ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
"A" Class Submarines
"A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of hull tanks and systems, showing layout of internal and external tanks and air and water systems on vessel. Includes
numbered keys.
Lambert, John stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of hydroplanes, shafting, kingstons valves and vents. Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of hydroplanes, propellor, telegraphs, HP firing gear, LP rotary blower and steering gear. Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of snort induction system. Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of admiralty main engine (a). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of admiralty main engine (b). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of Vickers main engine (a). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of Vickers main engine (b). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of auxiliary machinery (a). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of auxiliary machinery (b). Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"A" Class Submarines "A" Class Submarines, 1950s. Details of periscopes and binnacle. Includes numbered keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
"O" Class Submarine
"O" Class Submarine. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes technical
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
"S" Class Submarines P219, P221 and P222
"S" Class Submarines P219 (Seraph), P221 (Shakespeare) and P222. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) and sections. Includes numbered key to
details, information on specification and service history of vessels. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John largely stable
.303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun
.303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun. Plan, section and side elevation of gun and mounting and detail of ammunition. Includes numbered key to parts, technical
data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
.303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun .303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun. Plan, section and side elevation of gun. Includes technical data. "Superseded by new drawing" written in bottom right corner.
Lambert, John largely stable
.303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun .303 Inch Lewis Machine Gun. Plan, section and side elevation of gun. Includes technical data.
Lambert, John stable
.303 Inch Vickers Machine Gun on Ship
Mounting/Twin .303 Inch Hefah Machine Gun on
Mark I Mounting
.303 Inch Vickers Machine Gun on Ship Mounting/Twin .303 Inch Hefah Machine Gun on Mark I Mounting. Details of guns and mountings. Includes
numbered key to detail, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
0.5 Inch Guns on M Mk III Mounting
Elevations and sections of 0.5 inch Vickers machine gun and M Mk III gun mounting. Includes details of gun sight and 0.5 inch Vickers ammunition round
and numbered keys to drawings.
Lambert, John stable
0.5 Inch Vickers Machine Gun on Twin Mark V
(Powered) Mounting
Plans, elevations, sections and details of 0.5 Inch Vickers Machine Gun on Twin Mark V (Powered) Mounting. Includes numbered key and technical data on
guns and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
12 Pounder 12 CWT Gun on H/A L/A Mark IX
12 Pounder 12 CWT Gun on H/A L/A Mark IX Mounting. Details, including sections and elevations of gun barrel, breech, firing gear, recoil cylinder and
mounting. Includes numbered keys to parts, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
12 Pounder 12 CWT Gun on H/A L/A Mark IX
12 Pounder 12 CWT Gun on H/A L/A Mark IX Mounting. Details, including sections and elevations of gun barrel, sights, breech mechanism, elevating gear
and mounting. Includes numbered keys to parts and technical data.
Lambert, John largely stable
12 Pounder Ships Gun and 68 Pounder Carronade 12 Pounder Ships Gun and 68 Pounder Carronade. Plan, side and rear views of gun barrel and gun carriage.
Stair, I.R. largely stable
1215 Ton Clipper Ship 1215 Ton Clipper Ship. Sail plan (profile).
1719 Establishment Warship 1719 Establishment Royal Navy Warship. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Profile and deck plan. Small section of paper attached to right side of plan.
largely stable
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Lines plan (body plan). Includes diagrams, notes and calculations of measurements.
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Cross-sections of hull. Includes notes and calculations of measurements.
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, breadth plan). Annotated with numbers and letters.
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Cross-sections of hull.
17th Century Warship. 17th Century Warship. Lines plan (body plan).
18 Gun Sloop 18 Gun Sloop. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme 1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme 1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme 1821 Tonnage Commission Scheme. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
1836 New Measurement Tonnage
1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship, with chain-dotted line indicating tonnage length and dotted lines indicating
how the deck was divided into six lengths. Drawing not to scale.
MacGregor, David largely stable
1836 New Measurement Tonnage
1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship, with chain-dotted line indicating tonnage length and dotted lines indicating
how the deck was divided into six lengths. Drawing not to scale.
MacGregor, David largely stable
1836 New Measurement Tonnage
1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-sections of unnamed ship, with chain-dotted line indicating tonnage length and dotted lines indicating
how the deck was divided into six lengths. Drawing not to scale.
MacGregor, David largely stable
18th Century Naval Flags 18th Century Naval Flags. Ink and watercolour drawing showing details of naval flags and pennants.
18th Century Snow Replica 18th Century Snow Replica. Provisional sail plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with calculations in pencil.
Wood, Peter M. stable
18th Century Snow Replica
18th Century Snow Replica. Preliminary draught of general arrangement plan (longitudinal section, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
alphabetical and numerical keys to cabins, offices and rooms.
Wood, Peter M. stable
1936 RAF High Speed Rescue Launch
1936 RAF High Speed Rescue Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, body plan), bow and stern elevations and lines plan (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan, body plan) Also includes historical notes and colour code for painting model in RAF colours. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pritchard, John largely stable
1936 RAF High Speed Rescue Launch
1936 RAF High Speed Rescue Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, body plan), bow and stern elevations and lines plan (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan, body plan) Also includes historical notes and colour code for painting model in RAF colours. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pritchard, John stable
2 Pounder Mark VIII Gun on the Mark XVI
(Powered) Mounting
Plans, elevations and details of 2 Pounder Mark VIII Gun on the Mark XVI (Powered) Mounting . Includes numbered key and technical data on guns and
Lambert, John largely stable
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
2 Pounder Mark XI and XII Guns on Mark IX
Plans, elevations and sections of 2 Pounder Mark XI and XII Guns on Mark IX Mounting. Includes numbered key and technical data on guns and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
2 Pounder Q.F. Mark II C Gun on Single Mark XV
Plans, elevations and sections of 2 Pounder Q.F. Mark II C Gun on Single Mark XV Mounting. Includes numbered key and technical data on gun and
Lambert, John largely stable
2 Pounder Q.F. Mark VIII Gun on Single Mark VIII
Elevations, sections and details of 2 Pounder Q.F. Mark VIII Gun on Single Mark VIII Mounting. Includes alphabetical and numbered keys and technical data
on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John largely stable
2 Pounder Q.F. Mark VIII Gun on Single Mark VIII
Elevations, sections and details of 2 Pounder Q.F. Mark VIII Gun on Single Mark VIII Mounting. Includes alphabetical and numbered keys and technical data
on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
200 Ton Wood Sailing Schooner 200 Ton Wood Sailing Schooner. Sail plan (profile), deck plan and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Bideford Shipyard Limited stable
20mm Oerlikon Gun on Mark I, IIA, VIIA and VIIIA
20mm Oerlikon Gun on Mark I, IIA, VIIA and VIIIA Mountings. Plans, elevations and details of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to parts and
technical specifications for gun and mountings.
Lambert, John largely stable
21 Inch Torpedo Tubes - The Pentad or Five-Fold
Details of 21 torpedo tubes showing pentad or five-fold mounting on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
21 Inch Torpedo Tubes - The Pentad or Five-Fold
Details of 21 torpedo tubes showing pentad or five-fold mounting on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
21 Inch Torpedo Tubes - The Pentad or Five-Fold
Details of 21 torpedo tubes showing pentad or five-fold mounting on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
21 InchTorpedo Tubes (Quadruple Mounting) Details of the 21 inch quadruple torpedo tubes on "Tribal" Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
21 InchTorpedo Tubes (Quadruple Mounting) Details of the 21 inch quadruple torpedo tubes on "Tribal" Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
25 Foot Admiralty Motor Boats Nos.38125 - 38126
25 Foot Admiralty Motor Boats Nos.38125 - 38126. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) showing boats rigged for inclement weather/night running
and fair weather/day running. Longitudinal section, horizontal section and midship section showing internal structure and layout of boats. Details of
Admiralty pattern anchor and arrangement of typical kitchen rudder. Also includes key to plan details, information on technical specifications and history of
Lambert, John stable
25 Foot Fast Motor Boats Nos.702-713
25 Foot Fast Motor Boats Nos.702-713. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), longitudinal section showing construction, sections and part sections of
cockpit, engine space and main cabin. Also includes detail showing arrangement for fitting of awning and the service history of individual boats.
Lambert, John stable
25 Foot Fast Motor Boats Nos.702-713
25 Foot Fast Motor Boats Nos.702-713. General arrangement (half-deck plans), longitudinal section, sections and part sections of cockpit, engine space and
main cabin. Also includes detail of draught marks, numbered key to plan details and potted history of boats.
Lambert, John stable
25 Foot Motor Boat
25 Foot Motor Boat. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) hull sections and details of transom and
jackstaff. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File Copy' in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
25 Foot Motor Boat
25 Foot Motor Boat. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) hull sections and details of transom and
jackstaff. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
27 Foot Whaler
27 Foot Whaler. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), sail plan, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) midship sections and details of oars, mast
traveller, centre board case, bilge rail and planks. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
27 Foot Whaler
27 Foot Whaler. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), sail plan, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) midship sections and details of oars, mast
traveller, centre board case, bilge rail and planks. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
3 Inch 20 CWT Mark I Gun on Mark CP V Mounting Plan, elevations and details of 3 Inch 20 CWT Mark I Gun on Mark CP V Mounting. Includes numbered key and technical data on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
3 Inch 20 CWT Mark I Gun on Mark IVA Mounting Plan and elevations of 3 Inch 20 CWT Mark I Gun on Mark IVA Mounting. Includes technical data on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
3 Pounder Hotchkiss Gun on Mark I, I* 50
Conversion, Mark V, VI and VI* Mountings
3 Pounder Hotchkiss Gun on Mark I, I* 50 Conversion, Mark V, VI and VI* Mountings, 1942. Plan, elevations and details of gun and various mountings.
Includes key to parts, technical specifications and history of gun and mountings.
Lambert, John largely stable
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of gun barrel, breech block, shield, cradle and
Ough, Norman stable
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of gun barrel, breech block, shield, cradle and
Ough, Norman stable
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I
3 Pounder Saluting Gun, Mark I. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of gun barrel, breech block, shield, cradle and
Ough, Norman stable
30 Foot Gig.
30 Foot Gig. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Cross sections showing 'carvel' and 'clinker' builds. Sail plan
(profile) for dipping lug rig and details of masts, oars, eyeplates, hooks and cleats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
30 Foot Gig.
30 Foot Gig. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Cross sections showing 'carvel' and 'clinker' builds. Sail plan
(profile) for dipping lug rig and details of masts, oars, eyeplates, hooks and cleats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
30 Foot Gig.
30 Foot Gig. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Cross sections showing 'carvel' and 'clinker' builds. Sail plan
(profile) for dipping lug rig and details of masts, oars, eyeplates, hooks and cleats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
300 Ton Auxiliary Schooner for Sail Training
300 Ton Auxiliary Schooner for Sail Training Association. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
32 Foot Cutter
32 Foot Cutter. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes detail showing position of rear-admiral's flag on boat. Design for cutter used in the film
"Captain Horation Hornblower RN".
largely stable
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter. General arrangement (profile,half-deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Midship section, cross
section, rigging plan (profile) for lug sloop and details of oars and oar ports for cutter. Details of transom and kitchen rudder for motor cutter. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter. General arrangement (profile,half-deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Midship section, cross
section, rigging plan (profile) for lug sloop and details of oars and oar ports for cutter. Details of transom and kitchen rudder for motor cutter. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter
32 Foot Cutter/32 Foot Motor Cutter. General arrangement (profile,half-deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Midship section, cross
section, rigging plan (profile) for lug sloop and details of oars and oar ports for cutter. Details of transom and kitchen rudder for motor cutter. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
4 Inch H.A./L.A. Mountings
4 Inch Twin High Angle/Low Angle Mountings. Plans, sections and elevations of gun mountings, including details of cradle, base plate, carriage, breech
mechanism and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark IV Gun 4 Inch Mark IV Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, as used on "V" and "W" class destroyers 1918-1945. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark IV Gun
4 Inch Mark IV Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, as used on "V" and "W" class destroyers 1918-1945. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Stamped "File Copy" on lower right side.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark IV Gun 4 Inch Mark IV Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, as used on "V" and "W" class destroyers 1918-1945. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark IV Gun on P.IX Mounting
4 Inch Mark IV Gun on P.IX Mounting. Plan and elevations of gun and mounting. Includes numbered key to drawing, historical notes and technical data on
gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
4 Inch Mark IV Gun on P.IX Mounting
4 Inch Mark IV Gun on P.IX Mounting. Plan and elevations of gun and mounting. 4 Inch Mark IV Gun on P.IX Mounting. Plan and elevations of gun and
mounting. Includes numbered key to drawing, historical notes and technical data on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun (MK.XXIII Mounting)
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of breech mechanism, breech ring, breech block, gun barrel,
muzzle and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun (MK.XXIII Mounting)
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of breech mechanism, breech ring, breech block, gun barrel,
muzzle and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun (MK.XXIII Mounting)
4 Inch Mark XIX Gun. Plans, sections and elevations of gun and mounting, including details of breech mechanism, breech ring, breech block, gun barrel,
muzzle and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Q.F. Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 (Submarine)
4 Inch Q.F. Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 (Submarine) Mounting. Plan, elevations and details. Includes numbered key, technical data and historical notes on
gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
4 Inch Q.F. Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 (Submarine)
4 Inch Q.F. Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 (Submarine) Mounting. Details, including sections and elevations of sights, breech mechanism and firing gear.
Includes numbered key on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
4 Inch Twin H.A./L.A.Mountings
4 Inch Twin High Angle/Low Angle Mountings. Plans, sections and elevations of gun mountings, including details of cradle, base plate, carriage, breech
mechanism and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Twin H.A./L.A.Mountings
4 Inch Twin High Angle/Low Angle Mountings. Plans, sections and elevations of gun mountings, including details of cradle, base plate, carriage, breech
mechanism and shield. Annotated in pink felt pen "Master Copy - Do Not Sell This".
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Twin H.A./L.A.Mountings
4 Inch Twin High Angle/Low Angle Mountings. Plans, sections and elevations of gun mountings, including details of cradle, base plate, carriage, breech
mechanism and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4 Inch Twin H.A./L.A.Mountings
4 Inch Twin High Angle/Low Angle Mountings. Plans, sections and elevations of gun mountings, including details of cradle, base plate, carriage, breech
mechanism and shield.
Ough, Norman stable
4.5 Inch 8 CWT Gun Mark I Mounting
4.5 Inch 8 CWT Gun Mark I Mounting. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun operating mechanism, control mechanism, recoil and run out
arrangements and pressure system on mounting. Includes numbered keys and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
4.5 Inch 8 CWT Gun Mark I Mounting with Rocket
Flare Launcher
4.5 Inch 8 CWT Gun Mark I Mounting with Rocket Flare Launcher. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun, firing gear, sights, elevating
cylinder, breech block and 2-inch rocket flare launcher . Includes numbered keys and technical data on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
4.5 Inch Mark IV Gun in Mark V Mod 2 Mounting
4.5 Inch Mark IV Gun in Mark V Mod 2 Mounting. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun and mounting. Includes numbered key, technical
data and historical notes.
Lambert, John stable
4.7 Inch Mark IX Gun in Mark XXII Mounting
4.7 Inch Mark IX Gun in Mark XXII Mounting. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun and mounting. Includes numbered key to parts and
technical data.
Lambert, John stable
4.7 Inch Twin-Mountings Details of 4.7 inch twin-mounted guns on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman largely stable
4.7 Inch Twin-Mountings Details of 4.7 inch twin-mounted guns on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
4.7 Inch Twin-Mountings Details of 4.7 inch twin-mounted guns on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
4.7 Inch Twin-Mountings Details of 4.7 inch twin-mounted guns on J, K and N Class Destroyers.
Ough, Norman stable
40mm Bofors Gun/Mark IX Gun
40mm Bofors Gun/Mark IX Gun. Details, including sections and elevations of guns and ammunition and perspective view of loading mechanism action .
Includes numbered key to parts and technical data.
Lambert, John largely stable
40mm Rolls Royce Gun on Type BIII Mounting
40mm Rolls Royce Gun on Type BIII Mounting. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun and mounting. Includes technical data and historical
Lambert, John largely stable
42 Foot Sailing Launch/36 Foot Motor Pinnace
42 Foot Sailing Launch/36 Foot Motor Pinnace. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Sail plan (profile),
midship section and details and dimensions of mast for launch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
42 Foot Sailing Launch/36 Foot Motor Pinnace
42 Foot Sailing Launch/36 Foot Motor Pinnace. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Sail plan (profile),
midship section and details and dimensions of mast for launch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
44 Gun Frigate 44 Gun Frigate. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Text in Spanish.
44 Gun Frigate (Fragatas de 44 Canones)
44 Gun Frigate (Fragatas de 44 Canones). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes information on dimensions and guns.
Text in Spanish.
46 Gun Ship 46 Gun Royal Navy Ship of the 1719 Establishment. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
46 Gun Ship 46 Gun Royal Navy Ship of the 1719 Establishment. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and cross sections of
hull. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File Copy' in lower right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and cross sections of
Ough, Norman stable
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and cross sections of
Ough, Norman fragile
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and cross sections of
hull. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor.
Ough, Norman extremely fragile
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat 50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile) and cross sections through forecastle and boiler room.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat 50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (profile) and cross sections through forecastle and boiler room. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat
50 Foot Steam Picket Boat. General arrangement (upper and lower deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross sections through cabin,
cabin doorway and transom. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
50 Gun Ship 50 Gun Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Collins, R.J. stable
50 Gun Ship 50 Gun Ship. Longitudinal section showing internal structure and deck plans (main deck, lower deck).
Collins, R.J. stable
50 Gun Ship 50 Gun Ship. Standing rigging plan (profile) and details of rigging equipment. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Collins, R.J. stable
50 Gun Ship 50 Gun Ship. Running rigging plan (profile) and details of rigging equipment.
Collins, R.J. stable
50 Gun Ship 50 Gun Ship. Details of deck fittings, including carved decoration, steering wheel, lanterns, stairs and cannons.
Collins, R.J. stable
6 Pounder 10 CWT Mark I Gun on 6 Pounder Twin
Mark I Mounting
6 Pounder 10 CWT Mark I Gun on 6 Pounder Twin Mark I Mounting. Details, including plan, section and elevations of gun and mounting. Includes
numbered key to parts, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
64 Gun Ship 64 Gun Ship, 1754, after Murray. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan) and cross-sections.
largely stable
70 Foot Admiralty Motor Torpedo Boat
70 Foot Admiralty Motor Torpedo Boat. Rigging plan (profile), section and details of rigging slips, screws, eyebolt, eyeplate, shackle and clump block.
Includes numbered key to rigging.
Lambert, John stable
72 Foot Harbour Defence Motor Launch
72 Foot Harbour Defence Motor Launch. Lines plan (sheer plan, breadth plans, body plan) and hull cross-sections. Includes details of armaments, including
plans and elevations of 20mm Oerlikon gun, 3 pounder 46 calibre QF gun, Lewis and Vickers .303 machine guns.
Lambert, John largely stable
74 Gun Ship 74 Gun Ship. Keel and transome pieces for model ship kit.
largely stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and view of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the quarter deck, forecastle and upper deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Profile (inboard) showing ship's internal layout. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the gun deck and the orlop. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Details of the stern and head of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing running rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile), showing square sail. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and view of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Steel, P fragile
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing running rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile), showing square sail. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Midship sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bunney & Gold stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Midship sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bunney & Gold stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Details of masts and yards. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Details of masts and yards. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the quarter deck, forecastle and upper deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Profile (inboard) showing internal layout of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the gun deck and the orlop. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Details of the stern and head of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and view of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Profile (inboard) showing internal layout of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the gun deck and the orlop. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
74 Gun Ship of the Line
74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and view of stern. Half deck plans of forecastle, quarter deck and upper
deck Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and view of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham fragile
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the quarter deck, forecastle and upper deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Profile (inboard) showing internal layout of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Half deck plans of the gun deck and the orlop. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Details of the stern and head of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Rigging plan (profile) showing running rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship of the Line 74 Gun Ship Ship of the Line. Sail plan (profile), showing square sail. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Rees, Abraham stable
74 Gun Ship/Frigate
Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of 74 Gun Ship and engraving showing bow and stern views of vessels at sea. Verso:
Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of a Frigate and reproduction of frontispiece of Marmaduke Stalkartt's "Naval Architecture" (1787), plus
information about the publication. Forms advertisement for facsimilie reprint of Stalkartt's "Naval Architecture".
Stalkartt, Marmaduke largely stable
8 Metre Yawl (8 Meter Jolle)
8 Metre Yawl. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale
1:25. Text in Danish. Bow and stern profiles and body plan drawn in pencil on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
8 Metre Yawl (8 Meter Jolle)
8 Metre Yawl. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale
1:25. Text in Danish. Reversed image.
largely stable
A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards. Details of masts, yards, booms, caps and tops.
Steel & Goddard stable
A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards. Details of masts, yards, booms, caps and tops. White and black image.
Steel & Goddard stable
A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards. Details of main mast, fore mast, mizzen mast and bowsprit.
Steel & Goddard stable
A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards A 36 Gunships Top Masts and Yards. Details of main mast, fore mast, mizzen mast and bowsprit. White and black image.
Steel & Goddard stable
A Fifth Rate Ship A Fifth Rate. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan, profile and stern details.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
A Sketch descriptive of several modes for setting up
Iron Rigging, as also the Shrouds of Ships, as
proposed by the persons named.
Details of the design of different types of iron rigging proposed by Mr Aglen, Lieutenant Rigmaiden, Mr Smith and Captain Reynolds in the years between
1832 and 1852.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
40 Foot Motor Sand Barge A.C.M.. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of offsets. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp
mark "M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd., Bideford" in top left of plan.
largely stable
40 Foot Motor Sand Barge A.C.M. Midship section, longitudinal section and deck plan showing general construction of vessel. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Builders stamp mark "M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd., Bideford" in top left of plan.
largely stable
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861." Midship section, section and details of hull of unnamed ship. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor
"Glasgow 18 July 1860", with proposed dimensions. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
largely stable
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861." Midship section, section and details of hull of unamed ship. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor
"Glasgow 18 July 1860", with proposed dimensions. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861". Constructional detail of the hull of an unnamed ship. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor including the date "25 Sept
1861". Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861". Plan showing section of bolting planks to frame for an unnamed ship of about 1000 tons. Annotated in pencil by David
MacGregor including the date "25 Sept 1861". Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861." Midship section, section and details of hull of unnamed ship. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in ink by David MacGregor
"Glasgow 18 July 1860", with proposed dimensions. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
largely stable
A.S.& S. 1861
Plan entitled "A.S.& S. 1861." Midship section, section and details of hull of unamed ship. Annotated in pencil and ink by David MacGregor, "Glasgow 18
July 1860", with proposed dimensions. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
A.S.& S. 1862
A.S.& S. 1862. Constructional detail of keel and base of hull. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen &
Sons. Date "27 May 1862" written on bottom right of plan.
A.S.& S. 1862
A.S.& S. 1862. Constructional detail of keel and base of hull. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen &
Sons. Date "27 May 1862" written on bottom right of plan.
A.S.& S. 1862
A.S.& S. 1862. Constructional detail of keel and base of hull. Possibly refers to vessel under construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen &
A.S.& S.1861
A.S.& S.1861. Section showing position of bolts fixing timber plank to hull of vessel. Annotated by David MacGregor. Possibly refers to vessel under
construction by Glasgow shipbuilders Alexander Stephen & Sons.
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. Midship section , body plan and displacement scale. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. Pump details - overhead plan and profile. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor. Stamped with shipbuilders' details.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. General arrangement and half breadth plan. Afterbody only.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. General arrangement and half breadth plan. Forebody only. Annotated with ship's name by David Mac Gregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abeona Ship Abeona, 1869. Accomodation plan. Faint copy. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abercorn Ship Abercorn, 1885. Details of toilet tables and drawers. Scale 1 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with ship's name by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Abercorn Ship Abercorn, 1885. Timber ports, starboard side only. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with ship's name by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Aberdeen Clipper Ship Aberdeen Clipper Ship, c.1850-1855. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Abraham Rydberg Swedish schoolship Abraham Rydberg, 1879. Sail and rigging plan. Includes technical specifications. Annotated with ship's name by David MacGregor.
Abraham Rydberg Swedish schoolship Abraham Rydberg, 1879. Profile and body plan. Includes technical specifications. Annotated with ship's name by David MacGregor.
Abundance Three masted schooners Abundance and Edith Cavell. Sail and rigging plan.
Chapelle stable
Abundance Nova Scotias tern schooner Abundance, formely the Richard B. Silver. Lines plan and profile. 
Ship wrecked at Jamaica in a hurricane, 1932.
Chapelle stable
Acamas Ship Acamas. Belaying pin plan and table.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Slightly different sail arrangement to BRSGB 2011.1047-9. Pencil corrections.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Slightly different sail arrangement to BRSGB 2011.1047-9.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan. Ship information below drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Sail and rigging plan.
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Lines plan and sections. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Profile and section. Comparison with a Merchant ship of 1930s. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Profile and section. Comparison with a Merchant ship of 1930s.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Midship section.
largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Midship section.
largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Aftermast section.
largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Aftermast section.
largely stable
Acasta Aberdeen clipper barque Acasta. Foresection.
largely stable
Acasta Ship Acasta. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Acaster Ship Alcaster. Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inh to 1 foot. Annotated with ship's name and construction year by David MacGregor,.
Russel & Co. stable
Acbar Ship Acbar. Profile, half breath plan and body plan. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
Achilles Ships Achilles. Lines plan (sheer and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Achilles Ship Achilles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Plan in 5 parts - sheet 1 of 5.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Achilles Ship Achilles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Plan in 5 parts - sheet 2 of 5.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Achilles Ship Achilles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Plan in 5 parts - sheet 3 of 5.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Achilles Ship Achilles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Plan in 5 parts - sheet 4 of 5.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Achilles Ship Achilles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Plan in 5 parts - sheet 5 of 5.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Acorn Sloop Acorn. Profile showing internal details. Includes technical specifications. Annotated with year by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Acorn Sloop Acorn. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with scale by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Acorn Sloop Acorn. Upper deck plan showing hatches and companions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with scale by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Sloop Acorn. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Annotated with year of construction by
David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Acorn Sloop Acorn. Elevation and sections of the main and curved keels. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Ada Composite ship Ada. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ade (ex Annie Chirstian)
Ketch Ade (ex Annie Christian). Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan showing internal construction, profile showing internal construction
and midship section.
Finch, Roger fragile
Admiral Graf Spee
German armed ship Admiral Graf Spee, as outfitted in 1939. Three plans copied onto single sheet: General Information (sheet 1), general arrangement -
plan and profile (sheet 2), sections and upper level details (sheet 3).
Admiral Moorsom Ship Admiral Moorsom. Upper and lower deck plans. Annotated on reverse by David MacGregor.
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs, (St Abbs, St Anne, St Giles, St Heliers, Yard Nos.242-245). General arrangement (main deck plan) showing internal
layout and accommodation. Name of builders, "Ferguson Bros (Port Glasgow) Ltd", running along bottom section of plan.
Ferguson Bros. Ltd. fragile
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs, (St Abbs, St Anne, St Giles, St Heliers, Yard Nos.242-245). General arrangement (deck plan) showing internal layout
and accommodation. Name of builders, "Ferguson Bros (Port Glasgow) Ltd", running along bottom section of plan.
Ferguson Bros. Ltd. fragile
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs.
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs. General arrangement (inboard profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions and list of tug names and yard
numbers (St Abbs, St Anne, St Giles, St Heliers, Yard Nos.242-245).
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs.
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs. General arrangement (plans of flying bridge, boat deck and forecastle deck). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes
dimensions and list of tug names and yard numbers (St Abbs, St Anne, St Giles, St Heliers, Yard Nos.242-245).
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs.
Admiralty "Saint" Class Rescue Tugs, Yard Nos.242-49. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions and list of tug names (St Abbs, St
Anne, St Giles, St Heliers, St Clement, St Omer, St Claude, St Boniface). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Admiralty 45 Foot fast Motor Boats
Admiralty 45 Foot fast Motor Boats, 1946-1950. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, main and lower deck plans) and lines plan (sheer
plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes numbered key to detail and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
Admiralty Boats - 27 Foot Whaler, 20 Foot Motor
Boot and 36 Foot Harbour Launch
Admiralty Boats - 27 Foot Whaler, 20 Foot Motor Boat and 36 Foot Harbour Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) longitudinal section and
midship section of all three vessels. Lines plan (half-breadth plan) for 36 Foot Harbour Launch, sail plans (profiles) for 27 Foot Whaler. Includes numbered
key and technical data. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John largely stable
Adonis Schooner Adonis. Sail plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
Agent Petersen
Danish 3-masted barque Agent Petersen. Lines plan: sheer plan and half breadth plan. Annotated with construction year and ship's name by David
Airlie Ship Airlie. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Messrs Stephen and Son stable
Ajax Motor river tug Ajax. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Includes technial specifications.
Skinley, John E. stable
Albemarle Coffee clipper barque Albemarle. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Albion Armed ship 'Albion'. Profile, half breadth plan and body plan. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Albion Brigantine 'Albion'. Rigging plan.
Alert Collection of 4 ship plans of revenue cutter Alert, produced by Vincenzo Lusci, in a cardboard folder.
Plans are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert, rigging plan (profile, section, perspective and details).
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert, details of sections needed to create a ship model.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert, general arrangement (deck plan). Includes stern perspective and deck details.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert, lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert, individual sail plan. Includes technical specifications and notes by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Alert Revenue Cutter Alert. Cover for ship plans BRSGB 2011.0992.1-4. Includes illustration of perspective of model (recto) and rigging detail (verso).
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alexander Ships Alexander. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) andstern decoration.
Alexander Ship Alexander. Lines plan (sheer plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Alexander Hall Ship Alexander Hall. Sail and rigging plan. Annotated in pencil.
Alexander Hall Ship Alexander Hall. Sail and rigging plan. Mirror image of BRSGB 2011.0956. Printout of negative? Joins with BRSGB 2011.0957.2.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Alexander Hall Ship Alexander Hall. Sail and rigging plan. Mirror image of BRSGB 2011.0956. Printout of negative? Joins with BRSGB 2011.0957.1.
Alexander Robinson
Barque Alexander Robinson. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical details and faint calculations.
Annotated in pencil by David Mac Gregor in 1958.
National Maritime Museum stable
Film ships Alfred and Bonhomme Richard. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections). Partly hand painted with watercolour. Annotated in
John Paul Jones Productions Inc.
Alfred Film ships Alfred. Figurehead details - profile and face view.
John Paul Jones Productions Inc.
Alfred First American flagship Alfred.Rigging plan (profile, section and details). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with construction year by David MacGregor.
Baker, Allen fragile
First American flagship Alfred General arrangement (deck plan and profile), body plan and deck details. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Baker, Allen fragile
Algerine Minesweeper Algerine Minesweeper. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Algésiras French Steam Ship of the Line Algésiras. Details of ship's propellor taken from publication "Souvenirs de marine conserves" by Admiral Paris.
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Alice Mandell Whale ship Alice Mandell. Running rigging, sail plan and rigging details, Double sided.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alice Mandell Whale ship Alice Mandell. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details, Double sided. Includes technical specifications in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alice Mandell Whale ship Alice Mandell. Perspective, lifeboats distribution and sections, Double sided. Includes technical specifications in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alice Mandell Whale ship Alice Mandell. Perspective, Standing rigging plan and details, Double sided. Includes technical specifications in Italian.
Michelini, Giorgio stable
Alice Mandell Cover for ship plans BRSGB 2011.0963.1-4. Includes instructions and illustrations on ship model building in English and other languages.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alice Mandell Collection of 5 'Alice Mandell' ship plans, produced by Vincenzo Lusci, in a cardboard folder.
Plans are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci Ed. stable
Alice Roy Barque Alice Roy. Sail plan.
Armour, Charles A. largely stable
Allice/New Liberty/Betsey/Ellen/Flat
Cartwright/Decked Boat/Fishing Smack/Schooner
Jno&Sarah/ Brig Hemer
Ships Allice/New Liberty/Betsey/Ellen/Flat Cartwright/Decked Boat/Fishing Smack/Schooner Jno&Sarah/ Brig Hemer. Comparison of lines plans (sheer
plans, half breadth plans and body plans)
Alpha Composite schooner Alpha. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Annotated with ship's name and construction year by David MacGregor.
A & J Inglis stable
Ship Alpha.Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Annotated with ship's name and construction year by
David MacGregor.
Alpha Ship Alpha. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Alvin Clark Ship Alvin Clark, sail and rigging plan. Redrawn from reconstruction by Adrian Small. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Alvin Clark Ship Alvin Clark, sail and rigging plan. Redrawn from reconstruction by Adrian Small. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Amana Ship Amana. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Davit and stanchion details. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Accommodation plan?. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Sail and standing rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Running rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Accommodation plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. General arrangement (deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana Ship Amana. Deck plan (main and lower deck) and profile. Includes positioning of masts. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Amana/Airlie/Camperdown/Panmure Displacement scales, based on calculations of dimensions and tonnage, for the ships Amana, Airlie, Camperdown and Panmure.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Schooner yacht America. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Includes
technical specifications.
Campbell, G.F. stable
America Schooner yacht America.Sail and rigging plan and rigging details, as between 1851- 1859. Includes technical specifications.
Campbell, G.F. stable
Schooner yacht America. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), rigging plan, general arrangement (deck plan) and details, as of period
1851-1845. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Herbert, R.G. stable
Schooner Yacht America. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Text written in French.
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Schooner Yacht America. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Text written in French. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Schooner Yacht America. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Text written in French. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
Geisendorfer, J. stable
American Brig. American Brig, 1825-30. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
American Fishing Boat, 1850 Ship modelling plans for a typical American Fishing Boat, c.1850. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
American Fishing Boat, 1850
Ship modelling plan for a typical American Fishing Boat, c.1850. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan, bulwark elevation), lines plan (sheer
plan, half-breadth plan, body plans), hull sections and details of anchors and deck fittings.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
American Fishing Boat, 1850
Ship modelling plan for a typical American Fishing Boat, c.1850. Rigging plan (profile), illustrated perspective views of model and vessel under sail. Also
details of bowsprit, cabin and rigging equipment.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
American Schooner American Schooner, built for a privateer, armed with 16 guns. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
American Sloop American Sloop,1804. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
American Type Whaling Boat
American Type Whaling Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, longitudinal section) and detail of rudder. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes
American Type Whaling Boat American Type Whaling Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Amos Laurence Ship Amos Laurence. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan).
Schuler, F. stable
Amos Laurence Ship Amos Laurence. Sail and rigging plan.
Schuler, F. stable
Anacron Sloop of 16 guns, Anacron. Upper and lower deck beam attachments.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Anchor Hoy Ship Anchor Hoy,USN, lines plan (sheer and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor: 'from photoslat plan (Q.V)'.
MacGregor, David stable
Anchor Hoy
Ship Anchor Hoy,USN, ex Jenkinson. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half breadth and body plan), profile, rigging plan and details. From Plate
III of 'American Ship Models' by V.R. Grimwoood (1942).
Anchor Hoy
Ship Anchor Hoy,USN, ex Jenkinson. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half breadth and body plan), profile, rigging plan and details. From Plate
III of 'American Ship Models' by V.R. Grimwoood (1942).
Anchors and Cables Plans, elevations and details of anchors and cables for a Royal Navy battleship (HMS Duke of York), cruiser (HMS Cleopatra) and destroyer (HMS Matabele).
Ough, Norman stable
Anchors and Cables Plans, elevations and details of anchors and cables for a Royal Navy battleship (HMS Duke of York), cruiser (HMS Cleopatra) and destroyer (HMS Matabele).
Ough, Norman largely stable
Anchors and Cables Plans, elevations and details of anchors and cables for a Royal Navy battleship (HMS Duke of York), cruiser (HMS Cleopatra) and destroyer (HMS Matabele).
Ough, Norman stable
Anchors From About 1900 Plans, sections and details of different types of anchors used by Royal Navy warships from 1900 onwards. Includes lists of anchor weights.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Anchors From About 1900 Plans, sections and details of different types of anchors used by Royal Navy warships from 1900 onwards. Includes lists of anchor weights.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Anchors From About 1900 Plans, sections and details of different types of anchors used by Royal Navy warships from 1900 onwards. Includes lists of anchor weights.
Ough, Norman stable
Ancient Egyptian Royal Ship, 1700 BC Ship modelling plan and historical notes for an Ancient Egyptian Royal Ship,1700 BC. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ancient Egyptian Royal Ship, 1700 BC
Ship modelling plan for an Ancient Egyptian Royal Ship,1700 BC. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan) and cross section. Includes details of stern, mast, cabin, oars and perspective views of ship.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Andalusian Galley Andalusian Galley. Partial deck plan, outboard elevation and midship section. Includes information of suggested method of construction. Scale Scale 1:25.
Andalusian Galley Andalusian Galley. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale Scale 1:50.
Andrew Jackson Clipper ship Andrew Jackson. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan).
Schock, E.I. stable
Schooner Angelita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth and body plan), sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Schooner Angelita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth and body plan), sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Schooner Angelita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth and body plan), sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor,
MacGregor, David stable
Schooner Angelita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth and body plan), sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor,
MacGregor, David stable
Angiolina H. Film ship Angiolina H. Profile.
Wood, P.M. fragile
Ann (Sloop) /Brig Thetis/Brig Tyson/ Brig Henry/
Fishing Boat William Cotham/ Fishing Boat/ Sloop
Ships Ann (Sloop) /Brig Thetis/Brig Tyson/ Brig Henry/ Fishing Boat William Cotham/ Fishing Boat/ Sloop Argyl. Comparison of lines plans (sheer plan, half
breadth plans and body plans).
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/6 inch to 1 foot. Lines taken of builder's half model.
Henderson, James stable
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/6 inch to 1 foot. Lines taken of builder's half model.
Henderson, James fragile
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/6 inch to 1 foot. Lines taken of builder's half model.
Henderson, James stable
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes mast stubs.
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Ann Duthie Ship Ann Duthie. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Ann McKim
Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). From 'Ship Building Industry'. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by
David MacGregor.
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). From 'Ship Building Industry'. Enlarged from BRSGB 2011.1011.
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Chapelle stable
Ann McKim Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Chapelle stable
Ann Miln
Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan) and profile. Annotated by David MacGregor. Draft drawing, taken from model in Ward Road Museum,
MacGregor, David fragile
Ann Miln
Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Draft drawing, taken from model in
Ward Road Museum, Dundee. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ann Miln
Clipper ship Ann McKim. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Draft drawing, taken from model in
Ward Road Museum, Dundee. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Anna Danish ship Anna. Sail plan. Traced by David MacGregor from original loaned by Holm-Petersen.
MacGregor, David fragile
Anna M. Frome Ship Anna M. Frome. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes technical specifications.
Ridings, James H.W. stable
Anna M. Frome Ship Anna M. Frome. Sail plan, Includes technical specifications.
Ridings, James H.W. stable
Anna M. Frome Ship Anna M. Frome. Sail plan, Body plan. Includes technical specifications.
Ridings, James H.W. stable
Anna M. Frome Ship Anna M. Frome. Sail plan, Lines plan (half breadth plan and sheer plan). Forebody only. Includes technical specifications.
Ridings, James H.W. stable
Anna M. Frome Ship Anna M. Frome. Sail plan, Lines plan (half breadth plan and sheer plan). Afterbody only. Includes technical specifications.
Ridings, James H.W. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Anna Moller Ship Anna Moller. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Gothche, Morten stable
Anna Moller Ship Anna Moller. General arrangement (deck plan and profile and midship section.
Gothche, Morten stable
Anna Moller Ship Anna Moller. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Gothche, Morten stable
Anna Moller Ship Anna Moller. Photograph (profile), rigging details, deck details and contextual information (in Sweedish).
Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Taken from builder's half
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Taken from builder's half
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Taken from builder's half
MacGregor, David stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (body plan) . Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (body plan) . Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Midship section. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Midship section. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) . Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Taken from half model.
MacGregor, David stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) . Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Taken from half model.
MacGregor, David stable
Annandale Clipper ship Annandale. Profile and sections. Rough drawing. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Annie Story Iron barque Annie Story. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Annie Story Iron barque Annie Story. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Annie Story Iron barque Annie Story. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Annie Story Iron barque Annie Story. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), midship section and displacement scale.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Annie Story Iron barque Annie Story. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), midship section and displacement scale.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Annsbro Ship Annsbro. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
largely stable
Annsbro Ship Annsbro. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sail plan. Includes detail of bow carving.
MacGregor, David fragile
Annsbro' Iron schooner Annsbro'. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Sail plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David fragile
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Sail plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David stable
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Sail plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David stable
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David stable
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David stable
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes contextual information.
MacGregor, David stable
Anonyma Clipper brig Annonyma. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Anti-Submarine Motor Torpedo Boat No.53
Anti-Submarine Motor Torpedo Boat No.53, 1939 Programme. General arrangement (profile, main, lower and bridge deck plans) and hull cross- sections.
Includes numbered key to detail and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
Anti-Submarine Motor Torpedo Boat No.53
Anti-Submarine Motor Torpedo Boat No.53, 1939 Programme. General arrangement (profile, main, lower and bridge deck plans) and hull cross- sections.
Includes numbered key to detail and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
Anti-Submarine Weapons
Anti-Submarine Weapons. Plans, sections, elevation and details of various anti-submarine weapons, including different types of depth charges and depth
charge throwers. Includes numbered keys to detail.
Lambert, John largely stable
Aphrodita Iron sailing ship Aphrodita. Sail and Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Aphrodita Iron sailing ship Aphrodita. Sail and Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
Iron sailing ship Aphrodita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), plan of forecastle and
plan of after accommodation.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Iron sailing ship Aphrodita. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), plan of forecastle and
plan of after accommodation.
National Maritime Museum stable
Apprentice Armed clipper hermaphrodite brigantine Apprentice. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Aquiline Ship Aquiline. Profile. Rough drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Arab Barque Arab. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes research information.
MacGregor, David stable
Arab Barque Arab. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes research specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Barque Arab. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
research specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Barque Arab. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
research specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Barque Arab. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and superinposed body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1
foot. Includes technical specifications
MacGregor, David stable
Arab Ship Arab. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications
Arab Sambuk Ship modelling plans for Arab Sambuk. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Arab Sambuk
Ship modelling plan for Arab Sambuk. Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan (profile), deck plan and
midship section. Also includes details of rudder hinges and yard and black and white photographic image of model. Verso: Perspective views of vessel,
general arrangement (profile, deck plan) of sloop and templates and instructions for model hull keel, sections and deck.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Aracan Ship Aracan. Sail plan (profile). Annotated and stamped by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Aracan Ship Aracan. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Aracan Ship Aracan. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ships Aracan, Everest and Junapore. Three plans on one sheet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) for each vessel. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David stable
Ardenclutha Iron sailing ship Ardenclutha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Ardenclutha Iron sailing ship Ardenclutha. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Ardwina Sailing barge Ardwina. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), stations positioning and sections.
Hunt, John stable
Argonaut Ship Argonaut. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Argonaut Ship Argonaut. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary design.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary design.
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail plan (profile) and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot for midship section; 1/8 inch to 1 foot for sail plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Profile - positions of fittings on painting of Ariel. Rough drawing
largely stable
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Body plan
Ariel Tea clippers Ariel and Sir Lancelot. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ariel Composite gun boats of 60 horse power Ariel and Zephir. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Ariel 28 gun frigate Ariel. Sail plan (profile and sections).
Ariel Brigantine Ariel. Sail plan (profile and individual sails). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ariel Brigantine Ariel. Sail plan (profile and individual sails). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ariel Tea clipper Ariel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ariel Schooner Ariel. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Ariel & Sir Lancelot Tea clippers Ariel & Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Arima Ship Arima. Main deck plan Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Arima Ship Arima. Sail plan, Rough drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Armed Lugger
Three-masted Armed Lugger, c.1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Includes key to rigging.
Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Armed Lugger
Three-masted Armed Lugger, c.1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Includes key to rigging.
Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Armed Lugger
Three-masted Armed Lugger, c.1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Includes key to rigging.
Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Armed Lugger
Three-masted Armed Lugger, c.1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Includes key to rigging.
Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Arnemuider Hoogaars Dutch yacht Arnemuider Hoogaars. Sail plan (profile), deck plan, accomodation plan and sections.
Hunt, John fragile
Arriero Brigantine Arriero. Sail and rigging plan (profile). With pencil additions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Arriero Brigantine Arriero. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Arriero Brigantine Arriero. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), midship section and accomodation plan.
Arriero Brigantine Arriero. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan), Forebody only.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Arriero Brigantine Arriero. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), Afterbody only.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Arrow Cutter Arrow. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), profile and midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Arrow Ship Arrow. Sail plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Arvorenn Mini tanker Arvorenn. Genera Arrangement (plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and sections.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Astarte Barque Astarte. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Atlantic Ship Atlantic. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Atlantic Coast Ship Atlantic Coast. Midship section. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and section.
extremely fragile
Aura Ship Aura. Sail plan.
Aurora del Titicaca
Schooner Aurora del Titicaca. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer and body plan), midship section, displacement scale and
rigging plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Australia Ship Australia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
National Maritime Museum stable
Four-Masted Barques Austrasia and Oranasia, Ship Nos.291-292. Plan sketch of pumps. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Shipbuilder's stamp, "Russell & Co.,
Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow & Greenock"
Russell & Co. stable
Four-Masted Barques Austrasia and Oranasia, Ship Nos.291-292. Details of rigging screw. Scale 3 inches to 1 foot. Shipbuilder's stamp, "Russell & Co.,
Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow & Greenock"
Russell & Co. stable
Four-Masted Barques Austrasia and Oranasia, Ship Nos.291-292. Section of deckhouse. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Shipbuilder's stamp, "Russell & Co.,
Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow & Greenock"
Russell & Co. stable
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), includes plans and elevation of guns.Text written in Italian.
Salvin, Andrea fragile
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), includes plans and elevation of guns and detail of construction of hull
. Waterlines on plans drawn in green ink, some other details in red ink. Text written in Italian.
Salvin, Andrea fragile
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat. Sail plan (profile). Ink and watercolour drawing, annotated, including alphabetical key to guns. Text written in Italian.
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat
Austrian 18th Century Gun Boat. General arrangement (profile,deck plan) and bow and stern sections showing position of guns. Ink and watercolour
drawing, annotated with alphabetical key to drawing. Text written in Italian.
Auxiliary China Clipper Auxiliary China Clipper. Longitudinal section of hull and plan of iron deck.
Day & Son largely stable
Auxiliary China Clipper Auxiliary China Clipper. Plan of upper deck and cabin deck.
Day & Son largely stable
Auxiliary Cruising Yawl Auxiliary Cruising Yawl. Sail plan (profile) and table of information on standing rigging.
largely stable
Auxiliary Crusing Ketch Auxiliary Crusing Ketch. Rigging plan (profile) and elevations of masts. Includes table of dimensions for standing rigging. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Auxiliary Crusing Ketch Auxiliary Crusing Ketch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Auxiliary Knockabout Ketch Auxiliary Knockabout Ketch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and cross-section showing layout of cabin. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alden, John G. largely stable
Auxiliary Screw Steam Sailing Ship
Auxiliary Screw Steam Sailing Ship. Partial lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of midships of vessel. Includes displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Auxilliary Schooner F.B.G.
Auxilliary Schooner F.B.G. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section, longitudinal section and details of bridge, stern, steering wheel and
Stevens, John R. stable
Auxilliary Schooner F.B.G. Auxilliary Schooner F.B.G. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Stevens, John R. stable
Badger Brig Badger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Badger Brig Badger. Deck plans. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Gneral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Gneral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Gneral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Lines plan ( half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
MacGregor, David fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Lines plan ( half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
MacGregor, David stable
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and profile.
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section).
MacGregor, David stable
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Whitby Museum fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Whitby Museum fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (three sections).
Whitby Museum fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (three sections). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Scoresby, William Jnr. fragile
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (two sections).
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Deck plan showing internal arrangements. Afterbody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Deck plan showing internal construction. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Deck plan showing internal construction. Negative printout.
Baffin A British Arctic whaling ship Baffin. Sail and rigging plan (profile, stern section, mid section and bow section). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Bajan Russian warship Bajan. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and perspective drawings of deck fittings. Descriptions in Czech.
Balfour Brig Balfour. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Balfour Brig Balfour. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Ballarat Ship Ballarat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Ballarat Ship Ballarat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Ballarat Ship Ballarat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Ballarat Ship Ballarat. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ballarat Ship Ballarat. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan).
Ballast Lighter Ballast Lighter. Profile, plan and section of the apparatus belonging a a Ballast Lighter at Deptford Yard, 1799.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Ballast Lighter Ballast Lighter. General arrangements (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Baltimore Brigantine Baltimore Brigantine, 1861. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Baltimore Clipper
Baltimore Clipper, Privateer Schooner 1812. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), section
and details of guns, onboard boats, masts, yards, gaffs and boom. Includes painting instructions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Fisher, A.J. largely stable
Baltimore Clipper
Baltimore Clipper, Privateer Schooner 1812. Rigging plan (profile) with numbered key providing information and dimensions on rigging and rigging line. Also
includes details of lower yard sling and lower yard truss. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Fisher, A.J. largely stable
Baltimore Clipper Brig Baltimore Clipper Brig, 1845. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Bamora British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. 'B' Class cargo vessel Bamora. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Smith Oliver fragile
Bangor Class Steam Minesweeper Bangor Class Steam Minesweeper. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and plan of bridge. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Banterer Ship Banterer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Barque for Court Line Barque for Court Line. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Willoughby, R.M. largely stable
Barrow Pilot Schooner Barrow Pilot Schooner. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Annotated by William Salisbury.
Salisbury, William stable
Bassein Paddle steamer Bassein. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Bay of Panama Ship Bay of Panama. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph fragile
Bay of Panama Ship Bay of Panama. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Bird, Ralph stable
Beal's Schooner Beal's Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated, includes hull dimensions.
Beal's Schooner/Mr Peach's Schooner Beal's Schooner/Mr Peach's Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Beal's Schooner/Mr Peach's Schooner Beal's Schooner/Mr Peach's Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Bedale Mersey Flat Bedale of Liverpool. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1 inch to 2 feet.
Howard, G.F. stable
Bedale Mersey Flat Bedale of Liverpool. Deck plans showing internal and external construction.
Howard, G.F. stable
Bedale Mersey Flat Bedale of Liverpool. Interior constructional details.
Howard, G.F. stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos
Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. With pencil annotations, sketches and corrections by
David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos
Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes pencil
corrections and annotations by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Sail plan (profile), midship section, body plan and displacement scale. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. Deck plan and profile. Very faint drawing.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of Lagos Iron barque Belle of Lagos. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Carcay Brig Belle of the Carcay (Careay?). Sail plan (profile).
Belle of the Clyde
Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), midship section and
accommodation plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Clyde
Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), midship section and
accommodation plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Belle of the Clyde
Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and displacement scale. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Part of original
plan missing, finished on photocopy in pencil.
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. General arrangement (deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Plate plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Belle of the Clyde Iron brig Belle of the Clyde. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile), Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and accommodation plan.
Belle of the Clyde
Iron Brig Belle of the Clyde. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), midship section and
accommodation plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Belle of the Mersey Brig Belle of theMersey. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan ( half breadth plan and body plan).
Belle of the Mersey Brig Belle of the Mersey. Sail and rigging plan.
Belle of the West Brig Belle of the West. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Ben Muick Dhui Ship Ben Muick Dhui. Sail plan, incomplete, joins with BRSGB 2011.1278.2.
Ben Muick Dhui Ship Ben Muick Dhui. Sail plan, incomplete, joins with BRSGB 2011.1278.1.
Ben Muick Dhui Ship Ben Muick Dhui. Sail plan, incomplete, mirror image of BRSGB 2011.1278.1.
Ben Nevis ShipBen Nevis. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), incomplete, afterbody only, joins with BRSGB 2011.1280.2. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ben Nevis
ShipBen Nevis. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), incomplete, forerbody only, and midship section. Joins with BRSGB 2011.1280.1. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Ben Tarbert Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. General Arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Ben Tarbert Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. General Arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Ben Tarbert Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. General Arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Ben Tarbert Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. General Arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Ben Tarbert
Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), profile , plan of deck under boatdeck and plan of deck under
fo'c'sle. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Ben Tarbert
Steel diesel trawler Ben Tarbert. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan), profile , plan of deck under boatdeck and plan of deck under
fo'c'sle. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Benjamin Elkin Ship Benjamin Elkin. Lines plan (half breadth plan and sheer plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Benjamin Elkin Ship Benjamin Elkin. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Baltimore clipper Berbice. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), midship section and deck
details. In Hungarian.
Berbice Baltimore clipper Berbice. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. In Hungarian.
Bermuda Sloop Bermuda Sloop, 1740. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Bermuda Sloop or Cutter Bermuda Sloop or Cutter from St.Barts, 1786. Sail plan (profile). Includes tables of dimensions. Original plan dated November 1786. Text in Swedish.
Bermudan Dispatch Boat Bermudan Dispatch Boat (Schooner). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Bermudan Dispatch Boat Bermudan Dispatch Boat (Schooner). General arrangement (profile) showing deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Berwick Smack Berwick Smack. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Betsy of Yorktown Birg Betsy of Yorktown. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Betsy of Yorktown? Possibly birg Betsy of Yorktown. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Betty Russell Ship Betty Russell. Sail and rigging plan.
Biber One Man Submarine
German Biber One Man Submarine, 1944. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of T2 electric torpedo and ground influence mine. Includes
historical notes and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
Biber One Man Submarine German Biber One Man Submarine, 1944. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel and cross-sections of hull.
Lambert, John stable
Biber One Man Submarine
German Biber One Man Submarine, 1944. General arrangement (external and internal profiles and deck plans, profile and deck plan of submarine carrying
two T2 electric torpedoes) and cross-sections of hull. Includes numbered key to detail.
Lambert, John stable
Bilander A Billannder for Holland trade. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Bilander A Billannder for Holland trade. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Bilander A Billannder for Holland trade. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Bilander A Billannder for Holland trade. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Birkenhead Troop ship Birkenhead, lower deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Birkenhead Troop ship Birkenhead, plan of poop deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Birkenhead Troop ship Birkenhead, upper deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
Birkenhead Troop Ship Birkenhead. Plan of main deck showing accommodation.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Birkenhead Troop Ship Birkenhead. Deck plan and cross-sections of hold showing storage arrangements.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Troop Ship Birkenhead. General arrangement (inboard profile) of forebody and midships of vessel. One of two separate sheets that join together to form
complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Troop Ship Birkenhead. General arrangement (inboard profile) of midships and aftbody of vessel. One of two separate sheets that join together to form
complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Iron Steam Vessel Birkenhead. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody and midships of vessel. Name "Vulcan" crossed out and
replaced with "Birkenhead", with new date "7th August 1845". One of two separate sheets that join together to form complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Iron Steam Vessel Birkenhead. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of aftbody of vessel. Includes dimensions. One of two
separate sheets that join together to form complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Birkenhead Birkenhead. Sail plan (profile) showing arrangement of sails as both a second-class frigate and a steam troop ship
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Birkenhead Birkenhead. Preliminary reconstruction, general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Birote Ship Birote. Sail and rigging plan. Sail plan of an unidentified vessel on reverse.
Bismark and Tirpitz German battleships Bismark and Tirpitz. General arrangemet (deck plan, profile and section), body plan and details.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
Black Hawk Clipper ship Black Hawk. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Black Hawk Clipper ship Black Hawk. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Black Hawk Clipper ship Black Hawk. Sail and rigging plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Black Prince Brig / snow Black Prince. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and details.
Salisbury, William stable
Black Prince Brig / snow Black Prince. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and mast details.
Salisbury, William stable
Blackwall Frigate
Blackwall Frigate, c.1860. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), bulwark elevation and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also
includes stern view. Annotated. Drawings of masts and bowsprit on reverse side of plan.
Blair Athole Ship Blair Athole. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Blanford, Lyme & Scarborough Ships Blanford, Lyme & Scarborough. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Ship Blenheim.Lines plan (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern design. Includes technical
specifications. Annotated in pencil.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Blenheim Ship Blenheim.Lines plan (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern design. Annotated in pencil.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ship Blenheim.Lines plan (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern design. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David fragile
Ship Blenheim.Lines plan (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern design. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David fragile
Ship Blenheim.Lines pn (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern design. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Blenheim Ship Blenheim.Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Blenheim Ship Blenheim.Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Blenheim Ship Blenheim.Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Blenheim Ship Blenheim. Anchor plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Blenheim Ship Blenheim. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Blenheim Ship Blenheim. Body plan.
Blue Jacket
Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket. Sail and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement
(deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Blue Jacket
Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket. Sail and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement
(deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Blue Jacket
Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket. Sail and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement
(deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Blue Jacket
Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket. Sail and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement
(deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Blue Jacket of Blakeney Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket of Blakeney, about 1880. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section), general arrangement (deck plan) and body plan.
Blue Jacket of Blakeney Fore and aft rigged billyboy Blue Jacket of Blakeney, about 1880. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section), general arrangement (deck plan) and body plan.
Bluenose Fishing schooner Bluenose. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Stevens, John R. stable
Bluenose Fishing schooner Bluenose. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles).
Stevens, John R. stable
Bluenose Fishing schooner Bluenose. Sail plan (profile).
Bluenose Fishing schooner Bluenose. Model sail and riggingl plan (profile). Includes technical specifications. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Potter, H.W. stable
Fishing schooner Bluenose. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and rigging details. Scale 3/16 inch to
1 foot.
Potter, H.W. stable
Bluenose Fishing schooner Bluenose. Hull templates - stations. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Potter, H.W. stable
Boats of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific
General arrangements (profile, deck plan), longitudinal sections, details and perspective views of sailing and oared boats from New Zealand, Australia and
the Pacific Islands. Taken from the publication "Souvenirs de marine conserves". Text in French.
Bobyik Seeartskunde Bobyik Seeartskunde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Bogser-Angbat Dutch tug Bogser-Angbat. General arrangement (deck plans, profile and sections). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Bogser-Angbat Dutch tug Bogser-Angbat. General arrangement (deck plans, profile and sections). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications in Dutch.
Bogser-Angbat Dutch tug Bogser-Angbat. General arrangement (deck plans, profile and sections). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications in Dutch.
Bon - Accord Ship Bon - Accord. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Bon - Accord Ship Bon - Accord. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Bonanza Ship Bonanza. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Bonanza Ship Bonanza. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Ships Bonanza and Maypo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary
MacGregor, David fragile
Bonanza Ship Bonanza. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Bonavista Bonavista. Sail plan (profile).
Bonetta Hermaphroditte ship Bonetta. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Bonetta Hermaphroditte ship Bonetta. Sail plan (profile).
Peek, J.W. stable
Bonetta Ship Bonetta. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Bonetta Bonetta. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Bootle Ships Bootle and Irton. Sail and rigging plan. Includes rigging dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Whitehaven Library stable
Bostonian Ships Bostonian. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections)
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Bothwell Castle Ship Bothwell Castle. Deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Boulton Paul Quadruple Turret with .303" browning
Boulton Paul Quadruple Turret with .303" browning guns. Gun details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Salisbury, William stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Deck plans (upper deck, lower deck and accommodation plan).
Salisbury, William stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and accommodation plan) and profile.
National Maritime Museum stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Rigging plan (profile). Reconstructed sketch of rig. Signed C.K.
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Plan of model. Scale 2 inch to 1 foot.
Bounty Collection of model making plans for armed transporter Bounty. Plans are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Assembling of frames: sections, body plan, deck plan and profile.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. General arrangement (deck plan and profile)
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Internal details - profile.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Sail and rigging plan (profile and yard perspective)
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Sail and rigging plan (stern section, mid section and bow section)
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Deck fittings details, rigging details and life boats details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty - ship modelling plan. Rigging details of upper part of mast.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Cover for ship plans BRSGB 2011.1358.1-7. Includes illustrations of ship's sail arrangement (recto) and deck fittings (verso).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Bounty Armed transporter Bounty. Plan for assembling of ship model. Includes deck plan profile, sections and perspectives. Instructions in Italian.
Bourdelois Ship Bourdelois. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Bramble Ship Bramble. Sail plan. Included dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Breeze Ship Breeze. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
National Maritime Museum, Stockholm
Brenhilda Clipper ship Brenhilda. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Brenhilda Clipper ship Brenhilda. Saloon accommodation plan.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Breton Fishing Smack CC4445 Breton Fishing Smack CC4445. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Breton Fishing Smack CC4445 Breton Fishing Smack CC4445. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Brig of 144 Tons Brig of 144 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Brig of 18 Guns Brig of 18 Guns, 1838. Sail plan (profile). Text in French.
largely stable
Brig of 199 Tons Brig of 199 Tons. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Brig of 223 Tons Brig of 223 Tons. Rigging plan (profile) showing vessel under way, before the wind and yards squared.
largely stable
Brig of War of 18 Guns
Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Profile, including hull section showing frame spacing and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Brig of War of 18 Guns
Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Profile, including hull section showing frame spacing and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel.
largely stable
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Plans of upper deck, lower deck and platforms.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Plans of upper deck, lower deck and platforms.
largely stable
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Plans of upper deck, lower deck and platforms.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel.
Brig of War of 18 Guns Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Plans of upper deck, lower deck and platforms.
Brig of War of 18 Guns
Brig of War of 18 Guns, built in 1804. Profile, including hull section showing frame spacing and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Brig Second Class. Brig Second Class. Two sail plans (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. List of second class Royal Navy brigs written on the reverse side of plan.
Brilliant Ship Brilliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Brilliant Ship Brilliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Brilliant Ship Brilliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Whitby Museum stable
Brilliant Ship Brilliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Brilliant Ships Brilliant and London. Comparison of lines plan (sheer plans, half breadth plans and body plans).
MacGregor, David fragile
Brilliant Ship Brilliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Bris Danish 3 masted schooner Bris. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter c.1890-1910. Sail plan (profile), rigging plan (stern view) and deck plan. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter c.1890-1910. Sail plan (profile), rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Britannia and Germania Ships Britannia and Germania. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
British 4 Inch QF Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2
Submarine Mounting
Set of modellers plan. Held in folder. Items are accessioned separately.
Lambert, John stable
British 4 Inch QF Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2
Submarine Mounting
British 4 Inch QF Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 Submarine Mounting. Plan, elevations and sections of gun. Includes numbered key, technical data and
historical notes.
Lambert, John stable
British 4 Inch QF Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2
Submarine Mounting
British 4 Inch QF Mark XXIII Gun on 4 Inch S2 Submarine Mounting. Plan, elevations and sections of gun and mounting. Includes numbered key.
Lambert, John stable
British 70 Foot Target Towing Boat C/T 05 Modellers plan. Held in folder. Items are accessioned separately.
Lambert, John stable
British 70 Foot Target Towing Boat C/T 05
Modellers plan of British 70 Foot Target Towing Boat C/T 05. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section and cross-sections of hull.
Includes numbered key to parts, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John stable
British 70 Foot Target Towing Boat C/T 05
British 70 Foot Target Towing Boat C/T 05. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section and cross-sections of hull. Includes numbered key
to parts, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
British and North American Royal Mail Paddle
British and North American Royal Mail Paddle Steamer. General arrangement (deck plans).
Day & Son largely stable
British and North American Royal Mail Paddle
British and North American Royal Mail Paddle Steamer. General arrangement (profile), longitudinal section, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan). Includes dimensions.
Day & Son largely stable
British Fourth Rate Warship in1684 British Fourth Rate Warship in1684. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plans) and detail of stern decoration.
Sewell, John fragile
British Monarch Ship British Monarch. Profile. Preliminary drawing.
British Nation Iron sailing ship British Nation. Sail plan (profile and section) and deck plan. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
British Oak Brig British Oak. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
British Oak Brig British Oak. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Whitby Museum stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
British Queen Iron ship British Queen. Sail plan (profile).
British Queen - Ramsgate Trawler Ramsgate Trawler British Queen, R 427. Sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
British Queen - Ramsgate Trawler Ramsgate Trawler British Queen, R 427. Sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
British Queen - Ramsgate Trawler Ramsgate Trawler British Queen, R 427. Sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
Brittannia Ship Brittannia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Brixham Mumble Bee Ship Brixham Mumble Bee. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
March, Edgar J. fragile
Brixham Mumble Bee Ship Brixham Mumble Bee. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
Brixham Mumble Bee Ship Brixham Mumble Bee. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and longitudinal section.
March, Edgar J. stable
Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79 Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and general arrnangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. fragile
Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79 Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and general arrnangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79 Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and general arrnangement (deck plan and profile).
March, Edgar J. stable
Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79 Brixham Sloop Charlie D.H.79. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Cowl, Ron W. stable
Brixham Sloop D.H.79 Brixham Sloop D.H.79. Lines plan (sheer pla, half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Brixham Trawler Brixham Trawler, c.1900. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Brizo Ship Brizo. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/48th.
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Brizo Ship Brizo. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/48th.
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Brizo Ship Brizo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Brodrick Castle Ship Brodrick Castle. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Brothers Brigantine Brothers. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and profile. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Brownrigg Ships Brownrigg and Falls of Earn. Rigging plan. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Brutto Danish ship Brutto. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Pencil amendments.
Hansen fragile
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. Midship section. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. Spar details. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. Spar details with dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. General arrangement (profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Brynhilda Iron sailing vessel Brynhilda. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Buckinghampshire Ship Buckinghampshire. Accommodation plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Burns Full-Rigged Wooden Ship Burns. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Bird, Ralph stable
Burns Full-Rigged Wooden Ship Burns. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Bird, Ralph stable
Burns Full rigged wooden ship Burns. Profile. Prelimiary draught.
MacGregor, David fragile
Burnswark Ship Burnswark. Profile and lines. Rough sketch. Annotated by David Mac Gregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Burnswark Ship Burnswark. Rigging plan. Rough sketch. Annotated by David Mac Gregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Busen Rollo Ship Busen Rollo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsetts.
extremely fragile
Bustler Harbour tug Bustler. Instructions and illustrations for model assembling. Deck plan, profile, sections, perspective and details.
Bygning Danish vessel Bygning no. 104. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Bygning Danish vessel Bygning no. 104. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Bygning Danish vessel Bygning no. 104. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
extremely fragile
C.A. Thayer
Lumber three-masted schooner C.A. Thayer. Plans package comprising three sheets and a front cover. Sheet1: sail and rigging plan (profile); sheet 2:
general arrangement (deck plans and profile) and midship section; sheet 3: lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Technical specifications
San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park
C.P. Mark Ship C.P. Mark. Gun details - 3 inch 20 CVT Mark 1 gun. Plan, profile and sections. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Cacafuego Ship Cacafuego. Collection of ship modeling plans in a folder.
Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci fragile
Cacafuego Ship Cacafuego. Sections arrangement (sections, profile and perspective).
Vincenzo Lusci fragile
Cacafuego Ship Cacafuego. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and details.
Vincenzo Lusci fragile
Cacafuego Ship Cacafuego. Folder for plans BRSGB 2011.1429.1 & BRSGB 2011.1429.2. Includes illustration of deck pla (recto) and stern details (verso).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Caique/Bazar Caique
General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of an Caique and Bazar Caique, open boats used in
the Bosphorus. Also includes details of oars. Text written in French.
largely stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Profile. Preliminary drawing. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor
Henderson, James largely stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Similar to BRSGB 2011.1439-41, with altered rigging details.
Henderson, James stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Similar to BRSGB 2011.1439-41, with altered rigging details.
Henderson, James stable
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Midship section.
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Midship section.
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Midship section.
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Midship section.
Cairngorm Aberdeen tea clipper Cairngorm. Body plan. Ship's identity uncertain.
Cairngorm Clipper Ship Cairngorm. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Amended in red and black pencil.
Henderson, James stable
Cairngorm/Lord of the Isles/Fiery Cross/Taitsing/
Titania/ Thermopylae/ Cutty Sark/ Norman Court
Cairngorm/Lord of the Isles/Fiery Cross/Taitsing/ Titania/ Thermopylae/ Cutty Sark/ Norman Court. Cross-sections of hull to the outside of frames.
MacGregor, David stable
Calculation of Centre of Effort Mathematical formulae and rough sketches of different types of sails used to calculate the centre of effort for a sailing ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Calculation of Centre of Effort Mathematical formulae and rough sketches of different types of sails used to calculate the centre of effort for a sailing ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Calcutta, Mauritius, Hydaspes, Arco Ships Calcutta, Mauritius, Hydaspes and Arco. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
National Maritime Museum stable
Caledonia Iron clipper schooner Caledonia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Caledonia Iron clipper schooner Caledonia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Caledonia Iron clipper schooner Caledonia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Caledonia Iron clipper schooner Caledonia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Caledonia Iron schooner Caledonia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Caledonia Iron schooner Caledonia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregror.
Caledonian Monarch Model of cargo stamer Caledonian Monarch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Calypso Ship Calypso. Profile. Annotated.
National Maritime Museum stable
Calypso Ship Calypso. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
National Maritime Museum stable
Calypso & Calliope Single screw steal and iron corvettes Calliope and Calypso. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mule rigged spritsail barque Cambria. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Zouch, L.E. stable
Cambria Mule rigged spritsail barque Cambria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Zouch, L.E. stable
Cambria Mule rigged spritsail barque Cambria. Sail and riggin plan (profile and section) and rigging details. Includes technical specifications.
Zouch, L.E. stable
Cambria Mule rigged spritsail barque Cambria. Details of deck fittings. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Zouch, L.E. stable
Camelion Brig Camelion. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and planking section. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern details.
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Square rigged ship Camertonian. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Hand coloured and annotated by David
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Rigging details.
MacGregor, David fragile
Camertonian Square rigged ship Camertonian. Deck plan. Preliminary sketch.
Square rigged ship Camertonian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and stern details.
Annotated by David MacGregor.
Salisbury, William stable
Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles) and details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches. General arrangement (deck plans and profile). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches
Canadian Fairmile 'B' class Motor Launches. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck
details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Canal Bulk Freighter
Canal Bulk Freighter. General arrangement (profile, main deck and forecastle deck plans) and details of deck fittings, including plans of deckhouse and
navigation bridge. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Scomod largely stable
Canal Bulk Freighter
Canal Bulk Freighter. General arrangement (profile, main deck and forecastle deck plans) and details of deck fittings, including plans of deckhouse and
navigation bridge. Includes table of principal dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Limited
Canopus Ship Canopus. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Canopus Ship Canopus. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Capstan for Brigs Plans, sections and elevations of capstan for brigs. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil largely stable
Capstan for Brigs Plans, sections and elevations of capstan for brigs. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil largely stable
Capstan for Brigs Plans, sections and elevations of capstan for brigs. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil largely stable
Capstans for Ships of 20 to 32 Guns Plans, sections and elevations of capstans for ships of 20 to 32 guns, c.1800. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil largely stable
Capstans for Ships of 20 to 32 Guns Plans, sections and elevations of capstans for ships of 20 to 32 guns, c.1800. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil largely stable
Capstans for Ships of 20 to 32 Guns Plans, sections and elevations of capstans for ships of 20 to 32 guns, c.1800. Includes alphabetical key to parts. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil stable
Carmelita Ship Carmelita. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Carnatic Barque Carnatic. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
Carnatic Barque Carnatic. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Carnatic Barque Carnatic. Profile. Afterbody only.
Brigantine yacht Carnegie. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and details.Includes
technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Carnegie Brigantine yacht Carnegie. Rigging plan (profile and section) and rigging details. Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Carola Bella
Dutch 28 Gun Frigate Carola Bella, 1650. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement (upper and lower deck
plans) and stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Carolina 16 guns ship Carolina. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Afterbody only.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Carolina 16 guns ship Carolina. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Forebody only.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Carpenter Ship Carpenter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Carpenter Ship Carpenter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Carrie Bell Schooner Carrie Bell. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Castle Class Corvettes, Ship Nos.343-345.
Castle Class Lengthened Single Screw Corvettes, Ship Nos.343-345. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of compass platform, bridge deck and
forecastle deck). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Shipbuilders stamp mark "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" in upper left of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
Castle Class Corvettes, Ship Nos.343-345.
Castle Class Lengthened Single Screw Corvettes, Ship Nos.343-345. General arrangement (plans of upper deck, lower deck and hold). Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Shipbuilders stamp mark "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" in upper left of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
Cat with Pink Stern
Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and some deck fittings.1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Cat with Pink Stern
Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and some deck fittings.1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Sail plan (profile) also showing standing rigging. 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Sail plan (profile) also showing standing rigging. 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cat with Pink Stern Unidentified Cat with pink stern. Sail plan (profile) also showing standing rigging. 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Catharina (later Agnesje) Yacht Catharina (later Agnesje). Sail and rigging plan (profile) and deck plan. Pencil annotations and calculations.
Hunt, John fragile
Cathcart Ship Cathcart. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Catrina Ship Catrina. Deck plan, profile and bow section.
Catwick Steel Paddle Steamer Catwick. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Celestial Ship Celestial. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Celestial Ship Celestial. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Chapelle stable
Centurion Ship Centurion. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Centurion Ship Centurion. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Centurion Ship Centurion. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Centurion Ship Centurion. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Ceres Brig Ceres. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Ceres Brig Ceres. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
largely stable
Ship Cervia. Model maker plan. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), genral arrangement (deck plan and profile) and details. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Drawn on both sides of paper.
Model Maker Plans Service fragile
Cesarevic Russian warship Cesarevic. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Cezanne Ship Cezanne. Complete set of ship modelling plans in a card folder. Includes a photograph and modelling instructions. 
Items are accessioned individually.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Cezanne Ship Cezanne. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section) and deck details.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Cezanne Ship Cezanne. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and details.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Cezanne Ship Cezanne. Instructions for assembling ship model; includes ship's perspectives.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Cezanne Folder housing ship plans BRSGB 2011.1519.1-4. Depicts ship's perspective.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Cezarwits / Bella Rosa Barque Cezarwits or schooner Bella Rosa. Profile and sections. Preliminary draft. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Chaa-sze Ship Chaa-sze of London. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Chalk Barge/Ballast Lighter Chalk Barge/Ballast Lighter. General arrangements (profiles, half-deck plans) and sections.
MacGregor, David stable
Chalk Barge/Ballast Lighter Chalk Barge/Ballast Lighter. General arrangements (profiles, half-deck plans) and sections. Annotated in green ink.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary draft. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Section cut off (accessioned as BRSGB
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (half breadth plan). Section cut off from BRSGB 2012.00006.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Chapelle stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), midship section and stern decoration.
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), midship section and stern decoration.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. In two parts, sheet 1 of 2.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. In two parts, sheet 2 of 2.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Sail plan, genral arrangement (deck plan and profile), midship section, yard details and hull construction details.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge Great Lakes schooner Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and rigging details.
Potter, H.W. stable
Challenge Great Lakes schooner Challenge. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging schedule specifications. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Potter, H.W. stable
Challenge Clipper ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Challenge American ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Afterbody only. Joins with BRSGB 2012.00069.2.
Challenge American ship Challenge. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan). Mid-body only. Joins with BRSGB 2012.00069.1.
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Pelimiary drawing. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Challenger Tea clipper Challenger. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Brigantinnes Champion and Onward. Lines plans (sheer plan, half breadth plan and superimposed body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David fragile
Brigantinnes Champion and Onward. Lines plans (sheer plan, half breadth plan and superimposed body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David largely stable
Chaperon Complete set of ship modelling plans and an original envelope for steamer Chaperon. 
Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways largely stable
Chaperon Steamer Chaperon. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Model Shipways largely stable
Chaperon Steamer Chaperon. General arrangement (deck plan and bow section and stern section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways largely stable
Chaperon Steamer Chaperon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and perspective drawings of details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways largely stable
Chaperon Original envelope for ship plans BRSGB 2012.00034.1-3. Stamped with company's address and logo.
Model Shipways largely stable
Charlemagne Ship Charlemagne. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan).
Henderson, James largely stable
Charlemagne Ship Charlemagne. Deck plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Charlemagne Ship Charlemagne. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James stable
Charles Foster's Withy Boat Charles Foster's Withy Boat. Deck plan, profile, section and measurements.
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Sail and rigging plan. Includes rigging details and technical specifications. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. stable
Charles W. Morgan
Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), deck details
and stern decoration. Includes technical specifications. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Includes technical specifications.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Internal construction (deck plan, profile and sections). Includes technical specifications.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles). Includes technical specifications.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Deck plan and deck details.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsets.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Sail and rigging plan (profile of main and fore masts, looking aft).
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Belaying pin arrrangement. and details.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charles W. Morgan Whaling Barque Charles W. Morgan. Details of whaleboat. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Allyn, R.C. stable
Charlot Yacht (later Augusta)
Ketch Charlot Yacht. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and stern details. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Renamed Augusta in 1761.
Possibly the same vessel as BRSGB 2012.00090.
Charlotte Schooner Charlotte. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Charlotte Ship Charlotte. Deck plan and stern details. Possibly the same vessel as BRSGB 2012.00091.
Chasse Maree Armed rigged lugger Chasse Maree. Sail details & key to rigging.
March, Edgar J. stable
Commissioner's yacht Chatman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), upper and lower deck plans and stern details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David fragile
Chebec of 22 Guns
Chebec of 22 Guns. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (deck plan) and details of deck fittings. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 ich to 1 foot. Text in French.
largely stable
Chebec of 22 Guns
Chebec of 22 Guns. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (deck plan) and details of deck fittings. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 ich to 1 foot. Text in French.
largely stable
Three masted topgallant yard schooner Chieftain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. With ammendments. Scale 3/8
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Three masted topgallant yard schooner Chieftain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. With ammendments. Scale 3/8
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Childers Sloop of 10 guns Childers. Details of bow decoration.
MacGregor, David fragile
Childers Sloop of 10 guns Childers. Details of bow decoration.
MacGregor, David stable
Childers Sloop of 10 guns Childers. Upper deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Childers Brigantine Childers. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann, c.1885. Sail and rigging plan (profile), details of deck fittings and colour scheme.
Hennique, Mr stable
Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann
Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann, c.1885. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) longitudinal section and cross
Hennique, Mr stable
Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann Chinese Junk Couang Dzoui-Hann, c.1885. Lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section, bow and stern elevations and details of anchors.
Hennique, Mr stable
Chowringhee Ship Chowringhee. Profile. Preliminary draught. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (body plan) and midship section. One of five sheets that join to form complete plan, previously stapled together.
Henderson, James largely stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody. One of five sheets that join to form complete plan, previously stapled together.
Henderson, James largely stable
Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody and midships. One of five sheets that join to form complete plan, previously stapled
Henderson, James largely stable
Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of midships and aftbody. One of five sheets that join to form complete plan, previously stapled
Henderson, James largely stable
Chrysolite Ship Chrysolite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody. One of five sheets that join to form complete plan, previously stapled together.
Henderson, James largely stable
Chrysolite 1851 Ships Chrysolite 1851 and Trojan 1854. Profiles. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David fragile
'Cima' Type Single Arm Centre Line Davit. 'Cima' Type Single Arm Centre Line Davit. Plan and elevation. Includes dimensions. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Marine & Allied Industries (C & I) Ltd.
largely stable
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Sail and rigging plan (profile).Includes technical specifications.
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan). Forebody only.
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Cimber Clipper ship Cimber. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Circassian Schooner yacht Circassian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Circassian and unnamed schooner Schooner yacht Circassian and unnamed schooner. Lines plans (sheer plans, half breadth plans and body plans).
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Adelaide Ship City of Adelaide. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Sexton, R.T. stable
City of Adelaide Ship City of Adelaide. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Sexton, R.T. stable
City of Adelaide Ship City of Adelaide. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), sections and details.
Sexton, R.T. stable
City of Amoy Ship City of Amoy. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Amoy Ship City of Amoy. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Athens Sailing Ship City of Athens. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
City of Benares Ship City of Benares. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Benares Ship City of Benares. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Edinburgh Ship City of Edinburgh. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Faint copy.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Fooclow Ship City of Fooclow. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Faint image.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. Accomodation plan. Afterbody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. Deck plan and profile.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Hankow Ship City of Hankow. Body plan.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Lahore Ship City of Lahore. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
City of London Ship City of London. Accomodation plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of London Ship City of London. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Lucknow Ship City of Lucknow. Midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
City of Lucknow Ship City of Lucknow. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) Afterbody only. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Madras
Ship City of Madras. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, haf breadth plan and body plan) and stern details. Includes
technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
City of Madras
Ship City of Madras. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, haf breadth plan and body plan) and stern details. Includes
technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Madras and City of Calcutta Ships City of Madras and City of Calcutta. Sail and rigging plan. Annotated by David MacGregor. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
City of Nankin and City of Shanghai Ships City of Nankin and City of Shanghai. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Nankin and City of Shanghai Ships City of Nankin and City of Shanghai. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Ningpo Ships City of Ningpo. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Ningpo Ships City of Ningpo. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. Midship section.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. Midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Pekin Ship City of Pekin. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
MacGregor, David stable
City of Perth Ship City of Perth. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
City of Perth Ship City of Perth. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
City of Perth Ship City of Perth. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
City of Perth Ship City of Perth. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
City of Sparta Ship City of Sparta. Deck plan, profile and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
City of York Ship City of York. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
City of York Ship City of York. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Claggan Ship Claggan. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Clan Buchanan Ship Clan Buchanan. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Russel & Co. stable
Clan Cameron/Clan Campbell/Clan Forbes/Clan
Steamers Clan Cameron/Clan Campbell/Clan Forbes/Clan Ogilvie, Nos.261-264. Deck plan of Emerson Walker & Co. patent horizontal direct steam
combination capstan windlass.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clan Macleod (later the James Craig)
Iron Barque Clan Macleod (later the James Craig), Colour reproduction of perspective illustration of vessel under sail as she appeared after restoration by
Sydney Maritime Museum. Entitled "Overdue Off Taiaroa Head". Original painted by Dave Wenban in 1991. This copy signed and dated by artist.
Wenban, Dave largely stable
Clan MacPherson
Ship Clan MacPherson, No.128. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Builders stamp mark "Russell & Co., Port Glasgow" in bottom
right corner.
Russell & Co. stable
Shallop no.2 Clara. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes technical
MacGregor, David fragile
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. General arrangenment (deck plan and profile), sail plan and deck details.
Finch, Roger stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. General arrangenment (deck plan and profile), sail plan and deck details.
Finch, Roger stable
Clara May Wooden ketch Clara May. General arrangenment (deck plan and profile), sail plan and deck details.
Finch, Roger stable
Cleopatra Ship Cleopatra. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cleopatra Ship Cleopatra. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clio Ship Clio. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Pencil correction and annotations by David MacGregror.
MacGregor, David stable
Clio Ship Clio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Faint drawing.
Clipper from Bangor Museum Clipper from Bangor Museum. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Pencil annotations on plan.
largely stable
Clipper Ship Clipper Ship. Sail plan (profile), showing arrangement of fore and aft sails on a typical clipper.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship of 1715 Tons Displacement scale for clipper ship of 1715 tons.
largely stable
Clipper Ship/Brig/Screw Steamer/Barque
Sail plans (profile) of unnamed vessels including a clipper, brig, barque and screw steamer rigged as a barque. Includes bow and stern section showing sails
and rigging for brig.Text in German.
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and stern galley. Annotated by David MacGregor. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clyde Ship Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan). Forebody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan - afterbody only and body plan) and stern design. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan - afterbody only and body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan). Forebody only. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Details of stern and bow decorations.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Clyde Ship Clyde. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Pencil corrections and annotations by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Clyde Ship Clyde. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Coastal Forces Anti-Submarine Equipment and
Coastal Forces Anti-Submarine Equipment and Fittings. Plans, sections and details of depth charges and depth charge throwers. Includes numbered keys to
Lambert, John largely stable
Coastal Forces Anti-Submarine Equipment and
Coastal Forces Anti-Submarine Equipment and Fittings. Plans, sections and details of bombs, projectors, depth charge crane, rock flare and smoke-
producing apparatus. Includes numbered keys to details.
Lambert, John largely stable
Coastal Forces Radar and I.F.F. Aerials Coastal Forces Radar and I.F.F. Aerials. Details of different types radar and aerials used by coastal forces c.1941-1954. Includes numbered keys to details.
Lambert, John stable
Coastal Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.213-217
Thornycroft 55 Foot Coastal Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.213-217. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan), longitudinal section and cross-sections. Includes numbered and alphabetical keys to details on plans, technical specifications and brief history of
Lambert, John largely stable
Coastal Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.213-217
Thornycroft 55 Foot Coastal Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.213-217. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan), longitudinal section and cross-sections. Includes numbered and alphabetical keys to details on plans, technical specifications and brief history of
Lambert, John largely stable
Cockatrice Schooner Cockatrice. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Pencil corrections and annotations by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Cockatrice Schooner Cockatrice. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Cockermouth Iron sailing ship Cockermouth. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical calculations.
Cockermouth Iron sailing ship Cockermouth. General arrangement (deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to i foot. Includes technical calculations.
Cockermouth Iron sailing ship Cockermouth. Deck plan. Includes technical calculations.
Cockermouth Iron sailing ship Cockermouth. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Cockermouth Iron sailing ship Cockermouth. Sail and rigging plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Coeur de Leon Ship Coeur de Leon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Coeur de Lion
Ship Coeur de Lion. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan), genral arrangement (deck plan and profile), rigging and deck details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Coeur de Lion Ship Coeur de Lion. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Cohota Ship Cohota. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Costagliola, Michael stable
Cohota Ship Cohota. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Costagliola, Michael stable
Cohota Ship Cohota. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Costagliola, Michael stable
Coimbatore Ship Coimbatore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Coleen Bawn. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Ship Colleen Bawn. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
March, Edgar J. stable
Colleen Bawn Mount's Bay Lugger Colleen Bawn P.Z.104. Deck plan, showing deck framing, longitudinal section and midship section.
March, Edgar J. stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Perspective of hull, mast and sails.
Ward, T.W. stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Perspective of hull, mast and sails.
Ward, T.W. stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons. Perspective of hull, mast and sails.
Ward, T.W. stable
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons.Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Includes technical data. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Ship Archives fragile
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons.Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan).
Ship Archives fragile
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons.Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. Afterbody only.
Collier Brig Collier Brig of 170 tons.Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and deck plan.
Collony Ship Collony. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Colonial Empire Four masted barque Colonial Empire. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes principal dimensions.
Colonial Empire Four masted barque Colonial Empire. Deck plans (main deck and weather deck) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Columba Alba
24 Gun Cog Columba Alba, 1550. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement (upper and lower deck plans) and
stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Columbus Ship Columbus. Sail and rigging plan (profile and sections) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Ship Columbus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), midship section and details. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Clipper ship Comet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), midship section and details.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Comet Clipper ship Comet. Sail and rigging plan (profile and sections) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Comet Clipper ship Comet. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Comet Clipper ship Comet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Comet Clipper ship Comet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Comet Fire ship Comet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and stern decoration. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Comet of Leith Ship Comet of Leith. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Commerce Merchant Marine steamer Commerce. Details of donkey engine and boiler.
National Maritime Museum stable
Commerce Merchant Marine steamer Commerce. Details of main fire rail and bilge pumps.
National Maritime Museum stable
Commerce Merchant Marine steamer Commerce. Details of capstan.
National Maritime Museum stable
Commonwealth Paddle steamer Commonwealth. Lines paln (half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Commonwealth Paddle steamer Commonwealth. General arrangement (profile and section). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Dutch 24 Gun Corvette Concordia, 1830. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement (upper and lower deck
plans), midship section and stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Constance Battle ship Constance. Deck plan.
Constance Battle ship Constance. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Constance Barque Constance. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Dutch 24 Gun Corvette Constantia, 1750. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement (upper and lower deck
plans), midship section and stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Constellation Ship Constellation. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and bow details. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Sail and rigging plan (section, aft side). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Sail and rigging plan (section, aft side). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1812-1814. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Annotated and partly coloured by David MacGregor.
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution - as in 1817. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section), deck plans, deck details and sections.
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
The National Archives stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. General arrangement (gun deck).
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. General arrangement (spar deck).
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Bower anchors details.
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. Gun deck battery details.
Model Shipways stable
Constitution U.S. Frigate Constitution. 24 PDR Gun - bow chaser details.
Model Shipways stable
U.S. Frigate Constitution. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (half-deck plan), lines plan (half breadth plan), midship section, stern elevation showing
sails and spar on main mast and plan of main top. Includes dimensions. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor using ink and highlighter pen.
MacGregor, David stable
Constructional Detail: Anchors Details of anchors of unidentified vessel, including dimensions.
Constructional Detail: Bilge Pump
Perspective drawing of ship's pump made of an oak branch bored out, with iron bands shrunk on. Drawing based on model at the National Maritime
Museum, c.1740-1760.
largely stable
Constructional Detail: Bilge Pump Perspective and side elevation drawings of ship's bilge pump. Annotated.
largely stable
Constructional Detail: Bilge Pump Front elevation, side elevation and plan of ship's bilge pump. Annotated.
largely stable
Constructional Detail: Ship's Wheel Front elevation and side elevation of a ship's wheel. Annotated.
largely stable
Constructional Details: Ship Boom and Yards Details of whisker boom, fore mast, main mast, mizzen mast and jigger yard slings and sling bows.
Constructional Guide for Glass-Fibre Hulls Longitudinal section and perspective views of ship model hull. Annotated and amended in pencil and red ink by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Conte di Cavour
Italian Battleship Conte di Cavour. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of main mast and conning tower.
Includes information on dimensions and armaments.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
Coral Sea Aircraft carrier Coral Sea. Genera arrangement (deck plan and profile) and details.
Wiswesser, Edward H. fragile
Cornwallis Brig Cornwallis. General arrangement (profile and deck plans). Includes technical specifications. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Corona Aurea
6 Gun Carvel Corona Aurea, 1450. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement (upper and lower deck plans)
and stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Countess of Breadalbane Twin screw motor vessel Countess of Breadalbane. General arrangement (profile and deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
County of Caithness Ship County of Caithness. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
County of Inverness Ship County of Inverness. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
County of Inverness Ship County of Inverness. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Courrier Schooner Courrier. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Preliminary drawing. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Courrier Schooner Courrier. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Cowls and Vent Trunks Plans, elevations, sections and details of cowls and ventilators.
Ough, Norman stable
Cowls and Vent Trunks Plans, elevations, sections and details of cowls and ventilators.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Cowls and Vent Trunks Plans, elevations, sections and details of cowls and ventilators.
Ough, Norman stable
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - whisker boom and yard slings. Includes measurements.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - jigger truss hoop, jigger lower yard truss bow, jigger cap, upper topsail parell. Includes measurements.
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - bowsprit bees, jigger lower topsail crane, jigger mast topmast trussel trees. Includes measurements.
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - truss hoops, truss bows, lower topsail cranes. Includes measurements.
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - jigger boom hoop, jigger mast sheet hoop, jigger mast saddle hoop. Includes measurements.
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - topmast cap, bowsprit cap, gammoning strap. Includes measurements.
Craig's 'County' ships Craig's 'County' ships. Rigging details - fore, main and mizzen cap. Includes measurements.
Crane Packet Brig Crane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Wyllie, Harold stable
CSS Manassas
Confederate Ironclad Ram Manassas. General arrangement (profie, deck plan), bow and stern views. Also includes technical specifications and historical
Hering, Paul stable
Cumberland Ship Cumberland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Cumberland Ship Cumberland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Cunningham Schooner Cunningham Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Cunningham Schooner Cunningham Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Cunningham Schooner Cunningham Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions. Annotated in black ink by David MacGregor.
Cunningham Schooner Cunningham Schooner. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
largely stable
Cupid Ship Cupid. Upper and quarter deck plans.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cupid Ship Cupid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Cupid Ship Cupid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cupid Ship Cupid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cupid Ship Cupid. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Cupid Ship Cupid. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Cutter with Sliding Keels
Cutter with Sliding Keels, 1775. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes plan view of sliding keels and
table of dimensions.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
largely stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Partly shaded.
MacGregor, David stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement diagram. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plan) and deck details.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and sections.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (profile) and deck details as in 1869-1895.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail and rigging plan (profile) as in 1869-1880.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Modelbouwers
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail and rigging plan (profile and sections) and rigging details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and rigging sections.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Includes technical specifications. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
Campbell, G.F. stable
Cutty Sark
Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plans and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and details. As built in 1870. Scale 3/32
inch to 1 foot.
Campbell, G.F. stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail plan (profile), life boats details and rigging details. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
Campbell, G.F. stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Scott & Linton stable
Cutty Sark Tea clipper Cutty Sark. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Scott & Linton stable
Cutty Sark
Tea clipper Cutty Sark. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and displacement diagram. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical
Cutty Sark Clipper Ship Cutty Sark. Perspective starboard view of ship with section of outer hull removed to show cargo storage.
Millar, Max largely stable
Cyclone Wood sailer Cyclone. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Cyclone Ship Cyclone. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Cyclone Ship Cyclone. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
D.H. Rivers Ship D.H. Rivers. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Nesdall, A.J. stable
Danish Boat Danish Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 centimetre to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Danish Boat Danish Boat. Midship section.
Danish Boat Danish Boat. Midship section.
Danish Brig Danish Brig,1846. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Danish Brig/Danish Frigate Plans for Danish Brig and Danish Frigate, 1846 . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
largely stable
Danish Brigantine Danish Brigantine. Sail plan (profile).
Danish Brigantine Danish Brigantine. Sail plan (profile).
Danish Cargo Boat of 20 Tons (Tilen Lastbaad 20
Tons Brutto)
Danish Cargo Boat of 20 Tons. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Hausen, Hans Lind stable
Danish Fishing Boat Danish Fishing Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Danish Fishing Boat Danish Fishing Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Danish Four-Mast Schooner Danish Four-Mast Schooner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions. Reversed image.
largely stable
Danish Frigate Danish Frigate,1846. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Danish Schooner Danish Schooner. Sail plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Danish Schooner Danish Schooner. Sail plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Danmark Four masted Danish schooner Danmark. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Very faint drawing.
Danmark Four-Masted Schooner Danmark. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
Dapper Tom
Baltimore Clipper Dapper Tom. Lines plan (half breadth plan, sheer plan and body plan) and general arrangement ( deck plan and profile) and bulwark
section. Scale 5/32 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways stable
Dapper Tom Baltimore Clipper Dapper Tom. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section) and rigging details.
Model Shipways stable
Daring Experimental brig Daring. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dart Cutter Dart. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and section. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dart Cutter Dart. Deck plans.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dartmouth and Dundee Ships Dartmouth and Dundee. Sections of lines plans. Includes measurements. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Dash Brigantine Dash. Profile.
MacGregor, David fragile
Dash Brigantine Dash. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Dash Brigantine Dash. Profile and body plan. Annotated by David MacGregor. Preliminary drawing.
Brigantine Dash. Profile and body plan. Annotated by David MacGregor. Preliminary drawing. Includes techical data attached on separate sheet by sticky
Dash Brigantine Dash. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Dash Brigantine Dash. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Dash Brigantine Dash. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Dash Brigantine Dash. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Dash Brigantine Dash. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Dash Brigantine Dash. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Davits Details of quadrantal and radial davits, showing the former holding a 27 foot whaler boat and the latter a 32 foot cutter.
Ough, Norman stable
Davits Details of quadrantal and radial davits, showing the former holding a 27 foot whaler boat and the latter a 32 foot cutter.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Davits Details of quadrantal and radial davits, showing the former holding a 27 foot whaler boat and the latter a 32 foot cutter.
Ough, Norman stable
Davits Details of quadrantal and radial davits, showing the former holding a 27 foot whaler boat and the latter a 32 foot cutter.
Ough, Norman stable
De Ruyter and De Zeven Provincen
Dutch cruiser De Ruyter - general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and De Zeven Provincen general arrangement (deck plan). Includes technical
Coker, P.C. stable
Decks and Deck Coverings
Plans, elevations, sections and details of different types of deck coverings used by Royal Navy warships. Includes details of awnings, stanchions and guard
Ough, Norman stable
Decks and Deck Coverings
Plans, elevations, sections and details of different types of deck coverings used by Royal Navy warships. Includes details of awnings, stanchions and guard
Ough, Norman largely stable
Decks and Deck Coverings
Plans, elevations, sections and details of different types of deck coverings used by Royal Navy warships. Includes details of awnings, stanchions and guard
Ough, Norman stable
Deep Sea Yacht
Deep Sea Yacht. General arrangement (profile, main deck and lower deck plans) and longitudinal section showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot. Amended and annotated in pencil and ink.
Shoosmith, Howe fragile
Deep Sea Yacht
Deep Sea Yacht. Sail plan (profile) and details masts and spars. Includes information on principal dimensions and sail areas of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
foot. Amended and annotated in pencil and ink.
Shoosmith, Howe largely stable
Defender Naval 3 masted lugger Defender. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan).
Defender Naval 3 masted lugger Defender. Body plan.
Delicia Film ship model Delicia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Created for 'Pirates' production by Saphire Films.
Wood, P.M. stable
Den Danske EEG Ship Den Danske EEG. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Depth Charge Thrower Mark 4* and Depth Charge
Type E.7.
Depth Charge Thrower Mark 4* and Depth Charge Type E.7. Plan, elevation, section and details. Includes numbered and alphabetical keys.
Lambert, John largely stable
Derfflinger Floot Derfflinger. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections). Scale 1:60. Verso - sail and rigging plan (profile).
Dervaig 38 Motor Yacht Dervaig 38. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
largely stable
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and displacement scale.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and displacement scale.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and displacement scale.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and displacement scale.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and displacement scale.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan). Afterbody only. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Iron clipper barque Derwent. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Forebody only. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Derwent Iron clipper barque Derwent. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Despatch No. 9
Diesel tow boat Despatch No. 9. Ship modeling plans. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), deck details and body plan. Includes technical
specifications. Model scale 5/32 inch to 1 foot.
DaVinci, L. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Despatch No. 9 Diesel tow boat Despatch No. 9. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and perspective.
Model Shipways stable
General arrangements (profile, deck plan) of unnamed Royal Navy destroyer, cruiser and battleship, c.1936-1939. Uncompleted. Annotated by David
MacGregor: "Not listed, probably begun for an article".
Ough, Norman stable
Destroyers Destroyers. Details of funnels 1936-1960.
Ough, Norman stable
Detail of Construction of Masts and Spars for Scale
Models of Iron or Steel Sailing Vessels of 1000 to
2000 tons.
Detail of Construction of Masts and Spars for Scale Models of Iron or Steel Sailing Vessels of 1000 to 2000 tons. Genera arrangement (profile) of main yard
and single spar bowsprit. Also iIncludes details of upper topsail yard parrals, lower topsail truss, main top and truss, top mast cross trees and doubling and
main top for vessels with lower mast and top mast in two spars.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Deucalion Barque Deucalion. Profile. Preliminary drawing. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Diagram Showing the Result of the Register
Measurement of a Vessel constructed on the Plan
introduced by A.Hall & Sons, Aberdeen in 1845
compared with a Vessel of ordinary proportions
Profile and cross-sections of hull of the barque "Acasta" compared to that of an "ordinary vessel". Includes table of depth and breadth measurements,
table of common dimensions and explanatory note as to the sailing and cargo storage advantages of the Hall construction plan.
Diagram Showing the Result of the Register
Measurement of a Vessel constructed on the Plan
introduced by A.Hall & Sons, Aberdeen in 1845
compared with a Vessel of ordinary proportions
Profile and cross-sections of hull of the barque "Acasta" compared to that of an "ordinary vessel". Includes table of depth and breadth measurements,
table of common dimensions and explanatory note as to the sailing and cargo storage advantages of the Hall construction plan. White and black image.
Diesel Minesweeper Diesel Minesweeper. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Diesel Trawler Nos.1478-1479
Diesel Trawler Nos.1478-1479. General arrangement (profile), which has been coloured with colour pencils. Includes a hand-written colour scheme for
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469. Plan, elevation, section and detail showing boat stowage, including boat winch and boat chock. Scales 1/2 inch and 1 inch
to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469. Plan and elevation of radar and wheelhouse. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited,
Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure. Also includes hatch details, construction notes and
plate list. Scale 1/4 and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469. Rigging plan (profile), detail of mast strut construction and aerial yardarm. Also includes block list and rope list. Scale 1/4 to
1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469. Plans and profiles showing detail of funnel. Scale 1 1/2 to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited,
Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479. Plan and elevation of gallows. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited,
Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479. Shell expansion, including plating plan, details of washport, rolling chock and bulwark stanchion. Also
includes rivetting and welding information tables. Scale 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders,
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479. Structural cross-sections of hull. Also includes information on anchors and dimensions of vessel. Scale 1/2
inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479
Diesel Trawler, Nos.1459-1469 and 1478-1479. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accommodation. Includes technical
specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Diligente Slave brig Diligente. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes techincal specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dilipa Early 18th cent galleon Dilipa, as reconstructed for Saphire Films production 'The Pirates'. Profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, P.M. fragile
Early 18th cent galleon Dilipa, as reconstructed for Saphire Films production 'The Pirates'. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes
ship information.
Wood, P.M. fragile
Diogenes Danish ship Diogenes. Deck plan and profile.
Dispatch Schooner Dispatch Schooner ordered to be built at Bermuda, December 1804. General arrangement (profile, deck plans).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
DKM Tirpitz
German Battleship DKM Tirpitz. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull and bridge sections and details of floatplane. Also includes technical
information and historical notes about ship. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
DKM Tirpitz
German Battleship DKM Tirpitz. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull and bridge sections and details of floatplane. Also includes technical
information and historical notes about ship. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
DKM Tirpitz
German Battleship DKM Tirpitz. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull and bridge sections and details of floatplane. Also includes technical
information and historical notes about ship. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
DKM Tirpitz
German Battleship DKM Tirpitz. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull and bridge sections and details of floatplane. Also includes technical
information and historical notes about ship. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Amended and annotated. "Scrap plan" written in bottom left corner.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
Dolphin Dolphin. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Dolphin Prize Ship Dolphin Prize. Profile and body plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Donald Mac Ray Ship Donald Mac Ray. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Hillmann, G. fragile
Donald Mac Ray Ship Donald Mac Ray. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Hillmann, G. stable
Donald MacKay Ship Donald MacKay. Profile. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Donald McKay Ship Donald McKay. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Dora S.S. Ship Dora S.S. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dorothy Ship Dorothy. Sail plan - sails only. Includes measurements.
Ship modeling plans for pinky pilot schooner Dove. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile),
midship section and details. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Dove Ship modeling plans for pinky pilot schooner Dove. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Dove Pilot Gig Dove. Lines plan, (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section.
Bird, Ralph stable
Dragon Cutter ship Dragon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dragon Cutter ship Dragon. Deck plans. Includes dimensions of masts and yards.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsets.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Sail plan. Includes measurements. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Sections and rudder details. Includes measurements.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Sections and centre case details. Scale 3 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Spar details.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Iron work details. Scale 3 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Construction details.
Walton, J.L. stable
Drascombe Lugger Smack Drascombe Lugger. Jig set up details. Includes measurements. Sclae 1 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Walton, J.L. stable
Dredging Machine Dredging Machine built by A. & J.Inglis for the Clyde Trustees. Arrangement of stern tie and main framing at after end. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Dredging Machine Dredging Machine built by A. & J.Inglis for the Clyde Trustees. Arrangement of machinery and beams. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Drumblair and Drumeltan Ships Drumblair and Drumeltan. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Drumcliff Ship Drumcliff. Saili and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements and technical specifications.
Dry Docking Plans, elevations, sections and details of dry dock, including details of caisson, catamarans and keel blocks.
Ough, Norman stable
Dry Docking Plans, elevations, sections and details of dry dock, including details of caisson, catamarans and keel blocks.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Dryad Ship Dryad. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Duchess Schooner Duchess. Individual sail plan. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Duchess Countess Canal fly boat Duchess Countess. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Duchess Countess Canal fly boat Duchess Countess. Deck plan, profile and section. Preliminary drawing.
Duchess Countess Canal fly boat Duchess Countess. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Preliminary drawing.
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary
Snow Duchess of Manchester. Built as Pleasant Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and
profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary
Snow Duchess of Manchester. Built as Pleasant Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and
profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester, as snow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester, as snow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester, as brig. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester, as brig. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester. General arrangement (deck plans and profile) and section. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Duchess of Manchester, ex. Pleasant Mary Ship Duchess of Manchester. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Dufflinger Ship Dufflinger. Sail and rigging plan (profile), on reverse lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
extremely fragile
Duke Saint George Ship Duke Saint George. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes and technical specifications.
Wyllie, Harold stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in red ink with dimensions.
Russell & Co. stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in black and red ink with dimensions.
Russell & Co. stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Russell & Co. stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Russell & Co. stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Russell & Co. stable
Dumfriesshire Steel Barque Dumfriesshire. Half midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Russell & Co. stable
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing. Annotated,
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
Dunbar Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Wooden ship Dunbar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing. Includes correction sheet attached to plan by sticky
MacGregor, David fragile
Duncan New Zealand schooner Duncan. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
Dunnikier Ship Dunnikier. Main deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Dutch Eel Ship Dutch Eel Ship. Rigging plan (profile) and deck plan of model vessels for use in the production of Henry V.
T.C.Film Productions largely stable
Dutch Yacht Unidentified Dutch yacht. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and accomdodation plan (plan and section).
Dutch Yacht Unidentified Dutch yacht. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and accomdodation plan (plan and section).
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Partly coloured in.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Deck plans - plans of iron construction. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Coloured in.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Masts and spar plan. Includes measurements. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Partly coloured in.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Coloured in.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Deck houses plans. Includes measurements.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Sternpost & rudder plans. Includes measurements. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Body plan.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Plan of outriggers (section). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging measurements.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Displacement scale.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Artist impression of figurehead.
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Artist impression of figurehead. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. fragile
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Artist impression of figurehead. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. fragile
Eagle Crag Barque Eagle Crag. Artist impression of figurehead. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. fragile
Earl of Carlise Brig Earl of Carlise. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
Henderson, James stable
Earl of Dunmore Four masted barque Earl of Dunmore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Russel & Co. stable
Earl of Dunmore Steel four masted barque Earl of Dunmore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Russel & Co. stable
Earl of Dunmore Four masted barque Earl of Dunmore. General arrangement (main deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Kay, Joseph stable
Earl of Dunmore Four masted barque Earl of Dunmore. General arrangement (upper deck plan and plating arrangement profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Kay, Joseph stable
Earl of Lonsdale Possibly cutter Earl of Lonsdale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sail plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Earl of Pembroke Ship Earl of Pembroke. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Earl of Pembroke Ship Earl of Pembroke. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Earl of Pembroke Ship Earl of Pembroke. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Earl of Pembroke Ship Earl of Pembroke. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
East Cornish Lugger East Cornish Lugger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
East Cornish Lugger East Cornish Lugger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
East Cornish Lugger East Cornish Lugger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
March, Edgar J. stable
East India Ship Ship East India Ship. Deck plan, profile and body plan.
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Midship section. Includes dimensions and technical specifications. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Midship section and moulding details. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. General arrangement (deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Details of wood panelling and moulding (main deck). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), stern details and bow details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Wood panelling and moulding on restaurant deck.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Basic standing and running rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman 'Indian Queen'. Standing rigging plan - shrouds and backstays. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman 'Indian Queen'. Standing rigging plan - fore and aft stays. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman 'Indian Queen'. Running rigging plan - sheets and tracks. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman Details of mast tops. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, P.M. stable
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. General arranagement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, P.M. fragile
East Indiaman Ship East Indiaman. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
East Indiaman Ship East Indiaman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and stern design.
Naval Architecture fragile
East Indiaman Ship East Indiaman. Deck plan, profile and midship section. Includes technical specifications.
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman 'Indian Queen'. Running rigging plan - lifts and braces. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Period restaurant ship East Indiaman. Sail plan with standing rigging. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes table of dimensions.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
East Indiaman Ship East Indiaman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
East Indiaman
East Indiaman. Details of masting, showing lower masts, jibboom, bowsprit, topmasts, topgallant and royal masts. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Falmouth Boat Construction Co.Ltd
East Indiaman
East Indiaman. Details of yards, showing fore mast yards, mizzen yards, main mast yards and spritsail yard. Includes dimensions. Also has sections of yard
and protective battens. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co.Ltd
East Indiaman
East Indiaman. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of forecastle, poop deck and upper deck). Also constructional details of bulwark, rails, gunports
and planking. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co.Ltd
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman Ship. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions.Text in Danish. Amended in pink ink.
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman Ship. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions.Text in Danish.
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman Ship. Longitudinal section and deck plan.Text in Danish.
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Text in Danish.
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman Ship. Longitudinal section and deck plan. Amendments in pink ink.Text in Danish.
largely stable
East Indiaman East Indiaman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Text in Danish.
largely stable
East Indiaman model Ship model plan of East Indiaman. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
East Indiaman model? Possibly ship model plan of East Indiaman. Section and gun specifications.
East Indiaman model? Possibly ship model plan of East Indiaman. Deck plan and profile. Preliminary drawing. Annotated.
East Indiaman model? Possibly ship model plan of East Indiaman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) . Preliminary drawing.
East Indiaman model? Possibly a ship model plan of East Indiaman. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Watercolour wash.
Read, Herbert fragile
East Indiaman model? Possibly a ship model plan of East Indiaman. Profile, body plan and sections. Includes stern and bow decorations. Watercolour wash.
Read, Herbert fragile
East Indiaman? Possibly an East Indiaman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
East Indiaman? Possibly an East Indiaman. Deck plan and profile
East Lothian Ship East Lothian. Deck plan with superimposed stern and bow details. Scale 1/4 of inch to 1 foot (deck plan), 1/2 inch to 1 foot (details).
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Deck plan and profile. Annotated. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Stations. Drawn on both sides. Annotated. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Eastern Monarch Ship Eastern Monarch. Stations. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Eastern Monarch Eastern Monarch. Pencil sketch profiles of vessel showing jibboom and fore mast rigging. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. General arrangement (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. Profile. Annotated. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. Propeller details.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. Sail plan (mizzen sail only). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. General arrangement (profile and section). Not to scale. Rough drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Echo Auxilliary ketch Echo. General arrangement (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Rough drawing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Echo Auxiliary ketch Echo. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements.
Echo II Ship Echo II. Profile showing internal construction. Preliminary drawing. Annotated
MacGregor, David fragile
Echo of Portsmouth Ship Echo of Portsmouth. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements and technical specifications. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Eckford Webb Schooner Eckford Webb. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Smithsonian Institution stable
Eckford Webb Schooner Eckford Webb. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Eckford Webb Schooner Eckford Webb. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
extremely fragile
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breath plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breath plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor. Includes coloured images of flags.
MacGregor, David stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (lower deck plan, upper deck plan and profile). Afterbody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hodgson, James stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Boiler details.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Accommodation plan (deck plan and profile). Afterbody only.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Profile.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Details of mast.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Edmund Preston Iron barque Edmund Preston. Sketch of sail plan (profile) and deck plan. Scale 3/4 of 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Edward Lupton Barque Edward Lupton. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Effort Ketch Effort. Sail plan (sails only). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Eident Three masted barquetine Eident. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Eighteenth Century Chinese Pirate Junk Ship modelling plan for Eigteenth Century Chinese Pirate Junk. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Eighteenth Century Chinese Pirate Junk Ship modelling plan for Eigteenth Century Chinese Pirate Junk. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) sections and details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Eighteenth Century Rigging Eighteenth Century Rigging. Details of masts and tops, yards and halliards, bowsprit, lifts, stays, braces and standing rigging.
Leask, H.N. fragile
Ship modeling plans for motor fishing vessel Eileen. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), section, and perspective of details. Includes technical
The Model Maker Plans Service
El Zeide Ship El Zeide. Lines plan (sheer plan, haf breadth plan and body plan).
Eleanor A. Percy
Midship section of the 'Eleanor A. Percy'. Was enclosed with the letter to David MacGregor, dated 2 December 1996, from Douglas K. Lee regarding ship
plans of schooners, especially the 'Eleanor A. Percy' and the 'Wyoming'.
Lee, Douglas K. stable
Electra 18 guns ship Electra. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Electra 18 guns ship Electra. Profile - disposition of frames
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Electra 18 guns ship Electra. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Electra 18 guns ship Electra. General arrangement (deck plans and profile)
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Electric Double-Barrelled Trawler Winch
Electric Double-Barrelled Trawler Winch Arrangement. Plan and section. Annotated and amended in red and green pencil. Makers stamp on reverse side of
Messrs Clarke Chapman & Co. Ltd
largely stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Accommodation plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Revised aft accommodation plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Details of boat beams and davits. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Forecastle rail details and anchor stowage. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Foremast plan (section and perspective details).
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Details of forward davit and boat beams. Includes technical specifications.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Running rigging plan (profile).
Rybka, W.P. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Aft accommodation plan - most likely configuration. Pencil annotations and corrections by David MacGregor.
Rybka, W.P. stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Forebody only. Includes waterline measurements.
Henderson, James stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes measurements.
Henderson, James stable
Elissa Iron barque Elissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsetts.
Elissa Ship Elissa. Accommodation plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Eliza Three masted barquetine Eliza. Profile and half breadth plan. Rough drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Yorkshire Coble Eliza. Lines plan (body plan), longitudinal section and deck plan. Includes dimensions. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form a
complete plan.
largely stable
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. Midship section. Included measurements.
MacGregor, David fragile
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. Midship section. Included measurements.
MacGregor, David stable
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Sclale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Eliza Shaw Ship Eliza Shaw. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Elizabeth Ship Elizabeth. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Sclale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Elizabeth Ship Elizabeth. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Sclale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
MacGregor, David fragile
Elizabeth Jonas
Plans for a model of an Elizabethian Galleon: Elizabeth Jonas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and
profile), section and bulkhead details.
Science Museum stable
Elizabeth Jonas
Plans for a model of an Elizabethian Galleon: Elizabeth Jonas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and
profile), section and bulkhead details. Watercolour wash on profile and section.
Science Museum extremely fragile
Elizabethan Plans for a film ship Elizabethan. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
T. C. Film Productions fragile
Ellen Three masted schooner Ellen. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Ellen Three masted schooner Ellen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes techincal specifications.
Ellesmere Ship Ellesmere. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Whitehaven Library stable
Ellesmere Ship Ellesmere. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Whitehaven Library stable
Ellie Park Ship Ellie Park. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Elmstone Ship Elmstone. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
Ship modeling plans for a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body
plan) and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes painting instructions.
Scott, H.S. stable
Elsie Ship modeling plans for a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section) and rigging details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Scott, H.S. stable
Elsie Ship modeling plans for a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. Perspective of deck details.
Scott, H.S. stable
Elsie Collection of ship modeling plans and an assembly instruction booklet relating to a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. 
Items are accessioned individually.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Ship modeling plan of a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body
plan) and details.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Elsie Ship modeling plan of a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Elsie Ship modeling plan of a Gloucester fishing schooner Elsie. Perspective and deck details.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Elsie Ship Elsie. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Ely Packet ship Ely. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. Inludes dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Emanuel Danish ship, possibly Emanuel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Emerald Tender to the Royal George Yacht, Emerald. Sail and rigging plan. Includes measurements and calculations.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Emerald Tender to the Royal George Yacht, Emerald. General arrangement (deck plans).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Emerald Tender to the Royal George Yacht, Emerald. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Emerald Barque Emerald. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
Emerson Walker & Thompson Brs Ltd Patent
Capstan Windlass
Emerson Walker & Thompson Brs Ltd Patent Capstan Windlass. General arrangement (profile) showing mechanism.
Emily Barratt Ship Emily Barratt. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements.
Emily Barratt Ship Emily Barratt. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements.
Emily Burnyeat Brigantine Emily Burnyeat. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
Whitehaven Library fragile
Emily Burnyeat Brigantine Emily Burnyeat. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
Whitehaven Library fragile
Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship) Three masted topsail schooner Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship) Three masted topsail schooner Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship). General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship) Three masted topsail schooner Emma Ernest (renamed Friendship). Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Emma V Wills Two masted schooner Emma V Wills. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ludloff, Carl P. stable
Emma V Wills Two masted schooner Emma V Wills. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hand, Leon S. stable
Emma V Wills Two masted schooner Emma V Wills. Midship section.
Hand, Leon S. stable
Emma V Wills Two masted schooner Emma V Wills. Decoration details.
Hand, Leon S. stable
Engineer Schooner Engineer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Chapelle stable
Englishman Schooner Englishman. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Ennerdale Barque Ennerdale. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Enterprise Schoonerl Enterprise. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Enterprise Schooner Enterprise. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Enterprise Ship Enterprise. Profile and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Enterprize Steam vessel Enterprize. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes dimensions.
National Maritime Museum stable
Enterprize Steam vessel Enterprize. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and deck plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
Eppleton Hall
Steel Paddle Tug Eppleton Hall. General arrangement (inboard profile, main deck plan and lower deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation in
vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Stamp mark of San Francisco Maritime Museum in top right corner.
Eppleton Hall
Steel Paddle Tug Eppleton Hall. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated. Stamp mark of San Francisco Maritime Museum
in top right corner.
Erin's Queen Ship Erin's Queen. Deck plan and profile.
Erin's Queen Ship Erin's Queen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Ernest Schooner Ernest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Inclues dimensions.
Ernest Schooner Ernest. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
Ernest Schooner Ernest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Ernest Schooner Ernest. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes rigging dimensions.
Ernest Schooner Ernest. Midship section. Includes dimensions.
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a cutter (1882). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a cutter (1882). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a cutter (1882). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a ketch (1894). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a ketch (1894). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina, as a ketch (1894). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
March, Edgar J. fragile
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Erycina Plymouth trawler Erycina. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Escape Schooner Escape. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Armour, G.A. stable
Eskbank Sailing Barque Eskbank. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with dimensions and instructions in black and red ink.
Dobie & Co. fragile
Eskett Ship Eskett. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Essen Ship Essen. Plans for a model. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Essex Collection of ship modelling plans and instructions for US 32 gun frigate Essex.
Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), stern
and bow sections and perspective of forecastle. Includes dimensions. Scale 5/64 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section) and rigging details.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Collection of ship modelling plans and an instruction booklet for US 32 gun frigate Essex.
Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), stern and bow sections.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Perspective and rigging details.
Model Shipways stable
Essex Ship modelling plan for US 32 gun frigate Essex. Belaying pin plan.
Model Shipways stable
Establishment Ship Establishment. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wyllie, Harold stable
Establishment 20 gun ship Establishment. Sail and rigging plan (profile) as in 1745.
Establishment? Possibly gun ship Establishment. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Establishment? Possibly gun ship Establishment. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Ethelbert Ship Ethelbert. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hawkins, L.W. stable
Etoile Collection of ship modelling plans, instructions and photographs in a paper folder relating to ship Etoile. In French.
Items are accessioned individually.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Etoile Ship Etoile. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and deck details.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Etoile Ship Etoile. Sail and rigging plan (sections), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), stern and bow details and deck details.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Etoile Original folder for ship modelling plans BRSGB 2012.00801.1-5. Illustrated.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Eureka Eureka. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross-section of hull.
Hendissen, H.D. largely stable
Euterpe Sailing ship Euterpe. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Everest Ship Everest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Everest Ship Everest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Everest Ship Everest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Evolution Ship Evolution. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Exeter Ship Exeter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Exeter Ship Exeter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Exeter Ship Exeter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Exeter Ship Exeter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Exeter Ship Exeter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor in black and red pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Expedition Brig Expedition. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Expedition Brig Expedition. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Experiment Lugger of 10 guns Experiment. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Experiment Lugger of 10 guns Experiment. Deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Experiment Lugger of 10 guns Experiment, as fitted for a storeship in 1805. Deck plans.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Experiment HM Storeship Experiment. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Experiment using Ship Models to Improve Bow
Drawing showing experiment carried out by James and William Hall at Aberdeen in April 1846 using models "to observe the motion created in water by a
vessel passing through it and to ascertain the best form of bow for dividing the water". The plan shows two profiles of a model vessel, one at rest in a
water tank (Fig.1) and the other in motion in a water tank (Fig.2), an outline plan of hull (Fig.3) and midship section (Fig.4). A long explanatory note
describes how the experiment was conducted and the conclusions drawn in improving the design of a bow.
Two masted wooden schooner Express. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Two masted wooden schooner Express. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Two masted wooden schooner Express. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Express Two masted wooden schooner Express, as built in 1860. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Express Two masted wooden schooner Express, as built in 1860. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Express Two masted wooden schooner Express, as built in 1860. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Express Wooden schooner Express, after conversion to three masted rig in 1880s. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Express Wooden schooner Express, after conversion to three masted rig in 1880s. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Express Wooden schooner Express, after conversion to three masted rig in 1880s. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Express Wooden schooner Express, after conversion to three masted rig in 1880s. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Express Two masted wooden schooner Express, as built in 1860. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes measurements.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Express Two masted wooden schooner Express. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor
Express and Dairy Maid Two masted wooden schooner Express and three masted schooner Dairy Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Fair American Collection of ship modelling plans and an instruction booklet for 18th century war brig Fair American.
Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Fair American
Ship modelling plan for 18th century war brig Fair American. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and
body plan) and details.
Model Shipways stable
Fair American Ship modelling plan for 18th century war brig Fair American. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging and stern details.
Model Shipways stable
Fair American Ship modelling plan for 18th century war brig Fair American. Rigging details.
Model Shipways stable
Fair American Ship modelling plan for 18th century war brig Fair American. Deck plan.
Model Shipways stable
Fair American Ship modelling plan for 18th century war brig Fair American. Perspective.
Model Shipways stable
Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch ML 345 Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch ML 345. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes information on history of vessel. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
Fairmile 'H' Type - L.C.(S). & L.S.5.(L).(2). Fairmile 'H' Type - L.C.(S). & L.S.5.(L).(2). General arrangement (deck plans and profiles). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
Fairmile Type 'H' L.C.I.(S) & L.C.S.(L) Fairmile Type 'H' L.C.I.(S) & L.C.S.(L). Lines plan (sheer plan) and bulk details. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Fairmile Marine Co., Ltd. extremely fragile
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and deck plan. Preliminary drawing. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot.
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Falcon Yacht / opium clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Falcon Fleetwood pilot schooner Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Superimposed deck arrangement.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), and deck plan. Includes dimensions and measurements. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), and deck plan. Includes dimensions and measurements. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions and measurements.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions and measurements.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions and measurements.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Main deck plan and profile.
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Sail and standing rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Sail and standing rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Falcon Tea clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falcon Ship Falcon. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Preliminary drawing, Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Falcon Yacht / Opium Clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falcon Yacht / Opium Clipper Falcon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Falkland Isles Whaler
Falkland Isles Whaler. Longitudinal section, midship section and deck plan. Also includes sail plan (profile), dimensions and tables of measurements for
main scantlings and deck fittings. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets joined together by sticky tape to make complete plan.
largely stable
Falkland Isles Whaler
Falkland Isles Whaler. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets joined together by sticky tape to make
complete plan.
largely stable
Falls of Clyde Ship Falls of Clyde. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Nesdall, A.J. stable
Falls of Garry & Falls of Halladale Ships Falls of Garry & Falls of Halladale. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
National Maritime Museum stable
Falmouth Ship Falmouth. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Fanny Cutter Fanny. Detail of windlass. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Faraday Telegraph cable ship Faraday. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and cable tanks details. From 'The Engineer', 21 April 1976, page 195.
The Engineer stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Deck beams and planking in main deck
specified in the original drawing are omitted in this plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Deck beams and planking in main deck
specified in the original drawing are omitted in this plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half bredth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half bredth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half bredth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), sail and riggin plan (profile), body plan, flag details and deck
details. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan).
Dandridge, C. stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Body plan.
Dandridge, C. stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Profile - plan of frames.
Dandridge, C. stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Deck plans - planking arrangement.
Dandridge, C. stable
Farquharson Square rigged East Indiaman Farquharson. Deck plans - planking arrangement.
Dandridge, C. stable
Fast Sailing Schooner Fast Sailing Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Fast Sailing Schooner Fast Sailing Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Includes dimensions.
Fast Sailing Schooner of 133 Tons Fast Sailing Schooner of 133 Tons. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and hull sections. Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Fearless Ship Fearless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Chapelle stable
Fearless Ship Fearless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Chapelle stable
Ferrett Sloop Ferrett. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Ferrett and Sharke Sloops Ferrett and Sharke. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes specifications.
Chapelle stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile), as built. Preliminary drawing. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile), as built. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile), as built. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile), as built. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile), as built. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Pencil corrections and annotations by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and rigging plan (profile), as in 1866-1868. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and rigging plan (profile), as in 1866-1868. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and rigging plan (profile), as in 1866-1868. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fiery Cross Tea clipper Fiery Cross. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Fife Rails
Fife Rails from ship's deck. Plan and elevation of rail baluster and belaying pin. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Part of set design for the Paramount British film "So
Evil My Love". Studio stamp marks in bottom right of plan.
Paramount British fragile
Fife Shire Ship Fife Shire. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Dobie & Co. stable
Figurehead Detail of figurehead and forepeak of unamed vessel.
First Rate Man of War First Rate Man of War. Longitudinal section, showing internal structure with guns omitted.
Fishermans Beach Boat
Fishermans Beach Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck plan, longitudinal section, cross section and bow view. Scale 3/4 inch to
1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Fishing Boats of the World
Fishing Boats of the World. Double-sided. Recto: Colour illustrations showing profiles of 19 different types of fishing boats from around the world, ranging
from an outrigger canoe to a German long range trawler. Includes map showing principal fishing grounds of the world. Verso: Black and white illustrations
of different fishing methods and equipment, nets and lines, used around the world.
Pictorial Education Quarterly
largely stable
Fishing Dory Model making plan for Portugese grand banks hand-line Fishing Dory. Sail and rigging plan, profile, deck plan and details. 1/10 of full size.
Leitao, Manuel stable
Fling Schooner Fling. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fling Schooner Fling. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fling Schooner Fling. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fling Schooner Fling. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fling Schooner Fling. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fling Schooner Fling. Profile. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Floating Iron Battery with two propellors - Arrogant
Type (Batterie Flottante En Fer A Deux Helices -
Type Arrogant)
Floating Iron Battery with two propellors - Arrogant Type (Batterie Flottante En Fer A Deux Helices - Type Arrogant). General arrangement (deck plans)
showing layout and accomodation. Also includes longitudinal section and cross sections of hull.
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Florence Ship Florence. Profile. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
Florence Barclay Three masted barque Florence Barclay. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Florence Barclay Three masted barque Florence Barclay. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Flower Class Corvette
Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile, perspective and deck details.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Flower Class Corvette
Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile, perspective and deck details.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Flower Class Corvette
Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile, perspective and deck details.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Flower Class Corvette Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Flower Class Corvette Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Flower Class Corvette Flower Class Corvette. Typical ship of this class, dated 1941. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck details. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), sail and rigging plan (profile) and details. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), sail and rigging plan (profile) and details. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Flower of the Fal
Collection of original drawings used to produce ship plan for fruit schooner Flower of the Fal (BRSGB 2012.00977 & 78) . 
Drawings are accessioned individually.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. Deck details.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes specifications.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. Detail of jimboom, bowsprit and dolphin striker. Includes specifications.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. Detail of fore mast head. Includes specifications.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Flower of the Fal Fruit schooner Flower of the Fal. Detail of main mast head. Includes specifications.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Fly Baltimore schooner Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Fly Baltimore schooner Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Fly Schooner Fly. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes dimensions.
Chapelle stable
Fly Schooner Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Flye Sloop Flye. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes technical specifications.
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Davis extremely fragile
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Davis stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/22 inch to 1 foot.
Davis extremely fragile
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/22 inch to 1 foot.
Davis stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Flying Cloud Clipper ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Flying Cloud Clipper Ship Flying Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Flying Dutchman Clipper ship Flying Dutchman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Flying Dutchman Clipper ship Flying Dutchman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Flying Dutchman Clipper ship Flying Dutchman. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Flying Dutchman Clipper ship Flying Dutchman. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Flying Dutchman Clipper ship Flying Dutchman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated.
Flying Dutchman Clipper Ship Flying Dutchman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan) of ship's forebody. Annotated. Scale 1 inch to 6 feet.
Flying Fish Skiff Flying Fish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Flying Fish Skiff Flying Fish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Flying Fish American clipper ship Flying Fish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Flying Fish
Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan
and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Scott, H.S. stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Scott, H.S. stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sail and rigging plan (sections). Includes dimensions.
Scott, H.S. stable
Flying Fish
Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and
profiles) and deck details.
Lankford, Ben stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sail and rigging plan (profile), midship section and rigging details.
Lankford, Ben stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.
Lankford, Ben stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sail plan. Details of sails and section.
Lankford, Ben stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Constructional plan (profile, deck plan and perspective). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lankford, Ben stable
Flying Fish Ship modelling plan for the American clipper ship Flying Fish. Sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lankford, Ben stable
FNS Le Terrible French Destroyer-Leader FNS Le Terrible. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
Forebridge and Spotting Top Details of forebridge and "spotting top", typical arrangement as in HMS Warspite in 1930. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
Forebridge and Spotting Top Details of forebridge and "spotting top", typical arrangement as in HMS Warspite in 1930. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
Forebridge and Spotting Top Details of forebridge and "spotting top", typical arrangement as in HMS Warspite in 1930. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
Forebridge and Spotting Top Details of forebridge and "spotting top", typical arrangement as in HMS Warspite in 1930. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
Formby Sailing ship Formby. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Fortuna Sailing ship Fortuna. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale /4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fortuna Sailing ship Fortuna. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale /4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fortuna Sailing ship Fortuna. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale /4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Forward Gun Brig Forward. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile and general arrangement (inboard works, half-deck plan). 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Leask, H.N. fragile
Forward Ho Ship Forward Ho. Genreral arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Faint image.
Four Mast Barque Steel Four Mast Barque. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Four Mast Barque Steel Four Mast Barque. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and sections showing break of poop, fore end of bridge deck and break of forecastle.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Four Mast Barque Steel Four Mast Barque. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Foz Do Douro
Iron hull barque Foz Do Douoro. General arrangement - deck plan (poop deck, bridge deck and forecastle deck). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
Wood, P.M. stable
Foz Do Douro Iron hull barque Foz Do Douoro. General arrangement (deck plans and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
France Ship modelling plan for Crimson Pirate France. Details of fore and mizzen masts.
Ling, E.M. Capt. fragile
France Ship modelling plan for Crimson Pirate France. Details of main mast.
Ling, E.M. Capt. fragile
France Ship modelling plan for Crimson Pirate France. Details of yards, port side only.
Ling, E.M. Capt. fragile
France Ship modelling plan for Crimson Pirate France. Details of yards, port side only.
Ling, E.M. Capt. fragile
France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis,
Commerce de Paris
Ship France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis, Commerce de Paris. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), deck plan and profile.
Includes technical specifications in French.
France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis,
Commerce de Paris
Ship France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis, Commerce de Paris. Sail and rigging plan (profile and sections).
France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis,
Commerce de Paris
Ship France et Chili, Paulista, Carioca, Petropolis, Commerce de Paris. Mast details.
