Oral Rubrics Samples
I. Complex Oral Tasks (3 point item reserved for higher levels for open-ended questions)
A. Complex Oral Task Sample Rubric
Description: 33.7 Task 2
Demonstrate Job Interview Techniques
Content (12 items, 24 points possible)
Student (BL-A) will, in a role play, participate in a job interview with an employer
(examiner) in which student has 8 interactions such as: a greeting and self introduction,
answers to up to 6 basic questions asked on a job interview (BL=4, BH=5, IL-A=6) and a
Sample questions:
• Are you working now? Where?
• What are your skills?
Student (IL-A) will answer up to 3 more involved job interview questions (IL=1, IH=2,
A=3) regarding skills, ambitions, qualifications, and work history.
Sample questions:
• Tell me about your experience as a nanny.
• Give me two reasons why I should hire you for this job.
Student (IL-A), in addition, will ask 1 question about the job.
Presentation (3 items, 3 points possible)
Student will be rated on 3 proper presentation characteristics such as adequate speech
volume, eye contact, firm handshake as appropriate, posture, no fidgeting, etc.
Preparedness (2 items, 2 points possible)
Student will be rated on up to 2 preparedness items (brought resume/application and
additional personal information such as awards, references, personal strengths) (BL-
BH=1, IL-A=2)
29 Level: Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors but
they do not interfere with meaning.
Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be
errors that interfere with meaning, but the utterance can be understood with inference.
Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no utterance. 0
Each appropriate presentation characteristic 1
Each inappropriate presentation characteristic 0
Each appropriate preparedness item presented 1
Each preparedness item not presented or not appropriate or not legible 0
Oral Rubric Samples 6-30-07
B. Complex Oral Tasks which include note-taking Sample Rubric
28.6 TASK 1
Contact Health Care Personnel
Content A (11 items, 22points possible)
Student will, in a role play, participate in an interaction (either face-to-face or by
telephone) with health care personnel (examiner) in which student has 11 utterances
about a health care facility: a greeting and self introduction, up to 9 questions (BL=4.
BH=5, IL=6 IH-A=9) and a closing.
Examples of topics/questions
1. location – Where is General Hospital?
2. telephone number- What’s the telephone number?
3. nearest transportation- Which bus do I take?
4. availability of translators-Are there translators?
5. availability of appointments –When is the next available appointment?
6. requirements to register with the agency- How do I register?
7. costs-What are the fees?
8. availability of sliding scales and payment options- Do you have a sliding scale?
9. types of insurance accepted-What type of insurance do you accept?
Content B (3 items, 6 points possible)
Student will use clarification techniques as needed in order to comprehend the
examiner's answers. Student (IL-A) will take notes on the examiner’s answers if
necessary. Student (BL-BH) may take notes or use an examiner pre-prepared aid
such as a checklist, if necessary. After the role play, the examiner will check the
student’s comprehension of the information acquired. This can be done in a variety
of ways such as: by asking 3 comprehension questions (BL=1, BH-IL=2, IH-A=3)
which students will answer orally.
Points Possible: 28 Level: Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric
Content A
Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors but
they do not interfere with meaning.
Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be
errors that interfere with meaning, but the utterance can be understood with inference.
Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no utterance. 0
Content B
Utterance has correct content. 2
Utterance is incorrect or there is no answer. 0
Oral Rubric Samples 6-30-07
C. Complex Oral ( or written) Task Sample Rubric
Description: 12.4 Task 3
Interpret a Traffic Citation
Given an authentic traffic citation, student responds orally or in writing to 5 level-
appropriate questions, such as:
What is the violation?
What is the violation code?
Why was the traffic citation given?
What are 2 ways a person can respond to the citation?
10 Level: Beginning High - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Answer is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors but they do
not interfere with meaning.
Answer is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors
that interfere with meaning, but the answer can be understood with inference
Answer is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no answer. 0
II. Multiple Step Oral Answer
Multiple Step Oral Answer
16.5 Task 2
Identify Steps to Take in an Emergency
Content A ( BL-BH) ( 12 points possible)
In response to 2 specific emergency situations, student appropriately sequences 3
pictures of the steps to take in case of each emergency and describes the appropriate
steps depicted in words or phrases.
Content B (IL-A) ( 18 points possible)
In response to 3 specific emergency situations, student describes to examiner the
appropriate steps (and appropriate sequence, if applicable) to take in response to each
18 Level: Beginning low-Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Content A
Picture is appropriately sequenced and correctly described
Picture is appropriately sequenced or correctly described 1
Picture is incorrectly sequenced and incorrectly described 0
Content B
Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors, but they
do not interfere with meaning.
Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be 4
Oral Rubric Samples 6-30-07
Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no utterance. 0
III. Oral .Report
Oral Report Sample Rubric
33.5 Task 3
Present an Oral Report on a Career
Content ( 14 points possible)
After doing level appropriate reading or research on the training or educational pathway
to the career of their choice, student will give an oral report on their findings. The report
will be based on the answers to 4 questions such as:
1. What is the name of the program?
2. What do you need to apply for the program?
3. How long does the program take?
4. What job(s) can you get after finishing the program?
Visual Aid (4 points possible)
In class, student will make a relevant, appropriate, legible and neat visual aid to support
the oral report such as a power point presentation, poster, overhead transparency, etc.
Presentation ( 2 points possible)
Student will use effective speech and body language throughout the report and will refer
to a visual(s).
20 Level: Beginning High - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Report is appropriate, clear and has correct content. All four questions are discussed. Ideas
are well stated, clearly expressed, well-organized and supported with concrete, relevant detail.
No inference is required. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.
Report is appropriate, clear and has correct content. At least 3 questions are discussed.
Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail and is adequately
organized. May require minimal inference. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with
Report is appropriate and has correct content but may lack clarity. At least two questions are
discussed. Many ideas may not be well stated. May lack appropriate or sufficient detail or clear
focus. May require some inference. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with
Report has correct content but lacks clarity. At least one question is discussed. May be
unfocused with little or no supporting detail. May require a substantial degree of inference.
There may be errors that interfere with meaning, but the response can be understood with
Report is inappropriate, unclear, incorrect, no questions are answered, or there is no report. 0
Visual Aid
Visual aid(s) is relevant and appropriate and delineates the main points of the oral report.
Visual aid is legible and neat.
Visual aid(s) is relevant and appropriate and but may not completely delineate the main points
of the oral report. Visual aid is legible but may not be neat.
Oral Rubric Samples 6-30-07
Visual aid(s) is not relevant, not appropriate, does not delineate any of the main points of the
report or is not legible or neat or no visual aid(s).
Student uses effective speech and body language through most of the presentation and refers
to a relevant visual aid.
Student reads the entire report or speaks too softly to be heard and/or does not refer to or
have a visual aid. Body language distracts from the report
IV. Simple Oral Tasks
Simple Oral Tasks
Description: 12.5 Task 1
Demonstrate Understanding of Signs
Student will orally demonstrate understanding of 10 signs, signals, and/or
warning signs when shown pictures. Information from California Driver Handbook
will be used.
10 Level: Beginning Low – Beginning High
Scoring Rubric Points
Utterance is correct and comprehensible. 1
Utterance is incorrect or incomprehensible. 0
Description: 12.5 Task 2
Identify Vehicle Types and Vehicle Parts
Student will orally identify 4 types of vehicles and 4 vehicle parts (presented in
pictures) in order to be able to report a traffic accident.
8 Level: Beginning Low – Beginning High
Scoring Rubric Points
Utterance is correct and comprehensible. 1
Utterance is incorrect or incomprehensible. 0
Oral Rubric Samples 6-30-07