HP, 1 ml and 5 ml
Instructions for Use
HisTrap™ HP is a ready to use HiTrap™ column, prepacked with precharged
Ni Sepharose High Performance. This prepacked column is ideal for
preparative purification of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins by
immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC).
The special design of the column, together with the high-performance
matrix of the Ni Sepharose medium, provides fast, simple, and easy
separations in a convenient format.
Ni Sepharose High Performance has low nickel (Ni
) ion leakage and is
compatible with a wide range of additives used in protein purification.
HisTrap HP columns can be operated with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or
liquid chromatography system such as ÄKTA™.
71502768 AL
Table of Contents
Product description .............................................................................. 3
2 General considerations ....................................................................... 7
3 Preparation .............................................................................................. 9
4 Purification ............................................................................................... 11
5 Optimization ............................................................................................ 13
6 Stripping and recharging .................................................................... 15
7 Cleaning-in-place .................................................................................. 16
8 Scaling-up ................................................................................................. 17
9 Adjusting pressure limits in chromatography system
software .................................................................................................... 18
10 Storage ...................................................................................................... 20
11 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 20
12 Ordering Information ........................................................................... 25
Please read these instructions carefully before using the
Intended use
The products are intended for research use only, and shall not
be used in any clinical or in vitro procedures for diagnostic
For use and handling of the products in a safe way, please refer
to the Safety Data Sheets.
2 71502768 AL
1 Product description
iTrap column characteristics
The columns are made of biocompatible polypropylene that
does not interact with biomolecules.
The columns are delivered with a stopper at the inlet and a
snap-off end at the outlet. Table 1, on page 3 lists the
characteristics of HiTrap columns.
Fig 1.
HiTrap, 1 mL column.
Fig 2.
HiTrap, 5 mL column
HiTrap columns cannot be opened or refilled.
Make sure that the connector is tight to prevent
Table 1.
Characteristics of HiTrap columns
Column volume (CV) 1 mL 5 mL
Column dimensions 0.7 × 2.5 cm 1.6 x 2.5 cm
Column hardware pressure limit 5 bar (0.5 MPa) 5 bar (0.5 MPa)
71502768 AL 3
The pressure over the packed bed varies depending on
range of parameters such as the characteristics of
the chromatography medium, sample/liquid viscosity
and the column tubing used.
Supplied Connector kit with HiTrap column
Connectors supplied Usage No. supplied
Union 1/16” male/ luer
For connection of syringe to HiTrap
Stop plug female, 1/16 For sealing bottom of HiTrap column 2, 5 or 7
Chromatography medium properties
isTrap HP 1 ml and 5 ml columns are prepacked with Ni
Sepharose High Performance, which consists of 34 μm highly
cross-linked agarose beads with an immobilized chelating
group. The medium has then been charged with Ni
Several amino acids, for example histidine, form complexes
with many metal ions. Ni Sepharose High Performance
selectively binds proteins if suitable complex-forming amino
acid residues are exposed on the protein surface.
Additional histidines, such as in the case of (histidine)
increase affinity for Ni
and generally make the histidine-
tagged protein the strongest binder among other proteins in
for example an E. coli extract.
Table 2.
HisTrap HP characteristics
Matrix Highly cross-linked spherical agarose, 6%
Average bead size 34 μm
Metal ion capacity ~ 15 μmol Ni
/ml medium
Dynamic binding capacity
At least 40 mg (histidine)
-tagged protein/ml
4 71502768 AL
Recommended flow rate 1 ml/min and 5 ml/min for 1 ml and 5 ml column,
Max. flow rates
4 ml/min and 20 ml/min for 1 ml and 5 ml
column, respectively
Compatibility during use Stable in all commonly used buffers, reducing
agents, denaturants, and detergents. See Table
3, on page 6.
Chemical stability(for medium
without metal ion)
0.01 M HCl, 0.1 M NaOH; tested for one week at
1 M NaOH, 70% acetic acid; tested for 12 h. 2%
SDS; tested for 1 h. 30% 2-propanol; tested for
30 min.
Avoid in buffers Chelating agents, e.g., EDTA, EGTA, citrate (see
able 3, on page 6)
pH stability
(for medium
without metal ion)
Working range
3 to 12
to 14
Storage 20% ethanol
Storage temperature 4°C to 30°C
ynamic binding capacity conditions:
Sample: 1 mg/ml (histidine)
tagged pure protein (M
28 000 or 43 000) in
binding buffer (Q
B 10%
determination) or (histidine)
-tagged protein
bound from E. coli extract
Column volume: 0.25 ml or 1 ml
Flow rate: 0.25 ml/min or 1 ml/min
Binding buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 5 mM imidazole, pH 7.4
Elution buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 0.5 M imidazole, pH 7.4
Note: Dynamic binding capacity is protein-dependent.
at room temperature. For calculation of pressure limits, see Chapter 9 Adjusting
pressure limits in chromatography system software , on page 18.
Working range: pH interval where the medium can be handled without significant change in
Cleaning-in-place: pH interval where the medium can be subjected to cleaning-in-place
without significant change in function.
71502768 AL 5
The Ni
-charged medium is compatible with all commonly
used aqueous buffers, reducing agents, denaturants such as 6
M Gua-HCl and 8 M urea, and a range of other additives (see
Table 3, on page 6).
Table 3. Ni Sepharose High Performance is compatible with the following
compounds up to the concentrations given
Reducing agents
5 mM DTE
20 mM β-mercaptoethanol
10 mM reduced glutathione
Denaturing agents
8 M urea
M Gua-HCl
Detergents 2% TritonX-100 (nonionic)
% Tween™ 20 (nonionic)
2% NP-40 (nonionic)
2% cholate (anionic)
1% CHAPS (zwitterionic)
Other additives 500 mM imidazole
0% ethanol
50% glycerol
100 mM Na
1.5 M NaCl
60 mM citrate
6 71502768 AL
Buffer 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4
00 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4
100 mM Tris-acetate, pH 7.4
100 mM HEPES, pH 7.4
100 mM MOPS, pH 7.4
100 mM sodium acetate, pH 4
i Sepharose High Performance is compatible with reducing agents. However, for optimal
performance, removal of any weakly bound Ni
ions by performing a blank run without
reducing agents (as described in Section Blank run, on page 10.) before applying buffer/
sample including reducing agents is recommended. Do not leave HisTrap HP columns with
buffers including reducing agents when not in use.
Tested for one week at 40°C.
The strong chelator EDTA has been used successfully in some cases at 1 mM. Generally,
chelating agents should be used with caution (and only in the sample, not in the buffers). Any
metal-ion stripping may be counteracted by addition of a small excess of MgCl
centrifugation/filtration of the sample. Note that stripping effects may vary with applied
sample volume.
2 General considerations
This section describes important information that should be
considered when using HisTrap HP in order to achieve the
best results. The actions for minimizing nickel leakage and
discoloring are normally not needed but can be performed for
sensitive applications.
Imidazole concentration
The recommended binding buffer is:
20 mM sodium phosphate, 500 mM NaCl, 20 to 40 mM
imidazole, pH 7.4
71502768 AL 7
The imidazole concentration in sample and binding buffer can
e further increased if there is a need for higher final purity. If,
on the other hand, there is a need for higher yield the
imidazole concentration can be lowered (this may result in
lower final purity).
Minimize nickel-ion leakage
Leakage of Ni-ions from HisTrap HP is very low under all
normal conditions. For applications where extremely low
leakage during purification is critical, leakage can be
diminished by performing a blank run. See Section Blank
run, on page 10.
Use binding and elution buffers without reducing agents.
Reduce discoloring when reducing agents are used
HisTrap HP is compatible with reducing agents as listed in
Table 3, on page 6. Discoloring is always seen when using high
concentrations of reducing agents. In most cases this does
not affect the performance of the chromatography medium.
To minimize the discoloring, perform a blank run using buffers
without reducing agents before the purification. See Section
Blank run, on page 10.
Table 4.
Prepacked columns for desalting and buffer exchange
Column Loading volume Elution volume
HiPrep™ 26/10 Desalting
2.5 to 15 mL 7.5 to 20 mL
HiTrap Desalting
0.25 to 1.5 mL 1.0 to 2.0 mL
PD-10 Desalting
1.0 to 2.5 mL
1.75 to 2.5 mL
3.5 mL
p to 2.5 mL
PD MiniTrap™ G-25 0.1 to 2.5 mL
.2 to 0.5 mL
1.0 mL
p to 0.5 mL
8 71502768 AL
PD MidiTrap™ G-25 0.5 to 1 mL
.75 to 1 mL
1.5 mL
p to 1 mL
Prepacked with Sephadex™ G-25 Fine and requires a pump or a chromatography system to
Prepacked with Sephadex G-25 Superfine and requires a syringe or pump to run.
Prepacked with Sephadex G-25 and can be run by the gravity flow or centrifugation.
Volumes with gravity elution.
Volumes with centrifugation.
3 Preparation
uffer preparation
Water and chemicals used for buffer preparation should be of
high purity. Filter buffers through a 0.22 μm or a 0.45 μm filter
before use.
Use high purity imidazole as this will give very low or no
absorbance at 280 nm.
If the recombinant histidine-tagged protein is expressed as
inclusion bodies, include 6 M Gua-HCl or 8 M urea in all buffers
and sample. On-column refolding of the denatured protein
may be possible.
Recommended conditions
Binding buffer:
20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl,
0 to 40 mM imidazole, pH 7.4 (The optimal imidazole
concentration is protein dependent;
20 to 40 mM is suitable for many proteins.)
Elution buffer:
20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 500 mM
midazole, pH 7.4
(The imidazole concentration required for elution is
protein dependent).
71502768 AL 9
Leakage of Ni
from Ni Sepharose High Performance is low
under all normal conditions. The leakage is lower than for
other IMAC media tested (see Data File 18117440). For very
critical applications, leakage during purification can be even
further diminished by performing a blank run (as described
below) before loading sample.
Blank run
Perform a blank run without reducing agents before
pplying buffers/samples containing reducing agents.
Likewise, a blank run is recommended for critical
purifications where metal ion leakage during
purification must be minimized.
Use binding buffer and elution buffer w
ithout reducing
Step Action
Wash the column with 5 column volumes (CV) of
distilled water.
Wash with 5 CV elution buffer.
Equilibrate with 10 CV binding buffer.
Ni Sepharose High Performance is compatible with
reducing agents. However, removal of any weakly
bound Ni
ions by performing a blank run without
reducing agents (as described above) before applying
buffer/ sample including reducing agents is
recommended. Do not leave HisTrap HP columns with
buffers including reducing agents when not in use.
10 71502768 AL
Sample preparation
or optimal growth, induction, and cell lysis conditions for your
recombinant histidine-tagged clones, please refer to
established protocols.
Adjust the sample to the composition and pH of the binding
buffer by:
adding buffer, NaCl, imidazole, and additives from
concentrated stock solutions,
diluting the sample with binding buffer, or
buffer exchange, (see Table 4, on page 8).
Do not use strong bases or acids for pH-adjustment
(precipitation risk). Filter the sample through a 0.22 μm or a
0.45 μm filter and/or centrifuge it immediately before applying
it to the column.
To prevent the binding of host cell proteins with exposed
histidine, it is essential to include imidazole at a low
concentration in the sample and binding buffer (see Chapter 5
Optimization, on page 13).
4 Purification
Step Action
Fill the syringe or pump tubing with distilled water.
Remove the stopper and connect the column to the
yringe (use the luer connector provided), laboratory
pump or chromatography system tubing “drop-to-
drop to avoid introducing air into the system.
71502768 AL 11
Step Action
Remove the snap-off end at the column outlet.
Wash the column with 3 to 5 column volumes of
istilled water.
Equilibrate the column with at least 5 column volumes
f binding buffer. Recommended flow rates are 1
ml/min or 5 ml/min for the 1 and 5 ml columns
In some cases a blank run is recommended before final
equilibration/ sample application (see Section Blank
run, on page 10).
Apply the pretreated sample using a syringe or a
Wash with binding buffer until the absorbance reaches
steady baseline (generally, at least 10 to 15 column
Purification results are improved by using imidazole in
sample and binding buffer (see Chapter 5
Optimization, on page 13).
Elute with elution buffer using a one-step or linear
radient. Five column volumes are usually sufficient if
the protein of interest is eluted by a one-step gradient.
A shallow gradient, for example a linear gradient over
20 column volumes or more, may separate proteins
with similar binding strengths.
12 71502768 AL
If imidazole needs to be removed from the protein, use
iTrap Desalting, a PD-10 Desalting Column, or HiPrep
26/10 Desalting depending on the sample volume (see
Table 4, on page 8).
5 Optimization
oncentration of imidazole
Imidazole at low concentrations is commonly used in the
binding and the wash buffers to minimize binding of host cell
proteins. For the same reason, it is important to also include
imidazole in the sample (generally, at the same concentration
as in the wash buffer). At somewhat higher concentrations,
imidazole may also decrease the binding of histidine-tagged
The imidazole concentration must therefore be optimized to
ensure the best balance of high purity (low binding of host cell
proteins), and high yield (binding of histidine-tagged target
protein). This optimal concentration is different for different
histidine-tagged proteins, and is usually slightly higher for Ni
Sepharose High Performance than for similar IMAC media on
the market (see Data File 18117440).
Finding the optimal imidazole concentration for a specific
histidine-tagged protein is a trial-and-error effort, but 20 to 40
mM in the binding and wash buffers is a good starting point for
many proteins. Use a high purity imidazole, such imidazole
gives essentially no absorbance at 280 nm.
71502768 AL 13
Choice of metal ion
is usually the first choice metal ion for purifying most
-tagged recombinant proteins from nontagged
host cell proteins, and also the ion most generally used.
Nevertheless, it is not always possible to predict which metal
ion will be best for a given protein. The strength of binding
between a protein and a metal ion is affected by several
factors, including the length, position, and exposure of the
affinity tag on the protein, the type of ion used, and the pH of
buffers, so some proteins may be easier to purify with ions
other than Ni
A quick and efficient way to test this possibility and optimize
separation conditions is to use HiTrap IMAC HP 1 ml columns,
which are packed with IMAC Sepharose High Performance
(not charged with metal ions). Each column can be charged
with different metal ions, for example Cu
, Co
, Zn
, Ca
, or
. Instructions are included with each column.
A study to compare the purification of six (histidine)
recombinant proteins, including three variants of maltose-
binding protein, with different metal ions has indicated that
generally gives best selectivity between (histidine)-
tagged and nontagged host-cell proteins (see Application
Note 18114518).
14 71502768 AL
6 Stripping and recharging
The column does not have to be stripped and
echarged between each purification if the same
protein is going to be purified; it is sufficient to strip
and recharge it after five to seven purifications,
depending on the cell extract, extract volume, target
protein, etc.
Recommended stripping buffer: 20 mM sodium
phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.4
Strip the column by washing with at least 5 to 10 column
volumes of stripping buffer. Wash with at least 5 to 10 column
volumes of binding buffer and 5 to 10 column volumes of
distilled water before recharging the column.
Recharge the water-washed column by loading 0.5 ml or 2.5
ml of 0.1 M NiSO
in distilled water on HisTrap HP 1 ml and 5 ml
column, respectively. Salts of other metals, chlorides, or
sulfates, may also be used (see Chapter 5 Optimization, on
page 13).
Wash with 5 column volumes distilled water, and 5 column
volumes binding buffer (to adjust pH) before storage in 20%
71502768 AL 15
7 Cleaning-in-place
hen an increase in back pressure is seen, the column should
be cleaned. Before cleaning, strip off Ni
ions using the
recommended procedure described in Chapter 6 Stripping
and recharging, on page 15.
After cleaning, store in 20% ethanol (wash with 5 column
volumes) or recharge with Ni
prior to storage in ethanol.
The Ni
-stripped column can be cleaned by the following
Cleaning-in-place (CIP) protocols:
CIP protocols
Ionically bound proteins Wash with several column volumes of 1.5 M
aCl; then wash with approx. 10 column
volumes of distilled water.
Precipitated proteins,
hydrophobically bound proteins,
and lipoproteins
Wash the column with 1 M NaOH, contact
time usually 1 to 2 hours (12 hours or more
for endotoxin removal). Then wash with
approx. 10 column volumes of binding
buffer, followed by 5 to 10 column volumes
of distilled water.
16 71502768 AL
Hydrophobically bound proteins,
ipoproteins, and lipids
Wash with 5 to 10 column volumes of 30%
iso-propanol for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Then wash with approx. 10 column volumes
of distilled water.
Alternatively, wash with 2 column volumes
of detergent in a basic or acidic solution.
Use, for example, 0.1 to 0.5% nonionic
detergent in 0.1 M acetic acid, contact time
1 to 2 hours. After treatment, always
remove residual detergent by washing with
at least 5 column volumes of 70% ethanol
Then wash with approx. 10 column volumes
of distilled water.
pecific regulations may apply when using 70% ethanol since the use of explosion proof
areas and equipment may be required.
8 Scaling-up
wo or three HisTrap HP 1 ml or 5 ml columns can be
connected in series for quick scale-up (note that back-
pressure will increase).
Ni Sepharose High Performance, the medium prepacked in
HisTrap HP columns, is supplied preswollen in 25 and 100 ml
lab packs (see Chapter 12 Ordering Information, on page 25).
An alternative scale-up strategy is thus to pack the medium in
empty columns Tricorn™ and XK columns are suitable for
this purpose.
71502768 AL 17
9 Adjusting pressure limits in
hromatography system software
Pressure generated by the flow through a column affects the
packed bed and the column hardware, see Figure 3, on page
18 below. Increased pressure is generated when running/
using one or a combination of the following conditions:
High flow rates
Buffers or sample with high viscosity
Low temperature
A flow restrictor
Exceeding the flow limit (see recommended flow rates
n Table 2, on page 4) can damage the column.
pre-column pressure
post-column pressure
pressure over the
packed bed
Fig 3.
Precolumn and post-column measurements.
18 71502768 AL
ÄKTA avant and ÄKTA pure
he system will automatically monitor the pressures (pre-
column pressure and pressure over the packed bed, Δp). The
pre-column pressure limit is the column hardware pressure
limit (see Table 1, on page 3).
The maximum pressure the packed bed can withstand
depends on media characteristics and sample/liquid viscosity.
The measured value also depends on the tubing used to
connect the column to the instrument.
ÄKTAexplorer, ÄKTApurifier, ÄKTAFPLC and other
systems with pressure sensor in the pump
To obtain optimal functionality, the pressure limit in the
software may be adjusted according to the following
Step Action
Replace the column with a piece of tubing. Run the
ump at the maximum intended flow rate. Note the
pressure as total system pressure, P1.
Disconnect the tubing and run the pump at the same
low rate used in step 1. Note that there will be a drip
from the column valve. Note this pressure as P2.
71502768 AL 19
Step Action
Calculate the new pressure limit as a sum of P2 and the
olumn hardware pressure limit (see Table 1, on page
3). Replace the pressure limit in the software with the
calculated value.
The actual pressure over the packed bed (Δp) will
during run be equal to actual measured pressure -
total system pressure (P1).
Repeat the procedure each time the parameters are
10 Storage
tore HisTrap HP columns in 20% ethanol at 4°C to 30°C.
11 Troubleshooting
The following tips may be of assistance. If you have any further
questions about HisTrap HP, please visit cytiva.com, contact
our technical support, or your local Cytiva representative.
When using high concentrations of urea or Gua-HCl,
rotein unfolding generally takes place. Refolding
oncolumn (or after elution) is protein dependent.
To minimize dilution of the sample, solid urea or Gua-
Cl can be added.
20 71502768 AL
Samples containing urea can be analyzed directly by
DS-PAGE whereas samples containing Gua-HCl must
be buffer-exchanged to a buffer with urea before SDS-
Column has clogged
ell debris in the sample may clog the column. Clean the
column according to Chapter 7 Cleaning-in-place, on page
Centrifuge and/or filter the sample through a 0.22 μm or a
0.45 μm filter, see Sample preparation, on page 11.
Sample is too viscous
If the lysate is very viscous due to high concentration of
host nucleic acid, continue sonication until the viscosity is
reduced, and/or add DNase I to 5 μg/ml, Mg
to 1 mM, and
incubate on ice for 10 to 15 minutes. Alternatively, draw
the lysate through a syringe needle several times.
Protein is difficult to dissolve or precipitates during
See Table 3, on page 6 for reducing agents,
detergents, glycerol and denaturing agents that may
be used.
Mix gently for 30 minutes after addition of additives to aid
solubilization of the tagged protein (inclusion bodies may
require much longer mixing). Note that Triton X-100 and
NP-40 (but not Tween) have a high absorbance at 280 nm.
Furthermore, detergents cannot be easily removed by
buffer exchange.
71502768 AL 21
No histidine-tagged protein in the purified fractions
lution conditions are too mild (histidine-tagged
protein still bound): Elute with an increasing imidazole
gradient or decreasing pH to determine the optimal
elution conditions.
The protein has precipitated in the column: For the
next experiment, decrease amount of sample, or decrease
protein concentration by eluting with linear imidazole
gradient instead of imidazole steps. Try detergents or
changed NaCl concentration, or elute under denaturing
(unfolding) conditions (add 4 to 8 M urea or 4 to 6 M Gua-
Nonspecific hydrophobic or other interaction: Add a
nonionic detergent to the elution buffer (e.g., 0.2% Triton
X-100) or increase the NaCl concentration.
Concentration of imidazole in the sample and/or
binding buffer is too high: The protein is found in the
flowthrough material. Decrease the imidazole
Histidine-tag may be insufficiently exposed: The
protein is found in the flowthrough material; perform
purification of unfolded protein in urea or Gua-HCl as for
inclusion bodies.
Buffer/sample composition is incorrect: The protein is
found in the flowthrough material. Check pH and
composition of sample and binding buffer. Make sure that
chelating or strong reducing agents are not present in the
sample at too high concentration, and that the
concentration of imidazole is not too high.
22 71502768 AL
SDS-PAGE of samples collected during the preparation of the
acterial lysate may indicate that most of histidine-tagged
protein is located in the centrifugation pellet. Possible causes
and solutions are:
Sonication may be insufficient: Cell disruption may be
checked by microscopic examination or monitored by
measuring the release of nucleic acids at A
. Addition of
lysozyme (up to
0.1 volume of a 10 mg/ml lysozyme solution in 25 mM Tris-
HCl, pH 8.0) prior to sonication may improve results. Avoid
frothing and overheating as this may denature the target
protein. Over-sonication can also lead to copurification of
host proteins with the target protein.
The protein may be insoluble (inclusion bodies): The
protein can usually be solubilized (and unfolded) from
inclusion bodies using common denaturants such as 4 to
6 M Gua-HCl, 4 to 8 M urea, or strong detergents. Prepare
buffers containing 20 mM sodium phosphate, 8 M urea, or
6 M Gua-HCl, and suitable imidazole concentrations, pH
7.4 to 7.6. Buffers with urea should also include 500 mM
NaCl. Use these buffers for sample preparation, as binding
buffer and as elution buffer. For sample preparation and
binding buffer, use 10 to 20 mM imidazole or the
concentration selected during optimization trials
(including urea or Gua-HCl).
The eluted protein is not pure (multiple bands on SDS
polyacrylamide gel)
Partial degradation of tagged protein by proteases:
Add protease inhibitors (use EDTA with caution, see Table
3, on page 6).
71502768 AL 23
ontaminants have high affinity for nickel ions: Elute
with a stepwise or linear imidazole gradient to determine
optimal imidazole concentrations to use for binding and
for wash; add imidazole to the sample in the same
concentration as the binding buffer. Wash before elution
with binding buffer containing as high concentration of
imidazole as possible, without causing elution of the
tagged protein. A shallow imidazole gradient (20 column
volumes or more), may separate proteins with similar
binding strengths. If optimized conditions do not remove
contaminants, further purification by ion exchange
chromatography (HiTrap Q HP or HiTrap SP HP) and/or gel
filtration (Superdex Peptide, Superdex 75 or Superdex
200) may be necessary.
Contaminants are associated with tagged proteins:
Add detergent and/or reducing agents before sonicating
cells. Increase detergent levels (e.g. up to 2% Triton X-100
or 2% Tween 20), or add glycerol (up to 50%) to the wash
buffer to disrupt nonspecific interactions.
Histidine-tagged protein is eluted during sample
Buffer/sample composition is incorrect: Check pH and
composition of sample and binding buffer. Ensure that
chelating or strong reducing agents are not present in the
sample at a too high concentration, and that the
concentration of imidazole is not too high.
Histidine-tag is partially obstructed: Purify under
denaturing conditions (use 4 to 8 M urea or 4 to 6 M Gua-
24 71502768 AL
olumn capacity is exceeded: Join two or three
HisTrap HP 1 ml columns together or change to a HisTrap
HP 5 ml column.
12 Ordering Information
Product QuantityProduct Code.
HisTrap HP 1 × 1 ml 29051021
5 × 1 ml 17524701
100 × 1 ml
1 × 5 ml 17524801
5 × 5 ml 17524802
100 × 5 ml
ack size available by special order.
Related products QuantityProduct Code.
Ni Sepharose High Performance 25 ml 17526801
100 ml 17526802
HiTrap Desalting 1 × 5 ml 29048684
5 × 5 ml 17140801
100 × 5 ml
PD-10 Desalting Column 30 17085101
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 1 × 53 ml 17508701
4 × 53 ml 17508702
HisTrap FF 5 × 1 ml 17531901
100 × 1 ml
5 × 5 ml 17525501
100 × 5 ml
HisTrap FF crude 1 × 1 ml 29048631
5 × 1 ml 11000458
100 × 1 ml
71502768 AL 25
Related products QuantityProduct Code.
5 × 5 ml 17528601
100 × 5 ml
HisTrap FF crude Kit 1 kit 28401477
HisPrep™ FF 16/10 1 × 20 ml 28936551
ack size available by special order
Accessories QuantityProduct Code.
1/16" male/luer female (
For connection of
syringe to top of HiTrap column)
2 18111251
Tubing connector flangeless/M6 female (For
connection of tubing to bottom of HiTrap
2 18100368
Tubing connector flangeless/M6 male (For
connection of tubing to top of HiTrap column)
2 18101798
Union 1/16” female/M6 male (For connection to
original FPLC System through bottom of HiTrap
6 18111257
Union M6 female /1/16” male (
For connection to
original FPLC System through top of HiTrap
5 18385801
Union luerlock female/M6 female 2 18102712
HiTrap/HiPrep, 1/16" male connector for ÄKTA
8 28401081
Stop plug female, 1/16 (For sealing bottom of
HiTrap column)
5 11000464
Fingertight stop plug, 1/16" 5 11000355
Related literature Product Code.
Recombinant Protein Purification Handbook,Principles and
Affinity Chromatography Handbook,Principles and Methods 18102229
Affinity Chromatography, Columns andMedia Selection Guide 18112186
Ni Sepharose and IMAC Sepharose,Selection Guide 28407092
26 71502768 AL
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ytiva and the Drop logo are trademarks of Global Life Sciences IP Holdco LLC or
an affiliate.
ÄKTA, HiPrep, HisPrep, HisTrap, HiTrap, MidiTrap, MiniTrap, Sephadex, Sepharose,
Superdex, and Tricorn are trademarks of Cytiva or one of its subsidiaries.
IMAC Sepharose products, Ni Sepharose products and Fe Sepharose products:
These products are sold under a license from Sigma-Aldrich under patent number
EP 1276716 (Metal chelating compositions) and equivalent patents and patent
applications in other countries.
Triton is a trademark of Union Carbide Chemicals and Plastic Company Inc.
Tween is a trademark of Croda Group of Companies.
All other third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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