Francis Ship Francis. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Fred Clark Ship Fred Clark. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Freighter Ship Freighter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
French Mail Paddle Steamer
French Mail Paddle Steamer of the Messageries Imperiales-Brazil Line. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section showing internal
layout of vessel.
Day & Son largely stable
French Mail Steamships
French Mail Paddle and Screw-Propellor Steamships of the Messageries Imperiales-Brazil Line and India-China Line. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan). Also includes sail plans (profile) and technical specifications.
Day & Son largely stable
French Sailing Ships: Ancient and Modern
French Sailing Ships: Ancient and Modern. Sail plans (profile) of the brig "Amiens", the three-masted ship "France and Chili", the brig "Josephine" and a
three-masted Newfoundland schooner. Includes historical notes. Reversed, white and black image.
largely stable
Friar Tuck Ship Friar Tuck. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Friar Tuck Ship Friar Tuck. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Afterbody only.
Friar Tuck Ship Friar Tuck. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Midbody - upper part only.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Friar Tuck Ship Friar Tuck. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Midbody - lower part only.
Friar Tuck Ship Friar Tuck. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Midbody - lower part only.
Friendship Ship Friendship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Friendship Ship Friendship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Friesche Boeier Yacht Friesche Boeier. Sail and rigging plan (profile), deck plan, accomodation plan and sections.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Boeier Yacht Friesche Boeier. Sail and rigging plan (profile), deck plan, accomodation plan and sections. Scale 1:50 and Scale 1:25.
John Hunt Associates stable
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. Sail and rigging plan (profile), as cutter.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. General arrangement (deck plan, profiles and sections).
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and deck plan.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. Sail and rigging plan (profile), as sloop.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. General arrangement (deck plan, profiles and sections).
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friesche Tjotter Yacht Friesche Tjotter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Hunt, John fragile
Friese Boeierke Yacht Friese Boeierke. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friese Boeierke
Yacht Friese Boeierke. Longitudinal section, half-deck plan and horizontal section showing deck beams and coach roof structure. Scale 1:12. Annotated and
amended in ink and pencil.
John Hunt Associates largely stable
Friese Boeierke Yacht Friese Boeierke. Structural sections at stern and deck plan showing layout of accomodation. Annotated and amended in ink.
John Hunt Associates largely stable
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. Profile and structural sections.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsets. Includes dimensions.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
John Hunt Associates fragile
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
John Hunt Associates stable
Friese Yacht Friese Yacht. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and table of offsets. Includes dimensions. Scale 1:12.
John Hunt Associates fragile
Frigate of 46 Guns Frigate of 46 Guns. Sail plan (profile). Also includes details of sails and top.
Prommel, J. largely stable
Frigate of 46 Guns Frigate of 46 Guns. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation.
Prommel, J. largely stable
Froense i Mai Ship Froense i Mai. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Froense i Marts Ship Froense i Marts. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship sections.
Fugattschiff Ship Fugattschiff. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Hillmann, G. stable
Fugattschiff Ship Fugattschiff. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Hillmann, G. stable
Fulham X Ship Fuham X. Shell expansion. Includes measurements. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Funnels: Destroyers Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of different classes of Royal Navy destroyers,1936-1953.
Ough, Norman stable
Funnels: Destroyers Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of different classes of Royal Navy destroyers,1936-1953.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Funnels: Destroyers and Torpedo Craft Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of Royal Navy destroyers and torpedo boats, 1899-1936.
Ough, Norman stable
Funnels: Destroyers and Torpedo Craft Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of Royal Navy destroyers and torpedo boats, 1899-1936.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Midship section and displacement scale.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Midship section and displacement scale.
MacGregor, David stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Midship section and displacement scale.
MacGregor, David stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Fusi Yama
Ship Fusi Yama. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), displacement scale and midship section. Includes
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Fusi Yama Ship Fusi Yama. General arrangement (deck plans and profile) and lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan). Extensively annotated by David MacGregor.
Galley Brigantine Galley Brigantine, modelled on the "Spence" hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-section showing position of oars.
largely stable
Ganges Ship Ganges. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ganges Ship Ganges. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Gazelle Clipper ship Gazelle. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Gazelle Clipper ship Gazelle. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
General Admiral Russian Steam Frigate General Admiral. Details of capstans, chain stoppers and anchors.
largely stable
General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys. Details of rigging, anchors, buoys and bolt drawing machine.
Rees, Abraham largely stable
General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys. Details of rigging, anchors, buoys and bolt drawing machine.
Rees, Abraham stable
General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys
General Details - Rigging, Anchors and Buoys. Details of rigging, anchors, buoys and bolt drawing machine. Four separate plates from the publication "The
Cyclopædia" edited by Reverend Abraham Rees. Plates stuck onto card mount.
Rees, Abraham largely stable
General Picton Clipper Ship General Picton. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
General V.P.Gear with Spare Part Numbers General V.P.Gear with Spare Part Numbers. Sections of gear mechanism, with separate parts numbered.
Hundested Motor-OG Propellerfabrik
largely stable
George Avery Ship George Avery. Profile. Preliminary drawing.
Thompson, Robert fragile
George Jordan Schooner George Jordan. Midship section. Includes technical specifications.
George Knox Iron sailing barque George Knox. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
George Knox Iron sailing barque George Knox. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
George Knox Iron sailing barque George Knox. Boat davit details. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
George Knox Iron sailing barque George Knox. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
George Knox
Iron Barque George Knox, No.219. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and plan of accommodation in stern of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders
stamp mark in bottom right corner. Annotated.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Georgiana Ship Georgiana. Sail plan, lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and deck plan.
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
German Sea Mines German Sea Mines, 1939-1945. Details of different types of sea mines. Includes alphabetical and numbered keys.
Lambert, John stable
German Submarine Type VII-c
German Submarine Type VII-c. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plan) lines plan (body plan), cross-sections of hull and bow view.
Includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
Germania Sailing barque Germania. Midship section. Includes measurements. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Germania Sailing barque Germania. Frames elevation details.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Gibraltar Ship Gibraltar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gipsy Queen
Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section), with foremast lowered for fishing. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Gipsy Queen
Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section), with foremast lowered for fishing. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Gipsy Queen
Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and section), with foremast lowered for fishing. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Gipsy Queen Yarmouth lugger Gipsy Queen. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Gitanilla Ship Gitanilla. Profile. Preliminary drawing.
Thompson, Robert fragile
Schooner Glasgow. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and bulwarks detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Schooner Glasgow. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and bulwarks detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Schooner Glasgow. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and bulwarks detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Glasgow Schooner Glasgow. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and bulwarks detail.
MacGregor, David stable
Glasgow Schooner Glasgow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Glasgow Schooner Glasgow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Glasgow Schooner Glasgow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Glatton Ship Glatton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Glencairn Ship Glencairn. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Dobie & Co. stable
Globe Brig Globe. Sail plan (profile). Also includes sail plans for unnamed cutter and schooner. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Gloucester Schooner
Gloucester schooner, typical of the type employed on the Grand Banks. Sail and rigging plan (profile, plan and section), sketches of fittings and key to
rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gloucester Schooner
Gloucester schooner, typical of the type employed on the Grand Banks. Sail and rigging plan (profile, plan and section), sketches of fittings and key to
rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Gloucester Schooner
Gloucester schooner, typical of the type employed on the Grand Banks. Sail and rigging plan (profile, plan and section), sketches of fittings and key to
rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot. 
Consists of separate sheets glued onto paper backing, 
Originally from a roll marked: 'This roll contains all March's original drawings of Fishing Boats, which he loaned in 1966. (edges of some sheets repaired @
back with drafting tape. Also - WL drawings of Ramsgate Toster (on outside of roll)'
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Godowna Ship Godowna. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). With pencil corrections.
Godowna Ship Godowna. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Mainmast top cap details. Full size.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of companion doors and suding hatch.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of deckhouse storage unit.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Accommodation plan (deck plan and profile).
Hunt, John fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Sail and rigging plan (profile, deck plan and section). Includes dimensions.
Hunt, John fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Turning block details. Full size.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Deck house storage unit and flap.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Steering block and deck lockers/seats details.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Accomodation plan.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of rigging channels.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Lines plan. Preliminary drawing.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Internal design of after stateroom.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Engine room details.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Construction of trailboards.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Main sail details. Includes dimensions.
Hunt, Stephanie fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Profile of lower saloon, looking forward.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of saloon, looking aft.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of deck house, fore end, looking forward.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of saloon fireplace. Includes dimensions.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Sections of saloon, looking aft into deckhouse.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of main engine gear box.
largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Half-flight stair details.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of deckhouse, view from aft.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section forward of sternpost, looking aft.
largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of deckhouse, bathroom and engine room.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Detail of double bed in masters' cabin.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Detail of internal design.
Hunt, John largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Constructional plan for deckhead deckhouse.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Transverse section thorugh skylight coaming on deckhouse.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of mizzen tabernacle.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Lifeboat swivels.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Plan of tank area with fire place.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of bowsprit tabernacle.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Layout for mizzen chain plates.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Saloon and deck house electrical layout.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Deckhouse sections.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Steel leeboards details.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Louvre ventilator panels for great cabin.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Plan showing timber deck.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Wiring diagram for great cabin.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of saloon fireplace.
largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Unidentified internal design.
largely stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Lower saloon details, looking aft.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Great cabin framing drawing.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Engine room electrical schematic diagram.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Details of leeboard winch.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Half breadths calculations.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Long section, looking to starboard.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Unidentified detail.
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Profile - forebody only.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Deck plan, profile and sections. Preliminary drawing.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Deck plan and profile. Afterbody only.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Unidentified details.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Afterbody only.
Hunt, John extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Accommodation plan.
Hunt, John stable
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Engine room details.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Galley and dining area.
Hunt, John fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan).
extremely fragile
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Great cabin framing drawing.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of deck house, fore end, looking forward.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Section of deckhouse, view from aft.
Goede Verwachtig Ship Goede Verwachtig. Fiddle block for mizzen backstays details.Includes dimensions.
Hunt, John stable
Gokstad Viking ship Gokstad. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
extremely fragile
Gokstad Replica of Viking ship Gokstad. Rigging details.
Wood, P.M. stable
Gokstad Replica of Viking ship Gokstad. Mast and spar details.
Wood, P.M. stable
Gokstad Replica of Viking ship Gokstad. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section).
Wood, P.M. stable
Gokstad Replica of Viking ship Gokstad. Main sail details. Includes dimensions.
Wood, P.M. stable
Gokstadskibet Viking ship Gokstadskibet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
extremely fragile
Gokstadskibet Viking ship Gokstadskibet. Profile and sections.
extremely fragile
Golden Hind Ship Golden Hind. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Aker, Raymond stable
Golden Hind Ship Golden Hind. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Aker, Raymond stable
Golden Hind Ship Golden Hind. Profile showing internal design. Includes dimensions.
Aker, Raymond stable
Golden Hinde Ship Golden Hinde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Golden Hinde Ship Golden Hinde. Profile showing internal arrangements and sections.
Golden Hinde Ship Golden Hinde. Deck plans.
Golden Hinde Ship Golden Hinde. Sail and riggina plan (profile). Includes measurements.
Gossamer Ship Gossamer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile.
Gossamer Ship Gossamer. Stern decoration. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Gossamer Ship Gossamer. Bow decoration. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Graph HM submarine Graph. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and details. Includes key.
Lambert, John stable
Grasshopper Sloop Grasshopper. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Greasing Arrangement of Mechanical Davits Type
Greasing Arrangement of Mechanical Davits Type S.A.C. Plan and sections. Scales 1:4 and 1:8.
Schat Daniels Ltd. largely stable
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Hillmann, G. stable
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Sail and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan and body plan) and deck details. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Topsail rigging details. Rough draught.
MacGregor, David stable
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Profile and mast details.
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Body plan and capstan details.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and capstan details. From a French publication.
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. From a French publication, includes text.
Great Republic Clipper ship Great Republic. Sail and rigging plan (profile). From a French publication.
Great Republic Clipper Ship Great Republic. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Great Republic Clipper Ship Great Republic. Lines plan (body plan) and details of capstan.
Great Republic Great Republic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Owners stamp mark in top left corner.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Great Republic Great Republic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1 inch to 12 feet
largely stable
Great Republic
Clipper Ship Great Republic. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated with colour specifications for painting of sails and hull of model ship. Two sheets of
paper stuck together to form complete plan.
Great Western Paddle Steamship Great Western. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation.
Great Western Paddle Steamship Great Western. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation.
Greek Boat c.3300 BC Modelling plan for Greek Boat c.3300 BC. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) perspective and details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Greek Boat c.3300 BC Modelling plan for Greek Boat c.3300 BC. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) perspective and details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Grenada Grenada. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Greta Ship Greta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Greta Ship Greta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Greta Ship Greta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Greta Ship Greta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Grethe Ship Grethe. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Small, Adrian stable
Grethe Ship Grethe. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Small, Adrian stable
Griffon Ship Griffon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Griffon Ship Griffon. Side gun details. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Griffon and Forester Ships Griffon and Forester. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Griffon and Forester Ships Griffon and Forester. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes measurements.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Grimsby Cod Smack Grimsby Cod Smack. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Grimsby Cod Smack Grimsby Cod Smack. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Grimsby Cod Smack
Grimsby Cod Smack. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Note on original packaging: 'This roll contains all March's original drawings of Fishing Boats, which he loaned in 1966. (edges of some sheets repaired @
back with drafting tape. Also - WL drawings of Ramsgate Toster (on outside of roll)'.
March, Edgar J. stable
Grofsherzogin Elisabeth (Grand Duchess Elizabeth)
Training Ship Grofsherzogin Elisabeth (Grand Duchess Elizabeth). Lines plan (body plan), profiles of bow and stern. Includes dimensions. Scale 1:50.
Annotated. Text in German.
largely stable
Gromoboj Ship modelling plan for the Russian Cruiser Gromoboj. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of guns. Scale 1:400.
Modela stable
Ship Grundeljacht. Mast details. Scale 1:10. Includes measurements.
Note on original packaging: note on packaging: 'Plans of Dutch Yatchts by John Hunt given to me by Stephanie (his widow) c. 1990. She said John was never
paid by the company for these designs.'
extremely fragile
Ship Grundeljacht. Rigging details. Scale 1:10. Includes measurements.
Note on original packaging: note on packaging: 'Plans of Dutch Yatchts by John Hunt given to me by Stephanie (his widow) c. 1990. She said John was never
paid by the company for these designs.'
Gryfe Iron Ship Gryfe. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Gulf Stream Ship Gulf Stream. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Gun Brig Gun Brig, c.1800-1820. Rigging plan (profile).
Leask, H.N. largely stable
Gwendoline Ship Gwendoline. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sail plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
H.K.D (ex 'Jewish') Ketch H.K.D (ex 'Jewish'). Sail plan and rigging plan (profile, aft elevation) and deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
H.K.D (ex 'Jewish') Ketch H.K.D (ex 'Jewish'). Sail plan and rigging plan (profile, aft elevation) and deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
H.K.D (ex 'Jewish') Ketch H.K.D (ex 'Jewish'). Sail plan and rigging plan (profile, aft elevation) and deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
H.K.D (ex 'Jewish') Ketch H.K.D (ex 'Jewish'). Sail plan and rigging plan (profile, aft elevation) and deck plan. Includes dimensions and key to rigging.
March, Edgar J. stable
H.M.A.S Derwent Destroyer-Escort frigate H.M.A.S Derwent as in January 1969. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Webb Warships Co. stable
Haabet Brigantine Haabet, 1867. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Haabet Brigantine Haabet, 1867. Sail and rigging plan (profile). David MacGregor stamp on bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Haldon Ketch Haldon, 1901. Sail plan (profile).
Haldon Ketch Haldon, 1922. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8th inch to 1 foot.
Ship modelling plan for the rescue cutter Halny. Details of ships bridge and other deck furniture. Scale 1:50 metric. Information printed on both sides of
Halny/RM Pegaso Ship modelling plans for the rescue cutter Halny and torpedo boat RM Pegaso. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Halny/RM Pegaso
Ship modelling plans for the rescue cutter Halny and torpedo boat RM Pegaso. Halny plans shows general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan
(sheer, half-breadth and body plans), sections and general details. Scale 1:50 metric. RM Pegaso plan shows general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines
plan (body plan), sections and general details.
Hamburg Clipper ship Hamburg. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Handels-Fregatte Handels-Fregatte. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) and details.
Hannah Douglas Brig Hannah Douglas. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8th inch to 1 foot. Includes plan alterations in red pencil. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hannah Douglas Brig Hannah Douglas. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8th inch to 1 foot. Includes plan alterations in pencil. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hannah Landles Sailing Barque Hannah Landles. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Hannah Landles Sailing Barque Hannah Landles. General arrangement - foredeck capstan details (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Hannah Landles Barque Hannah Landles. Deck plan of Emerson Walker & Co. patent capstan windlass. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Hannibal Hannibal. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
National Maritime Museum stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Hansigne of Marstal Ketch Hansigne of Marstal. Sail plan (profile).
Hardiesse Hardiesse. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section.
Barnard, William stable
Hark Away Hark Away. Rigging plan (profile) and rigging dimensions.
Harlingen Dutch Whaler Harlingen. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
Vending, W.K. largely stable
Harmonie Harmonie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Harmonie Harmonie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Harmony Cutter Harmony. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Harmony Cutter Harmony. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Harmony Cutter Harmony. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Harold Harold. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Harold Harold. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Harold Harold. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Harriet Truro Oyster Boat Harriet. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body).
Bird, Ralph stable
Harriet Truro Oyster Boat Harriet. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and section.
Bird, Ralph stable
Harriet Lane Ship modelling plans for the steam paddle cutter Harriet Lane. Held in envelope. Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Harriet Lane
Steam paddle cutter Harriet Lane. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section) showing layout of deck furniture. Lines plan (half-breadth, body plans)
and fittings details. Scale 1/12 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways stable
Harriet Lane Steam paddle cutter Harriet Lane. Rigging plan (profile, sections) with mast, spar and bowsprit details . Includes paint schedule for model.
Model Shipways stable
Harriet Lane Steam paddle cutter Harriet Lane. Model assembly and painting instructions, including construction diagrams and small parts list.
Model Shipways stable
Hart Royal Navy Cutter Hart. Sail plan (profile) and table of dimensions of masts and yards.
Peek, J.W. stable
Harvey Ship modelling plan for the ship Harvey. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci
Harvey Ship modelling plan of ship Harvey. General arrangement (deck plan, profile), lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), rigging plan and details.
Vincenzo Lusci fragile
Harvey Ship modelling plan of ship Harvey. Sections plan.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Havre Ship Havre. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans).
Havre Ship Havre. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Harbour Defence Motor Launches ML1024-1407. General arrangement (profiles, deck arrangement plan) of ML1024, ML1031, ML1070, ML1139, ML1234,
ML1246, ML1395, ML1407 and HMNZS Mako. Includes information on armament variations and numbered key to details.
Lambert, John stable
HDML-ML-1129 Harbour Defence Motor Launch ML1129. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) and general details.
Lambert, John stable
Harbour Defence Motor Launch ML1129-1136. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) hull cross-sections, bow elevation and
details of armaments.
Lambert, John stable
Harbour Defence Motor Launch ML1129-1136. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) hull cross-sections, bow elevation and
details of armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HDML-ML-1285 Harbour Defence Motor Launch ML1285. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) and general details.
Lambert, John stable
HDML-ML-1285 Harbour Defence Motor Launch ML1285. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) and general details.
Lambert, John stable
Hecla Hecla. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith smack. Profile and body plan outline sketch.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith smack. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith smack. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith smack. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith smack. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Cutter Leith Smack. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Cutter Leith Smack. Perspective view of hull and lower rigging.
Ward, T.W. stable
Hedderwick's Leith Smack Hedderwick's Leith Smack. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Helen Barque Helen. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Helen Nicholson Iron Sailing Ship Helen Nicholson. Outline reconstruction of lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans).
MacGregor, David fragile
Helena Ship Helena. Sail plan.
Helena Ship Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Helena Ship Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan and body plan). Annotated on back by David MacGregor.
Copy of a section of the profile of the schooner 'Helena'. Was enclosed with the letter to David MacGregor, dated 15 March 1993, from John Bowen
regarding research on the rigging of the schooner 'Helena' built in 1778.
Helios Ship Helios. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1:300 metric.
Henwood's Brig Henwood's Brig. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Herald of the Morning Clipper Herald of the Morning. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Hermione Hermione. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Hero Brig Hero. Profile and lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans).
Hero Brig Hero. General arrangement (profile, deck plan section) and lines plan (body plan)
Herradurra Barque Herradurra, 1868. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Henderson, James stable
Herzogin Cecilie Barque Herzogin Cecilie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Consists of 4 sheets of paper joined together to make complete plan.
largely stable
Herzogin Marie
Barque Herzogin Marie. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Text in German. Photograph cut into three sections mounted on card to form
complete plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Includes dimensions.
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Section of keel, floors and keelson showing iron beams and pillars.
MacGregor, David stable
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Section of keel, floors and keelson showing iron beams and pillars.
MacGregor, David stable
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
Highflyer Ship Highflyer. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Higre Sloop Higre. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body). Detail of rudder with dimensions. Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hilda Hilda. Details of individual sails, including dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hispaniola Hispaniola. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and sections.
Historic Galleys
Profiles of galleys from historic coins, medals and sculpture reliefs dating back to the Roman period. Also includes midship section of galley showing
position of oars. Taken from publication "Souvenirs de marine conserves" by Admiral Paris. The number "285A" is written in the bottom right corner.
Paris, Admiral François-Edmond
largely stable
HM A/S Trawlers St. Apollo and St. Zeno HM A/S Trawlers St. Apollo and St. Zeno. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HM Drifter Sarah Hinde HM Drifter Sarah Hinde. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Drifter Sarah Hinde HM Drifter Sarah Hinde. Lines plan (half-breadth, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Drifter Sarah Hinde HM Drifter Sarah Hinde. Profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Mersey Class Admiralty Trawler HM Mersey Class Admiralty Trawler. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) ,lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) with key to details.
Lambert, John stable
HM Paddle Tug Pert
HM Paddle Tug Pert. General arrangement (upper and lower deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders
stamp mark in top left corner
J.Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. largely stable
HM Paddle Tug Pert HM Paddle Tug Pert. General arrangement (profile, bridge deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation.
J.Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. fragile
HM Paddle Tug Pert HM Paddle Tug Pert. General arrangement (hold plan) and hull sections. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
J.Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. largely stable
HM Revenue Cutter
HM Revenue Cutter. Sail and rigging plan (profile, half stern and bow elevation), general arrangement (deck plan, section), mast and gun details. Scale
1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
HM Revenue Cutter
HM Revenue Cutter. Sail and rigging plan (profile, half stern and bow elevation), general arrangement (deck plan, section), mast and gun details. Scale
1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
HM Revenue Cutter
HM Revenue Cutter. Sail and rigging plan (profile, half stern and bow elevation), general arrangement (deck plan, section), mast and gun details. Scale
1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
HM Revenue Cutter
HM Revenue Cutter. Sail and rigging plan (profile, half stern and bow elevation), general arrangement (deck plan, section), mast and gun details. Scale
1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/10 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/10 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/10 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. Rigging and dressing detail. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, P.M. stable
HM Revenue Cutter
HM Revenue Cutter. Sail and rigging plan (profile, half stern and bow elevation), general arrangement (deck plan, section), mast and gun details. Scale
1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and bulwark elevation.
Bird, Ralph largely stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and bulwark elevation.
Bird, Ralph largely stable
HM Revenue Cutter HM Revenue Cutter. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and bulwark elevation.
Bird, Ralph largely stable
HM Royal Yacht HMS Britannia HMS Royal Yacht HMS Britannia. General arrangement (profile, upper, shelter and bridge deck plans) and sections.
Scottish Modelcraft stable
HM Royal Yacht HMS Britannia HMS Royal Yacht HMS Britannia. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth plans) and sections of hull. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft stable
HM Schooner Union
HM Schooner Union. Profile, deck plan and lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Sketch of possible "slave deck" and note about theory put
forward by Howard Chapelle ( in October 1965) of potential previous use of vessel as slaver written on reverse side of plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HM Strath Class Admiralty Trawler HM Strath Class Admiralty Trawler. General arrangement (external and internal profiles, upper and hold deck plans) with key to details.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Boats 1- 5 HM Submarine Boats 1 - 5. General arrangement (profile and deck plan) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Boats 1- 5 HM Submarine Boats 1 - 5. General arrangement (profile and deck plan) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Boats 1- 5 HM Submarine Boats 1 - 5. General arrangement (profile and deck plan) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Boats 1- 5 HM Submarine Boats 1 - 5. General arrangement (profile and deck plan) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Boats 1- 5 (HMS Dolphin) HM Submarine Boats 1 - 5. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal fittings and section details.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine E29 HM Submarine E29. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine E29 HM Submarine E29. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine E29 HM Submarine E29. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine E29 HM Submarine E29. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52 HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HM Submarine L52 HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52 HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52
HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough
stamp on top right of plan.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52
HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File
Copy' on right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52 HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine L52
HM Submarine L52. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Norman Ough stamp on bottom right of
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot. Admiralty and David MacGregor stamp marks on plan.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Olympus
HM Submarine Olympus. General arrangement (profile and deck plans), lines plan (body plan), plating plan and details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HM Submarine Sturgeon HM Submarine Sturgeon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Sturgeon HM Submarine Sturgeon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Sturgeon HM Submarine Sturgeon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections) and details. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Tiptoe "T" Class Submarine HMS Tiptoe. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) sections and details of conning tower.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarine Tiptoe
"T" Class Submarine HMS Tiptoe. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) sections and details of streamling features used on British submarines in the
early 1950s.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections). Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections). Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17.
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section) showing details of deck furniture and internal fittings. Also
includes profiles of K3, K6, K12 submarines.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17.
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section) showing details of deck furniture and internal fittings. Also
includes profiles of K3, K6, K12 submarines.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17.
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section) showing details of deck furniture and internal fittings. Also
includes profiles of K3, K6, K12 submarines.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. HM Submarines K3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17. General arrangement (profile, deck plan and sections). Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines M1 and M2
HM Submarines M1 and M2. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing superstructure, hull and frame construction and internal fittings.
Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines M1 and M2
HM Submarines M1 and M2. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing superstructure, hull and frame construction and internal fittings.
Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM Submarines M1 and M2
HM Submarines M1 and M2. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing superstructure, hull and frame construction and internal fittings.
Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HM SubmarineTalent/HM Submarine Tireless Ship modelling plan for "T" Class Submarines HMS Talent/HMS Tireless. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Albion Scott Limited stable
HM SubmarineTalent/HM Submarine Tireless "T" Class Submarines HMS Talent/HMS Tireless. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) and sections.
Lambert, John stable
HM SubmarineTalent/HM Submarine Tireless "T" Class Submarines HMS Talent/HMS Tireless. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) and sections.
Lambert, John stable
HM Transport Zephyr
HM Transport Zephyr. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck plan and stern elevation. Also includes tables of hull, mast and
yard dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HM Yacht Fubbs
HM Yacht Fubbs. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes stern detail. Annotated with
dimensions and historical notes.
HM Yacht Fubbs HM Yacht Fubbs. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Two sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
HM Yacht William and Mary HM Yacht William and Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan). Includes hull, masts and yards dimensions.
largely stable
HMAS Adelaide 'Birmingham' Class Light Cruiser HMAS Adelaide. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 32 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMAS Arunta "Tribal" Class Destroyer HMAS Arunta. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 24 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMAS Bendigo "Bathurst" Class Corvette HMAS Bendigo. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) of ship shown as built in 1941. Annotated.
Lambert, John stable
HMAS Bendigo "Bathurst" Class Corvette HMAS Bendigo. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) of ship shown as built in 1941.
Lambert, John stable
HMAS Stuart "Scott" Class Flotilla Leader HMAS Stuart. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 24 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMCS Atholl
Flower Class Corvette HMCS Atholl K15. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details. Includes
Lambert, John stable
HMCS Atholl
Flower Class Corvette HMCS Atholl K15. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details. Includes
Lambert, John stable
HMCS Atholl Flower Class Corvette HMCS Atholl K15. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HMCS New Glasgow "River" Class Frigate HMCS New Glasgow. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 24 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMNZS Gambia "Fiji" Class Light Cruiser HMNZS Gambia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 40 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMNZS Kiwi "Bird" Class Anti-Submarine Trawler HMNZS Kiwi. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 16 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMS Agincourt Dreadnought Battleship HMS Agincourt. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) including layout of guns.
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Ajax
Leander Class Cruiser HMS Ajax. General arrangement (profile and deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1 inch to 16 feet. 'File Copy' stamp mark on bottom right of plan.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Albacore Sloop HMS Albacore. Lines plan (profile, half-breadth, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall extremely fragile
HMS Aldebaran Ship modelling plan for the cutter HMS Aldebaran. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Aldebaran Modelling plan for cutter HMS Aldebaran. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section). Mast, sail and rigging details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Aldebaran Modelling plan for cutter HMS Aldebaran. Sections plan with assembly instructions.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Alexander HMS Alexander. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation.
largely stable
HMS Alliance 'A' Class Submarine HMS Alliance. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Alliance 'A' Class Submarine HMS Alliance. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Amazon "Tribal" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Amazon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Amazon "Tribal" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Amazon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Amazon "Tribal" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Amazon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Amazon
"Tribal" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Amazon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details. "File Copy" stamp
mark on bottom right of plan.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst "Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details. Scale 1inch to 8 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst "Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details. Scale 1inch to 8 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst "Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details. Scale 1inch to 8 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details. Scale 1inch to 8 feet. Stamped 'File Copy' in bottom right
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst "Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details. Scale 1inch to 8 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Stamped'File Copy' on bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Amethyst
"Black Swan" Class Frigate HMS Amethyst. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1 inch to 8 feet. Includes profile, deck plan,
sections and lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) of 25 foot motor boat. Also general arrangement plans for 27 foot whaler and 16 foot dinghy.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Archer
"Acheron" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Archer. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments,
motor boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Archer
"Acheron" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Archer. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments,
motor boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Archer
"Acheron" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Archer. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments,
motor boat, whaler and dinghy. stamped 'File Copy' in bottom right corner.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Ariadne "Abdiel" Class Fast Minelayer HMS Ariadne.. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 32 feet. Includes dimensions.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMS Barrosa British Destroyer HMS Barrosa. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Also includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details after refit in 1942. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details after refit in 1942. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast
"Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File
Copy' in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast
"Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details after refit in 1942. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile) as in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (deck plan) and details as in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Belfast
"Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File
Copy' in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast
"Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File
Copy' in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details as built in 1939. Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans) sections and details for ship in 1939. Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Belfast "Southampton" Class Cruiser HMS Belfast. Profile, deck plan and half sections of ship in 1971, showing "bulge" added to the armour in 1942. Annotated.
HMS Belfast/HMS Edinburgh
"Southampton" Class Cruisers HMS Belfast and HMS Edinburgh. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing 1939 appearance combined with 1942
rig. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan annotated and coloured.
HMS Belfast/HMS Edinburgh
"Southampton" Class Cruisers HMS Belfast and HMS Edinburgh. General arrangement (profile) showing deck furniture and internal details. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot. Plan annotated and coloured.
HMS Belfast/HMS Edinburgh
"Southampton" Class Cruisers HMS Belfast and HMS Edinburgh. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of the forecastle deck. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot. Plan annotated and coloured.
HMS Belfast/HMS Edinburgh
"Southampton" Class Cruisers HMS Belfast and HMS Edinburgh. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of the upper deck. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
foot. Plan annotated and coloured.
HMS Belfast/HMS Edinburgh
"Southampton" Class Cruisers HMS Belfast and HMS Edinburgh. Plan showing details of the ship superstructure and bridges in 1939. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
foot. Plan annotated and coloured.
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1915. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow
"Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (body plan) and details of funnels, gun platforms, steamer and whaler boats. Also includes hull and
stern elevations. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth plans) and deck plan showing scuttles and hatches. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow
"Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (body plan) and details of funnels, gun platforms, steamer and whaler boats. Also includes hull and
stern elevations. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth plans) and deck plan showing scuttles and hatches. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth plans) and deck plan showing scuttles and hatches. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1915. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow
"Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (body plan) and details of funnels, gun platforms, steamer and whaler boats. Also includes hull and
stern elevations. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth plans) and deck plan showing scuttles and hatches. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1915. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow "Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1915. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Benbow
"Iron Duke" Class Battleship HMS Benbow. Lines plan (body plan) and details of funnels, gun platforms, steamer and whaler boats. Also includes hull and
stern elevations. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J. stable
HMS Bluebell
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bluebell. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of wheelhouse, bridge
and armaments.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bluebell
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bluebell. General arrangement (profile) showing deck furniture and fittings. Includes details and information regarding origin
and development of the "Flower" Class Corvette. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Boulogne HMS Boulogne. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Boyne
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Boyne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments,
fittings, motor boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Boyne
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Boyne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments,
fittings, motor boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Boyne
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Boyne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments,
fittings, motor boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Bridlington "Bangor" Class Minesweeper HMS Bridlington. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship shown as built in 1940.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Bryher/HMS Farne "Western Isles" Class Minesweeper Trawlers HMSBryher/HMS Farne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of ship decks and frames.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Bryher/HMS Farne "Western Isles" Class Minesweeper Trawlers HMSBryher/HMS Farne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of ship decks and frames.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, fittings and armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, fittings and armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, fittings and armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, fittings and armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Annotated. Stamped 'File Copy' in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans), plating plan, sections and details of fittings, camouflage and armaments.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans), plating plan, sections and details of fittings, camouflage and armaments.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans), plating plan, sections and details of fittings, camouflage and armaments.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans), plating plan, sections and details of fittings, camouflage and armaments.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (deck plan). Plan annotated with different parts shaded using coloured pencils.
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Inboard elevation showing internal layout of ship. Plan annotated.
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile) showing rigging and deck furniture. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan annotated with parts
shaded using coloured pencils. Harland & Wolff stamp.
Harland & Wolff Limited stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Plating plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan annotated. Harland & Wolff stamp.
Harland & Wolff Limited stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plan), and inboard elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Plating plan, engine and boiler room sections. Details of ship camouflage. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Details of deck furniture, fittings and armaments. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement, elevation and top decks. Sections through engine room and boiler room looking forward.
"Harland and Wolff" stamp. Number 2 written in top right corner. "Big sections" written on reverse.
Harland & Wolff Limited stable
HMS Bryony
"Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. General arrangement (upper deck plan, lower deck plan and hold plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil.
"Harland and Wolff" stamp.
Harland & Wolff Limited stable
HMS Bryony "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Bryony. Plating plan, engine and boiler room sections. Details of ship camouflage. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
HMS Buffalo HMS Buffalo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Buffalo HMS Buffalo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Buffalo HMS Buffalo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Busy Cutter HMS Busy. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes ship's dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall extremely fragile
HMS Buttercup "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Buttercup. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) includes details of internal layout and armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Buttercup "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Buttercup. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) includes details of internal layout.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Buttercup "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Buttercup. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp and Admiralty clearance stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz "Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. Perspective drawing of ship's hull.
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings. Scale 1/8 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings. Scale 1/8 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz "Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. Details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz "Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. Details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz "Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. Details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cadiz
"Battle" Class Destroyer HMS Cadiz. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) and details of fittings, armaments and
onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Caesar
British Fleet Destroyer HMS Caesar. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) sections and details of fittings. Scale
1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Caesar
British Fleet Destroyer HMS Caesar. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) sections and details of fittings. Scale
1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Caesar British Fleet Destroyer HMS Caesar. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) sections and details of fittings and armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Caesar British Fleet Destroyer HMS Caesar. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) sections and details of fittings and armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Caesar British Fleet Destroyer HMS Caesar. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) sections and details of fittings and armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Calliope
Third Class Cruiser HMS Calliope. General arrangement (deck plan) showing details of fittings and armaments on upper deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Stamped 'Chief Engineer, Portsmouth Yard, May 87'.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Calliope Single screw corvette HMS Calliope. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Cassandra HMS Cassandra. Details of ship's anchors. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
extremely fragile
HMS Cassandra HMS Cassandra. Profile, stern elevation and midship section. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Cavalier "CA" Class Fleet Destroyer HMS Cavalier. General arrangement (profile) of ship as of 1946. Scale 1:92. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Cavalier "CA" Class Fleet Destroyer HMS Cavalier. General arrangement (profile) of ship as of 1972. Scale 1:92. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Centurion
Leaflet advertising ship modelling plan for the Royal Navy warship HMS Centurion, available from Vincenzo Lusci. Includes black and white photograph of a
completed model of Centurion. Written in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Charon HMS Charon of 44 guns. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and stern decoration. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Charon HMS Charon of 44 guns. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and stern decoration. Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Charon HMS Charon of 44 guns. Deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Charon HMS Charon of 44 guns. Quarter deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Cleopatra "Dido" Class Light Cruiser HMS Cleopatra. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Twentieth Century Fox Productions
HMS Clinton Armed Storeship HMS Clinton. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Coldstreamer Military Class A/S Trawler HMS Coldstreamer. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) including plans of main and wheelhouse decks and ship frames.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Contest
"Acasta" Class Destroyer HMS Contest. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, fittings, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Contest
"Acasta" Class Destroyer HMS Contest. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, fittings, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Contest
"Acasta" Class Destroyer HMS Contest. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, fittings, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy. Stamped 'File Copy' on bottom right corner.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Contest 12-Gun Brig HMS Contest. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and profile (inboard elevation). Also includes principal dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Cruizer HMS Cruizer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Bird, Ralph stable
HMS Curacoa
"Cardiff" Class Light Cruiser HMS Curacoa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (whaler, cutter, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Curacoa
"Cardiff" Class Light Cruiser HMS Curacoa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (whaler, cutter, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Curacoa
"Cardiff" Class Light Cruiser HMS Curacoa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (whaler, cutter, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Curacoa
"Cardiff" Class Light Cruiser HMS Curacoa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (whaler, cutter, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Curacoa
"Cardiff" Class Light Cruiser HMS Curacoa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (whaler, cutter, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Cygnet HMS Cygnet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of spar and mast dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Danae "Leander" Class Frigate HMS Danae. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in October 1972. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Holbrook, Martin largely stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Daring
Class "D" Destroyer HMS Daring. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings,
armaments and onboard boats (motor boat, whaler, dinghy). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dauntless HMS Dauntless. General arrangement (profile) showing deck arrangement and onboard works.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dauntless HMS Dauntless. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Devonshire
British Heavy Cruiser HMS Devonshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of catapult. Also includes
technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dido Cruiser HMS Dido. Profile, deck plan and details of armaments and onboard boat.
HMS Dispatch (ex Zephyr)? HMS Dispatch (ex Zephyr)? General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans) showing internal layout and accommodation.
largely stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Profile and deck plan (afterbody only), body plan and midship section.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Dolphin
Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Dolphin
Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Dolphin
Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and midship section. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Sail and rigging plan (profile) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Sail and rigging plan (profile) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Sail and rigging plan (profile) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes technical specifications.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Midship section. Partly coloured.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Sail and rigging plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Profile.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. Upper deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. 32 Pounder gun, profile, overhead plan and section.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dolphin Brigantine HMS Dolphin. 32 Pounder gun, profile, overhead plan and section. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer, body plan), plating plan and details of aircraft recovery crane, catapult and gun
turrets. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer, body plan), plating plan and details of aircraft recovery crane, catapult and gun
turrets. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer, body plan), plating plan and details of aircraft recovery crane, catapult and gun
turrets. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer, body plan), plating plan and details of aircraft recovery crane, catapult and gun
turrets. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Dorsetshire
"County" Class Cruiser HMS Dorsetshire. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer, body plan), plating plan and details of aircraft recovery crane, catapult and gun
turrets. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke Second-Rate Ship of the Line HMS Duke. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan).
HMS Duke of York HMS Duke of York. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) Damaged - not suitable for public consultation.
Ough, Norman extremely fragile
HMS Duke of York "King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York "King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Iron Duke. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped on bottom right
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Duke of York "King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
HMS Duke of York
"King George V" Class Battleship HMS Duke of York. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and plans of the bridge decks. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke)
Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Scale 1/4 inch ti 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke)
Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Scale 1/4 inch ti 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke)
Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Scale 1/4 inch ti 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch ti 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke)
Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke)
Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke). General arrangement (deck plan and profile), sail and rigging plan (profile) and sections. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke), as in 1768. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke), as in 1768. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke), as in 1768. Spar construction and rigging details.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke), as in 1768. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections) and deck details. Scale 1/5 inch to 1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke) Barque HMS Endavour (ex Earl of Pembroke), as in 1768. Cross sections and accommodation plan.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Endavour and Farquharson Barque HMS Endavour - view at stern looking aft, and Farquharson - method of heaving in anchor cable.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Exeter 'York' class heavy cruiser HMS Exeter. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Includes technical specifications. Scale 1 inch to 40 feet.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMS Express 6-Gun Packet Brig HMS Express. Half cross section of hull, with measurements.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), and deck details. Includes
colour scheme information and dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), and deck details. Includes
colour scheme information and dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile), and deck details. Includes
colour scheme information and dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
HMS Fly Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Fly Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Fly Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Fly Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Fly Royal Navy Cutter HMS Fly. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Fly Algerine Class Minesweeper HMS Fly. General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Flying Fish
Her Majesty Schooner Flying Fish, as in 1806. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 3/8
inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle stable
HMS Flying Fish Her Majesty Schooner Flying Fish, as in 1806. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle stable
HMS Flying Fish Her Majesty Schooner Flying Fish, as in 1806. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Flying Fish Her Majesty Schooner Flying Fish, as in 1806. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Flying Fish Her Majesty Schooner Flying Fish, as in 1806. Deck plans.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Foxhound HMS Foxhound. Sail plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Rider, J. stable
HMS Foxhound HMS Foxhound. General arrangement (profile) showing deck furniture and internal fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Fishley, W. stable
HMS Foxhound HMS Foxhound. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of the deck furniture on the upper deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Fishley, W. stable
HMS Foxhound HMS Foxhound. General arrangement (deck plan, sections) showing layout and fittings of the hold. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Fishley, W. stable
HMS Foxhound HMS Foxhound. General arrangement (deck plan, sections) showing layout and fittings of the ship's boilers and engines. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Gala
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Gala. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Gala
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Gala. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Gala
"River" Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Gala. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, section), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments, motor
boat, whaler and dinghy.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Gannet "Dotterel" Class Sloop HMS Gannet. General arrangement (deck plan) showing armaments and other deck furniture.
Medway Towns Sea Cadets Corps
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, wheelhouse and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), inboard elevation and details of armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, wheelhouse and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), inboard elevation and details of armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), inboard elevation and details of armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, wheelhouse and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Gardenia "Flower" Class Corvette HMS Gardenia. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), inboard elevation and details of armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Garland HMS Garland. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Garland/ORP Garland
Ship modelling plan for the Royal Navy/ Polish Navy Destroyer Garland. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan
(sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and outline profile of ship painted in camouflage. Scale 1:100. Verso: Details of deck fittings, including plans,
elevations, sections and perspective views of the bridge, radio mast, guns and onboard boats. Scale 1:100. Text written in Polish.
Wozniak, S. largely stable
HMS Gatwick Steel Paddle Steamer HMS Gatwick. General arrangement (inboard profile) as fitted. Section of plan showing forebody of vessel is missing.
largely stable
HMS Grenadier "Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier "Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier "Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Stamped 'File Copy' in bottom right
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier "Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier "Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and details of fittings and
armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and details of fittings and
armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and details of fittings and
armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and details of fittings and
armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenadier
"Military" Class Armed Trawler HMS Grenadier. General arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and details of fittings and
armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Grenville "U" Class Destroyer HMS Grenville. General arrangement (deck plan, profile) and details of armaments. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Deans Marine Models Ltd. stable
HMS Grey Goose
Steam Gun Boat S.G.B.9. HMS Grey Goose. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and details of
armaments. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Grey Goose
Steam Gun Boat S.G.B.9. HMS Grey Goose. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) and details of
armaments. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Grey Goose
Steam Gun Boat S.G.B.9. HMS Grey Goose. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans) perspective and details
of masthead aerial array and Holman projector.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Halcyon Brigantine-Sloop HMS Halcyon, 1812. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Harrier "Halcyon" Class Sloop HMS Harrier. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot (1:92).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Harrier
"Halcyon" Class Sloop HMS Harrier. General arrangement (profile, internal section) and details of bridge, signal deck and searchlight platform. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
J.Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. stable
HMS Harrier "Halcyon" Class Sloop HMS Harrier. Hull sections, looking forward and aft. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
J.Thornycroft & Co. Ltd. stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plans) plating plan
and details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Hedingham Castle "Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle "Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) plating plan and
details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hedingham Castle "Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman extremely fragile
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) plating plan and
details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman largely stable
HMS Hedingham Castle
"Castle" Class Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Hedingham Castle. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) plating plan and
details of fittings, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Helena
Schooner HMS Helena. General arrangement (deck plan, profile) lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) plating plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Helena
Schooner HMS Helena. General arrangement (deck plan, profile) lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) plating plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) plating plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Deck plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes description of cabins.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Deck plan. Includes description of cabins.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Helena Schooner HMS Helena. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) plating plan. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, aircraft and colour scheme. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, aircraft and colour scheme. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, aircraft and colour scheme. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (port side profile), lines plan (body plans, bow and stern) and details of main mast, radar aerial and
onboard boats. Ship shown after refit completed in 1970. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (port side profile), lines plan (body plans, bow and stern) and details of main mast, radar aerial and
onboard boats. Ship shown after refit completed in 1970. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (port side profile), lines plan (body plans, bow and stern) and details of main mast, radar aerial and
onboard boats. Ship shown after refit completed in 1970. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. Lines plan (body plans, bow and stern) and details of bridge, aircraft, colour scheme, main mast, radar aerial and onboard
boats. Ship shown after refit completed in 1970. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan). Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (port and starboard profiles) and details. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (port side profile), lines plan (body plans, bow and stern) and details of main mast, radar aerial and
onboard boats. Ship shown after refit completed in 1970. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y stable
HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, aircraft and colour scheme. Scale 1 inch to 19 feet.
Hitch, G.L.Y extremely fragile
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Copies of the parts of profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Bow part of profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Bow/amidships part of profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Stern/amidships part of profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Stern part of profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hermione Frigate HMS Hermione. Lines plan (body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hibernia HMS Hibernia. Details of stern carving. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Wyllie, Harold stable
HMS Hibernia HMS Hibernia. Details of bow and stern. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
HMS Hibernia HMS Hibernia. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
extremely fragile
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) shown as of 3 September 1939. Scale 1 inch to 60 feet.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of the shelter deck and bridge platforms as in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of the shelter deck and bridge platforms as in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of the shelter deck and bridge platforms as in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of area below the shelter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of area below the shelter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of area below the shelter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing layout of forecastle deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing layout of forecastle deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing layout of forecastle deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's forebody . Also includes perspective of stem.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's forebody . Also includes perspective of stem.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's forebody . Also includes perspective of stem.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's afterbody. Also includes perspective of stern.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's afterbody. Also includes perspective of stern.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's afterbody. Also includes perspective of stern.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of the ship's quarter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of the ship's quarter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of the ship's quarter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman extremely fragile
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. 'File Copy' stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of the shelter deck and bridge platforms as in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of the shelter deck and bridge platforms as in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of area below the shelter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of area below the shelter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing layout of forecastle deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's forebody . Also includes perspective of stem.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's afterbody. Also includes perspective of stern.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan for ship's afterbody. Also includes perspective of stern.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of the ship's quarter deck in 1933. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General details and design of ship's propellor. Scale 1 inch to 10 feet.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Hood
"Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood.. Details, including plans, elevation and sections, of 15-inch guns, turrets and mountings on HMS Hood, HMS
Queen Elizabeth, HMS Repulse and HMS Renown.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Hood "Admiral" Class Battlecruiser HMS Hood. General arrangement (profile). Incomplete, some details sketched in pencil.
largely stable
HMS Hornet 14-Gun Sloop HMS Hornet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 14-Gun Sloop HMS Hornet. Deck plan, showing layout of the quarter deck and forecastle.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 14-Gun Sloop HMS Hornet. Deck plan, showing layout of the lower deck and platforms.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 14-Gun Sloop HMS Hornet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern. Includes ship's dimensions.
HMS Hornet 6-Gun Schooner HMS Hornet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 6-Gun Schooner HMS Hornet. Midship section.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 6-Gun Schooner HMS Hornet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 6-Gun Schooner HMS Hornet. Profile, plans of upper and lower decks.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hornet 6-Gun Schooner HMS Hornet. Upper deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Hydra Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Ship HMS Hydra. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated on reverse by David MacGregor.
HMS Hydra Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Ship HMS Hydra. Profile, showing external and internal structure of the ship.
HMS Hydra Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Ship HMS Hydra. Deck plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Illustrious "Ilustrious" Class Aircraft Carrier HMS Illustrious. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge and bow. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Humber Ship Plans extremely fragile
HMS Illustrious "Ilustrious" Class Aircraft Carrier HMS Illustrious. Lines plan (Sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Humber Ship Plans stable
HMS Industry Transport Ship HMS Industry. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Industry Transport Ship HMS Industry. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Iron Duke Battleship HMS Iron Duke. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Plan shaded using watercolour paints.
HMS Jackdaw Cutter HMS Jackdaw. Midship section.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Jackdaw Cutter HMS Jackdaw. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Jackdaw Schooner HMS Jackdaw. Sail plan (profile).
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Jackdaw Schooner HMS Jackdaw. Sail plan (profile).
HMS Jackdaw Schooner HMS Jackdaw. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Jackdaw Schooner HMS Jackdaw. Profile and half-deck plan showing proposed alterations on upper deck. Includes notes describing alterations.
HMS Jackdaw Schooner HMS Jackdaw. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor in pencil and blue and red ink
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir
"K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Norman Ough and Admiralty stamp marks in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir
"K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Norman Ough and Admiralty stamp marks in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Kashmir "K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. Lines plan (sheer, half breadth, body plans) and plating plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Kashmir
"K"-Class Destroyer HMS Kashmir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Norman Ough stamp
mark in top right corner. Annotated with information about ship's plating and plan scale.
Ough, Norman largely stable
HMS Katherine 8-gun Yacht HMS Katherine. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and mast dimensions.
HMS Katherine
8-gun Yacht HMS Katherine. Profiles (inboard and outboard) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plans). Includes hull, mast, yard and gun dimensions.
Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Kingston HMS Kingston. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Kittiwake "Kingfisher" Class Coastal Sloop HMS Kittiwake. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Kittiwake "Kingfisher" Class Coastal Sloop HMS Kittiwake. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Landrail "L" Class Destroyer HMS Landrail. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan fragile
HMS Landrail "L" Class Destroyer HMS Landrail. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Landrail "L" Class Destroyer HMS Landrail. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Lightning/HMS Sylph HMS Lightning/HMS Sylph. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Lindisfarn "Isles" Class HM Trawler HMS Lindisfarn. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) showing deck furniture and internal fittings.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion "Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans), plating plan and details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion "Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans), plating plan and details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion "Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans), plating plan and details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans), plating plan and details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Amendments made
to plan. Norman Ough and Admiralty stamp marks in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion
"Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, shelter deck, flag deck, conning tower and platforms.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Lion "Lion" Class Battle Cruiser HMS Lion. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth and body plans), plating plan and details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Llandudno "Bangor" Class Minesweeper HMS Llandudno. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal layout of ship.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Llandudno Ship modelling plan for the "Bangor" Class Minesweeper HMS Llandudno. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Llandudno
Ship modelling plan for the "Bangor" Class Minesweeper HMS Llandudno. General arrangement (profile, deck plans of upper deck, lower deck, hold),
longitudinal section showing internal layout and cross sections. Includes information on displacement, dimensions, machinery, armaments and
complement of vessel.
Albion Scott Limited stable
HMS Lowestoft HMS Lowestoft. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Lydia
Frigate HMS Lydia. Details and dimensions of ship's flags including the ordinary commissioning pendant, white ensign, jack and signal flag. Scale 1 inch to 1
extremely fragile
HMS Lydia Frigate HMS Lydia. Deck plan, profile and sections (midship section, keel section) of 27 foot cutter. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Lydia Frigate HMS Lydia. Lines plan (half-breadth, sheer and body plans) of 27 foot cutter. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Lydia
Frigate HMS Lydia. Profile, deck plan and sections showing inboard profile of the keel, layout of the quarter deck and internal fittings of ship. Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot.
extremely fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Lydia Frigate HMS Lydia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Lyme Sixth-Rate Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern detail. Includes dimensions.
HMS Lyme Sixth-Rate Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern detail. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Lyme Sixth-Rate Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern detail. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Lyme Sixth-Rate Frigate Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
U.S.National Museum, Smithsonian Institute
HMS Lyme
Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) half-deck plan of forebody of vessel. Includes technical
specifications. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Lyme
Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) half-deck plan of midships of vessel. Includes technical
specifications. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Lyme
Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) half-deck plan of aftbody of vessel. One of four separate sheets that
form a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Lyme
Sixth-Rate 24-Gun Frigate HMS Lyme. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) half-deck plan of aftbody of vessel. One of four separate sheets that
form a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Lynx 10-gun Sloop HMS Lynx. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
Donovan, J. stable
HMS Manxman "Abdiel " Class Minelayer HMS Manxman. Profile, deck plans (main deck, lower deck, hold) and sections. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Manxman "Abdiel " Class Minelayer HMS Manxman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and hull sections.
HMS Mars Fifth-Rate Frigate HMS Mars. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern.
HMS Mars Fifth-Rate Frigate HMS Mars. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern.
Salisbury, William stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard
boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel "Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel "Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Norman
Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Marvel "Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard
boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard
boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard
boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Marvel "Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard
boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Marvel
"Algerine" Class Ocean Minesweeper HMS Marvel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of ship as on 31 July 1954. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Norman
Ough and Admiralty stamps in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele
"Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Matabele
"Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele
"Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele
"Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele
"Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele "Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Matabele "Tribal" Class Destroyer HMS Matabele. Lines plan (half-breadth plan) and details of armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Musquidobit Schooner HMS Musquidobit. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Nautilus 16-gun Sloop HMS Nautilus. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern detail. Includes dimensions
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Neptune
HMS Neptune, 1685. General arrangement (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sections of bow and stern showing detail of
Salisbury, William largely stable
HMS Nonpareil HMS Nonpareil. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
National Maritime Museum stable
HMS Opossum
Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Opossum. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments, fittings, whaler
and berthon boat.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Opossum
Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Opossum. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments, fittings, whaler
and berthon boat.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Opossum
Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMS Opossum. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) sections and details of armaments, fittings, whaler
and berthon boat. 'File Copy' stamped twice on bottom edge.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Orestes 18-gun Sloop HMS Orestes. Profile, showing internal arrangement of vessel as fitted in January 1839.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Ormond HMS Ormond. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Pandora
3-gun Packet Brig HMS Pandora. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and rigging detail. Includes dimensions. Annotated by David
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Pandora 3-gun Packet Brig HMS Pandora. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pandora 3-gun Packet Brig HMS Pandora. General arrangement (profile) external and internal layout of the vessel. Includes detail of skylight over the main hatch.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pandora 3-gun Packet Brig HMS Pandora. General arrangement (upper deck plan, lower deck plan) showing layout of the vessel as fitted at Chatham Dockyard.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pandora 3-gun Packet Brig HMS Pandora. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Also includes sketch plan of a top, scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pantaloon 10-gun Brig HMS Pantaloon. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pantaloon 10-gun Brig HMS Pantaloon. Deck plan, showing the layout of the upper deck as fitted at Portsmouth Dockyard.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pantaloon
10-gun Brig HMS Pantaloon. Sail plan (profile). Also includes table of figures comparing the area of sail of the vessels Pantaloon, Water Witch and Rapid.
Plan annotated by David MacGregor in red, green and blue ink to reflect different sail areas.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pelican Bomb Vessel HMS Pelican. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
HMS Penelope
"Arethusa" Class Cruiser HMS Penelope. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge,
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Penelope
"Arethusa" Class Cruiser HMS Penelope. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge,
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Penelope
"Arethusa" Class Cruiser HMS Penelope. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge,
armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Penelope
"Arethusa" Class Cruiser HMS Penelope. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Penelope
"Arethusa" Class Cruiser HMS Penelope. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to
1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Petard "M" Class Destroyer HMS Petard. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Petard "M" Class Destroyer HMS Petard. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Petard "M" Class Destroyer HMS Petard. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Peterel/HMS Seagull Schooner Packets HMS Peterel/HMS Seagull. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Peterel/HMS Seagull Schooner Packets HMS Peterel/HMS Seagull. General arrangement (profile, deck plans
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pheasant Sloop HMS Pheasant. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pincher Schooner HMS Pincher. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pincher Schooner HMS Pincher. Sail plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pincher Schooner HMS Pincher. General arrangement (upper deck plan, lower deck plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Pique/HMS Endymion
Frigates HMS Pique/HMS Endymion. Plan showing part of the main topsail yard arm with detail of block and ropes. States that arrangement of yard arm on
HMS Pique is shown in black ink and on HMS Endymion in red ink. Also includes illustration of two sailors working on the yard arm.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Pitt HMS Pitt. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of mast and yards dimensions and hull dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Plover HMS Plover. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Plover HMS Plover. Sail plan sketch (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Pluto HMS Pluto. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Prince HMS Prince, 1670. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1:48.
Science Museum fragile
HMS Prince HMS Prince, 1670. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and notes.
largely stable
HMS Prince Regent HMS Prince Regent. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
HMS Quail Cutter HMS Quail. General arrangement (upper deck plan, hold plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Rambler 18-Gun Brig HMS Rambler. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Rapid
Type 15 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Rapid. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) showing layout and frames of ship after its conversion
in 1952-53.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rapid
Type 15 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Rapid. General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of number 1-4 decks and details of onboard boats, after
conversion in 1952-53.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rapid
Type 15 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Rapid. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, sections) showing layout and frames of ship after its conversion
in 1952-53.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rapid
Type 15 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Rapid. General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of number 1-4 decks and details of onboard boats, after
conversion in 1952-53.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rattler HM Screw Steamer Rattler. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
HMS Rattlesnake
"Algerine" Class Minesweeper HMS Rattlesnake. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) of ship as in June 1943.
Also includes profiles of ship in 1944 and post Second World War. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rattlesnake
"Algerine" Class Minesweeper HMS Rattlesnake. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) of ship as in June 1943.
Also includes profiles of ship in 1944 and post Second World War. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rattlesnake
"Algerine" Class Minesweeper HMS Rattlesnake. Profile, plating plan and details of ship's bridge and armaments. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Lambert, John stable
HMS Rattlesnake
"Algerine" Class Minesweeper HMS Rattlesnake. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) plating plan and details of
ship's bridge and armaments. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot and 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Rattlesnake
"Algerine" Class Minesweeper HMS Rattlesnake. Profile, plating plan and details of ship's bridge and armaments. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Lambert, John stable
HMS Recruit Iron Brig HMS Recruit. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Recruit Iron Brig HMS Recruit. General arrangement (upper deck plan, forecastle plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Recruit Iron Brig HMS Recruit. Section and details of hull construction.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Renown HMS Renown. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. Deck plan (forecastle deck), lines plan (fore and aft body plans), sections and details of ship's bridge, main mast
and armaments. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. stable
HMS Repulse "Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. Lines plan (half-breadth plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Repulse "Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. Lines plan (body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. Deck plan (forecastle deck), lines plan (fore and aft body plans), sections and details of ship's bridge, main mast
and armaments. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. fragile
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck fittings, onboard boats and aircraft. Scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. stable
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck fittings, onboard boats and aircraft. Scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. fragile
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck fittings, onboard boats and aircraft. Scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
HMS Repulse
"Renown" Class Battlecruiser HMS Repulse. Deck plan (forecastle deck), lines plan (fore and aft body plans), sections and details of ship's bridge, main mast
and armaments. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Duckworth, J.W. largely stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Profile (inboard elevation) showing the internal layout of the ship.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Deck plan showing the layout of the ship's gun deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Deck plan showing the layout of the ship's upper deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Deck plan showing the layout of the ship's quarter deck and forecastle.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Deck plan showing the layout of the ship's orlop.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Roebuck Frigate HMS Roebuck. Profile and lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Rose HMS Rose. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Royal Admiral HMS Royal Admiral. Profile showing internal layout of vessel.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Royal Admiral HMS Royal Admiral. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Royal Marine "Military" Class Anti-Submarine Trawler HMS Royal Marine. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan) including internal layout of ship.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Royal Sovereign
HMS Royal Sovereign, 1637. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions for hull, masts and yards. Scale 1/10 inch
to 1 foot. Pencil sketches of motor launch and yacht on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
HMS Saltash
"Hunt" Class Minesweeper HMS Saltash. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans, sections) showing the internal layout of ship, the upper and lowers
decks, hold and frames.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Saumarez 'Savage' Class Destroyer HMS Saumarez. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 24 feet.
Webb Warships Co. stable
HMS Scorpian (ex HMS Etna) HMS Scorpian (ex HMS Etna). Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. Sail plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. Sail plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. Sail plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. Sail plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (profile) showing internal layout of ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. fragile
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (profile) showing internal layout of ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (profile) showing internal layout of ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly)
Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (profile) showing internal layout of ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes
detail of the ship's stern.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly)
Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (profile) showing internal layout of ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes
detail of the ship's stern.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly) Schooner HMS Sea Lark. General arrangement (deck plans) for upper and lower decks of ship as fitted in 1812.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Sea Lark (ex Fly)
Schooner HMS Sea Lark. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) as taken off and fitted in May 1812. Also includes hull dimensions
and table of spar and yard dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. Sail plan.
Rosing, J. stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. Sail plan.
Rosing, J. stable
HMS Seagull Brigantine HMS Seagull. Sail plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. General arrangement (profile, deck plans).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Seagull Schooner HMS Seagull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Serapis
HMS Serapis. Lines plan (sheer plan, hald breadth plan and body plan), profile and sterd design. Includes technical specifications. Damaged - not suitable
for public consultation.
extremely fragile
HMS Shamrock Revenue Brig HMS Shamrock. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution)
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution)
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution)
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution) Revenue Cutter HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution) Revenue Cutter HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution) Revenue Cutter HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution) HMS Shamrock (ex Resolution). Plans of the upper and lower decks showing accomodation and layout of vessel.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Shark
Sloop HMS Shark. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes keys to cabins, berths
and store rooms on vessel. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, masts and deck fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, masts and deck fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, masts and deck fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Details of crane and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Details of crane and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Details of crane and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield "City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, masts and deck fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plating plan and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats.
Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Sheffield
"City" Class Cruiser HMS Sheffield. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, masts and deck fittings. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Shincliffe "Improved Racecourse" Class Paddle Minesweeper HMS Shincliffe. Rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Shincliffe "Improved Racecourse" Class Paddle Minesweeper HMS Shincliffe. General arrangement (deck plan) of the lower deck as fitted . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Shincliffe "Improved Racecourse" Class Paddle Minesweeper HMS Shincliffe. General arrangement (deck plan) of the lower deck as fitted . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Shincliffe "Improved Racecourse" Class Paddle Minesweeper HMS Shincliffe. Rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot
"Round Table" Class Minesweeping Trawlers HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, boat
deck and wheelhouse, compass platform) and details of armaments, layout of masts, aerials and signal halyards and arrangement of steering chains. Also
includes technical information on ship's specifications.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot
"Round Table" Class Minesweeping Trawlers HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, boat
deck and wheelhouse, compass platform) and details of armaments, layout of masts, aerials and signal halyards and arrangement of steering chains. Also
includes technical information on ship's specifications.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot
"Round Table" Class Minesweeping Trawlers HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, boat
deck and wheelhouse, compass platform) and details of armaments, layout of masts, aerials and signal halyards and arrangement of steering chains. Also
includes technical information on ship's specifications.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot
"Round Table" Class Minesweeping Trawlers HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of upper deck and lower
deck), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Also includes numbered key to vessel parts.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot
"Round Table" Class Minesweeping Trawlers HMS Sir Galahad/HMS Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, boat
deck and wheelhouse, compass platform) and details of armaments, layout of masts, aerials and signal halyards and arrangement of steering chains. Also
includes technical information on ship's specifications.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sir Kay
"Round Table" Class Minesweeper Trawler HMS Sir Kay. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) and details of armaments, wire sweep equipment and
generator cabin.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sir Kay
"Round Table" Class Minesweeper Trawler HMS Sir Kay. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans) and details of armaments, wire sweep equipment and
generator cabin.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sirius
HMS Sirius. Profile and lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, complete body plan) of forebody of vessel. Scale 1:100. One of three
separate sheets that form complete plan.
MDC Ship Design Ltd. stable
HMS Sirius
HMS Sirius. Profile and lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, partial body plan) of midships and aftbody of vessel. Includes
dimensions.Scale 1:100. One of three separate sheets that form complete plan.
MDC Ship Design Ltd. stable
HMS Sirius
HMS Sirius. Profile and lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. Includes dimensions. Scale 1:100. One of three separate
sheets that form complete plan.
MDC Ship Design Ltd. stable
HMS Sovereign of the Seas
HMS Sovereign of the Seas, 1637. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and details of anchors and boats. Also includes table of spar dimensions and numbered key
to rigging. Scale 1/20 inch to 1 foot.
Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd. largely stable
HMS Sovereign of the Seas HMS Sovereign of the Seas, 1637. Sail and masting plan (profile). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Wyllie, Harold largely stable
HMS Spey "River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Spey
"River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (inboard profile) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings.
