Administrative Health Home Services Agreement
(DRAFT Revision as of 7/6/15)
THIS HEALTH HOME SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered
into as of ______________________________ (“Effective Date”) by and between
__________________________ (“MCO”) and [Insert Name of Health Home] (“Health Home”).
WHEREAS, MCO offers Medicaid managed care health benefit plans (“MMC Plans”)
and seeks to engage Health Home to provide Health Home Services for Members of such plans;
WHEREAS, Health Home is a health home designated by the New York State
Department of Health (“NYSDOH”) to provide or arrange for the provision of care management
services to Medicaid enrollees by individuals employed by or subcontracted with Health Home;
WHEREAS, MCO and Health Home desire to enter into this Agreement whereby Health
Home will provide or arrange for the provision of Health Home Services to MCO’s Health
Home Participants in exchange for payments from MCO, all subject to and in accordance with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
“Assignment” and “Re-Assignment” means the process by which a Member is assigned to a
Health Home contracted with the MCO.
“De-activation” means the process by which Health Home Services are terminated for a Health
Home Participant.
“Emergency Medical Condition” means a medical or behavioral condition, the onset of which
is sudden, that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, that a
prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably
expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in: (i) placing the health of the
person afflicted with such condition in serious jeopardy, or in the case of a pregnant woman, the
health of the woman or her unborn child or, in the case of a behavioral condition, placing the
health of the person or others in serious jeopardy; or (ii) serious impairment to such person's
bodily functions; or (iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part of such person; or (iv)
serious disfigurement of such person.
“Enrollment” means the process by which a Member’s membership in the MCO begins.
“Health Home Candidate” means a Member who is eligible to become a Health Home
“Health Home Participant” means a Health Home Candidate who is assigned to Health Home
by the MCO and assigned a Health Home Services Provider for case management by the Health
“Health Home Services” means those services defined in Section 1945(h)(4) of the Social
Security Act and as more specifically defined in an Article II of this Agreement including:
1. Comprehensive care management;
2. Care coordination and health promotion;
3. Comprehensive transitional care from inpatient to other settings, including appropriate
4. Individual and family support, which includes authorized representatives;
5. Referral to community and social support services, if relevant; and
6. The use of health information technology to link services, as feasible and appropriate;
“Health Home Service Organizations” is the collective list of Health Home Service Providers.
“Health Home Services Provider” means a provider of Health Home Services that has a
contractual relationship with Health Home. Health Home shall provide MCO with a list of all
Health Home Services Providers in the Health Home Services Organization, and shall notify
MCO of any changes to such list, such as the addition or deletion of a Health Home Services
Provider, prior to the effective date of the change.
“Member” means an individual enrolled in an MCO MMC Plan.
“NYSDOH” means the New York State Department of Health.
“Provider Network” is the group of Participating Providers by which a Member receives
clinical and/or related services pursuant to the MCO’s in-network benefit package.
“Participating Provider” means a provider of clinical and/or related services that is
credentialed by the MCO or its designee, if applicable, and has contracted with the MCO to
render such services to Members as a participant in the MCO’s Provider Network.
2.1 Health Homes and MCOs shall be obligated to perform all of the responsibilities
contained in this Agreement and in the Health Home Care Management Standards and
Requirements established by the NYSDOH and shall ensure that any obligation imposed on it
shall also be adhered to by all Health Home Services Providers.
2.2 Scope of Health Home Services. Health Home only shall use experienced and qualified
personnel to perform the Health Home Services. Health Home shall perform all Health Home
Services (1) in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with best practices in the
community for Health Home’s industry, and (2) in accordance with all applicable laws, rules,
regulations and government program requirements. A Health Home will:
a. Provide outreach, contact and engagement services to Health Home Candidates,
including securing a signed NYSDOH approved “Health Home Services Consent
Form” from those Health Home Candidates choosing to receive Health Home
Services so that Health Home may share Member’s medical records, encounter data
and other health information with MCO, Health Home Services Providers that are
Participating Providers and NYSDOH, as applicable and appropriate;
b. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of each Health Home Participant and
including any such assessment the NYSDOH requires for defined populations,
including but not limited to children and individuals receiving or eligible to receive
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). Such assessments shall include
medical, behavioral, functional and social support needs;
c. Provide behavioral health expertise and leadership, as applicable, for individuals
with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and those with substance use disorders (SUD);
d. Develop an integrated plan of care for physical and behavioral health disorders, as
e. Prepare and maintain a comprehensive plan of care in conformance to any State
and federal requirements for each Health Home Participant, including information
retrieved from the Health Home Participant and from providers of clinical, behavioral
and social support services and share such plans of care as required in the Health
Home Standards and Requirements for Health Homes, Care Management Providers
and Managed Care Organizations
f. Coordinate care by and among Health Home Services Providers and Participating
Providers and the MCO;
g. Provide any or all Health Home Services to Health Home Participants, as agreed
to with the MCO;
h. Coordinate non-health service providers and local government agencies that may
also provide non-health social services;
i. Report to the MCO on activities and services in a format and within timeframes
designated by the MCO and/or NYSDOH, which requirements are negotiated and
mutually agreed upon between MCO and Health Home; and promptly respond to the
MCO’s requests for information regarding specific services provided to Members;
j. Provide data management to the MCO in compliance with the data submission
requirements of the MCO and NYSDOH.
