Policy Insights from the
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
2015, Vol. 2(1) 101 –110
© The Author(s) 2015
DOI: 10.1177/2372732215601121
Playing some, but not all, video games can improve percep-
tion and cognition. Many issues remain, though, particularly
how to best translate research to produce public good.
Key Points
Playing some types of video games, particularly
“action” video games, results in widespread enhance-
ments in cognitive function.
There is evidence that other types of games can also
lead to similarly positive outcomes—for instance, cer-
tain custom designed “brain games.”
Many questions remain as to how to best translate the
base science to produce public good.
Many questions remain as to how to best regulate
the industry promoting games for cognitive en hance-
Effective governmental regulations would provide an
incentive structure for better science to be conducted,
in particular, by recognizing that scientific evidence
for product efficacy is typically graded, rather than
Over the past half century, video game play has gone from
being a somewhat fringe activity to a ubiquitous part of mod-
ern culture. While the first dedicated video game console
(the Magnavox Odyssey, released in 1972) sold only about
300,000 units, the three major consoles released in the mid-
2000s (the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3, and the Wii) sold
more than 84 million units each. More than 40% of Americans
report playing video games regularly (i.e., more than 3 hr a
week), and counter to impressions that video games are the
exclusive domain of male children and teenagers, video
game use cuts across nearly all American demographics,
with 27% of players being above 50 years of age and 44% of
players being female. This shift toward gaming has resulted
in a concomitant decrease in time spent watching television
or movies (Entertainment Software Association, 2015).
XXX10.1177/2372732215601121Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain SciencesGreen and Seitz
University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
University of California, Riverside, USA
Corresponding Author:
C. Shawn Green, 1202 W. Johnson St., University of Wisconsin–Madison,
Madison, WI 53706, USA.
The Impacts of Video Games on Cognition
(and How the Government Can Guide the
C. Shawn Green
and Aaron R. Seitz
Video game play has become a pervasive part of American culture. The dramatic increase in the popularity of video games
has resulted in significant interest in the effects that video gaming may have on the brain and behavior. The scientific research
to date indicates that some, but not all, commercial video games do indeed have the potential to cause large-scale changes
in a wide variety of aspects of human behavior, including the focus of this review—cognitive abilities. More recent years
have seen the rise of a separate form of video games, the so-called “brain games,” or games designed with the explicit goal
of enhancing cognitive abilities. Although research on such brain games is still in its infancy, and the results have definitely
not been uniformly positive, there is nonetheless reason for continued optimism that custom games can be developed that
make a lasting and positive impact on human cognitive skills. Here, we discuss the current state of the scientific literature
surrounding video games and human cognition with an emphasis on points critically related to public policy.
video games, brain games, cognitive enhancement
102 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1)
The rising popularity of video games has spurred signifi-
cant interest in how video games may alter the human brain
and human behavior. This is a concern not just for research
psychologists but also for politicians, parents, teachers, med-
ical doctors, and many others involved in setting and imple-
menting public policy. Numerous questions surrounding
the effects of video games—spanning many psychological
domains—have already made their way from the scientific
to the public sphere. For example, in the domain of social
psychology, a recent Supreme Court case (“Brown v.
Entertainment Merchants Association,” 2011) grappled with
the question of whether certain types of video games (spe-
cifically graphically violent video games) represent a suffi-
cient threat to the social-psychological development of
children to warrant state-mandated restrictions on their sale.
Here, we examine just one of these domains—the cogni-
tive effects of video game play. Research shows that playing
some types of video games produces significant and long-
lasting enhancements in a variety of cognitive functions. The
scope and scale of these beneficial effects has prompted
many research groups to test efficacy of video games in real-
world contexts such as in rehabilitative settings or in job-
related training (Green & Bavelier, 2012). However, research
of video games is fraught with controversy, and questions
remain regarding how to translate the science into public
policy. Below, we review the science on cognitive effects of
video games, including why video games might be capable
of altering cognitive function, what types of video games
affect cognitive function and which do not, what cognitive
effects of video gaming have been observed in adults and in
children, and how commercial video games relate to “brain
games” in terms of content and cognitive outcomes. We also
discuss the real-world and public policy implications of the
cognitive effects of video games.
Why Might Video Games Be Effective
in Altering Brain and Behavior?
Modern video games have evolved into sophisticated experi-
ences that instantiate many principles known by psycholo-
gists, neuroscientists, and educators to be fundamental to
altering behavior, producing learning, and promoting brain
plasticity (for reviews, see Bavelier, Green, Pouget, &
Schrater, 2012; Gentile & Gentile, 2008; Green & Bavelier,
2008). Video games, by their very nature, involve predomi-
nately active forms of learning (i.e., making responses and
receiving immediate informative feedback), which is typi-
cally more effective than passive learning (Michael, 2006).
In addition, this active learning usually occurs in a variety of
situations, thus promoting generalization of learning
(Schmidt & Bjork, 1992). Most video games also use a
dynamic degree of difficulty that increases along with player
skill, ensuring that players are continuously challenged.
Furthermore, many games use a combination of internal
reinforcement (e.g., positive social interactions and feelings
of competence; Przybylski, Rigby, & Ryan, 2010) and exter-
nal reinforcement (e.g., points, badges, etc.; King, Greaves,
Exeter, & Darzi, 2013). This reinforcement promotes signifi-
cant time spent on task, which is the best single predictor of
positive learning outcomes. In addition, this time is typically
distributed over many days, weeks, or even years—a practice
schedule that produces more effective learning than when
experience is amassed into only a few sessions (Baddeley &
Longman, 1978). Finally, video games are highly physiolog-
ically arousing and activate reward systems of the brain that
drive brain plasticity (Bao, Chan, & Merzenich, 2001;
Kilgard & Merzenich, 1998). Thus, there is a strong scien-
tific basis to suspect that video games, when properly
designed, have the potential to strongly alter the brain and
Not All Video Games Are Equal When
It Comes to Altering Cognitive Function
Although every well-designed video game incorporates
some or all the principles of effective learning mentioned
above (as well as many others), and thus will have the poten-
tial to shape the brain and behavior, it is the specific content,
dynamics, and mechanics of each individual game that deter-
mines its eventual effects. Indeed, a common mistake that is
made when discussing video games is to lump all games
together into a single category. The term video games refers
to thousands of quite disparate types of experiences, any-
thing from simple computerized card games to richly detailed
and realistic fantasy worlds, from a purely solitary activity to
an activity including hundreds of others, from a strictly
antagonistic/competitive experience to a strictly friendly/
pro-social experience, from nothing more than a simple set
of rules to a full and highly immersive fiction (see Figure 1
for examples). A useful analogy is to the term food, which,
like the term video games, encompasses an incredibly wide
variety of sub-categories and individual exemplars. One
would never ask, “What is the effect of eating food on the
body?” Instead, it is understood that the effects of a given
type of food depend on the composition of the food—the
number of calories; the percentage of protein, fat, and carbo-
hydrates; the vitamin and mineral content; and so on. This
same fundamental principle is true of video games as well.
In the cognitive domain, perhaps not surprisingly, the
types of games that are of interest are those that have com-
plex 3D settings, that feature quickly moving targets that pop
in and out of view, that necessitate substantial visual process-
ing of the periphery, that include large amounts of clutter and
task-irrelevant objects, that require the player to consistently
switch between highly focused and highly distributed atten-
tion, and that require the player to make rapid, but accurate
decisions. Games that share these features are referred to as
“action video games” (Green & Bavelier, 2012; Spence &
Green and Seitz 103
Feng, 2010). Playing action video games has been linked
with myriad enhancements in cognitive function, from low-
level vision through high-level cognitive abilities, while
playing many other types of games fails to produce equiva-
lent impact on perception and cognition.
What Are the Cognitive Consequences
of Playing Action Video Games?
The consequences of playing action video games have been
addressed through numerous studies using several method-
ologies and examining a wide number of cognitive abilities.
Some studies provide more conclusive evidence than others.
For example, studies that train non-video gamers to play
video games (i.e., intervention studies) can provide causal
evidence, as opposed to studies that compare populations
that natively play or do not play certain games (i.e., cross-
sectional studies). Both types of studies provide useful infor-
mation, and as a whole, the literature supports the conclusion
that playing action video games provides broad-based and
consistent benefits on tests of cognitive skills.
Effects on Perceptual Skills
Both intervention and cross-sectional studies have shown
that action video game experience is associated with enhance-
ments in numerous basic perceptual tasks including those
involving contrast sensitivity (R. Li, Polat, Makous, &
Figure 1. “Video games” encompass a wide variety of experiences.
Note. Video games differ widely in their content, dynamics, and mechanics. As a result, games vary in their effects on cognitive skills. Action games, including
many “first-person shooters” (top-left: Wolfenstein: The New Order) and “third-person shooters” (top-middle: Grand Theft Auto V) have been shown to
enhance many cognitive functions. Others, including simple building/exploration games (top-right: Minecraft), social games (middle-left: The Sims 2), phone
games (middle-middle: Angry Birds; middle-right: Candy Crush), and card games (bottom-left: Hearthstone) lack features believed to be important to the
cognitive impact of action games. Even “brain games” have a wide variety—with some being gamified scholastic or lab tasks (bottom-middle: Balloons;
Owen et al., 2010), while others layer effective content into interesting game environments (bottom-right: NeuroRacer; Anguera et al., 2013).
104 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1)
Bavelier, 2009), visual acuity and crowding (Green &
Bavelier, 2007), peripheral vision (Buckley, Codina,
Bhardwaj, & Pascalis, 2010), and temporal processing
(Donohue, Woldorff, & Mitroff, 2010). Collectively, these
are consistent with the fact that action games require respond-
ing quickly (temporal processing) to important stimuli that
are often similar to their backgrounds in their colorations
(contrast sensitivity) and features (visual acuity), and typi-
cally occur in somewhat cluttered environments (crowding).
Although there is increasing evidence that action video game
play improves performance on many basic perceptual tasks,
much remains to be established regarding the specific
mechanisms underlying these performance improvements.
Improvements in these tasks can be due to myriad factors
(Hung & Seitz, 2014) ranging from optimization of basic
visual processes, to improvements in strategies of how the
task is conducted, to more effectively attending to task-
relevant stimuli.
Effects on Attention Skills
Many studies demonstrate that action video game play
improves visual attentional skills, such as the ability to find a
particular target from within a large field of view when the
target is surrounded by task-irrelevant distracting items
(Feng, Spence, & Pratt, 2007; Green & Bavelier, 2003), or to
track a small subset of moving items from within a larger
field of visually identical moving items (Green & Bavelier,
2006). The fact that action gaming benefits performance in
this domain is of particular interest because better perfor-
mance on some of these same tasks is predictive of real-
world consequences, such as fewer driving accidents in
elderly populations (Myers, Ball, Kalina, Roth, & Goode,
2000). Thus, while there is still ambiguity regarding the
exact mechanisms by which action video game play leads to
improved task performance, as a whole, the literature sup-
ports the conclusion that action video games can give rise to
benefits on a wide array of tasks that rely on perceptual/
attentional abilities.
Effects on Higher Cognitive Functions
Action video game play can enhance a diverse set of higher
cognitive functions. Several studies show that individuals
can switch between competing tasks more efficiently after
action video game training (Colzato, van Leeuwen, van den
Wildenberg, & Hommel, 2010; Green, Sugarman, Medford,
Klobusicky, & Bavelier, 2012; Strobach, Frensch, & Schubert,
2012). Other aspects of cognitive function improved by
action video game training include the ability to multitask
(Strobach et al., 2012) and the ability to mentally rotate
objects (Feng et al., 2007). Cross-sectional work also sug-
gests that action video game players perform better on tasks
of working memory (Sungur & Boduroglu, 2012) and fluid
intelligence (Unsworth et al., 2015). However, the latter
study failed to find a linear relation between amount of game
play and fluid intelligence, and some studies have failed to
reproduce effects of gaming on cognition (Boot, Kramer,
Simons, Fabiani, & Gratton, 2008; van Ravenzwaaij, Boekel,
Forstmann, Ratcliff, & Wagenmakers, 2014), suggesting that
more research is required in this domain.
Cognitive Effects in Children
The vast majority of research on the effects of action video
games on cognitive function has utilized healthy young
adults as research participants. This is at least partially
because many action games contain content (e.g., violence)
that is not appropriate for children. When researchers have
found age-appropriate action video games, however, the sim-
ilar benefits to perception and cognition have been observed
as a result of training in children (Franceschini, Gori, Ruffino,
Viola, Molteni, & Facoetti, 2013). Furthermore, cross-
sectional studies reveal the same strong associations between
avid action gaming and enhancements in cognitive skills in
children as have been observed in adult populations (Dye &
Bavelier, 2010; Dye, Green, & Bavelier, 2009a; Trick,
Jaspers-Fayer, & Sethi, 2005).
What About Other Types of
Commercial Video Games?
Most cognitive research on commercial video games has
examined action video games. However, other game genres
may also benefit certain aspects of cognitive function. For
example, training on a difficult version of the strategy game
StarCraft resulted in improvements in cognitive flexibility,
but not measures of attention, or short-term memory (Glass,
Maddox, & Love, 2013). Training on Portal 2, a popular 3D
puzzle game, elicited improvements in problem solving and
spatial reasoning skills (Schute, Ventura, & Ke, 2015). And
training older adults on the real-time strategy game Rise of
Nations resulted in significantly greater improvements as
compared with controls on measures of working memory,
task-switching, visual short-term memory, and mental rota-
tion (Basak, Boot, Voss, & Kramer, 2008). Interestingly,
real-time strategy games do share some features with action
video games (e.g., the need to monitor multiple sources of
information simultaneously, to make decisions quickly and
accurately, etc.), which is consistent with the idea that the
cognitive effects of games are explicitly due their inherent
processing demands.
It is important to note that not all effects of gaming on
cognition have been positive. For instance, while some types
of games have been shown to enhance the process of “selec-
tive attention” (i.e., used when listening to a friend speak in
a loud/crowded restaurant and ignoring the other speakers),
the effects on “sustained attention” (i.e., the ability to stay on
Green and Seitz 105
task for a prolonged period) are more mixed. In particular,
while action game playing has been associated with either
enhancements or no changes to sustained attention (e.g.,
Dye, Green, & Bavelier, 2009b), one study, which lumped all
video games together, found that total amount of video game
play predicted poorer attention in the classroom (Gentile,
Swing, Lim, & Khoo, 2012). This is a good example of the
fact that not all games are likely to affect the cognitive sys-
tem equally, nor are all the effects likely to be positive (and
also attests to the need to differentiate between games as this
study does not allow us to determine what types of games
specifically are linked with diminished sustained attention).
What About “Brain Games?”
The discussion thus far has focused exclusively on commer-
cial entertainment video games that happen to, as a by-prod-
uct of their content, dynamics, and mechanics, produce
enhancements in cognitive skills. However, commercial
video games are (understandably) optimized for entertain-
ment and not mental fitness, and do not intentionally take
advantage of neuroscience and psychology research regard-
ing mechanisms and plasticity of cognitive processes
(Deveau, Jaeggi, Zordan, Phung, & Seitz, 2015). This is in
contrast to the so-called “brain games” (Bavelier & Davidson,
2013), which are designed explicitly to improve cognitive
function and that, in the best cases, are closely aligned with
an understanding of neuroscience underlying the trained
functions (Mishra, de Villers-Sidani, Merzenich, & Gazzaley,
2014; Whitton, Hancock, & Polley, 2014).
The typical brain game “gamifies” existing laboratory
tests of cognition by adding interesting graphics and sounds,
points, and so on. Examples include games such as Nintendo’s
Brain Age (Lorant-Royer, Munch, Mescle, & Lieury, 2010)
or the games developed for the BBC program “Bang Goes the
Theory” (Owen et al., 2010), as well as games sold by a grow-
ing number of brain-training companies. While these games
can add entertainment value to what are otherwise somewhat
sterile psychology tasks, they typically embody few of the
qualities of the commercial video games linked with cogni-
tive improvement. This is critical because the cognitive ben-
efits that a video game can yield depend on good game design
(Rabin, 2005). Indeed, without proper design, gamification
can potentially even impair task performance and learning.
For example, Katz et al. (2014) found that motivational fea-
tures such as scores, prizes, and scene-changes, when added
to a working memory training task, led to impaired learning
compared with the non-gamified task. A likely reason for this
is that gamification involves producing training tasks with
“game features” that may be incongruent with, and/or distract
attention from, task-relevant features (Leclercq & Seitz,
2012a, 2012b), which then in turn interferes with desired
learning outcomes (Seitz et al., 2005). This may be why the
cognitive benefits of simple gamified cognitive tasks are
often limited (Lorant-Royer et al., 2010; Owen et al., 2010).
A separate broad approach in the brain-training domain
works to combine the elements of off-the-shelf video games
and standard cognitive approaches that can contribute to cogni-
tive improvement. This approach recognizes that commercial
video games are not random assemblages; instead, their levels,
challenges, and virtual environments are carefully designed to
maintain balance, minimize player frustration, and promote a
fun experience. An early example of this new class of brain-
training games is the custom designed video game NeuroRacer
(which looked like a car racing game rather than a psychologi-
cal test), which resulted in improvements in multitasking, sus-
tained attention, and working memory in a group of older
adults, with improvements persisting for at least 6 months after
the cessation of training (Anguera et al., 2013).
There are many reasons why the development of custom
designed cognitive training games would be preferable to
utilizing commercial entertainment games for the same pur-
poses. This includes the ability to target specific cognitive
processes (e.g., a deficit in visual processing, or one in short-
term memory). Also, the content of many commercial video
games (many of which contain violence) is not appropriate
for all ages and/or all individuals.
Video Games Used for Real-World
Given the scope and scale of the positive effects induced by
certain types of video games, many groups have explored the
potential to utilize video games to address practical, real-
world issues. For example, a variety of video games (ranging
from Tetris to action video games) have been shown to
improve vision in individuals with amblyopia (colloquially
known as “lazy eye”; J. Li et al., 2013; R. W. Li, Ngo, Nguyen,
& Levi, 2011). Likewise, custom brain-training games for
vision have also been shown to improve reading abilities
(Deveau & Seitz, 2014), and even on-field performance in
Collegiate Baseball (Deveau, Ozer, & Seitz, 2014). Recent
research also indicates that action video games may amelio-
rate developmental dyslexia (Franceschini et al., 2013).
Action video games have also been considered useful to
improve performance in jobs that require enhanced cognitive
skills. For instance, laparoscopic surgery requires extreme man-
ual dexterity, as well as the ability to use 2D television images to
make 3D movements in the real-world and to make decisions
quickly. Accordingly, action video game training improves per-
formance of novice surgeons on a laparoscopic simulator
(Schlickum, Hedman, Enochsson, Kjellin, & Fellander-Tsai,
2009), and cross-sectional research shows action video game
experience is a better predictor of positive surgical outcomes
than years of training or number of surgeries performed (Rosser
et al., 2007). Action video game play has also been associated
with enhanced piloting abilities (Chiappe, Conger, Liao,
106 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1)
Caldwell, & Vu, 2013), particularly the ability to fly unmanned
drone aircraft (McKinley, McIntire, & Funke, 2011).
Methodological Limitations and Issues
Related to Inferring That a Given Video
Game Will Produce Cognitive Benefits
in an Individual
Some studies provide stronger evidence than others—The
types of conclusions that can be supported by a given study
depend on the methods used (for a more thorough review, see
Green, Strobach, & Schubert, 2014). For instance, “cross-
sectional” studies, which take advantage of the fact that some
individuals, as part of their daily life, choose to play video
games while other individuals do not, do not allow for con-
clusions of causation (i.e., they do not show that the act of
playing the game itself causes enhancements in cognitive
skills). Although cross-sectional studies are informative,
such evidence needs to be weighed carefully when determin-
ing policy. It is because of the various inherent limitations of
purely correlational work that cross-sectional studies are
often supported by carefully controlled intervention studies
(e.g., taking a representative cohort of non-gamers and test-
ing their cognitive abilities before and after an assignment to
play a video game). Unlike cross-sectional studies, interven-
tion studies can allow for causal inferences regarding the
effects of the games on cognition.
Another issue that affects both cross-sectional and inter-
vention studies are expectancy effects (sometime termed pla-
cebo effects). These refer to the possibility that participants
will try harder, and thus perform better, on assessments of
cognitive function because they believe that playing the
video games should have improved their performance.
Comparing performance with a control group trained on
tasks matched for features of the intervention (e.g., general
interest, arousal, motivation, etc.), but critically lacking
those features hypothesized to be essential for driving
changes in cognitive performance can help address expec-
tancy effects.
It is important to note that the evidentiary basis of a given
study depends on many details of the study design and the resul-
tant data, and that there is no one-size-fits-all method of doing
science. Not all cross-sectional studies provide less evidentiary
basis than all intervention studies (e.g., A well-designed cross-
sectional study may provide better evidence than a poorly
designed intervention study), and not all research questions
allow for intervention studies. For instance, it is inappropriate to
force young children to play hours of violent video games for
the purpose of measuring causal relationships between game-
violence and aggression. The same is true of potential links
between video game play and clinical psychological issues
(e.g., attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] or major
depression), or negative effects on academic performance.
Thus, it is necessarily the case that public policy must often be
guided by complex and incomplete data. It is therefore extremely
important that public policy decisions also rely on the advice of
domain experts who have detailed knowledge of the broader
The effect of a game depends on how it is interacted
with—A key difference from the action of a drug is that the
impact of a video game depends on how that individual inter-
acts with the game, with individual differences in motiva-
tion, personality, and nascent cognitive abilities leading to
completely different game experiences. At the extreme, it is
obvious that having a child with ADHD press random but-
tons on the game controller will provide an ineffective learn-
ing experience. Thus, the results of a given video game
intervention can vary widely across individuals. While we
have discussed data from many demographic groups (from
children to seniors; from those with mental health impair-
ments to athletes and surgeons), showing that video games
can positively influence many demographics, there are
numerous reasons why a game that helps one individual may
or may not have the same effects on another.
If Playing Action Video Games Leads
to Many Cognitive Benefits, Should We
Encourage More Action Video Game Play?
Most of the public discussion around the topic of regulating
game play has centered on the question of whether game
play, especially in developing children, should be explicitly
limited. For instance, the American Academy of Pediatrics
recommends that children and teens should engage with
entertainment media, such as video games, for no more than
2 hr per day in total. As far as we are aware, this recommen-
dation of the American Academy of Pediatrics is not based
on any actual scientific research showing that less than 2 hr
of exposure is acceptable, while more than 2 hr is harmful.
Furthermore, the recommendation does not differentiate
between types of entertainment media content (i.e., Are 2 hr
of watching reality television fully equivalent to 2 hr of play-
ing educational video games or 2 hr of interacting with peers
on social networks?). This being said, playing action video
games for more than 1 to 2 hr a day is unlikely to provide
substantially greater cognitive benefits than what is found in
intervention studies, which mostly relies on around an hour a
day of training. Almost all learning, utilizing video games or
otherwise, is subject to the effect of diminishing returns. This
means that doubling the amount of time spent gaming will
result in far less than twice as much improvement, and in fact
can impair overall gain (Censor, Sagi, & Cohen, 2012;
Dosher & Lu, 2007; Heathcote, Brown, & Mewhort, 2000;
Stafford & Dewar, 2014). It is also the case that any time
spent gaming is time that is not spent doing other activities
that society may value to a greater degree (e.g., More time
spent gaming may result in less time doing school work, and
Green and Seitz 107
it is unlikely that the cognitive advantages will make up for
the reduced academic achievement; Weis & Cerankosky,
2010). The best policy supported by the science thus far is
one in which video gaming is monitored and adjusted as
needed. Any explicit guidelines should be reformulated
based on empirical scientific evidence. The guidelines should
also engage with the fact that terms such as entertainment
media, screen time, and video gaming are exceptionally
broad and that different activities within these categories
have differential impacts on child development.
How Should Games That Claim to
Improve Cognitive Function Be Regulated?
It is difficult to surf the Internet today without seeing adver-
tisements for products that claim to improve brain health and
general cognitive function. Many such products claim to be
built on the “science of neuroplasticity” or that they are
“inspired by work in the neurosciences.” In practice, how-
ever, the scientific basis for such claims varies widely, with
some claims relying on multiple efficacy studies done
directly on that product, others that are based on a resem-
blance to procedures found to be effective in the scientific
literature, and others that have virtually no true link to sci-
ence. At the moment, there is no standard of scientific valid-
ity for efficacy claims for such products, and in consequence,
it is very difficult for consumers to distinguish which prod-
ucts are more or less likely to be effective.
A first question is what agency is best positioned to regu-
late the use of video games and the claims made by game
companies. In regard to health claims, a natural fit would be
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Currently, though,
the FDA has determined that brain-training games pose no
risk to patient safety and thus do not fall under the purview
of the FDA. A reasonable analogy in this case might be that
of dietary supplements (also not regulated by the FDA)
where “a firm is responsible for determining that the dietary
supplements it manufactures or distributes are safe and that
any representations or claims made about them are substanti-
ated by adequate evidence to show that they are not false or
misleading.” One glaring issue with this is that there is no
provision under the law or FDA regulation that requires a
firm to disclose to the FDA or to consumers the information
that they have about the safety or purported benefits of their
dietary supplement products. It therefore seems unlikely that
the FDA is best positioned to regulate the gaming industry.
Another regulatory agency is the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC). The FTC has long regulated the advertising of dietary
supplements and has begun investigating claims of cognitive
benefits from brain-training games. Interestingly, the FTC
recently suggested that a company perform double-blind test-
ing to support its claims of efficacy (see “Analysis of the
Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment In the
Matter of Focus Education, LLC, Michael Apstein, and John
Able, File No. 122 3153 [https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/
note that the FTC is requesting a similar standard of Aaron
Seitz, an author of this paper, and his company Carrot
Neurotechnology that marketed a vision training program
based upon research studies conducted by Seitz [see COI
information below]). Such procedures are the “gold-standard”
in drug trials, but in the case of cognitive training interven-
tions, there is no true way to perform a double-blind, placebo-
controlled study to demonstrate the efficacy of the cognitive
intervention. This is because participants will always be
aware of what they do during behavioral training (i.e., are not
“blind” to their condition). This leaves the possibility that
expectation effects can still influence study outcomes.
If cognitive training cannot utilize the same standards as
drug trials, what then might be the best practices that any
demonstration of scientific efficacy should observe in this
domain? A more thorough discussion of these issues can be
found in Green et al. (2014), but there is general agreement in
the field that proper intervention studies will include random
assignment to either an experimental group or a control group.
However, the nature of the appropriate control group depends
on many different factors and can be very different between
cases in which one is trying to determine mechanisms, and
those simply concerned with efficacy. In the case of determin-
ing mechanisms, controls should be matched to be as similar
as possible to the experimental group, while leaving out the
hypothesized active characteristics of the intervention so that
it can be determined whether those attributes lead to a differ-
ence between the treatment and the control. In the case of an
efficacy study, however, the most appropriate control is far
less clear. In the case of drug studies, there are two rather
obvious control treatments: (a) a truly neutral treatment (e.g.,
a sugar pill) and (b) the existing standard of care (e.g., com-
paring a new heart medicine to the current standard heart
medicine). No such alternatives exist in the case of cognitive
training platforms. In fact, it is unclear what the cognitive
equivalent of a sugar pill would be (e.g., a crossword puzzle,
another video game, an actual sugar pill?). Also, there exist
no accepted/standard interventions to address basic cognitive
problems (perception, attention, memory, executive function,
etc.), and thus the typical standard of care is to do nothing.
Given these deep questions about how the research should be
conducted, the current literature does not provide simple answers
to serve as a foundation of public policy. Instead, there is real
need for regulatory agencies to engage scientists and industry
groups to create standards and policies by which to better inform
the public of the complex impacts of video games on cognition.
What Is The Best Role For
A clear potential role for government is to create a regulatory
structure that incentivizes evidence-based practices in
108 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1)
cognitive enhancement products. An incentive system, such
as a label indicating a certification level of efficacy (analo-
gous to what is currently done for organic foods and energy
efficient products), could provide a market advantage for
good science. Rather than directly applying models from
drug studies, evidentiary standards need to be developed that
respect the fact that video games are within consumers’ nor-
mal use patterns for entertainment, are safe, and that there is
necessarily a continuum of degrees of established efficacy
that inevitably involves some ambiguity. The government
can play a key role in creating standards to label the various
degrees of efficacy by bringing together scientists, industry
leaders, and consumer groups to create a system that respects
the constraints of the field described above, while consider-
ing the potential benefits that these products may have for
the public. Such a structure would permit innovation and
would allow for well-informed consumers to try out unproven
products that may have interesting attributes, while being
able to differentiate which products have achieved a stronger
evidentiary standard. This would facilitate a market wherein
investing in research to design cognitive training paradigms
that are more effective will actually result in greater profits
(as it is almost certainly the case that the public will gravitate
toward games that have been certified as having stronger evi-
dence behind their claims). At the moment, given a lack of
clear regulations, it is unclear whether there is any relation-
ship whatsoever between market share and efficacy.
Another obvious role for government is to provide mech-
anisms through which neuroscientists, psychologists, and
educators can collaborate with leaders in the gaming indus-
try. One common criticism of many games designed for posi-
tive impact is that such games have historically been designed
and implemented by academics rather than game designers
(with predictably poor game play resulting). While market
forces may be sufficient to drive collaborations around the
topic of general cognitive enhancement, there are other
domains where additional incentives may be needed. For
instance, there are many medical conditions that could poten-
tially benefit from well-designed video game cognitive inter-
ventions, but the conditions are rare enough that it would not
be a profitable domain for a major gaming company to work
in. Government could also incentivize gaming companies to
share data with research groups. Game companies collect
enormous amounts of data on their players, which would be
an incredibly rich source of information through which to
better understand human behavior. At the moment, there is
no incentive for such data sharing (if anything, it is deincen-
tivized as the data could be used by a competing company to
improve their own market share). Thus, overall, we suggest
that the best role for the government is to facilitate interac-
tions between stakeholders, encourage good behavior, pro-
mote good science, and reward innovation. This will help
realize the positive contribution that the games of the future
will provide to society.
Video gaming is likely to remain a pervasive part of American
culture for the foreseeable future. Given that well-designed
video games utilize principles known to effectively drive
changes in the brain, there is a real reason for video games to
remain the subject of close scientific study. In the cognitive
domain, the evidence to date suggests that some, but not all,
games are indeed capable of altering basic cognitive skills,
and that these changes are of a scope and scale that permit
practical applications (e.g., in rehabilitative or job-training
settings). Of particular interest for future work will be to
determine what game characteristics are most responsible for
such benefits, and then to utilize this information to continue
to refine custom designed games for cognitive impact (i.e.,
“brain games”). As the brain-training industry develops,
there is likely to be an increasing need for some type of regu-
latory structure to maintain consumer confidence in the effi-
cacy of these products as well as to incentivize better science.
The development of this regulatory structure will require
buy-in from many stakeholders, including basic research sci-
entists, game industry leaders, and governmental officials.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: A. R. Seitz is a founder and stakeholder in Carrot
Neurotechnology, a company that sells a vision brain game called
ULTIMEYES. Carrot, and Seitz as an individual, are involved in a
case with the FTC regarding advertising claims that Carrot made
based upon Seitz’s University based research. Seitz’s conflict of
interest has been reported in all related research studies and is man-
aged by a University of California, Riverside Conflict of Interest
Management Plan. C. S. Green is on the scientific advisory board of
Headtrainer, Inc.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
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