Perspective views of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes general arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal subdivisions of ship at scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Spey
"River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (inboard profile) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings.
Perspective views of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes general arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal subdivisions of ship at scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
HMS Spey "River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Spey
"River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (inboard profile) lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings.
Perspective views of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes general arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal subdivisions of ship at scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Spey "River" Class Frigate HMS Spey. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, armaments and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS St Abbs HMS St Abbs. Lines plan (body plan). Annotated in pencil, red pencil and ink.
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), elevation of aft end of bridge and cross-section through main deck and
boat deck. Also includes information on dimensions, technical specifications and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), elevation of aft end of bridge and cross-section through main deck and
boat deck. Also includes information on dimensions, technical specifications and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (inboard elevation, plan of main deck under boat deck), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (inboard elevation, plan of main deck under boat deck), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), elevation of aft end of bridge and cross-section through main deck and
boat deck. Also includes information on dimensions, technical specifications and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (inboard elevation, plan of main deck under boat deck), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
HMS St Abbs
"Saint" Class Rescue Tug HMS St Abbs. General arrangement (inboard elevation, plan of main deck under boat deck), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Also includes
information on X51 Class history and development.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. General arrangement (inboard portside profile, plan of interior) and
cross sections of hull.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. Docking plan (profile, plan, section) of vessels as fitted showing
positions of fuel tanks and ballast tanks. Includes information tables on ballast weights and tank data.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. Perspective internal views of general arrangement, crew positions
and operational equipment. Also includes lines plan (sheer plan).
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. General arrangement (inboard starboard profile, plan of interior)
and cross sections of hull. Includes numbered key to details.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. Perspective internal views of general arrangement, crew positions
and operational equipment. Also includes lines plan (sheer plan).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. Perspective internal views of general arrangement, crew positions
and operational equipment. Also includes lines plan (sheer plan).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS
X51 Class Midget Submarines HMS Stickleback/HMS Shrimp/HMS Sprat/HMS Minnow. Perspective internal views of general arrangement, crew positions
and operational equipment. Also includes lines plan (sheer plan).
Lambert, John stable
HMS Submarine Tabard
HMS Tabard 'T' Class Third Group Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details. Includes
Lambert, John stable
HMS Submarine Tabard
HMS Tabard 'T' Class Third Group Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details. Includes
Lambert, John stable
HMS Submarine Tabard
HMS Tabard 'T' Class Third Group Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details. Includes
Lambert, John stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Longitudinal section, deck plan and hull sections showing internal layout and structure of
vessel. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Also includes details of foreside of main mast and foreside of
fore mast. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Also includes details of foreside of main mast and foreside of
fore mast. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
HMS Sultana Ship modelling plans for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Items accessioned individually.
Puls, Harold E. largely stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck and framing plan, longitudinal
section showing internal layout and cross-sections of hull. Also includes ship specifications and historical notes. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Puls, Harold E. largely stable
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Section through centre of model, drawing showing optional rudder and tiller assembly and
perspective view of bows. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Puls, Harold E. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Sultana
Ship modelling plan for His Majesty's Armed Schooner Sultana. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including details of mast, rigging and naval flags. Also includes
general notes for sources for more detailed and comprehensive rigging data. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Puls, Harold E. largely stable
HMS Superier Schooner HMS Superier. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and construction sections. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Sutherland 74-Gun Ship HMS Sutherland. Profile and sail plan, showing mast, yards and sails. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Swallow Sloop HMS Swallow. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Swallow Sloop HMS Swallow. General arrangement (inboard profile and plans of forecastle, quarter deck and upper deck).
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Swan HMS Swan. Plans of upper and lower decks showing layout and accomodation. Also includes a table of dimensions of masts, yards, booms and gaffs.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Swan HMS Swan. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes hull dimensions and table of mast and yard dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Swift Sloop HMS Swift. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Termagant
"Talisman" Class Destroyer HMS Termagant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Termagant
"Talisman" Class Destroyer HMS Termagant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Termagant
"Talisman" Class Destroyer HMS Termagant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats. 'File Copy' stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Termagant HMS Termagant. General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of ship's decks.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Termagant HMS Termagant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Termagant HMS Termagant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Termagant (?)
HMS Termagant(?). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Unnamed plan - note from David MacGregor "Looks like Hilhouse draft
of Termagant (1780)".
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Terpsichore Type 16 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Terpsichore. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and sections of ship's frame.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Terpsichore
Type 16 Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate HMS Terpsichore. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing internal layout, frame positions, deck fittings
and details of armaments.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Terrible Bomb Vessel HMS Terrible. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Tipperary
"Botha" Class Destroyer HMS Tipperary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Tipperary
"Botha" Class Destroyer HMS Tipperary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Tipperary
"Botha" Class Destroyer HMS Tipperary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of deck furniture, armaments and
onboard boats.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Toreador "S" Class Destroyer HMS Toreador. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, onboard boats and deck fittings.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Toreador "S" Class Destroyer HMS Toreador. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, onboard boats and deck fittings.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Toreador "S" Class Destroyer HMS Toreador. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments, onboard boats and deck fittings.
Stephens, Alan stable
HMS Tortoise
Store Ship HMS Tortoise. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions and table of mast and yard
dimensions. Made up of two sections stuck together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Tortoise (ex Grenville)
Store Ship HMS Tortoise, formerly East India Ship Grenville. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Made up
of two sections stuck together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Triton HMS Triton. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Triton 32-Gun Frigate HMS Triton. Profile (inboard) showing the internal layout of vessel.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS True Briton Cutter HMS True Briton. Deck plan of vessel as fitted. Annotated. Rough pencil sketch on reverse side of plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS True Briton
Cutter HMS True Briton. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes planking plan and mast, yard and hull
dimensions. Amended in red and blue ink, human figure drawn on deck in pencil.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
U Class Submarines HMS Unbroken/Unison/United/Unrivalled/Unshaken /Unseen. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, deck plans) and
cross-sections of hull. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John largely stable
U Class Submarines HMS Unbroken/Unison/United/Unrivalled/Unshaken /Unseen. General arrangement (inboard profiles and deck plans showing internal
details and hull openings) and an elevation of 3 Inch 20 CWT Mark I Gun on Mark V Mounting. Includes numbered keys to detail, historical notes and
technical specifications.
Lambert, John largely stable
HMS Undine/HMS Unity/HMS Ursula
"U" Class Submarines HMS Undine/HMS Unity/HMS Ursula. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans, sections) showing internal and deck fittings and
hull construction.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Undine/HMS Unity/HMS Ursula
"U" Class Submarines HMS Undine/HMS Unity/HMS Ursula. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing external and internal layout. Includes
details of armaments and conning tower.
Lambert, John stable
HMS Upton "Ton" Class Coastal Minesweeper HMS Upton. General arrangement (profile) as fitted, showing internal layout of ship. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Upton
"Ton" Class Coastal Minesweeper HMS Upton. General arrangement (deck plans) as fitted, showing layout of forecastle, flag and bridge decks. Scale 1/2
inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Upton "Ton" Class Coastal Minesweeper HMS Upton. General arrangement (deck plan) as fitted, showing layout of upper deck. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Upton "Ton" Class Coastal Minesweeper HMS Upton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes table of offsets. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Upton "Ton" Class Coastal Minesweeper HMS Upton. Plating plan. Also includes tables of shipbuilders modifications and additions. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Norman Ough stamp mark in top right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Vega
"V" Class Destroyer HMS Vega. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and plating plan. Also includes details of armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image with modifications drawn in ink.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and elevation of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and elevation of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan of upper deck showing belaying pin layout of running rigging. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition
she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan of upper deck showing belaying pin layout of running rigging. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition
she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan of upper deck showing belaying pin layout of running rigging. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition
she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Part section of ship's hull, showing the guns run out. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Part section of ship's hull, showing the guns run out. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Part section of ship's hull, showing the guns run out. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of four ship's guns: 68 pounder carronade, 32 pounder gun, 24 pounder gun and 12 pounder gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of four ship's guns: 68 pounder carronade, 32 pounder gun, 24 pounder gun and 12 pounder gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of four ship's guns: 68 pounder carronade, 32 pounder gun, 24 pounder gun and 12 pounder gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Stern elevation showing main lower mast, yard and top. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Profile, midship section and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the appearance of ship after the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Profile, midship section and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the appearance of ship after the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 68 pounder carronade as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 68 pounder carronade as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 68 pounder carronade as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 32 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 32 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 32 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 24 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 24 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 24 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 12 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 12 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 12 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of 12 pounder gun as in 1805.
Lavis, Basil fragile
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan), stern elevation and details of guns and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil fragile
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan), stern elevation and details of guns and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan), stern elevation and details of guns and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan), stern elevation and details of guns and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan), stern elevation and details of guns and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan of upper deck showing belaying pin layout of running rigging. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition
she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Deck plan showing layout of orlop or lower deck. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil fragile
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail plan (profile), showing all the cloths in each sail . Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Part section of ship's hull, showing the guns run out. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Part section of ship's hull, showing the guns run out. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of main and fore capstans. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Stern elevation showing main lower mast, yard and top. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Stern elevation showing main lower mast, yard and top. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Stern elevation showing main lower mast, yard and top. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Midship section showing internal layout and gun decks. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Profile, midship section and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the appearance of ship after the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Profile, midship section and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the appearance of ship after the Battle of Trafalgar in
1805. Annotated by David MacGregor
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of four ship's guns: 68 pounder carronade, 32 pounder gun, 24 pounder gun and 12 pounder gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil fragile
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Details of four ship's guns: 68 pounder carronade, 32 pounder gun, 24 pounder gun and 12 pounder gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil extremely fragile
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Reversed image.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and details of anchors. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and elevation of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half deck plan of upper deck and elevation of stern. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows
the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil extremely fragile
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the
condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Reversed image.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil fragile
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), includes plans of tops and crosstrees and onboard boats. Plan shows the ship restored to the condition she was in at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Profile of ship's hull. Annotated by David MacGregor with information regarding colour scheme.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Profile of ship's hull. Annotated with information regarding colour scheme. Additional notes and revisions by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Half-deck plan of the quarter deck and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Half-deck plan of the quarter deck and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Half-deck plan of the quarter deck and forecastle. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of ship as in 1759. Profile (inboard and outboard works) and perpendicular view of ship's
stern as in 1805. Includes information on ship's dimensions and armaments.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Deck plans of poop deck, quarter deck, forecastle and upper deck as in 1805. Also midship section as in 1805.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Rigging plan as in 1805.
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Sail and rigging plan, half-deck plan of poop, quarter deck and forecastle, midship section and stern elevation. Also includes a profile of ship
after the Battle of Trafalgar, showing jury rig used to proceed to Gibraltar.
MacGregor, David stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Plan and elevations of the Ward Room on the middle deck, under the Admiral's cabin. Includes details of doors and hatching. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Lines plan (body plan). Includes ship's dimensions.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Plan and elevation of 12 pounder guns on ship's upper deck. Scale 1 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Plan, elevations, sections and details of 9 pounder muzzle loading ship's gun. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Moulding details drawn half size.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Profile of ship's hull.
Lavis, Basil stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Deck plans.
Lavis, Basil extremely fragile
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Details of bower anchor. Scale 1 inch to1 foot. Includes dimensions.
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), midship section, stern elevation and details of platforms and bow figurehead. Includes information on history,
armaments and crew of the ship.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory
Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile), midship section, stern elevation and details of platforms and bow figurehead. Includes
information on history, armaments and crew of the ship.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. Sections of ship's hull, includes assembly instructions.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. Diagrams, illustrations and photographs showing details of the ship's layout and construction.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory
Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. General arrangement (deck plan), section with deck line and perspective views of ship. Also includes details of
armaments, anchors, onboard boats and deck fittings.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory
Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. Rigging plan (profile) with details of masts, yards, stays and other equipment. Also includes perspective view of ship
and details of binnacle and compass, figurehead and 68 pounder carronade.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory Ship modelling plan for HMS Victory. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) of onboard boats.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory
Leaflet advertising ship modelling plan for the Royal Navy warship HMS Victory in 1805, available from Vincenzo Lusci. Includes black and white photograph
of a completed model of Victory. Written in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes information on dimensions and guns.
largely stable
HMS Victory
HMS Victory. Perspective drawings showing inboard and outboard profiles of hammock nettings on the forecastle of HMS Victory. Also includes perspective
drawings of nettings on museum models of the "Pegasus" and a Spanish 60-gun ship.
HMS Victory HMS Victory. Plans, elevations, sections and details of middle gun deck, officers ward room, capstan and ship's wheel. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
extremely fragile
HMS Warrior Ironclad HMS Warrior. General arrangement (deck plan, sections) showing the internal layout of the ship.
Admiralty, Whitehall extremely fragile
HMS Warrior Ironclad HMS Warrior. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by Commander W Norton.
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite
"Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Reversed image.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite
"Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. "File
Copy" stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing appearance in 1931. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman fragile
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite "Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Warspite
"Queen Elizabeth" Class Battleship HMS Warspite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plating plan. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. "File
Copy" stamped in bottom right corner.
Ough, Norman stable
HMS Wasp Sloop HMS Wasp. Rigging plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
HMS Waterwitch 10-Gun Brig HMS Waterwitch. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of upper and lower decks) and detail of dispensary.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Waterwitch 10-Gun Brig HMS Waterwitch. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions and table of timber sizes.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
HMS Wellington "Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMS Wellington
"Grimsby" Class Escort Sloop HMS Wellington. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) lines plan (half-breadth plan) and details of bridge, forecastle,
funnel and deck fittings. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "File Copy" written in red pencil in bottom right corner.
Wilson, E.N. extremely fragile
HMS Wild Goose "Black Swan" Class Sloop HMS Wild Goose. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1943. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas Submarines HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas. General arrangement (deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas Submarines HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas. General arrangement (deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal details.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas
Submarines HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, deck plan) showing deck furniture and internal
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas
Submarines HMS/M Affray and HMS/M Aeneas. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, deck plan) showing deck furniture and internal
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Submarine Tabard
HMS/M Tabard 'T' Class Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections) showing deck furniture and internal fittings after conversion in
1955. Includes dimensions.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Submarine Tabard
HMS/M Tabard 'T' Class Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections). Also includes profiles of the submarine as completed in 1946,
and at subsequent conversions between 1955 and 1958.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Submarine Tabard
HMS/M Tabard 'T' Class Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections). Also includes profiles of the submarine as completed in 1946,
and at subsequent conversions between 1955 and 1958.
Lambert, John stable
HMS/M Submarine Tabard
HMS/M Tabard 'T' Class Submarine . General arrangement (profile, deck plans, sections). Also includes profiles of the submarine as completed in 1946,
and at subsequent conversions between 1955 and 1958.
Lambert, John stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also details of bridge, boat deck, galley and 4-inch
gun, scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also details of bridge, boat deck, galley and 4-inch gun,
scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. Profile (inboard elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1942. Includes details of bridge, forecastle, boat deck and 4-inch gun.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1942. Includes details of bridge, forecastle, boat deck and 4-inch gun.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. Profile (inboard elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of asdic deck. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also details of bridge, boat deck, galley and 4-inch gun,
scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. Profile (inboard elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of asdic deck. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. Profile (inboard elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of asdic deck. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1942. Includes details of bridge, forecastle, boat deck and 4-inch gun.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
HMT Lady Shirley
Armed Trawler HMT Lady Shirley. Profile (inboard elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of asdic deck. Scale 3/16 inch
to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Hoang Ho Ship Hoang Ho. Detail of bulwark.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical information on the mainsail.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical information on the mainsail.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Sail plan (profile). Includes technical information on the mainsail.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Profile and deck plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil on reverse.
MacGregor, David stable
Hobah Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated in black and red pencil by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Ketch Hobah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated in black and red pencil by David MacGregor.
Preliminary sketch, written on reverse.
MacGregor, David stable
Sailing ShipHolkar/California/Lord Templemore/Sindia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David
Holkar Four-Masted Ship Holkar. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Holyhead Irish Royal Mail Paddle Steamship Holyhead. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Day & Son stable
Irish Royal Mail Paddle Steamship Holyhead. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) profile and sections showing internal layout of engines,
funnels and paddle wheel mechanism. Includes information of ship's dimensions, tonnage and engines.
Day & Son stable
Holyhead Irish Royal Mail Paddle Steamship Holyhead. Deck plans showing layout of upper deck, lower deck and hold.
Day & Son stable
Hope Barque Hope. Half section of ship showing internal dimensions.
Hope Barque Hope. Half section of ship showing internal dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Fast Sailing Brig Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile, deck plan, midship section and perpendicular view of stern. Includes
hull dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Hosianna Hosianna. Details of sails, including full measurements.
MacGregor, David stable
Hospodar Steam Yacht Hospodar. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Hova Ship modelling plan for the Destroyer Hova. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Ship modelling plan for the Destroyer Hova. General arrangement (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan), hull sections, stern view and details of funnel and
masts. Scale 1:100.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Ship modelling plan for the Destroyer Hova. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (body plan), sections and details of deck fittings, armaments and
onboard boats. Scale 1:100.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Ship modelling plan for the Destroyer Hova.Title, "Notice historique et nomenclature. Escorteur Oceanique Hova, 1945, T51". Perspective black and white
illustration of vessel at seal. Typed information about the ship, its dimensions, colour scheme and numbered key relating to ship plans.Written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Hova Key to ship modelling plan for the Destroyer Hova.Typed numbered list referring to the deck fittings and furniture on the ship plans. Written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Hulks at Purton
Plan showing the location of hulks of vessels abandoned on the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal at Purton, Wiltshire, as of 5-6 October 1952. Includes
numbered key to names of vessels. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Perspective view.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Perspective view. Amended and annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Amended and annotated by David MacGregor.
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Perspective view.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Partial deck plan, profile and sections.
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and detail of fairleads on sheer elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper Ship Hurricane. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan of forebody and midships). One of two sheets that make complete
Clipper Ship Hurricane. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan of aftbody and midships). One of two sheets that make complete
Clipper Ship Hurricane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Annotated, red pencil additions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Hurricane Clipper Ship Hurricane. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Hyperion Hyperion. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
I.C.U. DH 786 Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Sail plan. Scale 1 inch to 5 feet
Haddock, B.J. stable
I.C.U. DH 786 Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Sail plan. Scale 1 inch to 5 feet
Haddock, B.J. stable
I.C.U. DH 786 Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Sail plan. Scale 1 inch to 5 feet
Haddock, B.J. stable
I.C.U. DH 786 Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Sail plan. Scale 1 inch to 5 feet
Haddock, B.J. stable
I.C.U. DH 786 Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet.
Haddock, B.J. stable
I.C.U. DH 786
Brixham Trawler I.C.U. DH 786. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet. "David MacGregor Plans" stamped in bottom
right corner.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Lines plan (body plan) and midship section.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan).
March, Edgar J. stable
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Lines plan( sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Lines plan( sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Lines plan( sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ibex BM 27 Ketch Trawler Ibex BM27. Sail and rigging plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ida Zeigler Ida Zeigler. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated and amended in pencil.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
IMS Akagi
Japanese Aircraft Carrier IMS Akagi. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow elevation and details of onboard aircraft. Includes
ship's dimensions.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
IMS Nagato
Japanese Battleship IMS Nagato. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow elevation and details of bridge decks. Includes ship's
dimensions and information on armaments.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
IMS Shokaku
Japanese Aircraft Carrier IMS Shokaku. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow elevation and details of onboard aircraft.
Includes information on ship's dimensions and armaments.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
IMS Soryu
Japanese Aircraft Carrier IMS Soryu. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow and stern elevations and details of onboard
aircraft. Includes information on ship's dimensions and armaments.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
India Barque India. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
India Barque India. Details of ship's side rails. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
India Barque India. Deck plan.
India Barque India. Deck plans of forecastle and poop deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. Profile.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. Profiles showing frame and reverse frame heights.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
India Barque India. Profile and half-deck plans for main deck and lower deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Indian Queen Indian Queen. Details of figure head and bow decoration. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
Indian Queen Indian Queen. Elevation, plan section and vertical section of stern. Includes details of decoration on taffrail. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
Indian Queen Indian Queen. Rigging plan (profile) showing arrangement of fore and aft stays. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
Indian Queen Indian Queen. Rigging plan (profile) showing arrangement of shrouds and backstays. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
Industry Brig Industry. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Industry/Emma/Sirdar Industry/Emma/Sirdar. Details of mainsails and jib, includes sail dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Industry/Kate/Regina Brigs Industry/Kate/Regina. Details of mainsails, includes dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Inger (Barque No.326)
Three-Masted Barque Inger (Barque No.326). Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark "Archibald McMillan & Son Ltd, Dumbarton" in
top right.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. largely stable
Inger (Barque No.326)
Three-Masted Barque Inger (Barque No.326). Rigging plan (profile).Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark "Archibald McMillan & Son Ltd,
Dumbarton" in bottom right. Annotated.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. fragile
Inger (Barque No.326)
Three-Masted Barque Inger (Barque No.326). Rigging plan (profile).Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark "Archibald McMillan & Son Ltd,
Dumbarton" in bottom right. Annotated.
Archr McMillan & Son. Ltd. fragile
Inkermann Barque Inkermann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and half-deck plan showing frames.
McBeath, George fragile
Invincible Clipper Ship Invincible. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Invincible Clipper Ship Invincible. Sail and rigging plan.
Invincible Clipper Ship Invincible. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Iona River Steamer Iona. Elevation and cross sections showing the ship's engines. Includes technical information on dimensions and speed of engines.
Mackenzie, William stable
Irene Brig of War Irene. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), stern view and detail of bulwarks. Plate 1.
Brig of War Irene. Profile (outboard details, longitudinal section), half-deck plan showing deck beams and water-lines. Plates 2-5. Note on reverse of plan
states Irene was the ex-HMS Grasshopper, captured by the Dutch in 1811.
Irish Trader and Passenger Steam Ship Irish Trader and Passenger Steam Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Day & Son fragile
Irish Trader and Passenger Steam Ship Irish Trader and Passenger Steam Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and longitudinal section showing internal layout of vessel.
Day & Son largely stable
Iron Sailing Barges Iron Sailing Barges Nos.69-80. Rigging plan (profile).
C.H.Harrington & Co stable
Iron Sailing Ship Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section of an iron sailing ship. Includes hull dimensions.
Iron Screw Steamer No.8 Iron Screw Steamer No.8. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Brig Irton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body). Extra items from plans of similar brigs drawn in red pencil, including stern elevation. Includes
ship's dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Irton Brig Irton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body) and stern elevation based on similar brig.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Irton Brig Irton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body) and stern elevation based on similar brig.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Isaac Webb Packet Ship Isaac Webb. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Isabella Schooner Isabella. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Isabella Schooner Isabella. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Isabella Clipper Schooner Isabella. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions
Franklin Institute stable
Isabella Clipper Schooner Isabella. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions
Franklin Institute stable
Isabella Clipper Schooner Isabella. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
U.S.National Museum, Smithsonian Institute
Isabella Clipper Schooner Isabella. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
U.S.National Museum, Smithsonian Institute
Isabella Isabella. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern.
Richardson, J. stable
Isabella Anderson Schooner Isabella Anderson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Isis Schooner Isis. Midship section, including measurements.
Isle D'Orleans
Isle D'Orleans. General arrangement (profile, plans of upper deck, main deck and lower deck).Includes dimensions. Architects stamp mark "Gilmore,
German & Milne, Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors, Montreal, Que" on bottom right corner.
Gilmore, German & Milne largely stable
Italia Italian Battleship Italia. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Also includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
Italian 18th Century Gun Boat
Italian 18th Century Gun Boat. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of information written in Italian. Note on reverse of
plan reads "Disegno A con il calcolo sub lit C".
Obtienth, Horvath largely stable
Italian 18th Century Gun Boat
Italian 18th Century Gun Boat. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of information written in Italian. Note on reverse of
plan reads "Disegno A con il calcolo sub lit C". Letter "B" written in red ink.
Obtienth, Horvath largely stable
Ivy Ketch Ivy. Details of sails, including dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
J H Barrow Schooner J H Barrow. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
J H Barrow Schooner J H Barrow. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
J. T. North Barque J.T.North. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
J.Campbell Sailing Ship J.Campbell. Lines plan (sheer plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Jacob Bell Clipper Ship Jacob Bell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Clark Collection, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jally Ho of Cowes Jally Ho of Cowes. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes ship's dimensions
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines
Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated by David MacGregor.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes information on ship's dimensions and tonnage.
James Baines
Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes information on ship's dimensions, tonnage
and sail measurements. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile,deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Baines Clipper Ship James Baines. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Douglas, G.B. stable
James Booth Clipper Ship James Booth. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Henderson, James stable
James Bruce Yawl James Bruce. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
James Craig Barque James Craig. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes ship's dimensions.
Sydney Maritime Museum Ltd.
James Craig
Barque James Craig. General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of cabins, deckhouse and deck furniture. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes ship's
Sydney Maritime Museum Ltd.
James Craig Barque James Craig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes ship's dimensions.
Sydney Maritime Museum Ltd.
James Craig Barque James Craig. General arrangement (profile) and sail plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Sydney Maritime Museum Ltd.
James Davidson James Davidson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David stable
James Davidson Barquentine James Davidson. Lines plan (body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
James Davidson Barquentine James Davidson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
James Davidson Barquentine James Davidson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
James W Fisher Brigantine James W Fisher. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Jane Banks Schooner Jane Banks. Details of sails with full measurements.
MacGregor, David stable
Jane Williamson Brig Jane Williamson. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Janet Cowan Iron Ship Janet Cowan. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Janette Schooner Janette. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section and sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Janette Schooner Janette. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Henderson, James stable
Janette Schooner Janette. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section and sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Ship modelling plan for a Jangada, a traditional Brazilian fishing boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sections, perspective view and details of
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Jarramas Full-Rigged Ship Jarramas. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Jersey Ship Jersey. Details and dimensions of spars.
MacGregor, David stable
Jersey Ship Jersey. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ship Jersey. Profile, rigging plan and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Two additional sheets of tracing paper
with stern elevation and stern profiles attached to plan using sticky tape. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Jersey Ship Jersey. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
JNR JNR. Profile and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
JNR JNR. Profile and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
JNR JNR. Sail plan, including full measurements.
MacGregor, David stable
Johan Frederik Snow Johan Frederik. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Ammended using pink ink.
Rasmusfen, Carl F. stable
Johan Frederik Snow Johan Frederik. Sail plan (profile). Includes table of ship's dimensions.
Rasmusfen, Carl F. stable
Johan Frederik Snow Johan Frederik. Sail plan (profile). Includes table of ship's dimensions.
Rasmusfen, Carl F. largely stable
Johan Frederik Snow Johan Frederik. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Rasmusfen, Carl F. largely stable
John Schooner John. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
John Schooner John. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
John Schooner John. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John Schooner John. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John and Jane John and Jane. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan), deck plan and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John and Jane John and Jane. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan), deck plan and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
John and Mary John and Mary. Profile, half-deck plan and stern elevation. Includes information on paint scheme.
MacGregor, David stable
John and Mary John and Mary. Profile, deck plan and stern elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
John and Mary John and Mary. Profile, half-deck plan and stern elevation. Includes information on vessel's dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
John and Mary John and Mary. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
John Bell Steamship John Bell. Plan and section showing the arrangement of kelsons and bunkers when converted to a steamship.
John Bell Ship John Bell. Sail plan (section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John Bell Ship John Bell. Sail plan (profile).
John Bell Ship John Bell. Details of engine/boiler for conversion of ship to steamer.
Neilson & Co. stable
John Bell Ship John Bell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Propeller detail added to sheer plan in pink.Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
John Bell Ship John Bell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Propeller detail added to sheer plan in pink.Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John Bell Ship John Bell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Propeller detail added to sheer plan in pink.Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John Bell
Ship John Bell. General arrangement (deck plan) showing internal details and alterations to engines. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foo.t Annotated in red pencil. David
MacGregor stamp mark on bottom right..
MacGregor, David fragile
John Bunyan John Bunyan. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
John Bunyan John Bunyan. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
John C.Munro Ship John C.Munro. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
John C.Munro Ship John C.Munro. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
John Farley Ketch John Farley. Lines plan (half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
John Farley Ketch John Farley. Lines plan (half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
John Garrow Iron Ship John Garrow. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plans) showing alterations made to the ship's hull.
Miller, Lithographer stable
John Lidgett
Clipper Ship John Lidgett. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor. Sketch of alternative sail arrangement for
ship on reverse side of plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
John Nicholson John Nicholson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
John R.Manta
Whaling Schooner John R.Manta. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) galley section and stern
view. Also includes details of onboard boats, deck fittings and painting schedule. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. stable
John R.Manta Whaling Schooner John R.Manta.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes details of rigging equipment and anchors. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. stable
John R.Worcester
Clipper Ship John R.Worcester. Perspective view of ship in a cyclone in the Pacific Ocean just east of Formosa Island. Annotated with information about
rigging and colour scheme.
MacGregor, David fragile
John R.Worcester
Clipper Ship John R.Worcester. Perspective view of ship in a cyclone in the Pacific Ocean just east of Formosa Island. Annotated with information about
rigging and colour scheme.
MacGregor, David stable
John W.Atkins John W.Atkins. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Coenraets, L. stable
John W.Atkins John W.Atkins.Deck plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Coenraets, L. stable
John W.Atkins John W.Atkins.Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Coenraets, L. stable
John Williams III ex Samoa Barque John Williams III. Rigging plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and section.
John Williams III ex Samoa Barque John Williams III. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
John Williams III ex Samoa Barque John Williams III. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
John Williams III ex Samoa Barque John Williams III. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and section.
largely stable
John Williams III ex Samoa Barque John Williams III. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Jolly Mariner Jolly Mariner. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Joseph Conrad (ex-Georg Stage)
Auxiliary Training Ship Joseph Conrad. General arrangement (profile), longitudinal section and bulwark elevation. Also includes large scale details of
bulwarks, detail of stern decoration and colour scheme for painting model.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Joseph Conrad (ex-Georg Stage) Auxiliary Training Ship Joseph Conrad. General arrangement (plans of forescastle and house tops, main deck and tween deck).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Joseph Conrad (ex-Georg Stage)
Auxiliary Training Ship Joseph Conrad. Sail and rigging plan (profile), elevation of fore side of main mast, details of top, cross trees and Royal Harwich Yacht
Club burgee (flag). Also includes sketch of figurehead.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Joseph Conrad (ex-Georg Stage) Auxiliary Training Ship Joseph Conrad. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Josephine Mestier Schooner Josephine Mestier. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and section.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.Reversed image. Amended in red ink by David MacGregor.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Midship section. Includes technical information. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Hall & Co. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Juan de La Vega Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Midship section. Includes technical information. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot
Alexander Hall & Co. stable
Juan de la Vega
Clipper Brigantine Juan de La Vega. Displacement scale. Builder's stamp mark "Alexander Hall & Co., Wood & Iron Ship Builders, Aberdeen" in bottom right
corner. Dated 29/9/71.
Alexander Hall & Co. stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Juanpore Barque Juanpore. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Julia Schooner Julia. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Jupiter Jupiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Jupiter Jupiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Jupiter Jupiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Jupiter Jupiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Jupiter Jupiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Kaisow. Clipper Ship Kaisow. General arrangement (deck plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Kaisow. Clipper Ship Kaisow. General arrangement (deck plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Kaisow. Clipper Ship Kaisow. General arrangement (deck plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. General arrangement (deck plan) and details of stern decoration.
MacGregor, David stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Plating plan. Coloured in pencil to indicate different materials.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Reversed, negative image.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Reversed, negative image.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Sail plan(profile). Includes dimensions and rough sketches of stern decoration. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kappa Barque Kappa. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions and rough sketches of stern decoration. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Barque Kappa. Midship section, lines plan (body plan, part of half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (part of profile and deck plan) Scale 3/16 inch to
1 foot. Includes technical information on ship's weight and displacement. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Barque Kappa. Lines plan (part of half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (part of profile and deck plan) Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes
dimensions. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Barque Kappa. Profile and plan views of bow showing detail of Brown & Harfield patent windlass. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd archive stamp mark on bottom right.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Karun el Rascid Ship modelling plan for the Karun el Rascid. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Sirenette, Ed. stable
Karun el Rascid
Ship modelling plan for the Saracen Xebec Karun el Rascid. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan, bulwark elevation) and sections of vessel's
hull. Also includes details of deck furniture, rigging and onboard boat.
Sirenette, Ed. stable
Karun el Rascid
Ship modelling plan instructions for the Saracen Xebec Karun el Rascid, including diagrams and model construction notes. Written in English, German,
Italian and French.
Sirenette, Ed. stable
Kate Cearney Kate Cearney. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport
Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans). Includes information on framing methods, salting and
coppering techniques used on ship hulls.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Sections of ship hull.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing schooner rig, 1856-57. Details of fore rigging and main rigging.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Details of deck furniture.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Details of spars.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport Whaling Brig Kate Cory. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing brig rig, 1858-63. Details of fore rigging.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport
Whaling Schooner Kate Cory. Decks plans showing belaying points for schooner rig and brig rig. Details and dimensions of rigging fittings. Also includes
details of whale boat, anchors, blubber hook and log pump.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Kate Cory of Westport.
Whaling Schooner Kate Cory of Westport. General arrangement (hull profiles - starboard, bow and stern) and detail of private signal flag used by Alexander
H. Cory of Westport, Massachusetts.
Ronnberg, Erik A.R. stable
Katherine Ship plan of yacht Katherine. This rolled plan is very fragile and has not been open - not suitable for public consultation.
extremely fragile
Kathleen Spritsail Barge Kathleen. Sail plans (profile). Includes tables of sail and spar dimensions.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Kathleen Spritsail Barge Kathleen. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section, deck plan)
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Spritsail Barge Kathleen Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), decks plans showing deck and ceiling framing. Includes plans of forecastle and
cabin and table of timber dimensions.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Kathleen Spritsail Barge Kathleen. Cross sections of hull looking foreward and aft. Includes information on colour scheme and rigging dimensions.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Kathleen Spritsail Barge Kathleen. Sail and rigging plan (profile, stern view) of vessel in 1944. Annotated.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Kathleen and May Topsail Schooner Kathleen and May. Sail plan (profile). Amendments in red ink to masts and rigging. Annotated. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Willoughby, R.M. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.Scale 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details.Scale 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May), as an auxiliary, 1960. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Waine, C.V. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May), as an auxiliary, 1960. General arrangement (deck plans and profile).
Waine, C.V. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May), as an auxiliary, 1960.Deck fittings, rail (profile and perspective). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Waine, C.V. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May), as an auxiliary, 1960. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan).
Waine, C.V. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Mast details. Includes dimensions. Pencil annotations. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Willoughby, R.M. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Yards and gear details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Willoughby, R.M. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Booms and gaffs details. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Willoughby, R.M. stable
Kathleen and May (ex Lizzie May) Topsail schooner Kathleen & May (ex Lizzie May). Belaying pin details. Includes dimensions.
Katie Katie. Details and dimensions of sails.
MacGregor, David stable
Katrine Schooner Katrine. Sail plan (profile).
Katrine Danish Schooner Katrine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-section of hull.
Jensen, A. fragile
Katy of Norfolk Ship modelling plan for the Virginia Pilot Boat Katy of Norfolk. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Katy of Norfolk
Ship modelling plan for the Virginia Pilot Boat Katy of Norfolk. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement
(outboard profile, half-deck plan), midship section and details of mast and rigging. Includes colour schedule for painting model.
Model Shipways stable
Katy of Norfolk
Ship modelling plan for the Virginia Pilot Boat Katy of Norfolk. Booklet of model assembly instructions by Jim Roberts. Orange cover with perspective
illustration of the Katy in black ink. Title: "Instructions for Modelling A Virginia Pilot Boat: Katy".
Model Shipways stable
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile).
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile). Reversed, negative image.
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Kelpie Topsail Schooner Kelpie. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Amendments in red ink.
MacGregor, David fragile
Kenilworth Kenilworth. Rigging plan (profile). Includes list of spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Kenilworth Ship Kenilworth. Details of rigging, including bowsprit, yards, booms and gaffs.
largely stable
Kensington Corvette Kensington. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions for hull and spars.
Chapelle, H.I. extremely fragile
Ketch Barge Ketch Barge by J.D.Foster of Emsworth. Lines plan sketch (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ketch Martinet Ketch Martinet. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes key and dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ketch Martinet Ketch Martinet. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes key and dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ketch Martinet Ketch Martinet. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes key and dimensions.
March, Edgar J. extremely fragile
Kilmallie Barque Kilmallie. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/12 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Small, Adrian stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. Deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. Sail plan (profile) of fore of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. Sail plan (profile) of aft of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune Barque Kinclune. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune/Lochinvar, Ship Nos.201-202. Longitudinal section and combined deck plan showing main deck, lower deck, quarter deck, cabin deck and
forecastle deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Kinclune/Lochinvar Kinclune/Lochinvar, Ship Nos.201-202. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing accomodation.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
King Arthur Iron Clipper Ship King Arthur. Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
King of Tyre Schooner King of Tyre. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan) sketch. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Kingsbridge Schooner Schooner from Kingsbridge, Devon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Kingsbridge Schooner Schooner from Kingsbridge, Devon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Kirkcudbrightshire Ship Kirkcudbrightshire. Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Kitakami Ship modelling plans for the Imperial Japanese Navy Torpedo Cruiser Kitakami. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Lopatniuk, Andrzei stable
Ship modelling plan for the Imperial Japanese Navy Torpedo Cruiser Kitakami. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan, body plan), sections and details. Scale 1:200. Text written in Polish. Plans printed on both sides of sheet.
Lopatniuk, Andrzei stable
Ship modelling plan for the Imperial Japanese Navy Torpedo Cruiser Kitakami. Details of ship's fittings including bridge, funnels and masts. Scale 1:100.
Text written in Polish. Plans printed on both sides of sheet.
Lopatniuk, Andrzei stable
Ship modelling plan for the Imperial Japanese Navy Torpedo Cruiser Kitakami. Details of ship's fittings including armaments, onboard boats and masts.
Scale 1:100. Text written in Polish. Plans printed on both sides of sheet.
Lopatniuk, Andrzei stable
Kitty/Sunbeam/Swift Barge Kitty/Sunbeam/Swift. Details and dimensions of sails.
MacGregor, David stable
L Kaas/Sirius
Danish Two-Masted Schooners L Kaas/Sirius. Double sided plan. Recto: Sail plan (profile) of L Kaas and table of dimensions. Verso: Sail plan (profile) of
La Anfitrlite La Anfitrlite. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Sail plan (profile).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Rigging plan (profile).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Sections and perspective views of the ship's hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Details of sails, platforms, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1:105.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Details of masts and rigging and perspective views of ship's hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan ,body plan).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne Ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne. Ship model rigging assembly and painting instructions.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne List of ship modelling plans available from Vincenzo Lusci, includes perspective view of the French warship La Couronne. Written in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne
Leaflet advertising ship modelling plan for the French warship La Couronne, available from Vincenzo Lusci. Includes black and white photograph of a
completed model of La Couronne. Written in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Couronne List of ship modelling plans available from Vincenzo Lusci, includes perspective view of the French warship La Couronne. Written in Italian.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
La Gazelle Ship La Gazelle. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
La Gazelle 16-Gun Brig La Gazelle. Sail plan (profile). Stamp mark of Paris Maritime Museum in top right corner.
Musee de la Marine largely stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Profile, longitudinal section, half-sections of bow and stern, details of guns and crows nest.
MacGregor, David stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Profile, longitudinal section, half-sections of bow and stern, details of guns and crows nest.
MacGregor, David fragile
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Profile, longitudinal section, half-sections of bow and stern, details of guns and crows nest.
MacGregor, David stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
La Santa Maria
Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile). Annotated in ink and pencil by David MacGregor, with coded stickers to indicate different colours to be used to paint
ship model.
MacGregor, David largely stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David largely stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Profile, longitudinal section, half-sections of bow and stern, details of guns and crows nest. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
La Santa Maria
Nao La Santa Maria. Rough draft of sail plan (profile), longitudinal section, half-sections of bow and stern, details of ships armaments and crows nest.
Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), detail of crows nest. Scale 1:40.
Martinez-Hidalgo, Jose stable
La Santa Maria
Nao La Santa Maria. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), detail of crows nest. Scale 1:40. Annotated by David
Martinez-Hidalgo, Jose extremely fragile
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. General arrangement (half-deck plan), longitudinal section and half-sections of bow and stern. Scale 1:40.
Martinez-Hidalgo, Jose fragile
La Santa Maria Nao La Santa Maria. Details of ship's armaments, anchor, buckets, water barrel, ladle and oven . Scale 1:20.
Martinez-Hidalgo, Jose fragile
La Vipere
French Brig La Vipere. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Table of mast and yard dimensions stuck onto
reverse side of plan
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
La Vipere French Brig La Vipere. Plan of upper deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Lady Hamond/Rebecca Lady Hamond/Rebecca. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and perspective view. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lady Hamond/Rebecca Lady Hamond/Rebecca. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and perspective view. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lady Hood Mackenzie Brigantine Lady Hood Mackenzie. Sail plan (profile).
Lady Hood Mackenzie Brigantine Lady Hood Mackenzie. Sail plan (profile). Reversed image.
Lady Octavia Clipper Ship Lady Octavia. Plating plan, showing thickness of plating for 50 feet from either end of ship.
Lady of Avenel Auxilliary Brigantine Lady of Avenel. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes details of owners flag.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Lady of Avenel Auxilliary Brigantine Lady of Avenel. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), showing layout after conversion to a yacht.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Lady of Avenel Auxilliary Brigantine Lady of Avenel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for scale model. Includes information on colour scheme of vessel.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Lady of the Lea
Wooden Sailing Barge Lady of the Lea. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan, cabin plan, forecastle plan), longitudinal and midship sections,
bow and stern elevations. Includes hull dimensions. Letter from Peter Ferguson to David MacGregor pinned to plan. This item removed and separately
Ferguson, Peter stable
Lady Palmerston Barque Lady Palmerston. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1937. Includes details of bridge and sections through bulwark and rail. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1937. Includes details of bridge and sections through bulwark and rail. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) as in 1937. Includes midships section and details of ships fishing equipment and
deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) as in 1937. Includes midships section and details of ships fishing equipment and
deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) as in 1937. Includes midships section and details of ships fishing equipment and
deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) as in 1937. Includes midships section and details of ships fishing equipment and
deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lady Shirley
Trawler Lady Shirley. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as in 1937. Includes details of bridge, sections through bulwark and rail, dimensions and
colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Steam Trawler Ladysmith. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) and details of interiors of chart room, lamp room and galley.
Includes information on engines and boiler and ships dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Cochrane & Sons Limited stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) and details of deck fittings, galley and chart room interiors
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings, nets, front of bridge and forecastle end. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings, nets, front of bridge and forecastle end. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings, nets, front of bridge and forecastle end. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) and details of deck fittings, galley and chart room interiors
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) and details of deck fittings, galley and chart room interiors
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Ladysmith Steam Trawler Ladysmith. Plan and elevation of the trawl winch used on Ladysmith, part of a larger drawing.
Cochrane & Sons Limited stable
SteamTrawler Ladysmith. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plans) and details of deck fittings, galley and chart room interiors
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Lahloo Clipper Ship Lahloo. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Lake Superior Ship Lake Superior. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Lammermoor Clipper Ship Lammermoor. Half-midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
John Reid & Co. stable
Lammermoor/Cedric the Saxon Clipper Ships Lammermoor/Cedric the Saxon. Lines plan (sheer plan) and deck plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Lanchester Machine Carbine Profile, plan, section and perspective view of a Lanchester Machine Carbine. Includes key to components.
Lambert, John stable
Lanchester Machine Carbine Profile, plan, section and perspective view of a Lanchester Machine Carbine. Includes key to components.
Lambert, John largely stable
Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249) Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249) Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. stable
Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249) Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249) Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249) Large Smack Purple Heather (LT249). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer. Reversed image.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Lark Schooner Lark. General arrangement (profile), longitudinal section and midship section, showing alterations as fitted out as schooner.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Late 17th Century English Warship. Late 17th Century English Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Unfinished.
Late 17th Century English Warship. Late 17th Century English Warship. Half midship section.
British Museum stable
Late 17th Century English Warship. Late 17th Century English Warship. Profile and sketch plan of ship's bows. Text across top of plan, written in Italian.
British Museum stable
Late 17th Century English Warship. Late 17th Century English Warship. Profile and deck plan. Text across top of plan, written in Italian.
British Museum stable
Late 17th Century English Warship. Late 17th Century English Warship. Stern elevation. Text across top of plan, written in Italian.
British Museum stable
Late Eighteenth Century 20 Gun Sloop Late Eighteenth Century 20 Gun Sloop. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and plan of bowsprit. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Hutchins, A.D. stable
Late Eighteenth Century 20 Gun Sloop Late Eighteenth Century 20 Gun Sloop. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and deck plan. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Hutchins, A.D. stable
Le Coureur Ship modelling plan for the French Armed Lugger Le Coureur. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Coureur
Ship modelling plan for the French Armed Lugger Le Coureur. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail and
rigging plan, hull sections and details of anchor, cannons and onboard boats. Scale 1:100.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Coureur Ship modelling plan instructions for the French Armed Lugger Le Coureur. 7 pages of notes and illustrations on the history and construction of the model.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Courlis Ship modelling plan for the Bisquine Le Courlis. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Le Courlis
Ship modelling plan for the Bisquine Le Courlis. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan (profile), hull
sections and details of fittings and onboard boats. Scale 1:50.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Le Courlis
Descriptive guide for the ship modelling plan of the Bisquine Le Courlis. Recto: Title, "Notice Descriptive. Bisquine de Cancale Le Courlis 1908". Black and
white Illustration of two sailing ships at sea. Verso: Typed information about the ship and its dimensions. Also information on model scale measurements
and colour scheme.Written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Le Pompee Le Pompee. Upper deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Le Railleur Le Railleur. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Le Redoubtable
French Ironclad Warship Le Redoubtable. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan of
barbettel gun battery. Also includes information tables on vessel's displacement and principal dimensions.
Vavasseur, F. largely stable
Le Richelieu Ship modelling plan for the French Battleship Le Richelieu. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Richelieu
Ship modelling plan for the French Battleship Le Richelieu. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of forebody, lines plan (body plan) and detail of
forward guns. Scale 1:100.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Richelieu
Ship modelling plan for the French Battleship Le Richelieu. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) amidships, sections and details of bridge, masts, guns
and onboard boats. Scale 1:100.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Richelieu
Ship modelling plan for the French Battleship Le Richelieu. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of aftbody, plans of platforms and details of guns,
lights and deck fittings. Scale 1:100.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Richelieu
Ship modelling plan instructions for the French Battleship Le Richelieu, including historical notes, key tables to plans and model construction information.
Written in French.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Le Tonnant Ship modelling plan for the French warship Le Tonnant. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Le Tonnant
Ship modelling plan for the French warship Le Tonnant. Sail and rigging plan, general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and details of
anchors, guns and figurehead. Scale 1:60.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Le Tonnant Ship modelling plan for the French warship Le Tonnant. Lines plan (half-breadth plan) and sections of ship's hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Le Tonnant
Ship modelling plan for the French warship Le Tonnant. Double-sided plan. Bulwark elevation, details of deck fittings, anchors, onboard boats. Also includes
black and white photographs of model hull at different stages of construction. Sail and rigging plans, including details of masts, spars and rigging.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Le Tonnant Ship modelling plan instructions for the French warship Le Tonnant. Includes notes and illustrations on construction of ship's hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Le Tonnant
Ship modelling plan instructions for the French warship Le Tonnant. Includes 32 pages of notes, illustrations, photographs and diagrams on the
construction of the model.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Leander Clipper Ship Leander. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and section. Includes information on ship dimensions.
Leander Clipper Ship Leander. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Leander Clipper Ship Leander. Sail plan (profile). Includes mast and spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Leisure Sport Brig Replica Leisure Sport Brig Replica. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, P.M. stable
Leisure Sport Brig Replica Leisure Sport Brig Replica. Lines plan (sheer pla, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Wood, P.M. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Leisure Sport Brig Replica Leisure Sport Brig Replica. Sail plan (profile).
Wood, P.M. stable
Leon Brigantine Leon. Profiles, sections, deck plan showing constructional details of frames and planking. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes table of dimensions.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Leon Brigantine Leon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Leon Brigantine Leon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Details of fore and main masts.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Brigantine Leon. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan) and details of timbering inside bulwarks. Also includes information on colour scheme for use on
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Leon Brigantine Leon. Detail of deck fittings.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Leon Brigantine Leon. Details of spars and rigging. Includes mast and spar proportion tables.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
L'Eroica-Venetia Corvette L'Eroica-Venetia. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/2 size of model.
Veil, O.M. largely stable
L'Eroica-Venetia Corvette L'Eroica-Venetia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Veil, O.M. largely stable
Lesty Salcombe Lifeboat Lesty. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan showing contructional detail.
Darch, Malcolm D. largely stable
Schooner L'Etoile. Lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail and rigging plan (sections), bow and stern elevations and details of deck furniture, deck
fittings, masts and onboard boats. Scale 1:50.
Association Des Amis Du Musee de la Marine
L'Etoile Schooner L'Etoile. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and details of deck fittings. Scales 1:50 and 1:25.
Association Des Amis Du Musee de la Marine
16-gun Brig Lexington. General arrangment (deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section and section showing end
framing. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Leavitt, Clyde M. stable
Lexington 16-gun Brig Lexington. Sections and half-sections of hull frames. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Leavitt, Clyde M. stable
Liberty and Property Liberty and Property. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Salisbury, William stable
Liberty and Property Liberty and Property. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
Liberty and Property/Royal Navy Warship
Liberty and Property/Royal Navy Warship 1660-1661. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Two plans drawn on each side of one sheet of
Salisbury, William stable
Liberty Ship EC2 Cargo Ship Liberty Ship EC2. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Also includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
Lieutenant Rene Guillon Lieutenant Rene Guillon. Sail plan (profile) and deck plan. Very faint copy of original plan.
Lieutenant Rene Guillon
Three-Masted Motor Schooner Lieutenant Rene Guillon. Sail plan (profile) and deck plans (forecastle, poop deck). Includes principal dimensions. Scale
1:100. Text written in French. Stamp mark "Poul Christensen Naskskov, Denmark" in bottom right corner.
largely stable
Lighter of the West Coast of France (Cotes Ouest de
France - Gabare)/Norman Fishing Boat (Cote de
Normandie - Bateau de Peche de Fecamp)
Lighter of the West Coast of France (Cotes Ouest de France - Gabare)/Norman Fishing Boat (Cote de Normandie - Bateau de Peche de Fecamp). Sail plans
(profile), lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangements (half-deck plan). Also includes midship section for Norman Fishing
Boat and tables of dimensions.
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Henderson, James stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. General arrangement (profiles, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Annotated on reverse with David MacGregor stamp.
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). "M.I.T." stamp in bottom left corner.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody of ship. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of midships. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Lightning Clipper Ship Lightning. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody of ship. One of four separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Lightweight Twin 20mm Oerlikon Gun Mark T
Lightweight Twin 20mm Oerlikon Gun Mark T Mounting. General arrangement, plans, elevations and details of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key
and colour scheme for mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Lilla Dan Schooner Lilla Dan. Sail plan (profile) and deck plan. Annotated.
Lily Baynes Schooner Lily Baynes. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes mast and spar dimensions.
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing deck layout and fittings
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half-deck plan and cross section of hull.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet. Includes information on colour scheme.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet. Includes information on colour scheme. Reduced A3 size version.
Haddock, B.J. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet. Includes information on colour scheme. Reduced version.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet. Includes information on colour scheme.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half-deck plan and cross section of hull.
Haddock, B.J. stable
Lily Doreen Brixham 'Mule' Type Sailing Trawler Lily Doreen. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing deck layout and fittings
Haddock, B.J. stable
L'Invention French Privateer L'Invention. Sail plans (profile).
L'Invention French Privateer L'Invention. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
L'Invention/Black Joke French Privateer L'Invention/Black Joke. Sail plans (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Lismore II
Lismore II. General arrangement (inboard elevation, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross section of vessel, c.1925.
Includes information ships dimensions. Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Lismore II Lismore II. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Liss French Privateer Liss of St Malloes. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Liverpool Pilot Cutter. Liverpool Pilot Cutter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated. "M.I.T: Clark Collection" stamp in bottom right corner.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Liverpool Pilot Cutter.
Liverpool Pilot Cutter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated. "M.I.T: Clark Collection" stamp in bottom right corner. White and
black image.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Livery Barge Regalia
Purpose Built Function Barge Regalia. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), bow elevation and midship section. Includes dimensions and description
of principal accommodation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Catamaran Cruisers stable
Lizzie May (later Kathleen & Mary) Topsail schooner Lizzie May (later Kathleen & May). Details of rail and deck fittings, including perspective view of deck and bulwark elevation.
Waine, C.V. stable
Lizzie May (later Kathleen & May) Schooner Lizzie May (renamed Kathleen & May in 1908). General arrangement (deck plan and profile).
Waine, C.V. stable
Lizzie May (later Kathleen & May) Schooner Lizzie May (renamed Kathleen & May in 1908). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Waine, C.V. stable
Lizzie May (later Kathleen & May) Schooner Lizzie May (renamed Kathleen & May in 1908). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Waine, C.V. stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. Profile and deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. Details of lifeboat davit. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Llewelyn Barque Llewelyn. Details of lifeboat davit. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Loch Class Frigate
Loch Class Frigate. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and hull cross-sections. Includes dimensions. Scales 1 inch to 50 feet. Ministry of Defence
copyright stamp mark on reverse of plan.
Ministry of Defence largely stable
Loch Class Frigate
Loch Class Frigate. Double-sided modellers plan. Recto: general arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull cross-sections and views of bridge, mast, funnel and
whaleboat. Includes model specifications, technical notes, colour scheme and list of Loch Class ships. Verso: Perspective views showing details of deck
fittings and model building instructions.
Modelcraft Ltd. largely stable
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350. General arrangement (deck plan) of lower deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" stamp
mark in upper left section of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350. General arrangement (deck plan) of forecastle and upper deck, including plans of superstructure deck and
oerlikon gun platform. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" and David MacGregor Plans stamp marks in upper left section of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350. General arrangement (plans of superstructure and bridge decks, port side and starboard elevations of bulkhead
and bulwark). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes tables of supply items. "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" and David MacGregor Plans stamp marks in upper
left section of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
largely stable
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350. General arrangement (outboard profile and sections of superstructure and bridge decks,). Scale 1/2 inch to 1
foot. Includes list of voice pipes. "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" and David MacGregor Plans stamp marks in upper left section of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
largely stable
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350
Loch Class Frigates Nos.342 and 346-350. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and offsets table. Includes dimensions. Scales 1 inch, 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch to 1
foot. "Robb Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd" and David MacGregor Plans stamp marks in upper left section of plan.
Robb, Caledon Shipbuilders Ltd.
largely stable
Loch Etive/Loch Sunart Iron Sailing Ship Loch Etive/Loch Sunart. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Loch Etive/Loch Sunart Iron Sailing Ship Loch Etive/Loch Sunart. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), details of poop deck and forecastle.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Loch Etive/Loch Sunart Iron Sailing Ship Loch Etive/Loch Sunart. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and details of flags. Includes technical information on arrangement of masts and sails.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Loch Etive/Loch Sunart Iron Sailing Ship Loch Etive/Loch Sunart. Details of deck fittings.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Loch Etive/Loch Sunart Iron Sailing Ship Loch Etive/Loch Sunart. Details of masts, spars and rigging.
Underhill, Harold A.
Loch Katrine Clipper Ship Loch Katrine. Rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Loch Torridon Four-masted Iron Barque Loch Torridon. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes table of spar dimensions.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
London/HMS Grasshopper
London/HMS Grasshopper. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (bulwark elevation, half deck plan) detail of
ftansoms and table of spar dimensions. Annotated.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Longboat Longboat, 1779. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Longboat for 80-Gun Ship
32 foot Longboat for 80-gun ship. Profile, half-deck plan and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes
Steel & Co. stable
Longboat for 80-Gun Ship
32 foot Longboat for 80-gun ship. Profile, half-deck plan and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes
Steel & Co. stable
Lord Denby's Maggot Lord Denby's Maggot. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan).
Henderson, James stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James fragile
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan).
Henderson, James fragile
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan ( partial sheer plan and half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of information on ship's displacement.
A. & C. Black Ltd. stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (partial sheer plan and half-breadth plan). Includes hull dimensions.
A. & C. Black Ltd. stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (partial sheer plan and half-breadth plan, body plan).
A. & C. Black Ltd. stable
Lord of the Isles Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Bird, Ralph stable
Lord of the Isles
Clipper Ship Lord of the Isles. Lines plan ( sheer plan and half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes information on dimensions and displacement of vessel.
Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
Aikman, G. stable
Lord Warden Lord Warden. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Lord Western Lord Western. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Lord Western
Lord Western. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Number "7" written in bottom left corner and "File Copy" written in bottom right
MacGregor, David stable
Loudon Castle Sailing Ship Loudon Castle. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Louisa Louisa. Midship section, outline deck plan and sketch showing arrangement of bolts in longitudinal planking.
largely stable
L'Ouragan Ship modelling plan for the Slave Carrier Brig L'Ouragan. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Ship modelling plan for the Slave Carrier Brig L'Ouragan. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail and rigging
plans and details of spars, anchors, cannons, and onboard boats. Scale 1:100
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
L'Ouragan Ship modelling plan instructions for the Slave Carrier Brig L'Ouragan.7 pages of notes and illustrations on the history and construction of the model.
Les Amis Des Musees De La Marine
Lowestoft Smack Lowestoft Smack. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. stable
Lowestoft Smack Lowestoft Smack. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. stable
Lowestoft Smack Lowestoft Smack. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. stable
Lowestoft Smack Lowestoft Smack. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Plan approved by W.S.Parker, ship's designer.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Lucerne Sailing Ship Lucerne. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Lucia A.Simpson
Three-masted Schooner Lucia A.Simpson. Model rigging plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions for standing and running rigging. Scale 3/6 inch to 1
Potter, H.W. fragile
Lucia A.Simpson
Three-masted Schooner Lucia A.Simpson.General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of
after cabins, masts and spars. Scale 3/6 inch to 1 foot.
Potter, H.W. stable
Lugger with Sliding Keels Lugger with Sliding Keels. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lurline Barque Lurline. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Lurline Barque Lurline. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
L'Utile 14-Gun French Sloop L'Utile. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated on reverse side.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Lydia Grant. Lydia Grant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets.
Smithsonian Institution stable
Lydia Grant. Lydia Grant. Deck plan and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes hull dimensions. Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets.
Smithsonian Institution stable
Lydia Grant. Lydia Grant. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes hull dimensions. Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets.
Smithsonian Institution stable
Brigantine Lynk. Two sail plans (profile). One plan is includes sail dimensions and shows hull under waterline. The other is amended in red ink,
superimposing different sail arrangement on existing drawing.
largely stable
Lynx Brig Lynx. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Lynx (later HMS Musquidobit) Letter-of-Marque Armed Schooner Lynx. Sail and spar plan (profile). Annotated.
Lynx (later HMS Musquidobit)
Letter-of-Marque Armed Schooner Lynx. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes information on dimensions and
Chapelle, H.I. stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bulwark elevation and deck beam plan of vessel as in 1928. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) bulwark elevation and deck beam plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Perspective view of ship's hull showing lines.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Perspective view of ship hull showing lines. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Perspective view of ship hull showing lines. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Perspective view of ship hull showing lines.
MacGregor, David fragile
Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) bulwark elevation and deck beam plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Mast details.
MacGregor, David fragile
Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Amended by David
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) bulwark elevation and deck beam plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Bulwark elevation and deck beam plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Detail of bowsprit.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Amended by David MacGregor
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail plan (profile). Pencil sketch with annotations identifying different parts of hull.
Slade, Captain W.J. fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail and rigging plan.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) bulwark elevation and deck beam plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. General arrangement sketch of profile and deck plan. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David fragile
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Name of vessel written on reverse side of plan.
MacGregor, David stable
M.A.James Topsail Schooner M.A.James. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Extensively amended and annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Motor Torpedo Boat/Motor Gun Boat 538. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as both a M.T.B. and a M.G.B., cross sections and deck plan showing
internal details. Includes numbered key to general arrangement and information on the dimensions, machinery, displacement, armament and complent of
Lambert, John largely stable
Vosper's Motor Torpedo Boat 510. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as completed in January 1944 and in April 1945. Plan of engine room and
detail of depth charge arrangement. Includes numbered keys and information on the service history, dimensions, displacement, armament, speed and
complement of boat.
Lambert, John largely stable
Vosper's Motor Torpedo Boat 510. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, upper and lower deck plans) as projected January 1943. Includes
numbered key and information on the dimensions, displacement, armament, speed and complement of boat.
Lambert, John largely stable
Vosper's Motor Torpedo Boat 510. Plans, elevations, sections and details of the arrangement of the bridge, chart house, deck house and lifebuoy stowage.
Includes numbered keys to drawings.
Lambert, John largely stable
Vosper's Motor Torpedo Boat 510. Plans, elevations, sections and details of the arrangement of the torpedo tube seats and loading chocks, depth charges
and mast. Includes numbered keys to drawings.
Lambert, John largely stable
Vosper's Motor Torpedo Boat 510. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and rigging arrangement (profile, deck plan) for mast. Also includes
detail showing position of backstay eyebolt and numbered key to rigging.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.523 Motor Torpedo Boat 523. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and internal arrangement) and cross sections.
Lambert, John stable
Motor Torpedo Boat 53. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing external and internal layout, plan of bridge and wheelhouse at deck level and
cross sections of hull. Based on design of boat as in 1939.
Lambert, John largely stable
United States Built Vosper 71 Foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.723 - as supplied to the USSR under Lease Lend. General arrangement (outboard and inboard
profiles, upper deck and accomodation deck plans). Includes numbered key and information on the dimensions, displacement, armament, speed and
complement of boat.
Lambert, John stable
United States Built Vosper 71 Foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.723 - as supplied to the USSR under Lease Lend. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan), hull profile showing underwater fittings and general arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, upper deck and accomodation deck plans).
Includes numbered key to detail.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.s 1983/1984 T3 and T4
Vosper's Motor 60 Foot Torpedo Boats Nos.1983/1984 T3 and T4, for the Swedish Navy - as designed. General arrangement (outboard and inboard
profiles, upper and lower deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull cross-sections. Includes numbered key to drawings.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 347-362
Motor Torpedo Boats 347-362. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments (.5 Vickers Machine Gun,Twin .5 Inch Mark V Powered
Gun Mounting) and chart room. Includes information on dimensions, machinery, armaments, complement and service history of boats.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 347-362
Motor Torpedo Boats 347-362. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments (.5 Vickers Machine Gun,Twin .5 Inch Mark V Powered
Gun Mounting) and chart room. Includes information on dimensions, machinery, armaments, complement and service history of boats.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.'s 347-362
Motor Torpedo Boats 347-362. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of armaments (.5 Vickers Machine Gun,Twin .5 Inch Mark V Powered
Gun Mounting) and chart room. Includes information on dimensions, machinery, armaments, complement and service history of boats.
Lambert, John stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
M.T.B.s 35 - 38 and 218 - 221
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats Nos. 35 - 38 and 218 - 221. General arrangement (profile, plans of upper deck, lower deck and wheelhouse) and cross-
sections of hull. Includes information on the history, dimensions, displacement, armament, speed and complement of boats.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.s 35 - 38 and 218 - 221
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats Nos. 35 - 38 and 218 - 221. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, plans of upper deck and lower deck)
and mast detail. Includes numbered key to drawings.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.s 35 - 38 and 218 - 221
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats Nos. 35 - 38 and 218 - 221. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), plus plans and sections showing
arrangement of wheelhouse. Includes numbered and alphabetical keys to drawings.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.'s 379 and 380-395
Motor Torpedo Boats 379 and 380-385. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and accommodation), longitudinal section showing
internal fuel and water tanks, cross sections and plan showing arrangement when reloading torpedo tubes. Includes information on dimensions,
machinery, armaments, speed and fuel capacity of boats.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 379 and 380-395
Motor Torpedo Boats 379 and 380-385. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and accommodation), longitudinal section showing
internal fuel and water tanks, cross sections and plan showing arrangement when reloading torpedo tubes. Includes information on dimensions,
machinery, armaments, speed and fuel capacity of boats.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 379 and 380-395
73 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats 379 and 380-385. General arrangement (deck plan) showing accommodation, internal fuel tanks and engines. Also includes
cross sections of hull showing arrangement of torpedo tubes, fuel tanks and berths. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Vosper & Co. Ltd. stable
M.T.B.'s 379 and 380-395 73 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats 379 and 380-385. General arrangement (profile, plan of upper deck). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Vosper & Co. Ltd. stable
M.T.B.'s 523-530 and 532-533
Motor Torpedo Boats 523-530 and 532-533. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and internal arrangement) and cross sections.
Includes information on dimensions, machinery, armaments, speed and crew of boats.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.'s 523-530 and 532-533
Motor Torpedo Boats 523-530 and 532-533. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), perspective drawing of M.T.B.523 on builders trials in
July 1945 and detail of bridge. Includes table of hull data, numbered key to bridge detail and of list of completion dates and fates of individual M.T.B.s.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.'s 523-530 and 532-533
Motor Torpedo Boats 523-530 and 532-533. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), perspective drawing of M.T.B.523 on builders trials in
July 1945 and detail of bridge. Includes table of hull data, numbered key to bridge detail and of list of completion dates and fates of individual M.T.B.s.