2.3 MCO Protocols. Health Home, in the development of a plan of care for a Health Home
Participant, shall ensure that such plan of care is in accordance with MCO’s Participating
Provider manual, as applicable to care management and Health Home Services. The Health
Home and MCO shall work cooperatively to use in plan resources and address any opportunities
for network expansion to best serve Member needs. The Health Home agrees and must require
each Health Home Services Provider to agree to adhere to all MCO notification and
authorization requirements. Health Home and Health Home Services Providers shall cooperate
with quality oversight activities conducted by MCO. However, nothing herein affects the
obligation of a Health Home Services Provider that is also a Participating Provider, for the
delivery of Health Home Services, to adhere to and abide by the Participating Provider’s contract
with the MCO, the MCO’s Participating Provider manual and all applicable MCO rules.
Neither the Health Home nor any Health Home Services Provider shall refer a Member for in-
network benefits to any provider or Health Home Services Provider in the Health Home Service
Organization that is not otherwise a Participating Provider in the MCO’s Provider Network
without the MCO’s prior notice and approval, except in the instance of an Emergency Medical
Condition. Health Home shall systematically and timely communicate with the MCO, Health
Home Services Providers and Participating Providers about clinical, care coordination and social
service referral information regarding Health Home Participants, as appropriate, and in
accordance with legal privacy requirements.
2.4 Representations and Warranties. Health Home is a duly organized, validly existing
organization in good standing, designated by NYSDOH as a Health Home. Health Home has the
authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform the service under this Agreement.
Health Home agrees it is and will continue to be for the term of this Agreement eligible to
participate in the NYS Medicaid Program, and to comply with all state and federal laws and
regulations, including Medicaid program requirements, the MCO’s contract with the State for
administering a federally sponsored health care program, and all confidentiality provisions
contained in the contract between the MCO and the State.
2.5 Health Home Participant Re-Assignment or Termination. The parties recognize that
there are many ways in which Health Home Participant status may change that may result in Re-
Assignment or De-Activation. Upon prior reasonable notice to Health Home, MCO shall have
the authority to De-Activate a Health Home Participant or Re-Assign Health Home Participants
to another designated health home if the Health Home is not effectively providing or managing
Health Home Services to the Member, not achieving quality goals, not adhering to the MCO’s
protocols, or not meeting specific Members needs, as determined by the MCO after consultation
with the Health Home. In addition, MCO may Re-Assign a Health Home Participant to another
Health Home if the Member: a) requests Re-Assignment, b) relocates, or c) transfers to a
Primary Care Participating Provider who is affiliated with another health home. MCO will De-
Activate a Health Home Participant from the Health Home if the Member is no longer enrolled
in the MCO or upon a determination by the MCO, in consultation with the Health Home, that the
Member is not engaging in the Health Home Services or adhering to the plan of care.
2.6 Quality, Data and Reporting Requirements. Health Home shall comply with MCO
Health Home data and reporting requirements, which are provided to Health Homes and includes
adhering to MCO quality performance measures, as applicable to care management activities. As
a condition of payment, Health Home shall report all required care management and patient data
to MCO and NYSDOH, as required.
2.7 Maintenance of Records. Health Home shall and shall require Health Home Services
Providers to maintain Member medical records for a period of six (6) years after the date of
service, and in the case of a minor, for three (3) years after the age of majority or six (6) years
after the date of service, whichever is later, or for such longer period as required by law,
regulation or the contract between MCO and NYSDOH. This provision shall survive the
termination of this Agreement regardless of the reason.
