation
of fraud and dispute resolution mechanisms.
Administrative costs of an emission trading scheme
Figure D.4: Estimated carbon leakage could be large in some sectors but would remain limited
at the aggregate level
Bekkers and Cariola (2022).
Simulation results based on the WTO GTM. Leakage rate is defined as the increase in emissions in regions with less ambitious
climate policies divided by the reduction in emissions in regions with more ambitious climate policies. Sectoral leakage rates also cover
the indirect emissions from electricity use. The scenario “initial NDCs” assumes a set of high-income countries adopt a regional carbon
pricing scheme to reduce emissions from zero reduction target to their initial NDC target levels, while the other countries do not have any
targets. The scenario “carbon pricing floor” assumes that the group of high-income countries increases their carbon price from US$ 50
to US$ 75, while the other regions set carbon prices of US$ 25 (low-income regions) and US$ 50 (middle-income regions).
Carbon leakage rate in 2030
Selected sectors
Electrical equipment
Initial NDCs US$ 50 to US$ 75 carbon pricing floor
include establishing a registry for carbon emission
allowances, keeping track of the trade in allowances,
determining the allocation of free allowances, and
ensuring the integrity of auctions of allowances,
among other things (Avi-Yonah and Uhlmann, 2009;
Goulder and Schein, 2013). The administrative
costs associated with coordinating emission trading
schemes across jurisdictions can be lower than
coordinating heterogenous carbon taxes, because
the allowances establish a natural unit of exchange
(e.g., US$ X for Y tons of carbon) that links different
emission trading systems (Stavins, 2022).
Compliance costs are the costs borne by firms and
consumers in order to comply (or sometimes not to
comply) with the obligations set out in the carbon
pricing mechanism. The proliferation of different
carbon pricing schemes with different requirements
can make it difficult for exporters, in particular
MSMEs, to meet the many different criteria on which
carbon pricing schemes are based, particularly
when they target the same sectors or products
(Tietenberg, 2010).
(b) The absence of coordinated climate
actions could lead to the adoption of
border carbon adjustment mechanisms
In the absence of coordinated climate actions,
countries with more ambitious climate targets may
have an incentive to adopt some BCA mechanisms
to mitigate the risk of carbon leakage and
competitiveness loss that large differences in carbon
prices between countries might cause. Different
types of BCA mechanisms have been discussed in
the literature (WTO and UNEP, 2009).
BCA entails the introduction of a charge on the
carbon embodied in imported products from a
jurisdiction with a lower level of carbon pricing than
in the importing country or on imported products
whose embodied carbon was not otherwise priced.
BCA could also be applied by rebating the domestic
carbon price paid by firms when exporting their goods
to compensate for the higher carbon price faced
domestically compared with firms in the country to
which they are exporting. Because of the adjustment
at the border, final consumers in a jurisdiction would
Figure D.5: Estimated overall losses of competitiveness of emission-intensive trade-exposed
sectors would remain relatively limited
Bekkers and Cariola (2022).
Simulation results based on the WTO GTM. The figure displays the change in exports and output in EITE sectors relative to a
hypothetical reference scenario in which countries do not take climate action. The scenario “initial NDCs” assumes a set of high-income
countries adopt a regional carbon pricing scheme to reduce emissions from zero reduction target to their initial NDC target levels,
while the other countries do not have any targets. The scenario “carbon pricing floor” assumes that the group of high-income countries
increases their carbon price from US$ 50 to US$ 75, while the other regions set carbon prices of US$ 25 (low-income regions) and US$
50 (middle-income regions).
Relative change in emission-intensive
trade-exposed sectors by 2030 (%)
Region with ambitious
climate targets
Other regions
Region with ambitious
climate targets
Other regions
Real outputReal exports
Initial NDCs US$ 50 to US$ 75 carbon pricing floor
in principle face the same carbon tax rate on domestic
and imported goods (Elliott et al., 2013).
While the basic idea of BCA measures is relatively
straightforward, it remains a controversial tool.
A growing literature discusses the features, the
advantages and drawbacks of BCA, while highlighting
the various technical challenges associated with BCA.
(i) Economic arguments favouring border
carbon adjustment
BCA could reduce carbon leakage through the
competitiveness channel. By paying a BCA levy,
foreign producers would face the same effective
carbon price in an export market as domestic
producers in that market. The BCA mechanism would
remove any incentive for production to shift to regions
with a lower carbon price.
Simulation studies suggest that BCA mechanisms
could be effective in curbing carbon leakage through
the competitiveness channel (Bellora and Fontagné,
2022; Böhringer, Balistreri and Rutherford, 2012;
Branger and Quirion, 2014). The effectiveness of
BCA in reducing leakage rates is found to be higher in
studies that looked at sector-specific leakage for EITE
industries, as these sectors are the ones with highest
leakage rates (Böhringer et al., 2022). Simulations
results based on the WTO GTM show that the leakage
rate would be cut by about half when a BCA mechanism
is introduced in the simulation scenarios discussed
above. Although this reduction in carbon leakage seems
significant, this would make only a small contribution to
the reduction in global carbon emissions. Case studies
of the real-world implementation of BCA suggest that
reduction in carbon leakage will ultimately depend
on the BCA design and the sector targeted (Fowlie,
Petersen and Reguant, 2021).
Besides reducing carbon leakage, BCA could
also limit the loss of competitiveness of domestic
producers in EITE sectors. Simulation results
based on the WTO GTM show that applying a BCA
mechanism brings the levels of real exports and real
output in the regions with more ambitious climate
targets close to their levels before the introduction
of a carbon tax.
In that context, it is sometimes
argued that introducing a BCA mechanism would
reduce the domestic opposition towards domestic
carbon pricing, as BCA could level the playing field
for domestic producers (Böhringer et al., 2022).
BCA mechanisms could also offer a means to
encourage foreign jurisdictions directly affected by
the BCA to adopt more ambitious carbon pricing
to avoid border measures (Böhringer et al., 2022;
Dröge, 2011). The incentive to adopt a carbon pricing
scheme could also arise in anticipation of another
country’s intention to apply a BCA mechanism (World
Bank, 2022). However, the WTO GTM simulations
results discussed above seem to suggest that BCA
would not provide sufficient incentives to regions
without carbon pricing to join the group of ambitious
regions in introducing carbon pricing.
Finally, compliance with BCA would require firms to
report the amount of carbon emissions embodied in
the products they trade in order to calculate the tariff
associated with BCA. Meeting this requirement could
help enhance transparency of carbon footprints in
supply chains.
(ii) Economic arguments against border
carbon adjustments
Several concerns regarding BCA have been raised in
the literature. First, imposing tariffs could reduce the
global demand for imported goods, thereby driving
down prices of such goods and deteriorating the
terms-of-trade of exporters facing BCA (Bellora and
Fontagné, 2022; Böhringer, Fischer and Rosendahl,
2010; UNCTAD, 2021). The projected negative terms-
of-trade effects tend to be concentrated in countries
exporting energy-intensive products to countries
that impose BCA mechanisms (Weitzel, Hübler and
Peterson, 2012). In addition, if a BCA mechanism
is introduced by high-income economies with more
ambitious climate mitigation targets, adverse terms-
of-trade effects would be concentrated in low-income
regions, thus creating a potential tension with the
CBDR principle (Böhringer et al., 2022).
More generally, some important issues can be raised
with regard to the relationship between the CBDR
principle and efforts to address level playing field
concerns through BCA mechanisms. While the CBDR
principle recognizes the historical responsibility of
industrialized economies to adopt more ambitious
climate policies (e.g., Articles 2.2 and 4.3 of the Paris
Agreement), BCA seeks to ensure that companies
from different regions selling in the same market face
equivalent carbon prices.
Independent of the legal standing of such principles
and concepts under the applicable international
legal frameworks, several economic design options
have been discussed in the literature to try to reduce
eventual gaps between the two objectives. One
option could be to tailor the BCA to the level of
development of a given economy. However, such an
approach could raise administrative complexities and
would not necessarily contribute to a level playing
field. Another option identified in the literature could
be to allocate the revenues from the BCA to a carbon
fund used for mitigation or adaptation in low-income
regions (Falcao, 2020).
BCA would also involve considerable administrative
and compliance costs for governments and
companies. Furthermore, BCA could potentially lead
to trade conflicts between the regions imposing and
facing such levies. Simulation analysis has shown that,
for some economies, it would be optimal to impose
countermeasures to BCA to limit adverse economic
effects (Böhringer, Carbone and Rutherford, 2016).
In such a case, BCA could lead to tit-for-tat trade
conflicts and raises questions about its compatibility
with WTO rules.
(iii) Adopting BCA involves a host
of design questions
The design of BCA can influence an economy’s
competitiveness, its carbon leakage, its export
opportunities and its promotion of carbon pricing
policies. As discussed by Daniel C. Esty in his
opinion piece, design details of BCA mechanisms
are critical. Important questions on the design issues
could include (i) sectoral coverage; (ii) country
coverage; (iii) emission scope; (iv) embedded
emission benchmarks; (v) the possibility to “rebut”
a benchmark; (v) accounting for foreign carbon
policies; (vi)export rebates; and (vii)revenue use.
Sectoral coverage refers to the sectors targeted by
the BCA mechanism. There are two broad options
for this design feature: BCA can either cover only
EITE sectors, or it can cover a larger number of
manufacturing sectors. While including a larger
number of sectors can be administratively complex, it
can also lead to a larger reduction in carbon leakage
(Branger and Quirion, 2014).
Determining the country coverage of BCA requires
deciding whether the BCA-imposing country will
exclude a group of countries from the policy. For
example, the BCA-imposing country could apply a
policy uniformly to all trading partners or, alternatively,
it could exclude a group of countries based on various
criteria, such as income level, trade volume in covered
sectors, or national mitigation policies implemented.
The emission scope consists of the emissions
in the life cycle of a product that are included in
the calculation of BCA (Cosbey et al., 2020). As
discussed in Chapter E, although definitions vary,
scope 1 emissions are often referred to as the direct
emissions from a production process, while scope 2
emissions are indirect emissions from the generation
of purchased electricity, and scope 3 emissions are
all other indirect emissions (not included in scope 2)
that occur throughout the supply chain. This design
feature is important because, in some sectors, the
share of emissions stemming from the indirect use of
electricity is substantial if the electricity purchased is
generated with fossil fuels.
The reference for embedded emissions in the
importing or exporting country involves two broad
options. The first option is to use domestically-
determined benchmark emission levels for the covered
products. The second option is to use country-specific
benchmarks that are determined by each exporting
country facing BCA. Since emission intensities for the
same product may differ significantly from country to
country, this design feature may affect the effectiveness
of the BCA scheme to meet its objectives.
A country imposing BCA may provide foreign firms
with the possibility to “rebut” the imposition of border
charges based on averages or benchmarks and,
instead, ensure that the border charges ultimately
imposed are based on their own actual emission
levels. In principle, this gives these firms an incentive
to reduce emissions if their individual emissions are
lower than the benchmark emissions.
In order to take foreign mitigation measures into
account, BCA can use different options for adjusting
the price at the border, such as making an adjustment
based on different forms of carbon prices or on non-
price-based regulations in a foreign jurisdiction.
A country imposing BCA may also have to decide
whether the scheme will include export rebates. If the
BCA measure includes such rebates, exporters of
the covered goods in the country imposing the BCA
will be rebated for the additional carbon price paid
domestically vis-à-vis the carbon price imposed in
the destination market of the exports. If the measure
does not include export rebates, the BCA will only
apply to imports.
Lastly, the discussion related to revenue use revolves
around whether revenues collected from BCA should
be transferred to the general government budget of the
implementing country or used specifically to support
climate mitigation actions, for example, in developing
economies. The way such revenues are used could
change the distributional consequences of BCA.
4. Greater international cooperation
is required to advance ambitious
carbon pricing policies
Carbon pricing faces a number of challenges that
arise from the lack of coordination between countries.
Two-thirds of all submitted NDCs under the Paris
Agreement consider the use of carbon pricing to
achieve their emission reduction targets. This means
that more than 100 countries can potentially look
into carbon pricing as a way to reduce their GHG
emissions through emission trading schemes, carbon
taxes and other approaches (UNFCCC, 2021).
The proliferation of different local, national and
regional carbon pricing schemes highlights
governments’ ambitions to tackle climate change.
However, it also risks creating a patchwork of
different systems, tax rates, covered products
and certification procedures, which ultimately can
generate uncertainty for businesses, weaken the
effectiveness of global efforts to mitigate climate
change and impose additional transaction costs.
International cooperation can help to overcome
the challenges associated with carbon pricing.
Coordinated actions are essential to address the risks
of carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns
associated with carbon pricing, thereby avoiding
unproductive trade frictions. By facilitating exchange
of best practices and sharing administrative costs,
international cooperation can contribute to improving
the efficiency of carbon pricing schemes and
reducing their administrative costs (Mehling, Metcalf
and Stavins, 2018). Cooperation and coordination on
carbon pricing can also help to avoid fragmentation
of carbon pricing schemes and to ensure that all
countries’ views and concerns, including those
of developing countries, are taken into account in
discussions on carbon pricing approaches.
(a) International cooperation on carbon
pricing is slowly taking shape
In view of the economic, policy and legal issues that
carbon pricing raises, it is no surprise that diverging
carbon pricing approaches and possible BCA have
already elicited important discussions in a number
of international fora, including at the meetings of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), G7, G20, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
and the WTO.
Various regional and international initiatives aim to
promote policy coherence in carbon pricing. For
instance, the UNFCCC Collaborative Instruments
for Ambitious Climate Action (CiACA) initiative
assists parties in the development of carbon pricing
instruments for implementing their NDC and foster
cooperative climate action with other jurisdictions.
Other initiatives include the Carbon Pricing
Leadership Coalition (CPLC), which is a voluntary
partnership of national and sub-national governments,
businesses, and civil society organizations that
provides a platform to collectively share their best
practices on carbon pricing policies and disseminate
research, among other things.
The International
Carbon Action Partnership (IACP) is also an
international cooperative forum bringing together
jurisdictions that have implemented or are planning to
implement emissions trading schemes.
More recently, the G7 issued a statement on June
2022 expressing its intention to establish an open,
cooperative international climate club, consistent with
international rules, by the end of 2022 to support the
effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.
The climate club will seek to (i)advance ambitious and
transparent climate mitigation policies; (ii)transform
industries jointly to accelerate decarbonization; and
(ii)boost international ambition, through partnerships
and cooperation, to encourage and facilitate climate
action, unlock the socio-economic benefits of climate
cooperation, and promote a just energy transition.
The G7 statement further requests that the OECD,
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World
Bank, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the
WTO support this process.
International organizations are actively working to
enhance transparency and promote information
sharing of carbon pricing policies. As discussed
below, several WTO bodies have been exchanging
views and experiences with respect to different
aspects of carbon pricing and carbon footprint
methodologies and schemes. Other initiatives include
the World Bank Carbon Pricing dashboard, which
provides up-to-date information on existing and
emerging carbon pricing initiatives,
and the OECD
data on the pricing of CO
emissions from energy
use, including fuel excise taxes, carbon taxes and
tradable emission permit prices.
International efforts are also deployed to provide
assistance to governments in designing and
implementing carbon pricing schemes. For instance,
the Partnership for Market Implementation, a 10-year
programme administered by the World Bank, assists
countries in designing, piloting and implementing
pricing instruments aligned with their development
An essential step in carbon pricing is the
measurement and verification of carbon footprint
of a product. As discussed in Chapter E, several
standards and guidelines have been published to
provide overall guidance on calculating the carbon
footprint of products and economic activities, such
as the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) standard on carbon footprint of products (ISO
By Daniel C. Esty
Hillhouse Professor at Yale University and Director of the Yale
Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Yale Initiative on
Sustainable Finance
Trade implications of GHG
Carbon pricing – more broadly
and appropriately called
greenhouse gas (GHG) pricing
to encompass methane and other
GHG emissions beyond CO
– is
seen by many policymakers as
a critical tool for driving down
emissions and creating incentives
for individuals and businesses
across all sectors to move toward
a clean energy future. Some 46
nations now impose a price on
GHG emissions, either through
carbon charges or emissions
allowance trading systems – and
dozens more are exploring pricing
options. But divergent GHG
prices across nations present
a strategic challenge for the
international trading system.
In light of the global commitment to
halt GHG emissions, governments
that fail to impose a price on
emissions or otherwise regulate
GHGs might well be seen to
be offering their producers an
inappropriate subsidy. To level the
playing field, eliminate any incentive
to shift production to places with
laxer climate change policies, where
operating costs might be lower, and
to protect the efficacy of emissions
reduction efforts, governments with
strong climate change policies have
begun to develop BCA strategies.
Such mechanisms are intended to
impose tariffs on imported goods
based on the difference between
the producer’s level of GHG
pricing and the carbon price in the
importing jurisdiction.
Those seeking to better align the
structure of the trading system
with the international community’s
commitment to climate change
action are urging the WTO to
authorize appropriately structured
BCA tariffs. But developing
nations have expressed concerns
about whether such tariffs will be
implemented in a discriminatory
fashion or in a manner that violates
the commitment to common
but differentiated responsibility,
a principle of equity which
undergirds the global climate
change regime. Additional
questions have been raised about
GHG accounting and whether
technical capacity limitations will
disadvantage developing nations.
I have argued that the design
details of any BCA mechanism
will be critical, and that analytic
rigour, validation, fairness and
transparency must be prioritized
(Dominioni and Esty, 2022).
I believe that border tariffs
designed to eliminate the unfair
advantage arising from GHG
externalities should be based on
differences in effective rather
than explicit GHG prices, which
would allow nations greater
flexibility in carrying out their
climate change policies. An even
more straightforward approach
would require that the tariffs be
based on the level of unabated
GHGs attributable to an imported
product multiplied by an agreed-
upon global social cost of carbon.
Domestic goods would, of course,
have to adhere to the same GHG
pricing framework.
Such a BCA methodology would
reward producers with lower
actual GHG emissions both
domestically and internationally
and make it nearly impossible to
deploy BCA tariffs as a disguised
barrier to trade. It would require
some effort to establish emissions
accounting standards, but carbon
calculators and GHG content
databases are increasingly
available. Equity considerations
could argue that any funds
collected from exports by the
least-developed nations should
be recycled to these countries to
support their investments in the
transition to a sustainable energy
The legitimacy of the trading
system would be enhanced by
a clear acknowledgement of the
sustainability imperative and
recognition of the urgency of
global success in responding to
the threat of climate change, paired
with a reiterated commitment to
sustainable development and
access to global markets for
developing nations (Lubin and Esty,
2010). Fundamental to such efforts
would be a WTO initiative to
validate carefully structured BCA
mechanisms and thus reinforce
– and not undermine – GHG
pricing and other national climate
14067:2018) and the GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard. Greater global
coherence is further needed to avoid an increasing
proliferation of different standards and verification
procedures (see Chapter E) (WTO, 2022c).