Lambert, John stable
M.T.B.'s 523-530 and 532-533
Motor Torpedo Boats 523-530 and 532-533. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and internal arrangement) and cross sections.
Includes information on dimensions, machinery, armaments, speed and crew of boats. "Superseded" written in bottom right corner.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 57 - 66
Vosper 70 foot Motor Torpedo Boats Nos.57 - 66. General arrangement (profile, deck plans for upper deck and internal arrangement) longitudinal section
and cross sections. Includes key to detail and information on history, dimensions, machinery, armaments, speed and crew of boats.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.T.B.'s 73 - 98 and 222 - 245
Vosper 72 foot Motor Torpedo Boats Nos.73 - 98 and 222 - 245. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans for upper deck and internal arrangement)
longitudinal section and cross sections. Includes key to detail and information on history, dimensions, machinery, armaments, speed and crew of boats.
Lambert, John largely stable
M.V.Bapbapa/Sword of the Prophet
MV Bapbapa PI 287, the vessel to be converted into the Chebec Sword of the Prophet for use in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:50
M.V.Riviere-du-Loup M.V.Riviere-du-Loup. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of promenade deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Maasbank Tug Boat Maasbank. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Maasbank Tug Boat Maasbank. Sections of superstructure.
Maasbank Tug Boat Maasbank. Details of deck fittings.
Mab Barge Mab. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Mab Barge Mab. Profile, deck plan and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Truro River Working Boat Mabel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Profile. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Mabel Young Iron Barque Mabel Young. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Sailing Ship Macdiarmid. General arrangement (deck plan) of deck and cabins, drawn in ink and watercolour. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp
"Archd Millan & Son, Shipbuilders, Dockyard, Dumbarton" in upper right section of plan.
A.Millan & Son fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid. General arrangement, plan and starboard elevation of deckhouse. Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to1 foot. Annotated.
extremely fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid. Plan of fore deck and bowsprit.
extremely fragile
Sailing Ship Macdiarmid.Plan showing submerged and emerged areas of ship's hull with load of1,200 tons of ballast. Lined sheet of paper attached to top of
extremely fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid.Plan showing immerged and emerged areas of ship's hull.
extremely fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid.Plan showing immerged and emerged moments of ship's hull. Lined sheet of paper attached to top of plan.
extremely fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid.Plan showing submerged and emerged waterline of ship's hull with a load of 1,200 tons on board.
extremely fragile
Macdiarmid Sailing Ship Macdiarmid, No.251. Outline profile of hull. Dimensions written on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Macdiarmid/Aberfoyle Sailing Ship Macdiarmid. Details of bowsprit of the ships Macdiarmid and Aberfoyle, including dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
extremely fragile
Cutter Madge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes table of
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Madge Cutter Madge. Details of windlass and bowsprit housing, iron deck fittings. Includes notes on the history and construction of vessel.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Maggie/Mystery Maggie/Mystery. Details of mainsails and foresails, including dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Magnus Troil Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Annotated with information on dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Magnus Troil Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Annotated with information on dimensions.
Henderson, James stable
Magnus Troil Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Annotated with information on dimensions. Reversed, negative image.
Henderson, James stable
Magnus Troil
Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Amended to include a flag on main mast with "Magnus Troil" written in reverse. Text in top right corner reads:
"David R.MacGregor. Exhibition of Marine Paintings". Additional text running along bottom reads :"aboard the Princess Elizabeth at Swan Pier 9, 10 & 11
Feb 1976". Annotated by David MacGregor.
Henderson, James stable
Magnus Troil
Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Amended to include a flag on main mast with "Magnus Troil" written in reverse. Text in top right corner reads:
"David R.MacGregor. Exhibition of Marine Paintings". Additional text running along bottom reads :"aboard the Princess Elizabeth at Swan Pier 9, 10 & 11
Feb 1976".
Henderson, James stable
Magnus Troil
Schooner Magnus Troil. Sail plan (profile). Amended to include a flag on main mast with "Magnus Troil" written in reverse. Text in top right corner reads:
"David R.MacGregor. Exhibition of Marine Paintings".
Henderson, James stable
Main Armament. The 15 Inch Mark 1 Gun. Details of the 15 inch Mark 1 gun and the Mark 1 (N) mounting used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Main Armament. The 15 Inch Mark 1 Gun. Details of the 15 inch Mark 1 gun and the Mark 1 (N) mounting used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Main Armament. The 15 Inch Mark 1 Gun. Details of the 15 inch Mark 1 gun and the Mark 1 (N) mounting used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Main Top Construction detail showing side elevation and front elevation of a main mast top. Annotated, "DRM's copy" written in lower right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Mairmaid. Plan and profile of patent windlass "improved by Mr More, as fitted on board the Mairmaid, bound for Antigua in Feb 1773". Includes
alphabetical key to parts.
Science Museum stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Maitland Clipper Ship Maitland. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper Ship Maitland. General arrangement (deck plan, longitudinal section). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Name of ship's commander
(William Coulson), owner, (J.R.Kelso) and builders, (W.Pile Hay & Co of Sunderland) on upper part of plan.
Maitland Composite Clipper Ship Maitland. Rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Maju Iron Sailing Ship Maju. Midship section.
Iron Ship Malabar. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor and Michael Costagliola
regarding identity of ship.
Costagliola, Michael largely stable
Malacca Ship Malacca. Deck plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Malacca Ship Malacca. Profile (inboard). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Malacca Ship Malacca. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Malacca Ship Malacca. Profile and section of ship's stern.
MacGregor, David fragile
Malaysia Malaysia, ship no.132. Main deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Russell & Co., Shipbuilders, Greenock" in bottom right corner.
Russell & Co. largely stable
Maltese Boats (Bateaux Maltais)
Maltese Boats. Profiles of various types of Maltese sailing boats. Also includes map of the coast of Tunisia. From publication "Souvenirs de marine
conserves". Text in French.
largely stable
Man-of-War's Boats
General arrangement (profile, deck plan) longitudinal and cross sections, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of 30 foot launch or longboat
and 27 foot whaler. Also includes perspective sketch showing the construction of longboat. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Man-of-War's Boats
General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal and cross sections and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of 30 foot eight oared
cutter and 28 foot eight oared pinnace. Also includes perspective sketch showing keel construction. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (body plan). Uncompleted plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan sketch (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Mansfield Mansfield. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Marcel B/Ranger/Serapis Marcel B/Ranger/Serapis. Profile of forebody, including details of the ship's figurehead. Scale 1:25.
Wood, P.M. fragile
Marcel B/Ranger/Serapis Marcel B/Ranger/Serapis. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bows, quarter deck, poop deck and stern. Scale 1:50.
Wood, P.M. stable
Marchioness of Salisbury
Post Office Packet Brig Marchioness of Salisbury. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marchioness of Salisbury
Post Office Packet Brig Marchioness of Salisbury. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marchioness of Salisbury
Post Office Packet Brig Marchioness of Salisbury. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (body plan) and sketch of transome.
MacGregor, David stable
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Geoghegan, W.E. stable
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (half body plan).
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Stevens, John R. stable
Marco Polo Clipper Ship Marco Polo. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Marguerite Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Marguerite. Sail plan (profile).
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Marguerite Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Marguerite. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Marguerite Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Marguerite. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Barquentine Maria. Perspective view of vessel under sail, with lightship "Noorhinder" in background. Pencil tracing taken from watercolour by A.Clerck,
Antwerp, 1885.
MacGregor, David stable
Marie Marie. Sketches of bow, stern and sections of hull. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marie Marie. Lines plan ( half-breadth plan, body plan), profile and deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marie Marie. Lines plan ( half-breadth plan, body plan), profile and deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Marie Marie. Lines plan ( half-breadth plan, body plan), profile and deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Danish Two-Masted Sailing Vessel Marie . Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-section of hull. Builder's stamp mark "A.Jensen,
Baade & Skibobygger, Oxenbjerg, Svendberg" in bottom right of plan.
Jensen, A. extremely fragile
Marie Adelaide Ship modelling plan for the Ketch Marie Adelaide. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Marie Adelaide
Ship modelling plan for the Ketch Marie Adelaide. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sail plan and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body
plan). Also includes hull sections and details of deck fittings and onboard boat. Scale 1:50.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Marie Adelaide
Ketch Marie Adelaide. Recto: Title, "Notice Descriptive. Haranguier de Fecamp Marie Adelaide, 1877". Perspective black and white illustration of vessel
under sail. Verso: Typed information about the ship and its dimensions. Also information on model scale measurements and colour scheme.Written in
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Marie Sophie Brig Marie Sophie of Falmouth. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Marie Sophie Brig Marie Sophie of Falmouth. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Marie Sophie Brig Marie Sophie of Falmouth. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), section and details of quarterdeck and deck furniture.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Marie Sophie
Brig Marie Sophie of Falmouth. Profile (longitudinal section) and half-deck plan showing framing, planking and other constructional details. Includes hull
sections and details of keel, keelson, spacer-blocks and keelson stringer.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Marieville Ship modelling plan for the Missisippi Steamboat Marieville. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for the Missisippi Steamboat Marieville. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
cross- section, bow and stern views. Also includes model assembly instructions.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for the Missisippi Steamboat Marieville. Deck plans, perspective view of vessel and paddle-wheel and details of steering wheel, steam
whistle and bell.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Marigold Cutter Marigold. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated with sketches of rigging equipment and table of measurements.
Marine Boiler Marine Boiler. Plans, sections and details of boiler, with measurements and specification of materials. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Stockton Chemical Engineers & Riley Boilers Ltd.
Mariner's Chart
Colour illustrations showing perspective views of various types of vessel: Four-masted barque, off-shore trawler, freighter, international yacht and rowing
dinghy. Also includes profiles and sail plans of other vessels, maps and diagrams explaining fishing techniques, navigation, winds and sea currents and
information on famous maritime explorers.
Tull Graphic Limited stable
Marmion. Schooner Marmion. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor in blue pencil.
Marpesia Clipper Ship Marpesia. Sketch showing outline profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan). Annotated with measurements.
MacGregor, David fragile
Marpesia Clipper Ship Marpesia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Bird, Ralph stable
Marpesia Clipper Ship Marpesia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Bird, Ralph stable
Marquis of Granby Marquis of Granby. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of stern.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Marquis of Granby Marquis of Granby. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of stern. Amended and annotated by David MacGregor.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Mary Snow Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Mary Brig Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Kennaugh, William stable
Mary Brig Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary Brig Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and deck plan, showing framing. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Mary Mary. Details of sails in 1921. Includes dimensions for foresail, mainsail and gaff topsail.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary Mary. Half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Sketches and annotations in pencil by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary and Beatrice Coast Guard Cutter Mary and Beatrice. Sail plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mary and Beatrice Coast Guard Cutter Mary and Beatrice. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mary and Beatrice Coast Guard Cutter Mary and Beatrice. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes principal dimensions of hull.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mary and Gertrude/My Lady Schooner Mary and Gertrude/My Lady. Details of mainsail, square sail and flying jib. Includes dimensions for upper and lower topsail.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary Galley Mary Galley. Profile, deck plan, lines plan (half-breadth, body plan) and midship section. Uncompleted plan.
Mary Gonson Tudor Warship Mary Gonson. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections.
Mary Gonson Tudor Warship Mary Gonson. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections.
Mary Lord Mary Lord. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Mary Lord Mary Lord. Sail plan (profile) showing forebody of vessel. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Mary Lord Mary Lord. Sail plan (profile) showing aftbody of vessel. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Mary Moore Barque Mary Moore. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mary Moore Barque Mary Moore. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mary Moore
Barque Mary Moore. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) midship section and displacement scale. Includes
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Details of sails. Includes dimensions for barge sails and small jib.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mary of Truro
Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions and rigging notes. Amended
and annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions and rigging notes.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions and rigging notes.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro
Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions and rigging notes. Annotated by
David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Sail and rigging plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Plan sketch in bottom right corner. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary draft.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Mary of Truro Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary draft. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro
Wood Trading Smack Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated in red ink and with pencil sketch of cleats.
MacGregor, David stable
Mary of Truro
Wood Trading Smack Mary. General arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary draft. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Steam Ship Mascotte. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of spars, deck fttings and cabins, rigging plan and longitudinal section (profile).
Tables of technical information on ship's dimensions and engines. Annotated in red ink.
L.G.Campbell & Co. fragile
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing vessel in winter rig.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing vessel in winter rig. Reversed image.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. General arrangement (plans of deck, hold and deck framing) showing deck fittings, layout and construction of
vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. General arrangement (plans of deck, hold and deck framing) showing deck fittings, layout and construction of
vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. General arrangement (plans of deck, hold and deck framing) showing deck fittings, layout and construction of
vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Information on the dimensions and history of vessel, including its conversion to motor power in 1946.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Information on the dimensions and history of vessel, including its conversion to motor power in 1946.
March, Edgar J. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile) and midship section. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Information on the dimensions and history of vessel, including its conversion to motor power in 1946. Reversed image.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Rigging plan and general arrangement (longitudinal section) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
foot. Includes information on dimensions and materials used in construction of hull.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Rigging plan and general arrangement (longitudinal section) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
foot. Includes information on dimensions and materials used in construction of hull.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Rigging plan and general arrangement (longitudinal section) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
foot. Includes information on dimensions and materials used in construction of hull. Reversed image.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Details of deck fittings. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Details of deck fittings. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Details of deck fittings. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203
Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile) and midship section.
Information on the dimensions and history of vessel, including its conversion to motor power in 1946. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing vessel in winter rig.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing vessel in winter rig.
March, Edgar J. stable
Master Hand LT1203 Lowestoft Trawler Master Hand LT1203. Deck plan showing arrangement of deck beams. Annotated.
March, Edgar J. stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing hull below water line. Reversed image.
Henderson, James stable
Clipper Schooner Matchless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and section. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Clipper Schooner Matchless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and section. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Henderson, James stable
Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sailing and rigging plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck
plan) and section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James extremely fragile
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross section of hull.
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Matchless Clipper Schooner Matchless. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Clipper Schooner Matchless. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and section. Scale 1/8 inch
to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Matilda Smack Matilda. Details of gaff topsail, old mainsail and foresail, including dimensions, as in March 1923.
MacGregor, David stable
Maude Maude. Elevations, sections and details of stern. Scale 1/2 ich to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayblossom/Bessie Mayblossom/Bessie. Details of sails, including dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Baker, William A. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sections of ship's hull, stern elevation and details of yards and anchor. Includes painting notes.
Baker, William A. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Plans of poop deck, half deck, forecastle, upper deck and lower deck. Also includes details of masts, tops and cross trees.
Baker, William A. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Baker, William A. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Modelmakers plan. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including details of rigging.
Model Maker Plans Service stable
Mayflower. Modelmakers plan. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), hull sections and
details of deck furniture. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Model Maker Plans Service stable
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, plan of main top and notes on history and construction of vessel.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Details of long boat, with hand-written notes on colour scheme for painting hull, sails and flag of vessel.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Anderson, R.C. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated as "Plan A" by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated as "Plan A" by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Annotated as "Plan B" by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Annotated as "Plan B" by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated with sketches and notes on alterations to plan suggested by Mr Bathe.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated by David MacGregor to indicate the position, font style, size and colour of lettering used for plan title and text.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mayflower Mayflower. Preliminary plan, showing deck with numbered diagram of the pin rail. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Preliminary plan, showing deck with numbered diagram of the pin rail. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Preliminary plan, showing deck with numbered diagram of the pin rail. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Plan, showing deck with numbered diagram of the pin rail. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes pencil sketches showing cross section of hull and
bulwark elevation.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Cross-section, showing midship bend and centres of sweeps. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Cross-section, showing midship bend and centres of sweeps. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sail plan (profile). Illustration with different pencil coloured sections, annotated with names of parts of vessel and of sails, masts and cabins.
Mayflower. Stern and broadside perspective views of vessel under sail. Also includes view of 33 foot shallop at sea, which was transported in the ship's
Ward, T.W. stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Baker, William A. fragile
Mayflower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Includes details of long boat, plan of main top and notes on history and construction of vessel. Sample Copy.
MacGregor, David stable
Mayflower. Preliminary draft of drawing, with rough outline sketches of stern and broadside perspective views of vessel under sail and of 33 foot shallop at
sea, which was transported in the ship's hold. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mayflower. Preliminary outline draft of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), sail plan and
details of long boat, plan of main top. Printed notes on history and construction of vessel stuck onto left side of plan. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mayflower. Preliminary outline draft of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), sail plan and
details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top. In pencil and red ink. Annotated with calculations.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Mayflower. Preliminary outline draft of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), sail plan and
details of long boat, cannon and plan of main top. In pencil, black and red ink. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Perspective portside view of vessel under sail. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor and T.W.Ward (?).
Ward, T.W. largely stable
Mayflower Mayflower. Sail plan (profile) with hand-written notes on colour scheme for painting hull, sails and flag of vessel.
MacGregor, David stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Single 40mm
Bofors Guns.
Details of the 40mm Bofors Gun, Mark VII, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Single 40mm
Bofors Guns.
Details of the 40mm Bofors Gun, Mark VII, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Single 40mm
Bofors Guns.
Details of the 40mm Bofors Gun, Mark VII, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Twin 40mm Bofors
Details of the Twin 40mm Bofors Gun, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Twin 40mm Bofors
Details of the Twin 40mm Bofors Gun, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Twin 40mm Bofors
Details of the Twin 40mm Bofors Gun, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Twin 40mm Bofors
Details of the Twin 40mm Bofors Gun, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Medium Range H/A Armament. Twin 40mm Bofors
Details of the Twin 40mm Bofors Gun, used on Royal Navy warships.
Ough, Norman stable
Meg O Meldon Meg O Meldon. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Meg O Meldon Meg O Meldon. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Merchant Ship Merchant Ship, 1804. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midsection. Includes dimensions and colour scheme.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Merchant Ship in Bangor Museum Merchant Ship in Bangor Museum. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil.
Merchant Ship of 1092 Tons Merchant Ship of 1092 Tons. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions and table of yard lengths. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Merchant Ship of 179 Tons Merchant Ship of 179 Tons. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern detail. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Merchant Ship of 220 Tons
Merchant Ship of 220 Tons. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section and stern view. Includes information of ship's
dimensions. Annoted in pencil and ink.
National Maritime Museum fragile
Merchant Ship of 330 Tons Merchant Ship of 330 Tons. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Merchant Ship of 330 Tons Merchant Ship of 330 Tons. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
Steel, P extremely fragile
Merchant Ship of 330 Tons Merchant Ship of 330 Tons. Midship section, frame and planking plan, general arrangement (half-plan of upper deck) and details of portable crab.
Steel, P extremely fragile
Merchant Ship of 330 Tons/19 Foot Long Boat
Merchant Ship of 330 Tons. General arrangement (inboard profile, half-plan of lower deck) of vessel. Also includes general arrangement (profile, half-deck
plan), lines plan (body plan) and dimensions of a 19 foot long boat
Steel, P extremely fragile
Merchant Ship of 347 Tons Merchant Ship of 347 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and deck plan, showing upper deck beams. Annotated.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Merchant Trader Merchant Trader. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation.
Merchantman Merchant Ship. Profile, showing internal structure of ship. Annotated.
National Maritime Museum stable
Merchantman Merchant Ship. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and stern elevation. Includes information on dimensions. Annotated.
National Maritime Museum stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Perspective view of amidships, as converted for Catamaran Cruisers Ltd.
MacGregor, David stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Perspective view of amidships, as converted for Catamaran Cruisers Ltd. Amended by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Sketch showing general arrangement (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor with information about masts and funnels.
MacGregor, David stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Sketch showing general arrangement (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor with information about masts and funnels.
MacGregor, David stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. General arrangement (profile) and rigging plan showing alternative rig if converted to brig. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. General arrangement (profile) and rigging plan showing alternative rig if converted to brig. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhine Barge Meridia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) as of proposed conversion to a restaurant ship. Also includes cross sections of saloon, saloon
bar and galley. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Profile and deck plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Rigging plan (profile), with notes by David MacGregor on dimensions of bulwark, funnels and whistle/hooter.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhine Barge Meridia. Rigging plan (profile), with notes by David MacGregor on dimensions of bulwark, funnels and whistle/hooter. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Parts of plan have been coloured using pens and watercolour paint.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Meridia Rhine Barge Meridia. Rigging plan (profile) and deck plan, with displacement scale and notes by David MacGregor on dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Mermaid Revenue Cruiser Mermaid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mermaid Revenue Cruiser Mermaid. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Mermaid (THV) Mermaid (THV). General arrangement (profile) showing deck furniture and internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Drawing No.1.
Jamieson, R.L. fragile
Mermaid (THV) Mermaid (THV). General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of main deck, lower deck and hold. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Drawing No.2.
Mermaid (THV)
Mermaid (THV). General arrangement (deck plans) showing layout of upper deck, boat deck, bridge deck and upper bridge deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Drawing No.3. Includes list of abbreviations for deck fittings.
Mermaid (THV) Set of 4 ship plans and 1 letter relating to lighthouse tender T.H.V.Mermaid. All items are individually accessioned.
Mermaid/Siren/Stella (THV) Mermaid/Siren/Stella (THV). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Drawing No.74. Includes hull dimensions.
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile). Annotated and coloured by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Plan, cross-sections and details of the ship's deck house, steam winch and donkey boiler.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Cabin plan and section.
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (longitudinal section, deck plan) showing the layout of ship's cabins. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. fragile
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Partial lines plan (forebody sheer plan, forebody half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Partial lines plan (aftbody sheer plan, aftbody half-breadth plan). Also includes displacement scale. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated, with missing parts of plan pencilled in, by David MacGregor.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Barclay, Curle & Co. fragile
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in red ink by David MacGregor
regarding creation of different scale drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in red ink by David MacGregor
regarding creation of different scale drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in red ink by David MacGregor
regarding creation of different scale drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Plan, cross-sections and details of the ship's deck house, steam winch and donkey boiler. Annotated in green ink.
MacGregor, David stable
Mermerus Iron Clipper Ship Mermerus. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Metal Pumps, Windlass Purchases and Concave
Fleeting Riders
Details of T.A.Kendall's improved patents for metal pumps, windlass purchases and concave fleeting riders for cables. Dated April 1851.
Huddy, J.B. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Lines plan (sheer plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and shaded with coloured pencils to indicate wood used to
construct hull. Alexander Stephen & Sons archive stamp in lower right corner.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Uncompleted lines plan (sheer plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions and displacement table.
Three-Masted Schooner Metero. General arrangement (profile and longitudinal section, deck plan showing beams) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of
forebody and amidships of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero.Preliminary sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Metero Three-Masted Schooner Metero.Preliminary sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Three-Masted Schooner Metero. General arrangement (profile and longitudinal section, deck plan) showing accomodation and internal structure, lines plan
(half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.
Three-Masted Schooner Metero. Midship section, lines plan (body plan) and displacement scale. Includes dimensions. Part of larger plan, stern section
profile, deck plan and half-breadth plan on right side of plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot, written on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Boat. Metropolitan Police Patrol Boat. General arrangement (deck plan) and longitudinal section. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
William Osborne Ltd. extremely fragile
Metropolitan Police Patrol Boat. Metropolitan Police Patrol Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
William Osborne Ltd. stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch.
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Also includes section of aft end of wheelhouse, inboard
profile of cockpit and elevation of transom.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch.
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Also includes section of aft end of wheelhouse, inboard
profile of cockpit and elevation of transom.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan and elevation of cabin interior. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan and elevation of cabin interior. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch.
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Also includes inboard profile of cockpit. Annotated by
David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Metropolitan Police Patrol Launch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). . Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Mevagissey Lugger Mevagissey Lugger. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Micronesia Iron Ship Micronesia, No.55. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Shipbuilder's stamp, "Russell & Co., Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow & Greenock"
Russell & Co. stable
Middle Water Trawler
Middle Water Trawler. Proposed general arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing layout of deck and internal fittings. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes
pencil sketches and ink alterations to plan.
Middle Water Trawler No.888
Middle Water Trawler No.888. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes dimensions. Scale
1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd fragile
Mildred and Jack
Ramsgate "Tosher" Mildred and Jack, c.1900. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and rigging plan (profile, section). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/5
inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Mildred and Jack
Ramsgate "Tosher" Mildred and Jack, c.1900. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and rigging plan (profile, section). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/5
inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Mildred and Jack
Ramsgate "Tosher" Mildred and Jack, c.1900. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and rigging plan (profile, section). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/5
inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Mildred and Jack
Ramsgate "Tosher" Mildred and Jack, c.1900. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and rigging plan (profile, section). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/5
inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Millom Castle Schooner Millom Castle. Sail plan (profile).
Bird, Ralph stable
Millom Castle Schooner Millom Castle. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Bird, Ralph stable
Millom Castle
Schooner Millom Castle. Lines plan (sheer plan), half-deck plan (showing position of deck beams) and half cross sections of hull. Annotated by David
MacGregor and Ralph Bird.
Bird, Ralph stable
Iron Ship Miltiades. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes
dimensions and historical notes.
Smith, F.A. stable
Minelaying Equipment in Coastal Craft Plans, elevations, sections and details of minelaying equipment in coastal craft, including types of mines, mine chutes and mine rails.
Lambert, John stable
Minerva Minerva. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scales 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. fragile
Minnie Three-Masted Barquentine Minnie. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan) sketch. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Miriam Brigantine Miriam. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with sail dimensions.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Model 6000 Ton Oil Tanker
Model 6000 Ton Oil Tanker. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) including plans of lower bridge and navigation bridge and cross sections of the poop
and fore and aft of bridge.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Model 6000 Ton Oil Tanker Model 6000 Ton Oil Tanker. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes information on model displacement.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Modified Fairmile 'D' Class Fast-Anti Submarine
Boats Nos 5010 & 5013
Modified Fairmile 'D' Class Fast-Anti Submarine Boats Nos 5010 & 5013. General arrangement (deck plans, profiles and sections). Includes technical
Lambert, John stable
Modified Fairmile 'D' Class Fast-Anti Submarine
Boats Nos 5010 & 5013
Modified Fairmile 'D' Class Fast-Anti Submarine Boats Nos 5010 & 5013. General arrangement (deck plans, profiles and sections). Includes technical
Lambert, John stable
Mofussilite Mofussilite. Deck plan of forebody and amidships of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite Mofussilite. Deck plan of amidships and aftbody of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of forebody and amidships of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of amidships and aftbody of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes lines plan
(body plan) and table of dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of forebody of vessel.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of amidships of vessel.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. Includes lines plan (body plan) and table of dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mofussilite. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. Includes lines plan (body plan) and table of dimensions.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Mohawk Mohawk. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Montauk Montauk. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Montauk Montauk. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Montebello French Ship of the Line Montebello. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Montezuma Packet Ship Montezuma. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes technical information and dimensions of ship.
Montrose Montrose. General arrangement (deck plan) showing the layout of cabins, berthes and other living accommodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Montrose Montrose. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Morning Light Clipper Ship Morning Light. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Finnish Four Masted Barque Moshulu. General arrangement (profile, deck plans, longitudinal section), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Vessel formerly known as "Dreadnought" and "Kurt".
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Finnish Four Masted Barque Moshulu. Sail and rigging plan (profile), 1938-1939 under Erikson ownership. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Vessel formerly known
as "Dreadnought" and "Kurt".
Darch, Malcolm D. stable
Motor Torpedo Boat 74
70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boat 74 as modified for the St Nazaire Raid, 28/3/1942. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, upper and lower
deck plans), bridge detail and perspective view of boat as fitted out. Includes numbered key to detail, technical data and historical notes.
Lambert, John largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on displacement,
dimensions, armament, machinery and complement of boat.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), cross sections of hull and details of bridge, hatches,
transom, flags and torpedo loading arrangement. Also includes colour and camouflage schemes. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379 Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (deck plan).
Wilson, E.N. stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (profile). Includes information on displacement, dimensions, armament, machinery and
complement of boat.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. Lines plan (body plan), cross sections of hull and details of bridge, hatches, transom, flags and torpedo loading
arrangement. Also includes colour and camouflage schemes.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379 Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on displacement,
dimensions, armament, machinery and complement of boat.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), cross sections of hull and details of bridge, hatches,
transom, flags and torpedo loading arrangement. Also includes colour and camouflage schemes. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), cross sections of hull and details of bridge, hatches,
transom, flags and torpedo loading arrangement. Also includes colour and camouflage schemes. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on displacement,
dimensions, armament, machinery and complement of boat.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boat No.379
Vosper 73 foot Motor Torpedo Boat No.379. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on displacement,
dimensions, armament, machinery and complement of boat.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.24 -25
Thornycroft 71 foot Motor Torpedo Boats, Nos.24 -25. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), longitudinal section, cross-section and plan of bridge and
wheelhouse at deck. Includes numbered key to details on plan and technical specifications.
Lambert, John largely stable
Motor Towing Barge/Butty
Motor Towing Barge/Butty (Monkey Type). General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), cross sections and stern views for model of barge to be used for
"scenic effect" in model railway layout.
Skinley, John E. stable
Moulds and Sweeps Ued in Ship Draughting Drawing of various types of sheer moulds and ribbon line moulds, templates used in laying out the lines of a ship.
largely stable
Mount Washington Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Mount Washington
Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. General arrangement (profile). Scale1 inch to 4 feet. Includes information on vessel's
dimensions and engine capacity.
Model Shipways stable
Mount Washington
Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. General arrangement (composite deck plan) of main and upper decks. Scale1 inch to 4
Model Shipways stable
Mount Washington
Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) including main deck beams. Scale1
inch to 4 feet.
Model Shipways stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Mount Washington Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. Composite bow and stern elevation. Scale1 inch to 4 feet.
Model Shipways stable
Mount Washington Ship modelling plan for the Paddle Steamer Mount Washington. Plans, elevations and details of boiler and engine.
Model Shipways stable
Mountblairy Unnamed Schooner, identified as Mountblairy. Sail plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. Preliminary draft of sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), plan of deckhouse and detail of main
MacGregor, David stable
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. Sail plan (profile).
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. Sail plan (profile), showing forebody and amidships. Includes notes on colour scheme of hull.
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Annotated.
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. Details of main pump and plan of deck house.
Mozart Four-masted Barquentine Mozart. Details of main pump and plan of deck house. Annotated.
Mr Steel's Brig
Mr Steel's Brig. Perspective drawings of vessel, including the bow, two stern views and onboard boats. Includes details of planking, lower deck beam and
keelson. Annotated. Sketches of deck fitting and goods being winched onto vessel on reverse side.
largely stable
MRFS Project Ship MRFS Project Ship. Preliminary lines plan (body plan). Scale 1:50. Midship section. Scale 1:25.
Turner, F.H. stable
MRFS Project Ship MRFS Project Ship. Preliminary plan of longitudinal section and plan of main deck of ship. Scale 1:50.
Turner, F.H. stable
MRFS Project Ship MRFS Project Ship. Preliminary plan showing sections and details of precast unit. Scale 1:25.
Turner, F.H. stable
MRFS Project Ship MRFS Project Ship. Preliminary lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1:50.
Turner, F.H. stable
Mrs Hardwick's Turf Boat Mrs Hardwick's Turf Boat. Profile, half-deck plan and section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes boat's dimensions.
Multi-Purpose Film Ship
Multi-Purpose Film Ship. First draught of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for proposed multi-purpose film ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Includes dimensions.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Multi-Purpose Film Ship
Multi-Purpose Film Ship. First draught of general arrangement plan (longitudinal section, deck plan) showing the layout of accommodation in proposed
multi-purpose film ship, Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Multi-Purpose Film Ship Multi-Purpose Film Ship. General arrangement (deck plans), longitudinal section and midship section.
extremely fragile
Multi-Purpose Film Ship Multi-Purpose Film Ship. General arrangement (deck plans) and longitudinal section.
Multi-Purpose Film Ship
Multi-Purpose Film Ship. General arrangement (deck plans for middle and lower decks) and longitudinal section showing suggested accommodation layout
for multi-purpose film ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Multi-Purpose Film Ship
Multi-Purpose Film Ship. First draught of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for proposed multi-purpose film ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Includes dimensions.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
MV Bapbata/Sword of the Prophet
MV Bapbapa PI 287, the vessel to be converted into the Chebec Sword of the Prophet for use in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:50. Parts of drawing have been traced over using black ink.
Wood, Peter M. stable
MV Kimanis
Cargo Liner MV Kimanis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated. Embossed stamp
mark in upper section "The Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd, Dundee", two ink stamps "To be returned to Caledon D.O. Dundee". Also
includes piece of paper stuck to top left corner with text "For Enclosure to Scottish Modelcraft from the Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd,
Caledon Shipyard, Dundee".
The Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd
extremely fragile
Myrmidon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section, deck plan (showing details of deck fittings and deck framing) and
details of guns, figurehead, rudder, plating and deck fittings.
Collins, R.J. stable
Myrmidon Myrmidon. Deck and rigging details, includes details of the wheel, rails, masts, booms, yards, trestle trees, cleats, shrouds, stays and halliards.
Collins, R.J. stable
Myrmidon Myrmidon. Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging.
Collins, R.J. stable
Myrmidon Myrmidon. Rigging plan (profile) showing running rigging. Includes details of yards, braces, lifts, clews, pendants, shrouds and halliards.
Collins, R.J. stable
Nachi Ship modelling plans for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi. Items are accessioned individually.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plans for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi,1924-1944. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes details of flags
flown on the vessel. Scale 1:1200.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in 1939. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general
arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1:1200.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Plans, elevations and details of deck furniture, including bridge, gun turrets
and torpedo tubes. Scales 1:100 and 1:50.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Plans, elevations and details of deck furniture, including bridges, funnel,
masts and winches. Scales 1:100 and 1:50.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Plans, elevations and details of deck furniture, including crane, aircraft,
radio mast, torpedo and deck rails. Scales 1:100 and 1:50.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Plans, elevations and details of deck furniture, including gun turrets and
anti-aircraft guns. Scales 1:100 and 1:50.
Modela stable
Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Plans, elevations and details of deck furniture, including onboard boats,
signal lamps, stairs, hatches, anchors and propellors. Scales 1:100, 1:50 and 1:25.
Modela stable
Nachi Ship modelling plan for the Japanese Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser Nachi in1939. Details of the flags flown on the vessel, reproduced as colour illustrations.
Modela stable
Natividad. General arrangement (profile, cross sections) showing details of the deck furniture and internal layout. Preliminary drawing for use in creating a
film stage set.
Natividad Natividad. General arrangement (profile) showing details of exterior of vessel. Preliminary drawing for use in creating a film stage set.
Natividad. General arrangement (deck plan) showing the layout of the upper deck. Includes details of deck furniture. Preliminary drawing for use in
creating a film stage set.
Natividad. General arrangement (profile) showing details of exterior of vessel. Preliminary drawing for use in creating a film stage set. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Warner Bros, First National Prods Ltd.
extremely fragile
Nautilus Oyster Dredger Nautilus. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Dutch Wooden Paddle-Wheel 18-Gun Corvette Nautilus, 1860. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile), longituidnal section, general arrangement
(upper and lower deck plans) and stern elevation. Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Naval Shipbuilding: Late 17th Century
Naval Shipbuilding: Late 17th Century. Colour illustration showing perspective starboard view looking down on hull and deck, with cutaway section showing
frame construction. Also includes illustrations of process of designing and prepararing timbers for shipbuilding, different shipbuilding tools, masts, blocks
and fittings.
Science Museum stable
Naval Shipbuilding: Late 18th Century
Naval Shipbuilding: Late 18th Century. Colour illustration showing perspective portside view looking down on hull and deck, with cutaway section showing
internal construction and sections of masts. Also includes illustrations of top and fore yard, keelson, hold, deck framing, deadwood aft, rudder and types of
Science Museum stable
Navy Cutter
Navy Cutter, 1809. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody of vessel. One of three separate sheets that join together to
form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Navy Cutter
Navy Cutter, 1809. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. One of three separate sheets that join together to
form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Navy Cutter Navy Cutter, 1809. Lines plan (body plan). One of three separate sheets that join together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Navy Cutter
Navy Cutter, 1819. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions. Two sheets stuck together, one of two separate
sheets that join together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Navy Cutter Navy Cutter, 1819. Lines plan (body plan). One of two separate sheets that join together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Navy Cutter Navy Cutter of 160 Tons, 1820. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) and midship section. Four sheets stuck together to form a complete plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall fragile
Near Water Trawler No.E3378
Near Water Trawler No. E3378. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes dimensions. Scale
1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark in top right of plan.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler No.E3608
Near Water Trawler No. E3608. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes dimensions. Scale
1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark in top right of plan.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler No.E3670
Near Water Trawler No. E3670. Outline general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark in top left of plan.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880. Proposed general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark in top centre of plan. Detail drawing of bridge previously stapled to plan, removed and
catalogued separately.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880 Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880. Detail of bridge previously stapled to larger plan, removed and catalogued separately.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880. Proposed general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880
Near Water Trawler Nos.879-880. Details showing the arrangement of funnel and mountings. Scale 3/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in
bottom right corner.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan annotated and coloured using watercolour paint by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan amended and annotated by David MacGregor with words "Superseded Sept 1965".
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile), showing hull below waterline. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Sail plan (profile), showing hull below waterline. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of winch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of winch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of winch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David fragile
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of winch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
foot. Annotated by David MacGregor in red pen and pencil.
MacGregor, David fragile
Neilson Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David
MacGregor, "Superseded Sept 1965" written across plan in pencil.
MacGregor, David stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the galley, windlass and crews companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the galley, windlass and crews companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the galley, windlass and crews companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the galley, windlass and crews companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor in
red ink.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the dolly-winch and fife-rail, poop deck skylight and officers companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the dolly-winch and fife-rail, poop deck skylight and officers companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the dolly-winch and fife-rail, poop deck skylight and officers companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Brig Neilson. Details of deck fittings, including the dolly-winch and fife-rail, poop deck skylight and officers companion way. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated in red ink by David MacGregor.
Leek, Michael E. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Perspective view of beached hull, without sails or rigging, showing details of deck fittings.
Ward, T.W. stable
Neilson Brig Neilson. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions. Annotated in pencil by David MacGregor.
National Maritime Museum stable
Brig Neilson. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of winch. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Nelson Nelson. Half midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Nelson's Cabin and Gun Deck (HMS Victory)
General arrangement (deck plan), elevation and sections of Admiral Lord Nelson's cabin and the gun deck on HMS Victory. Part of layout for Set No.16 of
the historical drama film "A Bequest to the Nation". Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Universal Pictures largely stable
Dutch 18-Gun Armoured Corvette Neptun, 1880. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (upper, accommodation and
lower deck plans). Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Neptunus Schooner Neptunus. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Nielsen, Christian stable
Schooner Neptunus. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes
Nielsen, Christian largely stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Includes dimensions.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Includes dimensions.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Includes dimensions.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Includes dimensions.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa.Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for onboard boat for the steam yacht Nerissa.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Details of hanging oil lamp.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Plans and elevations of steering gear.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Detail of prow, showing decoration and figurehead. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Original Alexander Stephen & Sons stamp can be seen in
bottom right corner.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Plan and elevations of box for steering gear.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Detail, plan and elevation of winch or davit?
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Detail of J.Stone & Co. "Navy" pattern double valve water closet.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Elevation and plan of steering wheel mechanism. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Annotated in pencil.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. General arrangement (longitudinal section, deck plans).
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 inch.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Midship section and section of floors where cut down for boiler at scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Also a longitudinal
section at scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. Profile, deck plan and sections of deck fittings, including engine and boiler room, galley, deck saloon and bridge. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Profile, deck plan and sections showing steering gear.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. Plans and elevations of Fore Deck House and Engine and Boiler Casing.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Steam Yacht Nerissa. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Nerissa Steam Yacht Nerissa. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
New Bedford Whaling Bark Details of masts and yards of a typical New Bedford Whaling Bark. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. largely stable
New Express Barque New Express. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Both sides of plan annotated.
largely stable
New York Merchant Ship New York Merchant Ship. Sail plan (profile).
Newsboy Ship modelling plans for the Brigantine Newsboy. Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for the Brigantine Newsboy. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (bulwark elevation,
sectional elevation, deck plan) showing layout and details of decking fittings. Also includes perspective view of the bow interior and information on painting
scheme. Sheet No.1 of 3 sheets.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for the Brigantine Newsboy. Sail and rigging plan (profile), section of fore mast looking aft and belaying diagram. Also includes details
of fittings for main top, fore top, yards, crosstrees and booms. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Sheet No.2 of 3 sheets.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for the Brigantine Newsboy. Perspective views of the bow and stern, details of masts and rigging including the fore lower mast head.
Also includes hints on how to make rigging. Sheet No.3 of 3 sheets.
Model Shipways stable
Newsboy/Lamplighter Brigantines Newsboy/Lamplighter. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Newton Newton. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes hull dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Newton Newton. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes hull dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Newton of Bideford Newton of Bideford. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
Newton of Bideford
Newton of Bideford. Sail and rigging plan (profile) based on painting entitled "Newton of Bideford, Capt Johns, 1844". Annotated with information on
rigging and colour scheme of vessel.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Newton of Bideford (?) Newton of Bideford (?). Sail plan (profile) sketch by David MacGregor taken from painting entitled "Smack off Lundy", dated 1844.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Niagara Niagara. Sail plan (profile).
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Niagara Niagara. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Nicholson's House Flag Sketches showing the designs of the company flag flown from the vessels of J.Nicholson of Annan before and after 1860.
MacGregor, David stable
Nicholson's House Flag
Sketches showing the designs of the company flag flown from the vessels of J.Nicholson of Annan before and after 1860. This plan was previously stapled
to a plan of the ship "Queensberry" (BRSGB 2013.03830).
MacGregor, David stable
Nightingale Packet Nightingale. General arrangement (deck plan) showing the layout of the upper deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Nightingale Packet Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Nightingale Schooner Nightingale. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes list of dimensions of masts and yards.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:220.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Hillmann, G. stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:220.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:220. Annotated with numbers in pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nightingale Clipper Ship Nightingale. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Clipper Ship Nightingale. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. David MacGregor stamp on
reverse side of plan.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Dutch Training Corvette Nike. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (upper, accommodation and lower deck plans).
Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Nile Nile. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated in pencil in bottom right corner by W.Salisbury.
Salisbury, William stable
Nile 18 Gun Three-Masted Ship Nile. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Dutch 14-Gun Single Screw Corvette Nixe, 1877. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (upper, main, accommodation and
stowage deck plans). Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
No.1 Pascoe and Son Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes sail dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
No.5 - A Fruiter No.5 - A Fruiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
largely stable
No.5 - A Fruiter No.5 - A Fruiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
No.5 - A Fruiter No.5 - A Fruiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
No.5 - A Fruiter No.5 - A Fruiter. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Nonpareil Nonpareil. Perspective drawing of ship under sail. Includes notes on colour scheme for vessel.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nonpareil Nonpareil. Sail plan (profile) and detail of fore mast. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Nonpareil Nonpareil. Sail plan (profile). Shows extensions to sail plan as drawn on original draught. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nonpareil Nonpareil. Sail plan (profile). Shows original sail plan and alterations to sails. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Nonpareil Nonpareil. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan) sketch. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Standing rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Running rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Warington Smyth, Rodney largely stable
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Running rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Preliminary sketch of the decorative carving on the stern.
Wood, P.M. fragile
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Preliminary sketch of the decorative carving on the stern. Reversed image.
Wood, P.M. largely stable
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Construction sections of hull, including midship section.
largely stable
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Construction sections of hull, including midship section. Dated "15th Nov".
Nonsuch Nonsuch. Construction sections of hull, including midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dalton, Percy stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Plan, section and elevations of upper deadeyes. Full size scale. Includes dimensions. Sheet 1.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Plan, section and elevations of upper deadeyes. Full size scale. Includes dimensions. Sheet 1.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Sections and elevations of lower deadeyes. Full size scale. Includes dimensions. Sheet 2.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Plans, sections and elevations of stay deadeyes. Full size scale. Includes dimensions. Sheet 3.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Plans, sections and elevations of stay deadeyes. Full size scale. Includes dimensions. Sheet 3.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Profile and sections of aftbody.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plan). Annotated in pencil and ink.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Details of rudder and tiller. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions of sails.
largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Sails and rigging faintly sketched in pencil.
largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) sketched in pencil.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans).
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and stern elevation showing details of decoration.
extremely fragile
Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Also includes sketch deck plan of
forecastle and galley. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Some drawings sketched or uncompleted.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Additions made with pencil to plan.
Dalton, Percy largely stable
Ketch Nonsuch. Profile, deck plan and cross-section of aftbody of vessel showing engine installation. Also includes detail of propellor. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Dalton, Percy largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Details of rudder and tiller. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Longitudinal section and deck plan, showing layout of upper deck and deck beams. Additions to plan made in pencil.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and stern elevation showing details of decoration. Amended in pencil, red and blue ink.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Amended in pencil.
Dalton, Percy largely stable
Ketch Nonsuch. Details of cabins (port side), including plan, longitudinal section and cross-sections. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in blue ink by Rodney
Warington Smyth.
Wood, Peter M. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Details of cabins (starboard side), including longitudinal section, cross-sections and elevations. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Amended in pencil.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Ketch Nonsuch. Details of 3 pounder gun and carriage, including plans, elevations, sections and half plan of gun, half full-size. Scales 2 inches to 1 foot, 1
inch to 2 inches.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dalton, Percy stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and table of offsets. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dalton, Percy stable
Ketch Nonsuch. Longitudinal sections showing constructional details of the backbone of the vessel, including the disposition of ballast, stern crutch
projection and breasthook projection. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dalton, Percy stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Longitudinal section, half-deck plan and stern section showing the construction of the frame of the vessel. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Dalton, Percy largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Longitudinal section and deck plan showing details of decks and deck beams. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes beam dimensions.
Dalton, Percy largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Design No.2.
Warington Smyth, Rodney stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Break of poop detail.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Detail of gun. Amended and annotated in pencil.
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Profile, longitudinal section and deck plan. Amendments to plan made in pencil.
largely stable
Nonsuch Ketch Nonsuch. Details of masts and spars, including spar dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Nonsuch (?) Nonsuch (?). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
largely stable
Nore Barge Nore. Sail plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Midship
section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Midship
section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions and
displacement scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (body plan). Plan made up of three sections joined
together by sticky tape.
Norham Castle Barque Norham Castle. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp in bottom right of plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions and displacement
scale. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Norham Castle Barque Norham Castle. Longitudinal section, plans of forecastle deck, quarter deck, main deck and lower deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Norham Castle Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norham Castle
Barque Norham Castle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Also includes midship
section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders, Glasgow".
A.& J.Inglis Limited fragile
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders, Glasgow".
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders name "A.& J.Inglis,Engineers & Shipbuilders, Glasgow" in lower right
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Profile outline. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders & Engineerss, Glasgow".
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Profile outline. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders & Engineerss, Glasgow". Sketch of ship's
profile and notes regarding photographic enlargement on reverse side.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Half midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow".
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Half midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow". Sketch of
midship section and notes regarding scale on reverse.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders name "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow" in lower right
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Detail of stern carving. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow".
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Detail of stern carving. Builders stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow". Notes on photographic enlargement
on reverse side.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders name "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow" in bottom right
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. General arrangement (outline profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp"A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and
Engineers, Glasgow" in bottom right section. Sketch of ship's profile and notes on plan scale written on reverse side by David MacGregor.
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes table of principal dimensions.Builders
stamp"A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow". Annotated by David MacGregor.
A.& J.Inglis Limited fragile
Norman Court Norman Court. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated, with rough sketches of stern and bow.
Willoughby, R.M. largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan of accomodation in stern. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes table
of principal dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan of accomodation in stern. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes table
of principal dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of principal dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders
stamp "A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Glasgow" in upper middle section of plan.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court. General arrangement (outline profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp"A.& J.Inglis, Shipbuilders and
Engineers, Glasgow" in bottom right section.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court. Longitudinal section and deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Norman Court Clipper Ship Norman Court, No.65. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Norman Court
Clipper Ship Norman Court, No.65. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated. David MacGregor Collection stamp mark and "Fred
A.Claydon" signature in bottom right corner of plan.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Norman Ship Ship modelling plans for a Norman Ship. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Norman Ship Ship modelling plan for a Norman Ship. Sail plan (profile, bow elevation) and perspective illustration of model of ship on stand.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Norman Ship Ship modelling plan for a Norman Ship. General arrangement (deck plan).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Norman Ship
Ship modelling plan for a Norman Ship. Double-sided plan. On obverse side a longitudinal section, cross sections and perspective drawings of ship's hull,
including written instructions on the construction of the model. On reverse side a lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Clipper Ship Norna. Deck plan showing saloon accommodation, including officers cabins, berthes, stores and dining area. Notes W.Reid as ship's
commander and F.Green & Co., 13 Fenchurch Avenue, as ship's agents in London.
Howard & Jones stable
Norna Clipper Ship Norna. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
Northern Chief Northern Chief. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Northman Northman. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Northman Steam Schooner Northman. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Northwestern Miller
Northwestern Miller. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, docking platform and saloon house top), half-sections of hull,
elevation of bridge front, view on aft end of casing and details of hatches and main crosstrees.
Model Makers Plans Service
Nostra Senora (Our Lady), 1275 Ship modelling plan for Galley Nostra Senora (Our Lady), 1275. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Nostra Senora (Our Lady), 1275
Ship modelling plan for the Galley Nostra Senora (Our Lady), 1275. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (body plan), longitudinal
and cross sections of hull. Also includes views of stern, forecastle and poop deck, details of anchors, onboard boats and rigging, assembly instructions and
colour scheme for model.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Notter Lily/Industry Notter Lily/Industry. Details of sails, including dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Nurnburg Cruiser SS Nurnburg. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Wischmenger, Lothar stable
Nurnburg Cruiser SS Nurnburg. General arrangement (profile)
Wischmenger, Lothar stable
Nymph II
Opium Clipper Nymph II. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (section, deck plan), perspective view of ship under sail and details of guns,
long boat and cross trees. Also includes key to sails and rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Nymph II
Opium Clipper Nymph II. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (section, deck plan), perspective view of ship under sail and details of guns,
long boat and cross trees. Also includes key to sails and rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot. "File Copy" stamp mark in bottom right corner.
March, Edgar J. stable
Nymph II
Opium Clipper Nymph II. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (section, deck plan), perspective view of ship under sail and details of guns,
long boat and cross trees. Also includes key to sails and rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Nymph II
Opium Clipper Nymph II. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (section, deck plan), perspective view of ship under sail and details of guns,
long boat and cross trees. Also includes key to sails and rigging. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Dutch 16-Gun Wooden Single-Screw Corvette Nymphe, 1865. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (upper, main and
accommodation deck plans). Includes technical data.
Schlieker Werft stable
Oak Point Oak Point. Rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
largely stable
Oberon Brigantine Oberon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Oberon Brigantine Oberon. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Brigantine Oberon/Dash. Sail and rigging plan (profile) reconstructed from information on Dash. Includes dimensions. Scale 1:36. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ocean Class Steel Screw Steam Drifter
Ocean Class Steel Screw Steam Drifter, 1917-1918. General arrangement (profile, deck and hold plans), longitudinal section, lines plan (body plan) and
detail of 3-pounder Hotchkiss gun. Also includes information on history and specifications of vessels and numbered key to plans.
Lambert, John stable
Ocean Monarch Ship Ocean Monarch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and longitudinal section of forebody of ship.
Ocean Monarch Ship Ocean Monarch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan) and longitudinal section of aftbody of ship.
largely stable
Ocean Rover Ocean Rover. Profile.
MacGregor, David stable
Ocean-Going Salvage Tug
Ocean-Going Salvage Tug. General arrangement (profile, bridge, forecastle and upper deck plans) hull cross section and details of deck fittings. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot. Includes painting details.
Langford, John B. extremely fragile
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plans for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia)
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Double-sided plan. Recto: general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and numbered deck
plan. Verso: Details of deck fittings, including plans and elevations of bridge, funnels, cranes, hatches and anchors. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia)
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Double-sided plan. Recto: Details of deck fittings, including plans and elevations of guns,
aircraft and onboard boats.Verso: Lines plan (body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia)
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Verso:
Cross sections of hull. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plans for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Items are accessioned individually.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and numbered deck plan.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia)
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Details of deck fittings, including plans and elevations of bridge, funnels, cranes, hatches
and anchors. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia)
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Details of deck fittings, including plans and elevations of guns, aircraft and onboard
boats. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Lines plan (body plan) and details of deck fittings. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
October Revolution (Oktiabrskaja Rewolucjia) Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship October Revolution. Cross sections of hull. Scale 1:200.
Schwarzer, Helmut largely stable
Odin Brig Odin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish.
Hog, H.N. stable
Odin Brig Odin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish.
Hog, H.N. fragile
Odin Brig Odin. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish.
Hog, H.N. stable
Ohio Coastal Packet Ship Ohio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Ohio Coastal Packet Ship Ohio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Old Hunter Schooner Old Hunter. Sail plan (profile), including sail dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Oliver Cromwell Oliver Cromwell. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern carving. Includes hull, masts and yards dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Oliver Lang Clipper Ship Oliver Lang. Sail plan (profile).
Oliver Lang
Clipper Ship Oliver Lang. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes stern detail and dimensions. New Brunswick Museum stamp on
reverse of plan.
New Brunswick Museum stable
Oliver Lang Clipper Ship Oliver Lang. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes stern detail and dimensions.
New Brunswick Museum stable
Omba Ship Omba. Midship section, including dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Omba Ship Omba. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Ship Omba. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes
dimensions and displacement scale. General arrangement and lines plan scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Midship section scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by
David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Ship Omba. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes
dimensions and displacement scale.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Ship Omba. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes
dimensions and displacement scale.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Omba Ship Omba. Plan and elevation of bows.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Omba Ship Omba. Plan and elevation of bows, including detail of windlass. Annotated with measurements in black ink.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Omba Ship Omba. Plan of forebody.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Iron Sailing Ship Opawa. Coloured pencil sketch of saloon framing, including detail of decorative panel. Annotated by David MacGregor with information on
different materials and colours used in framing.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Opawa/Piako/Wanganui Iron Sailing Ships Opawa/Piako/Wanganui. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Opawa/Piako/Wanganui Iron Sailing Ships Opawa/Piako/Wanganui. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Oranasia Four-Masted Steel Barque Oranasia. Longitudinal section showing internal structure. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Russell & Co. stable
Orange Grove
Barque Orange Grove. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section and midship
largely stable
Orange Grove Barque Orange Grove. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark.
MacGregor, David stable
Orange Grove Barque Orange Grove. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section.
Orange Grove Barque Orange Grove. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Brig Orb. Lines plan (body plan), midship section and frame sections. Includes dimensions. Collection stamp mark on bottom left of plan. Consists of two
sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
Orb Brig Orb. Lines plan (body plan), midship section and frame sections. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
largely stable
Orient. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes stern detail. Annotated by David MacGregor on front and reverse in black
ink, providing information on the dimensions and history of the vessel.
largely stable
Clipper Ship Oriental. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, body plan) of forebody of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate
sheets that make a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Clipper Ship Oriental. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that
make a complete plan.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Oriental Clipper Ship Oriental. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Oriental Clipper Ship Oriental. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Oriental Clipper Ship Oriental. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated in red ink.
largely stable
Orion Orion. Sail plan (profile).
Ornen Danish Packet Ornen. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
ORP Iskra Ship modelling plans for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
ORP Iskra
Ship modelling plan for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and table of technical
information. Written in Polish. Scale 1:100. Verso: Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profiles of bow and stern, stern elevation and
details of deck fittings. Scale 1:50 and Scale 1:100.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
ORP Iskra
Ship modelling plan for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. Double-sided plan. Recto: Deck plans forebody/amidships and aftbody and details of deck
fittings, includings bulwark railings, davits and onboard boats. Scale 1:50. Verso: Details of deck fittings, including bridge, deckhouse and yards. Scale 1:50
and Scale 1:25.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
ORP Iskra
Ship modelling plan for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. Double-sided plan. Recto: Sail plans (profile) showing different sail arrangements and
details of masts, boom and bowsprit. Scale 1:50 and Scale 1:250. Verso: Starboard side perspective view, looking from stern, of ship. Sail and rigging plans
(profile, sections) of fore mast, main mast and mizzen mast. Details of rigging equipment. Scale 1:100.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
ORP Iskra
Ship modelling plan for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and table of technical information. Written in
English. Scale 1:100.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
ORP Iskra Ship modelling plan for the Polish Navy Training Ship ORP Iskra. Starboard side perspective view, looking from stern, of ship. Text written in Polish.
Kozak, Janusz largely stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Midship half-section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. General arrangement (profile, forecastle, quarter deck and upper deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section and deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section and deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section and deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section and deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Osburgha Barquentine Osburgha. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Schooner Osprey. Perspective sketch of the Osprey under full sail entering Malta. Tracing based on the work by Nicholas Cammilieri. Includes colouring
MacGregor, David largely stable
Otago Iron Barque Otago. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan.
largely stable
Iron Barque Otago. General arrangement (main deck, lower deck, quarter deck and forecastle deck plans), logitudinal section and midship section. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Otago Iron Barque Otago. Deck plan showing the layout of cabins and rooms in the aftbody of the vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Ottawa Schooner Ottawa. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Black Ball Packet Ship Oxford. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Also includes stern
detail and dimensions.
New Brunswick Museum stable
Packet Ship Packet Ship, built 1790. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Packet Ship, 1790 Packet Ship, 1790. Deck plans showing internal layout and accommodation, including plan of platform under lower deck.
largely stable
Paddle Hospital Ships (Nos.565-568)
Paddle Hospital Ships (Nos.565-568). General arrangement (profile, hold deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Stamp marks
for "William Beardmore & Co. Ltd" and "Sir J.H.Biles & Co." on upper section of plan.
William Beardmore & Co., Ltd
Paddle Hospital Ships (Nos.565-568)
Paddle Hospital Ships (Nos.565-568). General arrangement (main deck plan and upper deck plan) showing layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Stamp
marks for "William Beardmore & Co. Ltd" and "Sir J.H.Biles & Co." on upper section of plan.
William Beardmore & Co., Ltd
Paddle Tug Paddle Tug. Longitudinal section showing internal layout of vessel.
largely stable
Paddle Tug Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Lines plan (body plan) and sections.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Paddle Wheel Steam Ship - Peninsular & Oriental
Royal Mail
Paddle Wheel Steam Ship - Peninsular & Oriental Royal Mail. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan),
longitudinal section and cross section. Includes dimensions.
Day & Son largely stable
Palestine Screw Steam Ship Palestine. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Pamir Four-Masted Barque Pamir. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1:100.
Four-Masted Barque Pamir. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) sections and details of deck
fittings. Scale 1:100.
Four-Masted Barque Pamir. Rigging plan (profile, plan view) and details showing standing rigging, braces, halliards and stay-sails. Also includes details and
colour scheme for national flags, company flags and signal flags flown on vessel. Scale 1:100.
Pamir Four-Masted Barque Pamir. Annotated belaying plan (deck plan view) and details of sails and running rigging. Scale 1:100.
Panama Ship Panama, 1844. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Panama Ship Panama, 1844. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Information on ship written in pencil on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. Detail of windlass and pulley. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of the fore deck, also showing elevation and plan of the windlass. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. Plan of Deckhouse. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. Longitudinal section showing internal structure of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Panmure Ship Panmure. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Parana Steam Ship Parana. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Parmelia Barque Parmelia. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Parmelia Barque Parmelia. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Barque Parmelia. Comparison of profiles of vessel designed as a replica of the Parmelia and an existing vessel's hull converted to look like Parmelia.
Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Part of "Spirit of Parmelia" film project.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Parsee Barque Parsee. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
MacGregor, David fragile
Parsee Barque Parsee. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Partycat. Preliminary draft of plan showing section, elevations and deck plans of catamaran. Includes layout of main and promenade decks of boat. Scale
Robert Tucker Designs Ltd largely stable
Partycat. Preliminary draft of plan showing sections of forward and aft main full tranverse bulkheads, typical frame section and detail of a corrugated main
deck plating of catamaran. Scale 1:25.
Robert Tucker Designs Ltd largely stable
Paul and Michael
45 Foot Motor Sand Barge Paul and Michael. General construction plan showing midship section, longitudinal section and deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
foot. Builders stamp mark "M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd, Bideford" in top left corner of plan.
M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd largely stable
Paul and Michael
45 Foot Motor Sand Barge Paul and Michael. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of hull dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
foot. Builders stamp mark "M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd, Bideford" in top left corner of plan.
M.W.Blackmore & Sons Ltd largely stable
Peggy Schooner Peggy. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Schooner Peggy. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, lines plan (breadth plan, body plans) and details of bow and stern. Includes
list of material with sizes used to construct vessel.
Schooner Peggy. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes
midship section, sections and details of stern, cannon, masts, gaffs, booms and tiller. Also includes sketch of midship structure and hull dimensions.
Jones, Donald K. largely stable
Schooner Peggy. Two pages from unidentified publication showing general arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan,
body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes details of timber planking and cannon and text notes on vessel.
largely stable
Pembroke Castle Barque Pembroke Castle. Section of hull. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Pequod Pequod. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pequod. Sail plan (profile) using existing masts, spars and sails. Bowsprit steeved up. Annotated, with notes on conversion of vessel for film called "Pirates".
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Sapphire Films largely stable
Pequod Pequod. Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Pencil sketch in top right corner.
extremely fragile
Pequod Pequod. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section for conversion of vessel for film called "Pirates". Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Sapphire Films fragile
Pequod. Profile, bow and stern elevations and lines plan (half-breadth plan). Conversion plan of the model of Pequod to Rogers Sloop for the film
"Pirates". Scale 1 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Sapphire Films largely stable
Pequod (ex Hispaniola)
Pequod. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of aftbody of vessel, showing layout of engine room . Also includes lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/2 inch
to 1 foot. Stamp mark for "Andrews Engineering Co., Ltd.".
Andrews Engineering Co., Ltd
Pequod (ex Ryelands) Pequod (ex Ryelands). Plan and section views of sheet anchor (starboard side) and bower anchor (port side). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Peregrine Galley Peregrine Galley. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Ship modelling plan for the Peresvet-Class Russian Battleships Peresvet and Pobeda. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of guns, mast,
crane and bridges.
Modela stable
Peri Two-Masted Butterman Schooner Peri. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Peri Two-Masted Butterman Schooner Peri. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Peri Two-Masted Butterman Schooner Peri. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated in pencil.
Davis, C.G. largely stable
Peri Two-Masted Butterman Schooner Peri. Lines plan (body plan). Annotated in pencil.
Davis, C.G. largely stable
Peri Two-Masted Butterman Schooner Peri. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing topsail-schooner rig. Annotated in pencil.
Davis, C.G. largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Profile and longitudinal section. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 and scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. General arrangement (deck plans) of decks A, B and C. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Period Restaurant Ship
Period Restaurant Ship. Longitudinal section and general arrangement (deck plans) of decks A, B and C. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated in pencil.
Warington Smyth, Rodney largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship
Period Restaurant Ship. Profile, sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section and general arrangement (deck plans) of decks A, B and C. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Warington Smyth, Rodney fragile
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Revised version of profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Profile. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Revised version of general arrangement (profile, longitudinal section). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Amended in pencil.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Section, stern elevation and side elevation of stern and quarter galleries. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Sail plan (profile) with standing rigging. Includes table of spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Sketch section and partial deck plan showing suggested arrangement of beams.
largely stable
Period Restaurant Ship Period Restaurant Ship. Belaying plan (deck plan), showing layout of belaying points and inboard elevation of bulwarks and rails. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Period Ships Research Elevation of chain pump and companion way and plan of lower deck of unnamed period ship. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Perseverance Perserverance. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Perseverance Liverpool Pilot Schooner Perserverance. Sketch of bow, stern and keel.
MacGregor, David fragile
Paddle Steamer Perseverance. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
National Maritime Museum stable
Peruvian Screw Steam Ship Peruvian. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Robert Steele & Company fragile
Petchelee Petchelee. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Petchelee Petchelee. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor in pencil and red ink.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Petchelee. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor in red pencil. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right
MacGregor, David fragile
Ship modelling plan for the Petropavlovsk-Class Russian Battleships Petropavlovsk, Poltava and Sevastopol. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and
details of guns, mast, onboard boats, cranes and bridges.
Modela stable
Peveril of the Peak Peveril of the Peak. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right of plan.
Salisbury, William fragile
Peveril of the Peak Peveril of the Peak. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Salisbury, William largely stable
New York Pilot Boat Phantom. Perspective view of vessel, general arrangement (bulwark and deckwork elevations, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan,
half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes details of poop, companionway, stem, fife rails, ventilators, windlass and bitts. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways stable
New York Pilot Boat Phantom. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including details of gaff, main boom, manimast, foremast and bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Model Shipways stable
Phoenician Phoenician. Diagram of hull (profile), including dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Phoenician Phoenician. Diagram of hull (profile), including dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Phoenician Phoenician. Diagram of hull (profile) dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Phoenician Ship Ship modelling plans for a Phoenician Ship. Plans held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Phoenician Ship
Ship modelling plans for a Phoenician Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), cross section at the level of the main mast, bow view and details of
the stern and main yard. Includes perspective illustration of ship, along with illustration of Phoenician warrior and trader. Also has diagram explaining how
to fix the yard on the halliard of the ship model.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Phoenician Ship
Ship modelling plans for a Phoenician Ship. Longitudinal section and cross sections of ship. Includes perspective illustrations of ship hull and oar stations,
details of oars and relief of the god Baal. Also has notes and diagrams explaining how to assemble sections to construct hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Phoenician Ship Ship modelling plans for a Phoenician Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Phoenix Phoenix. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) deck plan, and half-midship section. Includes alphabetical key and dimensions.
National Maritime Museum stable
Picton Castle Barque Picton Castle. Half-midship section. Annotated in black ink.
Picton Castle/Lord Clyde Barques Picton Castle/Lord Clyde. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Picton Castle/Lord Clyde Barques Picton Castle/Lord Clyde. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Extensively annotated with numbers and calculations.
Pilgrim Brig Pilgrim. Sail plan (profile). Includes hull dimensions.
Shaw, J.P. largely stable
Pilgrim Brig Pilgrim. Rigging plan (profile).
Shaw, J.P. largely stable
Brig Pilgrim. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes sections showing scantlings
and pumps, plan of main hatch and right aft view of stern.
Shaw, J.P. largely stable
Brig Pilgrim. Sail and rigging plan, sections showing sails, rigging and gear on fore and aft sides of main mast. Includes table of dimensions for shrouds,
backstays, laniards and deadeyes.
Shaw, J.P. largely stable
Brig Pilgrim. Sail and rigging plan, showing details of skysails, crosstrees, maintop, heads, yards and masts. Also includes details of main mast standing
rigging, windlass and plan of bowsprit.
Shaw, J.P. largely stable
Pirate Junk Pirate Junk. Rigging plan (profile) showing lead of sheets for pirate junk in the film "Swiss Family Robinson". Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Pirate Ship
Pirate Ship, rigged as Brig or Brigantine c.1740. Conversion of contemporary hull for TV production. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), bow and
stern elevations. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Sapphire Films fragile
Plan for Showing the Method of Projecting or
Forming the first Outlines of the Draught of a
Vessel agreeable to any Form or Dimensions
Plan for Showing the Method of Projecting or Forming the first Outlines of the Draught of a Vessel agreeable to any Form or Dimensions. Lines plan (sheer
plan, half-breadth plan, body sections).
Ballantine, W. stable
Plan for the Improvement of Pumps Plan for the Improvement of Pumps. Details of ship's pumps invented and drawn by P.Hedderwick.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Plan of Capstan and Windlass Plan of Capstan and Windlass. Details of capstan and windlass.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Planet/Hartfield Planet/Hartfield. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Robert Steele & Company fragile
Planter Barque Planter of London. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Ferguson, Peter stable
Planter Barque Planter of London. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Ferguson, Peter fragile
Planter Barque Planter of London. Lines plan (sheer plan) sketch. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Pleione Pleione. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Plough Schooner Plough. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Plough Schooner Plough. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Plough Schooner Plough. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Plough Schooner Plough. Sail plan (profile). Number "3" written in bottom left corner.
largely stable
Plough Schooner Plough. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Polacca of the Spanish Fleet, 1692 Ship modelling plan for a Polacca of the Spanish Fleet, 1692. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Polacca of the Spanish Fleet, 1692
Ship modelling plan for a Polacca of the Spanish Fleet, 1692. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sail and rigging plan (profile), longitudinal section,
exterior and interior views of stern and details of guns, anchors, oars and onboard boat. Also includes diagrams of hull sections for assembly of model.
Scale 1:150
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Pookhaun Pookhaun. Detail of sail. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Port Antonio Port Antonio. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Port Gordon/Priorhill Barque Port Gordon/Barque Priorhill. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Port Jackson Four-Masted Ship Port Jackson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James fragile
Port Jackson Four-Masted Ship Port Jackson. Sail plan (profile).
Port Jackson Four-Masted Ship Port Jackson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Port Jackson Four-Masted Ship Port Jackson. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Portsmouth Transport Portsmouth Transport. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Portuguese Cod Fishing Boat (Veleiros Para a Resca
do Bacalhau)
Portuguese Cod Fishing Boat (Veleiros Para a Resca do Bacalhau). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes principal dimensions.Scales
1:25 and 1:50. Annotated.
Naval Shipyard C.U.F. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Post Office Packet Post Office Packet. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Detail showing stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Post Office Packet Post Office Packet. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Detail showing stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Post Office Packet Post Office Packet, 1805. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Notes written in pencil on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Post Office Packet Post Office Packet. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Salisbury, William stable
Post Office Packet Post Office Packet. Lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plans). Detail showing stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Post Office Packet Ship
Post Office Packet Ship, 1820. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. David MacGregor stamp mark on
reverse side of plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-section of unnamed ship, Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-section of unnamed ship, Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage Pre-1836 New Measurement Tonnage. Profile and cross-section of unnamed ship, Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Preussen Steel Five-Mast Ship Preussen. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. extremely fragile
Priediestinacja Ship modelling plans for Russian warship Priediestinacja. Items are accessioned individually.
Rosinski, Andrzej stable
Ship modelling plan for Eighteenth Century Russian warship Priediestinacja. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) general arrangement
(profile, deck plan) and longitudinal section.
Rosinski, Andrzej stable
Priediestinacja Ship modelling plan for Eighteenth Century Russian warship Priediestinacja. Details of masts, bowsprit, blocks and crosstrees.
Rosinski, Andrzej stable
Priediestinacja Ship modelling plan for Eighteenth Century Russian warship Priediestinacja. Sail and rigging plans (profile), belaying plan and details of rigging equipment.
Rosinski, Andrzej stable
Priediestinacja Ship modelling plan for Eighteenth Century Russian warship Priediestinacja. Details of masts, rigging and deck fittings.
Rosinski, Andrzej stable
Primera Barque Primera. Sail plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor on reverse side.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Prince de Neufchatel Ship modelling plans for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (body plan) and midship section. Also includes
details and colour scheme of ship's badge and colour illustration of the United States national flag c.1795-1818. Scales 1:50 and 1:100. Text written in
Czech and English.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (profile,
half-deck plan). Scale 1:50. Text written in Czech.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Sail and rigging plans (sections) showing main mast (aft side) and fore mast
(aft side), belaying pin plan and details of fore yards, guns and stern. Text written in English and Czech.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Details of sails. Scale 1:100. Text written in Czech.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Details of masts, bowsprit, booms and gaffs. Scale 1:50. Text written in
Modela largely stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Rigging plan (profile), details of rigging equipment, yards, rudder, anchor,
hatches, skylights and onboard boat. Scale 1:50. Text written in English and Czech.
Modela stable
Prince de Neufchatel Ship modelling plans for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Sail and rigging plans (profile, main and mizzen mast sections), longitudinal
section of hull, lines plan (body plan) and details of anchor, onboard boat, cannons and flags. Scale 1:75. Text written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Belaying pin plan, details of rigging including bowsprit, booms and yards,
midship section and half-sections of hull. Scale 1:75. Text written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Prince de Neufchatel
Ship modelling plan for the American Privateer Schooner Prince de Neufchatel. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general
arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1:75. Text written in French.
Schmitt, Gerard stable
Prince of Wales Schooner Prince of Wales. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Prince of Wales Schooner Prince of Wales. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing bowsprit. One of two separate sections making up complete plan.
Prince of Wales Schooner Prince of Wales. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing all of vessel except the bowsprit. One of two separate sections making up complete plan.
Prince of Wales Schooner Prince of Wales. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing bowsprit. Reversed image. One of two separate sections making up complete plan.
Prince of Wales
Schooner Prince of Wales. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing all of vessel except the bowsprit. Reversed image. One of two separate sections making
up complete plan.
Prince Royal
Prince Royal. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Individual numbers and letters printed on paper glued to plan. Annotated:
"Reconstruction of a draught, possibly of the Prince Royal".
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
Prince Royal Prince Royal. Profile. Individual letters printed on paper glued to plan. Annotated in pencil and ink. "Draught on Vellum".
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
Prince Royal Prince Royal. Section of hull. Dimensions prrinted on paper glued to plan. Annotated in pencil and ink.
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
Princess Mary East Indiaman Princess Mary. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
National Maritime Museum stable
Princess Royal Princess Royal. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Princess Royal Princess Royal. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (deck plans).
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (main deck plan, superstructure deck plan, bridge deck plans). Annotated.
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (upper deck plan, lower deck plan, hold plan).
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (upper deck plan, battery deck plan). Annotated.
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. Longitudinal section. Annotated.
largely stable
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (profile), rigging plan, sections and tables of dimensions. Annotated.
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. Cross-sections showing internal layout of rear of vessel. Annotated.
largely stable
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. Cross-sections showing internal layout of front of vessel. Annotated.
largely stable
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. Lines plan (body plan) and detail of bow medallion. Scale 1:100.
Coker, P.C. stable
Prinz Eugen
German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and bow elevation. Includes information on dimensions
and armament. Also includes bow and superstructure details of sister ships Admiral Hipper, Seydlitz and Lutzow.
Coker, P.C. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Prinz Eugen German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and longitudinal section.
Privateer Ship, 1780
Privateer Ship,1780. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), stern view and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Note states plan is based on model that has been wrongly identified as the "Thetis" (1801).
Salisbury, William stable
Privateer Ship, 1780
Privateer Ship,1780. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), stern view and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1
foot. Note states plan is based on model that has been wrongly identified as the "Thetis" (1801).
Salisbury, William largely stable
Propellor Design for Model of HMS Hood
Details of a design by A.Taylor for constructing a propellor for ship model of HMS Hood. Includes diagrams, drawings, instructions and dimensions. Scale 1
inch to 10 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
Propellor Design for Model of HMS Hood
Details of a design by A.Taylor for constructing a propellor for ship model of HMS Hood. Includes diagrams, drawings, instructions and dimensions. Scale 1
inch to 10 feet.
Ough, Norman stable
Proposed 24 Gun Ship Proposed 24 Gun Ship for Joseph A.Powell, Esquire, proprietor of the M.R.F.S. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Small, Adrian largely stable
Proposed Anti-E-Boat (Steam Gun Boat Design
Proposed Anti-E-Boat (Steam Gun Boat Design T1320). General arrangement (profile, upper deck plan, lower deck plan) including numbered profile and
deck plans with key. Includes information on dimensions, displacement, armament and complement and also details of armaments.
Lambert, John stable
Proposed Anti-E-Boat (Steam Gun Boat No.371)
Proposed Anti-E-Boat (Steam Gun Boat No.371). General arrangement (profile, upper deck plan, lower deck plan) including numbered profile and deck
plans with key. Also includes dimensions and detail of armament as shown on original drawing.
Lambert, John stable
Proposed Film Ship Proposed Film Ship. Deck plans, showing layout of galley, bar, dining room and store rooms.
largely stable
Proposed Film Ship
Proposed Film Ship. Preliminary general arrangement (profile, main deck plan and tween deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1:50. Designers stamp marks in bottom right corner.
Shoosmith, Howe fragile
Proposed Film Ship
Proposed Film Ship. Preliminary general arrangement (poop deck plan, forecastle deck plan and lower deck plan). Also includes half-sections of hull. Scale
1:50. Designers stamp marks in bottom right corner. Annotated.
Shoosmith, Howe largely stable
Proposed Film Ship Proposed Film Ship. Sketch sail plan (profile) of vessel in barque rig. Scale 1:100. Designers stamp marks in bottom right corner. Annotated.
Shoosmith, Howe largely stable
Proposed Single Step 70 foot Motor Torpedo Boat
Proposed Single Step 70 foot Motor Torpedo Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) including numbered profile and deck plans with key. Includes
silhouette comparison with 72 foot M.T.B.'s Numbers 49 to 56 and also details of armoured bridge.
Lambert, John stable
Proto Sailing Schooner Proto. Lines plan (sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Savin-Taylor, A.B. fragile
Proto Sailing Schooner Proto. Lines plan (sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Proto Sailing Schooner Proto. Lines plan (sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Caledonia Oil fired paddle steamer Caledonia, later Old Caledonia. Profile and rigging plan. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes technical specifications.
PS Duchess of Fife
Paddle Steamer Duchess of Fife. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings and
propulsion mechanism.
Robson, J.M. largely stable
ps Fergus Ship ps Fergus. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), and profile. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ps Fergus Ship ps Fergus. Deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ps Fergus Ship ps Fergus. Paddle wheel plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ps Fergus & ps Dare Ships ps Fergus & ps Dare. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), sections and details.
Chapelle fragile
ps Fergus & ps Dare Ship ps Fergus & ps Dare. Profile. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with dimensions.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan), fore and amidships.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan), amidships and aft. Annotated with dimensions.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile (inboard elevation) showing internal layout, hull section and details of
deck fittings.Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile (inboard elevation) showing internal layout, hull section and details of
deck fittings.Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes scale of ship's displacement.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Rigging plan (profile).
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions and technical information.
Mackenzie, William stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile (inboard elevation) showing internal layout, hull section and details of
deck fittings.Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile (inboard elevation) showing internal layout, hull section and details of
deck fittings.Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope
Paddle Steamer Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), profile (inboard elevation) showing internal layout, hull section and details of
deck fittings.Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Hope Paddle Steamer Hope. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, paddle wheels, anchors and onboard boats. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
PS Jeanie Deans Paddle Steamer Jeanie Deans. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
PS Jeanie Deans
Paddle Steamer Jeanie Deans. General arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan) of deck fittings and internal layout as fitted, including plan of captain's
bridge. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated, including pencil sketch.
PS Jeanie Deans Paddle Steamer Jeanie Deans. General arrangement (main deck plan, lower deck plan) as fitted. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Sketch drawing showing general arrangement (profile, deck plan) without foredeck house and profile and perspective
views of stern.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. General arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan, main deck plan and cabin deck plan). Also includes map of River
Thames and the Pool of London showing location of Princess Elizabeth.
PS Princess Elizabeth Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. General arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan, main deck plan and cabin deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
PS Princess Elizabeth Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. General arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan, main deck plan and cabin deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Sketch drawings showing proposed additions aboard vessel for Carnival Conventions (Showboat) Ltd. General
arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan), appearance without extension of promenade deck forward and with different stern profile, perspective views
of stern from port quarter and new bar looking aft from top of existing stairs. Also includes hull cross-section. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Sketch drawings showing proposed additions aboard vessel for Carnival Conventions (Showboat) Ltd. General
arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan), appearance without extension of promenade deck forward and with different stern profile, perspective views
of stern from port quarter and new bar looking aft from top of existing stairs. Also includes hull cross-section. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Sketches drawing showing proposed additions aboard vessel for Carnival Conventions (Showboat) Ltd. General
arrangement (profile, promenade deck plan), perspective view of proposed promenade deck bar. Includes specifications for furnishing of bar. Scale 1/16
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Drawing of vessel for Carnival Conventions (Showboat) Ltd showing appearance as of March 1973. General
arrangement (profile, deck plan). Also includes information on tonnage and original builder of vessel.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Princess Elizabeth
Paddle Steamer Princess Elizabeth. Drawing of vessel for Carnival Conventions (Showboat) Ltd showing appearance as of March 1973. General
arrangement (profile, deck plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Reliant Paddle Tug Reliant. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Reliant Paddle Tug Reliant. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (deck plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (deck plan).
MacGregor, David stable
PS Reliant
PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, cross sections, midship section and details of deck fittings. Includes
information on dimensions and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Reliant
PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, cross sections, midship section and details of deck fittings. Includes
information on dimensions and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Reliant
PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, cross sections, midship section and details of deck fittings. Includes
information on dimensions and colour scheme. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of paddle wheels and deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of paddle wheels and deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of paddle wheels and deck fittings. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Deck plan.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Reliant Paddle Steamer Reliant. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Deck plan. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
PS Reliant
PaddleTug Reliant. General arrangement (profile) and detail of funnel steam pipe. Includes dimensions and historic note. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Amendments made to plan in blue ink.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
PS Reliant PS Reliant. General arrangement (deck plan). Extensively annotated. One of three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
PS Reliant PS Reliant. Longitudinal section. Extensively annotated. One of three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
PS Reliant
PS Reliant. Midship section showing engines and paddles. Extensively annotated. One of three separate sheets that form a complete plan. Annotated on
reverse side of plan.
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Longitudinal section and stern elevation. Incomplete drawing.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
PS Reliant PaddleTug Reliant. Longitudinal section and deck plans. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Incomplete drawing.
MacGregor, David stable
PS Royal Eagle
Paddle Steamer Royal Eagle. Hull construction detail. Cross sections and half-sections, including section sketch through hull at paddle box. Scale 1/8 inch to
1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft fragile
PS Royal Eagle
Paddle Steamer Royal Eagle. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), cross sections and detail of radial stanchion, 6 float paddle wheel and buoyant seat.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft fragile
PS Royal Falcon
Plan for electric model of Paddle Steamer Royal Falcon. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow elevation and detail of deck fittings and paddle
wheel. Also includes colour sketch and assembly instructions for model.
Model Maker Plans Service fragile
PS Savannah
Paddle Steamer Savannah. Sail plan (profile). Colour illustration from page of calendar for the months December 1972 to February 1973, issued by Richard
Klinger Ltd.
Richard Klinger Ltd largely stable
PS Titan Paddle Tug Titan. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
PS Titan Paddle Tug Titan. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
PS Titan Paddle Tug Titan. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
PS William Fawcett
Paddle Steamer William Fawcett. Sail plan (profile). Colour illustration from page of calendar for the months February 1973 to April1973, issued by Richard
Klinger Ltd.
Richard Klinger Ltd largely stable
Patrol Torpedo Boat PT-109, as in August 1943. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes details of deck fittings, notes on dimensions and
armament and model painting colour scheme. Scale 1:32.
Ross, Albert P. largely stable
PT-109 Patrol Torpedo Boat PT-109, as in August 1943. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) details of deck fittings, including cockpit. Scale 1:32.
Ross, Albert P. largely stable
Q.F. 3 Inch 12 Pounder Gun on Mark V/Mark VI
Plans, elevations and detail of Q.F. 3 Inch 12 Pounder Gun on Mark V/Mark VI Mounting. Includes number key, technical data and history of gun and
Lambert, John stable
Q.F. 6 Pounder 7 CWT. Mark IIA Gun on Mark VII
Plans, elevations, sections and details of Q.F. 6 Pounder 7 CWT. Mark IIA Gun on Mark VII Mounting. Includes number key and technical data of gun and
Lambert, John stable
Q.F. 6 Pounder 7 CWT. Mark IIA Gun on Mark VII
Mounting with Auto-Loader
Plans, elevations and details of Q.F. 6 Pounder 7 CWT. Mark IIA Gun on Mark VII Mounting with Auto-Loader. Includes number key, technical data and
history of gun and mountings.
Lambert, John stable
Quad 0.5 Inch Guns on M MK III Mounting Plans, elevations, sections and details of Quad 0.5 Inch Guns on M MK III Mounting. Includes number key and technical data on guns and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Quadruple 21 Inch QR Mark VIII Torpedo Tubes and
Mark IX Torpedo
Plans, elevations, sections and details of Quadruple 21 Inch QR Mark VIII Torpedo Tubes and Mark IX Torpedo as carried by emergency fleet destroyers in
1943. Includes number keys and technical data.
Lambert, John stable
Quail Class Cutter Tender Quail Class Cutter Tender. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Queen (?) Trow Queen (?). Plan of mast head and mast, with dimensions, traced from plan at Bristol Museum in October 1972.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Queen Anne's Revenge Queen Anne's Revenge. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot (on model).
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Queen Anne's Revenge Queen Anne's Revenge. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot (on model).
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Queen of the Orwell River Paddle Steamer Queen of the Orwell. General arrangement (upper deck plan, lower deck plan).
Mackenzie, William fragile
Queen of the West Queen of the West. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Clipper Ship Queensberry. Drawing of ship under sail from oil painting by Samuel Walters. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated by David
MacGregor, includes guide on colour of different parts of ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Queensberry Clipper Ship Queensberry. Drawing of ship under sail from oil painting by Samuel Walters. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Queensberry Clipper Ship Queensberry. Drawing of ship under sail from oil painting by Samuel Walters. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Queensberry. Drawing of ship under sail from oil painting by Samuel Walters. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated by David
MacGregor, includes guide on colour of different parts of ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Queensberry Clipper Ship Queensberry. Drawing of ship under sail from oil painting by Samuel Walters. Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
R427 British Queen Ramsgate Trawler British Queen. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and detail of trawl head. Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Rambler Schooner Rambler. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes sail and spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. fragile
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes sail and spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes sail and spar dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Ranger Barking Fish Carrier Ranger. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Includes dimensions.
March, Edgar J. stable
Rattlesnake Ship modelling plan for the Sloop USS Rattlesnake . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for the Privateer Sloop Rattlesnake. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) lines plan (sheer, half-breadth, body plan) and details of
deck fittings. Includes ship's dimensions.
Model Shipways stable
Rattlesnake Ship modelling plan for the Privateer Sloop Rattlesnake. Kit assembly instructions including sections of ship's hull.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for the Privateer Sloop Rattlesnake. Rigging plan showing details of mastheads, heels, crosstrees, tops and spars. Includes details of
ship's longboat.
Model Shipways stable
Raven Brigantine Raven. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Raven Brigantine Raven. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and detail of inside of bulwark.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Raven Brigantine Raven. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Raven Brigantine Raven. Details of main and fore rigging, bowsprit guys, deckhouse, hand winch, windlass and pumps.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Raymond Raymond. Details of mainsail and staysails. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Raymond Raymond. Details of main staysail, fore staysail, jib sails, mizzen gaff topsail and main gaff topsail. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
RDF Outfit ATS [Type 286PU] General Arrangement
and Details
Plans, elevations and details of RDF Outfit ATS [Type 286PU] aerial array and masthead. Includes numbered key and notes.
Lambert, John stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:80.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:80.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:80. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (body plan), sections and details of guns. Scale 1:50.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (body plan), sections and details of guns. Scale 1:50.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (body plan), sections and details of guns. Scale 1:50. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (sheer plan), longitudinal section and details of galley oars. Scale 1:50.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (sheer plan), longitudinal section and details of galley oars. Scale 1:50.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Lines plan (sheer plan), longitudinal section and details of galley oars. Scale 1:50. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Galley Real. Sail plan (profile). Draft sketch of plan combining sail plan (profile), longitudinal section, sections, lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and details
of guns and oars.
MacGregor, David stable
Real Galley Real. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and sections. Scale 1:50.
Museo Maritimo de las Reales Atarazanas de Barcelona
largely stable
Real Galley Real. Details of flags and pennants used on vessel. Photocopy of part of larger plan.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Real Galley Real. General arrangement (profile), lines plan (body plan) and hull cross-sections. Photocopy of part of larger plan.
largely stable
Recoil Barge Recoil of Emsworth. General arrangement (profile, partial deck plan). Annotated.
Hill, H.O. stable
Recoil Barge Recoil of Emsworth. General arrangement (profile, partial deck plan) and lines plan (partial half-breadth plan?) . Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Red Gauntlet Ship Red Gauntlet. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan) of amidships of ship. One of three sections forming a complete plan.
Emrik & Binger stable
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan) of forebody of ship. One of three sections forming a complete plan.
Emrik & Binger stable
Red Jacket
Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, complete body plan) of aftbody of ship. One of three sections forming a
complete plan.
Emrik & Binger stable
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Red Jacket Clipper Ship Red Jacket. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Sail plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Henderson, James largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Profile. Annotated by David MacGregor, including information on dimensions and colour scheme of ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer Clipper Ship Reindeer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Reindeer/Avon Reindeer/Avon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Reklaw Reklaw of Hull. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern elevations and detail of anchor. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Model Boats Magazine stable
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Sections of vessel's hull.
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Sections of vessel's hull.
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Sections of vessel's hull.
largely stable
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Plan of ship remains and map showing location of excavation site.
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Plan of ship remains and map showing location of excavation site.
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Plan of ship remains and map showing location of excavation site.
largely stable
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Plan and sections of ship remains.
largely stable
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's
Wharf, Woolwich
Remains of ship exposed during excavation, Roff's Wharf, Woolwich. Plan and perspective view of ship remains and sketch map showing location of
excavation site.
largely stable
Renee Rickmers Barque Renee Rickmers. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Renown Clipper Ship Renown. Plan of cabins, bath rooms and saloon.
Howard & Jones stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Finch, Roger stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles) Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Finch, Roger stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result as she was prior to 1914. Sail and riggin plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result as she was prior to 1914. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result Steel three masted schooner Result. Profile and body plan. Preliminary drawing. Accompanied by letter pointing out mistakes in DRM's drawing.
Sells, C. J. extremely fragile
Result Steel three masted schooner Result as she was prior to 1914. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result Three Masted Schooner Result. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan stable
Result of Barrow Ship Result of Barrow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Result of Barrow Ship Result of Barrow. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Retriever Three-Masted Brigantine Retriever. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated on reverse side by David MacGregor.
largely stable
Retriever Three-Masted Brigantine Retriever. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Retriever Three-Masted Brigantine Retriever. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Retvizan Ship modelling plan for the Russian Battleship Retvizan. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridges, guns, funnel and crane.
Modela stable
Revenge Ship modelling plans for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), bow and stern elevations and details of
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Revenge Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Perspective views of hull, construction guide for keel and frame sections of model's hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Revenge Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Details of and construction guide for hull frames, planking and deck fittings.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Revenge Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Details of and construction guide for rigging.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. Details of and construction guide for deck fittings, including wheelhouse, hatches, chain plates
and rudder hinges.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for the Elizabethan Galleon Revenge. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (body plan) for onboard rowing boats.
Includes detail of oar.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Revised Corvette Revised Corvette. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Perspective view of vessel under sail, tracing of watercolour by Reuben Chappell.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Dotted lines
indicates pre-conversion sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Dotted lines
indicate pre-conversion sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Dotted lines
indicate pre-conversion sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Dotted lines
indicate pre-conversion sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Dotted lines
indicate pre-conversion sail plan. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with suggested amendments to plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sketch of sail and rigging plan (profile) showing possible appearance when built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale
3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sketch of sail and rigging plan (profile) showing possible appearance when built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale
3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing appearance when first built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing appearance when first built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing appearance when first built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing appearance when first built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary
Two-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile) showing appearance when first built as a two-masted schooner in 1868. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan).
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section of the schooner "Mary
Ashburner" to give proportionate frame size below deck.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section of the schooner "Mary
Ashburner" to give proportionate frame size below deck. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section of the schooner "Mary
Ashburner" to give proportionate frame size below deck. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David fragile
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section of the schooner "Mary
Ashburner" to give proportionate frame size below deck. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Rough pencil sketches of profile, sheer plan and section on reverse
side of plan.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (inboard profile). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Preliminary draft of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes notes, calculations and rough
pencil sketches around margins.
MacGregor, David fragile
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Preliminary draft of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes notes, calculations and rough pencil sketches
around margins. Notes and calculations also written on reverse side of plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Includes dimensions. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section to give proportionate
frame size below deck. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Rhoda Mary
Three-Mast Schooner Rhoda Mary. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Shown after conversion from two-masted to three-masted schooner in 1898. Scale 3/16
inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Lines plan (body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Also includes midship section of the schooner "Mary
Ashburner" to give proportionate frame size below deck.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Rhoda Mary
Three-Masted Schooner Rhoda Mary. Preliminary draft of general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and longitudinal section. Includes sketches of deck
furniture. Extensively annotated. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Cruiser Rjurik. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of mast rigging, deckhouse, bridge and bow. Scale
Modela stable
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (body plan).
largely stable
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (body plan).
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions.
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
largely stable
RMS Olympic
RMS Olympic. General arrangement (profile, plans of boat deck and promenade deck 'A'). Partial Harland and Wolff builders stamp mark on bottom right
of plan.
Harland & Wolff Limited largely stable
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. General arrangement (plans of middle deck, lower deck, orlop deck, lower orlop deck and tank top).
Harland & Wolff Limited largely stable
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic. General arrangement (plans of forecastle, bridge deck, poop deck, shelter deck, saloon deck and upper deck)
Harland & Wolff Limited fragile
RMS Olympic Liner RMS Olympic. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow view and detail of scat davits. Includes technical specifications.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
RMS Queen Mary Cunard White Star Liner RMS Queen Mary. Sketch profile drawn by David MacGregor, aged 10, in 1935.
MacGregor, David largely stable
RMS Titanic
RMS Titanic. General arrangement (plans of forecastle, bridge deck, poop deck, shelter deck, boat deck and promenade deck 'A'). Builders stamp "Harland
and Woolff". Annotated, Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Harland & Wolff Limited largely stable
RMS Titanic RMS Titanic. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Harland & Wolff Limited stable
RMS Titanic RMS Titanic. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor regarding scale and dimensions.
Harland & Wolff Limited largely stable
Twin Screw Motor Lifeboats St Helier, Porthdinllaen, Portrush and Donaghadee. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of deck cabin and
shelter as fitted. Also includes table of offsets. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
J.Samuel White & Co. Ltd. fragile
Twin Screw Motor Lifeboats St Helier, Porthdinllaen, Portrush and Donaghadee. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sections and details showing
construction of BBT casing as fitted. Also includes riveting table. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
J.Samuel White & Co. Ltd. extremely fragile
Robin Hood Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Midship section for model. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Robin Hood Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Robin Hood
Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, complete body plan) for forebody of vessel. Negative image. 1 of 2
sections that make a complete plan
Henderson, James largely stable
Robin Hood
Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan) for aftbody of vessel. Negative image. Second of two sections that make a
complete plan
Henderson, James largely stable
Robin Hood Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Robin Hood
Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. David MacGregor
stamp mark in bottom right of plan.
Henderson, James largely stable
Robin Hood Clipper Ship Robin Hood. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Rohilla Ship Rohilla. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp "Russell & Co., Shipbuilders, Port Glasgow & Greenock" on right side of plan.
Russell & Co. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale1/2 inch to 1 foot. Pencil amendments to plan.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Body plan sketch on reverse side of plan.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Constructional sections, including half-breadth plans for sections A-A and B-B, fore and aft vertical section on
centre line, midship section and side elevation from outboard. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Also includes notes on potential design changes needed to take into
account the transport of the vessel to the Leisure Sport site.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plans) showing construction of frames and deck beams. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Partial profiles showing details of structural backbone and ballast of vessel. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details of masts and spars, including side and fore elevations of mast, mainyard, bowsprit and spritsail yard.
Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Perspective sketch and details showing the arrangement of rigging.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details of pulling and steering oars, including sections to show position of rowers and side elevation of steering
mechanism. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details of anchors, including plan, elevations and sections. Also includes perspective sketch showing stock and
cable lashings and notes on materials and finish of anchors. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. General arrangement (longitudinal section) and lines plan (half-breadth plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Forward and aft cross sections of body of vessel. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Perspective sketch, isometric drawing, elevations, plan and section showing details of the Commander's Tent.
Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details, including plans, elevations and sections, of Commander's chair and control panel. Scale 2 inches to 1
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details, including plans and elevations, of blocks and deadeyes. Includes notes on number, types and sizes
required. Full size scale drawings.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details, plans and sections of mast lock and step. Scales 1 inch to 1 foot and 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Bitts and artemot details, including plan, elevation and sections. Scales 1 inch to 1 foot and 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plan and sections showing the installation of twin Volvo Penta marine diesel engines and proposed twin
rudders. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan had been amended in pencil.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plan and sections showing the installation of twin direct drive "Coventry Victor" diesel engines, type HDW
(Mark II) 14-30 BHP. Scale 3/4 to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Details of fore side and after side of main sail and artemon sail. Scale 3/4 to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plan and sections showing the installation of twin Volvo Penta marine diesel engines. Scale 3/4 to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Forward and aft elevations of external decoration on bulwarks. Includes note on production methods and
materials to be used to create decoration. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plans, elevations and sections showing decoration on the prow stem and ram. Scale 1 /16 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Bulkhead doors and windows detail. Includes front elevation, plan and sections of door and fore elevation of
poop bulkhead. Scales 4 inches to 1 foot and 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Elevations, plans, sections and perspective sketch of port and starboard deck entry gates. Scale 2 inches to 1
Wood, Peter M. stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plans and sections for engine installation. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Merthen Trust Ltd. largely stable
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) of three smaller Roman ships, two merchant ships (Corbita) and a
warship. Research plans for building a vessel suitable for use at Thorpe Water Park. Scale 1/60 inch to 1 foot. Includes notes on historical background and
dimensions of vessels. Plan is incomplete, part of the left side has been cut off.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Preliminary lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross section of hull. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Signed and dated 23/7/74 by John Hule of Leisure Sport Ltd.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Preliminary drawing showing general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan, body plan) and midship section of a Roman warship (bireme). Includes dimensions and notes on propulsion and transport arrangements for vessel.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Signed and dated 23/7/74 by
John Hule of Leisure Sport Ltd.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and body sections. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Amendments
made to plan in red and green pencil.
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Roman Galley Roman Galley. Longitudinal section and half-deck plan showing internal structure of vessel.
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Plan and sections showing position of propeller mechanism. Scale 1:16.
Coke, J.S. largely stable
Roman Galley Replica Roman Galley. Plan, longitudinal section and cross-sections showing engine layout.
Merthen Trust Ltd. largely stable
Roman Galley Roman Galley. Front elevation and section of a cabin door. Incomplete drawing.
Roman Galley
Replica Roman Galley for Leisure Sport Ltd. Elevations, plans, sections and perspective sketch of port and starboard deck entry gates. Scale 2 inches to 1
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Rona Rona. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Rona Rona. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, including bridge, wheelhouse and trawl winch.
Also includes on dimensions and history of vessel and colour notes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, including bridge, wheelhouse and trawl winch.
Also includes on dimensions and history of vessel and colour notes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, including bridge, wheelhouse and trawl winch.
Also includes on dimensions and history of vessel and colour notes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture, including bridge, wheelhouse and trawl winch.
Also includes on dimensions and history of vessel and colour notes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), perspective view of hull and crane handle. Also includes details of deck
fittings, including nets and running gear. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), perspective view of hull and crane handle. Also includes details of deck
fittings, including nets and running gear. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Ross Heron
Motor Fishing Trawler Ross Heron. Profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), perspective view of hull and crane handle. Also includes details of deck
fittings, including nets and running gear. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. stable
Ross Heron
Diesel Trawler Ross Heron, No.1468. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons
Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby".
Cochrane & Sons Limited largely stable
Ship modelling plan for the Russian Cruiser Rossija. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of mast rigging, guns, stairs, bridge and bow. Scale
Modela stable
Rover (?) Rover (?). Lines plan (body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated with measurements and calculations written in pencil.
Row Galley
United States Row Galley, 1814. General arrangement (inboard profile, outboard profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan
(profile), hull section and details of guns. Also includes principal dimensions and notes on painting. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. stable
Row Galley
United States Row Galley, 1814. General arrangement (inboard profile, outboard profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan
(profile), hull section and details of guns. Also includes principal dimensions and notes on painting. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
Roxburgh Castle Roxburgh Castle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Roxburgh Castle Roxburgh Castle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Croad, H.R. largely stable
Roxburgh Castle Roxburgh Castle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Roxburgh Castle Roxburgh Castle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Royal Albert Royal Albert. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Hobbs, Edward W. largely stable
Royal Albert Royal Albert. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated.
Hobbs, Edward W. extremely fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Royal Caroline Yacht Royal Caroline. Stern elevation showing carved decoration and historical information on vessel. Scale 1:48.
Bellabarba, Sergio largely stable
Royal Caroline
Yacht Royal Caroline. General arrangement (profile, bulwark elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section, stern
elevation and detail of stern decoration. Includes colour scheme information. Scale 1:48. Text in Italian and English.
Bellabarba, Sergio stable
Royal Caroline Yacht Royal Caroline. Construction details showing perspective sketch and sections of hull. Text in Italian.
Bellabarba, Sergio stable
Royal Caroline
Yacht Royal Caroline. Details of rigging (masts, yards, tops, blocks) and cannons. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, longitudinal and midship
sections) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of 27 foot barge. Text in Italian and English. Scales 1:48 and 1:24.
Bellabarba, Sergio stable
Royal Caroline
Yacht Royal Caroline. Rigging plan (profile), bow elevation, hull sections and details of tops, flags, capstan and rails. Also includes tables showing diameters
and number codes of principal ropes. Scale 1:48.
Bellabarba, Sergio stable
Royal Caroline Yacht Royal Caroline.Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) and details of masts, rigging and anchors. Scale 1:48.
Bellabarba, Sergio stable
Royal Caroline Yacht Royal Caroline. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Also includes alphabetical key.
largely stable
Royal Caroline (?) Royal Caroline (?). Longitudinal section, midship section and details of cabin exteriors. "Royal Caroline?" written in central top section of plan.
largely stable
Royal Daffodil II Royal Daffodil II. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), perspective view of bridge deck and details of deck furniture.
McGraw, G.B. largely stable
Royal Escape Royal Escape. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Royal Galley
Royal Galley. Sail plan (profile) and details of rigging. Advertisement for limited edition reprinted copy of "Souvenirs de Marine" by Admiral Paris from
Conway Maritime Press, Greenwich, on reverse side.
Conway Maritime Press largely stable
Royal George Yacht Royal George. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Royal Katherine Ship modelling plans for the 84-gun Royal Navy Ship of the Line Royal Katherine. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Breisinger, Helmut largely stable
Royal Katherine
Ship modelling plan for the 84-gun Royal Navy Ship of the Line Royal Katherine. Rigging plan (profile). Includes colour scheme for flags and stern
decoration. Scale 1:75.
Breisinger, Helmut largely stable
Royal Katherine
Ship modelling plan for the 84-gun Royal Navy Ship of the Line Royal Katherine. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern elevations,
sections and details of deck fittings, guns, anchors, lamp and carvings. Also includes general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (body plan) of
onboard boats. Scale 1:75.
Breisinger, Helmut largely stable
Royal Katherine
Ship modelling plan for the 84-gun Royal Navy Ship of the Line Royal Katherine. Sail and rigging plan showing front and back views and details of masts,
sails and rigging equipment. Also includes colour and painting guide. Scale 1:75.
Breisinger, Helmut largely stable
Royal Katherine Ship modelling plan for the 84-gun Royal Navy Ship of the Line Royal Katherine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and section. Scale
Breisinger, Helmut largely stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern elevation. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans) showing external and internal layout of vessel.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts and yards.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Sail plan (profile).
Rosing, J. stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Sail plan (profile).
Rosing, J. largely stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts and yards. Annotated and amended.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Royal Sovereign HM Yacht Royal Sovereign. Plan and elevation of windlass. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Runnymede Brig Runnymede. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Runnymede Brig Runnymede. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Ryelands Schooner Ryelands. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Ryelands Schooner Ryelands, 1907. Sail and rigging plan (forebody profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of two sections that make a complete plan.
Cowl, Ron W. stable
Ryelands Schooner Ryelands, 1907. Sail and rigging plan (aftbody profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of two sections that make a complete plan.
Cowl, Ron W. stable
Ryelands Schooner Ryelands. Details of pattern and dimensions of sails, including fore staysail, boom jib, stand jib and mainsail.
MacGregor, David largely stable
S/S Spurt
S/S Spurt. General arrangement (profile, plans for poopdeck, bridge deck, forecastle deck and main deck) showing internal layout. Includes information on
vessel's specifications. Stamp mark for "Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft". Annotated in black ink.
extremely fragile
Copy of a ship plan of the ketch rigged trow 'Sabrina' which was built at Gloucester in 1893. Was enclosed with the letter to David MacGregor, dated 17
March 1996, from Colin Green regarding research on Severn trows and the hulks at Purton.
Sabrina. Sabrina. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts, sails and rigging. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sailing Barge Sailing Barge. Perspective pencil sketch view of foresail as seen from the deck.
largely stable
Sailing Tramp Sailing Tramp. Sail plan (profile). David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom left corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Salamander Salamander. Sail plan (profile)
Henderson, James stable
Salamander Salamander. Sail plan (profile).
Henderson, James largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ship Salamis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and midship section. Two smaller drawings stapled to this plan have been removed and catalogued
MacGregor, David largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Sketch showing arrangement of stanchions. Previously stapled onto 2013.00444.1.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Rough profile sketch of stern. Previously stapled onto 2013.00444.1.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Half-section of vessel's hull. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). First draft.
Smith, F.A. largely stable
Salamis Ship Salamis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). First draft.
Smith, F.A. stable
Ship Salamis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). First draft. Extensively annotated by Frank
Smith. Accompanied by a letter and sheet of notes regarding the ship which are separately catalogued.
Smith, F.A. stable
Saltash Gun-Brig HMS Saltash. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth, body plan).
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Sampan Chinese Sampan Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), half-deck plan and perspective sketch of boat. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Samson Schooner Samson, No.344. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Samson Schooner Samson, No.344. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Samson Schooner Samson, No.344. Midship section. Includes dimensions and equipment specification. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Samson Schooner Samson, No.344. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Samson Schooner Samson No.344. General arrangement (longitudinal section, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
San Felipe Ship modelling plans for the Spanish Warship San Felipe, 1690 . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Felipe
Ship modelling plan for the Spanish Warship San Felipe,1690. Double-sided plan. Recto: Sail and rigging plan (profile) and details of masts, trees and
cannons. Verso: General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern elevations, perspective views of forebody and aftbody. Also includes details of
deck furniture. Scale 1:100.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Felipe Ship modelling plan for the Spanish Warship San Felipe,1690. Model hull sections with instructions.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Felipe Ship modelling plan for the Spanish Warship San Felipe,1690. Details of masts, yards and trees.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Matteo Ship modelling plans for the Genoese Galleon San Matteo. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Matteo
Ship modelling plan for the Genoese Galleon San Matteo. Double-sided plan. Recto: Sail and rigging plan (profile). Verso: Details of masts, yards, trees and
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Matteo
Ship modelling plan for the Genoese Galleon San Matteo. Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Verso: Sections,
perspective views and model assembly instructions for hull.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
San Matteo
Ship modelling plan for the Genoese Galleon San Matteo. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow elevation, perspective
views of hull. Also includes details of anchors, sloop and deck furniture. Verso: Details of sails and rigging, stern elevation and colour scheme for model.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Santa Maria
Nao La Santa Maria. Ship modellers constructional plan. Perspective starboard view of vessel model, bow and stern elevations, general arrangement
(profile, deck plan) longitudinal section, section at the level of the main mast and interior view of the bow. Also includes details of rigging, onboard sloop
and flags and diagrams of model hull frames. Scale 1:20.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Santa Maria Ship modelling plans for Nao La Santa Maria, 1492. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Santa Maria Ship modelling plan for Nao La Santa Maria, 1492. Numbered drawings of shep hull frame sections.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Santa Maria
Ship modelling plan for Nao La Santa Maria, 1492. Perspective starboard view of vessel model, bow and stern elevations, general arrangement (profile,
deck plan) longitudinal section, section at the level of the main mast and interior view of the bow. Also includes details of rigging, onboard sloop and gun.
Scale 1:20.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Sappho Sappho. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sappho Sappho. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sappho Sappho. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sappho Sappho. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sappho Sappho. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated in pencil.
Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, poop deck, forecastle deck and lower deck) showing internal layout
of vessel, including accommodation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Saragossa Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Saragossa Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Saragossa Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Amended in pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, poop deck, forecastle deck and lower deck) showing internal layout
of vessel, including accommodation. Also includes table of vessel tonnage and displacement. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Saragossa Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Four-masted Steel Barque Saragossa. General arrangement and longitudinal section (profile, plans of main deck, poop deck, forecastle deck and stores on
lower deck) showing deck fittings and internal layout of vessel. Also includes table of weight and displacement. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Sarah Neumann Sarah Neumann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Neumann Sarah Neumann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Neumann Sarah Neumann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Neumann Sarah Neumann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Neumann (?)
Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) based on measurements taken off of unnamed ship model owned by Vernon Boyle. Plan uncompleted. Note by
David MacGregor suggests vessel could be the Sarah Neumann, based on a comparison with that ship's dimensions in the Lloyds Register survey report.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Nicholson/Elizabeth Nicholson Sarah Nicholson/Elizabeth Nicholson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) sketch. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sarsuti Indian Pilot Brig Sarsuti. Sail plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Donovan, J. stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Unfinished.
MacGregor, David stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Millard, A.V. largely stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scawfell Clipper Ship Scawfell. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. General information on history and specifications of vessel. Also includes painting and outfitting schedules for model and
index of plans.
Sumrall, Robert F. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (body plan).
Sumrall, Robert F. largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, funnel, seaplane hoists and mizzen mast. Includes
information on specifications of vessel. Scale 1:200.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, funnel, seaplane hoists and mizzen mast. Includes
information on specifications of vessel. Scale 1:200.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of bridge, funnel, seaplane hoists and mizzen mast. Includes
information on specifications of vessel. Scale 1:200.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of superstructure) and cross-sections of vessel. Scale 1:200.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of superstructure) and cross-sections of vessel. Scale 1:200.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), aerial rigging plan and details of onboard boats, seaplane and deck
fittings. Scales 1:200 and 1:100.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), aerial rigging plan and details of onboard boats, seaplane and deck
fittings. Scales 1:200 and 1:100.
Wilson, E.N. stable
German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), aerial rigging plan and details of onboard boats, seaplane and deck
fittings. Scales 1:200 and 1:100.
Wilson, E.N. fragile
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (profile). Includes tables of technical information. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (profile). Includes sections of hull and superstructure. Scale 1:200. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (deck plan). Scale 1:100. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (deck plan). Scale 1:200. Annotated with sections shaded in coloured pencil.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections and plans of hull and superstructure. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections and plans of hull and superstructure. Scale 1:200. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and mast deck plan. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections of hull and superstructure. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections of hull and superstructure. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Graphs of bow and stern. Scale 1:25.
extremely fragile
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Graphs of bow and stern. Scale 1:25.
extremely fragile
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section through hull and superstructure showing aerial mast and gun turrets.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections of deck furniture. Small cut outs originally glued to single sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of mizzen mast. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of superstructure Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections of superstructure, including gun and ladder. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of superstructure, including davit and lifeboat. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of superstructure, including guns. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of superstructure, including guns, ladder and davit. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Section of superstructure. Small cut outs originally glued to sheet of paper.
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sections of front and rear of mast. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
largely stable
Scharnhorst. German Battleship Scharnhorst. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and mast deck plan. Scale 1:100. Annotated.
German Battleship Scharnhorst. Sheet of paper on which ship lines plan cut outs were mounted. White sheet of paper with glue marks. Text "All reduced
1/2 size attached to Lines plan" written in red ink along lower section. Reverse side of sheet fluorescent yellow.
Schelde Dutch Tug Schelde. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:50.
largely stable
Schelde Dutch Tug Schelde. Ship model hull sections.
largely stable
Schelde Dutch Tug Schelde. Details of deck furniture, including onboard boat, ladder and davit.
largely stable
Schelde Dutch Tug Schelde. Details of deck furniture, including doors and hatches.
largely stable
Schnellboot S142 Ship modelling plans for German Schnellboot S142. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Theodor Vieweg Verlag largely stable
Schnellboot S142 German Schnellboot S142. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern elevations and details of armaments. Scale 1:50.
Theodor Vieweg Verlag stable
Schnellboot S142
German Schnellboot S142. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and plan, profile, front and rear views of bridge. Also includes black and
white photographic image of bridge on model of vessel. Scale 1:50.
Theodor Vieweg Verlag stable
Schnellboot Typ "S100" Schnellboot Typ "S100". General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
Schnellboot Typ "S100" Schnellboot Typ "S100". Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:25.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
Schnellboot Typ "S100" Schnellboot Typ "S100". Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:25.
Wischmeyer, L. fragile
Schnellboot Typ "S100" Schnellboot Typ "S100". General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:25.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
Schnellboot Typ "S38" Schnellboot Typ "S38". General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Wischmeyer, L. stable
Schnellboot Typ "S38" Schnellboot Typ "S38". General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
Schnellboot Typ "S38" Schnellboot Typ "S38". Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:25.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
Schnellboot Typ "S38" Schnellboot Typ "S38". Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:25.
Wischmeyer, L. stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), comparing builder's plan with half-model in Glasgow Museum. Scale 3/16
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), comparing builder's plan with half-model in Glasgow Museum. Scale 3/16
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (half-deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (half-deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (half-deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), comparing builder's plan with half-model in Glasgow Museum. Scale 3/16
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Bow profile sketch.
MacGregor, David fragile
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark
in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David fragile
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). David MacGregor stamp mark in lower right section of plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Schomberg Clipper Ship Schomberg. Stern profile sketch on tracing paper. "Schomberg, F.S., Stern profile" written in centre.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schooner (Hillhouse Collection) Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (body plan).
Rosling, Janette stable
Schooner (Skonnert) Schooner (Skonnert). Sail and rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (deck plan). Includes dimensions. Reversed image.
largely stable
Schooner for Port Jackson
Schooner for Port Jackson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail and rigging plan
(profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Schooner for Port Jackson
Schooner for Port Jackson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail and rigging plan
(profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Schooner for Port Jackson
Schooner for Port Jackson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and sail and rigging plan
(profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Schooner for Port Jackson Schooner for Port Jackson. Detail of middle and lower pintle brace.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Schooner for Port Jackson Schooner for Port Jackson. Profile showing construction of frame. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Schooner for Port Jackson Schooner for Port Jackson. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Schooner for Port Jackson Schooner for Port Jackson. Longitudinal section showing frame and deck plan.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Schooner for Port Jackson Schooner for Port Jackson. Profile showing construction of frame. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Schooner for South Australia Schooner for South Australia. Sail plan (profile). Includes mast and yard dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Schooner for South Australia Schooner for South Australia. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Schooner of 104 Tons
Schooner of 104 Tons for Deep Sea Fishery. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck plan, cross section and details of sliding keels.
Includes dimensions.
Ballantine, W. stable
Schooner of 120 Tons Schooner of 120 Tons. Sail plan (profile). Vessel described as being "at anchor in a light air of wind".
Ward, J. largely stable
Schooner of 151 Tons Schooner of 151. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and deck plan. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Ballantine, W. largely stable
Schooner of 151 Tons Schooner of 151. Rigging plan (profile).
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Schooner of 185 Tons Packet Schooner of 185 Tons. General arrangement (inboard profile) and sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Schooner Yacht for Canton Schooner Yacht for Canton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Scipio Snow Scipio. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Bard Barque Scottish Bard, Rigging plan (bows profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sections forming one complete plan.
Scottish Bard Barque Scottish Bard, Rigging plan (amidships profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sections forming one complete plan.
Scottish Bard Scottish Bard, Rigging plan (stern profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sections forming one complete plan.
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan) . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan) . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid
Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan) . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
"Superseded" written in pencil on bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Perspective view of vessel at quayside.
Ward, T.W. largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Midship section of Scottish Maid compared with midship section of East Indiaman. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Plan and elevation sketches of stern taken off from half-model. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Plan and elevation sketches of stern taken off from half-model. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor. "Superseded" writtten in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "File Copy" writtten in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Scottish Maid
Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan) . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated, "File Copy" written in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Scottish Maid
Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan) . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Scottish Maid Schooner Scottish Maid. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on colour scheme for hull.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Screw Collier Screw Collier. General arrangement (profile and longitudinal section, deck plans) showing internal layout of vessel.
Day & Son largely stable
Screw Collier/Screw Coasting Trader and Collier Screw Collier/Screw Coasting Trader and Collier. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Day & Son largely stable
Screw Lighter No.218 Screw Lighter No.218. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Parts of original plan missing.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Screw Tug No.10 Screw Tug No.10. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) midship section and plan of accomodation in forecastle. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Screw Tug No.10 Screw Tug No.10. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) midship section and plan of accomodation in forecastle. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Screw Tug No.9 Screw Tug No.9. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Screw Tug No.9 Screw Tug No.9. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Screw Tug No.9 Screw Tug No.9. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor with information on colour scheme, boats and guns.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea King Sea King. General arrangement (deck plan) showing accomodation and internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Sea King Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Sea King
Sea King. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea Nettle Sea Nettle. Plans, elevations and sections of cabin of vessel used in the film "The Master of Ballantrae" (1953). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Warner Bros, First National Prods Ltd.
Sea Queen Sea Queen. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section, deck plan).
Sea Queen Sea Queen. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section, deck plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Sea Queen Sea Queen. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated by David MacGregor.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Sea Queen
Sea Queen. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp in bottom right of
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea Queen Sea Queen. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/3 inch to 1 foot.
Schallenkammer, Fred largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot.
Schallenkammer, Fred largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Sail plan (profile).
Schallenkammer, Fred largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan).
largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/12 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Sail and standing rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/12 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Sea Witch Clipper Ship Sea Witch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Information on builder amended.
18th Century Xebec Seahawk. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), hull sections
and details of rigging, cannons and oars.
Model Maker Plans Service largely stable
Seeadler. Seeadler. Double-sided plan. Recto: Rigging plan (profle). Verso: Sail plan (profile). Rigging plan highlighted with marker pens.
Sensation Sensation. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
Bird, Ralph stable
Sensation Sensation. Sail plan (profile).
Bird, Ralph largely stable
Sensation Sensation. Sail plan (profile).
Seringapatam. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Salisbury, William largely stable
Seringapatam. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
Seringapatam Seringapatam. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Seringapatam Seringapatam. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Number "8" written in green ink in bottom left corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Setter I
MV Setter I. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark "A.& J.Inglis Limited,
Shipbuilders, Glasgow" on right side of plan.
A.& J.Inglis Limited fragile
Seventeenth Century French Galley
Seventeenth Century French Galley c.1690 drawn by galley Captain Henry Sbonski de Passebon. Longitudinal section with a numbered key to parts in
French. Below is a drawing of the galley keel at the shipyard.
de Passebon, Henry Sbonski largely stable
Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec (Sciabecco
Saraceno Sec XVII)
Ship modelling plans for the Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec Harun el Rascid. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec (Sciabecco
Saraceno Sec XVII)
Ship modelling plan for the Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec Harun el Rascid. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), bulwark section,
midship section and details of deck furniture, rigging and onboard boat.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec (Sciabecco
Saraceno Sec XVII)
Ship modelling plan for the Seventeenth Century Saracen Xebec Harun el Rascid. Hull sections.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. General arrangement (inboard profile, half-deck plan) showing internal structure of vessel.
largely stable
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Midship section. Includes table of dimensions written in Danish.
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. General arrangement (inboard profie, deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation.
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. General arrangement (deck plans) showing accomodation in stern.
largely stable
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). "Condemned print" written in bottom
right corner.
largely stable
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Profile and elevation views of bows and stern.
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Deck plans showing internal layout and accommodation.
Seyeren Danish Warship of 64 Cannons Seyeren. Bow and stern profiles and stern elevation.
Six-Oared Pilot Gig Shah. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, sections), midship section and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 3/4 inch
to 1 foot. Annotated diagram from ralph Bird explaining rowing course of gig was stapled to plan - this item has been removed and separately catalogued.
Bird, Ralph largely stable
Shakespeare Shakespeare. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shakespeare Shakespeare. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shakespeare/John Nicholson Shakespeare/John Nicholson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Shakespeare/John Nicholson Shakespeare/John Nicholson. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Shallop Shallop. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Shallop Shallop built for Messrs Hartley, 1806. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shallop Shallop of 1806. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shallop No.13 Shallop No.13. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shallop No.13 Shallop No.13. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Shamrock Shamrock. Sail plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, bow and stern sections).
Shamrock Barge Shamrock. Details of mainsail and jib, including sail dimensions. Scales 1/2 inch to 1 foot and 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Shandon Shandon. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shandon Shandon. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Shannon Clipper Ship Shannon. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Sheer Vessel Sheer Vessel. Plan of main deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Shenandoah (ex Sea King)
American Confederate Cruiser Shenandoah (ex Sea King). General arrangement (profile) and longitudinal section of forebody and midships of vessel
showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. One of separate two sheets that form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Shenandoah (ex Sea King)
American Confederate Cruiser Shenandoah (ex Sea King). General arrangement (profile) and longitudinal section of aftbody of vessel showing internal
layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. One of separate two sheets that form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (bows profile and deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of
three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (midships profile and deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of
three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (stern profile and deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (main deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. General arrangement (inboard profile, combined main and lower deck plan) showing internal structure. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Elevation and plan showing details and position of windlass. Scale 1/4 to 1 foot. "Harfield & Co." stamp mark in lower right of plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Plan showing details and position of windlass. Scale 1/4 to 1 foot. "Harfield & Co." stamp mark in lower right of plan. Notes by
David MacGregor regarding windlass design written on reverse side of plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Shenir Iron Sailing Ship Shenir. Elevation and plan showing layout and dimensions of deck house. Scale 1/4 to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ship Hull Diagrams Diagrams, graph and drawings of ship hulls, including transverse sections, vertical sections and cross-sections. Table I from publication by C.F.Steinhaus.
Steinhaus, C.F. stable
Ship Hull Diagrams Diagrams and drawings of ship hulls, including moulding shapes for laying down lines of vessel. Table II from publication by C.F.Steinhaus.
Steinhaus, C.F. stable
Ship Hull Diagrams Diagrams and drawings of ship hulls, including deck plans showing frames and views and sections of keel. Table III from publication by C.F.Steinhaus.
Steinhaus, C.F. stable
Ship Hull Diagrams Diagrams and drawings of ship hull, including profile and deck plan showing frame and details of rope knots. Table IV from publication by C.F.Steinhaus.
Steinhaus, C.F. stable
Ship in Bangor Museum
Ship in Bangor Museum. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), stern elevation and hull
largely stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.1. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.1. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.2. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.2. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.3. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Masts
Details of ship masts and fittings. Plan No.3. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship of 12 Guns/Corvette Audacieuse/Cutter
Ship of 12 Guns. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan (profile), cross-sections and hull
dimensions. Corvette Audacieuse, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull dimensions. Cutter Renommee, longitudinal section, deck
plan, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), sail plan (profile) and hull dimensions. Taken from the publication "Souvenirs de marine conserves". Text in
Geisendorfer, J. largely stable
Ship of 162 Tons Ship of 162 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
largely stable
Ship of 300 Tons Ship of 300 Tons. Planking plan showing expansion of top and bottom sides of vessel, situation and shift of buts and the length of outside planks.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Ship of 400 Tons
Ship of 400 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan showing beams) and stern view.
Includes dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. fragile
Ship of 495 Tons Ship of 495 Tons. Half midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom left corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Ship of 500 Tons Ship of 500 Tons. Mast and rigging plan (profile), including table of dimensions of ship and principal spars. Annotated.
Ballantine, W. largely stable
Ship of 500 Tons Ship of 500 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Ship of 500 Tons Ship of 500 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. stable
Ship of 650 Tons Ship of 650 Tons. Rigging plan (profile) showing ship riding at anchor with sails furled.
Ward, J. largely stable
Ship of 80 Guns
Ship of 80 Guns, to be carried on two decks. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody and midships of vessel. Also includes plan of
head. One of two separate sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Ship of 80 Guns
Ship of 80 Guns, to be carried on two decks. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. Also includes complete body plan
and stern elevation. One of two separate sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Ship of the Cinque Ports/Roman Ship/HMS
Ship modellers double-sided plan. Recto: profile, deck plan, hull sections and details of fittings for model of a Ship of the Cinque Ports. Verso: profile, deck
plan and sections for model of a Roman Ship. Includes tables of materials and dimensions for model. Rigging plan (profile) for HMS Endeavour with
numbered key for standing and running rigging. Also includes selection of heraldic shields and flags for Ship of the Cinque Ports.
Ship Rudder and Paddle Wheel
Details of ship rudder and paddle wheel. Plan No.5. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Rudder and Paddle Wheel
Details of ship rudder and paddle wheel. Plan No.5. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by
N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Sail Plans
Sail plans (profile) for different types of vessel: Schooner Brig, Brigantine, Cutter, Topsail Schooner, Fore and Aft Schooner, Paddle Steamer, Lugger, Gaff-
rigged, Sprit-rigged, Lateen-rigged, Sliding-Gunter and Xebec.Table VI from publication by C.F.Steinhaus.
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Ship Windlass
Plan, front, back and side elevations of the Brown & Hartfield patent windlass. Plan No.6. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of
Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship Windlass
Plan, front, back and side elevations of the Brown & Hartfield patent windlass. Plan No.6. From the publication "Praktisk Skeppsbyggnadskonst" (The Art of
Practical Shipbuilding,1864) by N.C.Kierkegaard. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Kierkegaard, N.C. stable
Ship's Boats - 30 foot Double-Ended Lifeboat and
30 foot Transome Sterned Working Boat.
Ship's Boats. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) longitudinal section, midship section and details
of 30 foot Double-Ended Lifeboat and 30 foot Transome Sterned Working Boat. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Ship's Boats: Launch/Pinnace/Cutter/Yawl
Ship's Boats: Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for 30 foot Launch, 28 foot Pinnace, 30 foot Eight-oared Cutter and 26 foot Yawl.
Includes section plan for Yawl. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Steel & Co. stable
Ship's Boats: Launch/Pinnace/Cutter/Yawl
Ship's Boats: Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for 30 foot Launch, 28 foot Pinnace, 30 foot Eight-oared Cutter and 26 foot Yawl.
Includes section plan for Yawl. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Steel & Co. largely stable
Ship's Mizen and Spanker in 1800
Ship's Mizen and Spanker in 1800. Sail and rigging (profiles) plans showing arrangement of spanker/driver mast and mizen mast of a merchant ship of 300
to 330 tons.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ship's Mizen and Spanker in 1800
Ship's Mizen and Spanker in 1800. Sail and rigging (profiles) plans showing arrangement of spanker/driver mast and mizen mast of a merchant ship of 300
to 330 tons.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Short Range H/A Armament - 20mm Oerlikon Guns 20mm Single and Twin Oerlikon Guns. Plans, sections and elevations of guns, including details of shield, cradle and ammunition drum.
Ough, Norman stable
Short Range H/A Armament - 20mm Oerlikon Guns 20mm Single and Twin Oerlikon Guns. Plans, sections and elevations of guns, including details of shield, cradle and ammunition drum.
Ough, Norman stable
Sibyl Sibyl. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated, including dotted sail outlines and measurements in black ink
MacGregor, David stable
Silberhorn Four-Masted Iron Barque Silberhorn. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in upper right section.
Russell & Co. stable
Silver Lining Silver Lining. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan). Uncompleted.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Simoom Simoom. Rigging plan (profile) and pin rail diagram. Includes numbered reference keys. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Simple Planked Hull
Simple Planked Hull. Profile, deck plan, lines plan (body plan), longitudinal and cross sections. Also includes planking diagrams for bow and stern and details
of windlass. Scales 1 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Bowness, Edward largely stable
Single 20MM Oerlikon Gun on MK IIA Mounting
Single 20MM Oerlikon Gun on MK IIA Mounting Plan and elevation of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to gun parts and technical information
on gun and mounting. "Superseded by new drawing" written in pencil in bottom right of plan.
Lambert, John stable
Single 20MM Oerlikon Gun on MK IIA Mounting
Single 20MM Oerlikon Gun on MK IIA Mounting Plan and elevation of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to gun parts and technical information
on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Single 4-Inch B.L. Mark IX Gun on C.P.I. Mounting
Single 4-Inch B.L. Mark IX Gun on C.P.I. Mounting. Plans, elevations and sections of gun mounting used on "Flower" Class Corvettes. Includes key to gun
parts, technical information on gun and mounting and list of ships on which the gun was used.
Lambert, John stable
Single 4-Inch B.L. Mark IX Gun on C.P.I. Mounting
Single 4-Inch B.L. Mark IX Gun on C.P.I. Mounting. Plans, elevations and sections of gun mounting used on "Flower" Class Corvettes. Includes key to gun
parts, technical information on gun and mounting and list of ships on which the gun was used.
Lambert, John stable
Single Screw Corvettes
Single Screw Corvettes. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for Second World War Royal Navy Corvettes such as HMS Bryony and HMS
Gardenia. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Builders stamp mark "Harland and Wolff Limited" in top left of plan.
Harland & Wolff Limited largely stable
Single Screw Diesel Trawler, No.525
Single Screw Diesel Trawler, No.525. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes principal
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Seawork Ltd. largely stable
Sir Edward Hawke Marble Head Schooner Sir Edward Hawke. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot.
Edson, M.A. stable
Sir Edward Hawke/Earl of Egmont
Marble Head Schooners Sir Edward Hawke/Earl of Egmont. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan,
body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Sir John Cass Motor Launch Sir John Cass. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Annotated.
largely stable
Sir John Cass
Motor Launch Sir John Cass. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Vertical lines drawn onto plan in red ink. Neptune Models stamp mark in top right
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal structure and hull section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sir Lancelot Clipper Ship Sir Lancelot. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Sir Lancelot Sir Lancelot. Constructional detail, a perspective view of the keel, keelson and floor of a composite ship of the 1860s, similar to Sir Lancelot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Sir William Stephenson
Twin Screw Steel Launch Sir William Stephenson. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section and deck plans) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Sir Winston Churchill
Three-Masted Schooner Sir Winston Churchill. General arrangement (profile and deck plans) showing general layout of ship, including accomodation,
catering and storage facilities. Includes principal dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Richard Dunston Ltd. largely stable
Sir Winston Churchill Three-Masted Schooner Sir Winston Churchill. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plans) and offsets table. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Richard Dunston Ltd. largely stable
Sir Winston Churchill Three-Masted Schooner Sir Winston Churchill. Longitudinal section and deck plans showing layout and dimensions of internal structure.
Richard Dunston Ltd. largely stable
Sirdar/Yealm Sirdar/Yealm. Details of sails, including sail dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Sixth Rate Warship of 1755 Sixth Rate Warship of 1755. Profile and lines (sheer plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hunt, John fragile
Sixth Rate Warship of 1755 Sixth Rate Warship of 1755. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for construction of model. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Hunt, John largely stable
Skaelfiskor Brigantine Skaelfiskor. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Hausen, Hans Lind largely stable
Skaelfiskor Brigantine Skaelfiskor. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Text in Danish with partial English translation.
Coupe Motor Launch Skip. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), longitudinal section, perspective view and diagrams explaining how to assemble
Scottish Modelcraft fragile
Schooner Skjold/Brig Dannebrog. Double-sided plan. Recto: Sail and rigging plan (profile) for Skjold. Annotated in Danish. Verso: Sail and rigging plan
(profile) for Dannebrog.
largely stable
Sloop Sloop. Perspective views of vessel at anchor and under sail on the starboard tack (weather view).
Ward, J. largely stable
Sloop of 50 Tons Sloop of 50 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Cut out printed text and numbers stuck onto plan.
largely stable
Sloop of 60 Tons Sloop of 60 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, partial body plan). One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Steele, R. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Sloop of 60 Tons
Sloop of 60 Tons. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan, complete body plan). Includes dimensions. One of separate two sheets that join
to form a complete plan.
Sloop of War of 16 Guns with Three Sliding Keels.
Sloop of War of 16 Guns with Three Sliding Keels. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. White and black
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloop or Smack of 160 Tons Sloop or Smack of 160 Tons. Profile view of vessel preparing to sail, anchor hove short, in calm water, including view of longboat tied to stern of vessel.
largely stable
Sloop with Three Sliding Keels
Sloop with Three Sliding Keels. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. White and black
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Smack of 173 Tons Smack of 173 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and deck plan. Includes dimensions.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Smack of 173 Tons Smack of 173 Tons. Rigging plan (profile) Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Smiler Ex-Brigantine Smiler. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Annotated. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
SMS Admiral Scheer German armed ship SMS Admiral Scheer. Body plan.
SMS Admiral Scheer German armed ship SMS Admiral Scheer. General Arrangement (deck, profile and section), body plan and bridge details.
Reading Model Engineers fragile
SMS Konig Ship modelling plans for the German Battleship SMS Konig . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Konig Ship modelling plan for the German Battleship SMS Konig. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:200.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Konig
Ship modelling plan for the German Battleship SMS Konig. Bow and stern views, cross-section of hull and details of deck fittings.Scale 1:200. Text in
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Konig Ship modelling plan for the German Battleship SMS Konig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:200. Text in German.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Konig Ship modelling plan for the German Battleship SMS Konig. Details of ship's guns, davits and boat crane. Scales 1:50, 1:100, 1:200. Text in German.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Konig
Ship modelling plan for the German Battleship SMS Konig. Details of ship's deck fittings, including onboard boats. Scales 1:50, 1:100, 1:200. Text in
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Nassau
German Battleship SMS Nassau. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), plating plan and bow view. Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on
dimensions, armaments and history of ship. Annotated.
Garrison, James largely stable
SMS Thuringen German Battleship SMS Thuringen. General arrangement (profile) showing layout, including some internal details, of ship. Scale 1:100.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
SMS Thuringen German Battleship SMS Thuringen. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of ship. Scale 1:100.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
SMS Thuringen German Battleship SMS Thuringen. General arrangement (deck plan) showing layout of upper deck. Scale 1:100.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
SMS Thuringen German Battleship SMS Thuringen. Details of deck fittings, including guns, onboard boats and sections of hull. Scale 1:100.
Wischmeyer, L. largely stable
SMS Tirpitz German Battleship SMS Tirpitz. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
SMS Tirpitz German Battleship SMS Tirpitz. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
SMS Tirpitz German Battleship SMS Tirpitz. Lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, E.N. largely stable
SMS Tirpitz
German Battleship SMS Tirpitz. General arrangement (profile, upper deck plan, bridge deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Also includes
information of ship's armaments and dimensions. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
SMS Von der Tann Ship modelling plans for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann . Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Von der Tann Ship modelling plan for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:200.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Von der Tann Ship modelling plan for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann. Bow and stern views and details of deck fittings. Scale 1:200. Text in German.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Von der Tann Ship modelling plan for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:200. Text in German.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Von der Tann
Ship modelling plan for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann. Longitudinal section, plans of upper deck and battery deck. Scale 1:200. Text in
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
SMS Von der Tann Ship modelling plan for the German Battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann. Cross-sections of ship's hull. Scale 1:200. Text in German.
Trenk, Gunter largely stable
Sobraon Ship Sobraon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Sobraon Ship Sobraon. Sketches of ship's figurehead and profile sketch of forebody.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sobraon Ship Sobraon. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan). 3/32 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Solway Queen Snow Solway Queen. Sail and rigging plan (inboard profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Solway Queen Snow Solway Queen. Sail and rigging plan (inboard profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Solway Queen Snow Solway Queen. Sail and rigging plan (inboard profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Southampton Fishing Hoy Southampton Fishing Hoy. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Southwick/Viking Southwick/Viking. Sketch profiles of vessels.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sovereign of the Seas
Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes information on principal
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Two pieces of paper stuck together to make complete plan
largely stable
Sovereign of the Seas Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Seas. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Spanish Frigate of 545 tons Spanish Frigate of 545 tons. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Text in Spanish.
Small, Adrian largely stable
Spanish Galleon Collection of ship modelling plans for Spanish Galleon of 1607. In decorated folder.
Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Sail and rigging plan (section). Includes measurements.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Rigging details. Includes measurements.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan) and deck details.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and rigging details. Includes dimensions.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Sail and rigging plan (profile and overhead projection). Includes dimensions.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Ship modelling plan for Spanish Galleon of 1607. Sections.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Spanish Galleon Spanish Galleon, 1600. Colour illustrations showing sail plan (profile) and stern elevation.
Schlieker Werft stable
Spanish Ship
Spanish Ship. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. For use in conversion of contemporary hull to 22-gun Spanish Ship for
projected pirate TV series by Sapphire Films Ltd.
Sapphire Films fragile
Speedwell Speedwell. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Ship Sphynx. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and midship section. Also includes plan showing method of bolting planking and sketch of screw tree
nails. Annotated by David MacGregor.
largely stable
Spinaway C Spritsail Barge Spinaway C. Sail plain (profile), deck plan and cross-section of hull. Annotated.
largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "Incomplete" and large number "7" written in bottom left corner of plan.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Clipper Ship Spindrift. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Extensively
annotated by David MacGregor with requests for alterations.
Claydon, Fred A. fragile
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Browing, A.W. stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Note from Fred Claydon to David MacGregor on bottom right corner: " David. Please
accept this for your own collection, Fred".
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:96. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor with requests for amendments to plan.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile) and plan of bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (body plans) of bows and stern of ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Midship section and details of deck furniture. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Also includes lines plan (body plans) of
bows and stern of ship. Scale 1:48.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (body plans) of bows and stern of ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Midship section and details of deck furniture. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile) and plan of bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. extremely fragile
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (body plans) of bows and stern of ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Spindrift Clipper Ship Spindrift. Midship section and details of deck furniture. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Clipper Ship Spindrift. Lines plan (body plans) of bows and stern of ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor with requests
for alterations.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Yawl Spray. Photocopy of the front cover of publication "Model Maker & Model Boats, January 1966", showing perspective illustration of vessel at sea. Also
includes page of instructions showing illustrated perspective views of model hull construction, bow view, stern view and details of gaff and steering wheel.
Sweet, R.A. stable
Spring Bird Brigantine Spring Bird. Rigging plan (profile).
Bates, Gwyn largely stable
ss Anchises ss Anchises. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and constructional details. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
ss Anchises ss Anchises. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sections and constructional details. Includes colour scheme. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
ss Beaver
Hudson's Bay Company Steamship ss Beaver. General arrangement (outboard profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-
sections of bow and stern. Includes notes on sources and dimensions and engine particulars. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Aker, Raymond stable
ss Beaver Hudson's Bay Company Steamship ss Beaver. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) and section through paddle wheel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Aker, Raymond largely stable
ss Beaver Hudson's Bay Company Steamship ss Beaver. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Aker, Raymond largely stable
ss Bentinck ss Bentinck. Rigging plan (profile) and table of mast dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
ss Chelford ss Chelford. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Darch, Malcolm D. largely stable
ss Chelford ss Chelford. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Darch, Malcolm D. largely stable
ss Columbia ss Columbia. General arrangement (deck plans).
ss Columbia ss Columbia. General arrangement (main deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation.
ss Columbia ss Columbia. General arrangement (deck plan) showing the ship's scuppers.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Columbia ss Columbia. General arrangement (lower deck plan).
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Columbia ss Columbia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Cora Linn ss Cora Linn. Plans and sections of engine room. Scale 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
ss Cybele ss Cybele. Section of bridge and wheel house. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Cybele ss Cybele. Plan and elevation of windlass. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dagapan Ship ss Dagapan. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) - scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot and midship section - scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dagapan Ship ss Dagapan. Shafting arrangement and plan of funnel. Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Faint image.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dagapan Ship ss Dagapan. Machinery arrangement. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Faint image.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dagapan ss Dagapan. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), spar plan (profile), midship section and displacement scale. Scales 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and profile. Afterbody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. Lines plan (sheer plan and half breadth plan) and profile. Forebody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Afterbody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. General arrangement (deck plan and profile) and sections. Forebody only. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. Deck plan and accomodation plan. Afterbody only. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Dahome Ship ss Dahome. Deck plan. Forebody only. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Daqupan ss Daqupan. Lines plan sketch (sheer plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
ss Diana ss Diana. Deck plan showing layout of accomodation in bows and stern of vessel.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Diana ss Diana. Plan and sections showing engine seating arrangements. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Dianna
ss Dianna. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), midship section and displacement scale.
Includes dimensions. Scales 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
ss Eilean Dubh Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. Plans and elevation showing details of windlass. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh
Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body
plan) and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot, scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot and scale 1/8 inch to1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor with suggestions for
creating new version of plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh
Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body
plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh
Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body
plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh
Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. General arrangement (profile, upper and lower deck plans), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body
plan) and midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Eilean Dubh Iron Steam Coaster ss Eilean Dubh. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to1 foot.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
ss Ethiope ss Ethiope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Salisbury, William largely stable
ss Euphrates ss Euphrates. Sketch deck plan showing accomodation.
largely stable
ss Euphrates ss Euphrates. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
ss Euphrates ss Euphrates. Midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
ss Euphrates ss Euphrates. Sail plan (profile). Includes partial longitudinal section showing engines.
largely stable
ss Europa ss Europa. General arrangement (spar deck and lower deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Fox ss Fox. Rigging plan (profile), showing arrangement of standing rigging. One of two separate sheets that join to create complete plan.
largely stable
ss Fox
ss Fox. Rigging plan (profile), showing arrangement of standing rigging on bowsprit. Includes dimensions. One of two separate sheets that join to create
complete plan.
largely stable
ss Freda
ss Freda. Midship section. Includes tables of information on hull, anchor and chain dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot Annotated. Watercoloured outline
sketch of section on reverse of plan.
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Adlard, H. stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Sections showing the ship's oscillating engines and tubular boilers. Includes principal dimensions of ship. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Adlard, H. stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Section through centre part of engine room looking forward. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
LeKeux, J.H. stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Longitudinal section through engines and boilers. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
LeKeux, J.H. stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and displacement scale.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and displacement scale. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Construction details of masts for ship model. Scale 1:48.
Richardson, Charles largely stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Construction details of masts for ship model. Scale 1:48.
Richardson, Charles largely stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Construction details of deck fittings for ship model. Scale 1:48.
Richardson, Charles largely stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain. Construction details of deck fittings for ship model. Scale 1:48.
Richardson, Charles largely stable
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) hull sections, end view and true view of stern. Also includes details of Lion and Unicorn
figureheads and hull dimensions. Scale 1/2 model size at 1:96.
Jones, L.L.A. largely stable
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) hull sections, end view and true view of stern. Also includes details of Lion and Unicorn
figureheads and hull dimensions. Scale 1/2 model size at 1:96.
Jones, L.L.A. largely stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain.Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes hull dimensions. Scale 1/2 model size at 1:96.
Jones, L.L.A. largely stable
ss Great Britain ss Great Britain.Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes hull dimensions. Scale 1/2 model size at 1:96.
Jones, L.L.A. stable
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain, 1845. Colour illustrations showing general arrangement ( starboard profiles of ship for maiden voyage in 1845, after first refit in 1846 and
as hulk in the Falkland Islands in 1970), longitudinal section (showing internal fit-out of ship for her maiden trans-atlantic voyage) and a perspective view
(showing basic structure of ship). Includes views of the weather deck, promenade deck and first class dining saloon. Also includes ship's specification
in1845 and other historical information.
ss Great Britain Project largely stable
ss Great Britain
ss Great Britain, 1843. Colour illustration, general arrangement (profile), stern elevation and cross-section of hull showing engines. Sheet with historical
notes stuck to reverse side of plan.
Science Museum largely stable
ss Great Eastern ss Great Eastern and a screw collier brig. Study of masts. Annotated by David MacGregor.
ss Great Eastern ss Great Eastern, 1858. Colour illustration, general arrangement (profile), cross-sections of hull and paddle wheel showing internal details.
Science Museum largely stable
ss Great Eastern
ss Great Eastern, 1856. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for midships and aftbody of vessel. Entitled "Eastern Steam Navigation
Company's Great Ship". One of two separate sheets that form a complete plan.
The Artizan Journal fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
ss Great Eastern
ss Great Eastern, 1856. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for forebody of vessel. One of two separate sheets that form a complete plan. "Plate 87"
in top top right corner.
The Artizan Journal fragile
ss Hibernia Steam Ship ss Hibernia. Profile of and deck plan of bow showing detail of Brown & Harfield patent capstan windlass. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Hope ss Hope. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Hull/ss York
ss Hull/ss York. General arrangement (profile, plans of bridge, promenade, boat deck, poop deck, forecastle and main deck). Includes tables of information
on hold and bunker capacities of vessels. Historical notes on the vessels and the Wilson Line by Michael Thompson printed on reverse side of plan.
University of Hull largely stable
ss Khersonese ss Khersonese. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.Two separate sheets stuck together to make a complete plan.
largely stable
ss Lusitania ss Lusitania. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes colour scheme, dimensions and historical notes.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
ss Mangerton Iron Screw Steamer ss Mangerton. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
ss No.379 ss No.379. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
ss No.379
ss No.379. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark "Cochrane & Sons Limited, Shipbuilders, Selby" in middle top of plan.
Cochrane & Sons Limited fragile
ss Oberon ss Oberon. Profile, showing outside diagonal ties. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
A.& J.Inglis Limited largely stable
ss Ria de Vigo ss Ria de Vigo. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and details of deck fittings. Also includes dimensions and colour scheme for ship model.
largely stable
ss Riposto
ss Riposto. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Also includes dimensions, displacement scale and tables showing
capacities of holds, bunkers and water ballast. Builders stamp mark in bottom right corner: "Irvine's Shipbuilding and Dry Docks Co.Ltd, West Hartlepool".
Irvine's Shipbuilding and Dry Docks Co.Ltd.
ss Robin
ss Robin. Plan and elevation of hold, showing access points. Also includes deck plan with arrows indicating suggested circulation of visitors. Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot. Three sheets stuck together to form one complete plan.
Waine, C.V. largely stable
ss Robin ss Robin. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Waine, C.V. largely stable
ss Sweden ss Sweden. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Barclay, Curle & Co. stable
ss Thomas Roys
ss Thomas Roys. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes
displacement. Scales 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
ss Thomas Roys ss Thomas Roys. Plan of bow and stern showing accomodation.
ss Thomas Roys ss Thomas Roys. Deck plan showing internal structure of vessel.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Thomas Roys ss Thomas Roys. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan).
ss Tszru (Stork)
ss Tszru (Stork). General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), midship section and displacement table. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
ss Tszru (Stork) ss Tszru (Stork). Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
ss Tszru (Stork)
ss Tszru (Stork). Profile showing detail of figurehead and decorative carving on bow. Also includes detail of name plate of ship and decoration on stern.
Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
ss Victoria Screw Steamship Victoria, Australian Passenger Trader. Longitudinal section showing internal arrangement of vessel. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Day & Son fragile
ss Victoria Screw Steamship Victoria, Australian Passenger Trader. Deck plan showing arrangement of passenger cabins on vessel.
Day & Son fragile
ss William Symington
ss William Symington. General arrangement (profile, main deck and upper deck plans) and longtidunal section. Includes information on dimensions and
engines, numbered keys to saloon and bridge house.
largely stable
ss Zeta ss Zeta. Main deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
St Ann Schooner St Ann. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Includes hull and spar dimensions. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
St Ann Schooner St Ann. Rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
St George Steam Ship St George. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended by David
MacGregor. Note in bottom right: "superseded by amendments".
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Annotated, large red number "2" in bottom left corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Annotated, "superseded" written in botttom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (half-deck plan). Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Helena
East India Company Packet Brigantine St Helena. Sail plan (profile) and longitudinal section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated and amended by
David MacGregor using coloured pencils.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
St Helena East India Company Packet Schooner St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions. Annotated.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
St Helena East India Company Packet Schooner St Helena. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull dimensions.
Salisbury, William largely stable
St James St James. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
St Kilda St Kilda. General arrangement (profile, combined forecastle, main deck and lower deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
St Kilda St Kilda. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
St Kilda St Kilda. Cabin plan showing accomodation in stern and deckhouse of vessel.
largely stable
St Lawrence St Lawrence. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Lawrence St Lawrence. Plan of stern showing the layout of cabins.
St Lawrence St Lawrence.Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan sketch (body plan) of stern. Verso: Lines plan sketch (body plan) of bows.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Lawrence
St Lawrence. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan) and view of stern. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot.
Salisbury, William largely stable
St Vincent St Vincent. Profile and half midship section. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
St Vincent St Vincent. Profile and half midship section. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (forebody sheer plan, forebody half-breadth plan, complete body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes sail plan
(profile). Scale 1/5 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
largely stable
Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (aftbody sheer plan, aftbody half-breadth plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that form a
complete plan.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
largely stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Sail and rigging plan (profile). 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Sail and rigging plan (profile). 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James largely stable
Clipper Ship Staghound. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deck fittings,
masts and onboard boats. Includes painting details for model. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Potter, H.W. largely stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes tables for standing and running rigging with alphabetical identification key.
Potter, H.W. largely stable
Staghound Clipper Ship Staghound. Hull templates and belaying pin plan. Scales 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes details of yards, spanker and halliards
Potter, H.W. largely stable
Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes sail plan (profile). Scale 1/5 inch to 1
foot. Annotated.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
largely stable
Clipper Ship Staghound. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Also includes sail plan (profile). Scale 1/5 inch to 1
foot. Annotated.
Hart Nautical Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
largely stable
Standard Coasting Steamer
Standard Coasting Steamer. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), elevations of forecastle and bridge and plans of deck below bridge and bulkhead
below forecastle.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Standard Coasting Steamer Standard Coasting Steamer. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Standard Lifeboat
Standard Lifeboat. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan), sail plan (profile) and midship section. Includes dimensions and notes on alterations
to standard specification for fittings. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets of paper joined by sticky tape to make complete plan.
Vosper & Co. Ltd. largely stable
Star Packet Brig Star. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Star Packet Brig Star. Plan of the upper deck.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Star Packet Brig Star. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal deck fittings and layout of vessel. Includes mast dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Star of India
Barque Star of India. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and hull sections. Also includes
details of deck furniture, historical notes and colour scheme. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Maritime Museum Association of San Diego
largely stable
Star of India Barque Star of India. Sail plan (profile) and pinrail diagram with numbered key.
Maritime Museum Association of San Diego
Star of Peace Schooner Star of Peace. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan) sketch. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Steam Packet of 258 Tons
Steam Packet of 258 Tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck plan, longitudinal section, half cross-sections of engine room and
boilers. Includes dimensions.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Steam Ships for the Brazilian Steam Packet
Steam Ships for the Brazilian Steam Packet Company, Nos. 132 and 133. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Steam Tugs NER Nos.3-4
Steel Twin-Screw Tugs NER Nos.3-4. Midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark "J.P.Rennoldson & Sons Ltd, South
Shields" in bottom right corner.
J.P.Rennoldson & Sons Ltd largely stable
Stern Wheeler No.26 Stern Wheeler No.26. Plan, elevations, longitudinal section and cross sections.
Storbrotten Tug Boat Storbrotten. General arrangement (inboard profile) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1:50.
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud
Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section showing accomodation and internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud
Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section showing accomodation and internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. General arrangement (deck plan) showing accomodation and internal layout of vessel. 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan).
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Robertson, William largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). "Alternative sail plan" written by David MacGregor on reverse side of plan.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Storm Cloud
Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Below is a plan by J.S.Russell from "The Modern System
of Naval Architecture" (London, 1865) illustrating his 'Wave Principle'. Photocopy of page 161 from the book 'British and American Clippers' (1993) by
David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Perspective view of the ship looking down from the stern.
Ward, T.W. largely stable
Storm Cloud
Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Perspective view of the ship looking down from the stern. Pencil sketches of stern, longboat and fittings plus annotations around
the drawing.
Ward, T.W. largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David fragile
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Plan coloured in using watercolour paint.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud
Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and longitudinal section showing accomodation and internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Perspective view of the starboard side of ship from stern .
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Perspective view of the starboard side of ship from stern .
MacGregor, David largely stable
Storm Cloud Clipper Ship Storm Cloud. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
MacGregor, David largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.
Henderson, James largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.
Henderson, James stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.
Henderson, James largely stable
Stornoway Clipper Ship Stornoway. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). In very fragile condition, most of upper right side of plan is missing.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Strathblane Strathblane. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot (see reverse of plan for scale).
Barclay, Curle & Co. largely stable
Strathearn. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) for forebody and midships of vessel. Also includes midship section. Scales 3/16 inch and 3/8
inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that make a complete plan.
largely stable
Strathearn. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) for midships and aftbody of vessel. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that
make a complete plan.
largely stable
Strathearn Strathearn. Cabin plan of ship, deck plan and section showing berths, galley and stores. Enlargement of one part of original plan.
Strathmore Barque Strathmore. Rigging plan (profile), sketches of deck plan, davit, stern carving and bows and colour scheme.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Strathnaver Ship Strathnaver. Details of fore, main and mizzen masts.
largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longituidnal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longituidnal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longituidnal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Strive LT 766 Lowestoft Herring Drifter Strive LT 766. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Styckelista Styckelista. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:25.
largely stable
Styckelista Tug Boat Styckelista. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) and cross-sections of hull. Scale 1:48
Styckelista Pleasure Steamer Styckelista. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans). Scale 1:100
Sun III Single Screw Tug Sun III, Ship No.2138. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd
Single Screw Tug Sun III, Ship No.2138. General arrangement (profile, main deck, lower deck and bridge and boat deck plans) showing internal layout of
vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd
largely stable
Whaling Barque Sunbeam. General arrangement (deck plan, bulwark elevation), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), hull sections and
details of deck fittings, whaleboat, bow and stern. Also includes model painting schedule.
Channing, Walter largely stable
Whaling Barque Sunbeam. Rigging plan (profile) and details of masts, anchor and deck fittings. Also includes information on materials and dimensions for
making running and standing rigging for model. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Modellers plan for the Steam Yacht Sunda taken from the publication "Model Boats", December 1971. Double-sided. Recto: General arrangement (profile,
deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan) and details of fittings. Verso: Written assembly instructions and black and white photograph of model hull. Also
include others articles, including one on USS Terror and USS Dixie.
Model Boats Magazine stable
Sunny South Sunny South. Rigging plan (profile). Includes notes on and details of rigging equipment. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Coker Craft stable
Sunny South Sunny South. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Sunny South
Sunny South. Details of fore mast, main mast, mizzen mast, bowsprit and booms. Also includes information on techniques and sources to use for
construction of masts. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Sunny South
Clipper Ship Sunny South. Details of deck fittings, including top mast, forecastle deck, trunk cabin and deck house. Also includes lines plans (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan, body plan) for the ship's longboat and quarter boat. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Sunny South Clipper Ship Sunny South. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Superb Superb. Rough preliminary sketch of lines plan (sheer plan?) showing stern profile. Two pieces of paper attached to main plan with sticky tape. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Superbe Superbe. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Susanna Susanna. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:36.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Susanna Susanna. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:36.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Susanna Susanna. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1:36.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Susie S Sand-Bagger Susie S. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
Russian Cruiser Sverdlov. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern views, details of armaments and deck superstructure. Includes
dimensions, historical notes and list of Sverdlov Class Light Cruisers. Scale 1:200.
Coker, P.C. largely stable
Russian Cruiser Sverdlov. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), cross-sections, bow view, details of armaments and deck
superstructure. Includes dimensions, historical notes and list of Sverdlov Class Light Cruisers. Scale 1:200.
Coker, P.C. largely stable
Swallow. Detail of the decoration on stern of the wrecked ship "Swallow" in the film "Swiss Family Robinson". Scale 1 inch to 1 foot. Also includes full-size
section of ship's name board.
Wood, P.M. stable
Swallow Swallow. Perspective view of the wrecked ship "Swallow" in the film "Swiss Family Robinson".
Wood, P.M. stable
Swansea Half-Model
Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plans). Taken from half-model of vessel found in Swansea. Annotated. Six sheets of tracing paper stuck
together to form complete plan. Other items associated with plan, including a letter from Dale Thomas to David MacGregor asking for assistance in
identifying vessel and four photographs of the half- model, will be accessioned separately.
Thomas, Dale largely stable
Swedish Brig Swedish Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Kierkegaard, N.C. extremely fragile
Swedish Brig Swedish Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Kierkegaard, N.C. fragile
Swedish Brig Swedish Brig. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions.
Kierkegaard, N.C. largely stable
Swedish Brig Swedish Brig. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan).
C.Ferslew & Co. largely stable
Swedish Schooner Swedish Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Kierkegaard, N.C. largely stable
Sweepstake Sweepstake. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Clipper Ship Sweepstakes. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions. Two
"For Research Only" stamps on bottom left and right of plan.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Sweet May Sweet May. Details of sails, showing dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swift Schooner Swift. Midship section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swift Swift. Midship section. Includes dimensions. One of two separate sheets that make a complete plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swift Swift. Midship section. Includes dimensions. One of two separate sheets that make a complete plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swift Schooner Swift. Midship section.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swift Clipper Schooner Swift. Midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barge
Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern views, lines (sheer plan) sail plan (profile) swim header bargel barge (c.1840-
1890). Rigged with bowsprit and small mizzen. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barge
Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern views, lines (sheer plan) sail plan (profile) swim header bargel barge (c.1840-
1890). Rigged with bowsprit and small mizzen. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barge
Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern views, lines (sheer plan) sail plan (profile) swim header bargel barge (c.1840-
1890). Rigged with bowsprit and small mizzen. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barge
Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern views, lines (sheer plan) sail plan (profile) swim header bargel barge (c.1840-
1890). Rigged with bowsprit and small mizzen. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Reversed image.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barge Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile).
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barge Swim Header Thames Barge. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile). Reversed image.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge (c.1800) and topsail
barge (c.1840).
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge (c.1800) and topsail
barge (c.1840).
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge and topsail barge
(c.1825-1850). Includes detail of bow transom.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge and topsail barge
(c.1825-1850). Includes detail of bow transom.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge (c.1800) and topsail
barge (c.1840). Reversed image.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Swim Header Thames Barges
Swim Header Thames Barges. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and sail plan (profile) of 'stumpy' barge and topsail barge
(c.1825-1850). Includes detail of bow transom. Reversed image.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Rigging details, including sections and elevations of mizzen shrouds, fore and main shrouds and perspective sketch of gear
on main mast. Scale 1:10. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Perspective sketches of poop deck, grating and quarter deck, showing construction of stern. Not to scale. Plan for vessel
used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1:50. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Sail plan (profile) with note for arrangement of lateen sails. Scale 1:50. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost
in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of hatch, anchors and gallows. Scale 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of the extension of the stern of ship, including lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal
section and details of bulkhead and tiller tie-up. Scale 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Sail plan (profile). Annotated in pencil with calculations. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the
Noonday Sun".
largely stable
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Two profiles of vessel. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of cannons, including plans and elevations of gun barrel and gun carriage, perspective pencil sketch of cannon and
elevation of bulwark showing gun ports. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of deck fittings, including windlass. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Plan, profile, sections and elevation of bows and bowsprit. Scale 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost
in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. General arrangement sketch (profile, deck plan). Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Sail plan (profile). Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of the extension of the stern of ship, including lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal
section and details of bulkhead and tiller tie-up. Also includes perspective view of stern from below. Scale 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy
film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
largely stable
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan) of stern. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of base of fore mast, halyard knight, beams and knee. Scale 1:10. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film
"Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of stem and beakhead, including profile, sections and forward elevation. Scale 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British
comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of base of main mast, main halyard knight, timbers and pumps. Scale 1:10. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy
film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of deck fittings, including plan and section of quarter deck, elevations of bulkhead, break of poop and capstan. Scales
1:10 and 1:25. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. stable
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of special blocks. Scale 1:5. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Principal items of conversion work for making MV Bapbapa into Sword of the Prophet. Includes deck plans, longitudinal
section and rigging plan (profile). Scales 1:50 and 1:100. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Details of cannons, including plans, sections and elevations of gun barrel and gun carriage, perspective sketch of cannon and
elevation of bulwark showing gun and oar ports. Scale 1:10. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet Chebec Sword of the Prophet. Section and elevation of bulwark. Scale 1:10. Plan for vessel used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Sword of the Prophet
Chebec Sword of the Prophet. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes alphabetical guide to detail plans for vessel. Scale 1:50. Plan for vessel
used in the British comedy film "Ghost in the Noonday Sun".
Wood, Peter M. largely stable
Swordfish Iron Barque Swordfish. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Swordfish Clipper Ship Swordfish. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Swordfish Clipper Ship Swordfish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Swordfish Clipper Ship Swordfish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Swordfish Clipper Ship Swordfish. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
SY Perservero
Steam Yacht Perservero. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. SY Perservero was used in the Walt
Disney film "In Search of the Castaways"(1962).
Marsh, T. largely stable
Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Entitled "A Proposed
Draught for a Holyhead Packet by Mr Sainty".
largely stable
Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Entitled "A Proposed
Draught for a Holyhead Packet by Mr Sainty".
largely stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull, mast and spar dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Profile (inboard) showing internal layout of vessel.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Sylph Post Office Packet Cutter Sylph. Hull sections.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Unidentified vessel, possibly the schooner Syren, built by Nicholson of Annan. Rough sketch of lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) taken from
unnamed model. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
T.S.R. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and section at break of forecastle. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Rough sketch of midship section on right side of
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1:48. Also includes list of model sails available to purchase.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1:48. Also includes list of model sails available to purchase. "Superseded" written in pencil in bottom
right corner of plan.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1:48. Also includes list of model sails available to purchase.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and colour scheme.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and colour scheme. Annotated.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture and fittings. Includes colour scheme.
Scale 1:48 (1/4 inch to 1 foot).
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture and fittings. Includes colour scheme. Scale 1:48 (1/4 inch to 1
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture and fittings. Includes colour scheme. Scale 1:48 (1/4 inch to 1
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck furniture and fittings. Includes colour scheme. Scale 1:48 (1/4 inch to 1
foot). Annotated.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Sail plan, rigging plan (profile), fore and aft rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Also includes colour
scheme and model assembly instructions.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Sail plan, rigging plan (profile), fore and aft rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Also includes colour
scheme and model assembly instructions.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. Sail plan, rigging plan (profile), fore and aft rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Also includes colour
scheme and model assembly instructions.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Numbered drawings of sail patterns.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Training Ship Royalist. Numbered drawings of sail patterns.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Sail plan, showing outline pattern of different sails with individual sail names written on them.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Sail and rigging plan with details of ratlines, masts, yards and rails. Scale: 1/2 actual size.
Neptune Models Ltd stable
Training Ship Royalist. Running Rigging Schedule in form of table of figures and diagrams of rig. Name and address and copyright stamp of Colin Mudie on
reverse side.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Running Rigging Schedule in form of table of figures and diagrams of rig. Name and address and copyright stamp of Colin Mudie on
reverse side.
Mudie, Colin stable
Training Ship Royalist. Running Rigging Schedule in form of table of figures and diagrams of rig. Name and address and copyright stamp of Colin Mudie on
reverse side.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Running Rigging Schedule in form of table of figures and diagrams of rig. Name and address and copyright stamp of Colin Mudie on
reverse side.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:24. Annotated with sketch of pin rails on medel.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Rigging plan (profile) and deck plan. Amendments in blue and red ink, sketch of top in upper right of plan.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Sail and rigging plan (profile), deck plan and sections.
Mudie, Colin extremely fragile
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, longitudinal section, deck plan) showing layout of accommodation.
Mudie, Colin stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Details of and notes on wind-vane steering gears.
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Details of yard arm and bracket assembly. One-third actual size.
Training Ship Royalist. Lines plan (sheer plan) and offsets table. Scale 1:48. Annotated by David MacGregor. Two sheets joined together to form complete
Mudie, Colin fragile
Training Ship Royalist. Plan, elevation and section showing layout of deckhouse. Scale 1:24. Annotated by David MacGregor. Two sheets joined together to
form complete plan.
Mudie, Colin fragile
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Detail of transom plate showing international racing number "TS K23". Sketches of chain eye on reverse side of plan.
Mudie, Colin stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Detail of transom plate showing two dolphins supporting a naval coronet with the name "Royalist" in the centre. Scale 1:48.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Detail and section of transom plate showing two dolphins supporting a naval coronet . Includes dimensions and colour scheme
information. Previously stapled to another ship plan (BRSGB 2012.05720).
largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Details of transom davits, davit ends and spanker sheet saddles. Scales 1:24 and 1:8.
Mudie, Colin largely stable
Training Ship Royalist. Preliminary lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Scale 1:32. Annotated. Colin Mudie name, address and copyright stamp marks
on reverse side of plan.
Mudie, Colin extremely fragile
Training Ship Royalist. Preliminary general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1:24. Annotated. Colin Mudie name, address and copyright stamp marks
on reverse side of plan.
Mudie, Colin extremely fragile
Training Ship Royalist. Rigging plan (profiles, sections) showing running rigging deck layout. Scale 1:24. Colin Mudie name, address and copyright stamp
marks on reverse side of plan.
Mudie, Colin
Training Ship Royalist. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), main mast section, fore mast section and section at break of forecastle. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
T.S.Royalist Training Ship Royalist. Lines plan (body plan) Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
Tabasco Schooner Tabasco. General arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Tackel Ritning Tillnorande Planch III Tackel Ritning Tillnorande Planch III. Sail plan (profile) for Danish (?) sailing vessel. Includes dimensions.
Kierkegaard, N.C. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Taeping Composite ShipTaeping. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Costagliola, Michael largely stable
Composite Clipper ShipTaitsing. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions and
detail of figurehead. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Composite Clipper ShipTaitsing. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions and
detail of figurehead.Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Taitsing Clipper ShipTaitsing. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Taitsing Clipper ShipTaitsing. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Taitsing Clipper ShipTaitsing. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
Taitsing Clipper ShipTaitsing. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Composite Clipper ShipTaitsing. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes dimensions and
detail of figurehead. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
Tampico Three-Masted SchoonerTampico. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Tampico Three-Masted Schooner Tampico. Profile (inboard) and cross sections of hull. Scales 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Tampico Three-Masted Schooner Tampico. Detail of rudder, with information on materials and dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Three-Masted Schooner Tampico. Longitudinal section, deck plans and lines plan (half-breadth plan) for forebody of vessel. Complete body plan and
displacement scale. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Three-Masted Schooner Tampico. Longitudinal section, deck plans and lines plan (half-breadth plan) for aftbody of vessel. Also includes midship section.
Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Tayleur Clipper ShipTayleur. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tayleur Clipper ShipTayleur. Lines plan (partial sheer plan, partial half-breadth plan). Body plan sketch drawn on piece of paper attached to plan with sticky tape
MacGregor, David fragile
Teazer of Padstow
Smack Teazer of Padstow. Perspective starboard view of the vessel under sail at sea. Name of vessel, artist's name and date of drawing written in bottom
right. Reverse side of plan is extensively annotated with information about the history, specifications and the original watercolour of the vessel.
Boyle, V.C. largely stable
Teazer of Padstow
Smack Teazer of Padstow. Perspective starboard view of the vessel under sail at sea. Name of vessel, artist's name and date of drawing written in bottom
right. Negative image (white on black background) of 2013.00908.
Boyle, V.C. largely stable
Teazer of Padstow Smack Teazer of Padstow. Perspective detail of the bows of the vessel while at sea. Artist's name written in bottom right. Annotated.
Boyle, V.C. largely stable
Teazer of Padstow Smack Teazer of Padstow. Perspective detail of the stern of the vessel while at sea. Artist's name written in bottom right. Annotated.
Boyle, V.C. largely stable
Terra Nova
Relief Ship Terra Nova. General arrangement (profile, plans of poop deck, main deck, forecastle and lower deck) showing internal layout, accomodation
and storage tanks. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Terra Nova
Relief Ship Terra Nova. General arrangement (profile, plans of poop deck, main deck and lower deck) showing internal layout, accomodation and storage
Admiralty, Whitehall largely stable
Terra Nova
Relief Ship Terra Nova. General arrangement ( profile, plans of poop deck, main deck, forecastle and lower deck) of forebody of vessel showing internal
layout, accomodation and storage tanks. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Deck plans of forebody of vessel showing storage areas for provisions and coal. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Midship section and lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Terra Nova
Relief Ship Terra Nova. General arrangement (profile, plans of poop deck, main deck, forecastle and lower deck) showing internal layout, accomodation
and storage tanks. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Terra Nova Relief Ship Terra Nova. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Japanese Destroyer Terutsuki. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and section. Includes information on dimensions
and armaments plus list of Terutsuki Class destroyers.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. General arrangement (main deck and lower deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) including accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. General arrangement (main deck plan) including accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan) including internal layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Lines plan (part sheer profile, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Plan of forecastle and poop deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Plan of poop deck. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Displacement scale.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Plan of steel spars.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Teviotdale Four-Masted Iron BarqueTeviotdale. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Thalia Ship Thalia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thalia Ship Thalia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thalia Ship Thalia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Thalia Ship Thalia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Thalia Ship Thalia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Thames Thames, 340 tons. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Thames Sailing Barge
Thames Sailing Barge. Double-sided ship modellers plan. Recto: Templates for hull blocks, deck plans and profile of hull assembly. Numbered key plus list of
quanitity and dimensions of materials for construction of hull. Verso: Deck plan, details of deck fittings, masts and spars and sails. Also includes materials
Modelcraft Ltd. fragile
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Thames Sailing Barge
Thames Sailing Barge. Double-sided ship modellers plan. Recto: Rigging plan (profile), details of mast head and cross trees, bowsprit end, mizzen sprit and
boom and anchor. Also includes details of model stand. Verso: Historical background and constructional notes for model.
Modelcraft Ltd. fragile
Thames Small Craft
Thames Small Craft above London Bridge. Sail plans (profile), general arrangements (profiles, deck plans) and lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan,
body plans) for a selection of small crafts, including sail boats, a hay barge and a water-borne conveyance plying for hire. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. For use in
film production of "Henry V".
T.C.Film Productions fragile
Thames Turkeyman Thames Turkeyman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by William Salisbury.
Salisbury, William largely stable
Thames Turkeyman
Thames Turkeyman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Outline of masts, bowsprit and other details in red, (possibly from
previous drawing?). Dimensions written on reverse of plan.
Salisbury, William largely stable
The Accomplish'd Shipwright
Profile of vessel, annotated, accompanied by text explaining how to "draw a draught of the body of a ship, according to dimensions given on paper or
parchment". Enlargement of page 19 of the publication "The Accomplish'd Shipwright" by John Hardingham.
The Accomplish'd Shipwright Profile and deck plan of vessel, annotated. Enlargement of page 46 of the publication "The Accomplish'd Shipwright" by John Hardingham.
The Accomplish'd Shipwright
Lines plan (body plans) of poop and stern of vessel, with explanatory text. Enlargement of page 33 of the publication "The Accomplish'd Shipwright" by
John Hardingham.
The Accomplish'd Shipwright
Cross-section of hull showing "description of frame", with explanatory text. Enlargement of page 22 of the publication "The Accomplish'd Shipwright" by
John Hardingham.
The Beetle Whaleboat of New Bedford The Beetle Whaleboat of New Bedford. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), profile and sections.
Channing, Walter stable
The Beetle Whaleboat of New Bedford The Beetle Whaleboat of New Bedford. General arrangement (deck plan), oar details and equipment details.
Channing, Walter stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper Ship The Caliph. Sail plan (profile), deck arrangement (half-deck plan, plan of deck frame), longitudinal section and midship section.
Chapman, Captain Charles stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions from builders yard book.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions from builders yard book.
"Superseded" written in pencil across plan.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Pinrail diagram, including rigging sizes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Pinrail diagram, plan showing position of belaying pins and rigging sizes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Pinrail diagram, plan showing position of belaying pins and rigging sizes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions from builders yard book.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes information on spar dimensions from builders yard book.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Pinrail diagram, plan showing position of belaying pins and rigging sizes.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes information on spar dimensions from builders yard book.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Lines plan (body plan) and half-section of hull.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Lines plan (body plan) and half-section of hull.
Claydon, Fred A. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Outline midship section. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Midship section. 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Hall & Co. largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
The Caliph Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James fragile
The Caliph
Tea Clipper Ship The Caliph. Sail plan (profile), deck arrangement (half-deck plan, plan of deck frame), longitudinal section and midship section. Reversed,
negative image.
Chapman, Captain Charles largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper Ship The Caliph. Double-sided ship modellers plan. Recto: Rigging plan (profile) showing standing rigging, hull and bowsprit. Also includes
numbered plan key and sketch showing rigging details at Crosstrees and Top. Verso: Outline shapes of different types of sails.
Modelcraft Ltd. largely stable
The Caliph Ship modellers plans for the Clipper Ship The Caliph. Plans accessioned indiviudally.
Modelcraft Ltd. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper Ship The Caliph. Double-sided ship modellers plan. Recto: Rigging plan (profile) showing yards and running. Also includes numbered plan key.
Verso: Illustrated perspective starboard view of fully-rigged model of The Caliph. Includes numbered key to position of sails.
Modelcraft Ltd. largely stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper ShipThe Caliph. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half cross-
section of hull. Includes hull dimensions.
Claydon, Fred A. stable
The Caliph
Tea Clipper Ship The Caliph. Double-sided ship modellers plan. Recto: Keel plate, hull block and hull section templates for construction of model hull.
Includes perspective view of assembled hull and a list of part dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Verso: Deck plan showing position of hatches and deck
fittings, details of deck fittings and spars. Also includes perspective view of bows, templates for bulwark and model stand and numbered key with list of
part dimensions.
Modelcraft Ltd. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
The Castaways Yacht The Castaways. General arrangement (deck plan and profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
The Castaways Yacht The Castaways. Sail and rigging plan.
The China Bird Ship The China Bird. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David fragile
The China Bird Ship The China Bird. Part of midship section, elevation of frames and plan of frames.
MacGregor, David fragile
The Elizabeth Timber Hoy Ship The Elizabeth Timber Hoy. Deck plan, profile and body plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. General arrangement (deck plans and profiles) and details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. General arrangement (deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sections. Includes technical
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. General arrangement (deck plans). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. General arrangement (deck plans) and rigging details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. Details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. Profiles. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. Profiles, perspective and details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. Construction detail (deck plan, profile and sections). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch The Fairmile 'B' Motor Launch. Construction details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun Boat. General arrangement (deck plan and profile), perspective and details. Includes technical
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun Boat. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), sections and general arrangement (deck
plans). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun Boat. General arrangement (deck plans and profile) and details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun Boat. Profiles and deck plan. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun
The Fairmile 'D' Motor Torpedo Boat Motor Gun Boat. Profiles and deck plans. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'F' Type - M.G.2001
The Fairmile 'F' Type - M.G.2001. General arrangement (deck plan annd profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plans). Includes
technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile 'F' Type - M.G.2001 The Fairmile 'F' Type - M.G.2001. General arrangement (deck plan and profiles) and sections. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A' The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A'. General arrangement (deck plans and profile) and gun details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A'
The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A'. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan), sections and general arrangement (deck plans). Includes
technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A' The Fairmile Motor Launch Type 'A'. General arrangement (deck plans and profiles) and perspective. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat. General arrangement (deck plans and profiles). Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat
The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan) and sections. Includes
technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat The Fairmile Type C Motor Gun Boat. General arrangement (deck plans annd profiles) and deck details. Includes technical specifications.
Lambert, John stable
The Lower Boom Details of lower boom, including perspective view of boom extended from side of vessel.
Ough, Norman stable
The Lower Boom Details of lower boom, including perspective view of boom extended from side of vessel.
Ough, Norman largely stable
The Main Derrick Details of the main derrick on battleships and large cruisers up to 1914.
Ough, Norman stable
The Main Derrick Details of the main derrick on battleships and large cruisers up to 1914.
Ough, Norman stable
The Main Derrick Details of the main derrick on battleships and large cruisers up to 1914.
Ough, Norman largely stable
The Main Derrick Details of the main derrick on battleships and large cruisers up to 1914.
Ough, Norman stable
The Rackoon French Corvel The Rackoon. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Theresa Secunda Schooner Theresa Secunda. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by David MacGregor.
largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section and detail of fore end of after house. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes spar dimensions. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes spar dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Includes sketches and section of Leander's gig,
longboat and coach house. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and detail of after house. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "Thermopylae" in top right of plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "Thermopylae" in top right of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "Thermopylae" in top right of plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Includes spar dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. "Thermopylae" in top right of plan. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile).
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and midship section. Also
includes detail of patent brace winch and register dimensions of ship.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and midship section. Also
includes detail of patent brace winch and register dimensions of ship. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and midship section. Also
includes detail of patent brace winch and register dimensions of ship. Coloured version of sail plan, printed on light brown paper with marbled effect.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, main deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan) and midship section. Also
includes detail of patent brace winch and register dimensions of ship. Coloured version of sail plan, printed on white card.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan) and midship section. Also includes details of fore end of after house. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan) and midship section. Also includes details of fore end of after house. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan) and midship section. Also includes details of fore end of after house. Scale 1/8
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. General arrangement (profile, main deck plan) and midship section. Also includes details of fore end of after house. Scale 3/16
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and technical information.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated and amended by James Henderson.
Henderson, James largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of five separate sheets that form a complete
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of midships and aftbody. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of five separate sheets that form
a complete plan.
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of five separate sheets that form a complete
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. One of five separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Midship section. One of five separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Details of spars from sailing model of the Thermopylae.
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Profile, midship section and detail of fore mast construction. Scales 3/16 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Profile, midship section and detail of fore mast construction. Scales 3/16 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thermopylae Clipper Ship Thermopylae. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1:48.
Science Museum largely stable
Theseus Barque Theseus. Profile sketch.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Thessalus Thessalus. Profile and deck plan showing galley, stores and crew accomodation.
Thetis Thetis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Thetis Thetis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Brig Thomas. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Parts of drawing coloured in blue and red pencil. David MacGregor stamp
mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David extremely fragile
Brig Thomas. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark, dated 12 April 1955, indicating date plan
was traced at Whitehaven Public Library, in bottom right of plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Thomas Brig Thomas. Sail and rigging plan (profile and section). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated with information from Lloyd's Register.
MacGregor, David stable
Thomas Arbuthnot ShipThomas Arbuthnot. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Henderson, James stable
Thomas W.Lawson Seven-Masted Schooner Thomas W.Lawson. Sail plan (profile).
Thomas W.Lawson Seven-Masted Schooner Thomas W.Lawson. Rigging plan (profile and plan for standing rigging) and general arrangement (deck plan). Annotated.
Thomas W.Lawson Seven-Masted Schooner Thomas W.Lawson. Midship section and sail plan (profile) showing arrangement of staysail and jibsail. Annotated.
Thomas W.Lawson Seven-Masted Schooner Thomas W.Lawson. Lines plan (body plan). Annotated.
Thomas W.Lawson
Seven-Masted Schooner Thomas W.Lawson. Sketch plan showing sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (body plan), standing
rigging plan, staysail and jib sail plan and midship section. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Three Bells Clipper Ship Three Bells. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Brothers Sailing Trawler Three Brothers. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Three Brothers
Sailing Trawler Three Brothers. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of windlass, stem head and fore stay, steam capstan, companion and
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Three Brothers Sailing Trawler Three Brothers. Sail plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Three Sisters Three Sisters. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "File Copy" written in bottom right corner, number "12" crossed out in bottom left corner.
MacGregor, David fragile
Three Sisters Three Sisters. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Sisters Three Sisters. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Sisters Three Sisters. Sail plan (profile).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Sisters
Three Sisters. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section and stern detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Sisters
Three Sisters. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section and stern detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three Sisters
Three Sisters. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section and stern detail. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Three-Masted Lugger Three-Masted Lugger. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plans, body plans).
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Three-Masted Sailing Bark
German Three-Masted Sailing Bark. Sail and rigging plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plan) details of deck fittings and lines plan (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan, body plan). Includes model templates for keel and hull sections. Scale 1:150. Text in German."Copy of German Training Ship from Mr Cowl of
York" written on reverse of plan.
Graupner, Johannes largely stable
Three-Masted Schooner Three-Masted Schooner. Pinrail diagram, showing rigging belaying points, of typical three-masted schooner. Includes numbered key to diagram.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
Three-Masted Schooner Three-Masted Schooner. Pinrail diagram, showing rigging belaying points, of typical three-masted schooner. Includes numbered key to diagram.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
Three-Masted Schooner Three-Masted Schooner. Pinrail diagram, showing rigging belaying points, of typical three-masted schooner. Includes numbered key to diagram.
Hobbs, Allan largely stable
Schooner Tiki, from the US TV show "Adventures in Paradise". Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (deck plan,
inboard profiles of stern) and details of halyard winch, deck house, taffrail stanchion, davit support, cathead and bowsprit bitts. Scales 1/4 and 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
Schooner Tiki, from the US TV show "Adventures in Paradise". Sail and rigging plan (profile), sections of main mast and fore mast, details of iron work, main
sheet horse, main fife rail, boom gallow and cargo hatch. Also includes general arrangement (deck plan) and table of information on standing rigging. Scale
1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. largely stable
Emigrant Clipper Ships Timaru and Oamaru. General arrangement (profile, plans of main deck, poop deck and forecastle) and details of bulwarks and
deckhouse. Also includes colour scheme for painting model.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Timaru/Oamaru Emigrant Clipper Ships Timaru and Oamaru. Standing rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Timaru/Oamaru Emigrant Clipper Ships Timaru and Oamaru. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and plan of bowsprit guys.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Emigrant Clipper Ships Timaru and Oamaru. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of figurehead of ship Timaru. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Timber and Iron Composite Construction of the
Clipper Ship
Timber and Iron Composite Construction of the Clipper Ship. Colour illustration showing perspective starboard view looking down on hull and deck with
cutaway section showing iron frame construction and cross-section of hull looking aft. Also includes detail drawings of frames, beams and stringers,
bulwark construction, beam section, keel, keelson and floor timbers.
Science Museum stable
Tinqua Clipper Ship Tinqua. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows ship as originally built.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan). Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows ship as originally built.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Plan shows ship as originally built.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Three-Masted Barque Titania. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Sail plan (profile).
Henderson, James largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/6 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Diagrammatic deck plan. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Diagrammatic deck plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Diagrammatic deck plan. Annotated on both sides.
MacGregor, David stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Rough sketch of deck plan. Annotated. Includes query about position of deck fittings. Reverse side has name "Stornoway" written on it.
MacGregor, David stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Cross-section through a tea-laden ship and perspective view of Emerson & Walker's patent windlass. Annotated in blue pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Titania. Cross-section through a tea-laden ship, perspective views of Emerson & Walker's patent windlass and stern of ship showing the
steering wheel.
MacGregor, David stable
Clipper Ship Titania. Cross-section through a tea-laden ship, perspective views of Emerson & Walker's patent windlass and stern of ship showing the
steering wheel. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Profile, showing planking and cross-section of hull. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Robert Steele & Company largely stable
Titania Clipper Ship Titania. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Robert Steele & Company largely stable
Tony Galway hooker Tony. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 3/4 inch to 1 foot. Preliminary drawing.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Topo (Mouse)
Venetian Boat Topo (Mouse). Sail plan (profile), longitudinal section, deck plan, lines plan (body plan), hull half-section and details of fittings. Also includes
perspective views of of vessel and modellers templates for keel and sections of hull. Scale 1:10.
Michelini, Giorgio largely stable
Topsail Schooner Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile), details of fore, main, mizzen masts and bowsprit. Scales 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
largely stable
Torpedoboot 98M, 99M, 100M
Ship of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy: Torpedoboot 98M, 99M, 100M. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections), lines plan
(sheer plan and body plan), bow and stern details and deck details. In German.
Prasky, Friedrich, Ing. stable
Torpedoboot 98M, 99M, 100M Original folder for ship plan off the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy ships: Torpedoboot 98M, 99M, 100M. In German.
Torrens Clipper ShipTorrens. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes registered dimensions.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Torrens Clipper ShipTorrens. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of deck fittings and masts.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Torrens Clipper ShipTorrens. Rigging plan (profile), showing details of standing rigging and spars. Also includes plan of bowsprit guys.
Underhill, Harold A. extremely fragile
Torrens Clipper ShipTorrens. Sail and rigging plan (profile), showing details of sails and running rigging. Also includes detail of spanker gaff and boom.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Torrington Torrington. Sail plan (profile) of aftbody of vessel.
Henderson, James stable
Torrington Torrington. Sail plan (profile) of aftbody of vessel. Reversed image.
Henderson, James stable
Totnes Castle Paddle Wheel Steamer Totnes Castle. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Totnes Castle Paddle Wheel Steamer Totnes Castle. Preliminary draft of general arrangement (profile, deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Trading Hoy
Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Trading Hoy
Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Trading Hoy
Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Roberts, Paul A. stable
Trading Hoy Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Trading Hoy Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Trading Hoy Unidentified Trading Hoy, c.1750-1775. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Trading Ketch Trading Ketch. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Trading Ketch Trading Ketch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and views of deck fittings at Stations Nos.3, 9 and 17.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Trading Ketch Trading Ketch. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Also includes plan of main cross trees and sections of main mast.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Transit Transit. Midship section. Initialled "R.G."
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Transit Transit. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Transit. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes sketch of hull section and dimensions. Titled “Transit
Advice Cutter as fitted Dec 1809”.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Transit Transit. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions, "as stated by Mr Gower".
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Transport of 200 Tons Transport of 200 Tons. Profile (inboard), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897. Outline general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp marks in top left of plan.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897. Deck plans showing proposed re-arrangement of accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp marks in top left
of plan.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897 Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897. Plan of forecastle deck showing electric windlass, bollards and fairleads.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd stable
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897. Part general arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan) of vessel's forebody. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builder's stamp mark
in top left of plan. Annotated.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897
Trawler Admiral Burnett, No.897. Deck plans showing accommodation, also includes list of specifications for the fitting out of the vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler No.876
Trawler No.876. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1
Trawler No.891
Trawler No.891. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes principal dimensions. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Shipbuilders stamp marks "Russell & Co. Ltd., Aberdeen" and "Shipowners Record Copy" in top left corner,
Russell & Co. largely stable
Trawler No.891-92
Trawler No.891-92. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp marks in top left
corner. Annotated.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler No.891-92 Trawler No.891-92. Plan and elevation showing proposed alteration to wheelhouse front. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in top left corner.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler No.891-92 Trawler No.891-92. Plan and elevations showing mast and derricks. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler No.892 Trawler No.892. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp marks in top left corner.
Hall, Russell & Co. Ltd largely stable
Trawler No.S701
Trawler No.S701. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes principal dimensions. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Richard Dunston Ltd. largely stable
Trawler No.T996
Trawler No.T996. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout and accomodation. Includes principal dimensions. Scale 1/4
inch to 1 foot.
Richard Dunston Ltd. largely stable
Tricia (Sports Fishing Cruiser) Sports Fishing Cruiser Tricia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and details of layout of aft cabin. Also includes model colour scheme.
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
Tricia (Sports Fishing Cruiser) Sports Fishing Cruiser Tricia. Hull sections, perspective sketches and diagrams for model assembly.
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
Trinity Lighter No.1 Trinity Lighter No.1. Plan and elevation of the lifiting mechanism of dredging apparatus.
Admiralty, Whitehall stable
Triple Screw Diesel Tug
Triple Screw Diesel Tug. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) and framing plans. Scale 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Lines plan (sheer plan,
half-breadth plan), cross-sections and perspective views of hull sketched in pencil on reverse of plan.
Richards Shipbuilders Ltd largely stable
True Briton
Blackwall Frigate True Briton. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), stern elevation and expanded view of stern. Also includes colour
scheme for painting ship model.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
True Briton Blackwall Frigate True Briton. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
True Briton Blackwall Frigate True Briton. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and elevations of inside of bulwarks and of deck fittings.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
True Briton
Blackwall Frigate True Briton. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and bulwark elevation
showing deck fittings. Also includes registered dimensions.
Salisbury, William stable
True Briton
Blackwall Frigate True Briton. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and bulwark elevation
showing deck fittings. Also includes registered dimensions.
Salisbury, William extremely fragile
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
True Vine
St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. fragile
True Vine
St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. largely stable
True Vine
St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 5/16 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. stable
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts, yard, boom and bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. fragile
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts, yard, boom and bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
True Vine St Monance Fifie Lugger True Vine. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions of masts, yard, boom and bowsprit. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
TS Frigates Twin Screw Frigates. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Stamp mark "N.S.H.Q, D.N.C.Ca 2/A/33" in top left of plan
largely stable
TSMV Kimanis
Cargo Liner TSMV Kimanis. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of upper poop deck, boat deck, sun deck, captain's bridge and navigating bridge).
Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Includes dimensions.Embossed stamp mark in upper section "The Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd, Dundee", two ink
stamps "To be returned to Caledon D.O. Dundee". Also includes piece of paper stuck to top left corner with text "For Enclosure to Scottish Modelcraft
from the Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd, Caledon Shipyard, Dundee".
The Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd
TSMV Kimanis Cargo Liner TSMV Kimanis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and perspective sketches showing model hull construction. Annotated.
TSMV Kimanis
Cargo Liner TSMV Kimanis. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sections of poop deck and boat deck, details of mast and deck fittings. Also includes
colour scheme for model. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
TSS Ben My-Chree
Passenger Ferry TSS Ben My-Chree. General arrangement (inboard profile, plans of boat deck and promenade deck) of vessel as fitted. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
TSS Ben My-Chree Passenger Ferry TSS Ben My-Chree. Sail and rigging plan (profile) of vessel as fitted. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
TSS Mauretania Liner TSS Mauretania. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), side elevation and cross-sections of hull. Scale 1/32 inch to 1 foot.
Scottish Modelcraft fragile
TSS Media Cargo Liner TSS Media. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Scottish Modelcraft largely stable
Tulloch Castle Tulloch Castle. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes principal dimensions, Scale 1:120.
Hamilton-Smith, K. stable
Tulloch Castle Tulloch Castle. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and details of blocks. Scale 1:120.
Hamilton-Smith, K. stable
Turbinia. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans) showing internal layout of vessel, lines plan (body plan), sections and details of engine
mechanism. Also includes dimensions and modellers colour scheme.
McCready, Commander L.S. largely stable
Turkish Boats of the Bosphorus 1878
General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of an Three-Oared Caique and Baluk Caique used in
the Bosphorus in 1878. Also includes longitudinal section, cross sections and details of oars. Text written in French.
Turkistan Ship Turkistan. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Russell & Co. largely stable
Twilight. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Stamp mark "For Research Only" from Mystic Seaport Museum, located in bottom right of
Schock, E.I. stable
Twin 20mm Oerlikon Gun on MK V Power
Twin 20mm Oerlikon Gun on MK V Power Mounting, 1943. Plans, profiles, sections, perspective views and details of anti-aircraft gun and mounting.
Includes key to gun parts, technical specifications and history of gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Twin 20mm Oerlikon Guns on Manual Mark IX and
Mark XIIA Mountings
Twin 20mm Oerlikon Guns on Manual Mark IX and Mark XIIA Mountings. Plans, elevations, sections and details of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes
key to gun parts and technical specifications of gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting, 1944. Plan, profile, front view and perspective view of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to gun
parts and technical information on gun and mounting.
Lambert, John stable
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting, 1944. Plan, profile, front view and perspective view of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to gun
Lambert, John largely stable
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting
Twin 40mm Bofors Gun on MK IV Mounting, 1944. Plan, profile, front view and perspective view of anti-aircraft gun and mounting. Includes key to gun
Lambert, John stable
Two Brothers
Gravel BargeTwo Brothers. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (half-deck plan), longitudinal section and cross-
section. Also includes scantlings and offsets tables.
McKee, J.F.G. largely stable
Two Sisters Collier Two Sisters. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Salisbury, William stable
Two Sisters Collier Two Sisters. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Salisbury, William largely stable
Two Sisters Collier Two Sisters. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated by William Salisbury.
Salisbury, William largely stable
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner Two-Mast Topsail Schooner. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner Two-Mast Topsail Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and elevation showing detail inside bulwarks.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner Two-Mast Topsail Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner. Details of deck fittings, including anchor windlass, dolly winch, chain plates, wheel box and fore and aft companions. Also
includes cross-section of hull.
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner
Two-Mast Topsail Schooner. Details of masts and spars, including plans, sketches and details of main mast, topmasts, cross trees, gaffs, booms, yards and
Underhill, Harold A. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Tyburnia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (inboard profile) midship section and detail of stern. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile showing details of structure. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Tyburnia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (inboard profile) midship section and detail of stern. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot. Annotated and amended in red pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile, main deck plan and stern elevation showing frame structure. Also includes midship section.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Tyburnia. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (inboard profile) midship section and detail of stern. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot. Annotated. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia. Deck plans of forecastle deck, upper deck and lower deck. Also includes cross-section of hull. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. David
MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended, sections coloured using red and blue pencils.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Plan of the main deck showing the deck beams.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Plan of the main deck showing the deck beams.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Deck plans of forecastle deck, upper deck and lower deck. Also includes cross-section of hull. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Deck plans of forecastle deck, upper deck and lower deck. Also includes cross-section of hull. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Plan of rail head mouldings.
MacGregor, David fragile
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Plan of rail head mouldings.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Stern view showing framing. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Sail plan (profile) for small, one-masted, vessel (possibly one of the ship's boats). Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Plan of the fore and main tops and mizzen mast top.
largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile (inboard) showing the frame structure of forebody of vessel. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile (inboard) showing the frame structure of aftbody of vessel. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile (inboard) showing the frame structure of vessel. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Tyburnia. Profile (inboard), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for forebody of vessel. Also includes half-section of hull. One of three separate sheets
that form a complete plan.
largely stable
Tyburnia Tyburnia. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for midships of vessel. One of three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Tyburnia. Profile (inboard) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for aftbody of vessel. Also includes stern view and hull dimensions. One
of three separate sheets that form a complete plan.
Tyburnia/Typhoon Tyburnia/Typhoon. Profile of Tyburnia, showing details of structure and plan of main deck of the Typhoon. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Typhoon Typhoon. General arrangement (main deck plan) and bulwark elevation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Typhoon. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Also includes small sheet of white paper attached to centre of plan with notes and body
plan (?) outline.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Typhoon Typhoon. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Alexander Stephen & Sons fragile
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421, 1944. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, pilot house
and chart room). Includes key to detail, technical specifications and history of vessels.
Lambert, John stable
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421, 1944. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, plans of main deck, forecastle deck, pilot house
and chart room). Includes key to detail, technical specifications and history of vessels.
Lambert, John stable
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421
U.S.Navy Yard Minesweepers, Nos.418-421, 1944. General arrangement (profile, lower deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plans, body plan) and cross-
sections of hull. Includes key to detail.
Lambert, John stable
U-Boat UB.16
German Imperial Navy U-Boat UB.16. General arrangement (starboard profile, deck plan), portside profile of vessel half-submerged in water, longitudinal
section and horizontal section, hull cross-sections and details of deck fittings. Scale 1:100. Text in German. Sheet of historical notes and assembly
instructions catalogued separately.
Wischmeyer, L. stable
Una Una. Sail plan (profile), including sail dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Aberdeen Schooner Unidentified Schooner built at Aberdeen by John Duthie Jr. Sail plan (profile) and table of spar dimensions. Annotated.
Ellis, Attwill largely stable
Unidentified American Sailing Ship Unidentified American Three-Masted Sailing Ship, 1870-1880. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Bird, Ralph largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship. Sail and rigging plan (profile) taken from unnamed publication. Individual sails numbered.
largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship. Sail and rigging plan (profile) of vessel with fore and aft sails, taken from unnamed publication. Individual sails
and lines numbered.
largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship. Rigging plan (profile), taken from unnamed publication. Rigging individually numbered.
largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship. Rigging plan (profile), taken from unnamed publication. Rigging individually numbered. British ensign flag flying
from stern of vessel.
largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship
Unidentified Armed Merchant or Warship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan). Also includes details of break of forecastle,
main gallows and rail, aft end of binnacle and wheel.
Unidentified Armed Merchant Ship or Warship
Unidentified Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Armed Merchant Ship or Warship Unidentified Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Sail plan (profile). "Spare" written in bottom right corner.
largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Armed Sailing Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Armed Sailing Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and deck plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Armed Sailing Merchant Ship or
Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). Plan based on measurements taken from unidentified half-model of vessel from Whitehaven Library in
December 1961.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Auxiliary Power Yacht Unidentified Auxiliary Power Yacht. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Annotated.
Unidentified Barge Unidentified Barge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull cross-section.
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Unidentified Barque Unidentified Barque. Sail plan (profile). "Spare" written in pencil in bottom right corner.
Unidentified Barque (Bark Schiffes)
Drawing of Barque (Zeichnung eines Bark Schiffes). Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Text written in
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Unidentified Barquentine Unidentified Barquentine. Sail and rigging plan (profile). "To Julien Mannering" written in blue ink on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Belgian Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified BelgianThree-Masted Sailing Ship, built at Antwerp in 1860. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified Brig Unidentified Brig. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern.
largely stable
Unidentified Brig
Unidentified Brig designed by Ebenzer Moseley of LaHave, Nova Scotia. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan)
and midship section. Includes dimensions. Three sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Brig
Unidentified Brig. Partial sail plan (profile) traced from plan in Brocklebank Collection at Liverpool Museum, a feint pencil drawing on back of a plan of the
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Brig/Schooner
Sail plans (profiles) of two-masted vessel rigged as a brig and a schooner. Includes a number of versions that combine both rigs. Annotated. Produced by
Neptune Models Ltd.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Unidentified Brig/Schooner Sail plans (profiles) of two-masted vessel rigged as a brig and a schooner. Includes a number of versions that combine both rigs. Annotated and amended.
largely stable
Unidentified Brigantine
Unidentified Brigantine. Sail and rigging plan (profile) and plan of bowsprit rigging. Also includes details of fittings. Annotated. "Amended" written in
bottom right corner.
Unidentified Clipper Ship (Klipper Fregatt Schiffes)
Drawing of Clipper Ship (Zeichnung eines Klipper Fregatt Schiffes). Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Text
written in German.
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Unidentified Clipper Ship (Klipper Fregatt Schiffes)
Drawing of Clipper Ship (Zeichnung eines Klipper Fregatt Schiffes). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, complete body plan) of forebody of
ship. Text written in German. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Unidentified Clipper Ship (Klipper Fregatt Schiffes)
Drawing of Clipper Ship (Zeichnung eines Klipper Fregatt Schiffes). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody of ship. Text written in
German. One of two separate sheets that form complete plan
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Unidentified Clipper Ship/ Steam Cargo Ship
Unidentified Clipper Ship of 1286 tons carrying capacity/Steam Cargo Ship of 350 horsepower. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan),
displacement scale and details of fittings, including propellor. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan. Text in German.
Prommel, J. largely stable
Unidentified Clipper-Schooner
Unidentified Clipper-Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes
dimensions. Annotated.
largely stable
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship, built by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, original plan dated 15 October 1861. Longitudinal section showing
internal frame structure of forebody, hull cross-sections and plans of bow. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sheets that join to form a
complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship, built by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, original plan dated 15 October 1861. Longitudinal section showing
internal frame structure of midships, midship section and hull cross-sections. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sheets that join to form a
complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship
Unidentified Composite Sailing Ship, built by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, original plan dated 15 October 1861. Longitudinal section showing
internal frame structure of aftbody and hull cross-sections. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Unidentified Composite Ship
Unidentified Composite Ship. Midship section and details of the position of bolts and iron plates fixing timber plank to hull of vessel. Annotated by David
Unidentified Cutter Unidentified Cutter. Sail plan (profile) and stern profile showing rudder mechanism, traced from plans in Brocklebank Collection. Annotated.
largely stable
Unidentified Cutter Unidentified Cutter. Sail plan (profile).
Unidentified Cutter/Unidentified Two-Masted
Unidentified Cutter/Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. Sail plans (profiles). Traced from unidentified plan in the Brocklebank Collection. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Cutter/Unidentified Two-Masted
Unidentified Cutter/Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. Sail plans (profiles). Traced from unidentified plan in the Brocklebank Collection. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Danish Brig Unidentified Danish Brig No.104. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Ring Andersen, J. largely stable
Unidentified Danish Brig Unidentified Danish Brig. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions. Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified Danish Brig Unidentified Danish Brig. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel. Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified Danish Brig Unidentified Danish Brig. Longitudinal section and deck plan. Text in Danish.
Unidentified Danish Brig
Unidentified Danish Brig. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of technical information. Text in Danish. Stamp mark "Handels OG Sofartsmuseet,
Helsingor, Danmark" on reverse side of plan.
Unidentified Danish Brig
Unidentified Danish Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes table of dimensions. Draughtsman's, signature "Peter J.Richardson"
in bottom right corner.
Richardson, Peter J. largely stable
Unidentified Danish Brig
Unidentified Danish Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Text in Danish. Stamp mark "Handels OG
Sofartsmuseet, Helsingor, Danmark" on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Danish Brig
Unidentified Danish Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Reversed, white and black image. Text in Danish. Two
sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
Unidentified Danish Brigantine Unidentified Danish Brigantine. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Stamp mark "G.V.Behestedt Bohm, Voldporvalter, AErosking" in top left corner of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Danish Cutter Unidentified Danish Cutter. Sail plan (profile). Includes spar dimensions. Text in Danish.
Klestrup, E. stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Barquentine Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Barquentine. Sail plan (profile).
extremely fragile
Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Barquentine. Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Barquentine. Sail plan (profile).
Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Schooner Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Schooner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of technical information. Text in Danish.
Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Ship Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Ship. Deck plan showing internal structure and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Ship Unidentified Danish Four-Masted Ship. Deck plan showing internal structure and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Unidentified Danish Sailing Ship Unidentified Danish Sailing Ship). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull cross-section. Includes dimensions.
Unidentified Danish Sailing Ship Unidentified Danish Sailing Ship. Midship section. Entitled: "Middelspant".
Unidentified Danish Schooner
Unidentified Danish Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan. half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Dated October 1920. Builders stamp "J.Ring-
Andersens, Traeskidvaerft, Svendorg" in bottom right corner.
Ring Andersen, J. largely stable
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish. Annotated by David
MacGregor, with his stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish. Annotated by David
MacGregor, with his stamp mark in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig
Unidentified Danish Schooner Brig. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Table of dimensions, written in Danish. Annotated by David
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Danish Sloop
Unidentified Danish Sloop. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Note on reverse side of plan giving information on draughtsman, date and
title of drawing.
Hansen, H.C.F. stable
Unidentified Danish Small Sailing Ship Unidentified Danish Small Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plans). One-mast shown on plan.
Unidentified Danish Three-Masted Barquentine Unidentified Danish Three-Masted Barquentine. Sail plan (profile), includes front elevation of foremast.
Unidentified Danish Three-Masted Schooner
Unidentified Danish Three-Masted Schooner. Sail plan (profile) and deck plan. Includes dimensions. Plan stamped, signed and dated 22-3-18. Text in
Unidentified Danish Two-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Danish Two-Masted Sailing Ship. Rigging plan (profile). Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified DanishThree-Masted Barquentine.
Unidentified DanishThree-Masted Barquentine. Colour illustration showing sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
longitudinal section, deck plans and midship section. Annotated.
Unidentified DanishThree-Masted Barquentine. Unidentified DanishThree-Masted Barquentine. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Unidentified Dutch Schooner Brig
Unidentified Dutch Schooner Brig.General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull cross-section.
Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified Dutch Tug Unidentified Dutch Tug. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and cross-sections of hull showing internal layout of vessel.
Unidentified Dutch Tug Unidentified Dutch Tug. Lines plan (body plan).
Unidentified Dutch Two-Masted Schooner Unidentified Dutch Two-Masted Schooner 1843. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified English Schooner Unidentified English Schooner, 1826. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and notes written in Dutch.
Unidentified Finnish Trawler
Unidentified Finnish Trawler. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) showing internal layout of vessel. Includes dimensions and numbered key. Text in
Finnish. Scale 1:100. Number "Fz432" in bottom right corner.
Unidentified Fire-Ship
Unidentified Fire-Ship. Profile and elevation of bow, deck plan showing internal structure and details of bows with different figureheads. Copy taken from
unnamed publication, "Plate II" in top right corner.
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Photocopy of illustration from the paper
"Wooden Sailing Vessels with particular reference to those built Previous to the Civil War" by B.B.Crowninshield, published in "Transactions Society Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.15, 1907". One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Crowninshield, B.B. stable
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Photocopy of illustration from the paper
"Wooden Sailing Vessels with particular reference to those built Previous to the Civil War" by B.B.Crowninshield, published in "Transactions Society Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.15, 1907". One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Crowninshield, B.B. stable
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner
Unidentified Five-Masted Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Photocopy of illustration from the paper
"Wooden Sailing Vessels with particular reference to those built Previous to the Civil War" by B.B.Crowninshield, published in "Transactions Society Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.15, 1907". One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Crowninshield, B.B. stable
Unidentified Frigate Unidentified Frigate. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern view drawn by William Smith in 1833.
largely stable
Unidentified Ketch Unidentified Ketch from plan at Whitehaven Library. Sail plan (profile). Annotated with sail dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Kennaugh, William stable
Unidentified Ketch
Unidentified Ketch. Sail plan (profile) and perspective view, with side cloths and boards removed from port side to show internal detail of vessel.
Finch, Roger largely stable
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Described as "Merchant Ship -
Name Unknown" in top right corner of plan. Note by David MacGregor on reverse side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Incomplete plan. Traced from contact photocopy of
tracing made by H.W.Smales of plan drawn by C.Gale in1858.
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Profile. Uncompleted plan.
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan. half-breadth plan, body plan). Traced from original plan by J.Ring-Andersen, dated October
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan. half-breadth plan, body plan) based on half-model at the Nottage Institute, Wivenhoe, Essex.
MacGregor, David stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan. half-breadth plan, body plan). Traced from original plan of J.Ring-Andersen, dated October 1920.
Builders stamp "J.Ring-Andersens, Traeskidvaerft, Svendorg" in bottom right corner.
Ring Andersen, J. largely stable
Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship Unidentified Merchant Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan. half-breadth plan). Uncompleted plan.
largely stable
Unidentified NorwegianThree-Masted Topsail
Unidentified NorwegianThree-Masted Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/10 inch to 1 foot.
Bergen Maritime Transport Museum
largely stable
Unidentified One-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified One-Masted Sailing Ship. Rigging plan (profile) and deck plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Unidentified One-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified One-Masted Sailing Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Numbered lines
indicating position of spars also included on plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Paddle Steamer Unidentified Paddle Steamer. General arrangement (profile, deck plans).
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Unidentified Paddle Steamer
Unidentified Paddle Steamer. Shell expansion plan showing hull plates and details of sponson brackets on paddle wheel boxes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Stamp mark "Philip & Son Ltd, Engineers and Shipbuilders, Dartmouth" in top central section of plan.
Philip & Son Ltd. largely stable
Unidentified Paddle Steamer Unidentified Paddle Steamer. General arrangement (deck plan). Produced by Neptune Models Ltd.
Neptune Models Ltd largely stable
Unidentified Paddle Steamer
Unidentified Steel Paddle Steamer for the River Dart, Boat No.612. Cross-sections of hull giving scantling measurements. Includes dimensions and
information on equipment. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Unidentified Paddle Steamer Unidentified Paddle Steamer. Cross-section showing superstructure, including funnel and modeller's templates of hull.
largely stable
Unidentified Passenger Ship
Unidentified Passenger Ship. General arrangement (plans of poop deck, bridge deck, midship boat deck, forecastle deck, shelter deck and upper deck)
showing layout of accommodation, catering and storage facilities.
The Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd
largely stable
Unidentified Restaurant Ship
Unidentified Restaurant Ship. General arrangement (deck plans) showing period features such as cannons and catering facilities. Also includes cross-
sections of hull. Unfinshed plan. Bottom left part of plan has been been torn off and is catalogued separately.
Unidentified Restaurant Ship Unidentified Restaurant Ship. Part of unfinished deck plan. Torn from of larger part of plan that has been catalogued separately.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan).
extremely fragile
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Incomplete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Four sheets
stuck together to form one complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes half cross-section showing
storage of barrels.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Drawing showing profile and midship section for unidentified, armed, three-masted ship. Includes
dimensions.The plan is inscribed John & William Wells, a firm of shipbuilders who were based at Deptford, London.
Wells, John & William stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern. Includes
dimensions. Text states"Built at London 1819 and 1820 for Mr Oldfield". Annotated in pencil "Coromandel" and "Lady Raffles", possibly a reference to
Australian convict ships.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and partial lines plan (body plan). "Merchantmen" written
on reverse side of plan.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Annotated with alphabetical and numerical identification
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and
perspective starboard view of three-masted vessel. "No.12" on lower right side. White and black plan.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Traced from plan in Science
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Cross section showing internal layout of stern and details of deck furniture, including carved
decoration on stair balustrades and cabin doors. Uncompleted plan.
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or
Unidentified Sailing Armed Merchant Ship or Warship. Drawing showing profile and midship section for unidentified, armed, three-masted ship. Includes
dimensions.The plan is inscribed John & William Wells, a firm of shipbuilders who were based at Deptford, London. Annotated "26 guns on main deck".
Plan one-half scale of the original.
Wells, John & William stable
Unidentified Sailing Barge Unidentified Sailing Barge. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Barge Unidentified Sailing Barge. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, body plan), deck plan and sail plan (profile). Two sheets of film stuck together to form one plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Barge
Unidentified Sailing Barge. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern view and hull cross sections. Incomplete plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Annotated by David MacGregor.
Hunt, John largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Barge Unidentified Sailing Barge. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Incomplete.
Hunt, John largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Outline profile and lines plan (half-breadth plan) taken from half-model from yard at Whittingham, near Norwich. Annotated.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) taken from model at Upham's yard, Brixham.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) taken from half- model in the possession of Adrian Small.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) taken from half- model presented by Aldous Successors Ltd. of Brightlingsea to the
Nottage Institute, Wivenhoe, Essex.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) taken from original plan in possession of T.& J.Brocklebank.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) traced from plan in Brocklebank Collection.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Midship section and profile showing constructional details of hull.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship. Sail and rigging plan (profile) from unnamed publication. Individual rigging is identified using letters of the alphabet. Plan entitled
"Shipbuilding - Rigging Plan of Sailing Ship". The date "1880" and "£5" written in pencil in bottom right corner.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Plate I" in top right corner.
Richardson, Thomas stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Traced from plan in the Hillhouse Collection (Fo.61).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Traced from plan in the Hillhouse Collection (Fo.61).
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), bow and stern elevations, hull sections and details of mast. Drawings have been
coloured using watercolour paints.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship, built by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, original plan dated 26 August 1859. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan) of forebody and midships. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship, built by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, original plan dated 26 August 1859. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth
plan) of midships and aftbody. Includes complete body plan. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody of vessel. One of four sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody of vessel. One of four sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (body plan). One of four sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Midship section. One of four sheets that join to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Profile and partial elevation of stern.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Stern elevation showing detail of cabin windows and carved decoration on taffrail.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Half-Deck plan showing internal structure of vessel. Once part of a larger plan.
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Detail of rudder and rough sketch lines plan (body plan).
MacGregor, David fragile
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Signed "J.Henderson".
Henderson, James stable
Unidentified Sailing Ship Unidentified Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Unidentified Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Ship, c.1835-1845. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) based on half-model in Whitehaven Public Library. Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Small Ship
Unidentified Sailing Small Ship, possibly a Cutter.. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) taken from original builder's plan, presumed to have
been drawn by J.Geddie of Garmouth. Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Warship Unidentified Sailing Warship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and bow view.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Warship Unidentified Sailing Warship. Longitudinal section and midship section.
largely stable
Unidentified Sailing Warship
Unidentified Sailing Warship. Profile, bow and stern elevations. Parts of the plan have been coloured with brown watercolour paint. Two pieces of paper
stuck together to create complete plan.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co. Ltd
largely stable
Unidentified Schooner Unidentified Schooner, 1846. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified Schooner Unidentified Schooner, 1846. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified Schooner Unidentified Schooner, 1846. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions. Negative image.
largely stable
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Plan based on half-model
in the possession of Adrian Small, Brixham. Model originally came from Phillips Shipyard, Dartmouth.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Plan based on half-model
in the possession of Adrian Small, Brixham. Model originally came from Phillips Shipyard, Dartmouth.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Plan based on half-model in the possession of Adrian Small,
Brixham. Model originally came from Phillips Shipyard, Dartmouth.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine.
Unidentified Schooner or Barquentine. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Plan based on half-model
in the possession of Adrian Small, Brixham. Model originally came from Phillips Shipyard, Dartmouth.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Schooner Yacht (Schooner-Yacht) Drawing of Schooner Yacht (Zeichnung eines Schooner-Yacht). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Text written in German.
Steinhaus, C.F. largely stable
Unidentified Seventeenth Century Warship Unidentified Seventeenth Century Warship. Longitudinal section, deck plan, cross sections, bow and stern views.
Unidentified Ship Unidentified Ship. Hull cross sections "F-G" and "G" showing details such as cabin door and window. Incomplete, drawn in pencil and ink.
largely stable
Unidentified Ship Unidentified Ship, Nos. 48, 50, 52 and 53. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Unidentified Ship Unidentified Ship, Nos. 48, 50, 52 and 53. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Section showing position of bolts fixing timber plank to hull of vessel. Different parts of plan letters of the alphabet
written next to them. Annotated by David MacGregor. Note: "From A. Stephen & S[ons] n.d." written in bottom right corner.
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Section showing position of bolts fixing timber plank to hull of vessel. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Section showing position of bolts fixing timber plank to hull of vessel. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Details of hull construction. Incomplete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Perspective view in form of cross-section showing the internal structure of an iron ship. Plan is entitled "Iron" and is
taken from a publication called "Practical Ship Building", published in 1864.
Day & Son largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail
Unidentified Ship Construction Detail. Stern elevation showing details of two types of decoration. On left side of drawing the stern is shown with quarter
light cove, full taffrail and outline moulding. On right side shown with midship and quarter cove and single taffrail. Also includes numbered key to drawing.
largely stable
Unidentified Ship Half-Model
Unidentified Ship Half-Model. Sketch profiles, lines plans (half-breadth plans) and sections taken off half-model by David MacGregor on 27 September
1952. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Ship Half-Model
Unidentified Ship Half-Model. Sketch profile, lines plan (half-breadth plan) and sections taken off half-model by David MacGregor on 27 September 1952.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Ship Half-Model Unidentified Ship Half-Model from Whitehaven Library. Half-sections of hull, drawn on both sides of plan. Also includes profile of stern.
largely stable
Unidentified Sloop
Unidentified Sloop. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes
dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Warington Smyth, Rodney largely stable
Unidentified Sloop
Unidentified Sloop. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
Warington Smyth, Rodney largely stable
Unidentified Sloop
Unidentified Sloop. Longitudinal section, deck plan, sail plan (profile), perspective view and details of tiller and rudder. Traced from drawings of sketch
found in G.H.Pattinson's scrapbook and two photographs of stern.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Small Sailing Ship
Unidentified Sailing Small Ship, possibly a Cutter.. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) taken from original builder's plan, presumed to have
been drawn by J.Geddie of Garmouth. Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Small Sailing Ship Unidentified Small Sailing Ship. Profile.
Unidentified Small Sailing Ship Unidentified Small Sailing Ship. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and midship section.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Small Sailing Ship Unidentified Small Sailing Ship. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth, body plan) and midship section. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Snow
Unidentified Snow. Sail plan (profile) of 176 ton vessel, includes individual sail dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets stuck together to make a
complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Steam Ship Unidentified Steam Ship. Rigging plan (profile). Negative image.
largely stable
Unidentified Steam Ship
Unidentified Steam Ship. Midship section, lines plan (body plan) and displacement scale. Includes dimensions. Part of larger plan, stern section profile, deck
plan and half-breadth plan on right side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Steam Ship Unidentified Steam Ship. Outline profile with propellor detail.
largely stable
Unidentified Steamship Unidentified Steamship. Longitudinal section and lines (half-breadth plan).
largely stable
Unidentified Swedish Training Ship Unidentified Swedish Training Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Rickson, V.C. largely stable
Unidentified Swedish Training Ship Unidentified Swedish Training Ship. Longitudinal section, cross-sections and deck plan showing internal layout and accommodation.
Rickson, V.C. largely stable
Unidentified Three-Mast Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Mast Sailing Ship, possibly a restaurant ship. Longitudinal section and cross-sections of hull showing construction of framing, bulkheads
and bottom plating.
Falmouth Boat Construction Co.Ltd
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Barque
Unidentified Three-Masted Barque. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and sail plan (profile). Includes principal dimensions, displacement
scale and calculations for "vessel designed for the United States". Two sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
Griffiths, J.W. stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Barque Unidentified Three-Masted Barque. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Barquentine Unidentified Three-Masted Barquentine. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Signed with the initials "H.G." and dated 15/12/1905.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship traced from plan in Whitehaven Library. Sail plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions. David MacGregor stamp mark
in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Longitudinal section, cross sections and deck plan with numbered belaying points. "Plan 2 Nr.8014" printed in
bottom right corner.
Fr.Martin A/S fragile
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile, with masts sketched in pencil. Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Perspective pencil sketch view of ship under sail at sea.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern decoration. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Richardson, Thomas stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Stamp mark in bottom left
"H.W.Smales Collection, Whitby". Three sheets stuck together to form one complete plan.
Gale, Christopher largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Incomplete.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Ship yard number "90" written on plan, dated 14 August
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship, c.1858 (?). Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Stamp mark "H.W.Smales Collection, Whitby" in bottom left corner. David MacGregor has crossed out attributed date for ship and replaced it with "1850".
Four sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
Gale, Christopher largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) hull cross-section and detail stern decoration . Scale 1/4 inch
to 1 foot. "Plate IV" in top right corner.
Richardson, Thomas stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of stern.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship traced from plan in Whitehaven Library. Sail plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Sail plan (profile). Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of forebody. Annotated. One of two separate sheets that join
to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) of aftbody. Also includes complete body plan. Annotated. One
of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Reversed image.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship traced from plan in Whitehaven Library. Sail plan (profile). Includes sail dimensions. David MacGregor stamp mark
in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern view. Includes dimensions.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Profile and outline deck plan. Drawn in black ink and colour pencils. Uncompleted plan.
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Sail plan (profile) and elevations showing fore side of mizzen mast, main mast and fore mast. Also includes
information on dimensions of ensign and jack c.1801. Text in English and French. Scale 1:100. Amended with red pencil. "Masts and sails - Hornblower and
Crimson Pirate" written on reverse of plan.
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan) taken off unnamed half-model. Uncompleted.
MacGregor, David fragile
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship (Psyche?)
Unidentified Three-Masted Sailing Ship. Perspective portside view of ship under sail at sea, flying British red ensign. Note on reverse side states it could be
a vessel called "Psyche".
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Schooner Unidentified Three-Masted Schooner. Lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and mast elevations. Includes sail and spar dimensions.
MacGregor, David fragile
Unidentified Three-Masted Schooner Unidentified Three-Masted Schooner. Sail plan (profile) with series of rough calculations written on right side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Ship Unidentified Three-Masted Ship. Sail plan (profile). Uncompleted plan. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Wood, Peter M. fragile
Unidentified Three-Masted Topsail Schooner
Unidentified Three-Masted Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile), with individually numbered sails. "The Edinburg[h] Roperie and Sail Cloath, Leith" written
vertically across right side of plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Three-Masted Topsail Schooner Unidentified Three-Masted Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile). Flying British merchant ensign.
largely stable
Unidentified Trawler Unidentified Trawler. Deck plans showing proposed layout of accommodation. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark on right side of plan.
Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. Ltd.
largely stable
Unidentified Trawler
Unidentified Trawler. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Builders stamp mark in top right
Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. Ltd.
Unidentified Trow Unidentified Trow opposite Topsham. Details of dolly winch. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Unidentified Twentieth Century Warship
Unidentified Twentieth Century Warship. General arrangement (plans of main deck, platform decks, deck house top, bridge, gun platform and hold). Scale
1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Bilander
Unidentified Two-Masted Bilander, a small merchant ship, mainly used in the Netherlands. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Includes
hull and spar dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Unidentified Two-Masted Bilander
Unidentified Two-Masted Bilander, a small merchant ship, mainly used in the Netherlands. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) Includes
hull and spar dimensions. Annotated by David MacGregor.
Unidentified Two-Masted Brigantine Unidentified Two-Masted Brigantine. Sail plan (profile). Annotated.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Lateen-Rigged Vessel Unidentified Two-Masted Lateen-Rigged Vessel. Sail plan (profile). Plan made up of four pieces of paper stuck together with sticky tape.
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. Perspective pencil sketch view of hull showing sheer lines and some deck fittings.
largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan). Stamp mark "G.V.Berestedt Bohn,
Toldforvalter" in top left corner.
largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Plate II" in top right corner.
Richardson, Thomas stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail stern decoration . Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Plate III"
in top right corner.
Richardson, Thomas largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Two sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Numbered lines
indicating position of spars also included on plan.
Unidentified Two-Masted Sailing Ship
UnidentifiedTwo-Masted Sailing Ship. Perspective view and outline plan view of hull drawn in ink and colour pencils, including dimensions and
measurement scale. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. Sail plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions. Text in German.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. Sail plan (profile). Includes table of dimensions. Text in German. Negative image.
Hillmann, G. largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. Sail plan (profile).
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), bow and stern
elevations. Traced from original builder's plan of J.Geddie of Garmouth, now held in the Science Museum, London.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Schooner, c.1800-1840. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes second, uncompleted body plan.
MacGregor, David stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Topsail Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile) traced from plan in the Brocklebank Collection.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unidentified Two-Masted Topsail Schooner Unidentified Two-Masted Topsail Schooner. Sail plan (profile). "Superseded" written in bottom right corner.
largely stable
Unidentified Yacht
Unidentified Yacht . Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (deck plans), longitudinal section and cross-sections of hull showing internal layout of vessel.
Hunt, John fragile
Union Schooner Union of Portsoy. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Figurehead details and notes in red pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Union Schooner Union of Portsoy. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Union Schooner Union of Portsoy. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Union Schooner Union of Portsoy. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan.Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Union Schooner Union of Portsoy. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan.
MacGregor, David stable
United States Navy 3 Inch Mount Mark 22
United States Navy 3 Inch Mount Mark 22. Plan, profile and rear views. Includes key to parts and technical specifications of gun mount. "Superseded - has
been updated", written in pencil in bottom right of plan.
Lambert, John largely stable
Unknown Salcombe Schooner Unknown Salcombe Schooner. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Murch, David F. stable
Unnamed Brig, 1805 Unnamed Brig built by James Spencer, Hull, 1805. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Unnamed Brig, 1805 Unnamed Brig built by James Spencer, Hull, 1805. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David stable
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) based on lines taken off model by William Salisbury in February
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) based on lines taken off model by William Salisbury in February
1957. Includes notes by David MacGregor comparing model dimensions with the ship Thermopylae and other vessels. David MacGregor stamp mark in
bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum
Unnamed Model in Bangor Museum. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and stern
Salisbury, William largely stable
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel. Profile of the stern showing details of tiller, taken from original plan drawn by James Geddie of Garmouth. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel. Profile of the stern showing details of tiller, taken from original plan drawn by James Geddie of Garmouth. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel
Unnamed Two-Masted Vessel. Profile of the stern showing details of tiller, taken from original plan drawn by James Geddie of Garmouth. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Urania/Hanne Urania/Hanne. Double-sided plan showing sail plans (profiles) for the vessels Urania and Hanne.
largely stable
USRC Salmon P. Chase
Barque USRC Salmon P. Chase. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), sail plan (profile) and midship
section. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
National Archives, Washington D.C.
largely stable
USS Admirable
Minesweeper USS Admirable. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Albacore
Submarine USS Albacore. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Arizona Battleship USS Arizona. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Arkansas
Battleship USS Arkansas. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Astoria
Heavy Cruiser USS Astoria. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Reading Model Engineers stable
USS Bainbridge
Nuclear Missile Frigate USS Bainbridge. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) hull cross-sections and bow view. Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Balao Submarine USS Balao. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Barry
Destroyer USS Barry,1968. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) lines plan ( body plan) aftermast and foremast views and detail of boat. Scale 1/32
inch to 1 foot.
Baker, A.D. largely stable
USS Benson Destroyer USS Benson. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Reading Model Engineers largely stable
USS Bogue
Escort Carrier USS Bogue. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view, sections and details of aircraft. Includes information
on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Canberra
Guided Missile Cruiser USS Canberra. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions
and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Casablanca
Escort Carrier USS Casablanca. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) sections and bow view. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Claxton
Destroyer USS Claxton. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Also includes information on dimensions and
armament and list of Fletcher Class destoyers.
Reading Model Engineers largely stable
USS Commencement Bay
Escort Carrier USS Commencement Bay. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Corsair Submarine USS Corsair. General arrangement (profile, deck plan).
Sumrall, Robert F. fragile
USS Dodge County
Landing Ship Tank USS Dodge County. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) section and bow view. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Dupont
Destroyer USS Dupont. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) sections, bow view and details of onboard boats . Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Fletcher
Destroyer USS Fletcher. General arrangement (outboard profile, deck plans) lines plan ( sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and section looking aft.
Also includes inofrmation of dimensions and armament of ship.
Sumrall, Robert F. largely stable
USS Forrestal
Aircraft Carrier USS Forrestal. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) sections, bow view and details of aircraft . Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. fragile
USS Garcia & Brooke
Destroyer Escort USS Garcia & Brooke. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow view and stern view and details of missile
launcher . Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Germantown
First Class Sloop of War USS Germantown. Rigging plan (profile), sail plan (profile) and details of masts, tops, flags and bowsprit. Also includes technical
specifications, table of rigging sizes and general notes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Seagull Plans largely stable
USS Germantown
First Class Sloop of War USS Germantown. General arrangement (inboard and outboard profiles, deck plan) lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), stern
viiew and details of deck fittings, including boats and guns. Also includes alphabetical key, painting and general notes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Seagull Plans largely stable
USS Gridley
Destroyer USS Gridley. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Reading Model Engineers stable
USS Hamilton
Coastguard Cutter USS Hamilton. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow view and section. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Hartford Sloop of War USS Hartford. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
USS Hartford Sloop of War USS Hartford. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets joined together to make one plan.
largely stable
USS Hartford Sloop of War USS Hartford. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
USS Hartford
Sloop of War USS Hartford. Sections showing fore mast, main mast and mizzen mast rigging. Also includes plan of bowsprit rigging. Scale 1/16 inch to 1
largely stable
USS Herndon Destroyer USS Herndon. General arrangement (inboard profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
USS Independence
Aircraft Carrier USS Independence. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of aircraft. Includes information
on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Iowa Battleship USS Iowa. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and plans and sections showing superstructure.
USS Kitty Hawk
Aircraft Carrier USS Kitty Hawk. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) sections, bow view and details of aircraft . Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. extremely fragile
USS Lawrence
Brig USS Lawrence. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes tables of particulars
and dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
USS Mahan Destroyer USS Mahan. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Reading Model Engineers stable
USS Midway
Aircraft Carrier USS Midway. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of aircraft. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. extremely fragile
USS Mississippi
Steam Frigate USS Mississippi. Rigging plan (profile), including masts, crosstrees, tops, yards and leads. Also includes sail plan (profile), detail of ship's flags
and principal dimensions. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
USS Mississippi
Steam Frigate USS Mississippi. General arrangement (outboard profile, inboard profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan),
sections through main bulwark and crank hatch and detail of rudder. Scales 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch and 3/4 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
USS Mississippi
Steam Frigate USS Mississippi. Miscellaneous details of fittings, including elevation and sections of paddle box, details of fore peak, ship's boats, guns,
anchors and stern ornament. Also includes general and painting notes. Scales 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
USS Mitscher
Frigate USS Mitscher. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of mast. Includes information on dimensions
and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Northampton
Command Ship USS Northampton. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Oklahoma
Battleship USS Oklahoma. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and detail of boat nests. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Oregon
Battleship USS Oregon. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and detail of after deck house. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Oriskany
Aircraft Carrier USS Oriskany. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), sections, bow view and detail of aircraft. Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Patrick Henry
Submarine USS Patrick Henry. General arrangement (outboard and inboard profiles, deck plan), sections, bow view and detail of top of sail showing
periscopes and schnorkle. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Porter Destroyer USS Porter. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS President Frigate USS President. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
USS President Frigate USS President. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
USS President Frigate USS President. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
USS President Frigate USS President. General arrangement (profile, half-deck plan) showing internal layout of vessel.
Chapelle, H.I. stable
USS Ranger
Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), section, bow view and detail of aircraft. Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Shangri-La
Aircraft Carrier USS Shangri-La. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), sections, bow view and detail of aircraft. Includes
information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Sims Destroyer USS Sims. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Skipjack Submarine USS Skipjack. General arrangement (inboard profile, deck plan), sections and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Somers Destroyer USS Somers. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS St.Louis
Light Cruiser USS St.Louis. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS St.Louis Union Gunboat USS St.Louis. General arrangement (profile, deck plans) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Hering, Paul stable
USS Tennessee
Battleship USS Tennessee. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of boat nests. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Texas Battleship USS Texas. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS Texas
Battleship USS Texas, as shown in February 1945. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Includes information on technical specification, armament and
fate of ship. Scale 1 inch to 40 feet.
Webb Warships Co. stable
USS Thrasher
Submarine Torpedo Boat USS Thrasher (G4). General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), hull sections and details of
deck fittings. Also includes alphabetical key, technical specifications, general and painting notes. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Seagull Plans largely stable
USS Thresher
Attack Submarine USS Thresher. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), hull sections, bow view and stern view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Triton Submarine USS Triton. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS Tucker Destroyer USS Tucker. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan), bow view. Includes information on dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
USS United States
Battlecruiser USS United States. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes information on dimensions and
Wiswesser, Edward H. stable
USS United States/USS Constitution/USS President
44 Gun Frigates USS United States, USS Constitution and USS President. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes
largely stable
USS Venturous
Coast Guard Cutter USS Venturous. General arrangement (profiles, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) section and bow view. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. fragile
USS Washington
Revenue Cutter USS Washington. General arrangement (profile, inboard and outboard profiles), lines (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details
of deck fittings, onboard boats, guns and anchor. Also includes general notes and painting instructions for model. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
USS Washington
Revenue Cutter USS Washington. Rigging plan (profile), sail plan (profile), elevations of main mast and fore mast and plan view of head rigging. Includes
details of flags, tops, crosstrees and main topmast stay. Also includes general notes and principal dimensions of vessel. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Crothers, Wm. L. largely stable
USS Wasp
Aircraft Carrier USS Wasp. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (body plan), bow view and details of aircraft. Includes information on
dimensions and armament.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
USS/HMS President Frigate USS/HMS President. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
Valerian Brixham Trawler Valerian. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Valerian Brixham Trawler Valerian. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing deck fittings in main outline. Pencil sketches added to plan.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Valerian Brixham Trawler Valerian. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including sketch showing the bending of gaff sails.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Valerian Brixham Trawler Valerian.Details of deck fittings, including trawl winch, skylight, steam capstan, windlass, companion, stem head and fore stay.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Brixham Trawler Valerian.Details of masts and spars, including sketches, plans and elevations of main mast, mizzen boom, peak halliard span, jib-outhaul,
main gaff and bowsprit.
Underhill, Harold A. fragile
Valkyrien Barque Valkyrien. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Valulla Saloon Passenger Boat Valulla. General arrangement (profile, deck plan). Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Wilson, Ernest C. largely stable
Twin Screw Steam Yacht Vanadis. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets stuck together to make
complete plan.
largely stable
Vanadis Twin Screw Steam Yacht Vanadis. General arrangement (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Vanita Ship modelling plans for the Eighteenth Century Spanish Brig Vanita. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Ship modelling plan for the Eighteenth Century Spanish Brig Vanita. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), rigging plan (profile), lines plan (body plan)
and details of rigging and deck fittings.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Ship modelling plan for the Eighteenth Century Spanish Brig Vanita. Sections of hull and keel of model vessel, including assembly instructions in Italian,
German, French and English.
Vincenzo Lusci largely stable
Vaquero Topsail Schooner Vaquero. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Velocity/Amadine Profile and deck plan sketches for the ships Velocity and Amadine, built by Robert Thompson at Sunderland.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Venetian Galley
Venetian Galley with 10 guns, 1550. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), longitudinal section, midship section, bow and stern views. Includes
technical specifications. Colour reproduction of illustration.
Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500 Ship modelling plans for a Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500. Plans held in folder. Items are accessioned individually.
Associazione Modellistica Navale Nazionale
Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500
Ship modelling plan for a Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500. Sail plan (profile), deck plan, bow and stern elevations and cross sections. Also includes details of
prow and stern rail, notes and numbered key to ship parts and colour scheme. Scale 1:70.
Associazione Modellistica Navale Nazionale
Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500
Ship modelling plan for a Venetian Merchant Ship, c.1500. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Details of masts, yards, onboard boats and
anchors. Includes notes on colour scheme.
Associazione Modellistica Navale Nazionale
Venta Venta. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sailing Barge Venta. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Smith, A.G. largely stable
Sailing Barge Venta. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and hull sections. Includes dimensions.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Smith, A.G. largely stable
Venta Sailing Barge Venta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Smith, A.G. largely stable
Venta Sailing Barge Venta. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Smith, A.G. largely stable
Venta Venta. Lines plan (body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Sailing Barge Venta. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, body plan), hull cross-sections and hull templates for model
construction. Also includes perserpective view of assembled model hull and sections and perspective view of moulding stand.
Ventura Yacht Ventura. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Venus Venus of Hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Venus Venus of Hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Venus Venus of Hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Venus Venus of Hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Venus Venus of Hull. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Drawn in black and red pencil.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vessel of 291 Tons
Drawing of a mould loft floor (where the lines of a ship are laid-out in full size and moulds and templates made from them) with a vessel of 291 Tons laid
down on it. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Richardson, Thomas largely stable
Vicker's .303 Inch G.O. No.5 Mark I Gun Vicker's .303 Inch No.5 Mark I Gun, 1940. Plan, side elevation and section of gun. Includes information on particulars of equipment.
Lambert, John stable
Vicker's .303 Inch G.O. No.5 Mark I Gun Vicker's .303 Inch No.5 Mark I Gun, 1940. Plan, side elevation and section of gun. Includes information on particulars of equipment.
Lambert, John stable
Vicker's .303 Inch G.O. No.5 Mark I Gun Mounting Vicker's .303 Inch No.5 Mark I Gun, 1940. Plans, elevations, section and detail of gun and mountings. Also includes numbered key to gun parts.
Lambert, John stable
Vicker's 40mm 2 Pounder Gun on H/A Mark II
Vicker's 40mm 2 Pounder Gun on H/A Mark II Mounting, 1929. General arrangement (elevations, plans) sections and detail of gun and mountings. Also
includes technical specification data.
Lambert, John largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plan) showing deck fittings. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Victoria Schooner Victoria. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plan) showing deck fittings. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), stern elevation showing carving and detail of bulwarks. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), stern elevation showing carving and detail of bulwarks. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including plans of bowsprit shrouds, fore and main crosstrees . 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Sail and rigging plan (profile), including plans of bowsprit shrouds, fore and main crosstrees . 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Rigging plan (profile), including plans of fore and main crosstrees. 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), stern elevation showing carving and detail of bulwarks. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Victoria Schooner Victoria. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-deck plan. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Schooner Victoria. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plan) showing deck fittings. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Sketches and notes added by David
MacGregor, David largely stable
Victory (ex-Royal Oak) Truro River Working Boat Victory (ex-Royal Oak). Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Bird, Ralph stable
Victory 43 Motor Sailer Victory 43. Provisional lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:20.
Hunt, John largely stable
Victory 43 Motor Sailer Victory 43. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and stern elevation. Scale 1:20.
Hunt, John largely stable
Victory 43 Motor Sailer Victory 43. Longitudinal section and deck plan showing arrangement of accommodation. Scale 1:20.
Hunt, John largely stable
Victory 43 Motor Sailer Victory 43. Longitudinal section from port side and cross sections. Scale 1:20.
Hunt, John largely stable
Victory Ship Cargo Ship Victory Ship. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (body plan) and bow view. Includes dimensions.
Wiswesser, Edward H. largely stable
Viermastbark (Four-Masted Barque)
Viermastbark (Four-Masted Barque), c.1880. Double-sided plan. Recto: Rigging plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
Includes perspective view of vessel and dimensions. Verso: Sail plan (profile), general arrangement (profile, deck plan) and sections of deck fittings.Text in
Loefs Schiffsmodel stable
Vigilant HM Customs Cruiser Vigilant. General arrangement (inboard profile, main and lower deck plans). Builders stamp mark, "Cox & Co." in bottom right corner.
Board of Customs Library largely stable
Vigilant Vigilant. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of steering gear. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Viking Ship
Viking Ship, c.900AD. General arrangement (deck plan), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) longitudinal section, midship section and cross sections.
Also includes detail of mast, oars, shields and anchor. Scale 1:48. Consists of two sheets joined together to make complete plan.
Science Museum largely stable
Viking Ship Viking Ship. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes information on dimensions of mast, yard, sail and rigging. Scale 1:80.
largely stable
Villemoes Villemoes. Sail plan (profile).
largely stable
Vilot. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and detail of poop bulwark panelling. Scale 1/2 inch to
1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Vindex Schooner Vindex. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Three pieces of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
largely stable
Vindex Schooner Vindex. Sail plan (profile).
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
Whaling Brig Viola. General arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) cross-section of galley, stern
view and details of deck fittings. Also includes painting schedule.
Channing, Walter E. largely stable
Viola Whaling Brig Viola. Rigging plan (profile) and details of spars and anchor. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Channing, Walter E. largely stable
Whaling Brig Viola. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) general arrangement (bulwark elevation) and details of onboard boats and deck
fittings. Also includes dimensions and model painting schedule. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot
Less'Ard, F.A. largely stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Brigantine Violet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, plan showing deck beams). Scale 1/2 inch to 1
MacGregor, David fragile
Brigantine Violet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, plan showing deck beams). Scale 1/2 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Brigantine Violet. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, plan showing deck beams). Scale 1/2 inch to 1
MacGregor, David largely stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Perspective view containing a full reconstruction of deck fittings, sails and rigging.
Ward, T.W. stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Perspective view containing a full reconstruction of deck fittings, sails and rigging.
Ward, T.W. stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Perspective view containing a full reconstruction of deck fittings, sails and rigging.
Ward, T.W. stable
Brigantine Violet. Sail plan (profile) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) that form part of mock up for dust jacket for the book
"Merchant Sailing Ships, Volume 2, 1815-1850: Supremacy of Sail" by David MacGregor. Also includes biographical information about the author, a
synopsis of the book contents and notes on the jacket design. Annotated in red and green ink.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Violet Brigantine Violet. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated and amended.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Virginia Iron Barque Virginia. Midship section. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer. Profile, lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and half-sections of hull. Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan). One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer
Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer. Profile and lines plan (aftbody sheer plan, aftbody half-breadth plan, complete body plan). Includes dimensions
One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Virginia Pilot Boat Virginia Built Boat Fitted for a Privateer. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan,body plan). Includes dimensions
largely stable
Viribus Unitis
Ship of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy: Viribus Unitis. General arrangement (deck plan, profile and sections). Includes dimensions. In
Prasky, Friedrich, Ing. stable
Viribus Unitis Original folder for ship plan of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy ship: Viribus Unitis. In German.
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. "Superseded" written in pencil in bottom right of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deckhouse and poop.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deckhouse and poop.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and details of deckhouse and poop.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "Amended fos'cle" written in bottom right of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Lines plan (sheer plan). Annotated.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Extensively annotated and amended. "Superseded" written in bottom right corner.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan (profile). Entitled "No.189 'Vision'. 1853".
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Extensive
notes and sketches by David MacGregor on both sides of plan.
MacGregor, David fragile
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Half-section of hull and partial section of keel. Scales 3/8 inch and 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Midship section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
Henderson, James largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. Half-section and details of hull frame and beams . Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated. Two sheets joined together to form a complete
largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. Midship section and sections of deck beam binding and planking. Also includes sketch of screw trenail, invented by William Hall, used
for fastening planking to ship's frame. Scales of 3/8 inch and 1 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Half-section of hull. Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Half-section of hull. Reversed image.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan profile (profile) of forebody of ship. Reversed, negative image. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan profile (profile) of aftbody of ship. Reversed, negative image. One of two separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan profile (profile) of forebody of ship. One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan profile (profile) of midships of ship. One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Sail plan profile (profile) of aftbody of ship. One of three separate sheets that join to form a complete plan.
largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes details of planking, beam and
frame arrangement of hull.
largely stable
Clipper Ship Vision. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes details of planking, beam and
frame arrangement of hull.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Details of carved decoration on bow and planking arrangement in ship's hull.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Double-sided. Sketch deck plan of ship's stern on one side. Detail of deck house on opposite side.
largely stable
Vision Clipper Ship Vision. Double-sided. Sketch deck plan of after deck house on one side. Detail of deck fitting on opposite side.
largely stable
Visurgis/Lesmonia Iron Barque Visurgis/Lesmonia. Elevation and plan of steering wheel mechanism. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Visurgis/Lesmonia Iron Barque Visurgis/Lesmonia. Sections of deck showing screws used as deck fastenings. Full size drawing.
largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. Sail plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1:20. Text in Dutch.
largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), sail plan (profile) and cross- sections of hull. Includes dimensions. Scale 1:25.
Hunt, John largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1:12.
Hunt, John largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. Detail of tiller and rudder. Scale 1:5. Text in Dutch.
largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. Plan and sections of fin stabilisers. Scale 1:5. Text in Dutch.
largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol
Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and sections showing ship's accomodation . Includes dimensions.
Scale 1:12.
Hunt, John largely stable
Vollenhovense Bol Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and sections. Scale 1:12.
Hunt, John fragile
Vollenhovense Bol Goetzee
Dutch Yacht Vollenhovense Bol Goetzee. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes
dimensions. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Van Ussen, U. fragile
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats. Constructional detail of hull, including deck plan, longitudinal section, cross-sections and details of frames, girders
and brackets. Also includes tables of materials and dimensions for steelwork and timberwork.
Lambert, John stable
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats
Vosper 70 Foot Motor Torpedo Boats. Plans, elevations, cross-sections and details showing the arrangement of the bridge and wheelhouse. Includes
numbered and alphabetical keys to drawings.
Lambert, John stable
W.J.C. Schooner W.J.C. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
largely stable
Slaver Yacht Wanderer. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), details of main masthead, bows, stern carving, boat, anchor and
deck fittings. Also includes rigging notes and notes on the history of the vessel. Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Slaver Yacht Wanderer. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes detail of boom and gaff and table of main and fore mast dimensions. Scale 3/16 inch to 1
Less'Ard, F.A. largely stable
Wanganui Ship Wanganui. Cabin plan, showing accomodation in the stern section of the ship. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Warship Funnels
Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of Royal Navy warships, including a battleship (HMS Barham), cruiser (HMS Carlisle) and destroyer (HMS
Ough, Norman stable
Warship Funnels
Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of Royal Navy warships, including a battleship (HMS Barham), cruiser (HMS Carlisle) and destroyer (HMS
Ough, Norman largely stable
Warship Funnels
Plans, elevations and details of the funnels of Royal Navy warships, including a battleship (HMS Barham), cruiser (HMS Carlisle) and destroyer (HMS
Ough, Norman stable
Warship of 1650 Warship of 1650. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) taken from model in the Stockholm Maritime.Text in Swedish.
largely stable
Warship of 1660 Warship of 1660. Lines plan (body plan) taken from model in the Stockholm Maritime.Text in Swedish. Annotated: "English 3-decker model in Stockholm".
largely stable
Swedish Warship Wasa. Preliminary sketch plan showing sail plan (profile), general arrangement (inboard profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan,
body plan), midship section and detail of cannon. More detailed drawing of stern elevation stuck onto bottom right corner of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Swedish Warship Wasa. Colour, illustration showing perspective starboard view of ship in full sail. Also includes information on history and specifications of
the ship.
Kowarsky, N. stable
Watertight Doors and Hatches Plans, elevations and details of watertight doors and hatches, including details of quarter deck hatch and typical bulkhead fittings.
Ough, Norman stable
Watertight Doors and Hatches Plans, elevations and details of watertight doors and hatches, including details of quarter deck hatch and typical bulkhead fittings.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Watertight Doors and Hatches Plans, elevations and details of watertight doors and hatches, including details of quarter deck hatch and typical bulkhead fittings.
Ough, Norman largely stable
Waterwitch Screw Schooner Waterwitch. Rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
Waterwitch Schooner Waterwitch. Details of sails, including dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Watkins Watkins. Profile (inboard), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions.
National Maritime Museum largely stable
Watkins Watkins. Profile (inboard), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Watkins Watkins. Profile (inboard), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wave Wave. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also sketch of midship-body plan. Annotated. Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wave Wave. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions. Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wave Principle: Compromised Wave Lines
Plan entitled "Wave Principle: Compromised Wave Lines". Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) for three unidentified paddle steamers.
Includes dimensions.
Day & Son largely stable
Well Boat Well Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), cross-sections of hull and stern elevation.
Well Boat
Well Boat. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), cross-sections of hull and stern elevation. Reversed,
negative image.
largely stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1
March, Edgar J. stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing constructional detail. Also includes details of main mast, mizzen
mast, main crosstrees and main boom jaws. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing constructional detail. Also includes details of main mast, mizzen
mast, main crosstrees and main boom jaws. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. largely stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing constructional detail. Also includes details of main mast, mizzen
mast, main crosstrees and main boom jaws. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Well Smack
Well Smack for Icelandic cod fisheries. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) showing constructional detail. Also includes details of main mast, mizzen
mast, main crosstrees and main boom jaws. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
March, Edgar J. stable
Barques Werra, Fulda and India, Nos.193-195. Details of proposed deck house top and rudder. Also includes perspective drawing of the booby hatch for the
ship Pleione, No.198.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wesley/Unidentified Warship
Wesley/Unidentified Warship. Double-sided plan. Recto: Wesley - General Arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) and
details of masts, rigging equipment and deck fittings. Verso: Unidentified Warship - General Arrangement (profile, deck plan), lines plan (sheer plan, half-
breadth plan), stern view and sketched details of deck fittings. Some details drawn in red pencil.
Salisbury, William largely stable
West Indiaman
West Indiaman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan) for forebody and midships of vessel. Includes hull dimensions. One of two separate
sheets that form complete plan.
West Indiaman
West Indiaman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, complete body plan) for aftbody of vessel. Includes stern elevation. One of two
separate sheets that form complete plan.
West Indiaman
West Indiaman. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) showing stern decoration. "PL LII" and "No.2" on upper right side.
Annotated in pencil "Chapmans West Indiaman" in bottom left corner.
West Indiaman of 330 Tons. West Indiaman of 330 Tons. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan). Incomplete plan (?).
MacGregor, David stable
Whaling Vessel Whaling Vessel. Longitudinal section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Note on reverse side of plan "Very similar to Hope (1873) by A.Hall".
largely stable
Whaling Vessel
Whaling Vessel. Longitudinal section. Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated in pencil and ink on reverse side of plan. One note states: "Very similar to Hope of
Peterhead (1873) by A.Hall". White and black image.
largely stable
Wherry Wherry. General arrangement (profile, deck plan) and cross-sections of hull. Includes dimensions. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Wherry/Life Boat/Whale Boat/Gig Wherry/Life Boat/Whale Boat/Gig. Lines plans (sheer plans, half-breadth plans, body plans). Also includes view of forward section of boat from the inside.
Wherry/Life Boat/Whale Boat/Gig Wherry/Life Boat/Whale Boat/Gig. Lines plans (sheer plans, half-breadth plans, body plans). Also includes view of forward section of boat from the inside.
Ship Whirlwind. Sail plan (profile) of Typhoon modified with details from a painting of Whirlwind. Plan has been extensively annotated and amended by
David MacGregor.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle White Eagle. General arrangement (half-deck plan) showing deck layout and accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of mizzen topgallant yard and fore topgallant yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of mizzen topgallant yard and fore topgallant yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right of plan.
MacGregor, David stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of mizzen topgallant yard and fore topgallant yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of crossjack yard and fore topsail yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of crossjack yard and fore topsail yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of fore topmast, fore cap, mizzen topmast and topsail tie hoop. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
White Eagle
Ship White Eagle. Details of fore topmast, fore cap, mizzen topmast and topsail tie hoop. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom
right of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of fore topmast, fore cap, mizzen topmast and topsail tie hoop. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
White Eagle Ship White Eagle. Details of crossjack yard and fore topsail yard. Scale 2 inches to 1 foot. David MacGregor stamp mark in bottom right corner.
Whitehaven Fishing Smack Whitehaven Fishing Smack. Sail plan (profile). Annotated with sail dimensions.
Kennaugh, William stable
Wild Deer Wild Deer. Constructional details of bulwark and frame types used in composite ships such as Wild Deer.
MacGregor, David stable
Wild Deer/Sir Lancelot
Wild Deer/Sir Lancelot. Constructional details of bulwark and frame types used in composite ships such as Wild Deer. Also includes a perspective view of
the keel, keelson and floor of a composite ship of the 1860s, similar to Sir Lancelot. Annotated.
MacGregor, David stable
Wild Pigeon
Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes hull and spar dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. fragile
Wild Pigeon
Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.Scale 5/8 inch to 1 foot. Annotated by David MacGregor and
Howard Chapelle.
largely stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 3/16 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Figurehead added in pencil.
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Annotated.
largely stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot. Two sheets of paper stuck together to form complete plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Will of God (Volonte De Dieu)/ Flat Boat (Bateau
Plat Dit Bette)
Will of God (Volonte De Dieu). Double-sided plan. Recto: Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement
(half-deck plan). Includes dimensions. Flat Boat (Bateau Plat Dit Bette) Sail plan (profile), lines plan (half-breadth, body plan), general arrangement (half-
deck plan) and midship section. Includes dimensions Verso: Information on reprinted 2 volume commemorative edition of "Souvenirs de Marine
Conserves" by Vice-Admiral Paris and list of ship plans. Text in French.
Editions Des 4 Seigneurs largely stable
William Ashburner Schooner William Ashburner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. Annotated.
extremely fragile
William Ashburner Schooner William Ashburner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of spar dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Ashburner Schooner William Ashburner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes table of spar dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Ashburner Schooner William Ashburner. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Includes dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Bell
New York Pilot Boat William Bell. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), details of fore mast and main mast and perspective view
of stern. Also includes dimensions and historical and sourcel notes. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. stable
William Bell
New York Pilot Boat William Bell. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Also includes detail of white hall boat, historical, source and rigging notes. Scale 1/4 inch to
1 foot.
Less'Ard, F.A. largely stable
William Davie
Clipper Ship William Davie. Lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan), general arrangement (profile, deck plan), midship section and displacement scale.
Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Davie William Davie. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Davie William Davie. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
largely stable
William Davie William Davie. Sail and rigging plan (midships profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
William Henry/Eclipse William Henry/Eclipse. Details of sails, including dimensions. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
William McCormack Paddle Steam Ship William McCormack. Rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David stable
William Miles Ship William Miles. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
William Miles Ship William Miles. Longitudinal section and main deck plan showing accomodation. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot
MacGregor, David largely stable
William Miles Three-Masted Merchant Barque William Miles. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan).
William Miles/St Vincent/Nelson
Ship William Miles. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes bows profile of St.Vincent and half-section of hull of the
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
William Miles/St Vincent/Nelson
Ship William Miles. Profile and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Also includes bows profile of St.Vincent and half-section of hull of the
Roberts, Paul A. largely stable
William Punton Brigantine William Punton. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James largely stable
William Punton Brigantine William Punton. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Henderson, James stable
William Shepherd Schooner William Shepherd. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
William Young William Young. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan), deck plan showing beams and stern elevation. Includes dimensions. Annotated.
Hedderwick, P. largely stable
Windsor Castle Clipper Ship Windsor Castle. Deck plan showing arrangement of saloon cabins in stern of ship.
Howard & Jones largely stable
Windsor Castle Clipper Ship Windsor Castle. Deck plan showing arrangement of saloon cabins in stern of ship. Annotated.
Howard & Jones largely stable
Wooden Boats built with W.E.S.T. Technology
Wooden Boats built with W.E.S.T. Technology. Sail plans (profile) of a variety of boats, including English Revenue Cutter, Polperro Gaffer, American Slave
Schooner, Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter, Friese Boeierke and Morecambe Bay Prawner.
largely stable
Woosung Woosung. Detail of front of poop deck. Scale 1 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Working Model of Steam Tug Working Model of Steam Tug. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Scale 1 inch to 5 feet.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Working Model of Steam Tug Working Model of Steam Tug. General arrangement (profile, deck plan), stern and bow elevations. Scale 1 inch to 5 feet.
Underhill, Harold A. stable
Workummer Bol Dutch Yacht Workummer Bol. Plan and sections of fin stabilisers. Scale 1:5. Text in Dutch.
largely stable
Workummer Bol Dutch Yacht Workummer Bol. Plans and sections of mast. Scale 1:5. Text in Dutch. Annotated.
Workummer Bol Dutch Yacht Workummer Bol. Sail plan (profile). includes dimensions. Scale 1:20. Text in Dutch.
Workummer Bol Dutch Yacht Workummer Bol. Plans and sections of mast. Scales 1:10 and 1:5. Text in Dutch.
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch, RAF Version. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern elevations and detail of port side of RAF AS/R
launch. Also includes colour code for painting. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pritchard, John largely stable
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch, RASC Version. General arrangement (profile), bow and stern elevations and front, side and plan elevation of
anti-shrapnel matting on RAF Launch 2595. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pritchard, John largely stable
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch, RAF Version. General arrangement (profile), bow elevation. Also includes colour code for painting.
Pritchard, John stable
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch,
World War Two 68 Foot High Speed Launch. General arrangement (profile, deck plan, body plan) and lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan)
Also includes colour code for painting model in RAF or RASC colours. Scale 1/2 inch to 1 foot.
Pritchard, John largely stable
Wylo Clipper Ship Wylo. Rigging plan (profile). Red pencil lines for rigging as dated in 1872.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wylo Clipper Ship Wylo. Rigging plan (profile) of ship as originally rigged, before being cut down in 1872.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wylo Clipper Ship Wylo. Rigging plan (profile) of ship as originally rigged, before being cut down in 1872.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Wylo Clipper Ship Wylo. Rigging plan (profile) of ship as originally rigged, before being cut down in 1872.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Midship section of the 'Wyoming'. Was enclosed with the letter to David MacGregor, dated 2 December 1996, from Douglas K. Lee regarding ship plans of
schooners, especially the 'Eleanor A. Percy' and the 'Wyoming'.
Lee, Douglas K. stable
Yang-tsze Ship Yang-tsze. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Yard-Arm Truss for Topsail Yard, Fore Mast and
Main Mast
Detail of yard-arm truss for topsail yard, fore mast and main mast. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot. "DQF 899" written in bottom right corner of plan.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Yawl/Longboat/Shallop/Pinnace (Hillhouse
Yawl/Longboat/Shallop/Pinnace, 1807. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of different types of vessels based on original drawings from
the Hillhouse Collection. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Yawl/Longboat/Shallop/Pinnace (Hillhouse
Yawl/Longboat/Shallop/Pinnace, 1807. Lines plans (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) of different types of vessels based on original drawings from
the Hillhouse Collection. Includes dimensions.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Yorkshire Packet Ship Yorkshire. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes dimensions.
Chapelle, H.I. largely stable
Yorkshire Packet Ship Yorkshire. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Geoghegan, W.E. largely stable
Young America
Clipper Ship Young America. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (profile, half-deck plan). Includes dimensions
and historical notes.
Young America Clipper Ship Young America. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and historical notes.
largely stable
Young America Clipper Ship Young America. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions and historical notes.
Young America Clipper Ship Young America. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Young America Clipper Ship Young America. Deck plan. Scale 1 inch to 12 feet.
Young America Ship modelling plans for Clipper Ship Young America. Items accessioned individually.
Model Shipways largely stable
Young America
Ship modelling plan for Clipper Ship Young America. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and general arrangement (bulwark elevation, deck
plan). Includes dimensions and historical information. Scale 1/16 inch to 1 foot.
Model Shipways largely stable
Young America
Ship modelling plan for Clipper Ship Young America. Rigging plan (profile), including plan of bowsprit. Also includes alphabetical key and colour scheme for
painting model.
Model Shipways largely stable
Young America Ship modelling plan for Clipper Ship Young America. Details of hull, masts and rigging, including perspective views of bows and stern.
Model Shipways largely stable
Young America
Ship modelling plan for Clipper Ship Young America. Rigging plan ( front elevations) of standing rigging, on main mast looking aft, and running rigging, on
main mast looking forward. Also includes detail of yard, c.1850 and alphabetical key to drawings.
Model Shipways largely stable
Z-23 German Destroyer
Z-23 German Destroyer. General arrangement (profile, deck plans), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and cross-section. Includes
information on vessel's dimensions and armament.
Sumrall, Robert F. stable
Zaritza Barque Zaritza. Sail plan (profile), lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section.
Zebra Letter of Marque Zebra of New York. Lines plan (sheer plan, half-breadth plan, body plan). Includes dimensions.
Steam Ship Zeta. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (half-breadth plan) for forebody of vessel. One of two separate
sheets that form complete plan
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Steam Ship Zeta. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section and lines plan (half-breadth plan, partial body plan) for aftbody of vessel. One of
two separate sheets that form complete plan
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Steam Ship Zeta. General arrangement (deck plan), longitudinal section, lines plan (half-breadth plan, body plan) and midship section. Also includes
displacement scale and dimensions. Two sheets stuck together to form complete plan.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Zeta Steam Ship Zeta. Sail plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons largely stable
Zeta Steam Ship Zeta. Plating plan. Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Alexander Stephen & Sons stable
Zeta Steam Ship Zeta. Plan, longitudinal section and cross-sections of engine and boiler showing general arrangement of machinery.
A.& J.Inglis Limited stable
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sailand rigging plan (profile).
largely stable
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David largely stable
ss Great Britain Trust David MacGregor Collection Brunel Institute
Object Number
Title Description
Creator Condition
David MacGregor SHIP PLANS collection July 2013
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Scale 1/8 inch to 1 foot.
MacGregor, David fragile
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Ziba Schooner Ziba. Sail and rigging plan (profile). Reversed image.
Ziemia Szczecinska Ship modelling plans for the Bulk Carrier Ziemia Szczecinska. Held in folder. Items are accessioned individually. Text in Polish.
Nowy, Waldemar largely stable
Ziemia Szczecinska
Ship modelling plan for the Bulk Carrier Ziemia Szczecinska. Double-sided plan. Recto: Lines plan (sheer plans for bow and stern, body plan). Includes main
dimensions of hull. Scale 1:100. Verso: Profile and details of rudder, propellor and outboard stair. Also includes colour scheme. Scale 1:100.
Nowy, Waldemar largely stable
Ziemia Szczecinska
Ship modelling plan for the Bulk Carrier Ziemia Szczecinska. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profile. deck plan) of stern section of vessel
and details of deck fittings, including funnel, aerials, masts and davit. Includes numbered key and table of measurements. Scale 1:100. Verso: General
arrangement (deck plans of midships and bow sections of vessel). Scale 1:100.
Nowy, Waldemar largely stable
Ziemia Szczecinska
Ship modelling plan for the Bulk Carrier Ziemia Szczecinska. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profile, plans) of vessel's superstructure.
Scale: 1:100. Verso: Details of deck fittings, including front mast, hatches, winches and onboard boats. Scale 1:100.
Nowy, Waldemar largely stable
Ziemia Szczecinska
Ship modelling plan for the Bulk Carrier Ziemia Szczecinska. Double-sided plan. Recto: General arrangement (profile, deck and bridge plans). Scale: 1:250.
Verso: model assemby construction diagrams, materials and measurements. Scale 1:1
Nowy, Waldemar largely stable
Model of mini tanker Arvoren. Cover for ship plan and relating documents BRSGB 2011.1137. 1-2. Includes illustration of ship's perspective.
Plans Gerard Schmitt stable
Photocopy enclosed in the letter to David MacGregor, dated 28 September 1982, from Roy Cross regarding the vessel 'Constitution'. Partial copy of the
bow section of a ship plan. Note states that this has been traced from C&R Plan.
Photocopy enclosed in the letter to David MacGregor, dated 28 September 1982, from Roy Cross regarding the vessel 'Constitution'. Copy of a drawing
showing the transom of a vessel 1798 - 1808. Probably drawn by Bass.
Photocopy enclosed in the letter to David MacGregor, dated 28 September 1982, from Roy Cross regarding the vessel 'Constitution'. Copy of a drawing
showing the quarter gallery of a vessel 1798 - 1808. Probably drawn by Bass.
Unidentified dreadnought. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Scale 1/4 inch to 1 foot.
Copy of the ship plan of a Severn trow, showing the general arrangements of the vessel. Was enclosed with the letter to David MacGregor, dated 17 March
1996, from Colin Green regarding research on Severn trows and the hulks at Purton.
English schooner, 1846. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan and body plan). Includes dimensions.
Collection of ship modelling plans for an English vessel of 1707, in a decorated folder.
Items are accessioned individually.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for an English vessel of 1707. Lines plan (half breadth plan and body plan), general arrangement (deck plan and profile) and deck
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for an English vessel of 1707. Sail plan (profile) and sail and rigging details.
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for an English vessel of 1707. Sail plan and rigging plan (profile).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Ship modelling plan for an English vessel of 1707. Stations arrangement (cross sections and profile).
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Enclosure for ship modelling plans for an English vessel of 1707 (BRSGB 2012.00758.1-4). Illustrated with gun details (recto) and a perspective of a ship
Vincenzo Lusci stable
Collection of ship modelling plans and assembly instructions for four masted schooner Forester.
Items are accessioned individually.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for four masted schooner Forester. Lines plan (sheer plan, half breadth plan a body plan) and general arrangement (deck plan and
profile). Includes dimenstions.
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for four masted schooner Forester. Sail and rigging plan (profile).
Model Shipways stable
Ship modelling plan for four masted schooner Forester. Sections and deck details.
Model Shipways stable