2.8 Non-discrimination. Health Home shall not, and shall ensure that Health Home Services
Providers do not discriminate against any Members based on color, race, creed, age, gender,
sexual orientation, and disability, place of origin or source of payment or type of illness or
condition. Health Home shall, and shall require Health Home Services Providers to comply with
the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
2.9 Confidentiality. Health Home shall, and shall require Health Home Services Providers to
comply with the applicable provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA), the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH),
HIV confidentiality requirements of Article 27-F of the Public Health Law, Mental Hygiene Law
Section 33.13 and the confidentiality requirements set forth in the Medicaid Managed Care and
Family Health Plus model contract between the MCO and NYSDOH. The parties acknowledge
that Health Home is a business associate of MCO and agree to enter into a Business Associate
Agreement, which shall be binding upon the parties to this Agreement.
2.10 Eligibility Verification. Except in the case of an Emergency Medical Condition, Health
Home shall use a mechanism established by MCO to confirm a Member’s eligibility in MCO
and as a Health Home Participant prior to furnishing any Health Home Services. In the event of
an Emergency Medical Condition, Health Home shall verify eligibility at the first available
3.1 Payment. MCO shall pay Health Home for Health Home Services pursuant to the rates
set by NYSDOH, minus ______which shall not exceed three percent (3%) of such rate for
MCO’s administrative expense, and shall have no obligation or responsibility for distributing
payment for Health Home Services to Health Home Service Providers within the Health Home
Services Organization. Each month the MCO shall bill NYSDOH for Health Home Services for
Health Home Participants and Outreach and Engagement for Health Home Candidates. MCO
shall pay Health Home for Health Home Services billed to the MCO within thirty (30) days of
MCO receipt of payment from NYSDOH, or such other frequency as agreed to by MCO and
Health Home.
3.2 Adjustments/Recoupment/Adjustments for Incorrect/Over Payment to Health Home.
a. Other than recovery for duplicate payments, MCO will provide Health
Home with 30 days prior written notice before engaging in additional incorrect/over
payment recovery efforts seeking recovery of the incorrect/over payment to the
Health Home. Such notice shall state the specific information relating to such
incorrect/over payment, payment amount and proposed adjustment with a reasonable
explanation of the proposed adjustment. MCO will not initiate incorrect/over payment
recovery efforts more than 24 months after the original payment unless authorized or
required by the State.
b. The parties acknowledge and agree that payments for Health Home
Services under this Agreement do not constitute as payment or processing of health
care claims and, as such, such payments are not subject to the rules relating to the
processing of health claims and overpayments to health care providers under SIL
Sections 3224-a and 3224-b of the NYS Insurance Law.
Commented [DAA1]:
One commenter asked if it is possible to
put a parameter around this right in the contract? (i.e. On the tenth
(10) business day of the month, the MCO shall bill
NYSDOH….This will enable the Health Homes to submit monthly
billing prior to the pull date and have consistency across MCOs.)
4.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin as of the effective date and shall continue
for one (1) year, after which this Agreement shall re-new for additional one (1) year terms; (a) so
long as the Health Home continues to be approved by NYSDOH as a designated Health Home;
(b) unless otherwise terminated as provided for in this Agreement; or (c) either party gives sixty
(60) days advance written notice prior to the renewal date.
4.2 Termination for Cause. MCO shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon 60
days written notice, or such earlier time period, if warranted, if the Health Home (1) materially
breaches this Agreement and such breach is not cured within the 60 days’ notice period; (2) does
not: (a) adhere to the reporting requirements; (b) achieve the quality goals or comply with Health
Home Care Management Standards and Requirements; and/or (c) fails to comply with the
MCO’s protocols; (3) fails to maintain liability insurance as required, provided that, in the
instance of (1) through (3) above, the Health Home is given 60 days to remediate such breach or
deficiency. Further the MCO shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately if the
Health Home (1) loses its licensure or Health Home Designation; (2) is excluded, suspended or
barred from participating in any government health care program; (5) fails to maintain liability
insurance, as required; or (3) receives a determination by a government entity or review body
that it has violated any law or is engaged in or is engaging in fraud, waste or abuse. Health Home
shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days written notice if there
is a material breach by MCO of this Agreement and this breach is not cured within the sixty (60)
day notice period.
4.3 Termination without Cause. Either party may give the other party sixty (60) days
advance written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement.