(b) International trade cooperation
can contribute to supporting carbon
pricing action
Given the important trade implications of carbon
pricing, international cooperation on trade and
trade policy can help support the adoption and
implementation of carbon pricing.
A few recent regional trade agreements (RTAs)
include provisions that explicitly address carbon
pricing (WTO, 2021b). The most detailed provisions
are currently found in a specific article on carbon
pricing included in the RTA between the European
Union and the United Kingdom. It requires the
parties to have in place an effective carbon pricing
system specifically covering GHG emissions from
electricity generation, heat generation, industry and
aviation. The article further calls on the parties to
give serious consideration to linking their respective
carbon pricing systems.
The recent RTA between
New Zealand and the United Kingdom also commits
the parties to promote carbon pricing, and support
environmental integrity in the development of
international carbon markets. A few RTAs explicitly
promote the exchange of information and experience
on designing, implementing, and operating
mechanisms for pricing carbon and promoting
domestic and international carbon markets.
environment-related provisions particularly relevant to
carbon pricing include those that explicitly encourage
the parties to use and rely on economic instruments,
including market-based instruments, for the efficient
achievement of environmental goals (Monteiro,
The WTO also contributes to international trade
cooperation on carbon pricing by providing a
framework that can minimizes trade-related negative
spillovers arising from carbon pricing policies
while promoting their positive spillover effects. As
discussed in Chapter C, the WTO acts as a forum
to discuss trade-related issues and increase the
transparency of decision-making processes.
A number of WTO members have raised in various
WTO bodies their concern about BCA, arguing that
BCA could be unfair and result in protectionism.
The discussions at the WTO cover methodologies
to calculate the carbon content of imports and how
carbon mitigation policies other than emission trading
schemes (e.g., emission standards and regulations)
are taken into account.
Another concern expressed
by some developing countries is that certain carbon
measures would be contrary to the Paris Agreement’s
CBDR principle.
The WTO’s transparency mechanisms and its
function as a forum for dialogue could help to
mitigate potential trade frictions arising from the
imposition of BCA. WTO transparency disciplines
allow members to be aware of upcoming regulatory
proposals, including some relevant to carbon pricing
initiatives. Dialogue at the multilateral level also allows
interested members to provide comments on these
proposals, while the member seeking to adopt the
new measure has an opportunity to make adjustments
in response to concerns raised. Discussions in the
Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) and
the Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structed
Discussions (TESSD) have explored regulatory
proposals pertaining to BCA and issues related to
WTO compatibility with this type of measure. Specific
carbon pricing schemes have also been discussed in
other WTO bodies, such as the Committee on Market
Access and the Council for Trade in Goods.
Continuing these discussions and others, including
on upcoming carbon pricing policies, in the WTO and
other fora serve an important transparency objective
and provides meaningful opportunities for comments
and exchanges of views. Further discussions may
focus key aspects that should be considered to
avoid trade tensions, including issues such as
methodologies to avoid double charging, principles
for equivalent taxation, carbon accounting and
revenue use, harmonization or convergence of carbon
pricing coverage (e.g. carbon life cycle, sectors and
emission scopes), emission benchmarks and sectoral
averages, burden-sharing and methodologies for
facilitated certification and verification, and guidance
on CBDR and preferential treatment.
(c) WTO disciplines help to prevent
protectionism and to promote well-
designed carbon pricing
In essence, under WTO rules, WTO members are free
to adopt environmental policies, including those related
to climate change, at the level they choose, even if
these significantly restrict trade, as long as they do
not introduce unjustifiable or arbitrary discrimination or
disguised protectionism (see Chapter C).
Several WTO disciplines could come into play if
a carbon pricing scheme or its adjustment affects
international trade. Key disciplines include the non-
discrimination obligations (i.e., the national treatment
principle and the most-favoured nation (MFN) clause)
and the prohibition of quantitative restrictions. Other
disciplines could also be relevant, such as those
applicable to technical barriers to trade (TBT) and to
subsidies and countervailing measures (SCM) (WTO
and UNEP, 2009).
The WTO legal framework provides a great deal of
guidance concerning the type of situations in which
a BCA measure could potentially have a detrimental
impact on imported goods, as well as concerning
the types of conditions that must be met to justify
this detrimental impact under WTO rules. Overall,
carbon pricing policies and BCA mechanisms must
be coherent and fit-for-purpose; they must contribute
effectively and efficiently to reducing GHG emissions;
and they must not be misused for protectionist
In particular, carbon pricing policies need to be
carefully designed in order to account accurately
for the carbon content of the goods affected by
these policies, irrespective of where the goods
are produced, while avoiding situations in which
goods with higher carbon footprints are unjustifiably
charged lower carbon rates or otherwise bear lower
carbon tax burdens. This would inevitably involve
important issues related to differences in policy
approaches to carbon pricing, carbon accounting
methodologies, access to certification facilities and
sector- or product-specific challenges.
(d) The needs of all countries, and of
developing countries in particular, must
be part of the discussions on carbon
To foster a just low-carbon transition, carbon
pricing should be mindful of the challenges faced
by producers with limited technical and financial
resources, such as micro-, small- and medium-
sized enterprises (MSMEs) and firms in developing
countries. Facilitating access to low-carbon
technologies and services and providing support
for carbon accounting are essential to make carbon
pricing more inclusive.
In particular, governments seeking to adopt carbon
pricing measures should be cognizant of the fact that
in the absence of complementary policies and well-
designed financial mechanisms, certain countries
and groups may be negatively impacted by carbon
pricing. The literature has shown that developing
countries, in particular LDCs, are more likely to be
negatively affected by carbon pricing, as they tend to
have fewer resources to achieve carbon reductions
and thus need support to limit and adjust to the
negative effects of increasing carbon costs. The
importance of enabling countries at different levels
of economic development to protect the environment
is expressly recognized in the Marrakesh Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization, alongside
the objective of sustainable development.
There is not only a “just transition” argument for
providing finance to developing countries to enable
them to transition effectively to a low-carbon economy,
but also an efficiency argument. Research shows
that climate finance for developing economies can
be more efficient than for developed economies. This
is because investments supporting decarbonization
result in higher emission reductions in developing
economies, which typically rely on less efficient
techniques and have more potential to substitute high-
carbon energy with low-carbon energy.
Support must also be provided to facilitate access
to low-carbon technologies, as this could permit
developing countries, and especially MSMEs in these
countries, to produce goods and services in a less
carbon-intensive manner, thereby minimizing the need
for carbon adjustment at borders and helping them
to attain climate and sustainable development goals.
Support for carbon accounting and certification of
producers in the developing world is also indispensable
(see Chapter E). This is in the interest of all economies,
including those looking into adopting BCA.
There is scope for further support mechanisms, which
could take the form of international cooperation on
collection and distribution of carbon taxes, using the
revenues to support low-income countries in the form
of direct income support or support for environmental
If promoting carbon pricing at a global scale is not
a feasible option in the short term, improving global
convergence around pricing policies is a process
that, over time, could reduce the trade tensions that
may arise as a result of the adoption of divergent
approaches. As discussed above, the WTO can play
a key role in this context, as it already offers various
fora for dedicated discussions on these matters, in
which all countries, and developing countries in
particular, can express their views and concerns on
carbon-pricing approaches.
5. Conclusion
Although carbon pricing is considered an important
element of climate mitigation policy, its implementation
around the world is uneven. Current carbon pricing
schemes cover only a modest share of global GHG
emissions and their carbon prices vary significantly
across countries and regions.
The increasing fragmentation in carbon pricing
schemes can give rise to the risk of carbon leakage
and competitiveness loss, especially in carbon-
intensive and trade-exposed sectors. Uncoordinated
carbon pricing policies can further impose additional
administrative and compliance costs for governments
and businesses.
Carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns might
lead to calls for BCA measures to ensure that foreign
competitors are subject to the same carbon costs as
domestic producers. BCA mechanisms have both
advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand,
they are expected to contribute to reducing carbon
leakage and to restoring the loss of competitiveness
stemming from differential carbon pricing, thus
contributing to a level playing field. On the other hand,
BCA could generate adverse terms-of-trade effects
for low-income regions and trigger trade conflicts.
Different BCA mechanisms across jurisdictions could
also create coordination problems and additional
administrative costs.
Greater international cooperation is essential to
common carbon pricing solutions. Simulations
studies show that a global carbon pricing mechanism
would be a more efficient approach to reducing GHG
emissions than uncoordinated regional carbon pricing
schemes. However, reaching a global agreement on
carbon pricing requires overcoming the free-rider
problem and ensuring a fair-burden sharing of the
economic costs of carbon pricing between high- and
low-income countries. Complementary measures,
such as financial support, could help low-income
regions to address and overcome the potential
adverse effects of carbon pricing and ensure a just
transition to a low-carbon economy.
International trade cooperation on carbon pricing can
further help to achieve a more coordinated approach
to global carbon pricing. The WTO, through its core
functions, remains an appropriate forum to continue
to serve as a platform for discussing and exchanging
information and experience on carbon pricing and to
collaborate with other international organizations to
foster international cooperation and promote more
integrated approaches.
1 While carbon pricing is a relatively recent strategy, taxes
and emission trading schemes on local and regional
pollutants have been adopted by some countries for many
decades. For instance, a wastewater tax scheme was
introduced in France in the early 1970s. The United States
adopted in 1995 an emission trading scheme on sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
2 The WTO GTM is a computable general equilibrium model,
focused on the real side of the global economy, modelling
global trade relations. See Aguiar et al. (2019) for a
technical description of the WTO GTM.
3 Several countries have submitted two different types of
pledges in their NDCs: (i) “unconditional pledges” and
(ii)more ambitious pledges that are conditional on reduction
efforts of other regions, financial support, or other types of
assistance (Böhringer et al., 2021). This simulation scenario
is based on the unconditional pledges and excludes the
pledges that some countries are willing to pursue on
condition that other countries reduce their emissions.
4 The average global carbon price under the regional
pricing regime is computed as the weighted average of the
regional carbon prices, where the weights are regional CO
5 The illustrative policy experiment compares two situations:
(i) the adoption of a global emission trading scheme with
the participation of all regions and (ii) the adoption of a
regional emission trading scheme by seven “ambitious
regions (Australia, Canada, the European Union, the
European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Japan, the United
Kingdom and the United States), while the remaining
regions, which are developing regions, do not adopt any
carbon pricing mechanism (Bekkers and Cariola, 2022).
6 The illustrative policy experiment assumes that Australia,
Canada, the European Union, the European Free Trade
Association (EFTA), Japan, the United Kingdom and the
United States adopt a regional emission trading scheme
(Bekkers and Cariola, 2022).
7 The simulation results suggest that the real income of India
and of the Republic of Korea is projected to rise under the
“international carbon price floor” scenario. This is because
India and the Republic of Korea are net importers of fossil
fuels, and under the scenario the demand for fossil fuels
is reduced, thus reducing the price of fossil fuels and
improving their terms-of-trade. (Bekkers and Cariola,
8 The rate of carbon leakage depends both on the amount
of production activity shifted abroad and on the emission
intensity of that production activity. Thus, it is possible
to have high leakage rates with less significant shifts in
production (Keen, Parry and Roaf, 2021).
9 In the illustrative simulation experiments, the set of high-
income countries are Australia, Canada, the European
Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA),
Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The
first experiment assume that the high-income group adopt
a carbon pricing scheme to reduce its emissions from no
reductions (business as usual) to its NDC target levels,
while the other countries and regions have no targets. In the
second experiment, the same set of high-income countries is
assumed to set a carbon price of US$75 instead of US$50,
with the other regions setting carbon prices of US$25 (low-
income regions) and US$50 (middle-income regions).
10 A large strand of the empirical literature assesses the
competitiveness consequences of environmental policy by
testing whether the so-called “pollution haven” hypothesis
holds in practice. The pollution haven hypothesis posits
that trade openness results in the relocation of pollution-
intensive production from countries with stringent
environmental policy to countries with lax environmental
policy (see Chapter E).
11 In theory, a BCA could also be applied on products
imported from a jurisdiction with a higher carbon pricing
level if that jurisdiction also operates a BCA on their
exports, thus implementing a “carbon tax neutrality” for
traded goods.
12 As in the illustrative policy experiments described
previously, if a coalition of seven developed regions
introduces a carbon pricing scheme whereas the other
regions do not, implementing a BCA mechanism is, on
average, effective in preventing competitiveness loss.
However, the effects are heterogeneous among the regions
introducing the carbon pricing scheme and do not prevent
competitiveness losses in all regions (Bekkers and Cariola,
13 If the simulation setting is modified by assuming that
regions can impose counter-tariffs in response to a BCA
mechanism, some regions would have an incentive to
introduce a carbon pricing scheme, whereas other regions
would prefer to impose counter-tariffs (Böhringer, Carbone
and Rutherford, 2016).
14 A more detailed discussion of these choices is beyond
the scope of this report and can be found, for example, in
Cosbey et al. (2020).
15 See https://www.carbonpricingleadership.org/.
16 See https://icapcarbonaction.com/.
17 See https://www.g7germany.de/g7-en/current-information/
18 See https://carbonpricingdashboard.worldbank.org/.
19 See https://www.oecd.org/tax/tax-policy/tax-and-
20 Following the departure of the United Kingdom from
the European Union, the United Kingdom replaced its
participation in the European Union Emission Trading
System with a national emission trading scheme.
21 See for instance European Union-Viet Nam RTA.
22 See for instance Chile-United States RTA.
23 See, inter alia, discussions in the Committee on Trade
and Environment (WTO official document number WT/
CTE/28/Rev.1, paragraph 1.19; WT/CTE/M/71, paragraphs
1.102122; WT/CTE/M/72, paragraphs 2.95–2.115; WT/
CTE/M/73, paragraphs 1.45–1.75), Committee on Market
Access (WTO official document number G/MA/M/74,
paragraphs 12.312.43) or Council on Trade in Goods
(WTO official document number G/C/M/139, paragraphs
20.3–20.59; G/C/M/140, paragraphs 28.3–28.60;
G/C/M/141, paragraphs 39.3–36.63). WTO official
documents can be accessed viahttps://docs.wto.org/.
24 For instance, the Committee on Trade and Environment
(CTE) discussed carbon footprint and labelling schemes on
various occasions. See Summary Report of the Information
Session on Product Carbon Footprint and Labelling
Schemes (WTO official document number WT/CTE/M/49/
Add.1); Report of the Committee on Trade and Environment
(WTO official document number WT/CTE/M/55); 2017
Annual Report of the Committee on Trade and Environment
(WTO official document number WT/CTE/M/55). WTO
official documents can be accessed viahttps://docs.wto.
25 For instance, the Council for Trade in Goods recently
discussed the European Union’s plans for a carbon border
adjustment mechanism. See https://www.wto.org/english/
The decarbonization
of international trade
The transition to a low-carbon economy will require the
transformation of many economic activities, including international
trade. This chapter looks at the extent to which trade contributes
to greenhouse gas emissions, but also assesses its importance
for the diffusion of the technology and know-how needed to make
production, transportation and consumption cleaner. Although
carbon emissions associated with international trade have tended
to decrease in recent years, bold steps are needed to further
reduce trade-related emissions. Greater international cooperation
is needed to support efforts to decarbonize supply chains and
modes of international transport.
1. Introduction 100
2. Accounting for carbon emissions originating from
international trade is complex 100
3. International trade affects carbon emissions in multiple ways,
both positive and negative 102
4. Reducing trade-related carbon emissions requires greater
international cooperation 106
5. Conclusion 112
Key facts and findings
Carbon emissions embodied in world exports are estimated to account for slightly less than
30 per cent of global carbon emissions in 2018. This share has been slowly declining since 2011.
Emissions embodied in exports derive from both domestic and foreign inputs. From 1995 to
2018, the estimated share of CO
emissions with foreign origins in total trade-related emissions
increased from 24 per cent to 31 per cent.
Although trade increases global CO
emissions compared to a hypothetical autarky situation,
simulation analysis suggests that the cost of GHG emissions associated with international trade
would be outweighed by the benefits of international trade.
Greater international cooperation on improving carbon content measurement, reducing emissions
from the transport sector, and improving the sustainability of global supply chains is necessary
to reduce trade-related greenhouse gas emissions.
International support for developing countries is critical so that they can reduce their trade-related
emissions, including those connected to sustainable agricultural supply chains.
1. Introduction
The transition to a low-carbon economy is likely to
entail a transformation of most economic activities,
including international trade. Reducing greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions will increasingly become
a business imperative to remain competitive and
efficient. Decarbonizing trade will require reducing
carbon emissions from the production stage but also
the transportation stage.
Although measuring the overall impact of trade on
carbon emissions is complex, identifying carbon
hotspots along the supply chains, where there is an
intense generation of GHG emissions, is essential
to prioritize and implement climate change mitigation
This chapter discusses how carbon emissions
originating from international trade can be
measured. It then reviews the channels through
which international trade can increase or decrease
emissions, and discusses how the level of
carbon emissions and welfare would change in a
counterfactual world with no international trade. The
chapter concludes with a discussion on the role of
international cooperation, including at the WTO, in
supporting strategies that aim to reduce the carbon
emission associated with international trade, such
as improving carbon efficiency in transportation and
ensuring the environmental sustainability of supply
2. Accounting for carbon emissions
originating from international
trade is complex
Conceptually, the carbon emissions embedded in a
traded product – sometimes referred to as carbon
footprint – include all direct GHG emissions from
the whole life cycle of a product, i.e., its production,
assembly, packaging, shipping to the market (to
consumers) and disposal. A more comprehensive
measurement of embedded carbon emissions
can also account for the indirect GHG emissions
generated by the production and transportation of the
inputs used to produce the final product or service,
including the GHG emissions from the generation of
the electricity used during production.
Changes in the way land is used to produce goods
and services (e.g., clearing of forests for agricultural
use) impact GHG emissions, and can be included in
the assessment of the carbon emissions embedded
in traded products. Land use change is estimated to
account for 12.5 per cent of the carbon emissions
associated with human activities between 1990
and 2010 (Houghton et al., 2012). The expansion of
agriculture and the production of traded goods have
been identified as important drivers of global land use
change (Böhringer et al., 2021).
In practice, comprehensively estimating the carbon
footprint of a product or an economic activity is
complex and data-intensive. A common approach,
known as carbon accounting, uses sectoral carbon
emission data and input-output (I-O) tables, which
track an economy’s circular flow of goods and
services, to estimate the carbon emissions associated
with international trade (WTO, 2021a).
According to the most recent available estimates,
the carbon emissions embedded in world exports
in 2018 amounted to about 10 billion tons of CO
or slightly less than 30 per cent of global carbon
emissions (OECD, 2022d). The share of CO
emissions embedded in trade in total emissions, while
increasing significantly between 1995 and 2008, has
been on a declining trend since 2011 (see Figure E.1).
Moreover, since the financial crisis of 2008, carbon
embedded in trade seems to have declined relative
to trade’s contribution to GDP or global value chain
(GVC) participation, suggesting a decoupling of
carbon emissions and trade thanks, in part, to greater
energy efficiency.
Aggregate accounting results hide important
regional differences. For instance, Canada, China,
the European Union, India, Japan, the Republic
of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United
States are found to be the main contributors to global
carbon emissions embedded in international trade
(see Figure E.2). Over the past decade, the growth
of global carbon emissions embedded in trade has
been mainly driven by a few high- and middle-income
The amount of GHG emissions embedded in
an economy’s exports is determined by a broad
range of factors, including its economic size, the
sectoral composition of its foreign trade, its level of
participation in global value chains, the modes of
transportation used for its imports and exports and
the energy efficiency of its production system, which
depends in part on environmental and energy policies
(WTO, 2021a). For instance, a few sectors, including
energy and transportation, account for more than
75 per cent of the GHG emissions embedded in
international trade (Yamano and Guilhoto, 2020).
Given that international trade separates production
and consumption across space, carbon emission
accounting can be analysed from a production
perspective (i.e., production of goods and services
consumed domestically and exported) or a
consumption perspective (i.e., consumption of goods
and services produced domestically and imported).
The difference between the production and
consumption determines the trade balance in carbon
emissions, namely whether economies are net
importers or exporters of carbon emissions. While
developed economies tend to be net importers of
carbon emissions, developing economies and fossil
fuel commodity dependent economies tend to be net
exporters of carbon emissions (OECD, 2022d).
Although high-income economies remain more
dependent on imported carbon-intensive activities
than middle-income economies, the net imports of
embedded carbon emissions has declined in recent
years, in part thanks to improvements in energy
efficiency (see Figure E.3) (Wood et al., 2020). Very
few economies have, however, moved from being net
importers of embedded carbon emissions to being net
exporters, or vice versa (Yamano and Guilhoto, 2020).
The rise in GVCs has increased the fragmentation
of production processes with the offshoring of some
tasks. Emissions embedded in trade, therefore, can
derive from the lifecycle of a product as well as from
the embedded emissions in domestic and foreign
inputs. Economies more integrated in GVCs have
increased the share of carbon emissions embedded
in imports of intermediate inputs, and thus the
amount of carbon emissions embedded in their
exports. From 1995 to 2018, the average share of
carbon emissions with foreign origins in total trade-
related emissions increased from 24 per cent to
31 per cent (OECD, 2022d).
While carbon emission accounting provides
interesting insights on the amount and evolution of
carbon emissions embedded in international trade, it
is a purely descriptive analysis that cannot capture all
aspects of the complex relationship between trade and
carbon emissions. For instance, it does not provide
any insights about the changes in carbon emissions
and welfare that would arise in a counterfactual world
in which trade is replaced by domestic production.
More generally, carbon accounting is silent on the
determinants of carbon emissions embedded in trade
and on the net impact of trade on carbon emissions.
Figure E.1: The share of emissions embedded in international trade in total carbon emissions
has been slowly decreasing in recent years
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the OECD Trade in embedded CO
) database for carbon emissions embedded in trade,
the World Bank’s World Development Indicators for the trade-to-GDP ratio, and the OECD Trade in Value-Added (TiVA) database
for GVC participation.
Note: Data have been normalized to 100 for the year 2000 to depict differences in trends. GVC participation is measured as share of
foreign value-added in exports.
Index 1995 = 100
Share of carbon embedded in trade in global carbon emissions GVC participation Trade-to-GDP ratio
3. International trade affects carbon
emissions in multiple ways, both
positive and negative
The effect of trade on the environment is theoretically
undetermined, because different mechanisms pulling
in opposite directions are at play, and different factors
determine the importance of the role of each of these
mechanisms (WTO, 2013). The overall impact of trade
on GHG emissions is therefore an empirical question.
(a) International trade can raise emissions
through different channels
Trade-opening increases the level of production,
transportation and consumption of goods and
services, thus increasing carbon emissions. This is
commonly referred to as the “scale effect” of trade
(Antweiler, Copeland and Taylor, 2001).
Expansion of trade by GVCs, which accounts for
almost half of global trade today (World Bank,
2020), also contributes to more carbon emissions
from international transportation, i.e., an additional
contributor to the scale effect.
Different modes of transport have different impacts
on carbon emissions, which are in large part
determined by the source of energy used (WTO,
2013). Air transport is the most carbon-intensive
mode of transportation, followed by road transport
(e.g., trucks). Rail and maritime transport are relatively
less carbon-intensive.
The international transport sector is estimated to
account for over 10.2 per cent of global carbon
emissions in 2018 (OECD, 2022d). Although carbon
emissions from the international transport sector
fell by over 10 per cent in 2020 during the COVID-
19 pandemic, they have been growing steadily at an
average annual rate of 1.9 per cent since 1990 (ITF,
While passenger transportation accounts for more
than two-thirds of international transport emissions,
Figure E.2: The increase in carbon emissions embedded in international trade is mostly driven
by a few economies
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on OECD TeCO
Note: The horizontal axis indicates the logarithm of carbon emissions embedded in exports in 2000, and the vertical axis indicates the
logarithm of carbon emissions embedded in exports in 2018. The dashed line indicates the 45-degree line. Countries below the line have
reduced the carbon emissions embedded in their exports between 2000 and 2018.
0 200100 300
Carbon emissions embodied in exports in 2000 (in tonnes)
400 500
Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High-income
Carbon emissions embodied in exports in 2018 (in tonnes)
Viet Nam
South Africa
United Kingdom
Rep. of Korea
United States
the remaining transport emissions are associated
with international freight transport. International
freight transport is also estimated to represent,
on average, 33 per cent of the carbon emissions
generated by international trade during the production
and transport of goods traded internationally, the
remaining 67 per cent of trade-related emissions
are associated with the production of traded goods
(Cristea et al., 2013).
Although the bulk of international trade continues
to be transported by sea, trade-related transport
activities and carbon emissions are projected to
increase sharply due to the increase in air transport
to deliver time-sensitive products, such as fruits and
vegetables and consumer electronics.
Changes in the sectoral composition of production
resulting from trade-opening can increase or reduce
emissions, depending on whether or not the country
has a comparative advantage in carbon-intensive
industries (McLaren, 2012). This is commonly referred
to as the “composition effect” (Antweiler, Copeland
and Taylor, 2001).
According to the so-called “factor endowments
hypothesis”, trade opening will cause capital-
abundant countries, typically developed economies,
to specialize in the production of capital-intensive
products, while developing countries specialize in
labour-intensive production. The “factor endowment
hypothesis” assumes that the pollution intensity of an
economic sector tends to go hand in hand with its
capital intensity. Accordingly, developed economies
are assumed to specialize in carbon-intensive
An alternative hypothesis, known as the “pollution
haven hypothesis”, assumes that climate policy, and
implicitly the cost for firms to reduce or prevent
carbon emissions, are the main source of comparative
advantage. The hypothesis posits that trade opening
will lead to the relocation of carbon-intensive
production from countries with stringent climate
policy to countries with relatively lax climate policy
(Copeland and Taylor, 2004). Similarly, when firms
slice up production along value chains, the carbon-
intensive parts of production might be shifted from
Figure E.3: Carbon emissions embedded in net imports of high-income countries have peaked
in 2006
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on OECD TeCO
Note: Net exports of carbon emissions are the difference between carbon embedded in exports and carbon emissions embedded in gross
imports. A negative net exports correspond to net imports of carbon emissions.
Net exports of carbon emissions (in gigatonnes)
Lower middle-income Upper middle-income High-income
countries with stringent climate change regulations
to those with weaker regulations, a phenomenon
called “pollution outsourcing” (Cherniwchan, 2017;
Cherniwchan, Copeland and Taylor, 2017; Cole,
Elliott and Zhang, 2017).
Additional scale and composition effects may arise if
trade encourages or reallocates activities that lead to
higher emissions, such as deforestation. Theoretically,
the impact of trade-opening on deforestation can
either be positive or negative (WTO, 2021c). Recent
empirical studies find, however, a significant increase
in deforestation in response to trade-opening (Abman
and Lundberg, 2019; Faria and Almeida, 2016). It
is estimated that around one-third of deforestation-
related emissions were driven by international trade
(Henders, Persson and Kastner, 2015; Pendrill
et al., 2019).
(b) International trade can lower emissions
through different channels
Trade can lower emissions by facilitating changes
in production methods that reduce emissions
per units of output, generally referred to as the
“technique effect” (Antweiler, Copeland and Taylor,
2001). International trade facilitates the access
and deployment of cleaner technologies, including
carbon-friendly technologies that are not necessarily
available in the importing countries. The increase in
economic growth and per capita income associated
with open trade can give rise to greater demand by
the public for a cleaner environment.
The demand for more climate-friendly solutions
can result in more stringent climate policies that
incentivize producers to reduce the carbon intensity
of output, provided that policies are not influenced
by industry lobbyists or otherwise compromised
(Magnani, 2000; Nordström and Vaughan, 1999).
At the sector level, trade-opening may shift output
shares to more productive and cleaner firms because
firms engaged in trade tend to be more energy efficient
than firms only servicing domestic markets.
This has
been called the “pollution reduction by rationalization
hypothesis (Copeland, Shapiro and Taylor,
2022). Improved access to foreign intermediates
due to input tariff liberalization can also trigger
reductions in within-industry emission intensities.
The so-called “pollution halo hypothesis” further
posits that multinational companies through foreign
direct investment can transfer their environmental
technology, such as pollution abatement, renewable
energy and energy efficient technologies, to the host
country (Eskeland and Harrison, 2003).
Trade openness can also stimulate innovation,
including environmental innovation, through different
channels (WTO, 2020a). Innovation and the adoption
of energy efficient technologies can increase in
response to increased competition from imports.
For instance, increased import competition due to
tariff reductions has been found to cause Mexican
production facilities to increase their energy efficiency
(Gutiérrez and Teshima, 2018).
Similarly, export
expansion due to trade liberalization in export markets
can increase innovation (Bustos, 2011). For example,
Indian firms exporting manufactures have been found
to undergo technological upgrading in response to
increased foreign demand (Barrows and Ollivier,
Finally, trade policy changes also have the potential to
affect emissions. Tariff and non-tariff barriers tend to
be lower in carbon-intensive industries than in clean
industries (see Figure E.4). Indeed, high carbon-
intensive goods tend to be traded more than low
carbon-intensive (Le Moigne and Ossa, 2021). This
is mainly because trade barriers tend to be lower on
upstream products (which are mainly used as inputs
into production) than on downstream products (which
are closest to the final consumption goods), and
upstream products tend to be more carbon-intensive
than downstream products. A recent counterfactual
analysis shows that, if trade policy reform eliminated
the environmental bias in trade policy by imposing
the same tariff and non-tariff barrier structure in all
industries, this would yield a win-win outcome: global
real income would slightly increase (by 0.65 per
cent), while global carbon emissions would fall by
3.6 per cent (Shapiro, 2021).
(c) In the absence of international trade,
welfare losses would outweigh the
welfare gains due to lower carbon
Several studies have empirically investigated the
extent to which trade has an impact on carbon
emissions through its impact on production and
transport, on industry composition and on industry
emission intensities (respectively, scale, composition
and technique effects). Overall, the empirical literature
suggests that trade-related reductions in emissions
are mostly due to the technique effect, while the
composition effect tends to be quite small (Copeland,
Shapiro and Taylor, 2022).
The evidence that the
composition effect is relatively small suggests that
international trade driven by comparative advantage
has not been responsible for a systematic relocation
of pollution-intensive production out of countries with
stringent environmental regulations, as would have
been predicted by the “pollution haven hypothesis”
(Cherniwchan and Taylor, 2022). This is because
costs of abating emissions tend to represent only a
small part of a firm’s total operating costs, and other
factors such as costs of capital, labour and proximity
to the market are more important determinants of a
firm’s location decision.
With a relatively small composition effect, open trade
may decrease or increase total carbon emissions
depending on whether the technique effect overrides
the scale effect. The empirical evidence on the net
impact of trade on carbon emissions is mixed. The
impact is sector- and country-specific and depends
on a broad range of factors, including the type
of pollutants, the country’s level of development,
energy intensity, types of energy sources used,
types of products traded, modes of international
transport, trading partners’ location and energy and
environmental policies in force.
For a global pollutant, such as carbon dioxide (CO
the scale effect tends to dominate, implying that trade
increases emissions. However, for some local and
regional pollutants such as particulate matter (PM)
and sulphur dioxide (SO
), the technique effect is
likely to exceed the scale effect because governments
have a greater incentive to reduce emissions of
local pollutants given that the benefits of pollution
abatement accrue more directly to their citizens.
In developed economies, the technique effect tends
to dominate the scale effect, while the reverse is
observed in developing economies because of
relatively less stringent environmental regulations and
limited access to pollution abatement technologies
(Managi, 2006). As a result, open trade is associated
with less carbon emissions in high-income economies
but more carbon emissions in developing economies.
This finding corroborates the carbon accounting
analysis discussed in the previous section and
suggests that high income countries tend to be net
importer of carbon emissions, with large amounts of
carbon emissions emitted in developing countries to
produce goods and services exported to high-income
Several mechanisms contribute to the reduction of
pollution emissions intensity underlying the technique
effect. For instance, the reduction of nitrogen oxides
(NOx) emissions in the manufacturing sector in the
Figure E.4: Trade costs tend to be lower in carbon-intensive manufacturing industries
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on Shapiro (2021) for carbon emission intensities in manufacturing industries and WTO Import Trade
Cost Index for 2011.
Note: Each dot is an importer-industry (ISIC rev. 3.1 two-digit) combination. The trade cost index measures the cost of trading
internationally relative to trading domestically.
0 1
Carbon intensity (carbon tons per output in logarithm)
2 3
High-income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income
Trade cost index
United States has been found to be almost entirely
driven by more stringent environmental regulations
(Shapiro and Walker, 2018).
At the same time, trade
can also affect emission intensity by reallocating
market shares to exporting firms. Exporters in
Indonesia have been found to be more energy-
efficient and less reliant on fossil fuels compared with
non-exporters (Roy and Yasar, 2015). In India, within-
industry reallocation of market share as a result of
trade produced large savings in GHG emissions
(Martin, 2011).
Trade has also been found to induce a change in
industry emission intensities of particulate matter
(PM) and sulphur dioxide (SO
) due to changes
in the relative sizes of firms or to the entry of more
productive firms and exit of less competitive firms
(Holladay and LaPlue, 2021). Finally, changes in
innovation activities and improved access to foreign
intermediates induced by trade-opening can also
contribute to reductions in industry emission intensity
(Akerman, Forslid and Prane, 2021).
Given that international trade contributes to
carbon emissions, there have been calls to reduce
international trade by producing and consuming
“locally”. Such calls raise the question of what would
be the level of carbon emissions if economies only
produced and consumed locally while ensuring a high
level of welfare. Although international trade emits
GHG, it also generates trade gains and contributes
to increase society’s welfare by supporting economic
growth, lowering prices, and increasing consumer
choice and product variety, including with respect to
climate-friendly goods, services and technologies.
While a situation of autarky is not observable,
economists have used economic models to examine
the question as a thought experiment. In a scenario
where countries closed their borders to trade,
domestic production of intermediate and final goods
would need to rise to meet the demand for products
that were previously imported. Compared with a
hypothetical situation involving autarky (i.e., economic
self-sufficiency) international trade would increase
global CO
emissions by approximately 5 per cent,
corresponding to 1.7 gigatons of CO
(Shapiro, 2016). This effect would be almost equally
driven by production and transportation (scale effect),
as, in the absence of trade, the resources used to
produce goods and services for international markets
would be employed in satisfying domestic demand.
However, the benefits for producers and consumers
from international trade, estimated at US$ 5.5 trillion,
would exceed by two orders of magnitude the
environmental costs from carbon emissions,
estimated at US$ 34 billion.
This analysis suggests that, rather than unwinding
trade integration – for example, by re-shoring
production and promoting self-sufficiency – the better
option would be to trade in a cleaner way, for example
by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation,
as well as developing and deploying environmental
and carbon-friendly technologies and sourcing low-
carbon inputs and products.
4. Reducing trade-related carbon
emissions requires greater
international cooperation
Although international trade is not the main
contributor of GHG emissions, reducing trade-
related GHG emissions is essential to contribute to
the transition to a low-carbon economy. International
cooperation is important to scale up strategies to
decarbonize international trade and transport and to
limit any undesired impacts that can hinder and slow
down progress towards low-carbon trade.
International cooperation can contribute to a more
coherent and predictable policy environment by
providing a reference point for national climate
change mitigation policy and help signal a more
credible commitment to decarbonize international
trade. Similarly, enhancing the transparency of
measures aimed at reducing trade-related carbon
emissions through greater international cooperation
can facilitate the review and monitoring of actions and
help to overcome resistance to decarbonizing some
trade-related activities.
International cooperation can further help to mobilize
financial and technical resources to overcome
capacity constraints and facilitate access to capital
and technologies that reduce trade-related carbon
emissions. Technical assistance, capacity building
and exchanges in knowledge and experience can also
help promote a just transition to a low-carbon trade.
As discussed below, a broad range of regional and
international organisations, including multilateral
and regional financial institutions, address different
dimensions of the decarbonization of international
trade. The private sector is also active in efforts to
decrease trade-related carbon emissions.
International cooperation on trade can also support
efforts to reduce the carbon emissions embedded in
international trade. An increasing number of regional
trade agreements (RTAs) explicitly promote activities
that can contribute to lower trade-related carbon
emissions. Provisions explicitly promoting trade
in environmental goods and services, including
renewable energy and energy efficient products, are
increasingly incorporated in RTAs (see Chapters C
and D). A few, mostly recent, agreements specifically
promote cooperation on sustainable transport,
including through information and experience
The WTO can also support the transition to a low-
carbon trade by means of its existing framework of
rules, as well as its negotiation forum, transparency
requirements, monitoring system and capacity-
(a) Deeper international cooperation
is required to facilitate carbon
measurement and verification
Reducing carbon emissions associated with
international trade requires accurately keeping track
of the carbon emitted during the production and trade
of goods and services, as well as the progress made
in reducing those emissions. Different approaches
have been developed to quantify the amount of carbon
emissions in products and economic activities.
The scope of the carbon footprint within value
chains is a particularly important criterion to define
the boundary to include the full range of relevant
emissions. As discussed in Chapter D, the carbon
content of a product can cover the direct emissions
from a production process (scope 1), the indirect
emissions from the generation of purchased energy
(scope 2), and the indirect upstream emissions and
downstream emissions (scope 3) in a company’s
value chain, including investment, transportation
and distribution. Relevant information, including
the benchmarks of measuring carbon emissions, is
essential to quantify the amount of carbon.
Several standards and guidelines have been published
to provide overall guidance on calculating the carbon
footprint of products and economic activities.
For instance, the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) released the ISO 14067:2018,
which sets out requirements and guidelines for
quantification and reporting for the carbon footprint of
products. The private sector has launched a number
of initiatives, such as the GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard, which provides
requirements and guidance for companies preparing
a corporate-level GHG emissions inventory.
Although there is ongoing international cooperation
on carbon measurement and verification, more global
coherence is needed in this area, given the growing
number of carbon measurement standards. At the
national level, various standards have also been
developed for carbon emissions measurement. There
are also sector-specific standards that are tailored
to calculate the carbon content in specific industry
settings (WTO, 2022c).
As efforts to decarbonize increase, a proliferation of
different standards could create unpredictability for
producers and impose burdensome costs on them,
and ultimately reduce the effectiveness of efforts
to reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, carbon
measurement methodologies should be backed by a
robust system of verification. Without convergence
or common understandings on carbon measurement
and verification approaches, countries may encounter
difficulties implementing certain trade-related climate
policies aimed at decarbonizing international trade.
One important dimension of cooperation on
carbon measurement and verification relates to the
development and international recognition of quality
infrastructure institutions. Quality infrastructure
refers to the systems (both public and private),
policies and practices that support and enhance
the quality, safety and environmental soundness of
goods that are traded. It relies on standardization,
accreditation, conformity assessment, metrology and
market surveillance.
The WTO supports efforts to promote a coherent
carbon measurement and verification approach by
providing a set of rules calling for convergence around
common standards and verification procedures, and
a forum where its members can cooperate to ensure
that countries around the world have the quality
infrastructure they need for carbon measurement and
For these reasons, the manner in which international
standards for measuring carbon are set will
have a decisive impact on their use. The WTO
supports international cooperation in this area.
The use of relevant international standards is
strongly encouraged under the Agreement on
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), and the TBT
Committee has developed “Six Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides
and Recommendations”, namely (1) transparency,
(2) openness, (3) impartiality and consensus,
(4) effectiveness and relevance, (5) coherence,
and (6) the development dimension, to address
important areas of international standard-setting.
These six principles can play a significant role in the
development of new international standards relating
to carbon emissions quantification. For instance,
observing these principles ensures that relevant
information is made available to all interested parties,
that sufficient opportunities for written comments are
provided, that conflicting international standards are
not adopted, and, importantly, that constraints facing
developing countries are considered.
Aligning verification approaches with respect to the
information provided by producers and exports on the
carbon content of products is important to increase
trust in the verification process and in carbon
efficiency claims. Mutual recognition of the results
of verification procedures can also contribute to a
reduction in compliance costs. The TBT Agreement
encourages members to accept the results of
procedures adopted by other members, even if they
are different from their own, if those procedures offer
an equivalent assurance of conformity with applicable
technical regulations or standards.
The participation of developing countries and least-
developed countries (LDCs), as well as micro, small
and medium-sized and enterprises (MSMEs) across
the globe, in the transition to a low-emission global
economy depends on their ability to measure and
verify the carbon content of products. Deficient quality
infrastructure in many LDCs and developing countries
risks excluding them, creating bottlenecks in the
decarbonization of supply chains and preventing low-
carbon solutions from gaining access to the market.
Other issues that can impact developing countries
include the extent to which direct and indirect land
use change may have a bearing on carbon footprint
calculations, as well as challenges that developing
countries have in accessing accurate historical data on
local land use change (Gheewala and Mungkung, 2013).
International support for developing countries is
critical so that they can accurately measure and verify
the carbon content of their products and participate
in setting relevant international standards. A number
of multilateral organizations support developing
countries in improving their quality infrastructure,
including in areas related to standardization and
conformity assessment.
Further support to improve
developing countries’ capacities in the area of carbon
standards would be beneficial.
Moreover, WTO bodies, such as the TBT Committee
and the Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE)
have held discussions on trade-related aspects of
carbon footprint policies and methodologies.
addition, the WTO could serve as a forum to hold
more specific discussions at the multilateral level
on trade-related aspects of carbon measurement
methodologies and verification procedures, as well
as on possible ways to support developing countries
in this area.
(b) Reducing carbon emissions in
international transport requires more
international cooperation
Trade-related GHG emission abatement cannot be
fully achieved without reducing carbon emissions
from international transportation. As discussed
above, transportation is an important contributor to
the GHG emissions generated by international trade
for many products (Cristea et al., 2013). Transport
is also a major source of air and water pollution.
Ensuring domestic and international transport is
more sustainable and climate-friendly is essential to
achieve a low-carbon economy.
Major decarbonization pathways for international
transport include switching to lower-carbon fuels (for
example, biofuels, hydrogen or renewable electricity),
improving aircraft, vehicle and vessel efficiency,
phasing-out high-carbon intensive vehicles and
improving system-wide operational efficiency,
including through the planning of efficient routes and
the use of vehicle-sharing.
If it proves impossible
to completely eliminate carbon emissions of transport
at the source, remaining carbon emissions from
international transport could be compensated through
carbon offsets and new technologies, such as carbon
capture, utilization and storage.
Despite recent progress, the transition to a low-
carbon international transport involves several
challenges, including ensuring that the production
of alternative, lower-carbon fuels does not increase
emissions, managing the higher cost and lower
energy density of alternative and lower-carbon fuels,
and creating the necessary infrastructure such as
charging facilities for electric vehicles.
Unlike domestic aviation and shipping, emissions
from international aviation and shipping activities
are not covered by the nationally determined
contributions (NDCs) established under the Paris
Agreement, because they take place, in part, beyond
the territorial boundaries of states. The International
Marine Organization (IMO) and the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have been tasked
to find solutions to mitigate GHG emissions from
international maritime and air transport, respectively.
(i) Maritime transport
Although maritime transport has relatively low carbon
international shipping is nevertheless
estimated to be responsible for 2.9 per cent of global
carbon emissions in 2018 (IMO, 2020) in large part
due to the fact that it is the main mode of transport for
global trade.
Annual emissions from shipping are forecast to grow
by 15 per cent by 2030 in the absence of ambitious
climate targets. Various commitments and initiatives
to decarbonize maritime transport have been adopted
and launched by both public and private actors at the
international and regional levels.
At the international level, the IMO’s Initial GHG
Strategy, adopted in 2018, provides a policy
framework and guiding principles to reduce carbon
intensity of international shipping (CO
emissions per
transport work) by at least 40 per cent by 2030 and
pursuing efforts towards 70 per cent by 2050, and
to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping
by at least 50 per cent by 2050, compared to 2008
The IMO Initial GHG Strategy also seeks to
strengthen the energy efficiency design requirements
for ships.
The shipping industry supports the IMO’s Initial GHG
Strategy through a number of initiatives. For example,
the Getting to Zero Coalition, an alliance of more
than 150 companies across the shipping value chain
supported by governments and intergovernmental
organizations, aims to get commercially viable zero-
emission vessels operating along deep-sea trade
routes by 2030.
Regional cooperation is also active in supporting the
decarbonization of international maritime transport.
For instance, the Pacific Blue Shipping Partnership
launched by Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Samoa,
the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, commits to
a 40 per cent reduction in carbon emissions for Pacific
shipping by 2030 and full decarbonization of the
sector by 2050.
More recently, 22 developed and
developing countries signed in 2021 the Clydebank
Declaration with the aim of establishing six zero carbon
emission maritime routes between two or more ports
around the world by 2025.
International cooperation is also critical to secure the
large amount of financing required for decarbonizing
shipping (Christensen, 2020). In this context, the
IMO and Norway launched the Green Voyage 2050
project to support developing countries, including
small-island developing states (SIDS) and LDCs, in
meeting commitments to climate change and energy
efficiency goals in shipping (IMO, 2019b).
the Pacific Blue Shipping Partnership is seeking
US$ 500 million from multilateral and bilateral
development finance and the private sector to retrofit
existing cargo and passenger ferries with low-carbon
technologies and to buy zero-emission vessels.
The WTO can also support the efforts to decarbonize
international maritime transport, for example,
by facilitating reductions in barriers to trade in
goods and services involved in the production
process of low-emission fuels for shipping (see
Chapter F); by ensuring that trade-related regulatory
changes, including energy efficiency requirements,
are non-discriminatory; and by ensuring that the views
of interested parties, including developing countries,
are taken into account in discussions at the WTO on
the trade impacts of decarbonizing shipping.
Moreover, as discussed in Chapter C, WTO rules
can help to ensure that trade-related climate change
mitigation measures, such as taxes, support measures
and regulatory measures, applied in shipping for
decarbonization purposes are transparent and
do not distort the shipping market. For example,
notifications under the General Agreement on Trade
in Services (GATS) and the exchange of information
in the Council for Trade in Services could increase
regulatory transparency with respect to shipping-
related decarbonization measures (e.g., tonnage and
bunker taxes), and could contribute to further increase
the predictability of trade policy and the credibility of
policy commitments to decarbonize the sector.
(ii) Air transport
International aviation is the most carbon-intensive
mode of transport and is estimated to be responsible
for 1.3 per cent of global CO
emissions (ICAO,
Emissions from international aviation are
expected to increase through 2050 by a factor
ranging from approximately 2 to 4 times the 2015
levels, depending on the type of emissions and the
scenario used (ICAO, 2019). Although decarbonizing
aviation remains challenging, it has become an
integral part of business strategies in the sector.
Several international and regional initiatives are being
introduced or implemented by both public and private
stakeholders to support the transition to a low-carbon
aviation industry.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
adopted in 2016 the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) to allow
aircraft operators to buy emissions reduction offsets
from other sectors to compensate for any increase
in their own emissions above 2020 levels, thereby
achieving carbon neutral growth from that year.
The mandatory phase of CORSIA will start in 2027.
In addition, ICAO also promotes aircraft technology
improvements, operational improvements and
sustainable aviation fuels to contribute to the global
aspirational goals of 2 per cent annual fuel efficiency
improvement for the international aviation sector
through 2050 and carbon neutral growth from 2020
By Sophie Punte
Managing Director of Policy, We Mean Business Coalition,
and Founder, Smart Freight Centre
Building momentum for zero-
emissions freight movement
International trade is
indispensable. Yet the vital role
played by freight transportation
and logistics is often forgotten.
Only now are leaders waking
up to how vulnerable the supply
of essential goods is in times
of crises, whether as a result of
pandemics, international conflicts,
or climate-related disasters. A
sector that contributes around
11 per cent of both global CO
emissions and global GDP
and constitutes a reliable and
sustainable transport system can
play a critical role in the transition
to a decarbonized future as well
as in adaptation to the impacts of
climate change.
The key to delivering a zero-
emissions freight industry lies in
international cooperation based on
the Paris Agreement and the UN
Sustainable Development Goals.
First, to reduce emissions and
respond to supply chain shocks
or disruptions, we need increased
transparency in the logistics
supply chain. Carbon emissions
are an indicator that does not lie.
Price can be negotiated up or
down but you cannot negotiate
the actual CO
footprint, and that
makes it a more reliable indicator
than prices on which to base
decisions. Smart Freight Centre’s
Global Logistics Emissions
Council (GLEC) Framework – a
methodology for harmonizing
the calculation and reporting
of the logistics GHG footprint
across supply chains – and
soon the ISO 14083 standard,
allow for consistent calculation
and reporting of global logistics
emissions. If coupled with
blockchain technology, the sector
could deliver a transparency
revolution. This trend will go
even further with the upcoming
International Sustainability
Standards Board (ISSB) standard,
as well as and EU and US
regulations requiring companies to
disclose sustainability and climate
information that is relevant to
investors and stakeholders.
Second, we must go all out to
decarbonize freight transport.
Solutions range from sustainable
aviation fuel and zero-emission
ships and trucks, to fleet
efficiency, a shift to less carbon-
intensive transport modes
and reducing freight demand.
A complex but fortunately
increasingly aligned number of
initiatives is bringing stakeholders
together to deliver these solutions.
The 50+ companies of the First
Movers Coalition, supported by
initiatives such as the Mission
Possible Partnership, Smart
Freight Centre and Climate
Group, send market demand
signals for zero-emission aviation,
shipping and trucking. Carbon
offsetting and CO
removal should
be used as a last resort where
mitigation is not (yet) possible,
but not as an alternative to action.
A much-preferred service now
offered by several logistics service
providers is “carbon insetting:
customers’ emissions are reduced
within the logistics sector, helping
to drive investment into greener
technologies and strategies.
Third, collaboration and
supportive policy is critical,
and can take various forms.
For example, the Sustainable
Trade Initiative works with
600 companies and governments
on new sustainable production
and trade models in emerging
economies across 12 sectors, all
of which involve transport. Policies
that cut across trade and climate
include carbon border adjustment
mechanisms, fossil fuel subsidy
reforms, renewable energy trading
and technology transfer. The We
Mean Business Coalition focuses
on raising policy ambition with the
backing of leading businesses that
are setting science-based targets
and taking action.
Governments, businesses and
civil society all have every reason
to work together in pursuit of
carbon neutrality and sustainability
in international transport. The
benefits for international trade
and the climate will be felt for
generations to come.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the
trade association of the world’s airlines, approved in
2021 a resolution for the global air transport industry
to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The financial sector is also active in supporting the
decarbonization of the aviation industry. For instance,
the Aviation Climate-Aligned Finance Working Group,
launched in 2022 by several international lenders to
the aviation sector, commits the participating financial
institutions to annually disclose the degree to which
GHG emissions from aircraft, airlines, and lessors
they finance align with the 1.5°C climate targets.
The WTO can also support the transition to a low
carbon aviation industry. As noted in Chapter F,
reducing barriers to trade in climate-friendly aircraft
components, such as electric and hybrid-electric
engines, could contribute to decarbonizing the sector
and stimulate carbon-abating innovations. Improved
access to software platforms, particularly if bound
under the WTO Agreements, could help optimize
available seats or air freight capacity in aircrafts by
shifting traffic onto lower load flights by relying on
real-time data to dynamically adjust prices, which
would contribute to decarbonization (ITF, 2021b).
Moreover, carbon emissions could also be reduced
by fostering trade in digital services, such as
teleconferencing, to reduce demand for business-
related flights (Munari, 2020).
Cooperation at the WTO could also improve the
operational efficiency of the sector. Although air
transport is largely excluded from the scope of the
the GATS does apply to measures affecting
three aviation sub-sectors: aircraft repair and
maintenance, computer reservation system services,
and the selling and marketing of air transport
Further liberalization of aircraft repair and
maintenance services could enable airlines to gain
access, both domestically and in foreign destinations,
to a wider range of suppliers able to deal with climate-
friendly aircrafts. Similarly, opening up access to
foreign airport operators and the capital injections
they could potentially bring could help invest in
new and retrofitted energy-efficient infrastructures,
electrified ground-handling services, low-energy
vehicles and equipment, and zero-cargo energy and
fuel sources (ATAG, 2020; ITF, 2021b; Nieto, Alonso
and Cubas, 2019).
(iii) Road transport
Road freight transport is critical for the entire logistics
chain. International road freight transport is estimated
to account for 3.7 per cent of global carbon emissions
(OECD, 2022d). Road freight is also estimated to
account for 53 per cent of carbon emissions in global
trade-related transport, a share that could rise to 56
per cent by 2050 if current trends continue (WEF,
Decarbonizing the road freight transport sector is
particularly challenging and requires coordinated
actions. For instance, no single fuel solution can
meet operators’ needs and therefore a variety of
technologies must be pursued in parallel to achieve
a decarbonization of road freight transport (IRU,
2020). International cooperation on low-carbon road
transport remains, however, more fragmented than
other modes of international transport.
At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP26), a large number of
governments, vehicle manufacturers, shippers and
financial institutions, signed the Glasgow Declaration
on Zero-Emission Cars and Vans, committing to
ensuring that new cars and vans being sold by 2035
in leading markets, and by 2040 for the rest of the
world would be zero-emission.
In addition, 15 high-
income economies signed a Global Memorandum
of Understanding on Zero-Emission Medium- and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles to work together toward
increasing sales of new zero-emission trucks and
buses to 30 per cent by 2030 and to 100 per cent
by 2040.
In 2021, the International Road Transport
Union (IRU), which represents the road transport
industry in over 80 countries, launched a Green
Compact to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 (IRU,
These initiatives complement other projects, such
as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Road
Freight Zero initiative established in 2020 and
designed to help industry leaders jointly develop
solutions, including action plans for scaling up
finance mechanisms and new lending and investment
Like the decarbonization of other modes of
international transport, the WTO can support
efforts to reduce carbon emissions from road freight
transport by facilitating the access and deployment
of renewable energy and energy-efficient goods,
services and technologies, including electric cars
and trucks (see Chapter F), and by promoting non-
discriminatory trade-related regulations, including
energy efficiency requirements. Trade-related
transport emissions could, to some extent, also be
reduced by minimizing delays when clearing customs
(Duval and Hardy, 2021; Reyna et al., 2016).
In this context, the implementation of the WTO’s
Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), especially its
provisions on single windows (i.e., single entry points
at which traders can lodge standardized information
and documents required for trade and transport), pre-
arrival processing, electronic payment, and separation
of release from final determination of customs duties,
taxes, fees and charges, can speed up customs
clearance, possibly reducing some carbon emissions
from international trade.
(c) International cooperation is needed
to ensure that the decarbonization
of supply chains limits market
As discussed previously, decarbonizing supply
chains can be achieved in different ways (see
also Chapter C). However, much of the value of
decarbonizing supply chains will likely come from
the ability of economic operators to demonstrate and
communicate their emissions reduction efforts to
potential stakeholders. In that context, sustainability
certification and labelling schemes can be important
instruments to further incentivize firms to pursue the
decarbonization of their value chains.
The multiplication of sustainability certification and
labelling schemes is a visible sign of the rapidly
expanding global market for sustainable products.
In recent decades, many governments, producers,
retailers and non-governmental organizations around
the world have promoted such schemes to strengthen
the market incentives for producers to opt for more
sustainable production, while cultivating consumer
awareness of environmental and social issues. For
instance, in agriculture, the use of sustainability
certification and labelling schemes has increased
markedly. The value of the global organic food market
has more than quadrupled since 2000, exceeding
120billion Euros in 2020 (FiBL, 2022).
However, the proliferation of sustainability schemes in
recent years has raised concerns about their effect on
trade costs and possible impacts on market access
for exporters, particularly from developing countries.
Costs increase when the schemes multiply across
geographic or thematic areas, fail to converge or
recognize each other’s equivalence, or when they do
not include opportunities for collaboration in areas
such as training or inspection (WTO and UNEP, 2018).
Trade could play an important role in strengthening
the markets for sustainable products and in
expanding related economic opportunities. For trade
to do so, it must, however, be underpinned by an
open, transparent, rules-based and inclusive trading
system. As part of this, it is important to ensure that
sustainability requirements are transparent, and are
based on relevant international standards, while not
creating any unnecessary barriers to trade (WTO and
UNEP, 2018).
Thus, while vigorous action is needed to improve
the sustainability of global supply chains, it is also
important to take into account the concerns of various
stakeholders, including in developing countries.
The WTO plays an important role in contributing
to a better understanding of the trade impact of
environmental policies, sustainability certification
and labelling schemes and can help to identify best
practices. For example, the CTE has been an important
forum for members, including developing ones, to
present and comment on recent climate proposals
related to various sectors, including agriculture and
Other aspects of sustainable supply chains
have also been discussed in the CTE, such as the need
to enhance the availability of comparable and reliable
information on the environmental impact of products.
Ongoing initiatives at the WTO could further
contribute to support the decarbonization of supply
chains. For instance, the Trade and Environmental
Sustainability Structured Discussions (TESSD),
launched in 2021, intend to identify and compile
best practices and explore opportunities to ensure
that trade and trade policies contribute to promoting
sustainable supply chains and addressing the
challenges and opportunities arising from the use of
sustainability standards, particularly for developing
members. The Informal Dialogue on Plastics Pollution
and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade
could also promote low carbon supply chains by
contributing to efforts to reduce plastics pollution
and promoting the transition to more environmentally
sustainable trade in plastics.
5. Conclusion
Trade, like any economic activity, generates GHG
emissions. Carbon emissions released by the
production and transport of traded products are
estimated to represent about one-third of global
carbon emissions, a share that has been slowly
declining in recent years. While estimating the
amount of carbon emissions associated with
international trade is important to identify climate
mitigation priorities, it is also important to determine
what impacts trade actually has on GHG emissions.
International trade affects GHG emissions in several
different ways. Trade generates GHG emissions
through the production, transportation, distribution
and consumption of traded products, and it increases
emissions by stimulating economic activity through
increased income. On the other hand, trade can
facilitate changes in production methods that
reduce emissions per units of output, and modify the
sectoral composition of the economy by allowing the
production and consumption of goods and services to
take place in different regions.
Overall, international trade has been found to lead to
a relatively limited net increase in carbon emissions
relative to a counterfactual “autarky” situation which
would be associated with a significantly lower welfare
level. Decarbonizing international trade is, however,
essential to support the transition to a low carbon
A successful decarbonization pathway for
international trade requires adequately measuring
and verifying carbon emissions resulting from
trade, improving carbon efficiency in production
and transportation, and developing environmentally
sustainable supply chains. International trade
cooperation, including through the WTO, can play
an important role in supporting and scaling up these
1 Due to a lack of data, available estimates of carbon
emissions embedded in international trade cover mostly
high- and upper-middle-income countries. Estimates are
only available for a few lower-middle income countries.
Estimates for LDCs are not available (OECD, 2022d).
2 The literature distinguishes between the "pollution haven
effect" and the "pollution haven hypothesis". The pollution
haven effect assumes that an increase in environmental
standards reduces exports (or increases imports) of
carbon-intensive goods. The "pollution haven hypothesis"
assumes a reduction in trade costs results in production
of carbon-intensive goods shifting towards countries with
lower environmental standards. The existence of "pollution
haven effects" is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition,
for the "pollution haven hypothesis" to hold. While some
studies find evidence of "pollution haven effects", there is
no empirical evidence of the "pollution haven hypothesis"
(Copeland, Shapiro and Taylor, 2022).
3 The relationship between environmental pollution and
income level might not be linear, but inverted U-shaped, as
described by the Environmental Kuznets Curve. See Stern
(2017b) for recent evidence of a decoupling of emissions
and GDP growth in many advanced economies over recent
decades, consistent with the Environmental Kuznets Curve.
4 Evidence that exporters have lower emission intensities
than other firms is provided by Richter and Schiersch
(2017) for German manufacturing firms, and by Banerjee,
Roy and Yasar (2021) for Indonesian firms.
5 Evidence that becoming an importer of foreign intermediates
boosts energy efficiency is provided by Imbruno and
Ketterer (2018) for the Indonesian manufacturing sector in
the period between 1991 and 2005. Similarly, an analysis
of the impact of China’s accession to the WTO shows that
a 1 per cent reduction in input tariffs decreased the sulphur
dioxide (SO
) emission intensity of Chinese firms by 6 to 7
per cent (Cui et al., 2020).
6 A large body of literature has shown that this mechanism is
relevant in developing countries (Gorodnichenko, Svejnar
and Terrell, 2010; Shu and Steinweider, 2019), but also in EU
countries in response to Chinese import competition (Bloom,
Draka and Van Reenen, 2016). These studies, however, do
not explicitly focus on environmental innovation.
7 Gutiérrez and Teshima (2018), however, also find evidence
of a reduction in Mexican production facilities’ investments
in pollution abatement.
8 Barrows and Ollivier (2021) find that, while foreign demand
growth increased carbon emissions growth rates for Indian
firms exporting manufactures over the period between
1998 and 2011, technological upgrading in response to
increased foreign demand mitigated roughly half of this
9 Shapiro (2021), however, also shows that eliminating the
environmental bias in trade policy would imply substantial
carbon emissions increases in Europe and very slight
increases in China, while other regions would see their
emissions decrease.
10 See Antweiler, Copeland and Taylor (2001), and
subsequent contributions including Cole and Elliott (2003),
Grether, Mathys and de Melo (2009), Levinson (2009,
2015), Managi, Hibiki and Tsurumi (2009), and Shapiro and
Walker (2018).
11 Conversely, trade liberalization following the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was found to
decrease particulate matter (PM) and sulphur dioxide
) intensities of production in the United States through
within-plant changes, including the adoption of new
technologies and fragmentation of production in response
to differences in environmental regulation across the United
States and Mexico (Cherniwchan, 2017).
12 For example, United States-Mexico-Canada RTA and
European Union-United Kingdom RTA.
13 See “Decisions and Recommendations Adopted by the
WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade since 1
January 1995”, WTO official document number G/TBT/1/
Rev.14, pages 62-64, which can be consulted at https://
14 A list of the organizations operating at the international
and regional levels in promoting quality infrastructure
and that are part of the International Network on Quality
Infrastructure can be found here: https://www.inetqi.net/
15 See, for instance, Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee
on Trade and Environment, November 2020, WT/
CTE/M/70, para 2.24; and Minutes of the Meeting of the
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, November 2021,
G/TBT/M/85: paras 2.171- 2.175, which can be consulted
at https://docs.wto.org/.
16 Although not discussed in detail here, international
cooperation on international rail transport is also important
to decarbonize part of international trade.
17 Carbon offsetting allows airlines and passengers to
compensate for the carbon released by the aircraft by
investing in carbon reduction projects in other areas
(e.g., planting trees). Direct air carbon capture is a new
technology which can remove carbon emissions directly
from the ambient air.
18 Maritime transport emits other types of air pollution,
including nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and
particulate matter, and contributes to marine pollution, such
as oil spills and littering.
19 See https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/
20 See https://www.globalmaritimeforum.org/getting-to-zero-
21 See https://www.councilpacificaffairs.org/news-media/
22 See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cop-26-
23 See https://greenvoyage2050.imo.org/.
24 See https://www.mcttt.gov.fj/decarbonising-domestic-
25 According to the IEA, CO
emissions from domestic and
international aviation accounted for about 2.8 per cent of
global CO
emissions from fossil fuel combustion in 2019.
26 Only emissions from international flights, which account
for around 65 per cent of the aviation industry’s CO
emissions, are covered by ICAO, whereas emissions
from domestic aviation are covered by national pledges
under the 2015 Paris Agreement (https://www.un.org/en/
27 ICAO's plan is to abate CO
as much as possible from
in-sector solutions such as sustainable aviation fuels,
new aircraft technology, more efficient operations and
infrastructure, and the development of new zero-emissions
energy sources such as electric and hydrogen power. Any
remaining emissions would be addressed through carbon
capture and storage and carbon offsets.
28 See https://climatealignment.org/.
29 While digitalization acts as an important driver of
decarbonization, digital technologies contribute to between
1.4 per cent to 5.9 per cent of GHG emissions (The Royal
Society, 2020). This figure is expected to rise given the
increasing internet use. Improving energy efficiency in data
centers and data transmission network and switching to
renewable energy sources can contribute to low-carbon
30 For example, the GATS does not cover traffic rights (i.e.,
the right for airlines to operate and/or to carry passengers,
cargo and mail from, to, within, or over the territory of a
WTO member) and services directly related to the exercise
of traffic rights.
31 Moreover, developments in the sector are meant to be
kept under regular review, with a view to «considering the
possible further application of the Agreement» (GATS Annex
on Air Transport Services, paragraph 5, available at https://
32 Some WTO members are of the view that the coverage of
the GATS should extend to ground-handling and airport
management services. See, for instance, "Review of the
GATS Annex on Air Transport Services - Communication by
the European Union and its Member States" (WTO official
document number S/C/W/280, accessible via https://docs.
33 See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cop26-
34 See https://globaldrivetozero.org/mou-nations/.
35 See https://www.weforum.org/projects/decarbonizing-
36 It should be emphasized, however, that reducing delays in
clearing customs could also increase trade (a scale effect)
and therefore trade-related transport emissions.
37 Other complementing trade-related initiatives include
the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE) Customs Convention on the International
Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR (International
Road Transport) Carnets which provides a global transit
system that streamlines procedures at borders and reduces
administrative burdens for international road transport and
logistics firms.
38 Various climate proposals have been discussed recently in
the CTE, including the Forest, Agricultural and Commodity
Trade (FACT) Initiative co-chaired by the United Kingdom
and Indonesia, which seeks to break the links between
commodity production and net deforestation globally
(see Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Trade
and Environment, October 2021, WT/CTE/M/73, para.
1.77); and the European Union’s new strategy to reduce
habitat loss and promote deforestation-free supply chains
(see Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Trade
and Environment, November 2020, WT/CTE/M/70, para
1.73). Paraguay also shared experiences on its agricultural
system of soil rotation and biotechnology, which increased
agricultural productivity without modifying land use,
thereby preserving forests (see Minutes of the Meeting of
the Committee on Trade and Environment, November 2020,
WTO official document number WT/CTE/M/70, para 1.60,
accessible via https://docs.wto.org/).
39 See, for instance, the discussion of the European Union’s
Single Market for Green Products Initiative (see Minutes of
the Meeting of the Committee on Trade and Environment,
October 2014, WTO official document number WT/
CTE/M/58, para 1.1, accessible via https://docs.wto.org/).
The contribution of trade
in environmental goods
and services
The transition to a low-carbon economy depends, among
other things, on the development, adoption and diffusion of
environmental goods, services and technologies. This chapter looks
at the extent to which trade in environmental goods and services
can contribute to the low-carbon transition. Although international
trade in environmental goods is uneven across regions, the sector
is very dynamic. While the WTO agreements ensure that trade in
environmental goods and services flows as smoothly, predictably
and freely as possible, the WTO could make an even greater
contribution to the development and deployment
of environmental technologies by addressing relevant trade
barriers and improving data quality on trade and trade policy
of environmental goods and services.
1. Introduction 118
2. There is scope for intensifying trade in environmental
goods and services 118
3. Trade in environmental goods and services can
contribute to climate change mitigation 123
4. The development and deployment of environmental goods
and services require greater international cooperation 127
5. Conclusion 131
Key facts and findings
Environmental goods and services cover a broad range of products used to measure,
prevent, limit, minimize or correct environmental damages, including those related
to climate change.
Although high-income countries are the main exporters and importers of
environmental goods, exports of environmental goods from middle-income countries
increased tenfold between 2000 and 2020.
Although tariffs on environmental goods are, on average, lower than those for other
goods, they remain relatively high in low-income countries.
The elimination of tariffs, together with the reduction in non-tariff measures,
on a subset of energy-related environmental goods and environmentally preferable
products could increase total exports by 5 and 14 per cent above the baseline,
respectively, by 2030. It could further reduce carbon emissions by 0.6 per cent
through improvements in energy efficiency.
1. Introduction
Climate change mitigation can be enhanced by
developing, adopting and deploying environmental
technologies (ET). International trade in environmental
goods and services (EGS) can enable access to ET
embodied in environmental products, and can help
diffuse these technologies. Opening up trade in EGS
further could potentially benefit the environment.
This chapter presents available information on
the latest trend in trade in EGS and related trade
barriers, pointing to a number of data-related
issues and challenges. It then reviews the various
mechanisms through which trade in EGS can reduce
environmental harm, including mitigating carbon
emissions. Simulation results quantifying the effect
of opening up trade in environmental goods (EG) on
trade, gross domestic product (GDP) and carbon
emissions are also presented. The chapter concludes
by outlining how international cooperation and the
WTO can further boost trade in EG and access to ET.
2. There is scope for intensifying
trade in environmental goods
and services
Although the environmental industry is still emerging
in many developing countries, it is a very dynamic
and fast-growing sector providing important job
opportunities. While there is no publicly available
statistics on the size of the environmental industry,
the environmental technology market is estimated
at US$ 552.1 billion in 2021 and could reach
US$ 690.3 billion by 2026 (MarketsandMarkets,
2022). The environmental industry remains highly
segmented between well-established and new
cutting-edge environmental technologies. Despite the
fact that many new environmental technologies are
developed in high income economies, the production
of many environmental goods and services is spread
across developed and developing countries, forming
regional or global value chains (GVCs).
(a) Environmental goods and services
serve to improve environmental
EGS have been defined as goods and services
used to measure, prevent, limit, minimize or correct
environmental damage to water, air and soil, as well
as problems related to waste, noise and eco-systems
(OECD and Eurostat, 1999). They include cleaner
technologies, products and services that reduce
environmental risks and minimize pollution and
resource use.
While the concept of EGS is rather intuitive,
defining the scope of EGS has proven to be a
complex exercise, in particular in the context of trade
negotiations (see Section F.4). The environmental
objective and the main end-use purpose of EGS are
two of the main criteria that have been considered
to delimit the scope of EGS. Over the years, various
classifications and lists of EGS have been developed
for different purposes, including statistical analysis
and trade negotiations.
For instance, the so-called “OECD list of EG” (OECD
list), stemming from joint work by the OECD and
Eurostat, illustrates the scope of the environment
industry for analytical and statistical purposes
(OECD, 1999).
The list is broad, as it was not
compiled with a view to being used for negotiations,
and distinguishes between three broad categories of
(i) Pollution management technologies and
products comprise goods and services that are
clearly supplied for an environmental purpose
and have a significant impact in reducing
polluting emissions.
They include technologies
and products supplied for air pollution control;
wastewater management; solid wastewater
management; remediation and clean-up; noise
and vibration abatement; and environmental
monitoring, analysis and assessment.
(ii) Cleaner technologies and products
comprise goods and services that reduce or
eliminate negative environmental impacts, but
which are often supplied for other purposes than
environmental ones.
They are directly related to
the efficiency criteria, as well as to the reduction
of environmental impacts during their end use.
(iii) Resources management technologies and
products include the design, construction,
installation or provision of technologies and
products related to reducing the impact of
intensive natural resource extraction on various
In particular, these EGS address
indoor air pollution control; water supply;
recycled materials; renewable energy plant; heat/
energy savings and management; sustainable
agriculture, fisheries and forestry; natural risk
management and eco-tourism.
While EGS can cover ET, whose main (and often sole)
purpose is to address or remedy an environmental
problem, they can also cover products stemming
from eco-innovation. Eco-innovation encompasses
all forms of technological and non-technological
innovation whose main purpose might be unrelated
to the environment, but which possesses certain
environmental benefits arising during the production
(e.g., organic production), consumption and use
(e.g., efficient cars) or disposal stage (e.g., jute),
compared to substitutes or like products.
Products that, over their entire life cycle, including
production, processing, consumption and disposal,
cause significantly less environmental harm than
alternatives are commonly known as environmentally
preferable products (EPP). In that context, the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) identified several products that are
more environment-friendly than their petroleum-
based competitors, or whose production and sales
contribute significantly to the preservation of the
environment (UNCTAD, 1995).
Environmental services (ES) often complement EG,
and in many cases, the provision and trade of ES
drive the growth of trade in EG (Steenblik, Drouet
and Stubbs, 2005). Environmental services have
been estimated to represent more than 65 per cent of
the market value of the environmental industry (EBI,
2017). Yet, ES are often overshadowed by EG despite
the documented synergies existing between EG and
ES. Measuring trade in ES and barriers to trade in
ES is particularly challenging. Indeed, both the
quality and the availability of data vary significantly,
depending on the mode through which ES are traded
(Sauvage, 2014). WTO members define ES according
to the so-called Services Sectoral Classification List
(W/120), based on the Provisional Central Product
(CPC), which distinguish between
sewage services; refuse disposal services; sanitation
services; and other ES, including cleaning services of
exhaust gases; noise abatement services, and nature
and landscape protection services.
In addition to ES, numerous ancillary services, such as
business services, research and development (R&D),
consulting, contracting and engineering, construction,
distribution, transport, and repair and maintenance are
essential to the sales, delivery, installation, functioning
and maintenance of environmental plants, equipment
and other goods (Nors and Steenblik, 2021;
Sauvage and Timiliotis, 2017).
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
economies recently endorsed a Reference List of
Environmental and Environmentally Related Services
that identifies both ES and relevant ancillary services
based on the CPC 2.1 classification (APEC, 2021).
(b) Trade in environmental goods
has been dynamic, but not equally
so in all regions
Measuring trade in EG can be a difficult task,
in particular when the purpose is to generate
internationally comparable statistics. Trade-flow data
on goods are collected and organized according to
Harmonized System (HS) codes,
but few of the HS’s
six-digit subheadings (HS6) specifically cover goods
that are mainly used for environmental purposes.
A large share of EG is classified under generic
subheadings, and is not separately identified, making
it difficult to measure the size and pattern of world
trade in the relevant goods. Photovoltaic (PV) cells
and modules, for example, have been lumped together
under the same HS subheading as light-emitting
diodes (LEDs), the trade of which is also large and
growing rapidly. As a result, it has been impossible
to get internationally consistent information on actual
trade in these solar energy technologies. Also,
because of the difficulty in separating EG from other
goods, and because some of these products can both
benefit and harm the environment depending on their
use (i.e., dual use), most trade data actually result in
an overestimation of trade in EG. Nevertheless, the
situation should improve, as the 2022 revisions to
the HS include several amendments that separate
EG from previous subheadings that covered other
goods as well, often not of environmental interest
(Steenblik, 2020).
Trade in EG, as defined in the OECD list and
covering 124 HS-6 tariff lines, accounted for 5 per
cent of global trade in 2020. High-income countries
accounted for the largest share of EG exports
(69.82 per cent), followed by middle-income
countries (30.16 per cent) and low-income countries
(0.02 per cent). For the period 2000-20, available
statistics suggest that both exports and imports of
EG increased relatively quickly for middle-income
countries, while for low-income countries, exports
mostly remained at the same level and imports
increased at variable speeds (see Figure F.1). As for
high-income countries, both their exports and imports
increased, but only modestly.
As regards trade in ES, the availability and quality
of data is even more limited, which prevents a
comprehensive assessment of the evolution of
international trade in ES. Preliminary WTO estimates
suggest that some US$ 20 billion of traditional ES,
including waste disposal, recycling, sanitation and
cleaning of pollution, were traded in 2017, accounting
for just 0.2 per cent of world services trade (WTO,
However, growing environmental concerns are
boosting demand for ES worldwide. World trade
in ES has grown by 4 per cent on average annually
since 2005. Establishment of a commercial presence
abroad (e.g., locally-established affiliate, subsidiary,
or representative office of a foreign-owned and
-controlled company) is the most important mode
of supply in ES, as many traditional ES are highly
dependent on infrastructure and require a continuous
and long-term local presence. Case studies examining
certain ES, for example ecotourism, have also shown
that trade in ES can provide economic opportunities
and incentivize the conservation of natural resources
in developing countries (see Box F.1).
(c) Barriers to trade in environmental
goods and services are still significant
On average, tariffs for EG are lower compared to
tariffs for other goods (see Figure F.2). While average
applied tariffs on EG are around 1.4 per cent in high-
income countries, they go up to 7.3 per cent in low-
income countries.
EG trade is also affected by various non-tariff
measures (NTMs). The use of technical barriers to
trade (TBT) measures is of particular relevance to
EG, as EG are often subject to technical regulations
and conformity assessment procedures. The intensity
of TBT measures tends to be higher in high-income
economies. High-income economies apply, on
average, 11 TBT measures on EG imports, middle-
income economies apply five TBT measures and low-
income economies apply two TBT measures (see left
panel of Figure F.3). The number of TBT measures
applied to EG tends to be, on average, similar to these
applied on other goods.
Accounting for the share of imported EG affected by
NTMs, 81 per cent of EG tariff lines at the six-digit
HS level imported in high-income countries are, on
average, affected by at least one TBT measure, as
opposed to an average of 45 per cent in middle-
income countries and 36 per cent in low-income
countries, respectively (see right panel of Figure F.3).
It is important to note, however, that metrics based
on the count of NTMs applied, such as the intensity
and frequency indices of NTMs, are imperfect
measures of the trade restrictiveness of NTMs, as
they only provide an indication of the prevalence of
NTMs, without accounting for the effect of different
measures on trade, which may be more or less
Figure F.1: Trade in environmental goods has grown in most regions, but at different speeds
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on trade figures from the UN Comtrade database.
Note: The coverage of EG is based on the OECD list, which covers 124 tariff lines at the six-digit HS level. Income groups follow the
World Bank classification.
EG export growth index
(2000 = 100)
EG import growth index
(2000 = 100)
Middle-income High-income World merchandise
Figure F.2: Tariffs on environmental goods are low compared to those for other goods,
but remain significant in low-income countries
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on 2019 tariff data from the WTO Integrated Database (IDB) and 2019 trade figures from the UN
Comtrade database.
Note: The coverage of EG is based on the OECD list, which covers 124 tariff lines at the six-digit HS level. Income groups follow the
World Bank classification.
Environmental goods Other goods
Applied tariffs (%)
Low-income Middle-income High-income
Box F.1: Ecotourism as an economic incentive to preserve nature in Costa Rica
Ecotourism is a form of tourism that emphasizes the maintenance and preservation of nature and puts fauna,
flora and cultural heritage at the centre of attractions for tourists. While ecotourism is a promising industry,
its success hinges on conserving and protecting fragile natural areas while providing benefits to tourists and
contributing to community development.
Widely known for its rich biodiversity, Costa Rica has developed a diversified economy that includes
ecotourism. General tourism makes up 17-18 per cent of the country’s value of exports and contributes up
to 8 per cent of its GDP (Costa Rican Tourism Board, 2022a). Foreign tourist visits grew 43 per cent to
over 3 million between 2011 and 2019, a substantial number given that the country’s population is 5 million.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the tourism industry, the number of foreign
visitors rebounded to 1.3 million in 2021 (Costa Rican Tourism Board, 2022b).
Because it can generate important revenues, ecotourism can serve as an economic incentive to preserve
natural resources. Since Costa Rica designated its first natural reserve in 1963, 26 per cent of the national
territory has been allocated to natural reserves. More than 70 per cent of tourists entering the country partake
in ecotourist activities, such as hiking or wildlife observation in national parks or biological reserves (Costa
Rican Tourism Board, 2022c).
Ecotourism can also promote the restoration of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged or destroyed. For
example, in the 1980s, the Costa Rican government began to focus on the development of international ecotourism
and thereby took action to reverse deforestation, as in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, there
had been a significant decline in forest cover due to ranching and agriculture. Government incentives to increase
both forest cover and protected areas have allowed Costa Rica’s ecotourism sector to thrive (Tafoya et al., 2020).
By means of the revenues generated by natural reserves, visitors help to protect the species inhabiting these
ecosystems and to contribute to the conservation of the country’s national parks and the development of local
communities. For local residents, ecotourism often represents a better livelihood than existing alternatives
such as construction, transportation and small-scale agriculture (Hunt et al., 2015). Costa Rica’s experience
has shown that ecotourism can be a major force for promoting natural resource conservation and respect for
local communities.
restrictive, or may even be trade-promoting (WTO,
The number of specific trade concerns (STCs)
raised and discussed by WTO members in WTO
committees also provides a useful indication of
the number of measures taken by members that
are sources of concern for exporters (WTO, 2012).
Between 2005 and 2020, some 126 STCs relating
to EG were raised in the WTO Technical Barriers to
Trade (TBT) committee, an average of eight STCs
per year. Measures underlying TBT-related STCs
on EG potentially affect a large value of trade. Over
the period 2005 to 2020, STCs covered an annual
average of US$ 42 billion in imports of EG.
In recent years, an increasing number of trade
remedies have also been applied to some EG,
such as solar panels and wind turbines. These
antidumping duties and countervailing measures can
be substantial, often over 100 per cent of the value of
the EG.
Given the limited information on applied measures
restricting trade in ES, the commitments of WTO
members in the General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS) give an idea of the willingness of
members to open their market for ES. ES are one
of the least-committed sectors under the GATS.
Only 59 WTO members (counting the European
Union as one member) have undertaken specific
commitments in at least one of the seven provisional
CPC sub-sectors. Several members have limited their
commitments to consulting and/or advisory services
in relation to ES, either across the entire range of
committed sectors or with respect to some sub-
sectors only.
On average, only 38 per cent of members committed
not to impose any new measures that would restrict
entry into the market or the operation of the ES (GATS
mode 1).
There is a high proportion, averaging
71 per cent, of full commitments for consumption of
ES abroad (GATS mode 2). The proportion of full
commitments for the establishment of a commercial
presence abroad to supply an ES (GATS mode 3) is,
on average, 57 per cent, with a relatively higher share
of full commitment (71 per cent) for sanitation and
similar services. Finally, 13 per cent of members have
taken full commitments for the temporary movement
of natural persons to supply ES (GATS mode 4).
The relatively modest level of binding commitments
in ES under the GATS stands in contrast with
levels of bindings on ES that have been achieved by
various WTO members in bilateral and regional trade
Figure F.3: The intensity of NTMs for environmental goods is higher for high-income countries
than for middle and low-income countries
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on 2019 TBT data from the UNCTAD TRAINS database.
Note: The coverage of EG is based on the OECD list, which covers 124 tariff lines at the six-digit HS level (HS-6). The left panel displays
the average number of TBT measures imposed by countries within an income group targeting a given EG or another good. The right panel
displays the average share of HS-6 lines that a country import subject to at least one TBT measure, among all the EG and other goods
HS-6 lines they import. The analysis covers 57 countries, encompassing 11 high-income countries (with the European Union counted as
one), 36 middle-income countries and 10 low-income countries.
Income groups follow the World Bank classification.
Environmental goods Other goods
Intensity of TBT measures in 2019
Frequency of TBT measures in 2019 (%)
Low-income Middle-income High-income
agreements. Parties to services trade agreements
tend, on average, to go well beyond the commitments
they had undertaken in the GATS (WTO, 2019). This
is in part a reflection of the fact that most GATS
commitments date from 1995.
Trade-opening commitments on ES are, in part, limited
because the provisions of many traditional ES, like
sewage and refuse disposal, are natural monopolies
where only a single firm, typically a public operator,
supplies the ES with limited competition with other
companies. Natural monopolies tend to be prevalent
in traditional ES markets because some of these
ES, like the cleaning of roads and beaches, have the
characteristics of public goods.
Unless special
measures are taken, no single firm has an economic
incentive to provide the adequate level of service
and capture the economic returns. Some traditional
ES, like sewage services, also require high levels of
investment to build special distribution or collection
networks, which often create significant barriers
to entry. Governments are often reluctant to allow
private or foreign ownership of essential services for
fear that they would exploit consumers (WTO, 2010).
Other ancillary services, which facilitate the provision
of ES, but which are also used for other purposes are
also subject to numerous restrictions (USITC, 2013).
3. Trade in environmental goods
and services can contribute
to climate change mitigation
A broad range of EGS is particularly relevant to
climate change mitigation. For instance, energy-
related EG (EREG), including clean and renewable
energy, energy-efficiency and resource-efficiency
goods, can contribute to reducing greenhouse
(GHG) emissions.
Clean and renewable energy
goods cover all products required for the generation
of electricity, for example wind turbines, by methods
that are environmentally preferable to conventional
methods. Energy-efficiency goods help to manage
and restrain growth in energy consumption.
Resource-efficiency goods help to improve the
efficiency with which resources are used, and are,
by nature, close to energy-efficiency goods and to
clean and renewable energy goods, as they operate
through the same channels and aim to reduce energy
Another category of environmental products
highly relevant in the fight against climate change
is goods and services essential to help to adapt
to climate change (see Chapter B). Examples
of such goods and services relevant to the
agricultural sector include stress-tolerant cultivars
(i.e., cultivated varieties of plants specifically
developed and bred for distinct traits), pesticides
for weed control, early warning weather systems,
equipment for renewable off-grid power generation,
irrigation technology and related engineering and
technical services, as well as agricultural extension
services (GCA, 2021).
(a) Trade in EGS can contribute to climate
change mitigation through three main
Because EGS affect the environment in distinctive
ways, removing barriers to trade in such products
and facilitating the diffusion of ET can contribute
to climate change mitigation and adaptation and
other environmental objectives, including pollution
control, wastewater treatment, recycling, and organic
As with the general effects of trade on carbon
emissions (see Chapter E), the effects of trade in
EGS can be decomposed into scale, composition
and technique effects.
First, increased trade in EGS, all else being equal
(i.e., maintaining a constant mix of goods produced
and production techniques), would mean more
economic activity and more transport, and this would
increase emissions (scale effect). Opening trade
in EGS would lower their domestic price, raise real
income and increase demand for environmental
products, trade and economic activity.
Second, maintaining a constant scale of the economy
and constant carbon emissions intensities, the
lowering of tariffs and NTMs on imports of EGS would
lead to changes in countries’ allocation of resources
towards activities with either higher or lower emission
intensities depending on their respective comparative
advantages (composition effect).
Third, holding scale and composition constant,
improved access to EGS would encourage a switch
to low-carbon production techniques, and this would
reduce emissions (technique effect). This positive
trade effect on climate change mitigation captures
various channels. For instance, international trade
can accelerate the cross-country diffusion of ET,
making local production processes more efficient
and environmentally sound (Garsous and Worack,
2021). Trade provides an opportunity for developing
countries to adopt cleaner technologies and, in some
instances, to leapfrog the stage of intensive fossil
fuel energy use. Opening up trade in EGS can also
stimulate innovation spillovers through the diffusion of
knowledge embodied in intermediate EGS. Reducing
trade barriers has been found to be associated
with a boost in environmental innovation globally
(Dechezleprêtre and Glachant, 2014).
Trade in EGS could also contribute to sustainable
development by supporting and creating additional
employment in the renewable energy sector and in
sectors implementing climate-friendly technologies,
including those promoting energy efficiency and
conservation. In particular, trade in EG can increase
demand for ES and ancillary services, including
those related to the sales, delivery, installation and
maintenance of EG and ET. Given that jobs in the
EGS industry tend to be higher-skilled, better paid and
more gender-inclusive, trade in EGS can contribute
to supporting a more just and inclusive low-carbon
economy (see Chapter C).
(b) Opening up trade in energy-related
environmental goods would reduce
emissions and raise GDP in all regions
Despite an extensive literature on trade in EGS,
the effect of trade in EGS to address specific
environmental issues has been less investigated and
is still not well understood. This is in part because
there is a lack of internationally comparable data on
trade in EG, with even fewer data available on trade
in ES, and in part because the mechanisms through
which trade in EGS affects carbon emissions and
other environmental outcomes are complex to capture
and to quantify.
Only a few empirical studies have focused on the
effect of opening up trade in EG on different types
of pollutions (de Alwis, 2015; Zugravu-Soilita, 2018,
2019) and on EG exports (He et al., 2015; Tamini
and Sorgho, 2018), and have found mixed results.
For instance, trade intensity in EG relative to GDP
has been found to reduce carbon dioxide (CO
emissions but to increase water pollution with no
impact on sulphur dioxide (SO
) (Zugravu-Soilita,
However, trade in EG has also been shown
to have no impact on total carbon dioxide and sulphur
dioxide emissions, although trade in EG improved
the emission efficiency of both pollutants (Zugravu-
Soilita, 2019).
Several studies also use modelling techniques to
assess the potential effects of opening up trade in EG
(Dijkstra and Anuj, 2016; Hu et al., 2020; Nimubona,
2012; Wan, Nakada and Takarada, 2018). However,
the large number of channels
through which trade in
EG can affect economic and environmental outcomes
makes the overall effect difficult to model.
The WTO Global Trade Model (GTM) was used to
fill part of the gap in the literature and analyse how
opening further trade in a subset of specific EG could
affect their trade, GDP and carbon dioxide emissions
(Bacchetta et al., 2022).
The model captures two
mechanisms through which trade in EG can affect
carbon emissions: improvements in energy efficiency
(mainly a technique effect) and the replacement of
non-renewable with renewable energy (a combination
of a technique and a composition effect). The
simulations focus on EREG, namely energy-efficiency,
resource-efficiency and clean and renewable energy
goods, that are most relevant to reducing carbon
The set of EG is subsequently extended
to EPP because of their potential export interest for
a broad range of countries, including developing
economies and LDCs.
Four scenarios combining reductions in tariffs
and NTMs for EREG and EPP are considered:
(1) elimination of tariffs on EREG;
(2) elimination of tariffs and a 25 per cent
reduction in the ad valorem equivalent of NTMs
on EREG;
(3) elimination of tariffs on EREG and EPP and a
25 per cent reduction in the ad valorem
equivalent of NTMs on EREG; and
(4) elimination of tariffs and a 25 per cent reduction
in the ad valorem equivalent of NTMs on EREG
and EPP.
The elimination of tariffs and the reduction in NTMs
on EREG and EPP (as per scenario 4) would raise
global exports (expressed in real terms) of EREG and
EPP in 2030 by 5 per cent and 14 per cent above the
baseline, respectively. While the percentage increase
in exports would be larger for EPP than for EREG,
the value of trade in EREG would be much greater.
Total exports are projected to rise for all regions,
as the fall in trade costs of EREG and EPP and the
implied increase in energy efficiency would both raise
GDP, leading to an increase in import demand. This
positive effect would dominate the negative effect
of trade diversion for EREG in some regions.
While exports of EPP from most regions are expected
to increase, mainly due to larger decreases in trade
costs compared to current values, exports of EREG
are projected to rise only in slightly more than
half of the regions, due to trade diversion effects
(see Figure F.4). Market access would be improved
for important exporters of EREG, whereas for EPP
the gain would be rather shared among all regions,
Figure F.4: Opening up trade in environmentally preferable products would raise exports
in most regions
Source: Bacchetta et al. (2022).
Note: The figure displays the percentage changes in exports of EREG and exports of EPP projected with the WTO Global Trade Model
for 2030. The left panel shows the projected percentage change of real exports of EREG with only a reduction in tariffs under scenario
(1) and a reduction in both tariffs and NTMs under scenario (2). The right panel shows the projected percentage change of real exports of
EPP with only a reduction in tariffs under scenario (3) and a reduction in both tariffs and NTMs under scenario (4). The percentage change
of exports for the World corresponds to a trade weighted average over all regions.
Tariffs only Tariffs with NTMs
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
-10 -5 0 5 10
Projected per cent change in real exports
of EREGs in 2030
Projected per cent change in real exports
of EPPs in 2030
15 20
Asia LDC
European Free
Trade Association
Union 27
United Kingdom
of Korea
Latin America
Middle East and
North Africa
Other Asian
South Africa
Southeast Asia
Africa LDC
Africa other
United States
with low-income regions projected to expand trade
of EPP for which they have a comparative advantage.
Besides trade flows, the removal of tariffs and
reduction of NTMs on EREG and EPP (per scenario
4) would raise global GDP (expressed in real terms)
by 0.8 per cent relative to the baseline in 2030.
GDP would rise in all regions, including those
where exports of EREG and EPP are projected to
fall (relative to baseline) due to two effects. First,
lowering barriers to trade would reduce distortions.
Second, productivity would increase owing to lower
costs of compliance with NTMs and lower prices for
goods that facilitate the more efficient use of energy
and materials.
Most of the projected increase in
GDP is driven by trade-opening of EREG, since the
projected change in trade in EPP is smaller than the
projected change in trade of EREG.
The elimination of tariffs and the reduction of NTMs
on EREG and EPP (scenario 4) would reduce global
emissions by 0.58 per cent in 2030, relative to
the baseline. About half of this reduction in emissions
would be the result of tariff liberalization, while
the other half could be attributed to the reduction
of NTMs. The total effect can be broken down into
three components along the lines discussed in
Section F.3(a).
First, opening trade in EREG and EPP would stimulate
trade and GDP, and thereby raise the demand for
energy, thus raising emissions by 0.034 per cent in
2030 (a form of scale effect).
Second, the scale
effect would be more than offset by increased energy
efficiency in both production and consumption due
to higher imports of energy efficiency and clean
and renewable energy goods (a form of technique
effect). Combined with the scale effect, the energy-
efficiency effect is projected to result in a reduction
of annual CO
emissions by 0.58 per cent in 2030.
The third effect achieved through the shift towards
renewable energy (a form of composition effect)
would be negligible
because, in order for an
economy to switch to sectors that produce using
clean technologies, large investments in fixed costs
are needed, so it is expected that opening up trade
in EG alone would not be enough to result in large
composition effects.
As explained previously, the simulations only
capture two mechanisms through which trade in
EG can affect carbon emissions. At least three
additional channels through which trade in EG could
reduce carbon emissions are not modelled. First,
increased trade in EG can promote the diffusion of
environmental innovation, which would likely reinforce
the energy-efficiency effect through another form of
technique effect. Second, detailed effects related to
ES, for example better environmental monitoring or
waste management, are not considered. Modelling
such channels would require extensive study of the
role of imported capital goods in the adoption and
diffusion of sustainable environmental management.
Third, opening up trade in EPP can lead to a shift in
consumption and production towards EPP and help
reduce carbon emissions as well as address other
environmental issues.
For some EG, such as solar panels, substantial
declines in price have, in the recent past, been
accompanied by large trade flows. At the same
time, installed capacity in solar panels increased
about 15-fold from 2010 to 2019, during which the
levelized cost of energy plummeted in most countries
(IEA, 2022a).
A recent study suggests that trade liberalization in
solar PV power generation technologies might bring
considerable reductions in carbon emissions by
helping to stimulate production, reduces price and
application costs, and increases solar PV power
capacity. Eliminating half of the trade barriers on solar
cells and modules could reduce global emissions by
4 to 12 gigatonnes of CO
) between 2017
and 2060, corresponding to a cumulative reduction
of global emissions of 0.3 to 0.9 per cent.
The contribution of trade in EGS to the transition to
a low-carbon economy could be significantly larger
if the opening of EGS markets were accompanied
by relevant complementary policies. As discussed
in Chapter C, ambitious, credible and timely climate
policy strategies are essential to signal the market,
investors and consumers to make more low-carbon
investment and consumption decisions, including
with respect to the development, adoption and
deployment of EGS.
Climate change policy can also
affect how responsive agents are to price changes in
EGS and high-carbon products (i.e., price elasticity
of demand).
A wide adoption of EGS is likely to only take place
when the price drop of EGS caused by the reduction
in trade barriers in EGS is sufficient to render them
as affordable as, or cheaper than, high-carbon
goods. When the level of trade barriers on EGS is
already relatively low, the liberalization of trade in
EGS might not necessarily lead to a price drop large
enough to make EGS price competitive. In addition,
other factors besides the price of EGS can influence
the decision to replace high-carbon technologies
with low-carbon ones. For instance, the choice of a
given energy technology can also depend, among
other things, on its life cycle and reliability, as well
as the marginal cost of the electricity generated,
installation cost, grid infrastructure, storage capacity,
and structure of the electricity market. Well-targeted
and adequately financed energy and infrastructure
policies are important to make EGS and ET investable
by reducing uncertainty and improve investment risk
A well-functioning quality infrastructure system
– comprising legal and regulatory frameworks
responsible for standardization, accreditation,
metrology and conformity assessment – is also key
to guarantee the supply of high quality EGS and
keep deficient, sub-standard quality products from
entering the supply chain (WTO and IRENA, 2021).
Setting up and upgrading the quality infrastructure
can also contribute to reduce trade costs, increase
the likelihood that domestic companies participate
in the value chains of EGS and ultimately build an
EGS sector that delivers economic, social and
environmental benefits.
4. The development and
deployment of environmental
goods and services require
greater international cooperation
The transition to a low-carbon economy will not be
possible unless ET are developed, deployed and
diffused quickly. International cooperation on EGS,
and in particular on trade in EGS, can play a major
role in supporting the development and in scaling up
the adoption of EGS.
Addressing, through cooperation, the trade barriers
that hinder the adoption and diffusion of ET can
improve market access to more efficient, diverse
and cheaper EGS and stimulate innovation. This
is particularly relevant for economies that do not
necessarily possess the know-how and manufacturing
capacity to produce ETs. However, this does not
mean that these and other economies cannot
contribute to the production of EGS, given that ET are
often produced in GVCs, in which many economies
participate in the supply of parts and services.
Facilitating access to EGS through trade can also
provide economies with greater opportunities to
adapt ET to their local needs, spurring potentially
greater environmental innovation. When there is little
or no international trade cooperation on ET, the level
of development, deployment and use of EGS is likely
to be less than optimal from a global perspective,
resulting in a slower transition to a low-carbon
While trade and trade policy on EGS are particularly
relevant, other issues that hinder the development,
adoption and diffusion of EGS have to be addressed
to ensure that trade in EGS contributes to the fullest
to the transition to a low-carbon economy. Some of
these barriers include inadequate infrastructure, skills,
and environmental and energy policies. Addressing
trade barriers faced by EGS through trade agreements
could also contribute to making climate policies more
credible by signalling to the market and investors
in ET that governments are seriously committed to
improving the ET industry. Such signalling could also
increase transparency and predictability.
(a) Facilitating trade and investment
in environmental goods and services
is essential
Although international cooperation on EGS is
attracting attention, it is not a recent phenomenon.
Multilateral negotiations to reduce or eliminate tariffs
and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) on EGS were launched
in 2001 as part of the Doha Development Agenda.
The lack of progress in the Doha Development
Agenda negotiations ultimately led 46 WTO
members to launch the negotiations of a plurilateral
Environmental Goods Agreement in 2014.
Environmental Goods Agreement negotiations then
stopped in 2017 and have not resumed since.
Multilateral and plurilateral trade negotiations on
EGS have faced a number of challenges. While trade
negotiations do not seek to identify the full range of
EGS, negotiations on the criteria defining the scope
of EGS have faced significant hurdles. While some
products, such as wind turbines or solar panels, may
seem to be intrinsically environmental, there are many
other products that may not come across as being
environmental per se, but which are nevertheless
essential when carrying out environmental activities
or implementing ET. A product may be used
for both environmental and non-environmental
purposes. While manufacturing goods received
the most attention in trade negotiations, there has
been discussion about whether some agricultural
goods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, may
be considered as EG. The rapidly evolving nature
of ET also raises the question of how to address
obsolete EGS technologies in the future, and how to
ensure that the latest environmental innovations are
The difficulty in reaching consensus at the
multilateral and plurilateral level has led regional
trade cooperation to become the main avenue to
promote trade in EGS. The 2012 Vladivostok APEC
Leaders’ Declaration marked the first time a group of
economies agreed to a set of EG (i.e., 54 EG), with a
view to reducing their respective applied tariff rates
to 5 per cent or less by the end of 2020. The APEC
list includes solar panels, wind turbines and bamboo
flooring, as well as environmental monitoring, analysis
and assessment equipment.
In parallel to these initiatives, an increasing number
of regional trade agreements (RTAs) explicitly
address trade in EGS (see Figure F.5). Although the
inclusion of provisions on EGS in RTAs is not a recent
trend, the number of these provisions in any given
agreement has increased significantly over the years.
Environmental provisions are known to be
heterogenous across RTAs, and provisions on EGS
are no exception (Monteiro, 2016; 2022b). They differ
in terms of structure and location in RTAs, as well as
in language and scope. While some provisions refer
to EG, ES or technologies in general, other provisions
address specific categories of EGS, such as goods
and services related to sustainable renewable energy
and energy efficiency, or goods and services subject
to eco-labelling and fair trade schemes. A few more
recent provisions explicitly refer to climate-friendly
goods, services and technologies. Provisions on
EGS complement other environmental provisions,
including those promoting voluntary environmental
performance mechanisms, such as private-public-
partnerships and voluntary environmental auditing
and reporting, found in a limited number of RTAs.
Similarly, provisions on EGS complement provisions
trade in natural resource-based products obtained
through a sustainable use of biological resources
and provisions on sustainable management of fish
and forests, and on trade in fish and timber products,
found in an increasing number of RTAs.
Provisions committing parties to endeavour to
facilitate and promote trade and, in some agreements,
foreign direct investment in EGS are the most
common type of provisions on EGS. Most other
provisions on trade in EGS are only specific to a
single or a few RTAs.
While many RTAs include different market access
and national treatment commitments for ES (mostly
related to waste management and treatment), only
a couple of agreements establish explicit tariff
reductions or eliminations for specific EG.
1992 Partial Cooperation and Trade Agreement
between Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay was one of
the first trade agreements to eliminate tariffs and
NTMs on an agreed list of EG (58tariff lines at the
10-digit national product classification level). More
recently, the RTAs negotiated by New Zealand with
Chinese Taipei and the United Kingdom include a list
of EG (132 and 298 tariff lines, respectively, at the
six-digit HS level), whose tariffs are to be eliminated.
An alternative market access approach, only found
in the RTA between Indonesia and Switzerland,
establishes a preferential tariff rate quota access for
palm oil produced sustainably in Indonesia.
Besides tariffs, some recent RTAs explicitly call on
the parties to address potential NTMs on EG. Many
Figure F.5: Provisions on environmental goods and services are increasingly included in RTAs
Source: Monteiro (2022b).
Note: Analysis based on RTAs notified to the WTO. “North” is defined as high-income countries, whereas “South” is defined as middle-
and low-income countries according to the World Bank’s country classification.
South-South RTA North-South RTA North-North RTA
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Number of provisions related to EGS
Year of signature
of these provisions add clarifications or expand some
of the disciplines set out in the WTO TBT Agreement.
A few provisions promote good regulatory practices
when designing standards and technical regulations
relating to EG in general. Other provisions establish
regulatory commitments on specific categories of EG,
such as listing relevant international standard-setting
bodies for the design of domestic standards on
products related to renewable energy;
energy performance standards and test products;
acceptance of the other party’s technical regulations,
standards or conformity assessment procedures
related to the production, processing or labelling
of organic products;
and mutual acceptance of
conformity assessment procedures for products
related to renewable energy.
While most detailed provisions on EGS in RTAs focus
on EG, only a few detailed provisions explicitly address
trade barriers on ES, such as facilitating the movement
of businesspersons involved in the sale, delivery or
installation of EG or the supply of ES.
on support measures related to EGS are also limited.
For instance, a recent provision commits each party
to refrain from adopting local content requirements or
any other offset affecting the other party’s products,
service suppliers or establishments related to energy
generation from renewable and sustainable non-fossil
The remaining types of provisions on EGS in
RTAs are mostly about cooperation. While some
cooperation provisions refer to cooperation on
EGS in general, other cooperation provisions focus
on specific categories of EGS or specific issues.
Some provisions encourage cooperation between
enterprises in relation to goods, services and
technologies beneficial to the environment. A few
other provisions call on the parties to cooperate in
international fora to support trade and investment
in EGS.
Although progress in trade negotiations on EGS in
the WTO has been limited, the multilateral trading
system ensures that trade in EGS flows as smoothly,
predictably and freely as possible through its
disciplines, which limit members’ discretion to adopt
policies unjustifiably, thereby causing negative cross-
border spillovers. Tariffs on manufacturing goods,
including many EG, were, on average, significantly
reduced with the conclusion of the Uruguay Round
(1986-94). The General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) and the GATS ensure that trade
policies, including those related to EGS, are non-
discriminatory and transparent. The TBT Agreement
also aims to ensure that technical regulations,
standards and conformity assessment procedures on
goods, including those related to EG, do not create
unnecessary obstacles to trade and are based on
relevant internationally agreed standards. The TBT
Agreement further promotes the harmonization,
equivalence and mutual recognition of technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures.
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
also supports the development and dissemination
of ET by establishing a set of minimum standards
for the protection and enforcement of intellectual
property rights.
The WTO could make an even greater contribution
to promoting trade in EGS by advancing a couple
of initiatives currently being pursued by several
WTO members at the plurilateral level.
Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured
Discussions (TESSD) explore opportunities and
possible approaches for promoting and facilitating
trade in EGS. The TESSD intends to broaden the
scope beyond tariff liberalization and cover NTMs,
the dissemination of technology and ES – including
those that can facilitate the uptake and use of EG
– and technical assistance. Potential outcomes of
the TESSD could include identifying and compiling
best practices, as well as exploring opportunities for
voluntary actions and partnerships to promote and
facilitate access to EGS, including new and emerging
low-emission technologies, and other climate-friendly
Efforts to support trade in EGS could also be
reinforced by promoting sustainable trade in plastics,
including low-carbon alternatives, a topic currently
under discussion in the Informal Dialogue on Plastics
Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics
Trade at the WTO. Similarly, rationalizing and phasing
out the use of fossil fuel subsidies, under the Fossil
Fuel Subsidy Reform initiative,
could promote low-
carbon energy sources, including renewable energy
(b) Inclusive participation in developing
and deploying environmental goods
and services is important
A just transition to a low-carbon economy requires
giving particular attention to the challenges and
opportunities faced by developing countries and
vulnerable groups when they engage or seek to
participate in trade in EGS.
Given that the ET sector
is only just emerging in most developing countries
and LDCs, reducing tariff barriers and NTMs to EGS
is only one way of reducing the costs and increasing
the availability of and access to ET. Additional efforts
could ensure that effective transfer of ET takes
place in practice. In the context of climate change,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) defines technology transfer “as a broad
set of processes covering the flows of know-how,
experience and equipment for mitigating and adapting
to climate change amongst different stakeholders
such as governments, private sector entities, financial
institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
and research/education institutions” (IPCC, 2000).
Technology transfers through cross-border
partnerships can facilitate manufacturing scale-
ups and innovation in multiple contexts. Firms can
manufacture an environmental product that was
successfully developed by an originator firm under
some form of licence or production contract that
encompasses the transfer of know-how along
with formal intellectual property and access to
the regulatory dossier. Alternatively, the transfer
of technology can help competitors to modify and
improve existing ET. A transfer of technology can also
be used, irrespective of the type of ET, to develop
and produce new ET.
Technology transfers can come from both private and
public sources. In the case of climate change, such
aid often involves international cooperation (Popp,
2011). For example, the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank jointly
implement the Global Environment Facility (GEF),
which provides grants for projects in developing
countries to address global environmental issues,
including those related to climate change.
Another example is the Clean Development Mechanism
defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol,
which offers developed countries the opportunity to
earn credits (called saleable certified emission reduction
(CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO
), in
return for financing projects in developing countries that
reduce emissions, thus enabling the transfer of climate-
friendly technologies (Dechezleprêtre, Glachant and
nière, 2008). The CDM’s underlying infrastructure
and remaining funds will largely be repurposed
to implement Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement
that establishes a new mechanism for parties to
cooperate in achieving their NDCs.
Another international initiative is the Climate
Technology Initiative (CTI), operating under the
International Energy Agency (IEA), which works to
accelerate the development and diffusion of climate-
friendly and environmentally sound technologies
and practices and to strengthen the capacity of
developing countries to employ them. In addition, the
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has
established WIPO GREEN, an online database and
network that connects owners of new technologies
with individuals or companies who might be looking
to commercialize, license or otherwise distribute ET.
A very limited but increasing number of RTAs include
specific cooperation provisions aimed at facilitating
the transfer of ET. Some provisions refer, in general, to
the promotion of ET development, innovation, transfer
and application.
Other provisions specifically
cover the promotion of measures at the domestic,
regional and international levels, related to R&D,
demonstration, deployment, transfer and diffusion of
new, innovative, safe and sustainable low-carbon and
climate adaptation technologies.
As discussed in Chapter C, the TRIPS Agreement
also helps to facilitate the transfer of technology,
including of ETs, through developed-country
members’ commitments under TRIPS Article 66.2
to provide incentives for enterprises and institutions
in their territories to encourage technology transfer
to LDCs. The Aid for Trade Initiative could also
contribute to the transfer of ET by supporting
developing countries, in particular LDCs, in building
low-carbon and climate-resilient trade capacity and
infrastructure (see chapters B and C).
(c) More detailed data on trade and trade
policy on EGS are needed
The need for more detailed data on trade and
investment in EGS is becoming pressing as
governments strive to unlock trade in ET. Different
statistical classifications or nomenclatures, including
the HS, have been used to identify EG and ES
separately. The lack of disaggregated and comparable
data on trade in EGS and related trade policies
continues to hold back research and can hinder
trade negotiations in EGS. Several international
organizations have attempted to define and classify
As discussed above, the OECD/Eurostat Informal
Working Group has developed a list based on
the six-digit HS intended to illustrate the scope
of the “environmental industry” (Steenblik, 2005).
UNCTAD (1995) identified several EPP that are
more environment-friendly than petroleum-based
competitors, produced in an environment-friendly
way or that contribute to the preservation of the
environment. More recently, the World Customs
Organization (WCO) released the 2022 version
of the HS, which includes new commodity codes
specific to several technologies that use solar energy
and energy-efficient light-emitting diodes. These
changes should facilitate the monitoring of trade in
specific EG. The United Nations’ CPC, released in
1991, identifies several types of ES (WTO, 2010).
Several international organizations, including APEC
and the OECD Secretariat, have also worked to
update the list of ES (APEC, 2021; Sauvage and
Timiliotis, 2017).
The WTO provides access to official tariff and trade
data at the tariff-line level, which often means eight,
or sometimes even 10, digits, including in some cases
for specific EG for some countries. WTO agreements
also promote transparency in trade measures via
formal, publicly available notifications of all laws and
regulations affecting trade, including those related
to EGS. Notifications explicitly related to EGS are
reported in the WTO Environmental Database (EDB).
The WTO could further improve the quality and
availability of its data on EGS by strengthening its
collaboration with statistical agencies and other
government offices, as well as with other international
organizations, including the WCO. Ongoing
plurilateral initiatives, including TESSD, could also
play an important role in improving transparency of
relevant measures, offering an opportunity for sharing
experiences and best practices.
5. Conclusion
The transition to a low-carbon economy will require
the development, deployment and diffusion of ET
at an unprecedented pace, and trade in EGS can
contribute to this process. However, EGS trade flows
and trade policies differ across regions: exports
of EGS from middle-income countries have been
growing dynamically over the past two decades,
whereas those of low-income countries have
remained almost constant. Conversely, low-income
countries’ imports of EGS have been increasing
faster than those of other countries, suggesting a
strong demand for EGS in those countries.
Simulations using the WTO GTM suggest that the
elimination of tariffs, together with the reduction
in NTMs on a specific subset of EG, could make a
contribution to reducing carbon emissions while
contributing to an increase in exports and GDP in all
regions. These simulations, however, only account for
two of the various mechanisms through which trade in
EG can affect emissions, suggesting that the actual
effects of opening up trade in EGS could potentially
be considerably more significant with a broader set
of EGS, if all effects were taken into account and if
relevant complementary policies accompanied the
liberalization of trade in EGS.
International cooperation on trade in EGS can play
a major role in supporting the development and in
scaling up the adoption of EGS. The multilateral
trading system ensures that trade in EGS flows as
smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. The
WTO agreements can also support the transfer of
ET to developing countries, in particular to LDCs.
The difficulty in reaching consensus in multilateral
and plurilateral trade negotiations has, however,
led regional trade cooperation to become the main
avenue to promote trade in EGS.
The WTO could make a greater contribution to
promoting trade in EGS. Several plurilateral initiatives
currently being pursued by subsets of WTO members
could play an important role in promoting and
facilitating trade in EGS. The WTO could also further
improve the quality and availability of data on EGS by
strengthening its collaboration with national statistical
agencies and other international organizations.
1 The OECD list of EG contains 164 tariff lines at the six-
digit Harmonized System (HS) level organized according
to three main categories and 18 sub-categories. The
list covers, however, 132 unique HS-6 tariff lines after
eliminating multiple listings across various sub-categories
of some tariff lines. The tariff classification is based on the
1992 version of the HS nomenclature.
2 According to the OECD list, pollution management
technologies and products include goods and services that
are easily identifiable statistically (OECD, 1999).
3 According to the OECD list, cleaner technologies and
products include some goods and services whose
statistical assessment remains disputed, difficult or
expensive (OECD, 1999).
4 Although environmental protection is excluded from
the coverage of resource management, inevitably some
products associated with environmental protection may be
included, although their prime purpose is not environmental
5 The CPC, prepared under the auspices of the United
Nations and other international bodies, provides a
classification structure for goods and services based
on a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions,
principles and classification rules. The first version of the
CPC, the Provisional Central Product Classification, was
published in 1991.
6 National and regional statistical classifications of the EGS
sector (i.e., EGS sector account) have also been expanded
over the years. See for instance Eurostat (2009, 2016).
7 The specific services relevant to the environment are
identified within sub-classes of the CPC 2.1 classification
at the five-digit level through the use of “ex out” (which
indicates that the identified service is extracted from the
five-digit subclass) (Nordås and Steenblik, 2021).
8 International trade in goods is classified using the World
Customs Organization (WCO) Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System (HS). The HS classifies
all products using six-digit codes that are organized by
chapter (two digits), heading (four digits), and subheading
(six digits).
9 Notifications of environment-related countervailing
measures can be found in the WTO Environmental
Database (EDB), which can be consulted at https://edb.
10 The TRAINS database covers 57 countries, encompassing
11 high-income countries (with the European Union
included as a country group), 36 middle-income countries
and 10 low-income countries.
11 See the Note by the WTO Secretariat on "experiences in
the promotion and facilitation of environmental goods and
services" (WTO official document number INF/TE/SSD/
W18, accessible via https://docs.wto.org/).
12 For more information about the GATS modes of supply, see
13 Public goods are a special case of positive externalities
for which the cost of extending the service to an additional
person is zero and which it is impossible to exclude
individuals from enjoying.
14 GHG comprise carbon dioxide (CO
), methane (CH
nitrous oxide (N
O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphurhexafluoride (SF
Although carbon dioxide is the primary GHG emitted
through human activities, methane has become an
emerging GHG given its more potent heat-trapping ability.
15 For example, using LED light instead of filament lamps
would reduce energy consumption, as the former is more
16 Some climate change adaptation solutions can
exacerbate some environmental issues in the absence
of complementary actions. For instance, artificial snow
might help keep slopes snowy at higher temperatures, but
its production can be energy- and water-intensive. The
chemicals or biological additives used to enhance artificial
snow’s quality and slow down its melting can also impact
the environment, including biodiversity (Rixen, Stoeckli and
Ammann, 2003).
17 Trade intensity is defined as the ratio of exports plus
imports over GDP.
18 See Aguiar et al., (2019) for a technical description of
the WTO GTM, a recursive dynamic computable general
equilibrium model. The energy and electricity version of the
WTO Global Trade Model was used to generate a baseline
projection until 2030 for the global economy with the path
for global CO
emissions close to the emissions projected
by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as reported in
hringer et al. (2021). Bilateral tariff rates are from the
Market Access Map (MAcMap) database, provided by the
International Trade Centre (ITC). Ad valorem equivalents of
NTMs are taken from Cadot, Gourdon and van Tongeren
(2018), based on count data on NTMs from the UNCTAD
TRAINS database. The elasticity of carbon emissions with
respect to trade in EG were estimated econometrically
(Bacchetta et al., 2022).
19 The list of EREG is derived from the OECD list of EG
(OECD, 1999).
20 The list of EPP is based on the list reported in Tothova
21 NTMs are modelled as iceberg costs (i.e., some of the
product is lost between the buyer and the seller). A 25 per
cent reduction in NTMs is in line with empirical estimates of
the effect of a regional trade agreement on NTMs (Benz and
Yalcin, 2013), as well as with the literature on regulatory
convergence (Vanzetti, Knebel and Peters, 2018).
22 The higher projected global GDP level by 2030 is the result
of a higher projected GDP growth trajectory between 2021
and 2030.
23 For the products modelled, the NTMs concern mostly TBT,
which require firms to allocate extra resources to comply
with them.
24 Part of the effect is also driven by increased demand for
transportation services, which generates additional CO
25 This is the case with or without end-use control. Under the
scenario without “end-use control”, all energy producing
sectors would benefit from the lower prices of clean and
renewable energy goods, so that the increase in electricity
produced by fossil fuels would increase emissions.
Conversely, under the scenario with “end-use control”,
only sectors producing electricity with renewables would
benefit from the lower prices of clean and renewable
energy goods, which would reduce emissions.
26 The estimated effects, based on the WTO GTM, are an
order of magnitude smaller than those found by Hu (2020),
due to differences in the models used to determine the
price of clean and renewable energy goods and the impact
on emissions, and different assumptions concerning the
decline in the price of domestic clean and renewable
energy goods.
27 In particular, a lack of emissions data at the detailed
sectoral level makes it difficult to evaluate the emissions
effects of trade in EPP.
28 The estimated cumulative reduction of global emissions of
between 0.3 per cent and 0.9 per cent between 2017 and
2060 assumes that emissions remain constant at the level
of 2020 (31.5 GrCO
) until 2060 (Wang et al., 2021).
29 For instance, following a reduction in trade barriers on
EG, a government which used to extract tariff revenue with
tariffs on EG, might be tempted to respond by strategically
lowering the level of environmental protection to stimulate
domestic production. Depending on the marginal pollution
rate associated with the production of the high-carbon
product, the reduction in trade barriers on EG could lead
to an increase (or decrease) in pollution when the marginal
pollution rate is significantly high (or low) (Nimubona,
30 The price elasticity of demand itself largely depends on
the choice and implementation of environmental policy
instruments (David and Sinclair-Desgagné, 2005).
31 The WTO Special Session of the Committee on Trade
and Environment (CTESS) was established to conduct
negotiations on trade and environment. The reduction
or elimination of tariffs on EG was also discussed in the
context of the WTO’s Negotiating Group on Market
Access, but without addressing the specific issues that
were debated in the CTESS. In addition, the Special
Session of the Council for Trade in Services is in charge of
the negotiations on services, including ES.
32 The Environmental Goods Agreement discussion
initially built on the 54 EG set out in the 2012 Leaders’
Declaration of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
33 More recently, APEC economies have been considering
updating the list of EG and advancing trade in ES, including
by identifying different types of ES (https://www.apec.org/
34 The tariff reduction and elimination of goods covered in
the WTO and in RTAs can apply to EG without explicitly
singling out any specific EG.
35 For example, European Union-Singapore and European
Union-Viet Nam RTAs.
36 For example, United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA).
37 For example, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement
for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
38 For example, European Union-Singapore RTA.
39 For example, Chinese Taipei-New Zealand RTA.
40 For example, European Union-Singapore and European
Union-Viet Nam RTAs.
41 These WTO initiatives complement other initiatives, such
as the one led by Costa Rica, Fiji, Iceland, New Zealand,
Norway and Switzerland that seeks to negotiate tariff
elimination on EG and binding commitments for ES in an
Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability.
42 See TESSD Ministerial Statement on Trade and
Environmental Sustainability (WTO official document
number WT/MIN(21)/6, viewable via https://docs.wto.org/).
43 See Ministerial Statement on Fossil Fuel Subsidies (WTO
official document number WT/MIN(21)/9/Rev.1, viewable
via https://docs.wto.org/).
44 A number of international initiatives support micro, small
and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in introducing
innovations to their operations and scaling them for trade
across borders. For instance, the World Banks’s Climate
Technology Program (CTP) supports the private sector
in developing countries, and in particular small and
medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs, to use new
technologies and business models to address local climate
45 See https://www.thegef.org/.
46 See https://cdm.unfccc.int/index.html.
47 See for instance the European Union-East African Community
48 See for instance the European Union-Armenia RTA.
G. Conclusion
Climate change is having a damaging effect on
people, the environment and the economy globally.
Major economic investment and ambitious policy
actions will be required to steer the economy towards
a sustainable, low-carbon growth trajectory, which
is necessary to mitigate climate change and adapt
to its disruptive and costly consequences. Thus,
both climate change and climate policies will have
significant consequences for international trade and
trade policies.
Although the interlinkages between climate change
and international trade are complex and multifaceted,
much of the debate on climate change and trade is
based on oversimplifications and misconceptions.
Two basic but misleading assumptions still underlie
much of the current debate: that trade clearly
contributes to climate change; and that WTO rules
prevent governments from adopting ambitious climate
The first misleading assumption – that trade, and in
particular international transportation, is one of the
main contributors to climate change – has led to calls
to limit imports in favour of producing and consuming
goods and services locally. In reality, international
trade affects greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
many different ways. It is true that trade activities
emit GHG emissions through the production,
transportation, distribution and consumption of
traded products, and, in this way, trade increases
emissions by stimulating economic activity through
increased income. Trade also affects the type of
goods and services that each country produces,
and can therefore affect climate change positively
or negatively depending on whether a country has a
comparative advantage in GHG emission-intensive
At the same time, however, trade contributes to the
reduction of GHG emissions in several important
ways. Trade provides access to low-carbon goods,
services and technologies at lower prices. The
increased income associated with trade openness
can also lead to rising environmental awareness, as
well as to more stringency in terms of environmental
regulations, which spurs the incorporation of
environmental technologies into production
processes. Trade can help to diffuse environmental
innovations, and provides firms with the opportunity to
reap higher profits from integrating those innovations
into production processes, thereby increasing
their incentives to continue creating, diffusing and
integrating environmental technologies. In addition,
trade in cleaner energy can further enable countries,
including developing ones, with large endowments in
renewable energy sources to lever their comparative
advantage in clean energy generation and contribute
to the low-carbon transition.
Trade can also help countries to protect themselves
against, and adapt to, some of the consequences
of climate change by helping to prevent, reduce and
prepare for climate risks, as well as to respond to and
recover from climate disasters. Recovery from climate
disasters via the timely availability of critical goods
and services, such as food, healthcare, transportation
and communication, is enabled by trade. By helping
countries to adjust to shifts in agricultural production
caused by long-term changes in climate conditions,
trade can also contribute to food security. Facilitated
access to technologies that minimize some of the
costs and the economic effects of climate change is
also supported by trade.
The positive contribution of trade to the fight against
climate change is, however, not necessarily automatic.
Building economic and trade resilience to climate
change requires an understanding of economic
challenges and opportunities, as well as the ability to
anticipate, evaluate and manage climate risks. Trade
policies need to be integrated into climate adaptation
strategies, including policies to enhance resilience of
supply chains to climate-related disruptions. Similarly,
giving producers and consumers incentives to factor
climate risks into their decisions, so that they choose
to limit or compensate their GHG emissions, requires
relevant and well-designed climate and energy
The second misleading assumption about trade
and climate change is that WTO rules prevent
governments from adopting ambitious climate
policies. In reality, although the term “climate
change” does not appear in WTO agreements, the
WTO supports the fight against climate change by
helping to ensure efficient and effective trade-related
climate policies. While not all climate change policies
have a trade dimension, WTO rules govern taxes,
tariffs, support measures, regulatory measures and
other trade-related instruments that are relevant for
implementing climate policies.
Climate and trade regimes do not operate in
isolation. For instance, the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides
that measures taken to combat climate change
should not constitute a means of arbitrary or
unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction
on international trade, and should be implemented
so as to minimize adverse effects, including on
international trade, and social, environmental and
economic impacts on other parties.
At the same time, the WTO framework contributes
to the fight against climate change by supporting
policies that create or expand positive cross-border
spillover effects; for instance, climate measures
adopted in one country may facilitate the diffusion of
environmental technologies to other countries. WTO
rules also help to limit the use of policies that can
lead to trade tensions and cause income and welfare
losses for other countries, and that thereby ultimately
undermine efforts to tackle climate change.
Through its committees, the WTO provides a
unique forum for members to discuss their efforts to
mitigate and adapt to climate change, and the trade
implications of those efforts. WTO transparency
mechanisms, including the notification requirements
for trade measures and periodic trade policy reviews
for WTO members, provide information about climate-
related trade measures. WTO technical assistance
and capacity-building initiatives, including Aid for
Trade, contributes to the efforts towards mobilizing
investments in low-carbon and climate-resilient trade
The international trade of critical and environmental-
friendly goods and services is enabled by the
transparent and predictable trading environment
underpinned by WTO rules, which also helps
economies to diversify so that they are less reliant
on single exporters and suppliers when an extreme
weather event hits.
Nevertheless, while trade rules play an important
role in climate mitigation and adaptation, the
WTO can certainly do more to advance work on
environmental and sustainability issues, including
greater information-sharing and transparency in the
context of trade-related climate change policies, and
by addressing trade barriers to environmental goods
and services. In that context, the ongoing WTO
initiatives on trade and environmental sustainability,
on sustainable trade in plastics and on fossil fuel
subsidies reforms could lead to both pragmatic and
creative results. The WTO could be an appropriate
forum for discussions on opening up trade in
environmental goods and services to further facilitate
access to and diffusion of climate technologies.
Strengthening cooperation between the WTO and
regional and international climate organizations would
further support understanding of the interlinkages
between climate change and trade.
This report has underlined how international trade
and trade rules can play a positive, constructive role
in adapting to climate change and supporting a just
transition to a low-carbon economy. Given the cross-
cutting nature of climate change, trade and climate
change policies need to be mutually supportive. This
requires coordination, coherence and transparency.
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© World Trade Organization 2022
rint ISBN 978-92-870-5395-4
Web ISBN 978-92-870-5396-1
Published by the World Trade Organization.
WTO members are frequently referred to as
“countries, although some members are not
countries in the usual sense of the word but are
ofcially “customs territories”. The denition of
geographical and other groupings in this report
does not imply an expression of opinion by the
WTO Secretariat concerning the status of any
country or territory, the delimitation of its
frontiers, nor the rights and obligations of any
WTO member in respect of WTO agreements.
There are no WTO denitions of “developed” and
developing” economies. Members announce for
themselves whether they are “developed” or
developing” economies. The references to
developing and developed economies, as well as
any other sub-categories of members used in
this report, are for statistical purposes only, and
do not imply an expression of opinion by the
Secretariat concerning the status of any country
or territory, the delimitation of its frontiers, nor
the rights and obligations of any WTO member in
respect of WTO agreements.
The data supplied in the
World Trade Report 2022
are valid as of 1 September 2022.
World Trade Report 2022
Climate change is having a profound impact on people’s lives across
the world. Mitigating and adapting to climate change will require
major economic investment and coordinated action to transition
to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. The
World Trade Report 2022
explores the complex interlinkages between climate change,
international trade, and climate and trade policies.
Although international trade generates greenhouse gas emissions
which contribute to climate-related natural disasters, it can also play
an essential role in helping countries reduce emissions by increasing
the availability and affordability of environmental goods, services
and technologies. International trade can also play a key role
in helping countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and build
future resilience.
World Trade Report 2022
shows how international trade and trade
rules can contribute to addressing climate change. Ensuring trade
and climate change policies are mutually supportive requires global
coordination and transparency about government measures. The WTO
already plays an important role in helping countries tackle climate
change by maintaining a predictable trading environment underpinned
by WTO rules that allow for international trade in critical goods and
services needed to cope with the consequences of climate change
and to reduce emissions. Further international cooperation at the
WTO could strengthen the mutual supportiveness of trade and climate
change policies so that the world is better equipped to transition
to a low-carbon economy.
ISBN 978-92-870-5395-4ISBN 978-92-870-5396-1