4.4 Implementation Prior to DOH Approval. This Agreement is subject to the approval of
NYSDOH and, if implemented prior to such approval, the parties agree to incorporate into this
Agreement any and all modifications required by the Department of Health for approval or,
alternatively, to terminate this Agreement if so directed by NYSDOH, effective sixty (60) days
subsequent to such notice.
4.5 Obligations Post Termination. Upon termination, Health Home shall: (1) assist in
effecting an orderly transfer of services and obligations to another Health Home to which MCO
has assigned the Members to prevent any disruption in services to such Members; (2) provide
MCO and NYSDOH with access to all books, records and other documents relating to the
performance of services under this Agreement that are required or requested, at no charge; and
(3) subject to applicable law, stop using and return and/or destroy all proprietary information.
This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement regardless of the reason.
5.1 Insurance. Health Home shall secure and maintain for itself and its employees,
commercial general liability insurance and/or professional liability insurance coverage as
applicable and as may be necessary to insure Health Home, its agents and employees, for claims
arising out of events occurring during the term of this Agreement or any post termination
activities under this Agreement. Coverage shall be in amounts and terms customary for the
industry and in general conformity with similar type and size entities within New York State,
and, if required by State laws, worker’s compensation insurance in amounts required by such
State laws. Health Home shall, upon request of MCO, provide MCO with certificates of
insurance or other evidence of coverage reflecting satisfaction of the foregoing requirements of
this paragraph. Health Home shall provide at least 30 days notice to MCO in advance of any
material modification, cancellation or termination of its insurance.
5.2 Indemnification. Each party (an “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify and hold
harmless the other party, employees, agents and representatives (collectively the “Indemnified
Party”), against any claim, demand, liability or expense incurred, which may result or arise out
of any action by the Indemnifying Party, its employees, agents or representatives in the
performance or omission of any act relating to this Agreement. Each party shall be responsible
for his, her or its own actions and omissions that may relate to or arise from his, her or its duties
and obligations under this Agreement.
Both Health Home and MCO understand and acknowledge that pursuant to State law, the Office
of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) and/or the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) may
review and audit all contracts, claims, bills and other expenditures of medical assistance program
funds to determine compliance. Both parties agree to indemnify and hold the other party
harmless from any and all liability arising out of any suit, investigation, administrative action,
fine, penalty or sanction by or relating to OMIG and/or OIG against either party relating to the
direct, negligent or wrongful actions of the MCO or Health Home or Health Home Services
6.1 Monitoring and Auditing. MCO shall monitor the performance of the Health Home and
the Health Home Services Providers, including using appropriate financial, programmatic and
oversight tools and measures. All such tools and measures used shall be shared with Health
Home to facilitate and foster proactive on-going continuous improvement efforts. MCO and
any government officials with oversight authority over the MCO, including but not limited to the
NYSDOH and/or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, shall have the right, during
normal business hours and upon advance written notice, to monitor and evaluate, through
inspection or other means, Health Home’s performance under this Agreement, including but not
limited to access to Members’ medical records, encounter data and financial information. Health
Home shall permit MCO and any government officials with oversight authority over the MCO to
conduct site visits of the Health Home and Health Home Services Providers, upon prior notice,
to verify the performance of Health Home Services and other services under this Agreement and
that such services continue to comply with the terms and standards of the MCO and any
NYSDOH standards. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement regardless
of the reason.
6.2 Modifications and Amendments. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, any
amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. Amendments
required due to changes in state law or regulation or as required by NYSDOH and implemented
by MCO shall be unilaterally and automatically made upon thirty (30) days notice to Health
6.3 Assignment. This Agreement and the rights and obligations hereunder shall not be
assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred by either party. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
upon approval of NYSDOH, MCO may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any
purchaser of the assets or successor to the operations of MCO. The term “assign” or
“assignment” includes a change of control of a party by merger, consolidation, transfer, or the
sale of the majority or controlling stock or other ownership interest in such party. As such, this
Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their
respective permitted assigns. Except for Health Home Services Providers, Health Home shall
not subcontract or otherwise delegate its duties under this Agreement without the express written
consent of MCO. Health Home shall require any MCO approved subcontract, including the
Health Home Services Providers to abide by and adhere to this Agreement and will ensure this
agreement is incorporated by reference into the subcontract. Health Home shall make available
to MCO all subcontracts that provide for services under this Agreement.
6.4 Notification. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing
and sent by (a) hand delivery, (b) U.S. certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested,
or (c) overnight delivery service providing proof of receipt. Any such notice shall be deemed
given: (i) when delivered, if delivered in person; (ii) four (4) calendar days after being delivered
by U.S. mail, or (iii) one (1) business day, if being sent by overnight carrier. Notices shall be
sent to the address listed on the Signature Page, otherwise each party may designate by notice
any future or different addresses to which notices will be sent. Notices will be deemed delivered
upon receipt or refusal to accept delivery. Routine day to day operational communications
between the parties are not notices in accordance with this section.
6.5 Proprietary Information. In connection with this Agreement, MCO or its affiliates may
disclose to Health Home, directly or indirectly, certain information that MCO or its affiliate have
taken reasonable measures to maintain as confidential and which derives independent economic
value from not being generally known or readily ascertainable by the public (“Proprietary
Information”). Proprietary Information includes Member lists, the compensation provisions of
this Agreement, and other information relating to MCO’s or its affiliates’ business that is not
generally available to the public. Health Home shall, and shall require its Health Home Services
Providers and subcontractors to, hold in confidence and not disclose any Proprietary Information
and not use Proprietary Information except (1) as expressly permitted under this Agreement, or
(2) as required by law or legal or regulatory process. Health Home shall, and shall require its
Health Home Services Providers and subcontractors to, provide MCO with notice of any such
disclosure required by law or legal or regulatory process so that MCO can seek an appropriate
protective order. Health Home shall, and shall require its Health Home Services Providers and
subcontractors to, disclose Proprietary Information only in order to perform their obligations
under this Agreement, and only to persons who have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the
Proprietary Information. The requirements of this Agreement regarding Proprietary Information
shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
6.6 Dispute Resolution. MCO and Health Home agree to meet and confer in good faith to
resolve any problems or disputes that may arise under this Agreement.
a. Any dispute, other than a dispute regarding malpractice, fraud or abuse. or a
failure of the parties to agree on a reimbursement amount between the parties regarding
the performance or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved, to the extent
possible, by informal meeting or discussions between appropriate representatives of the
b. In the event the parties are unable to resolve a dispute informally, the parties agree to
submit the matter to binding arbitration before a single arbitrator acceptable to both
parties, under the commercial rules of the American Health Lawyers Association
(“AHLA”) then in effect. The parties agree to divide equally the AHLA’s administrative
fee as well as the arbitrator’s fee, if any, unless otherwise apportioned by the arbitrator.
The arbitrator shall not award punitive damages to either party. The arbitrator’s award
may be enforced in any court having jurisdiction thereof by the filing of a petition to
enforce such award.
c. Arbitration shall take place in the county in which the MCO does business unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties.
d. The parties acknowledge that the Commissioner of NYSDOH is not bound by
arbitration or mediation decisions. Arbitration or mediation shall occur within New York
State, and NYSDOH shall be given notice of all issues going to arbitration or mediation,
and copies of all decisions.
6.7 Relationship of the Parties. No provision of this Agreement is intended to create, and
none shall be deemed or construed to create, any relationship between MCO and Health Home
other than that of independent entities contracting with each other solely for the purpose of
effecting the provisions of the Agreement. Neither party nor any of their respective employees
shall be construed under this Agreement to be the partner, joint venture, agent, employer or
representative of the other for any purpose, including, but not limited to, unemployment or
Worker’s Compensation. In its capacity as an independent contractor, Health Home shall have
sole responsibility for the payment of federal and state taxes..
6.8 Waiver. No assent or waiver, express or implied, of any breach of any one or more of the
covenants, conditions or provisions hereof shall be deemed or taken to be a waiver of any other
covenant, condition or provision hereof or a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same
covenant, condition or provision hereof.
6.9 Severability. When possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in
such manner as to be effective, valid and enforceable under applicable law. The provisions of
this Agreement are severable, and, if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid,
illegal or otherwise unenforceable, in whole or in part, in any jurisdiction, said provision or part
thereof shall, as to that jurisdiction be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability, without affecting in any way the remaining provisions hereof or rendering that
or any other provision of this Agreement invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any other
6.10 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to contracts, except where Federal
law applies, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Each party hereby irrevocably and
unconditionally waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, trial by jury in
any suit, action or proceeding arising hereunder. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement,
either party may bring court proceedings to seek an injunction or other equitable relief to enforce
any right, duty or obligation under this Agreement.
6.11 Third Parties. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement is not a
third party beneficiary contract and no provision of this Agreement is intended to create or may
be construed to create any third party beneficiary rights in any third party, including any
6.12 Non-Solicitation. For the term of this Agreement and for one year thereafter, Health
Home shall not directly or indirectly solicit any Member to join a competing health plan or
induce any Member to cease doing business with MCO.
6.13 Compliance with all Laws. The parties shall comply with all applicable federal and
state laws and regulations and shall assist each other in such compliance. During the term of this
Agreement, Health Home and Health Home Services Providers shall comply with all applicable
federal and state laws and regulations relating to the provision of Health Home Services.
6.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the attachments, each of which are made a
part of and incorporated into this Agreement, comprises the complete agreement between the
parties and supersedes all previous agreements and understandings, oral or in writing, related to
the subject matter of this Agreement.
6.15 Names, Symbols and Service Marks. The parties shall not use each other’s name,
symbol, logo or service mark for any purpose without the other party’s prior written approval.
However, MCO shall be allowed to include Health Home, its name, address, telephone number,
and other professional demographics (including such information for Health Home Services
Providers), in MCO’s directory of Participating Providers, such other listings, directories and
publications, in any marketing or advertising materials, and MCO’s Internet sites, to help
promote MCO to potential Members. Health Home agrees that such listings are considered
accurate if based upon the most recent information submitted to MCO by or on behalf of Health
6.16 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed and delivered in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.
6.17 Certification Against Lobbying. Health Home agrees, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1352
and CFR Part 93, that no Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any
person by or on behalf of Health Home for the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence
an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the award of any Federal
loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal,
amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Health Home agrees to complete and submit the “Certification Regarding Lobbying,” form, if
this Agreement exceeds $100,000. If any funds other than federally appropriated funds have
been paid or will be paid to any person for the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence
an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federal
contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any
cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of
any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, and payments to the Health Home
under this Agreement exceed $100,000, Health Home shall complete and submit, if required,
Standard Form-LLL “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,” in accordance with its instructions.
6.18 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance and Reporting. Claims, data and other information
submitted to MCO pursuant to this Agreement and used, directly or indirectly, for purposes of
obtaining payments from the government under a Federal health care program, and payments
that Health Home receives under this Agreement are, in whole or in part, from Federal funds.
Accordingly, Health Home shall: (1) upon request of MCO, certify, based on its best knowledge,
information and belief, that all data and other information directly or indirectly reported or
submitted to MCO pursuant to this Agreement is accurate, complete and truthful and Health
Home; (2) not claim payment in any form, directly or indirectly, from a Federal health care
program for items or services covered under this Agreement; (3) comply with laws designed to
prevent or ameliorate fraud, waste, and abuse, including applicable provisions of Federal
criminal law, the False Claims Act (31 USC §§ 3729 et. seq.), and the anti-kickback statute
(section 1128B(b) of the Social Security Act); and (4) require it and its employees and its
subcontractors and their employees (including Health Home Services Providers) to comply with
MCO compliance program requirements, including MCO’s compliance training requirements,
and to report to MCO any suspected fraud, waste, or abuse or criminal acts.
6.19 Ownership and Controlling Interest Requirements. Health Home shall comply with
requirements for disclosure of ownership and control, business transactions, and information for
persons convicted of crimes against Federal health care programs as described in 42 CFR part
455 subpart B (Program Integrity: Medicaid).
6.20 Ineligible Persons. Health Home warrants and represents, and shall cause each Health
Home Services Provider to warrant and represent that, as of the Effective Date and throughout
the term of the Agreement and the duration of post expiration or termination transition activities
described in this Agreement, that none of its principal owners or any individual or entity it
employs or has contracted with to carry out its part of this Agreement is an Ineligible Person.
“Ineligible Person” means an individual or entity who (1) is currently excluded, debarred,
suspended or otherwise ineligible to participate in (a) Federal health care programs, as may be
identified in the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities maintained by the OIG, or (b) Federal
procurement or nonprocurement programs, as may be identified in the Excluded Parties List
System maintained by the General Services Administration, (2) has been convicted of a criminal
offense subject to OIG’s mandatory exclusion authority for Federal health care programs as
described in section 1128(a) of the Social Security Act, but has not yet been excluded, debarred
or otherwise declared ineligible to participate in such programs, or (3) is currently excluded,
debarred, suspended or otherwise ineligible to participate in State medical assistance programs,
including Medicaid or CHIP, or State procurement or nonprocurement programs as determined
by a State governmental authority.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, with the intent to be legally bound, have
caused this Agreement to be duly executed and effective as of the Effective Date.
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Notice Address: Notice Address: