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GlobalPlatform Technology
Card Specification
Version 2.3.1
Public Release
March 2018
Document Reference: GPC_SPE_034
Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1 3 / 334
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Part I ............................................................................................................................................. 18
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 19
1.1 Audience ................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.2 IPR Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................ 20
1.3 References ............................................................................................................................................. 20
1.4 Terminology and Definitions ................................................................................................................... 24
1.5 Abbreviations and Notations .................................................................................................................. 28
1.6 Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 30
1.6.1 Open Platform Card Specification v2.0 to Open Platform Card Specification v2.0.1 .................... 30
1.6.2 Major Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1 ...................................................... 30
1.6.3 Revisions in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1.1 .................................................................. 32
1.6.4 Major Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2 ...................................................... 33
1.6.5 Minor Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2.1 ................................................... 36
1.6.6 Minor Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3 ...................................................... 36
1.6.7 Revisions in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3.1 .................................................................. 37
Part II ............................................................................................................................................ 38
2 System Architecture ............................................................................................................. 39
3 Card Architecture ................................................................................................................. 40
3.1 Security Domains ................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2 Global Services Applications .................................................................................................................. 41
3.3 Runtime Environment ............................................................................................................................. 41
3.4 Trusted Framework ................................................................................................................................ 41
3.5 GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN) ..................................................................................................... 42
3.6 GlobalPlatform API ................................................................................................................................. 42
3.7 Card Content .......................................................................................................................................... 43
3.8 Card Manager ......................................................................................................................................... 43
4 Security Architecture ........................................................................................................... 44
4.1 Goals ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Security Responsibilities and Requirements .......................................................................................... 45
4.2.1 Card Issuer’s Security Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 45
4.2.2 Application Provider’s Security Responsibilities ............................................................................ 45
4.2.3 Controlling Authority’s Security Responsibilities ............................................................................ 45
4.2.4 On-Card Components’ Security Requirements .............................................................................. 46
4.2.5 Back-End System Security Requirements ..................................................................................... 47
4.3 Cryptographic Support ........................................................................................................................... 48
4.3.1 Secure Card Content Management ............................................................................................... 48
4.3.2 Secure Communication .................................................................................................................. 49
Part III ........................................................................................................................................... 50
5 Life Cycle Models ................................................................................................................. 51
5.1 Card Life Cycle ....................................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.1 Card Life Cycle States ................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.2 Card Life Cycle State Transitions ................................................................................................... 54
5.2 Executable Load File/ Executable Module Life Cycle ............................................................................ 55
5.2.1 Executable Load File Life Cycle ..................................................................................................... 55
5.2.2 Executable Module Life Cycle ........................................................................................................ 55
5.3 Application and Security Domain Life Cycle .......................................................................................... 56
4 / 334 Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
5.3.1 Application Life Cycle States .......................................................................................................... 56
5.3.2 Security Domain Life Cycle States ................................................................................................. 59
5.4 Sample Life Cycle Illustration ................................................................................................................. 62
6 GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN) .................................................................................. 64
6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 64
6.2 OPEN Services ....................................................................................................................................... 65
6.3 Command Dispatch ................................................................................................................................ 66
6.4 Logical Channels and Application Selection .......................................................................................... 67
6.4.1 Implicit Selection Assignment ........................................................................................................ 67
6.4.2 Basic Logical Channel .................................................................................................................... 68
6.4.3 Supplementary Logical Channel .................................................................................................... 72
6.5 GlobalPlatform Registry ......................................................................................................................... 75
6.5.1 Application/Executable Load File/Executable Module Data Elements .......................................... 75
6.5.2 Card-Wide Data .............................................................................................................................. 76
6.6 Privileges ................................................................................................................................................ 77
6.6.1 Privilege Definition.......................................................................................................................... 77
6.6.2 Privilege Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 78
6.6.3 Privilege Management ................................................................................................................... 80
6.7 The GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework ................................................................................................ 81
7 Security Domains ................................................................................................................. 83
7.1 General Description ................................................................................................................................ 83
7.1.1 Issuer Security Domain .................................................................................................................. 83
7.2 Security Domain Association .................................................................................................................. 84
7.3 Security Domain Services ...................................................................................................................... 85
7.3.1 Security Domain Support for Secure Messaging ........................................................................... 85
7.3.2 Security Domain Support for Application Personalization.............................................................. 86
7.4 Security Domain Data ............................................................................................................................ 89
7.4.1 Issuer Security Domain .................................................................................................................. 89
7.4.2 Supplementary Security Domains .................................................................................................. 90
7.5 Security Domain Keys ............................................................................................................................ 91
7.5.1 Key Information .............................................................................................................................. 91
7.5.2 Key Access Conditions .................................................................................................................. 92
7.6 Data and Key Management .................................................................................................................... 92
8 Global Platform Services ..................................................................................................... 93
8.1 Global Services Applications .................................................................................................................. 93
8.1.1 Registering Global Services ........................................................................................................... 93
8.1.2 Application Access to Global Services ........................................................................................... 93
8.1.3 Global Service Parameters ............................................................................................................ 94
8.2 CVM Application ..................................................................................................................................... 95
8.2.1 Application Access to CVM Services ............................................................................................. 95
8.2.2 CVM Management ......................................................................................................................... 96
9 Card and Application Management ..................................................................................... 98
9.1 Card Content Management .................................................................................................................... 98
9.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 98
9.1.2 OPEN Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 98
9.1.3 Security Domain Requirements ..................................................................................................... 98
9.2 Authorizing and Controlling Card Content ............................................................................................ 101
9.2.1 DAP Verification ........................................................................................................................... 101
9.2.2 Load File Data Block Hash ........................................................................................................... 101
9.2.3 Tokens .......................................................................................................................................... 101
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Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
9.3 Card Content Loading, Installation and Make Selectable .................................................................... 102
9.3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 102
9.3.2 Card Content Loading .................................................................................................................. 103
9.3.3 Card Content Installation .............................................................................................................. 103
9.3.4 Card Content Combined Loading, Installation and Make Selectable .......................................... 104
9.3.5 Card Content Loading Process .................................................................................................... 104
9.3.6 Card Content Installation Process ................................................................................................ 107
9.3.7 Card Content Make Selectable Process ...................................................................................... 108
9.3.8 Card Content Combined Loading, Installation and Make Selectable Process ............................ 110
9.3.9 Examples of Loading and Installation Flow .................................................................................. 114
9.4 Content Extradition and Registry Update ............................................................................................. 117
9.4.1 Content Extradition ....................................................................................................................... 117
9.4.2 Registry Update............................................................................................................................ 119
9.5 Content Removal .................................................................................................................................. 122
9.5.1 Application Removal .................................................................................................................... 123
9.5.2 Executable Load File Removal .................................................................................................... 125
9.5.3 Executable Load File and related Application Removal............................................................... 126
9.6 Security Management .......................................................................................................................... 129
9.6.1 Life Cycle Management ............................................................................................................... 129
9.6.2 Application Locking and Unlocking .............................................................................................. 129
9.6.3 Card Locking and Unlocking ........................................................................................................ 130
9.6.4 Card Termination.......................................................................................................................... 131
9.6.5 Application Status Interrogation ................................................................................................... 132
9.6.6 Card Status Interrogation ............................................................................................................. 132
9.6.7 Operational Velocity Checking ..................................................................................................... 132
9.6.8 Tracing and Event Logging .......................................................................................................... 133
9.7 Memory Resource Management .......................................................................................................... 133
10 Secure Communication...................................................................................................... 135
10.1 Secure Channel .................................................................................................................................... 135
10.2 Explicit / Implicit Secure Channel ......................................................................................................... 136
10.2.1 Explicit Secure Channel Initiation ................................................................................................. 136
10.2.2 Implicit Secure Channel Initiation ................................................................................................. 136
10.2.3 Secure Channel Termination ....................................................................................................... 136
10.3 Direct / Indirect Handling of a Secure Channel Protocol ...................................................................... 137
10.4 Entity Authentication ............................................................................................................................. 138
10.4.1 Authentication with Symmetric Cryptography .............................................................................. 138
10.4.2 Authentication with Asymmetric Cryptography ............................................................................ 138
10.5 Secure Messaging ................................................................................................................................ 139
10.6 Security Levels ..................................................................................................................................... 139
10.7 Secure Channel Protocol Identifier ....................................................................................................... 140
Part IV ........................................................................................................................................ 141
11 APDU Command Reference ............................................................................................... 142
11.1 General Coding Rules .......................................................................................................................... 144
11.1.1 Life Cycle State Coding ................................................................................................................ 144
11.1.2 Privileges Coding ......................................................................................................................... 146
11.1.3 General Error Conditions ............................................................................................................. 147
11.1.4 Class Byte Coding ........................................................................................................................ 147
11.1.5 APDU Message and Data Length ................................................................................................ 148
11.1.6 Confirmations in Response Messages ........................................................................................ 150
11.1.7 Implicit Selection Parameter Coding ............................................................................................ 151
11.1.8 Key Type Coding .......................................................................................................................... 151
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
11.1.9 Key Usage Qualifier Coding ......................................................................................................... 152
11.1.10 Key Access Coding ...................................................................................................................... 153
11.1.11 Tag Coding ................................................................................................................................... 154
11.1.12 Data Grouping Identifier (DGI) Coding ......................................................................................... 154
11.2 DELETE Command .............................................................................................................................. 155
11.2.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 155
11.2.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 155
11.2.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 157
11.3 GET DATA Command .......................................................................................................................... 159
11.3.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 159
11.3.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 159
11.3.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 160
11.4 GET STATUS Command ..................................................................................................................... 164
11.4.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 164
11.4.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 164
11.4.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 166
11.5 INSTALL Command ............................................................................................................................. 168
11.5.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 168
11.5.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 168
11.5.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 178
11.6 LOAD Command .................................................................................................................................. 179
11.6.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 179
11.6.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 179
11.6.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 180
11.7 MANAGE CHANNEL Command .......................................................................................................... 182
11.7.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 182
11.7.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 182
11.7.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 183
11.8 PUT KEY Command............................................................................................................................. 184
11.8.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 184
11.8.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 184
11.8.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 191
11.9 SELECT Command .............................................................................................................................. 192
11.9.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 192
11.9.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 192
11.9.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 193
11.10 SET STATUS Command ...................................................................................................................... 194
11.10.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 194
11.10.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 194
11.10.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 195
11.11 STORE DATA Command ..................................................................................................................... 196
11.11.1 Definition and Scope .................................................................................................................... 196
11.11.2 Command Message ..................................................................................................................... 196
11.11.3 Response Message ..................................................................................................................... 199
11.11.4 Key Loading ................................................................................................................................. 201
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 210
A GlobalPlatform API ............................................................................................................. 211
A.1 GlobalPlatform on a Java Card ......................................................................................................... 211
A.2 GlobalPlatform on MULTOS™ ............................................................................................................. 214
B Algorithms (Cryptographic and Hashing) ......................................................................... 215
B.1 Data Encryption Standard (DES) ......................................................................................................... 215
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B.1.1 Encryption/Decryption .................................................................................................................. 215
B.1.2 MACing ......................................................................................................................................... 215
B.1.3 DES Padding ................................................................................................................................ 215
B.2 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ................................................................................................. 216
B.2.1 Encryption/Decryption .................................................................................................................. 216
B.2.2 MACing ......................................................................................................................................... 216
B.2.3 AES Padding ................................................................................................................................ 216
B.3 RSA ...................................................................................................................................................... 216
B.3.1 Scheme 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 216
B.3.2 Scheme 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 217
B.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) ....................................................................................................... 217
B.4.1 Curve Parameters and Key Lengths ............................................................................................ 217
B.4.2 Preloaded ECC Curve Parameters .............................................................................................. 218
B.4.3 ECDSA ......................................................................................................................................... 219
B.4.4 ECKA ............................................................................................................................................ 220
B.4.5 Key Derivation .............................................................................................................................. 220
B.5 Hashing Algorithms .............................................................................................................................. 220
B.5.1 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) .................................................................................................. 220
B.5.2 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) .............................................................................................. 220
B.5.3 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-384) .............................................................................................. 220
B.5.4 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512) .............................................................................................. 220
B.5.5 MULTOS Asymmetric Hash Algorithm ......................................................................................... 220
B.6 Key Check Values ................................................................................................................................ 221
C Secure Content Management ............................................................................................ 222
C.1 Keys ...................................................................................................................................................... 222
C.1.1 Token and Receipt Keys .............................................................................................................. 222
C.1.2 DAP Verification Keys .................................................................................................................. 223
C.1.3 Load File Data Block Decryption Keys ......................................................................................... 223
C.2 Load File Data Block Hash (LFDBH).................................................................................................... 223
C.3 Load File Data Block Signature (DAP Verification) .............................................................................. 224
C.4 Tokens .................................................................................................................................................. 225
C.4.1 Load Token .................................................................................................................................. 226
C.4.2 Install Token ................................................................................................................................. 227
C.4.3 Make Selectable Token ................................................................................................................ 228
C.4.4 Extradition Token ......................................................................................................................... 229
C.4.5 Registry Update Token ................................................................................................................ 230
C.4.6 Delete Token ................................................................................................................................ 232
C.4.7 Load, Install and Make Selectable Token .................................................................................... 233
C.5 Receipts ................................................................................................................................................ 235
C.5.1 Load Receipt ................................................................................................................................ 235
C.5.2 Install Receipt and Make Selectable Receipt ............................................................................... 236
C.5.3 Extradition Receipt ....................................................................................................................... 237
C.5.4 Registry Update Receipt .............................................................................................................. 237
C.5.5 Delete Receipt .............................................................................................................................. 239
C.5.6 Combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt ................................................................ 240
C.6 Encryption/Decryption of Load File Data Blocks .................................................................................. 241
C.7 GlobalPlatform on MULTOS ................................................................................................................. 242
C.7.1 Keys ............................................................................................................................................. 242
C.7.2 Cryptographic Structures ............................................................................................................. 242
D Void ..................................................................................................................................... 243
E Secure Channel Protocol '02' (Deprecated) ...................................................................... 257
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
E.1 Secure Communication ........................................................................................................................ 257
E.1.1 SCP02 Secure Channel ............................................................................................................... 257
E.1.2 Entity Authentication .................................................................................................................... 258
E.1.3 Message Integrity ......................................................................................................................... 260
E.1.4 Message Data Confidentiality ...................................................................................................... 260
E.1.5 Security Level ............................................................................................................................... 261
E.1.6 Protocol Rules .............................................................................................................................. 261
E.2 Cryptographic Keys .............................................................................................................................. 263
E.3 Cryptographic Algorithms ..................................................................................................................... 264
E.3.1 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) ....................................................................................................... 264
E.3.2 Message Integrity ICV using Explicit Secure Channel Initiation .................................................. 264
E.3.3 Message Integrity ICV using Implicit Secure Channel Initiation .................................................. 264
E.3.4 ICV Encryption ............................................................................................................................. 265
E.4 Cryptographic Usage ............................................................................................................................ 265
E.4.1 DES Session Keys ....................................................................................................................... 265
E.4.2 Authentication Cryptograms in Explicit Secure Channel Initiation ............................................... 266
E.4.3 Authentication Cryptogram in Implicit Secure Channel Initiation ................................................. 267
E.4.4 APDU Command C-MAC Generation and Verification ................................................................ 267
E.4.5 APDU Response R-MAC Generation and Verification ................................................................ 268
E.4.6 APDU Command Data Field Encryption and Decryption ............................................................. 270
E.4.7 Sensitive Data Encryption and Decryption ................................................................................... 271
E.5 Secure Channel APDU Commands ..................................................................................................... 272
E.5.1 INITIALIZE UPDATE Command .................................................................................................. 273
E.5.2 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command .................................................................................... 274
E.5.3 BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Command ........................................................................................... 276
E.5.4 END R-MAC SESSION Command .............................................................................................. 278
F Secure Channel Protocol '10' ............................................................................................ 280
F.1 Secure Communication ........................................................................................................................ 280
F.1.1 SCP10 Secure Channel ............................................................................................................... 280
F.1.2 Initiating a Secure Channel .......................................................................................................... 280
F.1.3 Certificate Verification .................................................................................................................. 282
F.1.4 Entity Authentication .................................................................................................................... 291
F.1.5 Session Key and Security Level Establishment ........................................................................... 297
F.1.6 Protocol Rules .............................................................................................................................. 298
F.2 Cryptographic Algorithms ..................................................................................................................... 300
F.2.1 Asymmetric Cryptography ............................................................................................................ 300
F.2.2 Digest Algorithm ........................................................................................................................... 300
F.2.3 Message Integrity ICV .................................................................................................................. 300
F.2.4 Message Integrity C-MAC and R-MAC ........................................................................................ 300
F.2.5 APDU Encryption and Decryption for Message Confidentiality ................................................... 301
F.3 Cryptographic Usage ............................................................................................................................ 302
F.3.1 DES Session Keys ....................................................................................................................... 302
F.3.2 Secure Messaging........................................................................................................................ 303
F.4 Commands ........................................................................................................................................... 311
F.4.1 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command .................................................................................... 312
F.4.2 GET CHALLENGE Command ..................................................................................................... 314
F.4.3 GET DATA [certificate] Command ............................................................................................... 315
F.4.4 INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command ..................................................................................... 317
F.4.5 MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Command ..................................................................... 318
F.4.6 PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] Command ....................................................... 320
F.4.7 PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command ............................................ 322
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G Trusted Framework Inter-Application Communication .................................................... 324
H GlobalPlatform Data Values ............................................................................................... 325
H.1 Miscellaneous Data Values .................................................................................................................. 325
H.1.1 GlobalPlatform OID ...................................................................................................................... 325
H.1.2 GlobalPlatform RID ...................................................................................................................... 325
H.1.3 Default AID for Issuer Security Domain ....................................................................................... 325
H.2 Structure of Card Recognition Data ..................................................................................................... 325
H.3 Structure of Security Domain Management Data ................................................................................. 328
H.4 Structure of Card Capability Information .............................................................................................. 331
10 / 334 Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Figure 2-1: GlobalPlatform Architecture .......................................................................................................... 39
Figure 3-1: GlobalPlatform Card Architecture ................................................................................................. 40
Figure 3-2: Card Content Relationships .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 5-1: Card Life Cycle State Transitions.................................................................................................. 54
Figure 5-2: Application Life Cycle State Transitions ........................................................................................ 58
Figure 5-3: Security Domain Life Cycle State Transitions ............................................................................... 61
Figure 5-4: Sample Card Life Cycle and Application Life Cycles .................................................................... 63
Figure 6-1: GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework Roles .................................................................................... 82
Figure 7-1: Example of Security Domain Hierarchies ..................................................................................... 84
Figure 7-2: Runtime Messaging Flow .............................................................................................................. 86
Figure 7-3: Application Personalization through Associated Security Domain ............................................... 88
Figure 9-1: Loading and Installation Process ................................................................................................ 102
Figure 9-2: Load and Installation Flow Diagram ............................................................................................ 114
Figure 9-3: Load Flow Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 9-4: Install Flow Diagram .................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 9-5: Delegated Extradition Flow ......................................................................................................... 119
Figure 9-6: Content Deletion Flow ................................................................................................................. 123
Figure 9-7: Life Cycle Management Flow ...................................................................................................... 129
Figure C-1: Load File Data Block Hash Calculation ...................................................................................... 223
Figure C-2: Load File Data Block Signature Calculation ............................................................................... 225
Figure C-3: Load Token Calculation .............................................................................................................. 226
Figure C-4: Install Token Calculation ............................................................................................................ 227
Figure C-5: Make Selectable Token Calculation ........................................................................................... 228
Figure C-6: Extradition Token Calculation ..................................................................................................... 229
Figure C-7: Registry Update Token Calculation ............................................................................................ 230
Figure C-8: Delete Token Calculation ........................................................................................................... 232
Figure C-9: Load, Install and Make Selectable Token Calculation ............................................................... 233
Figure C-10: Load Receipt Calculation .......................................................................................................... 235
Figure C-11: Install/Make Selectable Receipt Calculation ............................................................................ 236
Figure C-12: Extradition Receipt Calculation ................................................................................................ 237
Figure C-13: Registry Update Receipt Calculation ........................................................................................ 238
Figure C-14: Delete Receipt Calculation ....................................................................................................... 239
Figure C-15: Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt Calculation ........................................................... 240
Figure E-1: Explicit Secure Channel Initiation Flow ...................................................................................... 259
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Figure E-2: Create Secure Channel Session Key from the Base Key .......................................................... 266
Figure E-3: C-MAC Generation on Unmodified APDU .................................................................................. 267
Figure E-4: C-MAC Generation on Modified APDU ...................................................................................... 268
Figure E-5: R-MAC Generation ..................................................................................................................... 269
Figure E-6: APDU Command Data Field Encryption ..................................................................................... 270
Figure F-1: Certificate Chains Example a................................................................................................... 283
Figure F-2: Certificate Chains Example b................................................................................................... 283
Figure F-3: Certificate Chains Example c ................................................................................................... 284
Figure F-4: Certificate Verification Flow ........................................................................................................ 285
Figure F-5: Certificate Formation Self Descriptive Certificate without Message Recovery ........................ 288
Figure F-6: Certificate Formation Non-Self Descriptive Certificate without Message Recovery ................ 289
Figure F-7: Certificate Formation Self Descriptive Certificate with Message Recovery ............................. 290
Figure F-8: Certificate Formation Non-Self Descriptive Certificate with Message Recovery ..................... 291
Figure F-9: Entity Authentication Flow ........................................................................................................... 292
Figure F-10: APDU C-MAC Generation ........................................................................................................ 304
Figure F-11: Secure Messaging: Command Message Protected for Confidentiality ................................... 305
Figure F-12: Secure Messaging: Command Message Protected for Integrity and Confidentiality .............. 307
Figure F-13: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Integrity.............................................. 308
Figure F-14: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Confidentiality .................................... 309
Figure F-15: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Integrity and Confidentiality ............... 310
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Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table 1-1: Normative References .................................................................................................................... 20
Table 1-2: Terminology and Definitions ........................................................................................................... 24
Table 1-3: Abbreviations and Notations .......................................................................................................... 28
Table 6-1: Privileges ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Table 6-2: Privilege Defaults ........................................................................................................................... 79
Table 6-3: Privilege Assignment Example Use Cases .................................................................................... 80
Table 10-1: Current Security Level ................................................................................................................ 139
Table 11-1: Authorized GlobalPlatform Commands per Card Life Cycle State ............................................ 142
Table 11-2: Minimum Security Level for GlobalPlatform Commands ........................................................... 143
Table 11-3: Executable Load File Life Cycle Coding .................................................................................... 144
Table 11-4: Application Life Cycle Coding..................................................................................................... 144
Table 11-5: Security Domain Life Cycle Coding ............................................................................................ 144
Table 11-6: Card Life Cycle Coding .............................................................................................................. 145
Table 11-7: Privileges (Byte 1) ...................................................................................................................... 146
Table 11-8: Privileges (Byte 2) ...................................................................................................................... 146
Table 11-9: Privileges (Byte 3) ...................................................................................................................... 146
Table 11-10: General Error Conditions .......................................................................................................... 147
Table 11-11: CLA Byte Coding ...................................................................................................................... 147
Table 11-12: CLA Byte Coding ...................................................................................................................... 148
Table 11-13: Confirmation Structure ............................................................................................................. 150
Table 11-14: Confirmation Data .................................................................................................................... 150
Table 11-15: Implicit Selection Parameter..................................................................................................... 151
Table 11-16: Key Type Coding ...................................................................................................................... 151
Table 11-17: Key Usage Qualifier (1st Byte) ................................................................................................. 152
Table 11-18: Key Usage Qualifier (2nd Byte) ................................................................................................ 153
Table 11-19: Key Access ............................................................................................................................... 153
Table 11-20: DELETE Command Message .................................................................................................. 155
Table 11-21: DELETE Reference Control Parameter P1 .............................................................................. 155
Table 11-22: DELETE Reference Control Parameter P2 .............................................................................. 156
Table 11-23: Delete [card content] Command Data Field ............................................................................. 156
Table 11-24: DELETE [key] Command Data Field ........................................................................................ 157
Table 11-25: DELETE Response Data Field ................................................................................................. 157
Table 11-26: DELETE Error Conditions ........................................................................................................ 158
Table 11-27: GET DATA Command Message .............................................................................................. 159
Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1 13 / 334
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table 11-28: Key Information Data Structure Basic ................................................................................... 161
Table 11-29: Key Information Data Structure Extended ............................................................................. 161
Table 11-30: List of On-Card Applications..................................................................................................... 163
Table 11-31: GET DATA Error Conditions .................................................................................................... 163
Table 11-32: GET STATUS Command Message ......................................................................................... 164
Table 11-33: GET STATUS Reference Control Parameter P1 ..................................................................... 164
Table 11-34: GET STATUS Reference Control Parameter P2 ..................................................................... 165
Table 11-35: GET STATUS Command Data Field ........................................................................................ 165
Table 11-36: GlobalPlatform Application Data (TLV) .................................................................................... 166
Table 11-37: GlobalPlatform Executable Load File Data (TLV) .................................................................... 166
Table 11-38: GET STATUS Warning Condition ............................................................................................ 167
Table 11-39: GET STATUS Error Conditions ................................................................................................ 167
Table 11-40: INSTALL Command Message.................................................................................................. 168
Table 11-41: INSTALL Command Reference Control Parameter P1 ........................................................... 168
Table 11-42: INSTALL [for load] Command Data Field ................................................................................. 169
Table 11-43: INSTALL [for install] Command Data Field .............................................................................. 170
Table 11-44: INSTALL [for make selectable] Command Data Field ............................................................. 171
Table 11-45: INSTALL [for extradition] Command Data Field ....................................................................... 172
Table 11-46: INSTALL [for registry update] Command Data Field ............................................................... 173
Table 11-47: INSTALL [for personalization] Command Data Field ............................................................... 174
Table 11-48: Load Parameter Tags ............................................................................................................... 174
Table 11-49: Install Parameter Tags ............................................................................................................. 175
Table 11-50: Make Selectable Parameter Tags ............................................................................................ 176
Table 11-51: Extradition Parameter Tags...................................................................................................... 176
Table 11-52: Registry Update Parameter Tags ............................................................................................. 177
Table 11-53: Values for Restrict Parameter (Tag 'D9') ................................................................................. 177
Table 11-54: INSTALL Response Data Field ................................................................................................ 178
Table 11-55: INSTALL Error Conditions ........................................................................................................ 178
Table 11-56: LOAD Command Message Structure ....................................................................................... 179
Table 11-57: LOAD Command Reference Control Parameter P1 ................................................................ 179
Table 11-58: Load File Structure ................................................................................................................... 180
Table 11-59: LOAD Response Data Field ..................................................................................................... 181
Table 11-60: LOAD Error Conditions ............................................................................................................. 181
Table 11-61: MANAGE CHANNEL Command Message .............................................................................. 182
Table 11-62: MANAGE CHANNEL Warning Conditions ............................................................................... 183
Table 11-63: MANAGE CHANNEL Error Conditions .................................................................................... 183
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table 11-64: PUT KEY Command Message ................................................................................................. 184
Table 11-65: PUT KEY Reference Control Parameter P1 ............................................................................ 185
Table 11-66: PUT KEY Reference Control Parameter P2 ............................................................................ 185
Table 11-67: Structure of the PUT KEY Command Data Field ..................................................................... 185
Table 11-68: Key Data Field Format 1 (Basic Format) ............................................................................... 186
Table 11-69: Key Data Field Format 2 (Extended Format) ........................................................................ 187
Table 11-70: Format of Key Component Block Padding Present if Needed .............................................. 188
Table 11-71: Format of Key Component Block Padding Not Present ........................................................ 188
Table 11-72: Loading of ECC Curve Parameters .......................................................................................... 189
Table 11-73: Loading of ECC Key with Parameter Reference ...................................................................... 189
Table 11-74: Loading of ECC Key with Own Parameters ............................................................................. 190
Table 11-75: Loading of RSA Public Key ...................................................................................................... 190
Table 11-76: Loading of RSA Private Key ..................................................................................................... 190
Table 11-77: Loading of RSA Private Key in CRT Format ............................................................................ 191
Table 11-78: PUT KEY Error Conditions ....................................................................................................... 191
Table 11-79: SELECT Command Message .................................................................................................. 192
Table 11-80: SELECT Reference Control Parameter P1 .............................................................................. 192
Table 11-81: SELECT Reference Control Parameter P2 .............................................................................. 192
Table 11-82: File Control Information ............................................................................................................ 193
Table 11-83: SELECT Warning Condition ..................................................................................................... 193
Table 11-84: SELECT Error Conditions ........................................................................................................ 193
Table 11-85: SET STATUS Command Message .......................................................................................... 194
Table 11-86: SET STATUS Status Type .................................................................................................... 194
Table 11-87: SET STATUS Error Conditions ................................................................................................ 195
Table 11-88: STORE DATA Command Message ......................................................................................... 196
Table 11-89: STORE DATA Reference Control Parameter P1 ..................................................................... 197
Table 11-90: STORE DATA Error Condition ................................................................................................. 200
Table 11-91: DGI for Key Information Data ................................................................................................... 201
Table 11-92: Data Content for DGI '00B9' Symmetric Scheme ................................................................. 202
Table 11-93: Data Content for DGI '8113' ..................................................................................................... 202
Table 11-94: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Public Key ....................................................................... 203
Table 11-95: Data Content for DGIs '0010' and '0011' .................................................................................. 203
Table 11-96: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Private Key, Exponent Format ........................................ 204
Table 11-97: Data Content for DGIs '0010' and '8112' .................................................................................. 204
Table 11-98: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Private Key, CRT Format ................................................ 204
Table 11-99: Data Content for DGIs '8121' through '8125' ............................................................................ 206
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Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table 11-100: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Curve Parameters ......................................................... 207
Table 11-101: Data Grouping Identifiers for ECC Curve Parameters ........................................................... 208
Table 11-102: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Public Key ..................................................................... 208
Table 11-103: Data Grouping Identifier for ECC Public Key ......................................................................... 208
Table 11-104: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Private Key .................................................................... 209
Table 11-105: Data Grouping Identifier for ECC Private Key ........................................................................ 209
Table B-1: ECC Key Length and Recommended Curves ............................................................................. 218
Table B-2: Key Parameter Reference Values ............................................................................................... 219
Table B-3: Hash Algorithms for ECDSA ........................................................................................................ 219
Table C-1: Key Strength Requirements for Signature Schemes ................................................................... 222
Table C-2: Key Strength Requirements for Cipher Schemes........................................................................ 222
Table C-3: Hash Selection for LFDBH ........................................................................................................... 224
Table C-4: Data Elements Included in the Load Token ................................................................................. 227
Table C-5: Input Data for Install Token Computation .................................................................................... 228
Table C-6: Input Data for Make Selectable Token Computation ................................................................... 229
Table C-7: Input Data for Extradition Token Computation ............................................................................ 230
Table C-8: Input data for Registry Update Token Computation .................................................................... 231
Table C-9: Input Data for Delete Token Computation ................................................................................... 232
Table C-10: Input Data for ‘Load, Install and Make Selectable’ Token Computation ................................... 234
Table C-11: Data Elements Included in the Load Receipt ............................................................................ 236
Table C-12: Data Elements Included in the Install/Make Selectable Receipt ............................................... 236
Table C-13: Data Elements Included in the Extradition Receipt ................................................................... 237
Table C-14: Data Elements Included in the Registry Update Receipt .......................................................... 238
Table C-15: Data Elements Included in the Delete Receipt .......................................................................... 239
Table C-16: Data Elements Included in the Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt .............................. 240
Table E-1: Values of Parameter “i” ................................................................................................................ 257
Table E-2: SCP02 Security Domain Secure Channel Base Key ................................................................ 263
Table E-3: SCP02 Security Domain Secure Channel Keys ....................................................................... 264
Table E-4: SCP02 Command Support .......................................................................................................... 272
Table E-5: Minimum Security Requirements for SCP02 Commands ............................................................ 272
Table E-6: SCP02 Command Support per card Life Cycle State .................................................................. 272
Table E-7: INITIALIZE UPDATE Command Message .................................................................................. 273
Table E-8: INITIALIZE UPDATE Response Message ................................................................................... 274
Table E-9: INITIALIZE UPDATE Error Condition .......................................................................................... 274
Table E-10: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message .................................................................. 275
Table E-11: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Reference Control Parameter P1 .............................................. 275
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table E-12: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Warning Code ........................................................................... 276
Table E-13: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Command Message ......................................................................... 276
Table E-14: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P1 .................................................... 277
Table E-15: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P2 .................................................... 277
Table E-16: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Command Data Field ....................................................................... 277
Table E-17: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Error Conditions ............................................................................... 277
Table E-18: END R-MAC SESSION Command Message ............................................................................ 278
Table E-19: END R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P2 ........................................................ 278
Table E-20: END R-MAC SESSION Error Conditions .................................................................................. 279
Table F-1: Values of Parameter “i” ................................................................................................................ 281
Table F-2: Example of Data Included in Certificates ..................................................................................... 287
Table F-3: Data to Hash ................................................................................................................................ 293
Table F-4: Security Domain Signature Block................................................................................................. 293
Table F-5: Data to Hash ................................................................................................................................ 294
Table F-6: Security Domain Signature Block................................................................................................. 294
Table F-7: Data to Hash ................................................................................................................................ 295
Table F-8: Off-Card Entity Signature Block ................................................................................................... 295
Table F-9: Data to Hash ................................................................................................................................ 296
Table F-10: Off-Card Entity Signature Block ................................................................................................. 297
Table F-11: Single CRT ................................................................................................................................. 302
Table F-12: Counter Value for Session Key Calculation ............................................................................... 303
Table F-13: SCP10 Command Support ......................................................................................................... 311
Table F-14: Minimum Security Requirements for SCP10 commands ........................................................... 311
Table F-15: SCP10 Command Support per Card Life Cycle State ............................................................... 312
Table F-16: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message .................................................................. 313
Table F-17: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 313
Table F-18: GET CHALLENGE Command Message .................................................................................... 314
Table F-19: GET DATA [certificate] Command Message ............................................................................. 315
Table F-20: GET DATA [certificate] Command Data Message ..................................................................... 316
Table F-21: GET DATA [certificate] Response Data Field Certificate ........................................................ 316
Table F-22: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 316
Table F-23: INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message ................................................................... 317
Table F-24: INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Data Field.................................................................. 317
Table F-25: Warning Conditions .................................................................................................................... 318
Table F-26: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 318
Table F-27: MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Command Message ................................................... 318
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Table F-28: MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Reference Control Parameter P1 ............................... 319
Table F-29: MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Command Data Field ................................................. 319
Table F-30: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 320
Table F-31: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] Command Message ..................................... 320
Table F-32: Off-Card Entity Session Key Data Clear Text before Encryption............................................ 321
Table F-33: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 321
Table F-34: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command Message .......................... 322
Table F-35: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command Data Field ........................ 322
Table F-36: Error Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 323
Table H-1: Structure of Card Recognition Data (Format 1) ........................................................................... 326
Table H-2: Structure of Card Recognition Data (Format 2) ........................................................................... 327
Table H-3: Security Domain Management Data (Format 1) .......................................................................... 329
Table H-4: Security Domain Management Data (Format 2) .......................................................................... 330
Table H-5: Card Capability Information ......................................................................................................... 331
Table H-6: SCP Information........................................................................................................................... 332
Table H-7: Supported Keys for SCP03 .......................................................................................................... 332
Table H-8: Cipher Suites for LFDB Encryption .............................................................................................. 333
Table H-9: Cipher Suites for Signatures Byte 1 ......................................................................................... 333
Table H-10: Cipher Suites for Signatures Byte 2 ....................................................................................... 334
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Part I
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1 Introduction
GlobalPlatform is an organization that has been established by leading companies from the payments and
communications industries, the government sector and the vendor community, and is the first to promote a
global infrastructure for smart card implementation across multiple industries. Its goal is to reduce barriers
hindering the growth of cross-industry, multiple Application smart cards. The smart card issuers will continue
to have the freedom to choose from a variety of cards, terminals, and back-end systems.
For smart cards to reach their true potential, consumers need to be able to use them for a wide variety of
functions. For example, the cards can be used with mobile phones to make purchases over the Internet as
well as to securely access a PC. Smart cards should also be cost effective and easily multifunctional.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, a number of very significant breakthroughs occurred in the chip card industry with
the introduction of open systems specifications for Application development. The leading technologies in this
area are Java Card™ and MULTOS™. These technology specifications provide an important contribution to
the solution towards the multi-Application chip card vision, such as common programming standards allowing
Application portability between different card specific implementations.
Then in 2001 a PKI-based card content management framework was defined by NICSS (the Next generation
IC Card System Study group) especially for the governmental sector market. The concept of NICSS is to
separate the application provider from card issuer in a trusted manner whereby applications providers can
rent card memory space from the card issuer. This creates a new business model for each stakeholder.
Additionally, in the mobile telecommunication sector ETSI have been addressing card content management
over the air for the secure management of the SIM and third generation UICC.
Through the Open Platform initiative, first Visa International and now GlobalPlatform have been working with
the chip card industry to deliver a missing and critically important chip card standard a hardware-neutral,
vendor-neutral, Application-independent card management specification. This new specification provides a
common security and card management architecture that protects the most important aspect of a chip card
system investment the infrastructure.
GlobalPlatform defines a flexible and powerful specification for Card Issuers to create single- and multi-
Application chip card systems to meet the evolution of their business needs. The specification allows them to
choose the card technology that is right for them today while also ensuring that they can migrate, if necessary,
to a different card technology in the future without significant impact to their infrastructure.
This specification describes the GlobalPlatform Specifications that shall be implemented on GlobalPlatform
smart cards.
In this specification, some elements are identified as deprecated. Such elements are no longer maintained
and no evolution of these elements will be considered in the future. There is no guarantee that these elements
will be present in a future release of this specification. Therefore, it is not recommended to include deprecated
elements in new products or to reference them in new specification documents.
1.1 Audience
This specification is intended primarily for card manufacturers and application developers developing
GlobalPlatform card implementations. Although this specification defines card components, command
interfaces, transaction sequences, and interfaces that can be common across many different industries, it does
not detail the implementation of the lower layers security, which may vary from one industry to the other.
This specification is also intended for a more general audience as it describes the generic security concepts
and the various actors involved in a multi-Application Card Management System.
20 / 334 Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
1.2 IPR Disclaimer
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this GlobalPlatform specification or other work
product may be the subject of intellectual property rights (IPR) held by GlobalPlatform members or others. For
additional information regarding any such IPR that have been brought to the attention of GlobalPlatform, please
visit GlobalPlatform shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such IPR, and takes no position concerning the possible existence or the
evidence, validity, or scope of any such IPR.
1.3 References
Table 1-1: Normative References
Standard / Specification
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment A
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.3 Amendment A
v1.1 Confidential Card Content Management
[Amd A]
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment B
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 Amendment B
v1.1.3 RAM over HTTP
[Amd B]
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment C
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.3 Amendment C
v1.2 Contactless Services
[Amd C]
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment D
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 Amendment D
v1.1.1 Secure Channel Protocol '03'
[Amd D]
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment E
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.3 Amendment E
v1.0.1 Security Upgrade for Card Content
[Amd E]
GlobalPlatform Card
Specification v2.2
Amendment F
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 Amendment F
v1.0 Secure Channel Protocol '11'
[Amd F]
GlobalPlatform System
Protocol Discovery
Mechanism Specification
GlobalPlatform System, System Protocol Discovery
Mechanism Specification v1.0
GlobalPlatform KMS
GlobalPlatform Key Management System Functional
Requirements, version 1.0
[KMS Req]
GlobalPlatform MS
GlobalPlatform Messaging Specification, version 1.0
GlobalPlatform SCMS
GlobalPlatform Smart Card Management System
Functional Requirements, version 4.0
[SCMS Req]
GlobalPlatform Systems
Scripting Language
GlobalPlatform Systems Scripting Language
Specification, version 1.1.0
[Scripting Lang]
ANSI X9.52
Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Modes of
Operation, draft, 1996
[ANSI X9.52]
Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1 21 / 334
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Standard / Specification
ANSI X9.62-2005
Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services
Industry, The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA)
[ANSI X9.62]
BSI TR-02102,
Version 1.0
BSI Technische Richtlinie TR-02102:
Kryptographische Verfahren: Empfehlungen und
[TR 02102]
BSI TR-03111,
Version 1.11
BSI Technical Guideline TR-03111: Elliptic Curve
[TR 03111]
CWA 14890-1
CEN Workshop Agreement Application Interface for
smart cards used as Secure Signature Creation
Devices Part 1: Basic requirements, March 2004
[CWA 14890-1]
EMV Card
EMV Card Personalization Specification
[EMV Card Perso]
ETSI TS 102 221
(Release 6 or higher)
Smart cards; UICC Terminal interface; Physical
and logical characteristics, European
Telecommunications Standards Institute Technical
Committee Smart Card Platform (TC SCP), 2004
[TS 102 221]
ETSI TS 102 225
(Release 6 or higher)
Smart cards; Secured packet structure for UICC
based applications, European Telecommunications
Standards Institute Technical Committee Smart Card
Platform (TC SCP), 2004
[TS 102 225]
ETSI TS 102 226
(Release 6 or higher)
Smart cards; Remote APDU structure for UICC
based applications, European Telecommunications
Standards Institute Technical Committee Smart Card
Platform (TC SCP), 2004
[TS 102 226]
ETSI TS 102 241
(Release 6 or higher)
Smart cards; UICC Application Programming
Interface (UICC API) for Java Card
, European
Telecommunications Standards Institute Technical
Committee Smart Card Platform (TC SCP), 2004
[TS 102 241]
FIPS PUB 140-2
Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 140-2: Security Requirements for
Cryptographic Modules, May 2001
[FIPS 140-2]
FIPS PUB 180-2
Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 180-2, 2002: Specifications for the
Secure Hash Standard: U.S. Department of
Commerce, Technology Administration, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
[FIPS 180-2]
FIPS PUB 186-4
Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 186-4: Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
[FIPS 186-4]
Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 197, 2001: Specification for the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES): U.S. Department of
Commerce, Technology Administration, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
[FIPS 197]
22 / 334 Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Standard / Specification
Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 198, 2002: Standard for the Keyed-Hash
Message Authentication Code (HMAC): U.S.
Department of Commerce, Technology
Administration, National Institute of Standards and
[FIPS 198]
ISO/IEC 7816-3:1997
Identification cards Integrated circuit(s) cards with
contacts Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission
[ISO 7816-3]
ISO/IEC 7816-4:2005
Identification cards Integrated circuit cards Part 4:
Organization, security and commands for
[ISO 7816-4]
ISO/IEC 7816-6:2004
Identification cards Integrated circuit(s) cards with
contacts Part 6: Interindustry data elements
[ISO 7816-6]
ISO/IEC 7816-15:2004
Identification cards Integrated circuit cards with
contacts Part 15: Cryptographic information
[ISO 7816-15]
ISO 8731-1:1987
Banking Approved algorithms for message
authentication Part 1: DEA
[ISO 8731-1]
ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002 |
ITU-T Recommendation
X.690 (2002)
Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules:
Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER),
Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished
Encoding Rules (DER)
[ISO 8825-1]
ISO/IEC 9594-8 | ITU-T
Recommendation X.509
Information Technology Open Systems
Interconnection The Directory: Public-Key and
Attribute Certificate Frameworks
ISO/IEC 9796-2:2002
Information technology Security techniques
Digital signature schemes giving message recovery
Part 2: Integer factorization based mechanisms
[ISO 9796-2]
ISO/IEC 9797-1
Information technology Security techniques
Message Authentication Codes (MACs) Part 1:
Mechanisms using a block cipher
[ISO 9797-1]
ISO/IEC 9899:1999
Programming languages C
[ISO 9899]
ISO/IEC 10116: 1997
Information technology Modes of operation of an
n-bit block cipher algorithm
[ISO 10116]
ISO/IEC 10118-3: 1998
Information technology Security techniques Hash
functions Part 3: Dedicated hash functions
[ISO 10118-3]
ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001
Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s)
cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and
[ISO 14443-3]
ISO/IEC 14443-4:2001
Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s)
cards Proximity cards Part 4: Transmission
[ISO 14443-4]
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Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Standard / Specification
ISO/IEC 18033-3:2005
Information Technology Security techniques
Encryption algorithms Part 3: Block ciphers
[ISO 18033-3]
Java Card™
Go to the following website for Java Card™
MULTOS Guide to Generating Application Load
Units, version 2.51
Go to the following website for MULTOS™
NICSS Framework
NICSS Prerequisites, First Edition, version 1.20, April
24, 2001, The Next generation IC Card System Study
NIST SP 800-38A
Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of
Operation: Methods and Techniques, 2001
NIST SP 800-38B
Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of
Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication, May
NIST SP 800-56A
Revision 1
Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment
Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography,
March 2007
NIST SP 800-57 Part 1
Recommendation for Key Management Part 1:
General (Revised) March, 2007
NIST SP 800-90 revised
Recommendation for Random Number Generation
Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, March
NIST SP 800-108
Recommendation for Key Derivation Using
Pseudorandom Functions, October 2009
PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, RSA
Laboratories, June 14, 2002.
RFC 4279
Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites for Transport Layer
Security (TLS)
[RFC 4279]
RFC 4785
Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Ciphersuites with NULL
Encryption for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
[RFC 4785]
RFC 5487
Pre-Shared Key Cipher Suites for TLS with
SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode
[RFC 5487]
RFC 5639
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool
Standard Curves and Curve Generation
[RFC 5639]
24 / 334 Card Specification Public Release v2.3.1
Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
1.4 Terminology and Definitions
The following meanings apply to SHALL, SHOULD, and MAY in this document:
SHALL indicates that the statement containing the SHALL must be implemented as defined in this
Specification. It does not mandate the implementation of the statement.
SHOULD indicates a recommendation. It is strongly recommended to implement the statement as
defined in this Specification.
MAY indicates an option.
Table 1-2 defines the expressions used within this Specification that use an upper case first letter in each word
of the expression. Expressions within this document that use a lower case first letter in each word take the
common sense meaning. (Tagged data elements are also given an upper case first letter in each word of their
Table 1-2: Terminology and Definitions
Instance of an Executable Module after it has been installed.
Application Management
An off-card application-specific system required to successfully implement
an Application Providers service to a cardholder.
Application Protocol Data
Unit (APDU)
Standard communication messaging protocol between a card accepting
device and a smart card.
Application Provider
Entity that owns an application and is responsible for the applications
Application Session
The link between the Application and the external world on a logical
channel starting with the selection of the Application and ending when the
same or another Application is selected on the logical channel, the logical
channel is closed or the Card Session terminates.
Asymmetric Cryptography
A cryptographic technique that uses two related transformations, a public
transformation (defined by the Public Key component) and a private
transformation (defined by the Private Key component); these two key
components have a property so that it is computationally infeasible to
discover the Private Key, even if given the Public Key.
Basic Logical Channel
The permanently available interface between the card and an external
entity. The Basic Logical Channel is numbered zero.
Card Content
Code and Application information (but not Application data) contained in
the card that is under the responsibility of the OPEN; e.g. Executable
Load Files, Application instances, etc.
Card Image Number (CIN)
An identifier for a specific GlobalPlatform card.
Card Issuer
Entity that owns the card and is ultimately responsible for the behavior of
the card.
Card Management System
An off-card system providing functions to manage various card types and
their associated application(s) and specific configurations for cardholders.
Card Manager
Generic term for the card management entities of a GlobalPlatform card;
i.e. the OPEN, Issuer Security Domain, and a Cardholder Verification
Method services provider.
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Card Recognition Data
Information that tells an external system, in particular a Smart Card
Management System (SCMS), how to work with the card (including
indicating that this is a GlobalPlatform card).
Card Session
The link between the card and the external world starting at card reset
(contact cards), activation (contactless cards), or power on of the card
and ending with a subsequent reset (contact cards), deactivation
(contactless cards), or power off of the card.
Card Unique Data
Data that uniquely identifies a card being the concatenation of the Issuer
Identification Number and Card Image Number.
The end user of a card.
Cardholder Verification
Method (CVM)
A method to ensure that the person presenting the card is the person to
whom the card was issued.
In this Specification, a Certificate refers to a key certificate: the public key
and identity of an entity together with some other information, rendered
unforgeable by signing with the private key of the certification authority
which issued that Certificate.
MAC appended to an APDU command.
Controlling Authority
An entity independent from the Card Issuer and Application Providers,
responsible for enforcing specific off-card and on-card security policies.
Such a Controlling Authority is represented on-card by a Security Domain
which provides specific functionalities supporting the Controlling
Authoritys security policy.
Current Security Level
A level of security that is to be applied to the current command-response
pair in a Secure Channel Protocol using secure messaging. It is set for an
individual command (APDU pair): the current incoming command APDU
and the next response.
DAP Block
Part of the Load File used for ensuring Load File Data Block verification.
DAP Verification
A mechanism used by a Security Domain to verify that a Load File Data
Block is authentic.
Delegated Management
Pre-authorized Card Content changes performed by an approved
Application Provider.
Digital Signature
A cryptographic transformation of data that allows the recipient of the data
to prove the origin and integrity of the data; it protects the sender and the
recipient of the data against forgery by third parties; it also protects the
sender against forgery by the recipient.
Executable Load File
Actual on-card container of one or more application’s executable code
(Executable Modules). It may reside in Immutable Persistent Memory or
may be created in Mutable Persistent Memory as the resulting image of a
Load File Data Block.
Executable Module
Contains the on-card executable code of a single application present
within an Executable Load File.
GlobalPlatform Registry
A container of information related to Card Content management.
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
A logical term used to represent the back end systems that support the
GlobalPlatform system; hosts perform functions such as authorization and
authentication, administration, Post-Issuance application code and data
downloading, and transactional processing.
Immutable Persistent
Memory that can only be read.
Issuer Security Domain
The primary on-card entity providing support for the control, security, and
communication requirements of the card administrator (typically the Card
A cryptographic key stored in a Security Domain. The key is uniquely
identified per Security Domain by the two parameters Key Version
Number and Key Identifier. A key may consist of one or more key
components; e.g. a symmetric key has only one key component while an
asymmetric key has several components.
Key Identifier (KID)
One of the two parameters identifying a key. In the context of a
cryptographic operation or protocol performed by a Security Domain, the
absolute or relative value of the Key Identifier determines the exact
function of the key. See also the definition of Key Version Number.
Key Set
A set of keys used together by a Security Domain to perform some
cryptographic operation or protocol (e.g. Secure Channel Protocol). See
also Secure Channel key set.
Key Version Number (KVN)
One of the two parameters identifying a key. This parameter defines the
general purpose of a key; i.e. its applicability for some cryptographic
operation or protocol. For example, keys involved in the execution of a
Secure Channel Protocol share the same Key Version Number. The term
version number is only used for historic reasons and should not be
interpreted as such in the current version of this specification. See also
the definition of Key Identifier.
Life Cycle
The existence of Card Content on a GlobalPlatform card and the various
stages of this existence where applicable; or the stages in the life of the
card itself.
Life Cycle State
A specific state within the Life Cycle of the card or of Card Content.
Load File
A file transferred to a GlobalPlatform card that contains a Load File Data
Block and possibly one or more DAP Blocks.
Load File Data Block
Part of the Load File that contains one or more application(s) or libraries
and support information for the application(s) as required by the specific
Load File Data Block Hash
A value providing integrity for the Load File Data Block.
Load File Data Block
A value encompassing the Load File Data Block Hash and providing both
integrity and authenticity of the Load File Data Block.
Message Authentication
Code (MAC)
A symmetric cryptographic transformation of data that provides data origin
authentication and data integrity.
Mutable Persistent Memory
Memory that can be modified.
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The central on-card administrator that owns the GlobalPlatform Registry.
Phase following the card being issued to the Cardholder.
Phase prior to the card being issued to the Cardholder.
Private Key
The private component of the asymmetric key pair.
Public Key
The public component of the asymmetric key pair.
A cryptographic value provided by the card (if so required by the Card
Issuer) as proof that a Delegated Management operation has occurred.
Retry Counter
A counter, used in conjunction with the Retry Limit, to determine when
attempts to present a CVM value shall be prohibited.
Retry Limit
The maximum number of times an invalid CVM value can be presented
prior to the CVM prohibiting further attempts to present a CVM value.
MAC appended to an APDU response.
Runtime Environment
Functionality on a card which provides a secure environment for multiple
applications to operate. Its role is complementary to that of the
GlobalPlatform Card Manager.
Secure Channel
A communication mechanism between an off-card entity and a card that
provides a level of assurance, to one or both entities.
Secure Channel key set
A set of keys used together by a Security Domain to perform a Secure
Channel Protocol. Keys belonging to such a key set have the same Key
Version Number and consecutive Key Identifiers. The number of keys
required within a Secure Channel key set depends on the Secure
Channel Protocol.
Secure Channel Protocol
A secure communication protocol and set of security services.
Secure Channel Session
A session, during an Application Session, starting with the Secure
Channel initiation and ending with a Secure Channel termination or
termination of either the Application Session or Card Session.
Security Domain
Application having the Security Domain privilege. This on-card entity
provides support for the control, security, and communication
requirements of an off-card entity such as the Card Issuer, an Application
Provider, or a Controlling Authority.
Session Security Level
A mandatory minimum level of security to be applied to protected
commands in a Secure Channel Protocol using secure messaging. It is
established during the initialization of the Secure Channel Session, either
explicitly or implicitly.
Supplementary Logical
Up to 19 additional interfaces (other than the permanently available Basic
Logical Channel) between the card and an external entity. Each
Supplementary Logical Channel is numbered from 1 up to 19.
Supplementary Security
A Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain.
Symmetric Cryptography
A cryptographic technique that uses the same secret key for both the
originator’s and the recipient’s transformation.
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A cryptographic value provided by a Card Issuer as proof that a
Delegated Management operation has been authorized.
Trust Point
An authority whose public key is trusted by a Security Domain or Off-Card
Entity through some undefined mechanism such as a secure process that
delivers the public key in a self-signed certificate. A Trust Points public
key is typically the highest public key known to the entity.
The ICC as defined by ETSI Project Smart Card Platform (EP SCP).
Verification Authority
A Controlling Authority whose responsibility is to enforce control over card
contents using the Mandated DAP Verification mechanism.
1.5 Abbreviations and Notations
Table 1-3: Abbreviations and Notations
Abbreviation / Notation
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Abbreviation / Notation
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Abbreviation / Notation
1.6 Revision History
GlobalPlatform technical documents numbered n.0 are major releases. Those numbered n.1, n.2, etc., are
minor releases where changes typically introduce supplementary items that do not impact backward
compatibility or interoperability of the specifications. Those numbered n.n.1, n.n.2, etc., are maintenance
releases that incorporate errata and precisions; all non-trivial revisions are indicated, often with revision marks.
1.6.1 Open Platform Card Specification v2.0 to Open Platform Card Specification
This section provides a brief summary of the revisions made to the Open Platform Card Specification 2.0 Card
Specification in the Open Platform Card Specification 2.0.1'.
Wording and formatting of the specification had been improved.
Anything relating to a specific implementation of Open Platform had been removed from the main body of the
specification and was detailed in the appendices.
Anything specific relating to the personalization of Open Platform or Applications had been removed.
The changes relating specifically to the Java Card™ implementation of Open Platform were listed in the
beginning of Appendix A, GlobalPlatform API.
All the issues identified in the FAQ document dated April-June 1999 and the FAQ documents dated October-
November 1999 and relating strictly to Open Platform, had been included in this version. The one caveat to
this was the point 3.1.20 of the FAQ document dated October-November 1999; i.e. it is now required that the
Security Domain associated with an Application be the same Security Domain used to perform Delegated
Management functions for this Application.
The inclusion of Part V described a specific use of security and key management that was not present in Open
Platform 2.0.
1.6.2 Major Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1
The following major adjustments are the modifications decided by GlobalPlatform Members. All of these
modifications are intended to make the GlobalPlatform more usable for a wider number of entities while
maintaining backwards compatibility. The minor editing changes and rewording for readability are not listed.
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prohibited. Enhancement to DAP Verification Scheme
In the process of implementing GlobalPlatform cards that supported Delegated Management and DAP
Verification, it was determined that the method defined in the previous version of Open Platform necessitated
the verification of multiple signatures on large blocks of data (Load File and Load File Data Block) that differed
only slightly. When multiple DAP Verifications and possibly Delegated Management was being performed
simultaneously, multiple hash generations were required to run concurrently. This negatively impacted the
performance of the load process.
A new method has been defined in which instead of signing large blocks of data, a hash of the critical large
block of data (Load File Data Block) may be generated and this hash signed. In this new method signatures
are required on very much smaller blocks of information. Only one hash generation and check is required on
the Load File Data Block. Application Reception of Data from Security Domains
The Secure Channel mechanism previously provided by Open Platform only allowed an Application to request
services from its associated Security Domain.
A new service is now provided that may be initiated by a Security Domain. It allows data to be passed by the
Security Domain associated with an Application to the Application for further processing. The main purpose of
this service is to facilitate the personalization of Applications through the Applications associated Security
Domain. A new INSTALL command has been defined to identify the Application to be personalized. Security Domain Association and Extradition
In the previous Open Platform Card Specification an Executable Load File was associated with a Security
Domain and all Applications instantiated from an Executable Load file, when installed, were also associated
with the same Security Domain. This method was restrictive.
The new scheme provides Application Extradition. Application Extradition allows an Application that is already
associated with a Security Domain to be extradited and associated with another Security Domain.
Another benefit provided by this enhancement is that in addition to Executable Load Files and Applications,
now applications within Executable Load Files become visible in the GlobalPlatform Registry at the time that
the Executable Load File is registered.
In order to avoid confusion between selectable Applications and the applications within an Executable Load
File a new term has been introduced: Executable Module. The term Executable Module is intended to identify
the one or more applications present within an Executable Load File. Executable Modules
In the previous Open Platform Card Specification, an off-card entity could only retrieve information relating to
the Executable Load Files and selectable Applications present on the card. In order to enhance the information
returned by the GET STATUS command, an additional set of information will be stored in the GlobalPlatform
Registry and returned in the response to the GET STATUS command. This information relates to the
Executable Module and it is now possible to also retrieve information relating to application code within an
Executable Load File that is available for installation. Card Recognition Data
A concerted effort was made to ensure that there would be a uniform method to determine basic information
about a card. The Card Recognition Data and the method for retrieving this data have been included in this
version of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification. Information such as: this is a GlobalPlatform card,
implemented in a particular way, and with a particular version number is now available.
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
prohibited. Support of New Secure Channel Protocols
In order to be more accommodating, the method for including additional Secure Channel Protocols has been
formalized. While this was allowed in previous versions of the Open Platform Card Specification, only one
Secure Channel Protocol was defined. As part of the efforts of GlobalPlatform a formal process for including
Secure Channel Protocols is defined. This version of the specification details two Secure Channel Protocols
and their selection process. To provide clarity a slight reorganization of the GlobalPlatform Card specification
has been done. Part V of the Open Platform 2.0.1' specification has been removed. Part of its content is
incorporated into Part III and the rest is moved into the appendices. Cardholder Verification Method Services
Additional services and features regarding the optional CVM have been included. In the previous versions of
the Open Platform Card Specification, the CVM provided the possibility for a single PIN to be common across
multiple Applications. When the PIN was changed by one Application it became visible to all Applications.
However an Application could not check whether the PIN had previously been correctly presented to another
Application during the same Card Session. The new Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) services provide
the ability to do this check. Card Manager Separation
Historically the Card Manager has been viewed and defined as the major on-card component with no distinction
or separation between the various responsibilities encompassed within as well as not clearly defining where
the runtime environment ends and the Card Manager begins. A decision has been made to separate the Card
Manager into three distinct entities and clearly identify what runtime environment functionality must be within
each. While the term Card Manager is still present, it now encompasses the OPEN, the Issuer Security Domain
and the Cardholder Verification Method Services provider. This new structure clarifies the responsibilities of
the Card Manager and takes into account both Java Card and Windows Powered Smart Card. Windows Powered Smart Card API
The GlobalPlatform API for Windows Powered Smart Card is now included. Java Card API
Taking into account the various new features of the GlobalPlatform a new API providing support for these new,
and all relevant existing, features has been specified for Java Card. The previous Open Platform API for Java
Card defined in version 2.0.1' is deprecated and remains in this version for backward compatibility. Appendices
The body of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification only contains generic GlobalPlatform descriptions. All
information specific to a particular implementation has been positioned in a set of appendices.
1.6.3 Revisions in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1.1
The following modifications correct issues in the previous version and synchronize with recent evolutions of
the underlying runtime environment specifications while maintaining full backwards compatibility. The minor
editing changes and rewording for readability are not listed.
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
prohibited. Errata
All intermediate published errata have been incorporated into this version. There is also a small set of errata
and precisions that would have been published at around the same time this version is released, and these
have also been incorporated directly into this version. Content Removal
A new optional Card Content removal feature has been added that allows an Executable Load File and all its
related Applications to be deleted in the same operation. Logical Channels
To meet the emerging needs of some industries and recent evolutions of the underlying runtime environment
specifications, logical channel functionality is added to this version of the specification as an optional feature. Additional Secure Channel Protocol Implementation Options
An enhanced mechanism of generating a C-MAC has been added to both Secure Channel Protocol '01' and
Secure Channel Protocol '02'. One new implementation option has been added for Secure Channel Protocol
'01' and four new implementation options have been added for Secure Channel Protocol '02'. It is
recommended that these new implementation options be used.
1.6.4 Major Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2
The following major adjustments are modifications decided by GlobalPlatform Members. All of these
modifications are intended to make the GlobalPlatform more usable for a wider number of entities while
maintaining full backward compatibility with previous versions.
The body of the document has been reorganized to reflect these changes, to arrange it by functions and
components as well as to remove excessive duplication. PKI functionality and Card Content Management
Card Content Management may now be performed by relying exclusively on asymmetric cryptography and a
Public Key Infrastructure. This has resulted in the need to formalize the process of authentication and
establishing ownership, so that the card can apply the relevant security and authorization rules for different
off-card entities.
A delete token is added as an option, so that the Card Issuer may have a PK based policy to authorize card
content removal. Over-The Air Functionality and Inter-Application Communication
A mechanism for inter-application communication is formalized in terms of a general framework: Trusted
Framework, which encompasses both the GlobalPlatform mechanism whereby an Application could receive
its personalization data from its Security Domain as well as the SIM Toolkit and CAT frameworks defined for
UICC cards by ETSI Project Smart Card Platform specifications. A new privilege Trusted Path between an
on-card Receiving Entity and an on-card target Application is introduced. Contactless Cards, Implicit Selection and Logical Channels
Support for contactless cards and dual interface cards (contact and contactless) is made more explicit in this
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
With the introduction of a new installation parameter, different Applications can now be implicitly selected on
different card I/O interfaces: contact or contactless (and potentially others), and different logical channels.
The Default Selected privilege is redefined as the Card Reset privilege to modify the historical bytes. An
Application is able to refuse explicit selection; e.g. because it does not support the current card I/O interface,
and allow the (partial) selection process by OPEN to continue. To provide backward compatibility, the privilege
confers implicit selectability if it has not been awarded to another Application.
As a further option, support of logical channels is expanded up to 19 supplementary logical channels as defined
by the latest version of [ISO 7816-4]. Secure Channel Protocols
A new Secure Channel Protocol based on asymmetric cryptography and a Public Key Infrastructure is
introduced as Secure Channel Protocol '10'. Secure Channel Protocol '10' is compatible with CEN Workshop
Agreement specification CWA 14890-1 ([CWA 14890-1]). It also fulfills the requirements of NICSS Framework
Scheme ([NICSS-F]) defined by the Next Generation IC Card System Study Group (NICSS).
This version references the Secure Channel Protocol defined by ETSI Project Smart Card Platform TS 102 225
specification ([TS 102 225]) as GlobalPlatform Secure Channel Protocol '80'.
The number of recommended options for Secure Channel Protocol '02' is reduced to the most commonly used
ones. The option indicator for Secure Channel Protocol '02' is defined as a bitmap and allows the support of
any other option that was described in version 2.1.1 or Amendment A.
Secure Channel Protocol '01' is now deprecated.
The use of Security Levels associated with a secure channel session and an individual command-response
pair have been made more explicit in this version. This version provides improved API support for Secure
Channel Protocols. For example, an Application has the ability to increase the security level required for a
(sequence of) individual command-response pair(s) using the GlobalPlatform API. Global Services and CVMs
A general framework for dynamic management of card-wide services is introduced whereby one or more
Global Services Applications may be present on a card to provide services to other Applications. The Global
Services Applications are distinguished by having the Global Service privilege. A new installation parameter
allows the on-card registration of service parameters. Service parameters are standardized by GlobalPlatform
and can be registered as unique on the card by Global Services Applications using the GlobalPlatform API.
GlobalPlatform API extensions allow Applications to request and, if authorized, use the services offered by
Global Services Applications.
CVM functions are devolved from the OPEN to separate CVM Applications as Global Services Applications.
Each CVM Application can handle one or multiple CVMs. GlobalPlatform API extensions allow CVM
Applications to establish whether Applications have the authority to use and/or modify CVMs. Backward
compatibility of the GlobalPlatform API is ensured for existing Applications using CVM services. Security Domains, Privileges and Hierarchies
The privileges associated with Security Domains, in particular the Issuer Security Domain, are formalized so
that access rights to Card Content Management functionality are more explicit. The Issuer Security Domain
now has an explicit set of privileges, including new privileges such as Authorized Management or Token
Verification. Other new privileges are introduced to formalize the access rights awarded to Security Domains
and Applications such as Global Registry Access, Global Lock and Global Delete.
Security Domain and Application privileges can now be modified dynamically on the card during their lifetime.
CVM identifiers are standardized by GlobalPlatform.
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Security Domains and OPEN itself can now have their Card Content Management functionality restricted
dynamically during their Life Cycle through the use of a new INSTALL command.
Security Domains can now be associated with other Security Domains and so create a hierarchy of Security
Domains. Association with Security Domains is made more systematic, so that a hierarchy of control can be
established through association and extradition. Multiple hierarchies of Security Domains can be established,
including by extraditing a Security Domain to itself and so making it the root of a new hierarchy. Access rights
of Security Domains to Card Content Management functionality are expressed in regard to their association
and hierarchy.
Card Content Management functionality has been extended to include explicit extradition of Executable Load
The Token Verification privilege and the Receipt Generation privilege have been added. On-Card APIs for Applications
A GlobalPlatform API expressed in the 'C' programming language for MULTOS™ cards is now included.
The GlobalPlatform API has been expanded and enhanced in order to support the new functionality introduced
in this version.
References to Windows Powered Smart Card, and its specific API, have been deleted from this version.
The deprecated Open Platform Java Card API has also been removed from this version. Key Management
New optional attributes for cryptographic keys are added to allow for more control, and for the partitioning of
keys with different purposes. The new attributes are key usage and key access condition.
New key types are also added to support new cryptographic algorithms. Amendment A
Amendment A to version 2.1.1 has been incorporated into this version. It comprises a set of optional
extensions in support of GlobalPlatform Systems Scripting Language Specification ([Scripting Lang]), EMV
Card Personalization Specification ([EMV Card Perso]), and ETSI Project Smart Card Platform [TS 102 225]
and [TS 102 226] specifications. Errata and Precisions
All errata and precisions published since the release of version 2.1.1 and Amendment A have been
incorporated into this version. Other Major Changes
New installation parameters are added to further card memory management and allow memory reservation.
The Get Data command can now be used to retrieve a list of Applications present on the card.
It is now possible to lock, and subsequently unlock, a Security Domain and all its associated Applications in a
single command.
It is now possible to load, install, and make selectable an Application in a single combined process.
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
1.6.5 Minor Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2.1 Errata and Precisions
All errata and precisions published since the release of version 2.2 have been incorporated into this version.
Additionally, relevant errata and precisions recorded during the development of the GlobalPlatform Card UICC
Configuration v1.0 and v1.0.1 have been incorporated into this version and the corresponding API.
The GlobalPlatform API specifications (Java Card™ and MULTOS™) have been removed from this document
and are now published separately on the GlobalPlatform website. Amendment A, Confidential Card Content Management v1.0 and its Errata and
Precision v1.0
Items from GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2 Amendment A Confidential Card Content Management
v1.0, sections 4.8 and 4.9 are applied to this revision.
1.6.6 Minor Adjustments in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3
This version incorporates a number of core features which were previously defined in Amendments to v2.2.
These modifications are intended to make GlobalPlatform specifications more usable for a wider number of
entities while maintaining backwards compatibility. Minor editing changes and rewording for readability are not
listed. Rules for Card Content Extradition
It is now forbidden to extradite an Executable Load File to a Security Domain having the DAP Verification
privilege (see section 9.4.1). DAP Verification Schemes
The DAP scheme based on AES keys as previously defined in [Amd D] is now defined in this revision. The
DAP scheme based on ECC keys as previously defined in [Amd E] is now defined in this revision. Token Verification and Receipt Generation Schemes
The token scheme based on DES keys as previously defined in [Amd A] is now defined in this revision. Token
and receipt schemes based on AES keys as previously defined in [Amd D] are now defined in this revision.
Token and receipt schemes based on ECC keys as previously defined in [Amd E] are now defined in this
revision. Key Loading
Both RSA and symmetric key loading via STORE DATA as previously defined in [Amd A] have been
incorporated into this revision.
Key loading using an AES DEK via PUT KEY or STORE DATA as previously defined in [Amd D] has been
incorporated into this revision.
ECC key loading via PUT KEY or STORE DATA as previously defined in [Amd E] has been incorporated into
this revision.
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
prohibited. Ciphered Load File ICV
Optional ICV to be used when processing a ciphered load file, as previously defined in [Amd E], has been
incorporated into this revision. Card Recognition Data and Security Domain Management Data
To cope with some historical choices, two different formats are now defined for Card Recognition Data (resp.
Security Domain Management Data). These two formats differ in the usage of tag '64' (see appendix H). It is
now recommended for off-card entities interested in such data to implement correct interpretation of both
formats. Card Capability Information
Card Capability Information as previously defined in [Amd E] has been incorporated into this revision. Security Domain Manager URL
Security Domain Manager URL as previously defined in [Amd C] has been incorporated into this revision. Specification of Command Chaining and Long TLV Values
Certificates, digital signatures, and some data fields may be too long to fit in a single command, as a result,
command and response chaining mechanisms have been specified. Clarifications to these mechanisms,
previously provided in [Amd E], are now defined in this revision.
1.6.7 Revisions in GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3.1
This maintenance release corrects issues in the previous version while maintaining full backwards
Deprecated Secure Channel Protocol '01' is removed.
Secure Channel Protocol '02' is deprecated.
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Part II
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2 System Architecture
Deploying a large number of chip cards based on dynamic, multi-application technology is not unlike deploying
a very large number of workstations in a vast, semi-connected network. These card-based workstations
support several different applications at any one time as well as allow for the possibility of updating or deleting
those applications and installing new applications at any point in time.
Figure 2-1: GlobalPlatform Architecture
Card Management
Applications Servers
Key Management
Personalization Systems
Application Development
Terminal Management
Open Standards Architecture for
Dynamic or Static Multi or Single
Application Card Schemes
Cell Phones
Set Top Boxes
The GlobalPlatform architecture is designed to provide Card Issuers with the system management architecture
for managing these smart cards. Although GlobalPlatform is based on the paradigm that there is one single
Card Issuer for a card, it offers to the Card Issuer the flexibility for managing an ever-changing array of business
partners who may want to run applications on the Card Issuers cards.
GlobalPlatform gives Card Issuers the power to manage their cards with the ultimate flexibility by enabling
them to share control over part of their card with business partners. The ultimate control always rests with the
Card Issuer, but through GlobalPlatform, the business partners of a Card Issuer can be allowed to manage
their own Applications on the Card Issuers cards as appropriate.
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3 Card Architecture
The GlobalPlatform card architecture is comprised of a number of components that ensure hardware and
vendor-neutral interfaces to Applications and off-card management systems. The following figure shows the
components in a sample card configuration which includes one or more applications from the Card Issuer; one
or more applications from one of the business partners of the Card Issuer, referred to as Application Providers;
and one or more applications providing global services (e.g. CVM services) to other applications.
Figure 3-1: GlobalPlatform Card Architecture
Security Domain
Runtime Environment
OPEN and GP Trusted Framework
Security Domain
Security Domain
Global Services
Application Provider
Card Issuer
Application Providers'
Security Domain(s)
Controlling Authorities'
Security Domain(s)
Security Domain
All applications shall be implemented in a secure runtime environment that includes a hardware-neutral
Application Programming Interface (API) to support application portability. GlobalPlatform does not mandate
a specific runtime environment technology. The Card Manager is the primary GlobalPlatform card component
that acts as the central administrator for a GlobalPlatform card. Special key and security management
applications called Security Domains are created to ensure complete separation of keys between the Card
Issuer and multiple other Security Domain providers.
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3.1 Security Domains
Security Domains act as the on-card representatives of off-card authorities. There are several types of Security
Domains, reflecting the types of off-card entities recognized by a card:
The Issuer Security Domain is the primary, mandatory on-card representative of the Card
Administrator, typically the Card Issuer.
Supplementary Security Domains are additional, optional on-card representatives of Application
Providers or the Card Issuer, or of their agents (e.g. service bureaus).
Controlling Authority Security Domains are special kinds of Supplementary Security Domains, on-card
representatives of Controlling Authorities, if any.
In the main, the above types are simply referred to as Security Domains in this Specification.
Security Domains support security services such as key handling, encryption, decryption, digital signature
generation and verification for their providers (Card Issuer, Application Provider, or Controlling Authority)
Each Security Domain is established on behalf of a Card Issuer, an Application Provider, or a Controlling
Authority when these off-card entities require the use of keys that are completely isolated from each other.
3.2 Global Services Applications
One or more Global Services Applications may be present on the card to provide services to other Applications
on the card. Examples of such services are Cardholder Verification Method services.
3.3 Runtime Environment
The GlobalPlatform is intended to run on top of any secure, multi-application card runtime environment. This
runtime environment is responsible for providing a hardware-neutral API for applications as well as a secure
storage and execution space for applications to ensure that each applications code and data can remain
separate and secure from other applications on the card. The cards runtime environment is also responsible
for providing communication services between the card and off-card entities.
Cards should comply with appropriate standards: [ISO 7816-3], [ISO 7816-4], [ISO 14443-3], and
[ISO 14443-4] in terms of announcing options supported in the ATR/ATQ such as the communications
protocol, logical channels and command chaining.
3.4 Trusted Framework
GlobalPlatform cards may contain one or more Trusted Frameworks, which provide inter-application
communication services between Applications. Trusted Frameworks are not Applications or Security Domains,
but have a special status in that they are part of or extensions of the cards run-time environment. They should
be assessed for security similarly to the runtime environment’s security assessment. See Appendix G, Trusted
Framework Inter-Application Communication, for further details.
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3.5 GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN)
The main responsibilities of the GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN) are to provide an API to applications,
command dispatch, Application selection, (optional) logical channel management, and Card Content
management. These functions shall be implemented by the OPEN if the runtime environment does not provide
them, or if they are provided by the runtime environment in a way that is not compliant with this Specification.
The OPEN performs the application code loading and related Card Content management and memory
The OPEN also manages the installation of applications loaded to the card. The OPEN is responsible for
enforcing security principles defined for Card Content management.
Another important function provided by the OPEN is APDU command dispatching and Application selection.
When a SELECT command is successfully processed, the OPEN sets the Application referenced in the
SELECT command to be the selected Application and subsequent Application commands shall be dispatched
to the selected Application.
The availability of logical channels introduces an additional dimension to the card’s architecture as multiple
Applications may be selected concurrently. The OPEN shall rely on the runtime environment to control whether
and when an individual Application can be selected concurrently with itself or another Application. When
supporting logical channels, the OPEN shall allow for Applications that have no notion of logical channels as
well as those that are multi-selectable. Support of logical channels is optional. Cards may support one or more
(up to 19 according to [ISO 7816-4]) Supplementary Logical Channels.
The OPEN owns and uses an internal GlobalPlatform Registry as an information resource for Card Content
management. The GlobalPlatform Registry contains information for managing the card, Executable Load Files,
Applications, Security Domain associations, and privileges.
3.6 GlobalPlatform API
The GlobalPlatform API provides services to Applications (e.g. Cardholder verification, personalization, or
security services). It also provides Card Content management services (e.g. card locking or Application Life
Cycle State update) to Applications.
For the specification of the API on a Java Card™, see section A.1.
For the specification of the API on a MULTOS™ card, see section A.2.
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3.7 Card Content
All Card Content, as defined in this specification, is first available on the card in the form of an Executable
Load File. An Executable Load File can either exist in:
Immutable Persistent Memory in which case it is loaded during the manufacturing stage and cannot be
altered (except being disabled); or
Mutable Persistent Memory in which case it can be loaded, or removed during Pre-Issuance or
Each Executable Load File may contain one or multiple Executable Modules, being application code. The
installation of an Application creates an instance from an Executable Module plus possibly Application data
within Mutable Persistent Memory. Any Application instance and its related data can be removed. A
GlobalPlatform card is intended to support multiple Executable Load Files and multiple Executable Modules
and as such multiple Applications may co-exist on a GlobalPlatform card. Note that the foregoing description
assumes that Executable Modules will be present in the Executable Load File; however, their presence is
optional and depends on the requirements of the Runtime Environment.
The following figure represents the relationship between an Executable Load File, an Executable Module (in
the case where Executable Modules are present) and an Application.
Figure 3-2: Card Content Relationships
Mutable Persistent Memory
Executable Load File present in
Immutable Persistent Memory
or loaded into Mutable
Persistent Memory
Executable Module
Executable Module Application instance
Application instance
3.8 Card Manager
The Card Manager, as the central administrator of the card, assumes multiple responsibilities.
The Card Manager can be viewed as three entities:
The GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN)
The Issuer Security Domain
Cardholder Verification Method Services
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4 Security Architecture
Well-designed security architectures are crucial to protecting the structure and function of cards within the
GlobalPlatform system.
This chapter outlines:
The security goals behind the architecture
The specific responsibilities of the Card Issuer as the owner of the card
The Application Providers as the owners of the Applications
The Controlling Authority
The security requirements for the on-card components
The cryptographic support provided by GlobalPlatform
4.1 Goals
The primary goal of the GlobalPlatform is to ensure the security and integrity of the cards components for the
life of the card. These components are:
The runtime environment
The Issuer Security Domain
Supplementary Security Domains
The Applications
To ensure card security and integrity, the GlobalPlatform is designed to support a range of secure mechanisms
Data integrity
Resource availability
The choice of security policy and cryptography is assumed to be industry and product specific.
Because the cards are only part of a larger card system involving multiple parties and off-card components,
the GlobalPlatform also relies upon non-cryptographic, procedural means of protection, such as code testing
and verification, physical security, and secure key handling. However, these aspects are out of scope for this
card specification.
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4.2 Security Responsibilities and Requirements
4.2.1 Card Issuers Security Responsibilities
The Card Issuer is responsible for:
Generating and loading the Issuer Security Domain keys
Enforcing standards and policies for Application Providers governing all aspects of Applications to be
provided to the Card Issuer or operated on the Card Issuers cards
Working with Application Providers to create and initialize Security Domains other than the Issuer
Security Domain
Determining policy with regards to card and Application Life Cycle management, velocity checking
levels, privileges, and other security parameters
Managing the application code loading and installing both on a Pre-Issuance and Post-Issuance basis
Cryptographically authorizing load, install, and extradition to be performed by Application Providers
4.2.2 Application Providers Security Responsibilities
The Application Provider is responsible for:
Generating the keys for its own Security Domains or obtaining Security Domain keys from a trusted
third party
Working with the Card Issuer to load generated keys into the Application Providers Security Domain
Providing applications that meet the Card Issuers security standards and policies
Providing load file data block signatures according to its own security policy for integrity and source
Obtaining pre-authorization for load, install, and extradition from the Card Issuer
Returning receipts for load, install, delete, and extradition, according to the Card Issuers policy
4.2.3 Controlling Authoritys Security Responsibilities
A Controlling Authority is responsible for:
Generating the keys for its own Security Domain or obtaining Security Domain keys from a trusted
third party
Working with the Card Issuer to load generated keys into the Controlling Authoritys Security Domain
Providing signatures and/or certificates to other off-card entities according to its own security policy
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4.2.4 On-Card Components Security Requirements Runtime Environment Security Requirements
The runtime environment is responsible for:
Providing an interface to all Applications that ensures that the runtime environment security
mechanisms cannot be bypassed, deactivated, corrupted, or otherwise circumvented
Performing secure memory management to ensure that:
o Each applications code and data (including transient session data) as well as the runtime
environment itself and its data (including transient session data) is protected from unauthorized
access from within the card.
o When more than one logical channel is supported, each concurrently selected Applications code
and data (including transient session data) as well as the runtime environment itself and its data
(including transient session data) is protected from unauthorized access from within the card.
o The previous content of the memory is not accessible when that memory is reused.
o The memory recovery process is secure and consistent in case of a loss of power or withdrawal of
the card from the card reader while an operation is in progress.
Providing communication services with off-card entities that ensures the proper transmission
(according to the specific communication protocol rules) of unaltered command and response
(See the appropriate runtime environment documentation for more details). Trusted Framework Requirements
Each Trusted Framework present on the card shall:
Check the application access rules of the inter-acting Applications according to their respective
Enforce the Trusted Framework security rules for inter-application communication, including the rules;
defined in Appendix G.
Ensure that incoming messages are properly routed unaltered to their intended destinations.
Ensure that any response messages are properly returned unaltered (except for any cryptographic
protection) to the original receiver of the incoming message. OPEN Security Requirements
The OPEN shall:
Provide an interface to all Applications that ensures that the GlobalPlatform security mechanism
cannot be bypassed, deactivated, corrupted, or otherwise circumvented.
Check application access rules according to the Applications privileges.
Manage card and Application Life Cycle (see Chapter 5, Life Cycle Models).
Ensure that the Card Content changes are authorized by the Card Issuer.
Ensure that application code has been signed by the Verification Authority represented on the card (if
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Ensure that application code has been signed by Application Providers represented on the card, if
required. Security Domain Security Requirements
Security Domains enforce the security policies of their off-card Security Domain Provider.
When applicable a Security Domain shall:
Communicate with off-card entities in accordance with its Security Domain Providers security policy in
Pre-Issuance and Post-Issuance.
Manage on-card data securely.
Provide cryptographic protection services for its own Applications during their personalization and
optionally during their subsequent operation.
Request the OPEN to load, install, extradite, and delete card content.
Return to the off-card entity any receipt for load, install, extradition, and delete.
Verify the authorization for Card Content changes initiated by an off-card authority.
Generate receipts for load, install, extradition, and delete.
Verify the load file data block signature when requested by the OPEN. Global Services Application Security Requirements
A Global Services Application shall:
Be able to provide services to other Applications, such as CVM services.
Hold the Global Services application-related data securely.
Perform internal security measures as required by the service. Application Security Requirements
Applications should:
Expose only data and resources that are necessary for proper application functionality.
Perform internal security measures required by the Application Provider.
4.2.5 Back-End System Security Requirements
Despite the best efforts of the card and the loading processes to provide a stable and secure environment,
these components alone cannot ensure total security. The back-end systems (multiple back-end systems may
exist for a single card), which communicate with the cards, perform the verifications, and manage the off-card
key databases, also shall be trusted. Responsible personnel, secure operating systems, system security
policies, and audit procedures are all essential components that secure the back-end systems. These
requirements are beyond the scope of this Specification. Information on GlobalPlatforms off-card requirements
relating to card management can be found in the GlobalPlatform Key Management System Functional
Requirements ([KMS Req]), GlobalPlatform Smart Card Management System Functional Requirements
([SCMS Req]), and GlobalPlatform Messaging Specification ([Messaging]).
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4.3 Cryptographic Support
One of the major requirements for a GlobalPlatform card is the ability to provide a minimum level of
cryptographic functionality. This cryptography is, for example, used for the generation of signatures, and is
available for use by the Applications present on the card.
The Issuer Security Domain shall implement one Secure Channel Protocol. A Security Domain other than the
Issuer Security Domain shall implement [at least] one Secure Channel Protocol. A GlobalPlatform card should
support symmetric cryptography such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm or the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. A GlobalPlatform card may also support asymmetric cryptography such
as the Rivest / Shamir / Adleman (RSA) algorithm or Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
The following cryptographic services are described in this section:
Integrity and authentication
Secure messaging
When present, services to encrypt and decrypt any pattern of data using these algorithms shall be available
to Applications.
It is the responsibility of the Card Issuer and/or Controlling Authorities to set up the appropriate off-card
procedures to comply with the governmental restrictions upon cryptography. Features to disable or restrict
cryptography usage by Applications on a card are beyond the scope of this Specification.
4.3.1 Secure Card Content Management
The concepts of integrity and authentication represent an additional value associated with a message or a
block of data.
The purpose of this additional value is to provide a method of verifying the source and/or the integrity of
particular block of code or data.
The following describes the different usages of integrity and authentication for Card Content management in
this Specification. Load File Data Block Hash
The Load File Data Block Hash is intended to verify the integrity of a complete Load File Data Block when
loaded to a GlobalPlatform card.
The Load File Data Block Hash is used in the computation of:
The Load File Data Block Signature (see section, Load File Data Block Signature (DAP))
The Load Token (see section, Delegated Management Tokens) Load File Data Block Signature (DAP)
The Load File Data Block Signature is an authentication value generated by an off-card entity (an Application
Provider or a Verification Authority). This is the signature of the Load File Data Block Hash and is included in
the DAP Block of the Load File. One or more DAP Blocks may be included in a Load File.
When present during the loading of a Load File to the card, each signature shall be verified by the appropriate
Security Domain. The verification operation is referred to as Data Authentication Pattern (DAP) Verification.
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prohibited. Delegated Management Tokens
Delegated Management Tokens are signatures of one or more Delegated Management functions (loading,
installing, extraditing and deleting) generated by the Card Issuer and used to provide the Card Issuer the
control over these Card Content changes. Tokens shall be verified by the appropriate Security Domain. Receipts
The appropriate Security Domain may generate Receipts during Delegated Management. A Receipt is proof
that an Application Provider has modified the Card Content.
4.3.2 Secure Communication
A GlobalPlatform card may provide security services related to information exchanged between the card and
an off-card entity. The security level of the communication with an off-card entity does not necessarily apply to
each individual message being transmitted but can only apply to the environment and/or context in which
messages are transmitted. The concept of the Life Cycle of the card (see section 5.1, Card Life Cycle) may be
used to determine the security level of the communication between the card and an off-card entity.
The choice of cryptographic algorithms for secure communication is assumed to be industry and product
A GlobalPlatform card offers the following security services associated with messages and defined within a
Secure Channel Protocol (see Chapter 10, Secure Communication):
Entity authentication In which the card or the off-card entity proves its authenticity to the other
entity through a cryptographic exchange
Integrity and authentication In which the receiving entity (the card or off-card entity) ensures that
the data being received from the sending entity (respectively the off-card entity or card) actually came
from an authenticated entity in the correct sequence and has not been altered
Confidentiality In which data being transmitted from the sending entity (the off-card entity or card)
to the receiving entity (respectively the card or off-card entity) is not viewable by an unauthenticated
Authentication of the off-card entity combined with the card Life Cycle State allows the card to assume its
environment and/or context.
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Part III
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5 Life Cycle Models
The GlobalPlatform defines Life Cycle models to control the functionality and security of the following
GlobalPlatform components:
Executable Load Files
Executable Modules
Security Domains
The OPEN owns and maintains the Life Cycle information within the GlobalPlatform Registry and manages
the requested state transitions.
The Life Cycle models of each component are presented in this chapter.
5.1 Card Life Cycle
The OPEN is responsible for maintaining the overall security and administration of the card and its content. As
the OPEN plays this supervisory role over the entire card, its life cycle can be thought of as the life cycle of the
card and is referred to as the card Life Cycle in the subsequent sections.
From a GlobalPlatform perspective, the card Life Cycle begins with the state OP_READY. Although a cards
life includes activities prior to the initial card Life Cycle State, these activities are considered card
implementation specific and are beyond the scope of this Specification.
The end of the card Life Cycle is the state TERMINATED.
The Issuer Security Domain inherits the card Life Cycle State.
5.1.1 Card Life Cycle States
The following card Life Cycle States shall apply:
The card Life Cycle States OP_READY and INITIALIZED are intended for use during the Pre-Issuance phases
of the card’s life.
The states SECURED, CARD_LOCKED, and TERMINATED are intended for use during the Post-Issuance
phase of the card although it is possible to terminate the card at any point during its life.
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prohibited. Card Life Cycle State OP_READY
The state OP_READY indicates that the runtime environment shall be available and the Issuer Security
Domain, acting as the selected Application, shall be ready to receive, execute and respond to APDU
The following functionality shall be present when the card is in the state OP_READY:
The runtime environment shall be ready for execution.
The OPEN shall be ready for execution.
The Issuer Security Domain shall be the implicitly selected Application for all card interfaces.
Executable Load Files that were included in Immutable Persistent Memory shall be registered in the
GlobalPlatform Registry.
An initial key shall be available within the Issuer Security Domain.
The card shall be capable of Card Content changes, the loading of the Load Files containing applications not
already present in the card may occur.
The installation, from Executable Load Files, of any Application may occur.
Additionally, if any personalization information is available at this stage, Applications may be personalized.
The OP_READY state may be used by an off-card entity to perform the following actions:
Supplementary Security Domains may be loaded and/or installed.
The Security Domain keys may be inserted in order to maintain a cryptographic key separation from
the Issuer Security Domain keys. Card Life Cycle State INITIALIZED
The state INITIALIZED is an administrative card production state. The state transition from OP_READY to
INITIALIZED is irreversible. Its functionality is beyond the scope of this Specification. This state may be used
to indicate that some initial data has been populated (e.g. Issuer Security Domain keys and/or data) but that
the card is not yet ready to be issued to the Cardholder. Card Life Cycle State SECURED
The state SECURED is the intended operating card Life Cycle State in Post-Issuance. This state may be used
by Security Domains and Applications to enforce their respective security policies. The state transition from
INITIALIZED to SECURED is irreversible.
The SECURED state should be used to indicate to off-card entities that the Issuer Security Domain contains
all necessary keys and security elements for full functionality.
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prohibited. Card Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED
The card Life Cycle state CARD_LOCKED is present to provide the capability to disable the selection of
Security Domain and Applications. The card Life Cycle state transition from SECURED to CARD_LOCKED is
Setting the card to this state means that the card shall only allow selection of the application with the Final
Application privilege.
Card Content changes including any type of data management (specifically Security Domain keys and data)
are not allowed in this state.
Either the OPEN, or a Security Domain with Card Lock privilege, or an Application with Card Lock privilege
(see section 6.6, Privileges), may initiate the transition from the state SECURED to the state CARD_LOCKED. Card Life Cycle State TERMINATED
The state TERMINATED signals the end of the card Life Cycle and the card. The state transition from any
other state to TERMINATED is irreversible.
The state TERMINATED shall be used to permanently disable all card functionality with respect to any card
content management and any life cycle changes. This card state is intended as a mechanism for an Application
to logically destroy the card for such reasons as the detection of a severe security threat or expiration of the
card. If a Security Domain has the Final Application privilege only the GET DATA command shall be processed,
all other commands defined in this specification shall be disabled and shall return an error. If an application
has the Final Application privilege its command processing is subject to issuer policy.
The OPEN itself, or a Security Domain with Card Terminate privilege, or an Application with Card Terminate
privilege (see section 6.6, Privileges), may initiate the transition from any of the previous states to the state
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5.1.2 Card Life Cycle State Transitions
The following figure illustrates the state transition diagram for the card Life Cycle. This can typically be viewed
as a sequential process with certain possibilities for reversing a state transition or skipping states.
Figure 5-1: Card Life Cycle State Transitions
Privileged Security Domain
Privileged Application
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5.2 Executable Load File/ Executable Module Life Cycle
An Executable Load File is the actual on-card container of one or more applications executable code
(Executable Modules). It may reside in Immutable Persistent Memory or may be created in Mutable Persistent
Memory as the resulting image of a Load File Data Block. The format in which the Executable Load File is
stored on the card is beyond the scope of this Specification.
The OPEN owns and maintains the Executable Load File Life Cycle information within the GlobalPlatform
5.2.1 Executable Load File Life Cycle
The Executable Load File Life Cycle can only have one state. Executable Load Life Cycle LOADED
The OPEN shall consider all Executable Load Files present in the card in Immutable Persistent Memory or
Mutable Persistent Memory to be in the state LOADED. An Executable Load File transferred to the card
through a Load File shall become an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry following the successful completion
of the load process. Executable Load Files present in Immutable Persistent Memory shall automatically have
entries within the GlobalPlatform Registry and initially be associated with the Issuers Security Domain. Executable Load File Deletion
The OPEN may receive a request to delete an Executable Load File. If the Executable Load File cannot be
physically deleted (e.g., because it is stored in Immutable Persistent Memory), the following behavior shall
apply except that the actual space cannot be reclaimed.
The space previously used to store a physically deleted Executable Load File is reclaimed and may be reused.
The entries within the GlobalPlatform Registry of the Executable Load File and each Executable Module within
the Executable Load File shall no longer be available, and the OPEN is not required to maintain a record of
the deleted Executable Load Files or Executable Modules previous existence.
If the received request is also intended to delete each of the Applications instantiated from the Executable
Modules within this Executable Load File, then for each of these Applications the behavior described in
section, Application Deletion, or section, Security Domain Deletion, shall occur.
5.2.2 Executable Module Life Cycle
The Executable Module Life Cycle is linked to the Executable Load File Life Cycle.
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5.3 Application and Security Domain Life Cycle
The Life Cycle of the Application or Security Domain begins when the application is instantiated from an
Executable Module. The Life Cycle reflects states that are controlled by the OPEN and states that are
controlled directly by the Application.
The Application becomes an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry and the OPEN sets the Application Life Cycle
State to the initial state of INSTALLED during the Application installation process. The OPEN is also
responsible for making the Application available for selection by setting its Life Cycle State to SELECTABLE
upon request during the Application installation process.
Once an Application or Security Domain is available for selection, it takes control of managing its own Life
Cycle. The definition of these state transitions is Application or Security Domain dependent and not controlled
by the OPEN.
At any point in the Application or Security Domain Life Cycle, the OPEN may take control for security protection
by setting the Life Cycle State to LOCKED. The OPEN also controls the deletion of an Application from the
5.3.1 Application Life Cycle States
This Specification defines the following Application Life Cycle States:
In addition to these Application Life Cycle States, the Application may define its own Application dependent
Once the Application reaches the SELECTABLE state, it is responsible for managing the next steps of its own
Life Cycle. It may use any Application specific states as long as these do not conflict with the states already
defined by GlobalPlatform. The OPEN may not perform these transitions without instruction from the
Application and the Application is responsible for defining state transitions and ensuring that these transitioning
rules are respected. Application Life Cycle State INSTALLED
The state INSTALLED means that the Application executable code has been properly linked and that any
necessary memory allocation has taken place. The Application becomes an entry in the GlobalPlatform
Registry and this entry is accessible to off-card entities authenticated by the associated Security Domain. The
Application is not yet selectable. The installation process is not intended to incorporate personalization of the
Application, which may occur as a separate step. Application Life Cycle State SELECTABLE
The state SELECTABLE means that the Application is able to receive commands from off-card entities. The
state transition from INSTALLED to SELECTABLE is irreversible. The Application shall be properly installed
and functional before it may be set to the state SELECTABLE. The transition to SELECTABLE may be
combined with the Application installation process.
The behavior of the Application in the state SELECTABLE is beyond the scope of this Specification.
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prohibited. Application Life Cycle State LOCKED
The OPEN, the Application itself, the Applications associated Security Domain, an Application with the Global
Lock privilege, or a Security Domain with the Global Lock privilege uses the state LOCKED as a security
management control to prevent the selection, and therefore the execution, of the Application.
If the OPEN detects a threat from within the card and determines that the threat is associated with a particular
Application, that Application may be prevented from further selection by the OPEN setting the state to
Alternatively, the off-card entity may determine that a particular Application on the card needs to be locked for
a business or security reason and may initiate the Application Life Cycle transition via the OPEN.
Once the state is LOCKED, only the Applications associated Security Domain, an Application with Global Lock
privilege or a Security Domain with Global Lock privilege is allowed to unlock the Application. The OPEN shall
ensure that the Application Life Cycle returns to its previous state. Application Deletion
At any point in the Application Life Cycle, the OPEN may receive a request to delete an Application.
The space previously used to store a physically deleted Application is reclaimed and may be reused. The entry
within the GlobalPlatform Registry shall no longer be available, and the OPEN is not required to maintain a
record of the deleted Applications previous existence. Application Specific Life Cycle States
These states are Application specific. The behavior of the Application, while in these states, is determined by
the Application itself and is beyond the scope of this Specification. The OPEN does not enforce any control on
Application specific Life Cycle State transitions.
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prohibited. Application Life Cycle State Transitions
The following figure illustrates the state transition diagram for the Application Life Cycle. This can typically be
viewed as a sequential process with certain possibilities for reversing a state transition or skipping states.
Figure 5-2: Application Life Cycle State Transitions
Application specific states
LOCKED from application
specific state
1. A Security Domain with Authorized Management privilege
2. A Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege
5. The Application itself
3. The associated Security Domain
4. A Security Domain or Application with Global Lock privilege
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5.3.2 Security Domain Life Cycle States
This Specification defines the following states applicable to a Security Domain:
There are no proprietary Security Domain Life Cycle States. Security Domain Life Cycle State INSTALLED
The state INSTALLED means that the Security Domain becomes an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry and
this entry is accessible to off-card entities authenticated by the associated Security Domain. The Security
Domain is not yet available for selection. It cannot be associated with Executable Load Files or Applications
yet and therefore its Security Domain services are not available to Applications. Security Domain Life Cycle State SELECTABLE
The state SELECTABLE means that the Security Domain is able to receive commands (specifically
personalization commands) from off-card entities. As they still do not have keys, the Security Domains cannot
be associated with Executable Load Files or Applications and therefore their services are not available to
Applications when they are in this state. The state transition from INSTALLED to SELECTABLE is irreversible.
The transition to SELECTABLE may be combined with the Security Domain installation process. Security Domain Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED
The definition of what is required for a Security Domain to transition to the state PERSONALIZED is Security
Domain dependent but is intended to indicate that the Security Domain has all the necessary personalization
data and keys for full runtime functionality (i.e. usable in its intended environment). The transition from
SELECTABLE to PERSONALIZED (initiated by the Security Domain itself) is irreversible.
In the state PERSONALIZED, the Security Domain may be associated with Applications and its services
become available to these associated Applications.
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prohibited. Security Domain Life Cycle State LOCKED
The OPEN, the Security Domain itself, the Security Domains associated Security Domain (if any), an
Application with the Global Lock privilege or a Security Domain with the Global Lock privilege uses the state
LOCKED as a security management control to prevent the selection of the Security Domain.
If the OPEN detects a threat from within the card and determines that the threat is associated with a particular
Security Domain, that Security Domain may be prevented from further selection by the OPEN setting the
Security Domains Life Cycle State to LOCKED.
Alternatively, the off-card entity may determine that a particular Security Domain on the card needs to be
locked for a business or security reason and may initiate the state transition via the OPEN.
In this state, the Security Domain is prevented from being used for Delegated Management if applicable.
Locking a Security Domain prevents this Security Domain from being associated with new Executable Load
Files or Applications. In this state DAP verification, extradition and access to that Security Domains services
shall fail. In summary, if a Security Domain is in the lifecycle state LOCKED, it shall reject all received
Once the Life Cycle State is LOCKED, only the Security Domains associated Security Domain (if any), an
Application with Global Lock privilege or a Security Domain with Global Lock privilege is allowed to unlock the
Security Domain. The OPEN shall ensure that the Security Domains Life Cycle returns to its previous state. Security Domain Deletion
At any point in the Security Domain Life Cycle, the OPEN may receive a request to delete a Security Domain.
The space previously used to store a physically deleted Security Domain is reclaimed and may be reused. The
entry within the GlobalPlatform Registry shall no longer be available, and the OPEN is not required to maintain
a record of the deleted Security Domains previous existence.
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prohibited. Security Domain Life Cycle State Transitions
The following figure illustrates the state transition diagram for the Security Domain Life Cycle. This can typically
be viewed as a sequential process with certain possibilities for reversing a state transition or skipping states.
Figure 5-3: Security Domain Life Cycle State Transitions
1. A Security Domain with Authorized Management
2. A Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege
5. The Security Domain itself
3. The associated Security Domain
4. A Security Domain or Application with Global Lock privilege
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5.4 Sample Life Cycle Illustration
This section provides a description of a sample GlobalPlatform card and its Life Cycle transitions from the
cards creation to the time it is terminated. It also shows the status of several Executable Load Files, Executable
Modules, and Applications and their relationship with the card Life Cycle. Figure 5-4 illustrates these sample
Life Cycle States:
Application A: Application code is present as an Executable Module within an Executable Load File in Mutable
Persistent Memory when the card is manufactured. It is installed in an implementation specific manner. It is
used throughout the cards life until the card is terminated and as long as the card is not in a CARD_LOCKED
Application B: Application code is present as an Executable Module within an Executable Load File in
Immutable Persistent Memory when the chip is manufactured. It is installed prior to the card being initialized.
Application B, along with its Executable Load File, is deleted some time during the cards life before the card
is terminated. Because the Executable Load File for Application B is stored in Immutable Persistent Memory,
it cannot be physically deleted from the card.
Application C: Application code is present as an Executable Module within an Executable Load File and is
loaded in an implementation specific manner. The Application is installed in Post-Issuance while the card is in
the Life Cycle State SECURED. The Application is used for some time and then deleted along with its
Executable Load File before the card is terminated. Because the Application and its Executable Load File are
stored in Mutable Persistent Memory, the Application and associated Executable Load File, along with all its
Executable Modules, are purged from Mutable Persistent Memory and the memory space reclaimed for reuse.
Application D: Application code is present as an Executable Module within an Executable Load File and is
loaded in an implementation specific manner. It is used during the full lifetime of the card until the card is
terminated and as long as the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED.
Application E: Application code is present as an Executable Module within an Executable Load File that is
loaded and installed in Post-Issuance while in the card Life Cycle State SECURED. Application E is used until
the card is terminated and as long as the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED.
Application F: Application code is present as an Executable Module within the same Executable Load File as
Application E. It is loaded and installed in Post-Issuance while in the card Life Cycle State SECURED.
Application F is deleted some time during the cards lifetime.
Note that the following diagram is not intended to be a comprehensive description of what is permitted in each
card Life Cycle State.
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Figure 5-4: Sample Card Life Cycle and Application Life Cycles
Application A
Application B
Application D
use Application A
use Application B
Application C
use Application C
Application F
use Application F
use Application D
Application E
use Application E
Applications D and E
Application A
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6 GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN)
6.1 Overview
The GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN) supports the following functions if the underlying runtime
environment does not support them:
Command Dispatch
Application and Security Domain selection
(Optional) Logical channel management
Command dispatching
Card Content Management
Content verification
Content loading
Content installation
Content removal
Access control rules for card content management
Security Management
Security Domain locking and unlocking
Application locking and unlocking
Card locking and unlocking
Card termination
Privilege usage
Security Domain privilege usage
Tracing and event logging
GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework
Secure inter-application communication
The OPEN architecture may be illustrated as a collection of system functions built upon a GlobalPlatform
Registry. The GlobalPlatform Registry is a data store required to support the various system functions of the
The following are some examples of the use of the GlobalPlatform Registry by the OPEN.
Command Dispatch:
Determine if an Application or Security Domain is present and available to respond to a SELECT
When supported, manage logical channels.
Dispatch commands to the selected Application for command processing.
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Card Content Management:
Store state and management information about newly loaded Executable Load Files, Executable
Modules, and installed Applications.
Store the Security Domain to be associated with Executable Load Files being loaded.
Store the privileges and associated Security Domains of the Applications being installed.
Identify an Applications associated Security Domain to provide access for that Application to its
Security Domain services.
Security Management:
Allow the audit of Card Content by retrieving status information related to any Application present on
the card.
Verify the integrity and request verification of the authenticity for Executable Load Files.
Verify that resource restrictions are respected during loading and installing of new content and during
Application runtime execution.
Verify an Applications or a Security Domains accessibility to functionality that requires privileges.
6.2 OPEN Services
Section A.1, GlobalPlatform on a Java Card, provides the Java Card™ implementation of the following
Section A.2, GlobalPlatform on MULTOS, provides the MULTOS™ implementation of the following
Applications and Security Domains may access and/or modify some content known or managed by the OPEN.
Depending on the relevant privileges of the requesting entity, the following services shall be provided by the
Retrieving the Applications own Life Cycle State stored by the OPEN in the GlobalPlatform Registry
Retrieving the card Life Cycle State
Obtaining access to the services of the Security Domain associated with the Application
Transitioning the card Life Cycle State to CARD_LOCKED
For contact cards according to [ISO 7816-4] and for contactless cards Type A according to
[ISO 14443-3], setting the content of the historical bytes
Transitioning the Applications own Application Life Cycle State stored by the OPEN in the
GlobalPlatform Registry
Transitioning the card Life Cycle State to TERMINATED
Obtaining access to GlobalPlatform Registry information
Obtaining access to Global Services Applications
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6.3 Command Dispatch
The commands received by a GlobalPlatform card shall be processed by the OPEN or dispatched to the
selected Application for processing.
The SELECT [by name] command is processed by the OPEN.
One option of making the Issuer Security Domain the selected Application, is to specify its AID in a SELECT
command with the [first or only occurrence] option set. As another option for making the Issuer Security Domain
the selected Application, the SELECT command could contain no data in which case the AID of the Issuer
Security Domain would be discovered by the off-card entity in the response to the SELECT command.
The processing of the MANAGE CHANNEL command is dependent on the capabilities of the card:
If the card is aware of logical channels but only supports the Basic Logical Channel, the OPEN shall
respond with the appropriate error.
If the card is aware of logical channels and supports at least one Supplementary Logical Channel, the
OPEN shall process the command.
If the card only supports the Basic Logical Channel and has no concept of logical channel support, the
command shall be dispatched to the selected Application for processing.
Any other type of command received shall be dispatched to the currently selected Application.
Commands are either received on the Basic Logical Channel (logical channel number zero) or on a
Supplementary Logical Channel (logical channel number other than zero). In compliance with [ISO 7816-4],
logical channel information shall be indicated in the class byte of the APDU command header. For all
commands, if the command indicates a Supplementary Logical Channel that is not opened then:
If the card only supports the Basic Logical Channel and has no concept of logical channel support, the
command shall be dispatched to the selected Application for processing.
If the card is aware of logical channels, the OPEN shall respond with the appropriate error. (This
requirement may exclude the SELECT command, if the card supports opening of a logical channel
using the SELECT command.)
For commands that are dispatched to an Application, it is the responsibility of the Application to correctly reject
commands that it does not recognize, expect or cannot process.
The way in which an Application exhibits its multi-selection capabilities can vary according to the underlying
platform and is beyond the scope of this Specification.
The Issuer Security Domain shall have no multi-selection restrictions on cards that support multiple logical
channels; i.e. it shall be capable of being selected across multiple logical channels.
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6.4 Logical Channels and Application Selection
6.4.1 Implicit Selection Assignment
The following rules apply to the assignment of implicit selection to an Application:
The Issuer Security Domain is by default the implicitly selectable Application on all logical channels of
all card I/O interfaces supported by the card. Implicit selection on a specific logical channel of a
specific card I/O interface may be assigned only if the Issuer Security Domain is the implicitly
selectable Application on that logical channel of that card I/O interface and no other Locked
Application is registered as implicitly selectable for the same logical channel and card I/O interface
(see section 9.6.2, Application Locking and Unlocking).
An Application installed or made selectable with a specific Implicit Selection parameter is registered in
the GlobalPlatform Registry as the implicitly selectable Application on the logical channel(s) of the
card I/O interface(s) indicated in the parameter if no other Application (other than the Issuer Security
Domain) is already registered as implicitly selectable on that logical channel(s) of that card I/O
An Application installed and made selectable with the Card Reset privilege and without Implicit
Selection parameter is registered in the GlobalPlatform Registry as the implicitly selectable Application
on the Basic Logical Channel for all card I/O interfaces supported by the card if no other Application
(other than the Issuer Security Domain) is already registered as implicitly selectable on the Basic
Logical Channel of any card I/O interface.
If an Application implicitly selectable on specific logical channel(s) of specific card I/O interface(s) is
deleted, the Issuer Security Domain becomes the implicitly selectable Application on that logical
channel(s) of that card I/O interface(s).
The OPEN shall use the implicit selection registration of each Application for controlling the following runtime
behavioral requirements:
Identifying the Application which is implicitly selectable on the Basic Logical Channel of the current
card I/O interface during the card reset or activation sequence
Identifying the Application which is implicitly selectable when opening on the current card I/O interface
a new Supplementary Logical Channel from the Basic Logical Channel
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6.4.2 Basic Logical Channel
The Basic Logical Channel is the permanently available interface to a GlobalPlatform card. This Basic Logical
Channel shall be supported by the OPEN. Application Selection on Basic Logical Channel
The OPEN shall support Application selection on the Basic Logical Channel via two processes:
Implicit Selection following the card reset (see [ISO 7816-3] for contact cards) or activation sequence
(see [ISO 14443-3] for contactless cards)
Explicit Selection through the SELECT [by name] command
The OPEN may also support additional selection processes.
Partial AID selection as defined in section, Explicit Selection on Basic Logical Channel, shall be
supported. (Partial AID selection does not require knowledge of the full AID by the off-card entity.) As multiple
Applications on the card may have the same partial AID, it is required that a method exists to select all
Applications matching the partial AID. Implicit Selection on Basic Logical Channel
Once the card session has been established (for contact cards according to [ISO 7816-4] after Answer-to-
Reset, or after the activation sequence for contactless cards according to [ISO 14443-3]), and before the first
command is issued to the card, the Application defined as implicitly selectable on the Basic Logical Channel
and for that card I/O interface shall become the selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel for that card
I/O interface.
Runtime Behavior
The following requirements apply for the OPEN for the implicit Application selection process:
If the card is in the Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED, the Application with the Final
Application privilege is the selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel and the OPEN shall not
attempt to identify the implicitly selectable Application.
In all other cases the OPEN shall search the GlobalPlatform Registry for an Application that is marked
as implicitly selectable on the Basic Logical Channel for the current card I/O interface (e.g. contact or
contactless), and if this Application is not in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, it shall become the selected
Application on the Basic Logical Channel. If this is an Application in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, the
Application with the Final Application privilege shall become the selected Application on the Basic
Logical Channel. Explicit Selection on Basic Logical Channel
At any time during a Card Session the OPEN may receive a request to select an Application on the Basic
Logical Channel (SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] command). The OPEN shall determine if the
requested AID matches or partially matches an entry within the GlobalPlatform Registry and whether this entry
is selectable.
At any time during a Card Session that has already contained a SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence]
command, the OPEN may receive a request to select a next Application (SELECT [by name] [next occurrence]
command) on the Basic Logical Channel. The OPEN shall determine if the requested AID matches or partially
matches another entry within the GlobalPlatform Registry and whether this entry is selectable.
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For both the SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] command and the SELECT [by name] [next
occurrence] command, an Application becomes the selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel if all of
the following are true:
The requested AID matches (fully or partially) the Applications AID.
The Application being selected is in the correct Life Cycle State.
The Application has no restrictions due to multi-selection, and supports the current card interface.
Runtime Behavior
The following requirements apply to the OPEN in the explicit Application selection (SELECT [by name])
process on the Basic Logical Channel (This behavior does not apply if the card Life Cycle State is
In the card Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED:
o If the Application being selected has the Final Application privilege, this Application is re-selected
and a warning is returned to the off-card entity.
o If any other Application is being selected, the Application with the Final Application privilege
remains selected and an error is returned to the off- card entity.
If a SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] or SELECT [by name] [next occurrence] is received
and the data field of the command message is not present, the Issuer Security Domain shall become
the currently selected Application and the SELECT command is dispatched to the Issuer Security
If a SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] is received, the search always begins from the start of
the GlobalPlatform Registry.
If a SELECT [by name] [next occurrence] is received, the search always begins from the entry
following the currently selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel in the GlobalPlatform
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is in the Life Cycle State INSTALLED, continue
searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial match. If no subsequent
full or partial match is found, the OPEN shall return the appropriate error to the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, continue
searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial match. In the eventuality
that this locked Application is already currently selected on the Basic Logical Channel, the OPEN shall
terminate this Application Session. If no subsequent full or partial match is found, the OPEN shall
return the appropriate error to the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application cannot be selected due to a multi-selection
restriction or because the Application refuses selection (e.g. because it does not support the current
card interface), continue searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial
match. If no subsequent full or partial match is found, the OPEN shall return the appropriate error to
the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is selectable (i.e. in the correct Life Cycle State
and has no multi-selection restrictions), then it shall become the currently selected Application on the
Basic Logical Channel and the SELECT [by name] command, whether [first or only occurrence] or
[next occurrence], shall be processed according to the requirements of the runtime environment (e.g.
dispatched to the Application).
If no full or partial match is found at all, the currently selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel
shall remain the selected Application and
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o If the SELECT [by name] command has the [first or only occurrence] parameter set, the SELECT
command is dispatched to the Application.
o If the SELECT [by name] command has the [next occurrence] parameter set, the OPEN shall
return the appropriate error to the off-card entity.
In the eventuality that the current Application Session has been terminated and no subsequent full or
partial match is found, the OPEN shall make an attempt to select the Application that is marked as
implicitly selectable on the Basic Logical Channel for the current card interface. Logical Channel Management on Basic Logical Channel
At any time during a Card Session the OPEN may receive a request on the Basic Logical Channel to either
open or close a Supplementary Logical Channel.
If the card only supports the Basic Logical Channel and has no concept of logical channel support, the
MANAGE CHANNEL command is dispatched to the currently selected Application. In this case, when a
Security Domain is the currently selected Application, the command shall be rejected.
On cards that support logical channels, if a MANAGE CHANNEL [open] is received:
If an Application is designated as implicitly selectable on the new Supplementary Logical Channel for
the current card interface, that Application is implicitly selected on the newly opened Supplementary
Logical Channel and runtime behavior requirements apply.
Otherwise the Application designated as implicitly selectable on the Basic Logical Channel for this
card interface is implicitly selected on the newly opened Supplementary Logical Channel and runtime
behavior requirements apply.
On cards that support logical channels, if a MANAGE CHANNEL [close] is received, terminate the Application
Session currently selected on the Supplementary Logical Channel indicated by the command and then close
that logical channel. The Basic Logical Channel can never be closed.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a MANAGE CHANNEL [open] command, the following requirements apply:
If the card is in the Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED, return the appropriate error.
If the number of logical channels supported by the OPEN is not sufficient to open a new
Supplementary Logical Channel, return the appropriate error.
The OPEN shall search the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application that supports the current card
interface and that is marked as implicitly selectable on the new Supplementary Logical Channel (or
failing that, on the Basic Logical Channel) and:
o If this is an Application in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, the Application with the Final Application
privilege shall become the selected Application on the Supplementary Logical Channel.
o If this Application cannot be selected due to a multi-selection restriction, the new logical channel
shall not be opened and the OPEN shall return the appropriate error.
o Otherwise, the Supplementary Logical Channel is opened and this Application shall become the
selected Application on the Supplementary Logical Channel.
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prohibited. Application Command Dispatch on Basic Logical Channel
Once an Application becomes the selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel, the responsibility for
subsequent command dispatching still rests with the OPEN.
Processing SELECT [by name] commands and runtime behavior requirements for OPEN are described in
section, Explicit Selection on Basic Logical Channel.
On cards that are aware of logical channels, the MANAGE CHANNEL commands are only processed by the
OPEN and are not dispatched to an Application.
All other commands (including the MANAGE CHANNEL commands on cards that are not aware of logical
channels or SELECT commands not described in section, Explicit Selection on Basic Logical
Channel) are immediately dispatched to the Application currently selected on the Basic Logical Channel. The
processing of the command by the Application is beyond the scope of this Specification.
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6.4.3 Supplementary Logical Channel
A Supplementary Logical Channel, if supported, allows an Application to be selected simultaneously to the
Applications selected on other logical channels. Application Selection on Supplementary Logical Channel
The OPEN shall support Application selection on an available Supplementary Logical Channel via two
Implicit Selection following a successful MANAGE CHANNEL [open] command
Explicit Selection through the SELECT [by name] command
The OPEN may also support additional selection processes.
Partial AID selection as defined in section, Explicit Selection on Supplementary Logical Channel,
shall be supported on Supplementary Logical Channels. Implicit Selection on Supplementary Logical Channel
Depending on whether a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened from the Basic Logical Channel or
from another Supplementary Logical Channel, the behavior of implicit selection differs.
Refer to section, Logical Channel Management on Basic Logical Channel, for the behavior of implicit
selection initiated from the Basic Logical Channel.
Refer to section, Logical Channel Management on Supplementary Logical Channel, for the behavior
of implicit selection initiated from a Supplementary Logical Channel. Explicit Selection on Supplementary Logical Channel
At any time on an open Supplementary Logical Channel, the OPEN may receive a request to select an
Application on this Supplementary Logical Channel (SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] command).
The OPEN shall determine if the requested AID matches or partially matches an entry within the GlobalPlatform
Registry and whether this entry is selectable.
At any time on an open Supplementary Logical Channel that has already contained a SELECT [by name] [first
or only occurrence] command since the Supplementary Logical Channel was last opened, the OPEN may
receive a request to select a next Application (SELECT [by name] [next occurrence] command) on this
Supplementary Logical Channel. The OPEN shall determine if the requested AID matches or partially matches
another entry within the GlobalPlatform Registry and whether this entry is selectable.
For both the SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] command and the SELECT [by name] [next
occurrence] command, an Application becomes the selected Application on the Supplementary Logical
Channel if all of the following are true:
The requested AID matches (fully or partially) the Application’s AID.
The Application being selected is in the correct Life Cycle State.
The Application has no restrictions due to multi-selection, and supports the current card interface.
Runtime Behavior
The following requirements apply to the OPEN in the explicit Application selection (SELECT [by name])
process on a Supplementary Logical Channel:
If the card is in the Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED:
o Close the Supplementary Logical Channel, if currently open.
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o Return the appropriate error.
If a SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] or SELECT [by name] [next occurrence] is received
and the data field of the command message is not present, the Issuer Security Domain shall become
the currently selected Application and the SELECT command is dispatched to the Issuer Security
If a SELECT [by name] [first or only occurrence] is received, the search always begins from the start of
the GlobalPlatform Registry.
If a SELECT [by name] [next occurrence] is received, the search always begins from the entry
following the currently selected Application on this Supplementary Logical Channel in the
GlobalPlatform Registry.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is in the Life Cycle State INSTALLED, continue
searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial match. If no subsequent
full or partial match is found, the OPEN shall return the appropriate error to the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, continue
searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial match. In the eventuality
that this locked Application is already currently selected on the same Supplementary Logical Channel,
the OPEN shall terminate this Application Session. If no subsequent full or partial match is found, the
OPEN shall return the appropriate error to the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application cannot be selected due to a multi-selection
restriction or because the Application refuses selection (e.g. because it does not support the current
card interface), continue searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a subsequent full or partial
match. If no subsequent full or partial match is found, the OPEN shall return the appropriate error to
the off-card entity.
If a full or partial match is found and this Application is selectable (i.e. in the correct Life Cycle State
and has no multi-selection restrictions), then it shall become the currently selected Application on this
Supplementary Logical Channel and the SELECT [by name] command, whether [first or only
occurrence] or [next occurrence], shall be processed according to the requirements of the runtime
environment (e.g. dispatched to the Application).
If no full or partial match is found at all, the currently selected Application on the Supplementary
Logical Channel shall remain the selected Application and
o If the SELECT [by name] command has the [first or only occurrence] parameter set, the SELECT
command is dispatched to the Application.
o If the SELECT [by name] command has the [next occurrence] parameter set, the OPEN shall
return the appropriate error to the off-card entity. Logical Channel Management on Supplementary Logical Channel
At any time on an open Supplementary Logical Channel the OPEN may receive a request to either open or
close a Supplementary Logical Channel.
If a MANAGE CHANNEL [open] is received and the Application selected on the original Supplementary Logical
Channel has no multi-selection restrictions, this Application becomes the selected Application on the newly
opened Supplementary Logical Channel.
If a MANAGE CHANNEL [close] is received, terminate the Application Session currently selected on the
Supplementary Logical Channel indicated by the command and then close that logical channel. The Basic
Logical Channel can never be closed.
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Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a MANAGE CHANNEL [open] command, the following requirements apply:
If the card is in the Life Cycle State CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED, return the appropriate error.
If the number of logical channels supported by the OPEN is not sufficient to open a new
Supplementary Logical Channel, return the appropriate error.
If the Application currently selected on the original Supplementary Logical Channel cannot be selected
on the new Supplementary Logical Channel due to a multi-selection restriction, the new logical
channel shall not be opened and the OPEN shall return the appropriate error.
Otherwise, the Supplementary Logical Channel indicated by the command is opened and the
Application currently selected on the original Supplementary Logical Channel shall become the
selected Application on the newly opened Supplementary Logical Channel. Application Command Dispatch on Supplementary Logical Channel
Once an Application becomes the selected Application on a Supplementary Logical Channel, the responsibility
for subsequent command dispatching still rests with the OPEN.
Processing SELECT [by name] commands and runtime behavior requirements for OPEN are described in
section, Explicit Selection on Supplementary Logical Channel.
The MANAGE CHANNEL commands are only processed by the OPEN and are not dispatched to an
All other commands (including SELECT commands not described in section, Explicit Selection on
Supplementary Logical Channel) are immediately dispatched to the Application currently selected on the
Supplementary Logical Channel. The processing of the command by the Application is beyond the scope of
this Specification.
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6.5 GlobalPlatform Registry
The GlobalPlatform Registry is used to:
Store card management information
Store relevant application management information (e.g., AID, associated Security Domain and
Support card resource management data
Store Application Life Cycle information
Store card Life Cycle information
Track any counters associated with logs
The contents of the GlobalPlatform Registry may be updated in response to:
An internal OPEN invoked action
An authorized Application invoked action
All Applications including all Security Domains, and all Executable Load Files, shall have an entry in the
GlobalPlatform Registry.
There is no mandatory format for the storage of these data elements. However, format requirements do exist
for the handling of the data elements via APDU commands and GlobalPlatform services available to
6.5.1 Application/Executable Load File/Executable Module Data Elements Application/Executable Load File/Executable Module AID
Each Executable Load File or Executable Module is associated with an AID that shall be unique on the card.
An Application AID may be the same as that of an Executable Module but may not be the same as that of an
Executable Load File or the same as another Application already present in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
This AID may be specified in a SELECT command to select the Application. It is not possible to select
Executable Load Files or Executable Modules. Application/Executable Load File/Executable Module Life Cycle
The Application Life Cycle State data element contains the current Life Cycle of the Application, Executable
Load File or Executable Module. Memory Resource Management Parameters
Resource management data elements contain information about the memory resources that are available to
an Application. They are system-specific values and are used as a control mechanism by the OPEN to manage
memory resource allocation as described in section 9.7, Memory Resource Management.
When additional resources are requested by an Application, the OPEN shall validate the request against the
value of this data element in the GlobalPlatform Registry. Privileges
The Privileges data element indicates the privileges for each Application. Privileges are defined in section 6.6.
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prohibited. Implicit Selection Parameter
The implicit selection parameter indicates whether an Application is implicitly selectable on a specific logical
channel of a specific card interface; see section 11.1.7 and Table 11-50. Associated Security Domain AID
All Executable Load Files and Applications, including Security Domains, are associated with a Security
Domain, whose AID is given in the registry. This AID is the AID of the Security Domain directly associated. A
Security Domain also has an associated Security Domain: either another Security Domain or itself, hence
describing an association hierarchy of Executable Load Files / Applications and Security Domains. Application Provider ID
The Registry holds the identifier of the Application Provider: the owner of the Application or Executable Load
File when explicitly provided during the load or installation process.
An on-card entity may use this information to enforce security policies. Establishing whether an off-card entity
is also the owner of the on-card entity being managed is addressed in more detail in section 10.4, Entity
Authentication. Service Parameter
A Service Parameter identifies the service offered by the Global Services Application. The Global Services
Application may register this service as a unique Global Service as described in section 8.1.1, Registering
Global Services. More than one service, hence more than one Service Parameter, may be registered for a
Global Services Application.
6.5.2 Card-Wide Data
The card Life Cycle State is stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry similarly to Application information. Any
restriction of the Card Content Management functionality of OPEN is stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
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6.6 Privileges
6.6.1 Privilege Definition
The following table defines Security Domain and Application privileges:
Table 6-1: Privileges
Security Domain
Application is a Security Domain.
Distinguishes a
Security Domain from
a normal Application.
DAP Verification
Application is capable of verifying a DAP;
Security Domain privilege shall also be set.
For details, see
section 9.2.1.
Application is capable of Delegated Card
Content Management: Security Domain
privilege shall also be set.
For details, see
Card Lock
Application has the privilege to lock the card.
For details, see
section 9.6.3.
Card Terminate
Application has the privilege to terminate the
For details, see
section 9.6.4.
Card Reset
Application has the privilege to modify
historical bytes.
This privilege was previously labeled Default
For details, see
section 6.6.2.
Application has the privilege to manage a
shared CVM of a CVM Application.
For details, see
section 8.2.1.
Mandated DAP
Application is capable of and requires the
verification of a DAP for all load operations:
Security Domain privilege and DAP Verification
privilege shall also be set.
For details, see
section 9.2.1.
Trusted Path
Application is a Trusted Path for inter-
application communication.
For details, see
section 6.7.
Application is capable of Card Content
Management; Security Domain privilege shall
also be set.
For details, see
Token Verification
Application is capable of verifying a token for
Delegated Card Content Management.
For details, see
sections and
Global Delete
Application may delete any Card Content.
For details, see
sections and
Global Lock
Application may lock or unlock any Application.
For details, see
sections and
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Global Registry
Application may access any entry in the
GlobalPlatform Registry.
For details, see
section 9.6.5.
Final Application
The only Application selectable in card Life
Cycle State CARD_LOCKED and
For details, see
section 9.6.4.
Global Service
Application provides services to other
Applications on the card.
For details, see
section 8.1.1.
Application is capable of generating a receipt
for Delegated Card Content Management.
For details, see
Ciphered Load
File Data Block
The Security Domain requires that the Load
File being associated to it is to be loaded
For details, see
Application is capable of activating and
deactivating other any Applications (including
itself) on the contactless interface.
For details, see
[Amd C] section 7.1.
Contactless Self-
Application is capable of activating itself on the
contactless interface without a prior request to
the Application with the Contactless Activation
For details, see
[Amd C] section 7.2.
6.6.2 Privilege Assignment
The following rules apply to the assignment of Privileges:
Only one Application or Security Domain in the card may be set with the Card Reset privilege at a time
(e.g. the Issuer Security Domain, a current legacy Application or an Application that requires specific
behavior with regards to logical channels).
Once the Card Reset privilege has been assigned to an Application, the privilege can be reassigned to
a new Application either by deleting the Application which has the privilege, or by revoking its
The Card Reset privilege is by default assigned to the Issuer Security Domain. It may be reassigned
only if the Issuer Security Domain has the Card Reset privilege.
If the application with the Card Reset privilege is deleted, the privilege is reassigned to the Issuer
Security Domain.
The Final Application privilege is by default assigned to the Issuer Security Domain. It may be
reassigned only if the Issuer Security Domain has the Final Application privilege.
Only one Application or Security Domain in the card may be set with the Final Application privilege at
a time (e.g. the Issuer Security Domain, a current legacy Application or an Application that requires
specific behavior with regards to logical channels).
Once the Final Application privilege has been assigned to an Application, the privilege can be
reassigned to a new Application either by deleting the Application which has the privilege, or by
revoking its privilege.
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If the application with the Final Application privilege is deleted, the Issuer Security Domain becomes
the Application with Final Application privilege.
Authorized Management and Delegated Management privileges are mutually exclusive.
Token Verification and Delegated Management privileges are mutually exclusive.
Receipt Generation and Delegated Management privileges are mutually exclusive.
Otherwise, the privileges are not mutually exclusive; therefore, one or more privileges may be marked
as set for an Application.
In the OP_READY card Life Cycle State, the Issuer Security Domain shall initially have the following set of
privileges clearly identifying its functionality: Security Domain, Authorized Management, Global Registry,
Global Lock, Global Delete, Token Verification, Card Lock, Card Terminate, Trusted Path, CVM Management,
Card Reset, Final Application and Receipt Generation.
Whether the privileges of an Application or Security Domain may be updated after its installation shall be
defined in configuration documents. If allowed, such an update may be performed using the INSTALL [for
registry update] command (see section
For backward compatibility, where a card supports only privileges 0-7, the following assumptions shall apply
for the remaining privileges:
Table 6-2: Privilege Defaults
Issuer Security
Security Domain
Trusted Path
Authorized Management
Token Verification
Global Delete
Global Lock
Global Registry
Final Application
Global Service
Receipt Generation
Ciphered Load File Data
Contactless Activation
Contactless Self-Activation
Several use cases can be considered for the assignment of privileges to Security Domains, depending on the
business relationships between the Card Issuer and other off-card entities. The following table shows four
example use cases.
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Table 6-3: Privilege Assignment Example Use Cases
Use case
Issuer Security
Authorized Management Privilege
Delegated Management Privilege
Token Verification Privilege
Receipt Generation Privilege
Security Domain
Authorized Management Privilege
Delegated Management Privilege
Token Verification Privilege
Receipt Generation Privilege
6.6.3 Privilege Management
Runtime Behavior
The OPEN shall use the Privileges data element in conjunction with the association hierarchy (see section 7.2,
Security Domain Association) of the Applications for controlling the following runtime behavioral requirements:
Ensuring Token verification when required (see section 9.3.2, Card Content Loading)
Ensuring Receipt generation when required (see section 9.3.2, Card Content Loading)
Ensuring DAP verification when required (see section 9.3.2, Card Content Loading)
Checking for the validity of a request to change Card Contents: load, installation, extradition, registry
update, or deletion
Checking for the validity of a request to lock or unlock the card
Checking for the validity of a request to lock or unlock an Application, including a Security Domain
Checking for the validity of a request to terminate the card
Checking for the validity of a request to communicate with another on-card Application
Checking for the validity of a request to access the GlobalPlatform Registry entry of another
Application, including a Security Domain
Identifying the Application with Final Application privilege to be default selected when the card is in
The OPEN shall use the Privileges data element and the Implicit Selection parameter for each Application
(where present) for controlling the following runtime behavioral requirements:
Checking for the validity of a request to modify historical bytes; for dual interface (contact and
contactless) cards, the modification applies to the historical bytes of the card interface(s) for which the
requesting on-card Application is registered as implicitly selectable; this feature should preferably be
used on cards that support the Basic Logical Channel only.
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6.7 The GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework
This section describes a mechanism through which APDU commands received by a Security Domain may be
securely forwarded to one of its associated Applications, through a so-called Trusted Framework. Another
example of Trusted Framework is described in Appendix G.
An APDU command is received by the Applications Security Domain (the Receiving Entity), which may be the
Issuer Security Domain or a Supplementary Security Domain, and is unwrapped by the Security Domain before
being passed on to the GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework. The objective is that the GlobalPlatform Trusted
Framework forwards the unwrapped command to the Target Application indicated by the Receiving Entity.
The Target Application may use cryptographic services of the Security Domain available through the Secure
Channel Session established by the Security Domain (e.g. sensitive data decryption). The Current Security
Level viewed by the Target Application may differ from the Security Domain view depending on the Secure
Channel Protocol and the authenticated off-card entitys Application Provider ID (e.g. ANY_AUTHENTICATED
for the Target Application and AUTHENTICATED for the Security Domain).
Runtime Behavior
The GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework shall check that:
The Receiving Entity has the Trusted Path privilege.
The Receiving Entity is a Security Domain.
The Target Application exists in the GlobalPlatform Registry and has enabled its Process Data entry
The Target Application has no multi-selection restrictions if it is already selected on another logical
The Target Application is associated with the currently selected Receiving Entity Security Domain.
If all checks are passed, the GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework passes the command to the Target Application
through its GlobalPlatform Application interface.
The GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework and the Applications involved are shown in the following diagram. The
process as used in personalization is described in more detail in section 7.3.2, Security Domain Support for
Application Personalization.
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Figure 6-1: GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework Roles
Security Domain
Runtime Environment
OPEN and GP Trusted
Security Domain
Security Domain
Target Application
Receiving Entity
(Security Domain with
Trusted Path privilege)
Controlling Authorities'
Security Domain(s)
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7 Security Domains
7.1 General Description
Security Domains are privileged Applications. They hold cryptographic keys which can be used to support
Secure Channel Protocol operations and/or to authorize card content management functions.
Each Application and each Executable Load File is associated with a Security Domain. An Application can use
the cryptographic services of its associated Security Domain. It is possible to associate Applications owned by
one authority with the Security Domain of another authority.
All cards have one mandatory Security Domain: the Issuer Security Domain. A card that supports multiple
Security Domains can allow an Application Provider, through its own Security Domain, to manage its own
Applications and provide cryptographic services using keys that are completely separate from, and not under
the control of, the Card Issuer.
Key Separation
Security Domains are responsible for their own key management. This ensures that Applications and data
from different Application Providers may coexist on the same card without violating the privacy and integrity of
each Application Provider.
Application Services
The keys and associated cryptography for all Security Domains may be used for:
Personalization Support: Secure communication support during personalization of an Application
Providers Applications;
Runtime Messaging Support: secure communication support during runtime for an Application that
does not contain its own secure messaging keys.
7.1.1 Issuer Security Domain
The Issuer Security Domain primarily operates as any Security Domain, but has some special characteristics
that distinguish it from any other Security Domain:
It is the first Application installed on a card. GlobalPlatform does not mandate that the Issuer Security
Domain be loaded or installed in the same manner as Applications. The Issuer Security Domain, while
viewed by the GlobalPlatform Registry as an Application, has implementation specific behavior
relating to how it becomes an active entity on the card;
It does not have a Security Domain Life Cycle State because it inherits the card Life Cycle State;
It takes on the Card Reset privilege if the Application with that privilege is removed;
It becomes the implicitly selected Application if the Application implicitly selectable on the same logical
channel of the same card I/O interface is removed;
It becomes the implicitly selected Application for a card interface on a logical channel if the Application
that is implicitly selectable on that logical channel for that card interface is removed;
It may be selected by use of the SELECT command with no command data field;
It takes on the Final Application privilege if the Application with that privilege is removed.
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7.2 Security Domain Association
Applications (including Security Domains) may use the services of their associated Security Domain to provide
Secure Channel Sessions and other cryptographic services. An Application need not have any prior knowledge
of its Security Domain AID: the GlobalPlatform Registry contains this information and the OPEN supplies the
Application with a reference to its associated Security Domain. The Application should not store this reference
for future use because its associated Security Domain may change as a result of extradition.
Extradition is the means by which an Application is associated with a different Security Domain.
An Executable Load File is initially associated with the Security Domain which loads it, but it may be extradited
immediately (implicit extradition if indicated during the load process) or subsequently (explicit extradition with
the INSTALL [for extradition] command) to a different Security Domain.
The Issuer Security Domain is effectively associated with itself, its establishment on the card is not defined by
GlobalPlatform, and it is not subject to extradition.
Through extradition, a Security Domain may be associated with itself. This means that if it calls on the services
of its associated Security Domain, it will be using its own services.
As a result, there are one or more hierarchies of association on a card. The root of each hierarchy is a Security
Domain that is associated with itself. The following diagram shows two hierarchies: one starting from the Issuer
Security Domain, the other from a Security Domain which has been extradited to itself; arrows indicate is
associated with.
Figure 7-1: Example of Security Domain Hierarchies
Issuer Security Domain
Supplementary Security
Domain 1
Supplementary Security
Domain 2
Extradited Application A
Executable Load File B
Application B
Executable Load File A
A Security Domain associated with another Application is said to be directly associated with it. Another Security
Domain higher up the hierarchy is said to be indirectly associated with it.
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A sub-hierarchy of a Security Domain includes the Security Domain itself and all of the Security Domains
Applications and Executable Load Files below it in the same hierarchy.
7.3 Security Domain Services
7.3.1 Security Domain Support for Secure Messaging
Applications can access the Secure Messaging services of their associated Security Domain. By using these
services, an Application may rely on cryptographic support from the Security Domain to ensure confidentiality
and integrity during personalization and runtime, instead of loading its own secure messaging keys and/or
implement its own secure messaging protocol. The Security Domain services defined in this specification are
generic and shall encompass the following possibilities.
Initiating a Secure Channel Session upon successful verification of an off-card entity;
Unwrapping a command received within a Secure Channel Session by verifying its integrity and/or
decrypting the original data in the case of confidentiality;
Controlling the sequence of APDU commands;
Decrypting a secret data block;
Setting the security level: integrity and/or confidentiality, to apply to the next incoming command
and/or next outgoing response;
Closing a Secure Channel Session upon request and destroying any secret(s) relating to that Secure
Channel Session.
Depending on the specific Secure Channel Protocol supported, the Security Domain services may also
encompass the possibility of:
Wrapping a response sent within a Secure Channel Session by adding integrity and/or encrypting the
original data in the case of confidentiality;
Encrypting a secret data block;
Controlling the sequence of APDU responses.
A Security Domain may support the management of multiple Secure Channel Sessions concurrently (i.e.
Applications selected on multiple logical channels each initiating a Secure Channel) or may limit itself to only
managing one Secure Channel Session immaterial of the number of concurrently selected Applications that
attempt to use its services. If a Security Domain does support the management of multiple Secure Channel
Sessions concurrently, it shall be able to differentiate between the multiple Secure Channel Sessions and their
respective logical channels. If a Security Domain does not support the management of multiple Secure
Channel Sessions concurrently, when a request is made to open a Secure Channel Session on a logical
channel different from the current Secure Channel Session, the Security Domain rejects this request to initiate
a new Secure Channel Session.
If a request is made by an Application to use the services of its associated Security Domain on a logical channel
different from the one on which its Secure Channel Session was opened, the Security Domain shall reject this
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Runtime Messaging Flow
The following diagram is an example of an Application using the services of its associated Security Domain:
Figure 7-2: Runtime Messaging Flow
APDU Interface GlobalPlatform API
Security DomainHost Application
SELECT Application
SELECT Response
Authentication Process
Specific APDU
Application specific APDU
Application specific APDU response
Application Functionality
Specific APDU
Application specific APDU
Application specific APDU
initiate Secure Channel
Session and authenticate off-
card entity
Application Functionality
7.3.2 Security Domain Support for Application Personalization
The Security Domain can receive a STORE DATA command destined to one of its associated Applications.
The Security Domain unwraps this command according to the Current Security Level of the current Secure
Channel Session and prior to the command being forwarded to the Application. This pre-processing leaves as
is the data structures of the command message as well as the eventual encryption of the data value fields of
these data structures.
The command is forwarded to the Application by the GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework which handles inter-
application communication between Security Domains and Applications, as described in section 6.7.
An Application can use the secure communication and key decryption services of its associated Security
Domain to manage the secure loading of its personalization data. This can be achieved in two ways: one being
to use the runtime messaging support described in section 7.3.1, Security Domain Support for Secure
Messaging, the other being to use the Security Domains ability to access the Application which is the method
described below.
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The Application may be personalized without being the currently selected Application. Rather the Security
Domain is the selected Application and the Security Domain receives commands on behalf of the Application.
The Security Domain would pre-process the personalization (STORE DATA) command prior to forwarding the
command to the Application via the GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework.
Using this method on a card that supports multiple logical channels differs slightly only in that the Application
could have a multi-selection restriction in which case personalization would fail. If an Application does not
support this method, the Security Domain shall reject any STORE DATA command destined to this Application.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an INSTALL [for personalization] command and subsequent STORE DATA commands, the
Security Domain performing the personalization of the Application shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Check that the off-card entity is authenticated as the Application Provider.
Pre-process subsequent STORE DATA commands according to the Current Security Level of the
Secure Channel Session and prior to the command being forwarded to the target Application.
On receipt of a request to forward commands to an Application, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED.
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restrictions for personalization (see
Table 11-53).
Apply the GlobalPlatform Trusted Framework runtime requirements defined in section 6.7.
Personalization Flow
The following diagram is an example of an Application receiving data from its associated Security Domain
during personalization.
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Figure 7-3: Application Personalization through Associated Security Domain
APDU Interface Internal API
Host Application
SELECT Security
SELECT response
Authentication Process
GP Trusted Framework
check privileges and
access conditions
secure messaging
INSTALL response
GP App interface
process data
processs data
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7.4 Security Domain Data
7.4.1 Issuer Security Domain
The Issuer Security Domain shall be able to handle the following data (available from the card using the GET
DATA command):
Issuer Identification Number (IIN)
Card Image Number (CIN)
Card Recognition Data
Other Card Issuers proprietary data
Optionally, the Issuer Security Domain shall also be able to handle the following data (available from the card
using the GET DATA command):
Card Capability Information Issuer Identification Number
The Issuer Identification Number (IIN) may be used by an off-card entity to associate the card with a specific
Card Management System. The IIN typically contains the ISO 7812 defined identification of the Issuer and is
carried by the [ISO 7816-6] tag '42'. The IIN data element is of variable length. Card Image Number
The Card Image Number (CIN) may be used by a Card Management System to uniquely identify a card within
its card base. It is a unique value, carried by the ISO/IEC 7816 defined tag '45' (Card Issuers Data), which is
assigned by the Card Issuer (identified itself by the IIN). The CIN data element is of variable length. Card Recognition Data
Card Management Systems need information about a card before they can start to interact with it. This includes
the kind of card it is and what Secure Channel Protocol it supports.
Card Recognition Data is the mechanism for providing information about a card, and thus avoiding the vagaries
of trial-and-error. See section H.2 for details.
Card Recognition Data shall be present and contained in a data template (tag '73'). This template shall in turn
be contained in the Card Data data object (tag '66'), as defined in [ISO 7816-6]. Card Data can be retrieved
using the GET DATA command. (For contact cards according to [ISO 7816-4], Card Data may also be
accessed through the ATR, if a suitable command to perform is included in the ATR historical bytes.)
Note that the information provided in Card Recognition Data should be enough to enable initial communication
with the card without resorting to trial and error. Information not essential to this purpose should be supplied
during subsequent interaction with the card.
There is no specific requirement for Card Recognition Data to be updated dynamically by the card, but
additional dynamic data objects are not precluded. Card Capability Information
This data is optionally available. Card Capability Information provides information complementary to Card
Recognition Data about the cipher suites actually supported by the card. See section H.4 for details.
If available, Card Capability Information shall be contained in a data template (tag '67') and shall be retrieved
using the GET DATA command.
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The implementation is not responsible for enforcing consistency between Card Capability Information and the
functionality actually supported by the card.
7.4.2 Supplementary Security Domains
Security Domains other than the Issuer Security Domain may handle their own identification data:
A Security Domain Provider Identification Number (SIN)
A Security Domain Image Number
Security Domain Management Data
Security Domain Manager URL
Other Application Provider proprietary data
When present, these data shall be available from the Security Domain using the GET DATA command. Security Domain Provider Identification Number
The Security Domain Provider Identification Number (SIN) may be used by an off-card entity to associate the
Security Domain with a specific Card Management System. It is an IIN, typically contains the ISO 7812 defined
identification of the Security Domain provider, and is carried by the [ISO 7816-6] tag '42'. The SIN data element
is of variable length. A Security Domain Image Number
The Security Domain Image Number may be used by an Application Management System to uniquely identify
an instance of a Security Domain on a card. If used it is a unique value, carried by the ISO/IEC 7816 defined
tag '45'. Security Domain Management Data
Application Management Systems need information about a Security Domain before they can start to interact
with it. This includes the kind of Security Domain it is and what Secure Channel Protocol it supports.
Security Domain Management Data is the mechanism for providing information about a Security Domain, and
thus avoiding the vagaries of trial-and-error. See section H.3 for details.
Security Domain Management Data (tag '73') shall be returned in the response to the SELECT command when
present. Security Domain Management Data shall also be returned in response to a GET DATA command
with tag '66'.
Note that the information provided in Security Domain Management Data should be enough to enable initial
communication with the Security Domain without resorting to trial and error.
There is no specific requirement for Security Domain Management Data to be updated dynamically by the
card, but additional dynamic data objects are not precluded. Security Domain Manager URL
The Security Domain Manager URL (tag '5F50') provides an internet link to the manager of the Security
Domain. The content and coding of this data object are defined in the GlobalPlatform System Protocol
Discovery Mechanism Specification [GP SPDM].
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7.5 Security Domain Keys
7.5.1 Key Information
See appendix D, E, and F and the Amendments for details about the keys used with each Secure Channel
Protocol. See section C.1 for details about token, receipt, and DAP keys.
Keys have the following attributes:
Key Version Number and Key Identifier
o There is no restriction and no pre-defined order in assigning Key Version Numbers and Key
Identifiers to keys, including non-sequential Key Version Numbers and Key Identifiers within the
same Security Domain.
o Key Version Numbers and/or Key Identifiers may be associated to specific Key Usages in specific
configuration documents.
A key type, which associates a specific key with one and only one cryptographic algorithm
A length, for cryptographic algorithms supporting several key (or key component) lengths
Access conditions, to control and segment access to keys
A key may consist of one or more key components; e.g. a symmetric key has only one key component while
an asymmetric key has several components. All key components share the same Key Version Number and
Key Identifier.
The combination of a Key Identifier and a Key Version Number identifies unambiguously a key within Security
Domain. The key type identifies the cryptographic algorithm and key component. Identifying unambiguously a
key and an algorithm within an entity prevent the misuse of cryptographic functionality.
An off-card entity may obtain information on Security Domain key(s) with a GET DATA command for Key
Information Template (tag 'E0').
A Security Domain manages keys as follows:
A Key Identifier and Key Version Number uniquely reference each key within the Security Domain. In
other words, each combination Key Identifier / Key Version Number identifies a unique key within that
Adding a key is equivalent to allocating a new key with a new value, a new Key Identifier, and a new
Key Version Number.
Replacing a key involves updating the key with a new value and possibly a new Key Version Number.
The Key Identifier remains the same. The previous key shall no longer be available.
The off-card key management system shall be aware of the scheme used to identify keys held by the Security
Domain. Key Identifiers and Key Version Numbers may have arbitrary values (e.g. not being sequential, not
starting with '01') and these values may vary from one key management scheme to the next. The assignment
of specific Key Version Numbers and Key Identifiers to a specific cryptographic usage is defined in
configuration documents.
Any velocity checking related to a particular keys usage; e.g. key try counters and limits are dependent on the
Security Domain providers security policy.
The Security Domain shall store all the Key Information supplied in the PUT KEY command in association with
each key.
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7.5.2 Key Access Conditions
The Access Conditions assigned to a Security Domain key are either:
Owner only: the Security Domain itself
Authorized users other than the owner; e.g. the Security Domains associated Applications
Any authorized users, including the owner; e.g. the Security Domain and its associated Applications
This version of the Specification defines the following Access Conditions for Security Domain keys, coded on
one byte as follows:
'00': any authorized user, including the owner; this is the Access Condition by default for Secure
Channel Protocol Keys, when not explicitly provided in the PUT KEY command;
'01': the owner only; this is the Access Condition by default for Token and DAP Keys, when not
explicitly provided in the PUT KEY command;
'02': authorized users other than the owner;
'03' to '7F': Reserved for Future Use by GlobalPlatform;
'80' to 'FE': Reserved for proprietary use;
'FF': not available.
The access control rules applicable to any Security Domain key are enforced as follows:
In order to use any Security Domain’s cryptographic service, the Application requests to the OPEN the
reference of a Secure Channel interface; the OPEN identifies the Security Domain associated with the
Application and provides the corresponding Secure Channel interface reference to the Application
(GlobalPlatform Registry acting as an access control list);
The Application requests cryptographic services to a Security Domain, via its Secure Channel
interface; since the OPEN ensures access to associated Applications only, the Security Domain
controls are simplified to enforce the Access Conditions applicable to each of its keys (e.g. rejecting
requests for accessing a key with an Access Condition set to '01').
7.6 Data and Key Management
These services relate to the storing of cryptographic keys and data on the card.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a data/key management request, the corresponding Security Domain shall manage the data/key
according to its own access control rules.
The card Life Cycle State shall not be CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED.
On receipt of a DELETE [key], PUT KEY, or STORE DATA command, the Security Domain performing the
data or key management shall apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is
defined in Table 11-2.) The Security Domain provider may apply its own key management policy regarding
deletion of keys.
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8 Global Platform Services
8.1 Global Services Applications
One or more Global Services Applications may be present on the card to provide services to other Applications
on the card. Global Services Applications are distinguished from other Applications through a specific privilege:
Global Service.
8.1.1 Registering Global Services
During the installation of an Application (see section 9.3.6, Card Content Installation Process) or during the
registry update for an already installed Application (see section 9.4, Content Extradition and Registry Update),
an Application may be assigned the Global Service privilege and optionally Global Service Parameters
comprising one (or more) service name(s). When present, each service name identifies a service family and
optionally a specific service identifier within that service family, identifying which service(s) the Global Services
Application offers to other Applications. When present, the Global Service Parameters shall be recorded in the
GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application. Uniqueness on the card of this (these) service name(s) is not
checked so that more than one Global Services Application may offer similar services.
In addition, a Global Services Application may explicitly register one or more Global Service(s) with unique
service name(s) using the GlobalPlatform API. OPEN is responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of each
service name registered by Global Services Applications. Such services are known as uniquely registered
Global Services.
Runtime Behavior
The following runtime behavior requirements apply to the OPEN during the registration process of a Global
Service with a unique service name. On receipt of unique service registration request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity has the Global Service privilege.
If one (or more) service name(s) are recorded for that on-card entity (as provided in the INSTALL
command), check that the requested service name matches exactly with (one of) the service name(s)
recorded for that on-card entity, or belongs to the same service family if the recorded service name(s)
only identifies(y) service family(ies). If no service name is recorded for that on-card entity, any service
name may be registered.
Check that the requested service name is not registered within the GlobalPlatform Registry for another
on-card entity.
Register accordingly as unique the requested service name.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply to the OPEN during the deregistration process of a Global
Service with a unique service name. On receipt of service deregistration request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity has the Global Service privilege;
Check that the requested service name is registered in the GlobalPlatform Registry entry of the
requesting on-card entity;
Deregister accordingly the requested service name as being unique.
8.1.2 Application Access to Global Services
GlobalPlatform API is the interface Applications use to access Global Services. An Application may access a
uniquely registered Global Service (using a service name only) or a specific Global Services Application (using
a service name and an AID).
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Runtime Behavior
The following runtime behavior requirements apply to the OPEN during the access of a uniquely registered
Global Service or a specific Global Services Application. On receipt of service access request, the OPEN shall:
If the request indicates a specific service name without any associated AID, check that the requested
service name matches exactly with (one of) the service name(s) uniquely registered, or belongs to the
same service family uniquely registered.
If the request indicates a specific AID, check that the on-card entity identified in the request has the
Global Service privilege, and that the requested service name matches exactly with (one of) the
service name(s) recorded for that on-card entity, or belongs to (one of) the same service family(ies)
recorded for that on-card entity.
Identify the corresponding Global Services Application.
Obtain the GlobalPlatform Service interface of the corresponding Global Services Application and
forward it to the requesting on-card entity.
The requesting on-card entity can then directly invoke the GlobalPlatform Service interface of the
corresponding Global Services Application and authenticate itself in order to obtain the requested service.
8.1.3 Global Service Parameters
Global Service Parameters may be defined for an Application and list one or more service names. Each service
name is coded on two bytes. The first byte identifies the service family, the second the service id within that
family. The following values are assigned to the service family identifier:
'00' to '7F' Reserved for proprietary use and not registered by GlobalPlatform
'80' to '9F' Reserved for use by GlobalPlatform
'80' Not available
'81' GlobalPlatform Secure Channel
'82' GlobalPlatform CVM
'83' Authority Service (CASD)
'84' HTTP Administration
'85' HTTP Report
'A0' to 'FE' Reserved for use by individual schemes registered by GlobalPlatform
'FF' Not available
The values assigned to the service id within a service family are specific to each service family.
An Application shall use a service id value of '00' to indicate that it wants to retrieve a Global Service
of the specified service family but does not care about the exact service id value. In this case, the
OPEN may return any Global Service registered for that service family (the search strategy is
implementation specific). An Application may register a Global Service with a service id value of '00'.
For the GlobalPlatform Secure Channel family, the Secure Channel Protocol identifiers (see 10.7,
Secure Channel Protocol Identifier) are the assigned service id values for that family.
For the GlobalPlatform CVM family, the CVM identifier values (see section, Registering CVM)
are the assigned service id values for that family.
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8.2 CVM Application
The CVM Application, if present on a card, provides a mechanism for a Cardholder Verification Method (CVM),
including velocity checking, that may be used by all Applications on the card. In this version of the Specification
there is one CVM standardized by GlobalPlatform: the global Personal Identification Number (global PIN).
The CVM verification services may be accessed by any Application. CVM management services shall only be
accessible to privileged on-card Applications. The CVM application may also offer CVM management services
to suitably authenticated off-card entities through an APDU interface that is beyond the scope of this
A CVM Application may support multiple CVMs, and there may be more than one CVM Application present on
a card. Each CVM shall have a unique CVM identifier, which shall be unique across the whole card. The
standardized CVM (global PIN), if present on a card, shall be given the CVM identifier of '11'.
For each CVM supported, the CVM Application shall:
Hold securely CVM management data: CVM value, CVM State, CVM Retry Limit, and CVM Retry
Perform CVM-specific risk management, such as internal velocity checks on the CVM to prevent card
and Application access violations.
Implement one or more CVM interfaces.
Request the OPEN to register the CVM identifier if that CVM is unique.
Provide the CVM services to Applications.
Manage the CVM state.
Manage the CVM Retry Limit and CVM Retry Counter.
Depending on the Issuer policy, a value for the Retry Limit may be set by default.
8.2.1 Application Access to CVM Services
The following CVM services shall be provided by a CVM Application to other on-card Applications:
Retrieving the CVM state (e.g. to determine if the CVM value has been submitted, verified or blocked);
Retrieving the number of remaining times the CVM value can be incorrectly presented prior to the
CVM being blocked;
Setting a new value for the CVM value. This depends on the requesting Application having the CVM
Management privilege;
Verifying the content of an incoming CVM value by comparing the incoming CVM value to the stored
CVM value;
Setting the maximum number of times the CVM value can be incorrectly presented prior to the CVM
being blocked. This depends on the requesting Application having the CVM Management privilege.
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8.2.2 CVM Management Registering CVM
In order to offer unique CVM services that are accessible by other Applications, a CVM Application shall
register with the OPEN the CVM identifier(s) for which it offers services. The OPEN shall ensure that the
registered CVM identifiers are unique on the whole card. Reuse is only possible if the CVM identifier is
deregistered or the corresponding CVM Application is deleted.
The following values are assigned to CVM identifiers:
'00' Not available
'01' to '7F' Reserved for use by GlobalPlatform
'01' to '10' PIN as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 specification ([TS 102 221])
'11' Global PIN
'12' to '1F' PIN as defined in [TS 102 221]
'80' to 'EF' Reserved for use by individual schemes registered by GlobalPlatform
'81' to '9F' PIN as defined in [TS 102 221]
'F0' to 'FF' Reserved for proprietary use and not registered by GlobalPlatform CVM States
The CVM state may be used by a CVM Application to assist in managing CVM services. The non-atomic states
of the CVM may be seen within a Card Session. The CVM state, the Retry Limit, and the Retry Counter are
closely related. All CVM state transitions are immediately visible to the Application that caused the transition
as well as to any Applications that may be selected on other logical channels.
The CVM states are:
The CVM state shall first become ACTIVE when both the CVM value and the Retry Limit are set. The CVM
state may also transition back to ACTIVE from any other CVM state if a privileged Application unblocks the
CVM or changes the CVM value. Changing the CVM value shall also reset the Retry Counter. At the end of a
Card Session the CVM state shall transition back to ACTIVE, except if the CVM state transitioned to the CVM
state BLOCKED during the Card Session. The end of the Card Session shall not reset the Retry Counter. CVM State INVALID_SUBMISSION
During the CVM verification, the CVM state shall transition to INVALID_SUBMISSION if the CVM verification
fails. The Retry Counter shall be updated.
The CVM state shall remain INVALID_SUBMISSION until:
The Card Session ends;
A valid CVM verification is performed;
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An Application resets the CVM state;
A privileged Application either blocks the CVM or changes the CVM value or CVM Retry Limit;
Subsequent CVM verification(s) fail causing the CVM state to transition to BLOCKED. CVM State VALIDATED
During CVM verification, the CVM state shall transition to VALIDATED and the Retry Counter shall be reset if
the CVM verification is successful.
The CVM state shall remain VALIDATED until:
The Card Session ends;
An invalid CVM verification is performed;
An Application resets the CVM state;
A privileged Application either blocks the CVM, or changes the CVM value or CVM Retry Limit. CVM State BLOCKED
During CVM verification, if the CVM verification fails and the Retry Limit has been reached, the CVM state
shall transition to BLOCKED. The CVM state may also transition to BLOCKED if a privileged Application
initiates this transition. The BLOCKED state shall not transition when the Card Session ends. The CVM state
may only transition from the BLOCKED state back to the ACTIVE state on instruction from a privileged
Application, which either resets (unblocks) the CVM state or changes the CVM value or CVM Retry Limit. The
CVM verification shall always fail in the BLOCKED state. CVM Format
The following formats are defined for the CVM value:
Format BCD includes only numerical digits, coded on a nibble (4 bits), left justified, and eventually
padded on the right with an 'F' nibble if necessary (i.e. the number of digits is odd);
Format ASCII includes all displayable characters (alphabetic, numerical, and special) and space (i.e.
format ASCII ranges from '20' to '7E'), coded on one byte and left justified.
Format HEX is equivalent to a transparent mode (“as is”) and includes all binary values coded on
one byte.
The following rules apply for the CVM format conversion:
No conversion from and to HEX format is valid;
Conversion from BCD format to ASCII format is valid: the numeric nibbles are expanded to the
corresponding characters coded on one byte and the padding nibble 'F' is deleted (if present);
Conversion from ASCII format to BCD format is valid for numeric characters only: the numeric
characters coded on one byte are converted to numeric nibbles, padded together in bytes, and a
padding nibble 'F' is added on the right if necessary.
The internal format for storing the CVM value by a CVM Application is implementation dependent and shall be
transparent to any other on-card Application that uses CVM services. It shall not preclude any format used by
Applications requesting CVM services.
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9 Card and Application Management
9.1 Card Content Management
9.1.1 Overview
Card Content management on a GlobalPlatform card is the capability for the loading, installation, extradition,
registry update and removal of Card Content. GlobalPlatform is designed for providing maximum flexibility to
the Card Issuer and its business partners regarding Card Content management. The design of the
GlobalPlatform takes into account the possibility that the Card Issuer may not necessarily want to manage all
Card Content changes, especially when the Card Content does not belong to the Card Issuer.
Thus the Card Issuer may delegate Card Content management to an Application Provider with or without
It may authorize all Card Content management operations performed by an Application Provider;
It may authorize an Application Provider to have full control of its Card Content;
It may authorize an Application Provider to isolate its own Security Domain(s) and Application(s) from
other Application Providers, and potentially from the Card Issuer itself.
Card Content changes are permitted according to the privileges that have been assigned to the various
Security Domains on the card.
The following sections describe the OPEN and Security Domain requirements to support the operation and
authorization of Card Content management.
9.1.2 OPEN Requirements
Performs the physical loading and installation;
May prohibit more than one Card Content management operation occurring concurrently;
Prohibits Card Content management in the card Life Cycle States CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED.
9.1.3 Security Domain Requirements
The Security Domain through which Card Content management is performed applies its own secure
communication policy, which should be checked for consistency with any Card Issuer policies before the
Security Domain is installed.
Card Content management involves a Security Domain performing loading, installation, extradition, update to
GlobalPlatform Registry and content removal operations. Security Domain with Token Verification Privilege
The privilege allows a Security Domain Provider, to authorize Card Content management operations. Within
a sub-hierarchy of Security Domains starting from the Security Domain with the Authorized Management
Privilege, the Security Domain having the Token Verification privilege controls such authorization. A Security
Domain with Token Verification privilege requires the knowledge of keys and algorithms used for Tokens.
Note: Typically, the Token Verification privilege is assigned to a Security Domain with the Authorized
Management privilege. The Token Verification privilege does not provide Card Content Management
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In this version of the specification, it is assumed that within a sub-hierarchy, starting from a Security Domain
with the Authorized Management privilege, no more than one Security Domain may have the Token Verification
privilege. Security Domain with Authorized Management Privilege
Having a Security Domain with this privilege allows a Security Domain provider to perform Card Content
management without authorization (i.e. without token) in the case where the off-card entity is authenticated as
the owner (Security Domain Provider) of the Security Domain. In that case the Security Domain that has Token
Verification privilege is not involved. However, a Token is still required (as for Delegated Management; see
section if the off-card entity is authenticated but is not the Security Domain Provider (see
ANY_AUTHENTICATED security level in section 10.4, Entity Authentication). Security Domain with Delegated Management Privilege.
The Delegated Management privilege allows an Application Providers Security Domain with this privilege to
Delegated loading;
Delegated installation and make selectable;
Delegated extradition;
Delegated update to the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Delegated deletion.
The privilege allows an Application Provider to manage Card Content with authorization. Within a
sub-hierarchy of Security Domains starting from the Security Domain with the Authorized Management
privilege, the descendant Security Domain having the Token Verification privilege controls such authorization.
In this version of the specification, it is assumed that the Security Domain with the Delegated Management
privilege performs card content operations only within the sub-hierarchy starting from a Security Domain with
the Authorized Management privilege.
Delegated Management is not a mandated feature of a GlobalPlatform card and is only necessary for Card
Issuers that choose to offer this flexibility. In order to achieve it, close co-operation is required between the
OPEN and the Security Domains. Security Domain with Global Delete Privilege
This privilege provides the capability to remove any Executable Load File or Application from the card even if
the Executable Load File or Application does not belong to this Security Domain. Security Domain with Global Lock Privilege
This privilege provides the right to initiate the locking and unlocking of any Application on the card, independent
of its Security Domain association and hierarchy. It also provides the capability to restrict the Card Content
Management functionality of OPEN.
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prohibited. Security Domain with Receipt Generation Privilege
This privilege allows a Security Domain Provider, to provide a confirmation for a delegated card content
management operation. Within a sub-hierarchy of Security Domains starting from the Security Domain with
the Authorized Management privilege, the descendant Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall
generate the receipt. It requires the knowledge of keys and algorithms used for Receipt generation. It shall
also keep track of a Confirmation Counter that is incremented when generating each Receipt. When reaching
its maximum value, the Confirmation Counter shall not be reset to zero. Security Domains are not required to
support counter values beyond 32767.
Note that this privilege does not provide Card Content management capability.
In this version of the specification, it is assumed that within a sub-hierarchy, starting from a Security Domain
with the Authorized Management privilege, no more than one Security Domain may have the Receipt
Generation privilege. Ciphered Load File Data Block Privilege
This privilege allows a Security Domain Provider to require that the Load File Data Block being associated to
it shall be ciphered.
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9.2 Authorizing and Controlling Card Content
The following section details the authorization and control features that may be used during Card Content
loading and installation. The responsibility of ensuring that these controls are present when required rests with
the OPEN.
9.2.1 DAP Verification
An Application Provider may require that their Application code to be loaded on the card shall be checked for
integrity and authenticity. The DAP Verification privilege of the Application Providers Security Domain detailed
in this Specification provides this service on behalf of an Application Provider.
A Verification Authority may require that all Application code to be loaded onto the card shall be checked for
integrity and authenticity. The Mandated DAP Verification privilege of the Verification Authoritys Security
Domain detailed in this Specification provides this service on behalf of the Verification Authority.
The key and algorithm to be used for DAP Verification or Mandated DAP Verification are implicitly known by
the corresponding Security Domain.
Flow control and runtime behavior as described in section 9.3.5, Card Content Loading Process, applies; more
detail on DAP Blocks is provided in section C.3.
9.2.2 Load File Data Block Hash
The Load File Data Block Hash is an integrity check across the whole Load File Data Block to be transferred
to the card and is present as a field in the INSTALL [for load] command; more detail is provided in section C.2.
The Load File Data Block Hash is mandatory when a Token or DAP Block is present in a Load File, and is
optional otherwise. If a Load File Data Block Hash is present in a Load File, then it shall be checked.
See section B.5 for more details on the hash algorithms.
Flow control and runtime behavior as described in section 9.3.5, Card Content Loading Process, applies.
9.2.3 Tokens
Tokens relate specifically to Delegated Management, and to Authorized Management where the off-card entity
is not the Security Domain Provider. They are not allowed in other cases. More detail is provided in section C.4.
The entity owning the Security Domain with Token Verification Privilege provides a Token to the Security
Domain Provider performing the content management function. During the processing of the content
management function the token is verified on-card by the Security Domain with Token Verification Privilege.
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9.3 Card Content Loading, Installation and Make Selectable
9.3.1 Overview
The GlobalPlatform Card Content loading process is designed to allow the addition of code to Mutable
Persistent Memory in the card. Card Content loading may be prohibited if a load process is already in progress
on another logical channel.
The GlobalPlatform Card Content installation process is designed to allow the Card Issuer to make previously
loaded application code executable on the card.
Card Content installation is either performed simultaneously with the load process, immediately following the
load process or at a later time.
The Load File Data Block contains the information required in order to create an Executable Load File. The
internal organization of the Load File Data Block is beyond the scope of this Specification. The Java Card™
CAP file definition and MULTOS™ Application Load Unit are examples of an expected Load File Data Block.
The Load File Data Block may also contain information on the Load File Data Block attributes such as its name,
version number and size. The Card Content loading and installation process may include implementation
specific linking and actual verification of the executable code. Additional authentication data may also be present
in the Load File.
Upon the successful completion of the Card Content loading, an Executable Load File shall be present on the
card and the OPEN shall create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File. The
OPEN shall also create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for each Executable Module present within an
Executable Load File. However, Executable Modules are not yet ready for execution. Applications may then
be installed. Installing an Application results in another entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
The following figure details the two possible phases of the Card Content loading and installation.
Figure 9-1: Loading and Installation Process
Loading Phase
Load 1
Installation Phase
Load n
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9.3.2 Card Content Loading
When requested to do so by the OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall verify the
transmission of the Load File from the off-card entity to the card, and when applicable, Security Domains with
the relevant privilege shall verify the integrity of the Load File Data Block before the OPEN commits the new
content to memory.
A Security Domain with Authorized Management or Delegated Management privilege may load an Executable
Load File to any Security Domain. The Executable Load File is subject to acceptance by the receiving Security
Domain where applicable.
The load process comprises an INSTALL [for load] command and one or more LOAD commands all of which
are processed by the Security Domain. The Security Domain then passes the load request and Load File
information to the OPEN for additional verification and processing.
The Load Token allows the OPEN, via the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege within the same
sub-hierarchy as the Security Domain performing the load, to ensure that the Token authorized the load
process and the loading of the content of the Load File Data Block.
The Load File Data Block Hash links the Token to the actual Load File Data Block.
The response to the last LOAD command identifies the end of the load process. Following the completion of
the load process, an optional Load Receipt is returned to the Security Domain performing the Delegated
Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security Domain to the off-card entity.
The Application Provider may then forward the Load Receipt to the corresponding off-card entity as a proof
that the loading process was successfully performed. The purpose of the optional Load Receipt is to assist the
Application Provider in keeping its Card Management System synchronized with its on-card application base.
9.3.3 Card Content Installation
A Security Domain with Authorized Management or Delegated Management privilege may install an
Application. Upon successful installation,
If the newly installed Application is a Security Domain, then it is associated with the Security Domain
that performed the install operation.
Otherwise, the newly installed Application is associated with the Security Domain associated with the
Executable Load File it was created from.
The installation process comprises an INSTALL [for install] command processed by the Security Domain. The
Security Domain then passes the install request to the OPEN for additional verification and processing.
The Install Token allows the OPEN, via the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege within the same
sub-hierarchy as the Security Domain performing the installation, to ensure that the Token authorized the
installation process.
The response to the INSTALL [for install] command identifies the end of the installation process. Following the
completion of the installation process, an optional Install Receipt is returned to the Security Domain performing
the Delegated Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security Domain to the off-card entity.
The Application Provider may then forward the Install Receipt to the corresponding off-card entity as a proof
that the installation process was successfully performed. The purpose of the optional Install Receipt is to assist
the Application Provider in keeping its Card Management System synchronized with its on-card application
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9.3.4 Card Content Combined Loading, Installation and Make Selectable
When requested to do so by the OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall verify the
transmission of the Load File from the off-card entity to the card, and when applicable, Security Domains with
the relevant privilege shall verify the integrity of the Load File Data Block before the OPEN commits the new
content to memory.
A Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege may load an Executable Load File to any Security
Domain, install an Application from the Executable Load File and make the Application selectable.
The combined load, install and make selectable process comprises a first INSTALL [for load, install and make
selectable] command, one or more LOAD commands and a last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable]
command all of which are processed by the Security Domain. The Executable Load File is subject to
acceptance by the receiving Security Domain where applicable.
The combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token allows the OPEN, via the Security Domain with Token
Verification privilege within the same sub-hierarchy as the Security Domain performing the combined Load,
Install and Make Selectable, to ensure that the Token authorized the load process and the loading of the
content of the Load File Data Block as well as the installation of an Application from the previously loaded
Executable Load File.
The response to the last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command identifies the end of the
combined load and install process. Following the completion of the load and install process, an optional
combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt is returned to the Security Domain performing the
Delegated Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security Domain to the off-card entity.
The Application Provider may then forward the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt to the
corresponding off-card entity as a proof that the loading process was successfully performed. The purpose of
the optional combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt is to assist the Application Provider in
keeping its Card Management System synchronized with its on-card application base.
The response to the last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command completes the combined
load, install and make selectable process.
9.3.5 Card Content Loading Process
The phases in Figure 9-1 use a combination of multiple occurrences of two different APDU commands
(INSTALL and LOAD). The following sequence of APDU commands apply to the loading:
An INSTALL [for load] command serves as the load request for loading. The INSTALL [for load]
command data field details the requirements regarding a Load File;
Multiple LOAD commands are then used to transport the Load File in blocks according to the size of
the file and the communications buffer size of the card;
Each INSTALL or LOAD command is processed by the receiving Security Domain before forwarding
the load request and Load File to the OPEN for processing.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the content loading process.
Load Request Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an INSTALL [for load] command, the Security Domain performing the load shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
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If a Load File Data Block Hash is present in the INSTALL [for load] command, request the OPEN to
initiate the hash verification of the subsequent Load File Data Block.
If the Security Domain performing the load has Delegated Management privilege, check that a Load
Token is present in the INSTALL [for load] command.
If the Security Domain performing the load has the Authorized Management privilege and the off-card
entity at the origin of the load request is not authenticated as its Security Domain Provider (see
section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Load Token is present in the INSTALL [for load]
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for load] command, request the OPEN to obtain verification of
the Load Token.
If the Application Provider identifier is present in the load request, request the OPEN to save this in the
GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File.
On receipt of a load request (arising from an INSTALL [for load] command), the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD LOCKED or TERMINATED.
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for load.
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege.
Check that the AID of the Load File is not already present in the GlobalPlatform Registry as an
Executable Load File or Application.
If an associated Security Domain AID is present and is not the Security Domain performing the load,
check that this AID exists within the GlobalPlatform Registry and is registered with the Security
Domain privilege. As this equates to the extradition of the Load File, check that the associated
Security Domain accepts this extradition. If the associated Security Domain has the Ciphered Load
File Data Block Privilege, the OPEN shall check that the Load File Data Block is sent ciphered (i.e.
with the tag 'D4'). If no associated Security Domain AID is indicated, the Security Domain performing
the load is by default the associated Security Domain.
At the request of the Security Domain performing the load, request the Security Domain with Token
Verification privilege to authorize the load request (e.g. to verify the Load Token).
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this load.
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, a Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the Load Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain to which the new Executable Load File shall be extradited (if
any) shall:
Apply its own policy to accept or reject this extradition.
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
Load Phase Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the LOAD commands, the Security Domain performing the load shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
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Discover whether any Security Domain has the Mandated DAP Verification privilege and is in the
PERSONALIZED state, and if so:
Ensure that the required authentication data (DAP Block identifying the above Security Domain)
is present in the Load File
Check if the associated Security Domain has the DAP Verification privilege and if so:
Ensure that the required authentication data (DAP Block identifying the associated Security
Domain) is present in the Load File;
If authentication data (one or more DAP Blocks) is present in the Load File:
Ensure that a Load File Data Block Hash was received during the load request process;
Extract the authentication data (one or more DAP Blocks) from the Load File;
For each DAP Block of the Load File, request the OPEN to obtain verification of the DAP by the
Security Domain indicated in the DAP Block.
On receipt of the Load File the OPEN shall:
Verify the resource requirements of the Load File (see section 9.7, Memory Resource Management)
and that sufficient card resources are available;
Check that each DAP verification request from the Security Domain performing the load relates to a
Security Domain present in the GlobalPlatform Registry with DAP or Mandated DAP Verification
privilege and if so request the Security Domain to verify the DAP;
Compute the hash of the Load File Data Block when verification of a DAP Block or Load Token is
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain(s) verifying the DAP(s) shall:
Verify that the DAP matches with the Load File Data Block Hash received in the load request.
Load Completion Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the last LOAD command, the Security Domain performing the load shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Request the OPEN to obtain a Load Receipt.
On completion of the load process the OPEN shall:
At the request of the Security Domain performing the load, verify the Load File Data Block Hash
received in the load request;
Check in the GlobalPlatform Registry if any Security Domain has the Mandated DAP Verification
privilege and is in the PERSONALIZED state, and if so:
Ensure that the above Security Domain has successfully verified a DAP;
Check in the GlobalPlatform Registry if the associated Security Domain has the DAP Verification
privilege and if so:
Ensure that the associated Security Domain has successfully verified a DAP;
If one or more DAP verifications were performed, verify the Load File Data Block Hash received in the
load request;
If the Security Domain performing the load has Delegated Management privilege, ensure that the
Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
If a Load Token was verified, verify the Load File Data Block Hash received in the load request;
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Create an Executable Load File using the Load File Data Block;
Create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File indicating its associated
Security Domain;
Create an entry for each Executable Module within the Executable Load File in the GlobalPlatform
Registry. This shall include the Application Provider identifier if requested by the Security Domain in
the load request. The associated Security Domain for each Executable Module shall be the same as
the associated Security Domain for the Executable Load File;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the load, request the Security Domain with Receipt
Generation privilege to generate a Load Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a Load Receipt.
If, at any stage, the OPEN determines that card resources are insufficient for the loading process or that any
verification step has failed, the OPEN shall terminate the loading process, shall return the appropriate error
and shall reclaim any memory allocated to the load process.
9.3.6 Card Content Installation Process
An INSTALL [for install] command is then used to request the installation of an application. The receiving
Security Domain processes the INSTALL command before forwarding the install request to the OPEN for
The installation internal processing is beyond the scope of this Specification. However, it is assumed that the
installation process includes the creation of instances and allocation of Application data memory.
Following the installation, the OPEN shall register additional information in the GlobalPlatform Registry
regarding the Application Life Cycle State, Security Domain association, and Privileges.
Applications inherit the associated Security Domain of the Executable Load File from which they are installed.
They may be extradited to another Security Domain.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the content installation process:
Runtime Behavior (Installation)
On receipt of the INSTALL [for install] command, the Security Domain performing the installation shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain performing the installation has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the installation request is not authenticated as its Security Domain
Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that an Install Token is present in the
INSTALL [for install] command.
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for install] command, request the OPEN to obtain verification of
the Install Token.
If the Application Provider identifier is present in the install request, request the OPEN to save this in
the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application.
Request the OPEN to obtain an Install Receipt.
On receipt of the install request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for installation;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the Executable Module AID is present in the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Check that the Application AID (for future selection of the Application) is not already present in the
GlobalPlatform Registry as an Application or Executable Load File;
If the Security Domain performing the installation is not the Security Domain associated with the
Executable Load File from which the Application is being installed, check that the Security Domain
associated with the Executable Load File accepts this installation;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the installation, request the Security Domain with
Token Verification privilege to authorize the installation (e.g. to verify the Install Token);
Verify the resource requirements indicated for the Application (see section 9.7, Memory Resource
Management) and that sufficient card resources are available;
Perform the installation of the Application according to the underlying runtime environment
If the Security Domain performing the installation has Delegated Management privilege, ensure that
the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Create an Application from the Executable Module;
Ensure that the Application, depending on the underlying runtime environment, has the knowledge of
its AID, its Privileges and its Install Parameters;
Create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application indicating its associated Security
Domain, Life Cycle State, Privileges and, when present in the install request, Implicit Selection,
Service and Memory Resource Management parameters; and including the Application Provider
identifier if supplied by the Security Domain in the installation request;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the installation, request the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege to generate an Install Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this installation;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the Install Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not an Install Receipt.
If the OPEN determines that card resources are insufficient for installing the Application or the runtime
environment does not currently allow the installation, the OPEN shall terminate the installation process, return
the appropriate error and reclaim any memory allocated to the install process.
9.3.7 Card Content Make Selectable Process
An INSTALL [for make selectable] command is used to request to make selectable a previously installed
application. The receiving Security Domain processes the INSTALL command before forwarding the make
selectable request to the OPEN for processing.
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The make selectable internal processing is beyond the scope of this Specification.
Following the make selectable, the OPEN shall register additional information in the GlobalPlatform Registry
regarding the Application Life Cycle State and Privileges.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the content make selectable process:
Runtime Behavior (Make Selectable)
On receipt of the INSTALL [for make selectable] command, the Security Domain making the Application
selectable shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain making the Application selectable has the Authorized Management privilege
and the off-card entity at the origin of the installation request is not authenticated as its Security
Domain Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Make Selectable Token is
present in the INSTALL [for make selectable] command.
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for make selectable] command, request the OPEN to obtain
verification of the Make Selectable Token.
If the Application Provider identifier is present in the make selectable request, request the OPEN to
save this in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application.
Request the OPEN to obtain a Make Selectable Receipt.
On receipt of the make selectable request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for make selectable;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the Application AID is present in the GlobalPlatform Registry;
If the Security Domain making the Application selectable is not the associated Security Domain of the
Application, check that the Security Domain associated with the Application accepts to make it
At the request of the Security Domain making the Application selectable, request the Security Domain
with Token Verification privilege to authorize the make selectable (e.g. to verify the Make Selectable
Make the Application selectable according to the underlying runtime environment requirements;
If the Security Domain making the Application selectable has Delegated Management privilege,
ensure that the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Update accordingly the GlobalPlatform Registry entry for the Application (e.g. Privileges, Implicit
Selection parameters);
At the request of the Security Domain making the Application selectable, request the Security Domain
with Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Make Selectable Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject making this Application selectable;
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Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the Make Selectable Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a Make Selectable Receipt.
9.3.8 Card Content Combined Loading, Installation and Make Selectable Process
The phases in Figure 9-1 are combined into a single process that uses a combination of multiple occurrences
of two different APDU commands (INSTALL and LOAD). The following sequence of APDU commands apply
to the loading:
A first INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command serves as the combined load and install
request for loading and installation. The INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command data field
details the requirements regarding a Load File.
Multiple LOAD commands are then used to transport the Load File in blocks according to the size of the file
and the communications buffer size of the card.
A last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command serves as the combined load and install
commit for loading and installation. The last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command data
field details the requirements regarding the Application being installed.
Each INSTALL or LOAD command is processed by the receiving Security Domain before forwarding the load
request and Load File Data Block to the OPEN for processing.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the content combined loading and installation
Combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Request Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command, the Security Domain performing
the combined load and install shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If a Load File Data Block Hash is present in the INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable]
command, request the OPEN to initiate the hash verification of the subsequent Load File Data Block;
If the Application Provider identifier is present in the load request, request the OPEN to save this in the
GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File.
On receipt of a combined load and installation request (arising from an INSTALL [for load, install and make
selectable] command), the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for load, installation and make
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the AID of the Load File is not already present in the GlobalPlatform Registry as an
Executable Load File or Application;
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If an associated Security Domain AID is present, and is not the Security Domain performing the
combined load, install and make selectable, check that this AID exists within the GlobalPlatform
Registry and is registered with the Security Domain privilege. As this equates to the extradition of the
Load File, check that the associated Security Domain accepts this extradition and combined load,
install and make selectable operation. If no associated Security Domain AID is indicated, the Security
Domain performing the load is by default the associated Security Domain.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this combined load, install and make
selectable operation;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain to which the new Executable Load File shall be extradited (if
any) shall:
Apply its own policy to accept or reject this extradition;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
Load Phase Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the LOAD commands, the Security Domain performing the load shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Discover whether any Security Domain has the Mandated DAP Verification privilege and is in the
PERSONALIZED state, and if so:
o Ensure that the required authentication data (DAP Block identifying the above Security Domain) is
present in the Load File.
Check if the associated Security Domain has the DAP Verification privilege and if so:
o Ensure that the required authentication data (DAP Block identifying the associated Security
Domain) is present in the Load File.
If authentication data (one or more DAP Blocks) is present in the Load File:
o Ensure that a Load File Data Block Hash was received during the combined load, install and make
selectable request process;
o Extract the authentication data (one or more DAP Blocks) from the Load File;
o For each DAP Block of the Load File, request the OPEN to obtain verification of the DAP by the
Security Domain indicated in the DAP Block.
On receipt of the Load File the OPEN shall:
Verify the resource requirements of the Load File (see section 9.7, Memory Resource Management)
and that sufficient card resources are available;
Check that each DAP verification request from the Security Domain performing the load relates to a
Security Domain present in the GlobalPlatform Registry with DAP or Mandated DAP Verification
privilege and if so request the Security Domain to verify the DAP;
Compute the hash of the Load File Data Block when verification of a DAP Block or a combined Load,
Install and Make Selectable Token is requested;
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain(s) verifying the DAP(s) shall:
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Verify that the DAP matches with the Load File Data Block Hash received in the load request.
On completion of the load process the OPEN shall:
At the request of the Security Domain performing the load, verify the Load File Data Block Hash
received in the combined load, install and make selectable request;
Check in the GlobalPlatform Registry if any Security Domain has the Mandated DAP Verification
privilege and is in the PERSONALIZED state, and if so:
o Ensure that the above Security Domain has successfully verified a DAP;
Check in the GlobalPlatform Registry if the associated Security Domain has the DAP Verification
privilege and if so:
o Ensure that the associated Security Domain has successfully verified a DAP;
If one or more DAP verifications were performed, verify the Load File Data Block Hash received in the
load request.
Combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Completion Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the last INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command, the Security Domain
performing the combined load and install shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
If the Security Domain performing the installation has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the installation request is not authenticated as its Security Domain
Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Load, Install and Make Selectable
Token is present in the INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command;
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command, request the
OPEN to obtain verification of the Load, Install and Make Selectable Token;
If the Application Provider identifier is present in the combined load, install and make selectable
request, request the OPEN to save this in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File
and the Application;
Request the OPEN to obtain a combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt.
On completion of the load, install and make selectable process the OPEN shall:
If the Security Domain performing the combined load, install and make selectable has Delegated
Management privilege, ensure that the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has
successfully verified a Token;
Create an Executable Load File using the Load File Data Block;
Create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Executable Load File indicating its associated
Security Domain;
Create an entry for each Executable Module within the Executable Load File in the GlobalPlatform
Registry. This shall include the Application Provider identifier if requested by the Security Domain in
the combined load, install and make selectable request. The associated Security Domain for each
Executable Module shall be the same as the associated Security Domain for the Executable Load File;
Check that the Application AID (for future selection of the Application) is not already present in the
GlobalPlatform Registry as an Application or Executable Load File;
Perform the installation of the Application according to the underlying runtime environment
Create an Application from the Executable Module;
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Ensure that the Application, depending on the underlying runtime environment, has the knowledge of
its AID, its Privileges and its Install Parameters;
Create an entry in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the Application indicating its associated Security
Domain, Life Cycle State, Privileges and, when present in the combined load, install and make
selectable request, Implicit Selection, Service and Memory Resource Management parameters; and
including the Application Provider identifier if supplied by the Security Domain in the combined load,
install and make selectable request;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the combined load, install and make selectable,
request the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Load, Install and Make
selectable Receipt;
Verify the resource requirements indicated for the Application (see section 9.7, Memory Resource
Management) and that sufficient card resources are available.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt.
If, at any stage, the OPEN determines that card resources are insufficient for the loading process or that any
verification step has failed, the OPEN shall terminate the loading process, shall return the appropriate error
and shall reclaim any memory allocated to the load process.
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9.3.9 Examples of Loading and Installation Flow
The following diagram is an example of the loading and installing of an Application to a GlobalPlatform card.
In this example loading and installation are performed by a Security Domain with Authorized Management
privilege. The Load File is loaded on the card and stored in memory as an Executable Load File. The
installation phase occurs immediately following the loading phase.
Figure 9-2: Load and Installation Flow Diagram
SELECT Security Domain
SELECT Response
Security Domain
with Authorized
APDU Interface
[for load]
INSTALL Response
Authentication Process
LOAD Response
[for install]
INSTALL Response
LOAD Response
store Executable Load
verify Load File Data Block Hash;
store Executable Load File;
create and register Executable
Load File and Executable
validate request
validate request;
install and register
Domain with
DAP verification
verify Load File
Data Block
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The following diagram is an example of the loading of an Application to a GlobalPlatform card. In this example
loading is performed by a Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege.
Figure 9-3: Load Flow Diagram
SELECT Security
SELECT Response
Security Domain
with Delegated
[for load]
INSTALL Response
LOAD Response
LOAD Response
store Executable Load
store Executable Load File;
verify Load File Data Block Hash;
create and register Executable
Load File and Executable
validate request;
Domain with
verify Load
Domain with
assess access
verify Load File
Data Block
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The following diagram is an example of installing an Application from an Executable Load File already present
on the card. In this example loading and installation are performed by a Security Domain with Delegated
Management privilege.
Figure 9-4: Install Flow Diagram
SELECT Security
SELECT Response
Domain with
INSTALL Response
Authentication Process
[for install]
validate request;
assess access conditions;
Domain with
verify security conditions
with Security Domains;
install and register
verify Install
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9.4 Content Extradition and Registry Update
9.4.1 Content Extradition
The GlobalPlatform Card Content extradition process is designed to allow a previously installed Application or
a previously loaded Executable Load File to be associated with a different Security Domain.
The extradition may apply at any time during the Application Life Cycle. Extradition may apply for any Security
Domain (in the PERSONALIZED state) or the Issuer Security Domain (in any card Life Cycle State other than
CARD_LOCKED and TERMINATED), that accepts the extradited Application.
The extradition process is triggered by an INSTALL [for extradition] command. The Security Domain
processing the command then passes the extradition request to the OPEN for additional verification and
processing. Using the INSTALL [for extradition] command, it is forbidden to extradite an Executable Load File
to a Security Domain having the DAP Verification privilege.
If the Security Domain processing the INSTALL [for extradition] command has the Delegated Management
privilege, then an Extradition Token must be present in the command. In this case, the Extradition Token allows
the OPEN, via the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege within the same sub-hierarchy as the
Security Domain performing the extradition, to ensure that the token authorized the extradition process.
Following the completion of the extradition process, an optional Extradition Receipt is returned to the Security
Domain performing the Delegated Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security Domain to
the off-card entity. The Application Provider may then forward the Extradition Receipt to the corresponding
off-card entity as a proof that the extradition process was successfully performed. The purpose of the optional
Extradition Receipt is to assist the Application Provider in keeping its Card Management System synchronized
with its on-card application base.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the Card Content extradition process.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the INSTALL [for extradition] command, the Security Domain performing the extradition shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain performing the extradition has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the extradition request is not authenticated as its Security Domain
Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that an Extradition Token is present in the
INSTALL [for extradition] command;
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for extradition] command, request the OPEN to obtain
verification of the Extradition Token;
Request the OPEN to obtain an Extradition Receipt.
On receipt of an extradition request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for extradition;
Determine if the Application or Executable Load File being extradited exists within the GlobalPlatform
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
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Check that an on-card entity with the same AID as the Security Domain to which the Application or
Executable Load File is being extradited exists within the GlobalPlatform Registry, and that this
on-card entity has the Security Domain privilege;
Check that the Security Domain to which an Executable Load File is being extradited does not have
the DAP Verification privilege;
If the Security Domain performing the extradition has the Delegated Management privilege, ensure
that the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Update accordingly the GlobalPlatform Registry entry for the Application or Executable Load File;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the extradition, request the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege to generate an Extradition Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the currently associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this extradition request;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the Extradition Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not an Extradition Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain accepting the explicit extradition shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this Card Content extradition;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
The Security Domain requesting the extradition does not need to be associated with the Application or Load
File being extradited. The Security Domain initially associated with the Application may accept or reject the
extradition as detailed in a configuration.
Extradition Flow
The following figure is an example of extradition, and shows delegated extradition:
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Figure 9-5: Delegated Extradition Flow
validate request;
assess access
verify Extradition
Security Domain
with Token
Authentication Process
Domain with
SELECT Security Domain
verify security
conditions with
Security Domains;
extradite Application
or Executable Load
INSTALL response
SELECT response
9.4.2 Registry Update Generic Registry Update
The registry update process allows GlobalPlatform Registry data associated with an Application, such as
Privileges and Implicit Selection parameters, to be modified. This process also allows the restricting of Card
Content Management functionality of a specific Security Domain or OPEN itself (i.e. of all existing Security
Domains present on the card and any eventual Security Domain installed afterwards).
The registry update may apply at any time during the Application Life Cycle or card Life Cycle (other than
The registry update process comprises one or more INSTALL [for registry update] commands processed by
the receiving Security Domain. To restrict Card Content Management functionality of OPEN, no Application
AID is provided in the INSTALL [for registry update] command. The Security Domain then passes the registry
update request to the OPEN for additional verification and processing.
The Registry Update Token allows the OPEN, via the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege within
the same sub-hierarchy as the Security Domain performing the Registry Update, to ensure that the token
authorizes the update of the GlobalPlatform Registry.
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The response to the INSTALL [for registry update] command identifies the end of the registry update process.
Following the completion of the registry update process, an optional Registry Update Receipt is returned to
the Security Domain performing the Delegated Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security
Domain to the off-card entity.
The Application Provider may then forward the Registry Update Receipt to the corresponding off-card entity
as a proof that the registry update process was successfully performed. The purpose of the optional Registry
Update Receipt is to assist the Application Provider in keeping its Card Management System synchronized
with its on-card application base.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the registry update process.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of the INSTALL [for registry update] command, the Security Domain performing the registry update
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain performing the registry update has the Authorized Management privilege and
the off-card entity at the origin of the registry update request is not authenticated as its Security
Domain Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Registry Update Token is
present in the INSTALL [for registry update] command;
If a Token is present in the INSTALL [for registry update] command, request the OPEN to obtain
verification of the Registry Update Token;
Request the OPEN to obtain a Registry Update Receipt.
On receipt of a registry update request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for registry update;
When updating an Application, determine if the Application being updated exists within the
GlobalPlatform Registry;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
When restricting functionality of OPEN, check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain
with Global Lock privilege;
If the Security Domain requesting the registry update is not the associated Security Domain of the
Application, check that the Security Domain associated with the Application accepts this registry
If the Security Domain performing the registry update has the Delegated Management privilege,
ensure that the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Update accordingly the GlobalPlatform Registry entry for the Application being updated;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the registry update, request the Security Domain
with Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Registry Update Receipt.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this registry update;
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Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Verify the Registry Update Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuers policy to generate or not a Registry Update Receipt. Extradition using Registry Update
An extradition may be performed using the registry update process. The simultaneous extradition and registry
update process is achieved by an appropriately formed INSTALL [for registry update] command.
The runtime behavior requirements for an extradition using registry update are the sum of the runtime behavior
requirements for general registry update as well as the additional runtime behavior requirements specified
If a Token is required the Registry Update Token is used, and if a Receipt is to be returned the Registry Update
Receipt is used; both of which allow for extradition as well as for registry update.
Additional Runtime Behavior
At the request of OPEN, the currently associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Provider’s policy to accept or reject this extradition request;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of the OPEN, the Security Domain accepting the explicit extradition shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this Card Content extradition;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Lifecycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable to
a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
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9.5 Content Removal
This section defines the content removal process that enables a flexible management of the Mutable Persistent
Memory space of the cards through the removal of Applications and/or Executable Load Files. Only code and
data not referenced by another entity on the card may be deleted. Code and data that is currently being
accessed by the runtime environment is deemed to be referenced by another entity. If the Application is
selected on another logical channel this Application cannot be deleted.
The DELETE command (see section 11.2, DELETE Command) allows for the actual removal of content from
Mutable Persistent Memory and the logical removal of content from Immutable Persistent Memory. The
DELETE command is processed by the receiving Security Domain before forwarding the removal request to
the OPEN for processing.
Depending on the memory location of the removed Applications and/or Executable Load File, the OPEN shall
perform the different actions detailed in the following sections. When the Application or Executable Load File
has been successfully removed, its contents in the memory shall no longer be accessible.
A Security Domain with Global Delete privilege has the privilege to delete any Application or Executable Load
File from the card regardless of which Security Domain the Application or Executable Load File is associated
The Delete Token allows the OPEN, via the Security Domain with the Token Verification privilege within the
same sub-hierarchy as the Security Domain performing the Delete, to ensure that the token authorizes the
deletion of the associated GlobalPlatform Registry entries.
The response to the DELETE command identifies the end of the deletion process. Following the completion
of the deletion process, an optional Delete Receipt is returned to the Security Domain performing the Delegated
Management operation and shall be transmitted by the Security Domain to the off-card entity.
The Application Provider may then forward the Delete Receipt to the corresponding off-card entity as a proof
that the deletion process was successfully performed. The purpose of the optional Delete Receipt is to assist
the Application Provider in keeping its Card Management System synchronized with its on-card application
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Deletion Flow
The following figure is an example of deleting an Application, an Executable Load File, or both:
Figure 9-6: Content Deletion Flow
SELECT Security Domain
SELECT Response
Security Domain
with Delegated
DELETE Response
Optional Authentication
verify security conditions
with Security Domains;
delete Executable Load
File and/or Application(s)
Security Domain
with Token
validate request;
assess access
verify Delete Token
9.5.1 Application Removal
Application removal may involve the removal of Application instances as well as any Application data
associated with the Application.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the Application removal process.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an Application deletion request (DELETE command), the Security Domain performing the
deletion shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (applicable to a
Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the delete request is not authenticated as its Security Domain Provider
(see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Delete Token is present in the DELETE
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
If a Token is present in the DELETE command, request the OPEN to obtain verification of the Delete
Request the OPEN to obtain a Delete Receipt.
On receipt of an Application deletion request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for deletion;
Determine that the Application being deleted has an entry within the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the Security Domain performing the deletion is the associated Security Domain of the
Application being deleted, or that it has Global Delete privilege. Otherwise (i.e. if the Security Domain
performing the deletion is not associated with the Application being deleted and does not have the
Global Delete privilege), check that the Security Domain associated with the Application accepts this
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Token Verification privilege to verify the Delete Token;
Determine that the Application is not currently selected on another logical channel;
Determine that no other Applications present in the card make references to this Application;
Determine that no other Applications present in the card make references to any data within this
If a Security Domain is being deleted, determine that none of the Applications or Executable Load
Files present in the card are associated with this Security Domain;
If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Delegated Management privilege, ensure that
the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a token;
Remove the entry for the Application from within the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Re-assign the Applications privileges (if any) to the Issuer Security Domain as defined in
section 6.6.2, Privilege Assignment;
If the Application is implicitly selectable, re-assign implicit selection to the Issuer Security Domain as
defined in section 6.4.1, Implicit Selection Assignment;
Release and mark as available any Mutable Persistent Memory and when supported, apply the
memory resource management rules described in section 9.7, Memory Resource Management;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Delete Receipt.
If the OPEN determines that any of the above verification steps have failed, the OPEN shall not initiate the
delete process and shall inform the Security Domain to return the appropriate response. Once this delete
process begins it shall complete in the current Card Session or, in the event of an interruption, at least the
updates to the GlobalPlatform Registry shall complete in a subsequent Card Session.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers security policy to accept or reject this Application removal;
Apply its own security policy e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable to
a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
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Apply the issuers policy to accept or reject a deletion authorization request without the presence of a
Delete Token;
Verify the Delete Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a Delete Receipt.
9.5.2 Executable Load File Removal
An Executable Load File contains Executable Modules. The removal applies to the entire Executable Load
File. Physical removal may occur in Mutable Persistent Memory while only logical removal is possible in
Immutable Persistent Memory.
This version of the Specification does not cover the removal of a specific Executable Module within an
Executable Load File.
The following runtime behavior requirements apply during the Executable Load File removal process.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an Executable Load File deletion request (DELETE command), the Security Domain performing
the deletion shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the delete request is not authenticated as its Security Domain Provider
(see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Delete Token is present in the DELETE
If a Token is present in the DELETE command, request the OPEN to obtain verification of the Delete
Request the OPEN to obtain a Delete Receipt.
On receipt of an Executable Load File removal process deletion request, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for deletion;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the Security Domain performing the deletion is the associated Security Domain of the
Executable Load File being deleted, or that it has Global Delete privilege. Otherwise (i.e. if the
Security Domain performing the deletion is not associated with the Executable Load File being deleted
and does not have the Global Delete privilege) check that the Security Domain associated with the
Executable Load File accepts this deletion;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Token Verification privilege to verify the Delete Token;
Determine that the Executable Load File being deleted has an entry within the GlobalPlatform
Determine that no other Applications and no other Executable Load Files present in the card maintain
references to this Executable Load File;
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Delegated Management privilege, ensure that
the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Remove the entry for the Executable Load File and the entries for any Executable Modules present in
the Executable Load File from within the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Release and mark as available any Mutable Persistent Memory and when supported, apply the
memory resource management rules described in section 9.7, Memory Resource Management;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Delete Receipt.
If the OPEN determines that any of the above verification steps have failed, the OPEN shall not initiate the
delete process and shall inform the Security Domain to return the appropriate response. Once this delete
process begins it shall all complete in the current Card Session or, in the event of an interruption, at least the
updates to the GlobalPlatform Registry shall complete in a subsequent Card Session.
Only Mutable Persistent Memory is released and marked as available. Executable Load Files contained in
Immutable Persistent Memory cannot be deleted but the entry for the Executable Load File and the entries for
the Executable Modules present in the Executable Load File shall be deleted from the GlobalPlatform Registry.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this Executable Load File removal;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to accept or reject a deletion authorization request without the presence of a
Delete Token;
Verify the Delete Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a Delete Receipt.
9.5.3 Executable Load File and related Application Removal
An Executable Load File contains Executable Modules from which Applications have been installed. This
optional feature removes the Executable Load File as well as all these related Applications. Physical removal
may occur in Mutable Persistent Memory while only logical removal is possible in Immutable Persistent
When supported by the card, the following runtime behavior requirements apply during the Executable Load
File and related Application removal process.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of an Executable Load File deletion request (DELETE command), the Security Domain performing
the deletion shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain);
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If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Authorized Management privilege and the
off-card entity at the origin of the delete request is not authenticated as its Security Domain Provider
(see section 10.4, Entity Authentication), check that a Delete Token is present in the DELETE
If a Token is present in the DELETE command, request the OPEN to obtain verification of the Delete
Request the OPEN to obtain a Delete Receipt.
On receipt of a request to remove an Executable Load File and its related Applications, the OPEN shall:
Check that the card Life Cycle State is not CARD_LOCKED or TERMINATED;
Check that OPEN and the requesting on-card entity have no restriction for deletion;
Check that the requesting on-card entity is a Security Domain with Delegated Management or
Authorized Management privilege;
Check that the Security Domain performing the deletion is the associated Security Domain of each of
the related Applications being deleted, or that it has the Global Delete privilege. Otherwise (i.e. if the
Security Domain performing the deletion is not associated with one or more of the Applications being
deleted and does not have the Global Delete privilege) check in each case that the Security Domain
associated with the related Application accepts this deletion;
Check that the Security Domain performing the deletion is the associated Security Domain of the
Executable Load File being deleted, or that it has the Global Delete privilege. Otherwise (i.e. if the
Security Domain performing the deletion is not associated with the Executable Load File being deleted
and does not have the Global Delete privilege) check that the Security Domain associated with the
Executable Load File accepts this deletion;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Token Verification privilege to verify the Delete Token;
If the Security Domain performing the deletion has the Delegated Management privilege, ensure that
the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege has successfully verified a Token;
Determine that the Executable Load File and Applications being deleted have entries within the
GlobalPlatform Registry;
Locate each Application installed from an Executable Module within this Executable Load File and for
each Application:
o Determine that the Application is not currently selected on another logical channel;
o Determine that no other non-related Applications present in the card make reference to this
o Determine that no other non-related Applications present in the card maintain references to any
data within this Application;
o If a Security Domain is being deleted, determine that none of the non-related Applications present
in the card are associated with this Security Domain;
Determine that no other Applications and no other Executable Load Files present in the card maintain
references to this Executable Load File;
Remove the entry for the Executable Load File and the entries for any Executable Modules present in
the Executable Load File from within the GlobalPlatform Registry;
Remove the entry for each related Application within the GlobalPlatform Registry;
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Re-assign the privileges of all related Applications (if any) to the Issuer Security Domain as defined in
section 6.6.2, Privilege Assignment;
If any related Application is implicitly selectable, re-assign implicit selection to the Issuer Security
Domain as defined in section 6.4.1, Implicit Selection Assignment;
Release and mark as available any Mutable Persistent Memory and when supported, apply the
memory resource management rules described in section 9.7, Memory Resource Management;
At the request of the Security Domain performing the deletion, request the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege to generate a Delete Receipt.
If the OPEN determines that any of the above verification steps have failed, the OPEN shall not initiate the
delete process and shall inform the Security Domain to return the appropriate response. Once the delete
processes begin they shall all complete in the current Card Session or, in the event of an interruption, at least
the updates to the GlobalPlatform Registry shall complete in a subsequent Card Session.
Only Mutable Persistent Memory is released and marked as available. Executable Load Files contained in
Immutable Persistent Memory cannot be deleted but the entry for the Executable Load File and the entries for
the Executable Modules present in the Executable Load File shall be deleted from the GlobalPlatform Registry.
At the request of OPEN, the associated Security Domain shall:
Apply the Security Domain Providers policy to accept or reject this Executable Load File and related
Application removal;
Apply its own security policy; e.g. check that its Life Cycle State is PERSONALIZED (only applicable
to a Security Domain other than the Issuer Security Domain).
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to accept or reject a deletion authorization request without the presence of a
Delete Token;
Verify the Delete Token.
At the request of OPEN, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall:
Apply the issuer’s policy to generate or not a Delete Receipt.
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9.6 Security Management
9.6.1 Life Cycle Management
The following set of services is provided to manage the Life Cycles of on-card entities:
Application locking and unlocking;
Card locking and unlocking;
Card termination;
Application Life Cycle interrogation;
Card Life Cycle interrogation.
Life Cycle Management Flow
The following figure shows the flow that is common to all the Life Cycle management services:
Figure 9-7: Life Cycle Management Flow
SELECT Security Domain
SELECT Response
Security Domain
APDU Interface
Optional Authentication Process
validate request;
assess security
verify security
set lifecycle state
9.6.2 Application Locking and Unlocking
The card has a mechanism to disable and subsequently re-enable the continued execution status of an on-card
Application. This mechanism may be invoked from within the OPEN based on exceptions handled by the
OPEN or from the use of externally invoked commands. An Application with Global Lock privilege, the
Application itself or a directly or indirectly associated Security Domain are the only entities that may initiate the
locking of an Application. Only an Application with Global Lock privilege or a directly or indirectly associated
Security Domain may initiate the unlocking of an Application.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a SET STATUS command, the Security Domain performing the lifecycle management shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
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Check that the off-card entity at the origin of the lock/unlock request is authenticated as the Security
Domain Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication).
On receipt of a request to lock or unlock an Application, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity is the Application itself, or the Security Domain directly or
indirectly associated with the Application being locked or unlocked, or that the requesting entity has
the Global Lock privilege;
Check that the Application is not requesting to unlock itself;
Check that an entry for the Application being locked or unlocked is present in the GlobalPlatform
Registry and does not have the Final Application privilege;
For locking, set the Application Life Cycle State to LOCKED;
For unlocking, reverse the Application Life Cycle State to its previous state;
For locking, keep a record of the previous Application Life Cycle State to ensure that the Application
Life Cycle State can be transitioned back to and only to this previous state.
An Application being locked that is currently selected on a logical channel shall remain the currently selected
Application on that logical channel until the end of the Application Session though its Application Life Cycle
State is set to LOCKED.
Once the Application Life Cycle State is set to LOCKED, the Application shall not be selectable implicitly or
explicitly on any logical channel.
If the locked Application is implicitly selectable on any card interface(s) and logical channel(s), the application
with Final Application privilege will be implicitly selected for those card interface(s) and logical channel(s).
9.6.3 Card Locking and Unlocking
Once the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, only the Application having the Final Application privilege
may be selected. Due to the severity of this action, the card locking shall only be allowed under the most
stringent conditions and shall only be performed with the proper security mechanisms and authorizations.
Card locking requests may originate from two sources:
Internal source either the OPEN, the Issuer Security Domain, or a privileged Application may initiate card
locking requests from within the card. Internal requests are likely to occur in response to certain card runtime
situations. For example, the OPEN or an Application with the necessary privilege may initiate the card locking
process as a response to a perceived security threat based on data collected from velocity checking data.
Off-card source explicit card locking requests may be initiated by APDU commands sent by the Card
Issuer to the Issuer Security Domain or by an authorized representative to an Application with the Card Lock
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a SET STATUS command, the Security Domain performing the lifecycle management shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Check that the off-card entity at the origin of the lock/unlock request is authenticated as the Security
Domain Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication).
On receipt of a request to lock the card, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity has the required Card Lock privilege;
Check that the current card Life Cycle State is SECURED;
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Set the card Life Cycle State to CARD_LOCKED.
On receipt of a request to unlock the card, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity has the required Card Lock privilege;
Reverse the card Life Cycle State to SECURED.
Applications that are currently selected on any logical channel shall remain the currently selected Applications
on their respective logical channels until the end of their respective Application Sessions. As soon as the
current Application Session on a Supplementary Logical Channel ends, the logical channel on which the
Application was selected is closed. Once all the Supplementary Logical Channels are closed the Basic Logical
Channel becomes the only available interface. As soon as the current Application Session on the Basic Logical
Channel ends, the Application with the Final Application privilege is the only selectable Application.
Attempts to modify Card Content are denied from the instant the card transitions to the CARD_LOCKED Life
Cycle State.
9.6.4 Card Termination
In the card Life Cycle State TERMINATED, all communication to the card are directed to the application with
the Final Application privilege. If the Issuer Security Domain is the application with this privilege all commands
except the GET DATA command processed by the Issuer Security Domain shall be disabled. Due to the
severity of this action, the card termination shall only be allowed under the most stringent conditions and shall
only be performed with the proper security mechanisms and authorizations.
The decision to terminate a card may either be triggered by an internal card event that violates a policy of the
Card Issuer or may be invoked externally:
Internal source either the OPEN, the Issuer Security Domain, or a privileged Application may initiate a card
termination request from within the card. An internal card termination request is likely to occur in response to
certain card runtime situations.
Off-card source explicit card termination requests can be initiated by APDU commands sent by the Card
Issuer to the Issuer Security Domain or by an authorized representative to an Application with the Card
Terminate privilege.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a SET STATUS command, the Security Domain performing the lifecycle management shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Check that the off-card entity at the origin of the termination request is authenticated as the Security
Domain Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication).
On receipt of a request to terminate the card, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity has the Card Terminate privilege;
Set the card Life Cycle State to TERMINATED from its current state.
Applications that are currently selected on any logical channel shall remain the currently selected Applications
on their respective logical channels until the end of their respective Application Sessions. As soon as the
current Application Session on a Supplementary Logical Channel ends, the logical channel on which the
Application was selected is closed. Once all the Supplementary Logical Channels are closed the Basic Logical
Channel becomes the only available interface. As soon as the current Application Session on the Basic Logical
Channel ends, no Applications are selectable, the Application with Final Application privilege is always
implicitly selected on the Basic Logical Channel.
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As the transition to the TERMINATED Life Cycle State can be due to the detection of a severe security threat,
the security policy of the Issuer may require additional behavior such as closing the current Card Session by
performing an internal card reset.
Card Content management requests are denied from the instant the card transitions to the TERMINATED Life
Cycle State. Depending on the security policy of the Issuer, other operations may be allowed to continue during
the remaining current Application Sessions.
9.6.5 Application Status Interrogation
The status of an Application (or a Security Domain): its Life Cycle State, Privileges and other parameters
registered in the GlobalPlatform Registry, may be accessed by suitably authorized entities.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a GET STATUS command, the Security Domain performing the lifecycle interrogation shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Check that the off-card entity at the origin of the request is authenticated as the Security Domain
Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication).
On receipt of a request to interrogate the status of an Application, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity is the entity itself being interrogated, a Security Domain
directly or indirectly associated with the Application being interrogated, or that the requesting entity
has the Global Registry privilege
9.6.6 Card Status Interrogation
The status of the card and the Issuer Security Domain: its AID, Privileges and other parameters registered in
the GlobalPlatform Registry, may be accessed by suitably authorized entities.
Runtime Behavior
On receipt of a GET STATUS command, the Security Domain performing the lifecycle interrogation shall:
Apply its own secure communication policy. (Note: A minimum security level is defined in Table 11-2.)
Check that the off-card entity at the origin of the request is authenticated as the Security Domain
Provider (see section 10.4, Entity Authentication).
On receipt of a request to interrogate the status of the card and the Issuer Security Domain, the OPEN shall:
Check that the requesting on-card entity is the Issuer Security Domain or a Security Domain with the
Global Registry Privilege.
9.6.7 Operational Velocity Checking
The OPEN shall be implemented with a velocity checking security mechanism. For the purpose of this
document, velocity checking is defined as the active monitoring, handling and management of security
sensitive activities on the card.
These activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
Content installation;
Card exceptions;
Application exceptions.
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Typically, velocity checking is used to counter security attacks that use repeated attempts in their schemes.
These attempts can be from internal (on-card) or external (off-card) entities. Velocity checking is implemented
to track the number of consecutive failures in each of the related management and security events. Content Loading and Installation
The OPEN may keep track of the number of unsuccessful consecutive attempts of the Card Content load and
installation process by a particular Application and the total number of such attempts by all Applications.
Actions may include such defensive measures as the locking or termination of the card. Exceptions
Velocity checking may be implemented in cases in which the OPEN generates exceptions. However, it does
not have to be implemented such that each individual exception is handled separately. A trace buffer and event
log may be used to complement velocity checking.
For example, an implementation of a Security Domain may enable velocity checking to enforce strict APDU
command sequencing for card and application management operations (e.g., Card Content loading and
installation). The OPEN may also enable velocity checking against repeated failed attempts by an Application
to allocate additional memory beyond its allowed limit that is stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry. The OPEN
may choose to lock an Application that is exhibiting such behavior.
9.6.8 Tracing and Event Logging
Tracing and event logging functions may be enabled. These functions shall be implemented according to a
Card Issuers policy requirements.
9.7 Memory Resource Management
Memory resource management is an optional feature of a GlobalPlatform card. It consists of the management
by OPEN of counters associated with Executable Load Files or Applications regarding their individual allocation
of memory resources, as defined in this specification. It applies to both persistent and volatile memory. Memory
resource management data elements describe memory usage requirements applicable to each type of
memory: volatile or persistent; and for each type of storage: code or data. Memory requirements may be
defined for each Executable Load File and Application at the time of their load and installation. The OPEN, in
conjunction with the Runtime Environment, is responsible for managing the memory resources of the card;
including the security requirements defined in section, Runtime Environment Security Requirements.
A memory resource management data element indicates an amount of memory resources in bytes. In the
INSTALL [for load] command, the System Parameters may include memory requirements specifying for each
type of memory a Minimum Memory. In the INSTALL [for install] command, the System Parameters may
include memory requirements specifying for each type of memory a Memory Quota, or Reserved Memory, or
When memory resource management is supported, the OPEN shall assign, if currently available, each type of
memory resources as described in the corresponding memory resource management data element. Memory
resources shall be assigned according to the following rules:
Assigning Minimum Memory to an Executable Load File (and its subsequent Application instance)
shall not reduce the memory resources currently available on the card;
Assigning Memory Quota to an Application shall not reduce the memory resources currently available
on the card;
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The value of Memory Quota assigned to an Application shall not be less than the value of its Reserved
Assigning Reserved Memory to an Executable Load File / Application shall reduce the memory
resources currently available on the card at the time of its successful load / installation.
When memory resource management is supported, the OPEN shall manage available memory resources for
each type of memory according to the following rules:
At the time of the load’s request (INSTALL [for load] command), the Minimum Memory requirements
shall be currently available on the card;
At the time of the installation of an Application (INSTALL [for install] command), the amount of memory
effectively allocated to that Application shall first be charged against the Reserved Memory of that
Application until it is entirely exhausted. When the Reserved Memory (if any) is exhausted, the amount
of allocated memory shall be charged against that Application’s Memory Quota and shall reduce the
memory resources currently available on the card. When either the Memory Quota is exceeded or the
memory resources currently available on the card are exhausted, the installation of the Application
shall fail;
During the lifetime of an Application, the amount of memory effectively allocated to the creation of data
shall first be charged against the Reserved Memory of that Application, until it is entirely exhausted.
When the Reserved Memory (if any) is exhausted, the amount of allocated memory shall be charged
against that Applications Memory Quota and shall reduce the memory resources currently available
on the card. When either the Memory Quota is exceeded or the memory resources currently available
on the card are exhausted, the resource allocation shall fail;
The successful removal of an Application (DELETE command) shall augment the memory resources
available on the card by the amount of memory effectively released and any unused part of the
Reserved Memory (if any) of that Application;
The results of reporting memory resources are implementation dependent;
The amount of memory effectively released by the deletion of data shall be reallocated to the
Reserved Memory and Memory Quota assigned to that Application. If no Reserved Memory was
assigned to that Application, the amount of released memory shall augment the memory resources
available on the card.
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10 Secure Communication
The GlobalPlatform documentation broadly defines the notion of secure communication over and above that
defined in ISO standards. Specific mention is made of secure messaging for APDU commands; an optional
authentication process is implied in most of the flow diagrams and Application access to Security Domain
services implies that the ability to create a Secure Channel Session exists. This chapter defines the general
rules that apply to all Secure Channel Protocols. Applications that utilize the services of Security Domains can
use the Secure Channel Protocol supported by their associated Security Domains.
These protocols provide a means by which a Security Domain or an Application may communicate with an
off-card entity within a logically secure environment.
Logical channels facilitate the possibility of more than one of the above off-card entities communicating
concurrently with multiple Applications on the card, each within its own logically secure environment. It is the
responsibility of the Security Domain provider to define whether this is possible or not.
10.1 Secure Channel
The Secure Channel provides a secure communication channel between a card and an off-card entity during
an Application Session.
A Secure Channel Session is divided into three sequential phases:
Secure Channel Initiation when the on-card Application and the off-card entity have exchanged
sufficient information enabling them to perform the required cryptographic functions. The Secure
Channel Session initiation always includes the authentication of the off-card entity by the on-card
Secure Channel Operation when the on-card Application and the off-card entity exchange data
within the cryptographic protection of the Secure Channel Session. The Secure Channel services
offered may vary from one Secure Channel Protocol to the other;
Secure Channel Termination when either the on-card Application or the off-card entity determines
that no further communication is required or allowed via an established Secure Channel Session.
The three levels of security provided by the Secure Channel are defined in section 4.3.2, Secure
A further level of security applies to sensitive data (e.g. secret keys) that shall always be transmitted as
confidential data.
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10.2 Explicit / Implicit Secure Channel
A Secure Channel Session is open after a successful initiation, including the authentication of the off-card
entity by the on-card Application. A Secure Channel Session is terminated after the last successful
communication within the same Secure Channel Session.
10.2.1 Explicit Secure Channel Initiation
Initiating a Secure Channel Session may be achieved by the off-card entity using appropriate APDU
command(s) or by the on-card Application using the appropriate API. This method is the explicit Secure
Channel creation. Appropriate APDU commands allow the off-card entity to instruct the card what level of
security is required for the current Secure Channel Session (integrity and/or confidentiality). They also give the
off-card entity the possibility of selecting the keys to be used.
10.2.2 Implicit Secure Channel Initiation
The Secure Channel Session is initiated by the on-card Secure Channel Protocol handler, directly or through
an API, when receiving the first APDU command that contains a cryptographic protection. The Secure Channel
Protocol handler implicitly knows the required level of security. The Secure Channel Protocol handler may
implicitly know which keys are to be used or may have been previously instructed by the off-card entity using
appropriate APDU command(s) prior to initiating the Secure Channel Session.
10.2.3 Secure Channel Termination
Termination of the Secure Channel Session can be achieved by the on-card Application using the appropriate
API or by the off-card entity using the appropriate APDU command.
Secure Channel termination causes all session data to be reset and all ICVs and session keys to be erased.
The Current Security Level is set to NO_SECURITY and the Session Security Level is reset.
Termination of the Secure Channel Session occurs when one of the following conditions is met:
The on-card Application Session is terminated - for instance when another Application is selected (i.e.
the Application Session ends) on the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface. It may be
the responsibility of the Application to initiate the termination of the Secure Channel Session when this
The associated logical channel is explicitly closed;
The card is reset (see [ISO 7816-3] for contact cards), deactivated (see [ISO 14443-3] for contactless
cards) or powered off: i.e. the Card Session ends.
A Secure Channel Session is aborted but not terminated in the following cases:
The on-card Application receives the first APDU command with an erroneous cryptographic protection;
The on-card Application receives an APDU command without the required cryptographic protection set
up during Secure Channel Session initiation;
If a Secure Channel Session is aborted, the Current Security Level is set to NO_SECURITY, the Session
Security Level is not reset and the error condition persists until the Secure Channel Session is terminated.
A Secure Channel Session on a logical channel is never terminated in favor of a new Secure Channel Session
being initiated on another logical channel.
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10.3 Direct / Indirect Handling of a Secure Channel Protocol
There are two ways for the on-card Application to use a Secure Channel Protocol.
Direct The Application owns its Secure Channel key set and fully implements the protocol: an
example is Security Domains.
Indirect The Application uses the Security Domain services to handle the Secure Channel Protocol.
This allows the Application using these services to be coded independently from the Secure Channel
Protocol supported by the card.
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10.4 Entity Authentication
Off-card entity authentication is achieved through the process of initiating a Secure Channel Session and
provides assurance to the card that it is communicating with an authenticated entity. If any step in the
authentication process fails, the process shall be restarted.
Authentication of the off-card entity is only provided for a limited time, a Secure Channel Session, and is valid
only for the messages within that Secure Channel. This Secure Channel Session relates to the establishment
and termination of a Secure Channel. If the Secure Channel Session is closed for any reason the off-card
entity shall no longer be considered authenticated.
10.4.1 Authentication with Symmetric Cryptography
With a symmetric key Secure Channel Protocol (e.g. SCP01, SCP02, or SCP03), an authenticated off-card
entity is the entity which knows the secret Secure Channel keys needed to initiate a Secure Channel Session.
The card cannot distinguish between the actual Application Provider of the Security Domain and one of its
agents to whom a (set of) secret Secure Channel key(s) was provided. In this case, the card cannot distinguish
between the Security Domain provider and the provider of one of its associated Applications. Both are assumed
to be the same entity: the Application Provider.
When the Secure Channel initiation process successfully authenticates the Application Provider, the Current
Security Level shall be updated with the AUTHENTICATED indicator (see section 10.6, Security Levels). The
Application is informed whether that unique entity, the Application Provider, has been successfully
authenticated or not by examining the presence of the AUTHENTICATED in the Current Security Level.
10.4.2 Authentication with Asymmetric Cryptography
With an asymmetric key Secure Channel Protocol (e.g. SCP110), any off-card entity that owns a pair of
asymmetric keys and obtained a certificate for its public key certified by an authority recognized by the Security
Domain can be successfully authenticated by that Security Domain. An authenticated off-card entity is the
subject identified in the off-card entitys public key certificate verified during the Secure Channel Initiation. The
card can distinguish between the actual Application Provider of the Security Domain and any other off-card
entity using the off-card entity public key certificate’s subject identifier.
In this case, the card can distinguish between the Security Domain’s provider, the provider of one of its
associated Applications, and any other off-card entity. The three are not necessarily the same entity: the
Application Provider Id of each on-card entity is registered in the GlobalPlatform Registry at the time of the
load or installation of that on-card entity and cannot be changed subsequently.
When the Secure Channel initiation process successfully authenticates the Application Provider, the Current
Security Level shall be updated with the AUTHENTICATED indicator (see section 10.6, Security Levels). When
the Secure Channel initiation process successfully authenticates another off-card entity, including the Security
Domain’s provider, or if the Application Provider Id is not registered, the Current Security Level shall be updated
with the ANY_AUTHENTICATED indicator. The Application is informed of these states by examining the
presence of the AUTHENTICATED and ANY_AUTHENTICATED indicators in the Current Security Level.
The Current Security Level viewed by the Target Application may differ from the Security Domains view
depending on the Secure Channel Protocol and the authenticated off-card entitys Application Provider Id (e.g.
ANY_AUTHENTICATED for the Target Application and AUTHENTICATED for the Security Domain).
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10.5 Secure Messaging
Secure messaging allows a sending entity to add confidentiality and/or integrity and authentication to the
composition of an APDU message prior to the message being transmitted to a receiving entity:
Integrity of an APDU command sent to the card or confidentiality of the command message and
integrity of an APDU command sent to the card;
Integrity of the sequence of APDU commands sent to the card within a Secure Channel Session;
Optionally, depending on the Secure Channel Protocol, confidentiality and/or integrity of an APDU
response message sent by the card, and integrity of the sequence of responses within a Secure
Channel Session.
In the context of secure messaging, message integrity also provides data origin authentication.
10.6 Security Levels
A Secure Channel Protocol operates according to the Security Level that is established. This is done at two
A mandatory minimum Session Security Level is set at the initialization of the Secure Channel Session
either explicitly or implicitly;
A different Current Security Level may be set for an individual command or an individual response.
These Security Levels establish the minimum acceptable secure messaging protection that must be applied
to protected messages, either for the whole session or for a specific command-response pair.
The following table shows the coding of Current Security Level:
Table 10-1: Current Security Level
Note that the Current Security Level cannot have its AUTHENTICATED and ANY_AUTHENTICATED
indicators set simultaneously.
The rules for handling Security Levels are defined individually for each Secure Channel Protocol.
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10.7 Secure Channel Protocol Identifier
The Secure Channel Protocol identifies which particular secure communication protocol and set of security
services are implemented in a Security Domain. The following values are assigned to the Secure Channel
Protocol identifier:
'00' Not available
'01' to '7F' Reserved for use by GlobalPlatform
o '01' Deprecated, reserved Secure Channel Protocol 1 defined in Appendix D of this document
o '02' Deprecated, Secure Channel Protocol 2 defined in Appendix E of this document
o '03' Secure Channel Protocol 3 defined in [Amd D]
o '10' Secure Channel Protocol '10' defined in Appendix F of this document
o '11' Secure Channel Protocol '11' defined in [Amd F]
'80' to 'EF' Reserved for use by individual schemes registered by GlobalPlatform
o '80' Secure Channel Protocol '80' defined in [TS 102 225] and [TS 102 226]
o '81' Secure Channel Protocol '81' defined in [Amd B] based on HTTP and Pre-Shared Key TLS
'F0' to 'FF' Reserved for proprietary use and not registered by GlobalPlatform
The deprecated symmetric key Secure Channel Protocol '01' is backward compatible with the Open Platform
Card Specification version 2.0.1'; it is deprecated in this version of the Specification.
The symmetric key Secure Channel Protocol '02' includes services in addition to those provided by Secure
Channel Protocol '01' as well as optimizing the operation of some services compared to the deprecated Secure
Channel Protocol '01'.
The symmetric key Secure Channel Protocol '03' includes services similar to Secure Channel Protocol '02',
however, it uses AES rather than DES cryptography.
The Secure Channel Protocol '80' supports the Over The Air security scheme defined in [TS 102 225].
The Secure Channel Protocol '81' supports an Over The Air security scheme based on the usage of both HTTP
and Pre-Shared Key TLS protocols.
The asymmetric key Secure Channel Protocol '10' offers authentication services using an RSA-based Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) and secure messaging protection of commands and responses using symmetric
The asymmetric key Secure Channel Protocol '11' offers authentication services using an ECC-based Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) and secure messaging protection of commands and responses based on SCP '03'.
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Part IV
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11 APDU Command Reference
This chapter details the GlobalPlatform APDU commands that may be implemented. The commands are listed
The following table summarizes the APDU commands that shall be supported by a Security Domain with
Authorized Management privilege, a Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege and the
requirements for support of these APDU commands by other Security Domains. When logical channels are
supported, the MANAGE CHANNEL command is only processed by the OPEN and no Security Domain
support is required for this command.
Table 11-1: Authorized GlobalPlatform Commands per Card Life Cycle State
DELETE Executable Load File
DELETE Executable Load File
and related Application(s)
DELETE Application
INSTALL [for load]
INSTALL [for install]
INSTALL [for load, install and
make selectable]
INSTALL [for install and make
INSTALL [for make selectable]
INSTALL [for extradition]
INSTALL [for registry update]
INSTALL [for personalization]
Note 1
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Legend of Table 11-1:
Security Domain with Authorized Management privilege
Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege
Other Security Domain
Support required
Blank cell
Support optional
Striped cell
Support prohibited
Note 1: If an SD does have the Final Application privilege, it may be selected and process the SELECT
command in the CARD_LOCKED life cycle state. Otherwise, it may not be selected; however, it may be able
to process commands received and internally forwarded to it through a trusted framework (see Appendix G).
The following table summarizes the minimum security requirements for the APDU commands.
Table 11-2: Minimum Security Level for GlobalPlatform Commands
Minimum Security Level
Not applicable
Not applicable
Note: Higher minimum security levels may be defined for these commands in some contexts (e.g. usage of a
SCP80 secure channel).
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11.1 General Coding Rules
The use of RFU and - (dash) in tables is as defined in Table 1-3. If a bit is shown as RFU the bit should be
set to zero by the off-card entity and the card shall ignore the value.
11.1.1 Life Cycle State Coding
The Executable Load File Life Cycle is coded on one byte as described in the following table:
Table 11-3: Executable Load File Life Cycle Coding
The Application Life Cycle has a bit-oriented coded value on one byte as described in the following table.
Note: The application has free use of bits b4-b7, and the coding of these bits is beyond the scope of this
Table 11-4: Application Life Cycle Coding
Application Specific State
The Security Domain Life Cycle has a bit-oriented coded value on one byte as described in the following table:
Table 11-5: Security Domain Life Cycle Coding
The allowed Application and Security Domain Life Cycle transitions are described in Chapter 5, Life Cycle
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The Issuer Security Domain inherits the card Life Cycle State that has a bit-oriented coded value on one byte
as described in the following table:
Table 11-6: Card Life Cycle Coding
The allowed card Life Cycle transitions are described in Chapter 5, Life Cycle Models.
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11.1.2 Privileges Coding
Privileges are coded on three bytes as described in the following tables (see section 6.6, Privileges for
additional details):
Table 11-7: Privileges (Byte 1)
Privilege Number
Security Domain
DAP Verification
Delegated Management
Card Lock
Card Terminate
Card Reset
CVM Management
Mandated DAP Verification
Table 11-8: Privileges (Byte 2)
Privilege Number
Trusted Path
Authorized Management
Token Management
Global Delete
Global Lock
Global Registry
Final Application
Global Service
Table 11-9: Privileges (Byte 3)
Privilege Number
Receipt Generation
Ciphered Load File Data Block
Contactless Activation
Contactless Self-Activation
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11.1.3 General Error Conditions
The following table describes the error conditions that may be returned by any command:
Table 11-10: General Error Conditions
No specific diagnosis
Wrong length in Lc
Logical channel not supported or is not active
Security status not satisfied
Conditions of use not satisfied
Incorrect P1 P2
Invalid instruction
Invalid class
11.1.4 Class Byte Coding
The class byte of all commands shall conform to [ISO 7816-4] and shall be coded according to section
for commands addressed to the Basic Logical Channel and Supplementary Logical Channels 1, 2, and 3. For
cards implementing four or more Supplementary Logical Channels the class byte of all commands addressed
to Supplementary Logical Channel four to nineteen shall be coded according to section First Interindustry Class Byte Coding
The following table describes the first interindustry class byte coding:
Table 11-11: CLA Byte Coding
Command defined in ISO/IEC 7816
GlobalPlatform command
No secure messaging
Secure messaging GlobalPlatform proprietary
Secure messaging ISO/IEC 7816 standard,
command header not processed (no C-MAC)
Secure messaging ISO/IEC 7816 standard,
command header authenticated (C-MAC)
Logical channel number
Class byte bits b1 and b2 may be set to define the required logical channel number according to ISO/IEC 7816:
A class byte with bits b1 and b2 set to 00 indicates receipt of the command on the Basic Logical
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A class byte with bits b1 and b2 set to 01 (1), 10 (2), or 11 (3) indicates receipt of the command on a
Supplementary Logical Channel.
Class byte bits b4 and b3 may be set to define the required secure messaging according to [ISO 7816-4]:
A class byte with bits b4 and b3 set to 00 indicates no secure messaging;
A class byte with bits b4 and b3 set to 01 indicates secure messaging with GlobalPlatform format;
A class byte with bits b4 and b3 set to 11 or 10 indicates secure messaging with [ISO 7816-4] format.
(*) Note: class byte bit b5 is always 0 except if it is coded for command chaining as defined in Appendix F. Further Interindustry Class Byte Coding
The following table describes the further interindustry class byte coding.
Table 11-12: CLA Byte Coding
Command defined in ISO/IEC 7816
GlobalPlatform command
No secure messaging
Secure messaging ISO/IEC 7816 or
GlobalPlatform proprietary
Logical channel number
Class byte bits b1 to b4 may be set to define the required logical channel number according to ISO/IEC 7816;
A class byte with bit b7 set to 1 indicates in bits b4 to b1 (values 0000 to 1111) receipt of the
command on Supplementary Logical Channel 4 to 19.
Class byte bit b6 may be set to define the required secure messaging according to [ISO 7816-4] or proprietary
GlobalPlatform format:
A class byte with bit b6 set to 0 indicates no secure messaging;
A class byte with bit b6 set to 1 indicates secure messaging with GlobalPlatform format or with
[ISO 7816-4] format.
11.1.5 APDU Message and Data Length
All GlobalPlatform APDU messages and data elements are counted in bytes. All GlobalPlatform APDU
commands use ISO/IEC 7816 short message lengths; i.e. Lc and Le bytes coded on one byte.
All GlobalPlatform APDU command messages (excluding the APDU header) are limited to 255 bytes in length.
All GlobalPlatform APDU commands that expect response data have their Le byte set to zero, indicating that
all available response data shall be returned. According to [ISO 7816-4], all GlobalPlatform responses returned
in APDU response messages shall have a maximum length of 256 bytes of response data.
All length fields of GlobalPlatform messages and data objects defined in this specification, except for Lc and
Le, are coded as defined for ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]): 1 byte for a length up to 127, 2 bytes for a
length up to 255, and 3 bytes for a length up to 65535, except where otherwise stated.
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This version of the Specification is written as though most command functions can be handled with a single
APDU command and response pair. This is done in order to simplify the description, and is not intended to
preclude the use of multiple commands to transfer a long message where such a mechanism is indicated:
such as (for GlobalPlatform chained commands) the more commands bit in the P1 byte and status bytes
controlling the return of additional data; and (for ISO commands) command and response chaining. GlobalPlatform Command Chaining
The following rules shall apply to commands which support the ‘more commands’ bit chaining mechanism
(DELETE, INSTALL and PUT KEY commands):
All the commands of the sequence shall directly follow each other and have the same command
header, except for Lc and the chaining information in P1. If this is not the case, a response of '6985'
shall be returned and the chaining session shall be aborted.
P1.b8 indicates if the command is expected to be followed by the next command of the chain or if the
command is the last of a sequence of chained commands.
The overall length supported with chaining is implementation dependent. If chaining is not supported
or if the chaining limit has been reached, then a response of '6A86' shall be returned.
The data fields of the sequence of commands shall be concatenated on the card to form a full set of
data that may be consistently analyzed and processed. At any moment during the reception of the
sequence of commands, an appropriate error code may be returned if an error is detected in the data
field of a command, in which case the chaining session shall be aborted. However, an implementation
is not required to check or process data before the entire sequence of commands has been received.
For all commands of the sequence except for the last one, a response of '9000' with no additional
response data shall be returned if no error has been detected (in particular, if the Current Security
Level indicates R_MAC, no R-MAC shall be returned; see section The regular response
shall only be returned upon reception of the last command of the sequence.
Security shall be applied to the command data before segmenting it into several commands. If a
command includes a checksum (e.g. C-MAC) and the command data without the checksum exceeds
255 bytes, the calculation of the checksum shall be performed across the non-segmented command
which is defined as follows:
o Reference control parameters P1 and P2 shall be set as for the last command of the sequence of
chained commands.
o Length of the following data fields shall indicate the length of the data following. It shall be coded
on 3 bytes with values from '00 01 00' to '00 FF FF'.
o This shall be followed by the concatenation of the data fields of all commands of the chained
The previous statement has an impact on how Secure Channel Protocols (e.g. SCP02 or SCP03) are
applied to such a sequence of chained commands. In this case, the C-MAC shall be computed over the
non-segmented command and shall be appended only at the end of the last command of the sequence.
In the same manner, command data field encryption/decryption (if requested) shall be performed over
the non-segmented command data field.
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prohibited. Response Chaining
For any command where the response exceeds 256 bytes, the chaining mechanism defined in [ISO 7816-4],
using the '61xx' status word and multiple GET RESPONSE commands, should be used. This has an impact
on how Secure Channel Protocols (e.g. SCP02 or SCP03) shall be applied to response data. In this case, the
R-MAC (if requested) shall be computed over the non-segmented response data and shall be appended only
to the response of the last GET RESPONSE command of the sequence. In the same manner, response data
field encryption (if requested) shall be performed over the non-segmented response data field.
11.1.6 Confirmations in Response Messages
The confirmation shall be structured according to the following table:
Table 11-13: Confirmation Structure
Data Element
Length of Receipt ('00' - '7F' or '81 80' - '81 FF')
Confirmation Data
The length field for the Receipt is coded according to ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]).
Confirmation Data is structured according to the following table:
Table 11-14: Confirmation Data
Data Element
Length of Confirmation Counter
Confirmation Counter
Length of Card Unique Data
SD Unique Data
Length of Token identifier
Token identifier
Length of Token Data digest
Token Data digest
The presence of Token identifier depends on whether a Token identifier was included in the original Token.
The presence of the Token Data digest is dependent on the policy of the Security Domain with Receipt
Generation privilege.
Security Domain unique data is the concatenation without delimiters of the Security Domain Provider
Identification Number ('42') and the Security Domain Image Number (SDIN, tag '45') of the Security Domain
generating the confirmation (with the Receipt Generation Privilege).
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11.1.7 Implicit Selection Parameter Coding
The Implicit Selection parameter (tag 'CF') indicates that this Application is to be implicitly selected on one (or
more) specific card interface(s) for a specific logical channel, see section 6.6.3, Privilege Management. Setting
both bits 8 and 7 to zero indicates that this Application is to be selectable only explicitly with a SELECT [by
name] command and the logical channel number shall be ignored by the card. The value field is coded on
one byte as follows:
Table 11-15: Implicit Selection Parameter
Contactless I/O
Contact I/O
Logical channel number (0 to 19)
11.1.8 Key Type Coding
Key type may be coded on one or two bytes. When coded on two bytes, the first byte shall be set to 'FF' to
indicate an extended format of the key data field. The second or only byte shall be coded according to the
following table:
Table 11-16: Key Type Coding
'00' - '7F'
Reserved for private use
DES mode (ECB/CBC) implicitly known
Reserved for historical reasons
Reserved for historical reasons
Reserved for historical reasons
Reserved for historical reasons
Pre-Shared Key for Transport Layer Security
'86' - '87'
RFU (symmetric algorithms)
AES (16, 24, or 32 long keys)
'89' - '8F'
RFU (symmetric algorithms)
HMAC-SHA1 length of HMAC is implicitly known
HMAC-SHA1-160 length of HMAC is 160 bits
'92' - '9F'
RFU (symmetric algorithms)
RSA Public Key - public exponent e component (clear text)
RSA Public Key - modulus N component (clear text)
RSA Private Key - modulus N component
RSA Private Key - private exponent d component
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RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder P component
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder Q component
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder PQ component ( q
mod p )
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder DP1 component ( d mod (p-1) )
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder DQ1 component ( d mod (q-1) )
'A9' - 'AF'
RFU (asymmetric algorithms)
ECC public key
ECC private key
ECC field parameter P (field specification)
ECC field parameter A (first coefficient)
ECC field parameter B (second coefficient)
ECC field parameter G (generator)
ECC field parameter N (order of generator)
ECC field parameter k (cofactor of order of generator)
'B8' - 'EF'
RFU (asymmetric algorithms)
ECC key parameters reference
'F1' - 'FE'
RFU (asymmetric algorithms)
Extended format (usage defined for specific APDU commands; e.g. PUT KEY)
11.1.9 Key Usage Qualifier Coding
The values for the Key Usage Qualifier parameter may be coded on 1 or 2 bytes according to the following
Table 11-17: Key Usage Qualifier (1st Byte)
Verification (DST, CCT, CAT), Encipherment (CT)
Computation (DST, CCT, CAT), Decipherment (CT)
Secure messaging in response data fields (CT, CCT)
Secure messaging in command data fields (CT, CCT)
Confidentiality (CT)
Cryptographic Checksum (CCT)
Digital Signature (DST)
Cryptographic Authorization (CAT)
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Table 11-18: Key Usage Qualifier (2nd Byte)
Key Agreement (KAT)
If only the first byte is provided or available, then the second byte shall be assumed to have a value of '00'.
The following values are used by GlobalPlatform. Values are independent of the cryptographic algorithm used.
C-MAC = '14', R-MAC = '24', C-MAC + R-MAC = '34'
C-ENC = '18', R-ENC = '28', C-ENC + R-ENC = '38'
C-DEK = '48', R-DEK = '88', C-DEK + R-DEK = 'C8'
PK_SD_AUT = '82'
SK_SD_AUT = '42'
Token = '81'
Receipt = '44'
DAP = '84'
PK_SD_AUT + Token = '83'
SK_SD_AUT + Receipt = '43'
PK_SD_AUT + DAP = '86'
PK_SD_AUT + Token + DAP = '87'
11.1.10 Key Access Coding
The values for the Key Access parameter are set according to the following table (see section 7.5.2, Key
Access Conditions for details):
Table 11-19: Key Access
The key may be used by the Security Domain and any associated Application
The key may only be used by the Security Domain
The key may be used by any Application associated with the Security Domain but not by
the Security Domain itself
'03' - '1F'
'20' - 'FE'
Proprietary usage
Not available
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11.1.11 Tag Coding
All tags of GlobalPlatform data objects are coded as defined by ASN.1 BER-TLV rules (see [ISO 8825-1]).
For Security Domain data objects present in GlobalPlatform APDU messages, BER-TLV tags are coded
according to the following rules:
'00' to '7E' Reserved for use by ISO/IEC
'80' to '9E' and 'A0' to 'BE' Reserved for use depending on the context (see note)
'C0' to 'DD' and 'E0' to 'FD' Reserved for use by GlobalPlatform or individual schemes registered by
'CA' and 'EA' Reserved for use by [TS 102 226]
'DE' and 'FE' Reserved for proprietary use and not registered by GlobalPlatform
'1F 1F' to '7F 7F' Reserved for use by ISO/IEC
'9F 1F' to '9F 7F' and 'BF 1F' to 'BF 7F' Reserved for use depending on the context (see note)
'DF 1F' to 'DF 7F' and 'FF 1F' to 'FF 7F' Reserved for use by GlobalPlatform or individual schemes
registered by GlobalPlatform
'FF 1F' to 'FF 3F' Reserved for use by [TS 102 226]
Note: Context dependent tags are assigned by the authority defining the context; e.g. ISO/IEC for data objects
embedded in other ISO/IEC data objects or GlobalPlatform for data objects embedded in other GlobalPlatform
data objects.
Tag allocation for any data objects embedded in the constructed tag 'FE' (reserved for proprietary use) is
beyond the scope of this specification. Applying BER-TLV rules in this case is recommended.
11.1.12 Data Grouping Identifier (DGI) Coding
This specification (and amendments) defines specific DGIs for Security Domains. DGI is a format which was
introduced by [EMV Card Perso] and which is reused in this specification to personalize data or trigger actions
within Security Domains. DGIs are used in the STORE DATA command (see section 11.11). The use of DGIs
by other Applications is out of scope. Any DGI shall be coded on two bytes in binary format, and is followed by
a length indicator (coded as defined in [Scripting Lang] Annex B) and a value (of the specified length in bytes).
Unless explicitly specified otherwise, DGI-coded data objects have no direct relation with BER-TLV-coded data
objects. The use of DGIs by other Applications is out of scope.
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11.2 DELETE Command
11.2.1 Definition and Scope
The DELETE command is used to delete a uniquely identifiable object such as an Executable Load File, an
Application, an Executable Load File and its related Applications or a key. In order to delete an object, the
object shall be uniquely identifiable by the selected Application.
11.2.2 Command Message
The DELETE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table 11-20: DELETE Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field
TLV coded objects (and C-MAC if present)
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 allows for command data to be longer than 255 bytes and to be segmented
into components of arbitrary size and transmitted in a series of DELETE commands. P1 indicates whether the
command data is one of a sequence of components or the last (or only) component.
Table 11-21: DELETE Reference Control Parameter P1
Last (or only) command
More DELETE commands
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prohibited. Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 indicates whether the object in the data field is being deleted or whether
the object in the data field and its related objects are being deleted. It shall be coded according to the following
Table 11-22: DELETE Reference Control Parameter P2
Delete object
Delete object and related object
RFU Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the DELETE command message shall contain the TLV coded name(s) of the object to be
deleted. Delete [card content] Data Field
The Application or Executable Load File AID may be followed by a Control Reference Template for Digital
Signature and a Delete Token, as follows:
Table 11-23: Delete [card content] Command Data Field
Executable Load File or Application AID
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Image number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
Delete Token
The identity of the Application or Executable Load File to delete shall be specified using the tag for an AID
('4F') followed by a length and the AID of the Application or Executable Load File. When simultaneously
deleting an Executable Load File and all its related Applications, only the identity of the Executable Load File
shall be provided.
The presence of the Control Reference Template for Digital Signature and Delete Token depends on the Card
Issuers policy. The presence of the data objects in tag 'B6' and the sub-tags '42', '45', '5F20', and '93' are
strongly recommended when using SCP10.
The length fields for the Control Reference Template for Digital Signature and the Delete Token are coded
according to ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]).
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prohibited. Delete (Key) Data Field
To delete one or more keys, the Key Version Number and/or the Key Identifier are included in the command
data field as follows:
Table 11-24: DELETE [key] Command Data Field
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
A single key is deleted when both the Key Identifier ('D0') and the Key Version Number ('D2') are provided in
the DELETE command message data field. Multiple keys may be deleted if one of these values is omitted (i.e.
all keys with the specified Key Identifier or Key Version Number). The options available for omitting these
values are conditional on the Issuers policy.
11.2.3 Response Message
A data field shall always be returned in the response message. The content of the data field is only relevant in
the case of Delegated Management; i.e. if a Security Domain with the Delegated Management privilege is
deleting an Application or Executable Load File, a Receipt may be present in the data field depending on the
security policy of the Card Issuer. Data Field Returned in the Response Message
For a DELETE [key] command, a single byte of '00' shall be returned indicating that no additional data is
For a DELETE [card content] command being issued to a Security Domain with the Delegated Management
privilege, the data field may contain the confirmation of the delete procedure. The overall length of the response
message shall not exceed 256 bytes.
The following table describes the structure of the DELETE response data field. The length field for the Delete
Confirmation is coded according to ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]).
Table 11-25: DELETE Response Data Field
Length of delete confirmation
'00' - '7F' or '81 80' - '81 FF'
Delete confirmation
'xxxx...' see section 11.1.6
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prohibited. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-26: DELETE Error Conditions
Memory failure
Referenced data not found
Application not found
Incorrect values in command data
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11.3 GET DATA Command
11.3.1 Definition and Scope
The GET DATA command is used to retrieve either a single BER-TLV-coded data object, which may be
constructed, or a set of BER-TLV-coded data objects. Reference control parameters P1 and P2 coding is are
used to define the specific specify the data object or set of data objects that shall be retrieved tag. The data
object may contain information pertaining to a key.
11.3.2 Command Message
The GET DATA command message is coded according to the following table:
Table 11-27: GET DATA Command Message
'00' - '0F', '40' - '4F', '60' - '6F',
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
'CA' or 'CB'
If CLA = '00' - '0F', '40' - '4F', '60' - '6F',
even or odd instruction code 'CA' or 'CB'
If CLA = '80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF' or 'E0' - 'EF',
even instruction code 'CA'
'00' or high order tag value
Low order tag value
Not present if no command data, or length of data
Tag list and/or C-MAC if present.
According to [ISO 7816-4], the odd instruction code 'CB' in conjunction with a class byte indicating an ISO
command (CLA set to '00' - '0F', '40' - '4F' or '60' - '6F') is used to retrieve the contents of a file. It may be used
to retrieve the list of Applications on the card (P1-P2 set to '2F 00'). Parameter P1 and P2
Parameters P1 and P2 are used to specify the BER-TLV-coded define the tag of the data object to be read.
NOTE: If some data object was previously stored as a DGI data object, then some corresponding BER-TLV
tag shall be defined to retrieve it using this command.
The value '2F 00' indicates a request to obtain details of Applications on the card, as defined in [ISO 7816-4].
The instruction code shall be set to 'CA' if the class byte indicates a GlobalPlatform command (CLA set to '80'
- '8F', 'C0' - 'CF' or 'E0' - 'EF') or 'CB' if the class byte indicates an ISO command (CLA set to '00' - '0F', '40' -
'4F' or '60' - '6F').
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Security Domains shall support at least the following data object tags:
Tag '42': Issuer Identification Number (or Security Domain Provider Identification Number)
Tag '45': Card Image Number (or Security Domain Image Number)
Tag '66': Card Data (or Security Domain Management Data)
Tag 'E0': Key Information Template
The Issuer Security Domain may support the following data object tags:
Tag '67': Card Capability Information
Security Domains may support the following data object tags:
Tag 'D3': Current Security Level
Tag '2F00': List of Applications associated with the Security Domain, or every application on the card if
the Security Domain has Global Registry Privilege
Tag 'FF21': Extended Card Resources Information available for Card Content Management, as
defined in [TS 102 226]
Tag '5F50': Security Domain Manager URL
A Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall support the following additional data object tag:
Tag 'C2': Confirmation Counter
A Security Domain supporting Secure Channel Protocol '02', or Secure Channel Protocol '03' in predictable
card challenge mode (see [Amd D]), shall support the following data object tag:
Tag 'C1': Sequence Counter of the default Key Version Number
For a Security Domain supporting only Secure Channel Protocol '01', an attempt to retrieve the Sequence
Counter of the default Key Version Number (tag 'C1') shall be rejected.
Other tags as defined in section 11.1.11, Tag Coding, may be available for data objects supported by a Security
Domain. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the GET DATA command message shall be empty unless a tag list and/or a MAC is required.
For retrieving a list of applications present on the card (P1-P2 set to '2F 00') a tag list shall be present and
coded as '5C 00'.
11.3.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
When the class byte indicates a GlobalPlatform proprietary command (bit b8 = 1), the GET DATA response
data field shall contain the TLV coded data object referred to in reference control parameters P1 and P2 of the
command message coded in BER-TLV format (irrespective of whether the data object was initially stored as a
BER-TLV data object or a DGI data object or was internally generated), except where P1-P2 are set to '2F 00'
(for which a specific format is defined below).
Where the class byte indicates an ISO command (bit b8 = 0), the GET DATA response data field shall contain
only the value of the TLV coded data object referred to in reference control parameters P1 and P2 of the
command message, except where P1-P2 are set to '2F 00'.
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prohibited. Key Information Template ('E0')
When retrieving key information for the currently selected Application, the key information is returned in the
template 'E0' where each Key Information Data data object is introduced by the tag 'C0'. Its structure depends
on the value of Key Type. If the Key Type is coded on one byte (value other than 'FF'), the Key Information
Data is structured as follows:
Table 11-28: Key Information Data Structure Basic
Key Identifier
Key Identifier value
Key Version Number
Key Version Number value
Key type of first (or only) key
'00' - 'FE', see section 11.1.8, Key Type
Length of first (or only) key
'01' - 'FF'
Key type of last key component
'00' - 'FE', see section 11.1.8, Key Type
Length of last key component
'01' - 'FF'
If the Key Type is coded on two bytes (first byte = 'FF'), the Key Information Data is structured as follows:
Table 11-29: Key Information Data Structure Extended
Key Identifier
Key Identifier value
Key Version Number
Key Version Number value
Key type of first (or only) key
'FF xx' see section 11.1.8, Key
Type Coding
Length of first (or only) key component
'00 01' - '7F FF'
Key type of last key component (if any)
'FF xx' see section 11.1.8, Key
Type Coding
Length of last key component (if any)
'00 01' - '7F FF'
Length of Key Usage
'00' - '01'
Key usage
0 or 1
'xx' see section 11.1.9
Length of Key Access
'00' - '01'
Key Access
0 or 1
'xx' see section 11.1.10
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For the Extended Key Information Data Structure,
If Key Usage was not given at the time of key loading (e.g. PUT KEY Format 1), then Length of Key
Usage shall be set to 0 or the Key Usage value shall conform to the predefined usages described in
section 11.1.9.
If Key Access was not given at the time of key loading (e.g. PUT KEY Format 1), then Length of Key
Access shall be set to 0 or the Key Access value shall be set to '00' (access allowed for the Security
Domain and any associated Applications) for a Secure Channel Key, and '01' (access allowed for the
Security Domain only) for any other key.
The choice of using either the Basic or Extended Key Information Data Structure is implementation-dependent.
Using the Basic Key Information Data Structure remains possible even in the presence of key sizes greater
than 255 bytes: in this case, the indicated length shall be set to '00' (meaning greater than or equal to
256 bytes).
Additional rules for ECC public and private keys
Additional rules apply to the format of Key Information Data for ECC public and private keys:
For key type 'B0' (ECC Public Key), the length of the component shall have one of the following
values, excluding coding identifier '04':
'40' (ECC 256)
'60' (ECC 384)
'80' (ECC 512)
'84' (ECC 521)
For key type 'B1' (ECC Private Key), the length of the component shall have one of the following
'20' (ECC 256)
'30' (ECC 384)
'40' (ECC 512)
'42' (ECC 521)
If the key references preloaded ECC Curve Parameters (see section B.4.1), information about key
type 'F0' (Key Parameter Reference) shall be provided (see below) but no information about individual
Curve Parameters shall be present. If the key was loaded together with its own specific Curve
Parameters, information about Curve Parameters shall not be present.
For key type 'F0' (Key Parameter Reference), the length of the component is replaced by the value of
the Key Parameter Reference (coded on 1 or 2 bytes). Extended Card Resources ('FF21')
When retrieving Extended Card Resources Information with tag 'FF21', the response shall be coded as defined
in [TS 102 226].
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prohibited. List of Applications ('2F00')
When retrieving the list of Applications present on the card, the response shall be coded as a series of
Application Template data objects (tag '61') as defined in [ISO 7816-4]. An example of the response is as
Table 11-30: List of On-Card Applications
Application Template
Application AID
Application Template
Application AID
... Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or the following error condition.
Table 11-31: GET DATA Error Conditions
Referenced data not found
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11.4 GET STATUS Command
11.4.1 Definition and Scope
The GET STATUS command is used to retrieve Issuer Security Domain, Executable Load File, Executable
Module, Application or Security Domain Life Cycle status information according to a given match/search
11.4.2 Command Message
The GET STATUS command message shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-32: GET STATUS Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field
Search criteria (and C-MAC if present)
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 is used to select a subset of statuses to be included in the response message.
It is coded as follows:
Table 11-33: GET STATUS Reference Control Parameter P1
Issuer Security Domain
Applications, including Security Domains
Executable Load Files
Executable Load Files and Executable Modules
The following values of the reference control parameter shall be supported:
'80' Issuer Security Domain only. In this case the search criteria is ignored and the Issuer Security Domain
information is returned. Only the ISD or an SD with the Global Registry privilege may accept this value.
'40' Applications and Supplementary Security Domains only. Security Domains and Applications may be
differentiated within response data based on their privileges.
'20' Executable Load Files only.
'10' Executable Load Files and their Executable Modules only.
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prohibited. Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 controls the number of consecutive GET STATUS command and indicates
the format of the response message. It shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-34: GET STATUS Reference Control Parameter P2
Get first or all occurrence(s)
Get next occurrence(s)
Response data structure according to Table 11-36
and Table 11-37
A GET STATUS [get next occurrence] command shall be rejected if no prior GET STATUS [get first or all
occurrence(s)] was received within the current Application Session.
When retrieving the status of the Issuer Security Domain only, the get next occurrence indicator shall be
If P2.b2=0, then the behavior of the card is out of scope. The P2.b2=0 option relates to a response format
described in older versions of this specification, which usage is now deprecated. The command may be
rejected with an error or response data may be returned in a format which is now out of scope. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field is structured as follows:
Table 11-35: GET STATUS Command Data Field
Application AID
'xx' or 'xxxx'
Other search criteria
Tag list
The GET STATUS command message data field shall contain at least one TLV coded search qualifier: the
AID (tag '4F'). It shall be possible to search for all the occurrences that match the selection criteria according
to the reference control parameter P1 using a search criteria of '4F' '00'.
It shall be possible to search for all occurrences with the same RID.
Other search criteria may be added. In such cases, the additional search criteria shall be TLV coded and
appended after the mandatory search criterion AID (tag '4F'). When not supported by the card, additional
search criteria shall be ignored.
The search is limited to the Executable Load Files, Applications and Security Domains that are directly or
indirectly associated with the on-card entity receiving the command. When the on-card entity receiving the
command has the Global Registry privilege, the search applies to all Executable Load Files, Applications and
Security Domains registered in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
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The tag list (tag '5C') indicates to the card how to construct the response data for each on-card entity matching
the search criteria. Its value field contains a concatenation of tags (without delimitation) indicating the data
objects to include in the response. If an on-card entity that matches the search criteria is found in
GlobalPlatform Registry without the corresponding data object, an error status may be returned or the
requested data object may simply be omitted for that on-card entity. When not supported by the card, the tag
list shall be ignored.
11.4.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
If P2.b2=0 then the behavior of the card is out of scope.
If P2.b2=1 then, based on the search criteria present in the command data field and the selection criteria of
reference control parameter P1 and P2, multiple occurrences of the data structures described in Table 11-36
and Table 11-37 may be returned.
Table 11-36: GlobalPlatform Application Data (TLV)
GlobalPlatform Registry related data
Life Cycle State
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3); see section 11.1.2
First Implicit Selection Parameter; see section 11.1.7
Last Implicit Selection Parameter; see section 11.1.7
Application’s Executable Load File AID
Associated Security Domain’s AID
Table 11-37: GlobalPlatform Executable Load File Data (TLV)
GlobalPlatform Registry related data
Life Cycle State
Executable Load File Version Number (see Note 1)
First Executable Module AID (see Note 2)
Last Executable Module AID (see Note 2)
Associated Security Domain’s AID
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Note 1: The Executable Load File Version Number format and contents depend on the format of the Load
File. On a Java Card based card, this is a 2-byte version number reflecting the major and minor version
attributes (in this order) of the Java Card CAP file.
Note 2: The Executable Modules (tag '84') shall be present if reference control parameter P1 indicates
Executable Load Files and their Executable Modules only (P1.b5=1) and if the Runtime Environment
supports Executable Modules. Of course, tag '84' is not present for an Executable Load File that does not
contain any Executable Modules.
If no tag list (tag '5C') is present in the command data field or if the card does not support tag lists, then the
content of template 'E3' shall be built according to the following rules:
For the Issuer Security Domain (P1.b1=1) and for Applications (including Security Domains)
(P1.b2=1), the AID (tag '4F'), the Life Cycle State (tag '9F70') and Privileges (tag 'C5') shall be
For Executable Load Files, the AID (tag '4F') and the Life Cycle State (tag '9F70') shall be present,
Executable Modules (tag '84') shall be present according to Note 2 above.
If a tag list (tag '5C') is present in the command data field and tag lists are supported by the card, then the
response shall only contain the data objects whose tags are listed in the tag list, the order of the data objects
within template 'E3' being arbitrary. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
The command may return the following warning condition:
Table 11-38: GET STATUS Warning Condition
More data available
Following status '63 10' a subsequent GET STATUS [get next occurrence(s)] may be issued to retrieve
additional data.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-39: GET STATUS Error Conditions
Referenced data not found
Incorrect values in command data
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11.5 INSTALL Command
11.5.1 Definition and Scope
The INSTALL command is issued to a Security Domain to initiate or perform the various steps required for
Card Content management.
11.5.2 Command Message
The INSTALL command message shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-40: INSTALL Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
'00', '01', or '03'
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field
Install data (and C-MAC if present)
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
The reference control parameter P1 of the INSTALL command defines the specific role of the INSTALL
command and also allows for command data to be longer than 255 bytes and to be segmented into arbitrary
components and transmitted in a series of INSTALL commands. It is coded according to the following table.
Table 11-41: INSTALL Command Reference Control Parameter P1
Last (or only) command
More INSTALL commands
For registry update
For personalization
For extradition
For make selectable
For install
For load
Bits b8 to b1 shall be coded as follows:
b8 = 1 indicates that the command data is one of a sequence of components (and not the last), b8 = 0
indicates that it is the last (or only) component.
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b7 = 1 indicates that the GlobalPlatform Registry is to be updated, or that functions are to be restricted.
b6 = 1 indicates that the currently selected Security Domain shall personalize one of its associated
Applications and a subsequent STORE DATA command is to be expected
b5 = 1 indicates that the Application shall be extradited.
b4 = 1 indicates that the Application shall be made selectable. This applies to an Application being
installed or an Application that is already installed.
b3 = 1 indicates that the Application shall be installed.
b2 = 1 indicates that the Load File shall be loaded. A subsequent LOAD command is to be expected.
A combination of the [for install] and [for make selectable] options may apply. A combination of the [for load],
[for install] and [for make selectable] options may also apply. Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 shall be set as follows:
'00' indicates that no information is provided.
'01' indicates the beginning of the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable process.
'03' indicates the end of the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable process. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains LV coded data. The LV coded data is represented without
delimiters. Data Field for INSTALL [for load]
The following table details the INSTALL [for load] command data field. It also applies to the first combined
INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command data field.
Table 11-42: INSTALL [for load] Command Data Field
Length of Load File AID
'05' - '10'
Load File AID
Length of Security Domain AID
'00' or '05' - '10'
Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length of Load File Data Block Hash
'00' - '7F'
Load File Data Block Hash
'xxxx...' see section C.2
Length of Load Parameters field
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Load Parameters field
'xxxx...' see section
Length of Load Token
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Load Token
'xxxx...' see section C.4.1
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The Load Token is mandatory for Delegated Management (except for the combined [for load, install and make
selectable] command), and for Authorized Management if the off-card entity is not the Security Domain
Provider. In all other cases an error status shall be returned if a Load Token is present. The length field for a
Load Token is as defined for ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]) except that the length 128 may also be
coded on one byte as '80'.
The Load File Data Block Hash is mandatory if a Load Token is present, if the Load File contains one or more
DAP Blocks, or if the Load File Data Block is ciphered. In all other cases, the Load File Data Block Hash is
optional and may be verified by the card. See section C.2 for details on acceptable Load File Data Block Hash
The Load File AID and the Load Parameters shall be consistent with the information contained in the Load File
Data Block (if any). Data Field for INSTALL [for install]
The following table details the INSTALL [for install] command data field. It also applies to the final combined
[for load, install and make selectable] command data field.
Table 11-43: INSTALL [for install] Command Data Field
Length of Executable Load File
'00' or '05' - '10'
Executable Load File AID
0 or 5-16
Length of Executable Module AID
'00' or '05' - '10'
Executable Module AID
0 or 5-16
Length of Application AID
'05' - '10'
Application AID
Length of Privileges
'01', '03'
1, 3
byte 1 byte 2 byte 3; see
section 11.1.2
Length of Install Parameters field
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Install Parameters field
'xxxx' see section
Length of Install Token
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Install Token
'xxxx...' see section C.4.2 or C.4.7
The Install Token is mandatory for Delegated Management and for Authorized Management if the off-card
entity is not the Security Domain Provider. In all other cases an error status shall be returned if an Install Token
is present. The length field for the Install Token is formatted as defined by ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1])
except that the length 128 may also be coded on one byte as '80'.
The presence of the Executable Load File AID is optional for the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable
command. If present it shall match the Load File AID of the first combined Load, Install and Make Selectable
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The Executable Module AID is the AID of the Executable Module previously loaded. The presence of the
Executable Module depends on the requirements of the Run Time Environment.
GlobalPlatform cards use the instance AID to indicate the AID with which the installed Application will be
The presence of the Privileges is required. If an Application is only being installed and not made selectable
with the same INSTALL command the Card Reset privilege cannot be set.
The instance AID, the Privileges and the Application Specific Parameters shall be made known to the
Note for backward compatibility: when receiving Privileges coded on one byte for any Application or Security
Domain, the OPEN shall assign the second byte with the default values defined in section 6.6.2. Data Field for INSTALL [for make selectable]
The following table details the INSTALL [for make selectable] command data field.
Table 11-44: INSTALL [for make selectable] Command Data Field
Length of data
Length of data
Length of Application AID
'05' - '10'
Application AID
Length of Privileges
'01', '03'
1, 3
byte 1 byte 2 byte 3; see
section 11.1.2
Length of Make Selectable
Parameters field
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Make Selectable Parameters
'xxxx' see section
Length of Make Selectable
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Make Selectable Token
'xxxx...' see section C.4.3
If the Card Reset privilege is set in the Privileges field, the GlobalPlatform Registry shall be updated according
to the rules defined in section 6.6, Privileges. Any other privilege set in the Privileges field, regardless of its
length, shall be ignored by the card.
The Make Selectable Token is mandatory for Delegated Management, and for Authorized Management if the
off-card entity is not the Security Domain Provider. In all other cases an error status shall be returned if a Make
Selectable Token is present. The length field for the Make Selectable Token is as defined for ASN.1 BER-TLV
(see [ISO 8825-1]) except that the length 128 may also be coded on one byte as '80'.
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prohibited. Data Field for INSTALL [for extradition]
The following table details the INSTALL [for extradition] command data field.
Table 11-45: INSTALL [for extradition] Command Data Field
Length of Security Domain AID
'05' - '10'
Security Domain AID
Length of data
Length of Application or Executable Load File AID
'05' - '10'
Application or Executable Load File AID
Length of Extradition Parameters field
'00' - '80', or
'81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Extradition Parameters field
'xxxx' see
Length of Extradition Token
'00' - '80', or
'81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Extradition Token
'xxxx...' see section C.4.4
The Security Domain AID indicates to which Security Domain this Application or Executable Load File is being
extradited. The Security Domain with which this Application or Executable Load File is currently associated is
the currently selected Application.
The Extradition Token is mandatory for Delegated Management, and for Authorized Management if the off-card
entity is not the Security Domain Provider. In all other cases an error status shall be returned if an Extradition
Token is present. The length field for the Extradition Token is as defined for ASN.1 BER-TLV (see
[ISO 8825-1]) except that the length 128 may also be coded on one byte as '80'.
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prohibited. Data Field for INSTALL [for registry update]
The following table details the INSTALL [for registry update] command data field.
Table 11-46: INSTALL [for registry update] Command Data Field
Length of Security Domain AID
'00' or '05' - '10'
Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length of data
Length of Application AID
'00' or '05' - '10'
Application AID
0 or 5-16
Length of Privileges
'00', '01', '03'
0, 1, 3
byte 1 byte 2 byte 3; see
section 11.1.2
Length of Registry Update Parameters
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Registry Update Parameters field
'xxxx' see section
Length of Registry Update Token
'00' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Registry Update Token
'xxxx...' see section C.4.5
The Security Domain AID, if present, indicates to which Security Domain this Application is being extradited.
The Security Domain with which this Application is currently associated is the currently selected Application.
The Application AID shall be present except when modifying the functionality of the OPEN.
For updating or revoking privileges the Privileges field shall be present. For updating implicit selection
parameters or service parameters the corresponding tag within the Registry Update Parameters field shall be
present see section
The Registry Update Token is mandatory for Delegated Management, and for Authorized Management if the
off-card entity is not the Security Domain Provider. In all other cases an error status shall be returned if a
Registry Update Token is present. The length field for the Registry Update Token is as defined for ASN.1 BER-
TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]) except that the length 128 may also be coded on one byte as '80'.
All modifications requested in the INSTALL [for registry update] command data field (e.g. registry updates and
extradition) shall either all succeed or no update shall occur if any one of the updates would fail for any reason.
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prohibited. Data Field for INSTALL [for personalization]
The following table details the INSTALL [for personalization] command data field.
Table 11-47: INSTALL [for personalization] Command Data Field
Length of data
Length of data
Length of Application AID
'05' - '10'
Application AID
Length of data
Length of data
Length of data
Mandatory INSTALL Command Parameters
The Load and Install Parameters fields are TLV structured values including optional System Specific
Parameters and Application Specific Parameters. While the presence of the System Specific Parameters is
optional for both loading and installation, even if they are present, it is not required that the system take heed
of these; i.e. their presence shall be anticipated but the content may be ignored.
In all cases, the presence of the data objects in tag 'B6' and the sub-tags '42', '45', '5F20', and '93' is strongly
recommended when using asymmetric Secure Channel Protocol '10' and '11'.
The following table identifies the possible tags for use in the Load Parameters field of the INSTALL [for load]
Table 11-48: Load Parameter Tags
System Specific Parameters
2 or 4
Non-volatile code Minimum Memory requirement
2 or 4
Volatile data Minimum Memory requirement
2 or 4
Non-volatile data Minimum Memory requirement
Load File Data Block format id
Load File Data Block Parameters
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature (Token)
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
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Some of the data objects in Load Parameters relate to memory management, which is an optional feature of
a card. A Memory Management data object is a data object that represents an amount of memory resources
counted in bytes. The minimum memory requirements (tags 'C6', 'C7', and 'C8') are coded as a 2-byte integer
for values up to 32767 and a 4-byte integer above 32767 see section 9.7, Memory Resource Management.
If both tags 'C6' and 'C8' are present and the implementation does not make any distinction between
Non-Volatile Code and Non-Volatile Data Memory then the required minimum shall be the sum of both values.
When present, the Provider id (tag '5F20') shall be stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the new Executable
Load File.
The presence of Load File Data Block Parameters depends on the value of Load File Data Block format id.
These tags are reserved for implementations supporting proprietary Load File Data Block formats and may be
ignored by other implementations. In particular, these tags are not intended to be used when the Load File
Data Block is encoded as defined in the Java Card™ 2.2.x Virtual Machine Specification.
The following table identifies the possible tags for use in the Install Parameters field of the INSTALL [for install]
Table 11-49: Install Parameter Tags
Application Specific Parameters
System Specific Parameters
2 or 4
Volatile Memory Quota
2 or 4
Non-volatile Memory Quota
Global Service Parameters
2 or 4
Volatile Reserved Memory
2 or 4
Non-volatile Reserved Memory
[TS 102 226] specific parameter
Implicit selection parameter
See note below
[TS 102 226] specific template
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature (Token)
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the
Token Verification privilege
Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
Note: Tag 'CF' may be present in Install Parameters for the combined INSTALL [for install and make
selectable] command and in the final combined INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] command.
Tag 'CF' may occur in multiple INSTALL commands, appending to the collection of implicit selection
parameters for the Application. Implicit Selection parameters cannot be deleted.
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Some of the data objects in Install Parameters relate to memory management, which is an optional feature of
a card. A Memory Management data object is a data object that represents an amount of memory resources
counted in bytes. The memory quota values (tags 'C7' and 'C8') are coded as a 2-byte integer for values up to
32767 and a 4-byte integer above 32767 see section 9.7, Memory Resource Management.
When present, the Provider id (tag '5F20') shall be stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry for the newly installed
When present in the INSTALL [for install] command, the information contained in tag 'C9' (length + data) shall
be passed to the Application being installed.
If the Application being installed is a Security Domain, the information contained in tag 'C9' shall be BER-TLV
encoded. Tags ranging from '70' to '7E' and from 'F0' to 'FE' are reserved for proprietary usage. All other tags
are reserved by GlobalPlatform for usage in configuration documents.
When present in the INSTALL [for install] command, the information contained in tag 'CB' shall comprise one
or more two-byte service parameters as defined in section 8.1.3, Global Service Parameters.
The following table identifies the possible tags for use in the Make Selectable Parameters field of the INSTALL
[for make selectable] command:
Table 11-50: Make Selectable Parameter Tags
System Specific Parameters
Implicit selection parameter
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature (Token)
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
The following table identifies the possible tags for use in the Extradition Parameters field of the INSTALL [for
extradition] command:
Table 11-51: Extradition Parameter Tags
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature (Token)
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
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The following table identifies the possible tags for use in the Registry Update Parameters field of the INSTALL
[for registry update] command:
Table 11-52: Registry Update Parameter Tags
System Specific Parameters
Implicit selection parameter
Global Service Parameters
Restrict Parameter (see Table 11-53)
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature
Identification Number of the Security Domain with the
Token Verification privilege
Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege
Application Provider identifier
Token identifier/number (digital signature counter)
When no Application AID is present in the INSTALL [for registry update] command, the Restrict Parameter
(tag 'D9') applies to OPEN. The effects of this function shall be irreversible. When an Application AID is present
in the INSTALL [for registry update] command, the Restrict Parameter (tag 'D9') applies to the specific Security
Domain identified by the Application AID.
If the Restrict Parameter is present and the card does not implement the option the card shall reject the
The Restrict Parameter (tag 'D9') lists the functionalities that shall be disabled. The following table indicates
the functionalities that could possibly be disabled.
Table 11-53: Values for Restrict Parameter (Tag 'D9')
Registry Update
Make selectable
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11.5.3 Response Message
A data field shall always be returned in the response message. Confirmation data or a single byte of '00' may
be returned. Data Field Returned in the Response Message
If an INSTALL [for load] command or an INSTALL [for personalization] command is being issued, a single byte
of '00' shall be returned indicating that no additional data is present.
For INSTALL [for install], INSTALL [for make selectable], INSTALL [for install and make selectable], INSTALL
[for extradition], INSTALL [for registry update] and INSTALL [for load, install and make selectable] (with
P2 = '03') commands being issued to a Security Domain with the Delegated Management privilege, the data
field may contain the confirmation of the install procedure.
The following table describes the structure of the INSTALL response data field. The length field for the Install
Confirmation is coded according to ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]).
Table 11-54: INSTALL Response Data Field
Length of Install Confirmation
'00' - '7F' or '81 80' - '81 FF'
Install Confirmation
'xxxx...' see section 11.1.6
Conditional Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-55: INSTALL Error Conditions
Memory failure
Incorrect parameters in data field
Not enough memory space
Referenced data not found
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11.6 LOAD Command
11.6.1 Definition and Scope
This section defines the structure of the Load File transmitted in the LOAD command data field for loading a
Load File. The runtime environment internal handling or storage of the Load File is beyond the scope of this
Multiple LOAD commands may be used to transfer a Load File to the card. The Load File is divided into smaller
components for transmission. Each LOAD command shall be numbered starting at '00'. The LOAD command
numbering shall be strictly sequential and increments by one. The card shall be informed of the last block of
the Load File.
After receiving the last block of the Load File, the card shall execute the internal processes necessary for the
Load File and any additional processes identified in the INSTALL [for load] command that preceded the LOAD
11.6.2 Command Message
The LOAD command message is coded according to the following table.
Table 11-56: LOAD Command Message Structure
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Block number
Length of data field
Load data (and C-MAC if present)
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
The following table describes the coding of the reference control parameter P1 indicating whether the block
contained in the command message is one in a sequence of blocks or the last block in the sequence.
Table 11-57: LOAD Command Reference Control Parameter P1
More blocks
Last block
RFU Reference Control Parameter P2 Block Number
Reference control parameter P2 contains the block number, and shall be coded sequentially from '00' to 'FF'.
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prohibited. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains a portion of the Load File.
A complete GlobalPlatform Load File is structured as defined in the following table:
Table 11-58: Load File Structure
DAP Block
Security Domain AID
Load File Data Block Signature
DAP Block
Security Domain AID
Load File Data Block Signature
Load File Data Block
8 or 16
Ciphered Load File Data Block
The data objects defined in Table 11-58 shall be coded according to ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules, and in
particular, the length fields (e.g. one byte for length values up to 127).
A DAP Block shall be present within a Load File if the associated Security Domain has the DAP Verification
privilege or a Security Domain with the Mandated DAP Verification privilege is present. A properly constructed
DAP Block shall contain the Security Domain AID and the Load File Data Block Signature.
A Load File may contain multiple DAP Blocks; each DAP Block being introduced by tag 'E2' and preceding the
Load File Data Block.
If the associated Security Domain has the Ciphered Load File Data Block privilege, the Load File Data Block
shall be sent encrypted using tag 'D4'. In this case, the encryption of the Load File Data Block shall be
performed according to the rules described in section C.6. Otherwise the Load File Data Block shall be sent
unencrypted using tag 'C4'.
11.6.3 Response Message
A data field shall always be returned in the response message. The content of the data field is only relevant in
the case of Delegated Management; i.e. if a last LOAD command is being issued to a Security Domain with
the Delegated Management privilege, a Receipt may be present in the data field depending on the security
policy of the Card Issuer. Data Field Returned in the Response Message
If the LOAD command does not contain the last block in the sequence, a single byte of '00' shall be returned
indicating that no additional data is present.
If the Issuer Security Domain processes the LOAD command containing the last block in the sequence, a
single byte of '00' shall be returned indicating that no additional data is present.
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For a LOAD command containing the last block in the sequence being issued to a Security Domain with the
Delegated Management privilege, the data field may contain the confirmation of the load procedure. The
overall length of the response message shall not exceed 256 bytes.
The following table describes the structure of the LOAD response data field. The length field for the Load
Confirmation is coded according to ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]).
Table 11-59: LOAD Response Data Field
Length of Load Confirmation
'00' - '7F' or '81 80' - '81 FF'
Load Confirmation
'xxxx...' see section 11.1.6
Conditional Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-60: LOAD Error Conditions
Memory failure
Not enough memory space
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11.7.1 Definition and Scope
The MANAGE CHANNEL command is processed by the OPEN on cards that are aware of logical channels. It
is used to open and close Supplementary Logical Channels. The Basic Logical Channel (channel number zero)
can never be closed.
11.7.2 Command Message
The MANAGE CHANNEL command message shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-61: MANAGE CHANNEL Command Message
'00' - '03' or '40' - '4F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Not present
'01' if P1 = '00' and not present if P1 = '80' Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 is used to indicate whether a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened
or closed.
The following values of the reference control parameter may apply:
'80' Close the Supplementary Logical Channel identified in reference control parameter P2.
'00' Open the next available Supplementary Logical Channel. Reference Control Parameter P2
If a Supplementary Logical Channel is being closed (reference control parameter P1 is '80'), the reference
control parameter P2 identifies the Supplementary Logical Channel to be closed (i.e. '01', '02', or '03'). For a
card supporting further interindustry logical channels, the reference control parameter may identify further
interindustry Supplementary Logical Channels (i.e. '04' to '13').
If a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened (reference control parameter P1 is '00'), the reference
control parameter P2 indicates that the next available Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened (i.e.
A card supporting logical channel assignment by off-card entities may accept a reference control parameter
P2 indicating the Supplementary Logical Channel number to be opened (i.e. '01', '02', or '03'). A card supporting
further interindustry logical channel assignment by off-card entities may accept a reference control parameter
P2 indicating the further interindustry Supplementary Logical Channel number to be opened (i.e. '04' to '13'). Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message is not present.
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11.7.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message is only present if a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened.
Depending on the number of logical channels supported by the card, the following values of the data field of
the response message may apply:
'01', '02', or '03' Supplementary Logical Channel opened.
For a card supporting further interindustry logical channels, and depending on the number of Supplementary
Logical Channels supported by the card, the following values of the data field of the response message may
'04' to '13' Supplementary Logical Channel opened. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
The command may return the following warning:
Table 11-62: MANAGE CHANNEL Warning Conditions
Logical Channel already closed
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-63: MANAGE CHANNEL Error Conditions
Secure messaging not supported
Function not supported e.g. card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED
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11.8 PUT KEY Command
11.8.1 Definition and Scope
The PUT KEY command is used to either:
Replace an existing key with a new key: The new key has the same or a different Key Version Number
but the same Key Identifier as the key being replaced;
Replace multiple existing keys with new keys: The new keys have the same or a different Key Version
Number (identical for all new keys) but the same Key Identifiers as the keys being replaced;
Add a single new key: The new key has a different combination Key Identifier / Key Version Number
than that of the existing keys;
Add multiple new keys: The new keys have different combinations of Key Identifiers / Key Version
Number (identical to all new keys) than that of the existing keys;
When the key management operation requires multiple PUT KEY commands, chaining of the multiple PUT
KEY commands is recommended to ensure integrity of the operation.
In this version of the Specification the public values of asymmetric keys are presented in clear text.
11.8.2 Command Message
The PUT KEY command message is coded according to the following table:
Table 11-64: PUT KEY Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF' or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field
Key data (and C-MAC if present)
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 defines a Key Version Number and whether more PUT KEY commands will
follow this one.
The Key Version Number identifies a key or group of keys that is already present on the card. A value of '00'
indicates that a new key or group of keys is being added. (The new Key Version Number is indicated in the
data field of the command message).
The Key Version Number is coded from '01' to '7F'.
The reference control parameter P1 of the PUT KEY command message is coded according to the following
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Table 11-65: PUT KEY Reference Control Parameter P1
Last (or only) command
More PUT KEY commands
Key Version Number Reference Control Parameter P2
Reference control parameter P2 defines a Key Identifier and whether one or multiple keys are contained in the
data field.
When one key is contained in the command message data field, reference control parameter P2 indicates the
Key Identifier of this key. When multiple keys are contained in the command message data field, reference
control parameter P2 indicates the Key Identifier of the first key in the command data field. Each subsequent
key in the command message data field has an implicit Key Identifier that is sequentially incremented by one,
starting from this first Key Identifier.
The Key Identifier is coded from '00' to '7F'.
The reference control parameter P2 of the PUT KEY command message is coded according to the following
Table 11-66: PUT KEY Reference Control Parameter P2
Single key
Multiple keys
Key Identifier Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The command message data field contains a new Key Version Number (coded from '01' to '7F') followed by
one or multiple key data fields as represented in the following diagram (with optionally a second and third key):
Table 11-67: Structure of the PUT KEY Command Data Field
Key Version Number of keys present in the
data field
Key data field (implicit key id P2+0)
Key data field (implicit key id P2+1)
Key data field (implicit key id P2+2)
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The Key Version Number field defines either:
The version number of a new key or group of keys to be created on the card (Key Version Number
indicated in P1 is set to zero); or
The version number of a new key or group of keys that will replace an existing key or group of keys
(Key Version Number indicated in P1 is different from zero).
If the data field contains multiple keys, the keys all share the same Key Version Number and the sequence in
the command data field reflects the incremental sequence of the Key Identifiers. Format of the Key Data Field
The key data field may be formatted according to the Basic Format or the Extended Format, which are
described in Table 11-68 and Table 11-69. In the Basic Format, the Key Type is coded on one byte and has a
value other than 'FF'. In the Extended Format, the Key Type is coded on two bytes with a first byte of 'FF'.
In both formats:
A cryptographic key may be composed of one or several key components. The value of each key
component is provided by a Key Component Block. The format of the Key Component Block is
described in section
All lengths shall be coded as defined for ASN.1 BER-TLV (see [ISO 8825-1]) except that the length
128 may also be coded on one byte as '80' (for backward compatibility).
Standardized key types being coded with values greater than '7F', the length field for the key check value can
be unambiguously detected.
Table 11-68: Key Data Field Format 1 (Basic Format)
Key type of first or only key component
'00' - 'FE' see section 11.1.8,
Key Type Coding
Length of first or only Key Component
'01' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
First or only Key Component Block
'xxxx...' (see section
Key type of last key component (if more
than one)
'00' - 'FE' see section 11.1.8,
Key Type Coding
Length of last Key Component Block
'01' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Last Key Component Block
'xxxx...' (see section
Length of key check value
'00' - '7F'
Key check value
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Table 11-69: Key Data Field Format 2 (Extended Format)
Key type of the first or only key
'FF xx' see section 11.1.8, Key
Type Coding
Length of first or only Key Component
'01' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
First or only Key Component Block
'xxxx...' (see section
Key type of the last key component (if
more than one)
'FF xx' see section 11.1.8, Key
Type Coding
Length of last Key Component Block
'01' - '80', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or
'82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Last Key Component Block
'xxxx…' (see section
Length of key check value
'00' - '7F'
Key check value
Length of key usage qualifier
'00' - '7F'
Key usage qualifier
'xxxx...' see section 11.1.9, Key
Usage Qualifier Coding
Length of key access
'00' - '7F'
Key access
'xxxx...' see section 11.1.10, Key
Access Coding
Conditional Format of the Key Component Block
For a public key component, the key component value does not need to be encrypted and the Key Component
Block only contains the clear-text key component value.
For a secret or private key component, the key component value must be encrypted and the following rules
If the length of the key component value is not a multiple of the block size of the encryption algorithm
(i.e. 8 bytes for DES, 16 bytes for AES), then the key component value must be right-padded (with
arbitrary bytes) prior to encryption. In this case, the Key Component Block shall be formatted as
described in Table 11-70. This format allows providing the length of the clear-text key component
value, which is required for the Security Domain processing the PUT KEY command to recover the
key component value after decryption.
If the length of the key component value is a multiple of the block size of the encryption algorithm (i.e.
8 bytes for DES, 16 bytes for AES), then the key component value does not need to be padded prior
to encryption and both clear-text and encrypted key component values have the same length. In this
case, two options exists: The Key Component Block may be formatted according to Table 11-70 or
may simply contain the encrypted key component value as shown in Table 11-71.
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Table 11-70: Format of Key Component Block Padding Present if Needed
Length (in bytes) of key
component value
1-3 bytes
'01' '80',
or '81 80' '81 FF',
or '82 01 00' '82 FF FF'
Encrypted key component value
Multiple of encryption
algorithm block size
Table 11-71: Format of Key Component Block Padding Not Present
Encrypted key component value
Multiple of encryption
algorithm block size
'xxxx…' Processing Rules
When replacing keys, the new keys shall be presented to the card with the same characteristics as the previous
ones: in other words, it is not possible to change the size and the associated cryptographic algorithm of an
existing key.
When chaining is used to load or replace a key comprised of more than one component, the subsequent
commands must refer to the same Key Identifier and the same Key Version Number as the first PUT KEY
command used for the first key component.
If the data field contains multiple keys or key components, the card must handle the multiple keys or key
components in an atomic manner. When PUT KEY commands are chained (i.e. bit b8 of P1 set to 1), the card
must handle the multiple key components transferred in the chain of PUT KEY commands (until and including
the first PUT KEY command with bit b8 of P1 = 0) in an atomic manner.
For a secret or private key component, the key component value is assumed to be encrypted and the following
rules apply:
If the length of the Key Component Block is not a multiple of the block size of the encryption algorithm
(i.e. 8 bytes for DES, 16 bytes for AES), then it shall be assumed that the key component value was
right-padded prior to encryption and that the Key Component Block was formatted as described in
Table 11-70. In this case, the first byte(s) of the Key Component Block provides the actual length of
the key component value, which allows recovering the clear-text key component value after decryption
of the encrypted key component value and removal of padding bytes.
If the length of the Key Component Block is a multiple of the block size of the encryption algorithm (i.e.
8 bytes for DES, 16 bytes for AES), then it shall be assumed that no padding bytes were added before
encrypting the key component value and that the Key Component Block is only composed of the
encrypted key component value (as shown in Table 11-71). In this case, the clear-text key component
value is simply recovered by decrypting the Key Component Block.
If present, the Key Check Value shall be verified. For all key types described in section B.6, the Key Check
Value shall be present.
Upon successful creation or update of a key, the Key Information Data which may later be returned by the
GET DATA command shall be updated.
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prohibited. Additional Rules for AES Keys
It is recommended to encrypt AES keys using an AES Key-DEK with the same or higher strength. Additional Rules for ECC Keys
All ECC key components or field parameters to be loaded shall be contained in one key data field of the PUT
KEY command. The command itself may be chained (see section
The key component value shall be formatted as follows:
1. The public key component and the G component (i.e. key types 'B0' and 'B5') shall be formatted
using uncompressed encoding as specified in [TR 03111] section 3.2.1, with most significant byte
coming first.
2. Other key components shall be encoded as follows: Fixed length related to the byte length of the
key, zero-padding added before the most significant bit as needed. This does not apply to the
cofactor of order of generator, which shall be encoded with the smallest number of bytes.
No key check mechanism for ECC keys is defined; i.e. the length of the key check value shall be '00'.
For the loading of ECC curve parameters into a security domain, PUT KEY shall contain the following key
Table 11-72: Loading of ECC Curve Parameters
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content
Key parameter reference
ECC field parameter P (field specification)
ECC field parameter A (first coefficient)
ECC field parameter B (second coefficient)
ECC field parameter G (generator)
ECC field parameter N (order of generator)
ECC field parameter k (cofactor of order of generator)
For the loading of a public or a private ECC key that references global or local ECC curve parameters, PUT
KEY shall contain the following key components:
Table 11-73: Loading of ECC Key with Parameter Reference
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content Encrypted
'B0' or 'B1'
ECC public or private key
No for public / yes for private key
Key parameter reference
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For the loading of a public or a private ECC key with its own ECC curve parameters, PUT KEY shall contain
the following key components:
Table 11-74: Loading of ECC Key with Own Parameters
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content
'B0' or 'B1'
ECC public or private key
No for 'B0' /
Yes for 'B1'
ECC field parameter P (field specification)
ECC field parameter A (first coefficient)
ECC field parameter B (second coefficient)
ECC field parameter G (generator)
ECC field parameter N (order of generator)
ECC field parameter k (cofactor of order of generator)
No Additional Rules for RSA Keys
All RSA key components or field parameters to be loaded shall be contained in one key data field of the PUT
KEY command. The command itself may be chained (see section
No key check mechanism for RSA keys is defined; i.e. the length of the key check value shall be '00'.
For the loading of a public RSA key, PUT KEY shall contain the following key components:
Table 11-75: Loading of RSA Public Key
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content
RSA Key Modulus (clear-text)
Public Key Exponent
For the loading of a private RSA key, PUT KEY shall contain the following key components:
Table 11-76: Loading of RSA Private Key
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content
'A1' or 'A2'
RSA Key Modulus (clear-text or encrypted)
No for 'A1' / Yes
for 'A2'
Private Key Exponent
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For the loading of a private RSA key in Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) format, PUT KEY shall contain
the following key components:
Table 11-77: Loading of RSA Private Key in CRT Format
Key Type
Key Component
Data Content
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder P component
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder Q component
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder PQ component
( q
mod p )
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder DP1
component ( d mod (p-1) )
RSA Private Key - Chinese Remainder DQ1
component ( d mod (q-1) )
11.8.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message contains in clear text the Key Version Number followed by the key
check value(s) not preceded by a length, if any, as presented in the command message data field. The
personalization server may use the returned Key Version Number and key check value(s) to verify the correct
loading of the key(s). Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-78: PUT KEY Error Conditions
Memory failure
Wrong data
Not enough memory space
Referenced data not found
Algorithm not supported (DEPRECATED: Use '6A80' instead.)
Invalid key check value (DEPRECATED: Use '6982' instead.)
Invalid key check value
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11.9 SELECT Command
11.9.1 Definition and Scope
The SELECT command is used for selecting an Application. The OPEN only processes SELECT commands
indicating the SELECT [by name] option. All options other than SELECT [by name] shall be passed to the
currently selected Security Domain or Application on the indicated logical channel.
11.9.2 Command Message
The SELECT command is coded according to the following table:
Table 11-79: SELECT Command Message
'00' - '03' or '40' - '4F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of AID
AID of Application to be selected
'00' Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-80: SELECT Reference Control Parameter P1
Select by name
A Security Domain or Application may support other values as defined in [ISO 7816-4]. Reference Control Parameter P2
Reference control parameter P2 shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-81: SELECT Reference Control Parameter P2
First or only occurrence
Next occurrence
OPEN or the underlying runtime environment may support other values as defined in [ISO 7816-4].
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prohibited. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command shall contain the AID of the Application to be selected. The Lc and data field of
the SELECT command may be omitted if the Issuer Security Domain is being selected. In this case, Le shall
be set to '00' and the command is a case 2 command according to [ISO 7816-4].
11.9.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The SELECT response data field consists of information specific to the selected Application.
The coding of the File Control Information for the Issuer Security Domain and Security Domains shall be
according to the following table.
Table 11-82: File Control Information
File Control Information (FCI template)
Application / file AID
Proprietary data
Security Domain Management Data (see section H.3 for
detailed coding)
Application production Life Cycle data
Maximum length of data field in command message
Additional data objects may be returned within the FCI template. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
The command may return the following warning condition when the Security Domain with the Final Application
privilege is being selected.
Table 11-83: SELECT Warning Condition
Card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-84: SELECT Error Conditions
Secure messaging not supported
Function not supported e.g. card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED
Selected Application / file not found
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11.10 SET STATUS Command
11.10.1 Definition and Scope
The SET STATUS command shall be used to modify the card Life Cycle State or the Application Life Cycle
11.10.2 Command Message
The SET STATUS command message is coded according to the following table.
Table 11-85: SET STATUS Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Status type
State control
Length of data field
AID of Application (and C-MAC if present)
Not present Reference Control Parameter P1 Status Type
The status type of the SET STATUS command message indicates if the change in the Life Cycle State applies
to the Issuer Security Domain, Supplementary Security Domains or an Application. The status type can also
indicate that the command applies to a Security Domain and all its associated Applications: this only applies
for transition to, and back from, the LOCKED state. The status type shall be coded according to the following
Table 11-86: SET STATUS Status Type
Indicate Issuer Security Domain
Indicate Application or Supplementary Security
Indicate Security Domain and its associated
Note: When the SET STATUS command applies for a Security Domain and its Associated Applications, then
the SET STATUS command applies to the sub-hierarchy of the Security Domain indicated in the command
data field. If the SET STATUS is used to lock all Applications, all Applications remain already locked, and no
error status is returned. If the SET STATUS is used to unlock all Applications, all Applications already unlocked
remain unlocked, and no error status is returned.
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prohibited. Reference Control Parameter P2 State Control
The state control of the SET STATUS command message indicates the state transition required and shall be
coded according to section 11.1.1, Life Cycle State Coding.
For the Issuer Security Domain (which inherits the card Life Cycle State), the parameter shall be coded
according to Table 11-6 and abide by the transitioning rules as diagrammed in Figure 5-1. A Security Domain
with the Card Terminate or the Card Lock privilege is able to terminate or lock/unlock, respectively, the card
using the SET STATUS command with P1 set to '80'.
For a Security Domain setting its own Life Cycle State using this command, the only possible transitions are
to the PERSONALIZED or LOCKED state: The parameter shall be coded according to Table 11-5.
For an Application setting its own Life Cycle State using this command, the parameter shall be coded according
to Table 11-4 and abide by the transitioning rules as depicted in Figure 5-2.
For a Security Domain setting the Life Cycle State of another Application or Supplementary Security Domain,
the only possible transitions are to the LOCKED state and subsequently back to the previous state. The only
relevant bit of this parameter would therefore be bit b8 (all other bits are ignored):
b8 = 1 indicates a transition to the LOCKED state;
b8 = 0 indicates a transition (from LOCKED) back to the previous state.
A request to transition a Security Domain or an Application to its current Life Cycle State shall be rejected. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field shall contain the AID of the target Application or Security Domain for which a Life Cycle change
is requested. The on-card entity receiving the command shall be directly or indirectly associated with this target
Application or Security Domain or shall have the relevant privilege. If reference control parameter P1 is '80'
the content of the command data field shall be ignored. If the command relates to a Security Domain and all
its associated Applications, the data field shall contain the AID of the Security Domain.
11.10.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message shall not be present. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-87: SET STATUS Error Conditions
Incorrect values in command data
Referenced data not found
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11.11 STORE DATA Command
11.11.1 Definition and Scope
The STORE DATA command is used to transfer data to an Application or the Security Domain processing the
The Security Domain determines if the command is intended for itself or an Application depending on a
previously received command. If a preceding command was an INSTALL [for personalization] command, the
STORE DATA command is destined for an Application.
Multiple STORE DATA commands are used to send data to the Application or Security Domain by breaking
the data into smaller components for transmission. The Security Domain shall be informed of the last block.
A personalization session starts when a Security Domain receives a valid INSTALL [for personalization]
command designating an Application (implementing either the Application or the Personalization interface) to
which the Security Domain shall forward subsequently received STORE DATA commands.
A personalization session ends when:
The card is reset;
The Security Domain is deselected (i.e. an Application another or the same is selected on the
same logical channel);
The Security Domain is selected on the same or another logical channel;
The Secure Channel session (if any) established by the Security Domain is reset, possibly by the
targeted Application (see conditions triggering Secure Channel Termination described in
section 10.2.3);
The Security Domain receives an INSTALL [for personalization] command (starting a new
personalization session for another application);
The Security Domain receives a STORE DATA command indicating P1.b8=1 (last block);
Any STORE DATA command received out of such a personalization session shall be processed by the Security
Domain itself.
11.11.2 Command Message
The STORE DATA command message shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-88: STORE DATA Command Message
'80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Block number
Length of data field
Application data and MAC (if present)
Not present
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prohibited. Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 shall be coded according to the following table.
Table 11-89: STORE DATA Reference Control Parameter P1
More blocks
Last block
No general encryption information or non-encrypted data
Application dependent encryption of the data
RFU (encryption indicator)
Encrypted data
No general data structure information
DGI format of the command data field
BER-TLV format of the command data field
RFU (data structure information)
ISO case 3 command (no response data expected)
ISO case 4 command (response data may be returned)
Bits b5 and b4 provide information on the data structure of the command message data field.
b5 - b4 = 00 indicate that no general information on the data structure is provided; i.e. the data
structure is Application dependent;
b5 - b4 = 01 indicate that the command message data field is coded as one or more DGI structures,
according to [Scripting Lang];
b5 - b4 = 10 indicate that the command message data field is coded as one or more BER-TLV
structures, according to ISO 8825.
Bits b7 and b6 provide information on the encryption of the value fields of the data structure present in the
command message data field.
b7 b6 = 00 indicate that no general information on the data encryption is provided; i.e. the encryption
(or non-encryption) of the data is Application dependent, or that the data value fields of all the data
structures present in the current command message are not encrypted;
b7 b6 = 01 indicate that the encryption (or non-encryption) of the data structure value fields is
Application dependent; e.g. when multiple data structures are present in the current command
message, some may have encrypted data value fields and other data value fields may be
b7 b6 = 11 indicate that the data value fields of all the data structures present in the current
command message are encrypted.
The decryption of application-specific data is the responsibility of the Application.
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prohibited. Reference Control Parameter P2 Block Number
Reference control parameter P2 shall contain the block number coded sequentially from '00' to 'FF'. The
Security Domain shall check the sequence of commands and shall reset the block counter when one of the
following occurs:
A personalization session is completed or a new one is starting (see section 11.11.1).
The Security Domain receives a STORE DATA command indicating P1.b8=1 (last block).
The Security Domain rejects an erroneous STORE DATA command.
The Secure Channel session (if any) established by the Security Domain is reset (see conditions
triggering Secure Channel Termination, described in section 10.2.3).
The Security Domain is deselected (i.e. an Application another or the same is selected on the
same logical channel).
The Security Domain is selected on the same or another logical channel.
The card is reset. Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field shall contain data in a format expected by the Security Domain or the Application. If the data is
intended for an Application, it is sent to the Application as described in section 7.3.2.
Three data structuring modes are defined:
Application dependent format applies shall be used when no information is available on the format of
the incoming command data: Bits b5-b4 of reference control parameter P1 are shall be set to '00'. In
this case, information on the encryption (or non-encryption) of the incoming command data is usually
not available (parameter P1 bits b7-b6 set to '00'): the format and eventual encryption of the incoming
command data are implicitly known by the Application.
DGI formatting applies shall be used when all data structures that are present in the command data
field are formatted as DGI structures (as defined in [Scripting Lang]): Bits b5-b4 of reference control
parameter P1 are shall be set to '01'. In this case, some information may be available on the
encryption (or non-encryption) of the value fields of the DGI data structures: Reference control
parameter P1 bits b7-b6 are shall be set accordingly.
BER-TLV formatting applies shall be used when all data structures that are present in the command
data field are formatted as BER-TLV structures (as defined in ISO 8825): Bits b5-b4 of reference
control parameter P1 are shall be set to '10'. In this case, some information may be available on the
encryption (or non-encryption) of the value fields of the TLV data structures: Reference control
parameter P1 bits b7-b6 are shall be set accordingly.
If the overall length of the intended command message exceeds 255 bytes, the individual (or group of) data
shall be sent in multiple consecutive STORE DATA commands. Whether the data format is a DGI or BER-TLV
data structure, the following rules shall apply:
The data structure length indicators shall always reflect the actual full length of the data structure
value field;
The data structure value field shall be truncated in the STORE DATA command message containing
the data structure length indicator (e.g. at the maximum length of the command message);
The subsequent STORE DATA command shall contain the remainder of the data structure value field
(that may be followed by one or more data structure(s) in this same command message) note: for
very large data, more than one subsequent STORE DATA command message may be required for
the remainder of the data structure value field;
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The target Application or Security Domain shall use the last data structure length indicator of a
STORE DATA command message to determine whether a subsequent STORE DATA command is
expected to contain the remainder of the data structure value field.
The Issuer Security Domain shall support at least the following BER-TLV coded data objects:
Issuer Identification Number (tag '42')
Card Image Number (tag '45')
Issuer Security Domain AID (tag '4F')
Card Data (tag '66')
Card Capability Information (tag '67')
A Supplementary Security Domain should support the following BER-TLV coded data objects:
Security Domain Provider Identification Number (tag '42')
Security Domain Image Number (tag '45')
Security Domain Management Data (tag '66')
Security Domain Manager URL (tag '5F50')
When DGI formatting is used, if there is a need to transmit BER-TLV-coded data objects, then such BER-TLV-
coded data objects shall be embedded within template DGI '0070'.When DGI formatting is used, these data
objects shall be embedded within template DGI '0070'. Otherwise, these data objects shall be presented in
BER-TLV format.
Some data objects are internal data dynamically generated by the Security Domain and cannot be stored by
this command. The command shall be rejected if such data objects are presented in DGI '0070' or presented
in BER-TLV format. The following is a list (possibly incomplete) of such data objects:
Tag 'D3': Current Security Level
Tag '2F00': List of Applications associated with the Security Domain, or every application on the card if
the Security Domain has Global Registry Privilege
Tag 'FF21': Extended Card Resources Information available for Card Content Management, as
defined in [TS 102 226]
Tag 'C2': Confirmation Counter
Tag 'C1': Sequence Counter of the default Key Version Number
11.11.3 Response Message Data Field Returned in the Response Message
If the P1 parameter indicates that this command is an ISO case 3 command, then:
If the target Application or Security Domain indicates that response data are available, a response of
'6A86' shall be returned.
The data field of the response message shall not be present.
If the P1 parameter indicates that this command is an ISO case 4 command, then a response data field may
be present.
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prohibited. Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following error conditions.
Table 11-90: STORE DATA Error Condition
Incorrect values in command data
Not enough memory space
Referenced data not found
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11.11.4 Key Loading
Using DGI formatting it is possible to load keys using the STORE DATA command.
The encryption and decryption of the DGI’s content shall be performed using the Data Encryption session key
(DEK session key) and the algorithm supported by the Secure Channel Protocol for sensitive data
All encrypted data grouping content defined in this section shall be right-padded with as many arbitrary bytes
as needed to reach the required block size (depending on the algorithm used by the DEK session key); e.g.
8 bytes for DES encryption, 16 bytes for AES encryption.
The STORE DATA command shall be coded as a case 3 command.
The Data Group Identifier for the Key Control Reference Template is defined in the following table:
Table 11-91: DGI for Key Information Data
DGI Length
Data Content
Key Information Data
A key may consist of a number of key components and therefore may require multiple key Control Reference
Template (CRT) TLVs to be provided. If the key version, key id, or key usage qualifier provided in a CRT TLV
is not consistent with a value already received for the same key then the STORE DATA command shall be
rejected. Symmetric Key Scheme
When supporting a symmetric scheme, the Data Grouping Identifiers '00B9' and '8113' shall be used to
load/update a secret key.
The key data format is:
1. Most significant byte first
2. When ciphering a key component value additional padding shall be added according to the
encryption algorithm used.
The CRT defined in the following table is used to describe the symmetric keys sent in responses/commands
from/to the Security Domains.
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Table 11-92: Data Content for DGI '00B9' Symmetric Scheme
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type according to section 11.1.8
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
Key check value
CRT tag (CT)
When the Key Access field is not present, the default Key Access value is '00'.
The Key Check Value shall be coded as described in section B.6.
The decrypted key shall be verified against its associated check value as described in section B.6. If this
comparison fails, a response of '6982' shall be returned. DGI for a Symmetric Scheme in Secret Key Format
The following Data Grouping Identifier is used to populate a secret key:
Table 11-93: Data Content for DGI '8113'
Data Content
Variable multiple of 8
Secret Key
DGI '8113' shall immediately follow DGI '00B9' and shall be repeated once for each key described in DGI
'00B9'. Asymmetric Key Schemes RSA
When supporting the RSA scheme, either the Data Grouping Identifiers '8112' Private Key Exponent, or the
Data Grouping Identifiers '8121' to '8125' RSA Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSACRT) constants shall be
used to load/update the private component.
The DGI '0011' is used for the Public Key Exponent. The DGI '0010' is used for the Modulus.
The key data format is:
1. Most significant byte first
2. Fixed length related to the length of the modulus, zero-padding to the left.
3. Exception for the public key exponent which is encoded using the shortest byte representation.
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The Control Reference Template is used to describe the keys sent in commands and responses to or from the
Security Domains. DGIs for the RSA Public Key
The data content of the DGI for the Key Control Reference Template for the asymmetric key scheme is defined
in the following table.
Table 11-94: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Public Key
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A1' Key Modulus
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A0' Public Key Exponent
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
The following Data Grouping Identifiers shall be used immediately after DGI '00B9' to populate the Key
Modulus and Public Key Exponent:
Table 11-95: Data Content for DGIs '0010' and '0011'
Data Content
Key Modulus
Public Key Exponent
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prohibited. DGIs for the RSA Private Key, Exponent Format
When the private key exponent format is used to populate asymmetric keys, the following data content shall
be included in the DGI '00B9':
Table 11-96: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Private Key, Exponent Format
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A1' Key Modulus
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A3' Private Key Exponent
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
The following Data Grouping Identifiers shall be used immediately after DGI '00B9' to populate the Private Key
when the private key exponent format is used:
Table 11-97: Data Content for DGIs '0010' and '8112'
Data Content
Key Modulus
Private Key Exponent
Yes DGIs for the RSA Private Key, CRT Format
When the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) format is used to populate the RSA asymmetric keys, the
following data content shall be included in DGI '00B9':
Table 11-98: Data Content for DGI '00B9' RSA Private Key, CRT Format
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
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Key Type = 'A6' Private Key q
mod p
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A8' Private Key d mod (q 1)
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A7' Private Key d mod (p 1)
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A5' Private Key prime factor q
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'A4' Private Key prime factor p
1 or 2
Key Length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
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The following Data Grouping Identifiers shall be used immediately after DGI '00B9' to populate the Private Key
when the Chinese Remainder Theorem format is used:
Table 11-99: Data Content for DGIs '8121' through '8125'
Data Content
RSACRT constant q
mod p
RSACRT constant d mod (q 1)
RSACRT constant d mod (p 1)
RSACRT constant prime factor q
RSACRT constant prime factor p
When supporting the ECC scheme, DGI '00B9' is used to describe curve parameters and keys sent to a
Security Domain. It shall be followed by DGIs providing the values of ECC curve parameters [TR 03111] or
keys. Their data format shall be:
1. The public key component and the G component (i.e. key types 'B0' and 'B5') shall be formatted
using uncompressed encoding as specified in [TR 03111] section 3.2.1, with most significant byte
coming first.
2. Other key components shall be encoded as follows: Fixed length related to the byte length of the
key, zero-padding added before the most significant bit as needed. This does not apply to the
cofactor of order of generator, which shall be encoded with the smallest number of bytes.
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
prohibited. DGIs for the ECC Curve Parameters
The data content of DGI '00B9' (Key Control Reference Template) for ECC curve parameters is defined in the
following table:
Table 11-100: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Curve Parameters
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'F0' Key parameter reference
1 or 2
Key parameter reference value (see Table B-2)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B2' P (field specification)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B3' A (first coefficient)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B4' B (second coefficient)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B5' G (generator)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B6' N (order of generator)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'B7' k (cofactor of order of generator)
Curve parameter length, in bytes (unsigned integer value)
When loading ECC curve parameters that are intended to be referenced, the CRT with the Key Parameter
Reference shall be present.
When loading ECC curve parameters that are directly related to one key only (see below), the CRT with the
Key Parameter Reference shall be absent.
The following DGIs are used to populate the ECC curve parameters and shall immediately follow DGI '00B9':
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Table 11-101: Data Grouping Identifiers for ECC Curve Parameters
Data Content
Data Content Encrypted
P (field specification)
A (first coefficient)
B (second coefficient)
G (generator)
N (order of generator)
k (cofactor of order of generator);
default value '01'
No DGIs for the ECC Public Key
The data content of DGI '00B9' (Key Control Reference Template) for an ECC Public Key is defined in the
following table:
Table 11-102: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Public Key
Data Element
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'B0' ECC public key
1 or 2
Key Length in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'F0' Key parameter reference
1 or 2
Key Parameter Reference Value
The following Data Grouping Identifier is used to populate an ECC Public Key and shall immediately follow
DGI '00B9':
Table 11-103: Data Grouping Identifier for ECC Public Key
DGI Length
Data Content
Data Content Encrypted
Q (public key)
When loading a key that shall use ECC curve parameters already present on the card, the CRT with the Key
Parameter Reference shall be present. In case of a local reference, the curve parameters with the given
reference found in the SD, or if missing there, found in the closest ascendant SD shall be used.
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If the CRT with the Key Parameter Reference is absent, DGI '0036' shall be followed by the DGIs for curve
parameters as defined in section The CRT with the Key Parameter Reference shall also be
absent within DGI '00B9' of the Curve Parameters. DGIs for the ECC Private Key
The data content of DGI '00B9' (Key Control Reference Template) for an ECC Private Key is defined in the
following table:
Table 11-104: Data Content for DGI '00B9' ECC Private Key
Data Element
CRT tag (CT)
1 or 2
Key Usage Qualifier values according to section 11.1.9
Key Access according to section 11.1.10
Key Type = 'B1' ECC private key
1 or 2
Key Length in bytes (unsigned integer value)
Key Identifier
Key Version Number
CRT tag (CT)
Key Type = 'F0' Key parameter reference
1 or 2
Key Parameter Reference Value
The following Data Grouping Identifier is used to populate an ECC Private Key and shall immediately follow
DGI '00B9':
Table 11-105: Data Grouping Identifier for ECC Private Key
DGI Length
Data Content
Data Content Encrypted
d (private key)
When loading a key that shall use ECC curve parameters already present on the card, the CRT with the Key
Parameter Reference shall be present. In case of a local reference, the curve parameters with the given
reference found in the SD, or if missing there, found in the closest ascendant SD shall be used.
If the CRT with the Key Parameter Reference is absent, DGI '8137' shall be followed by the DGIs for curve
parameters as defined in section The CRT with the Key Parameter Reference shall also be
absent within DGI '00B9' of the Curve Parameters
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A GlobalPlatform API
A.1 GlobalPlatform on a Java Card
This section contains only the API required for GlobalPlatform 2.2.x Java Cards. Use of the Open Platform
2.0.1' API is still allowed for supporting older versions of Applications but is deprecated. It is defined in version
2.1.1 of this Specification.
The deprecated API and new API both access the same objects where applicable. While this may seem
obvious for methods that have the same name across both classes (e.g. setATRHistBytes(),
setCardContentState(), and getCardContentState()) it shall also be noted as for example that
an application that uses the update() method in the new API to change the value of the global PIN will affect
the same global PIN of an application that uses the setPIN() method in the deprecated API to verify the
global PIN.
GlobalPlatform Specific Requirements
In order to ensure the highest level of interoperability of GlobalPlatform implementations, GlobalPlatform also
adopts the order defined in section 6.2 of Java Card™ 2.2.x Virtual Machine Specification.
Some of the minor modifications to the standard functionality defined in the Java Card™ 2.1.1 Runtime
Environment (JCRE) Specifications and the Java Card™ 2.1.1 Application Programming Interface are no
longer relevant with the Java Card™ 2.2.x specifications.
GPRegistryEntry objects shall be implemented as Shareable Interface Objects as defined in section 6.2.4
Shareable Interfaces of the Java Card™ 2.2.x Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specification in order to ensure
shared access.
This specification describes mechanisms for a Security Domain to install or delete other Security Domains.
This behavior potentially overrides the provisions of the Java Card™ 2.2.x Runtime Environment (JCRE)
Specification that forbids installation or deletion of an application whose context is already active on the card.
Regarding other kinds of applications, the provisions of the JCRE shall apply.
GlobalPlatform Package AID
Each GlobalPlatform package AID will be a concatenation of a RID and a PIX. The AID value of the Java Card
Export File for the new GlobalPlatform API (identical for both GlobalPlatform 2.1 and 2.1.1) based on the RID
specified in Appendix H, GlobalPlatform Data Values, is 'A00000015100'.
In section 3.1 The Method install of the Java Card™ 2.2.x Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications, the
parameters passed to the method are defined to be initialization parameters from the contents of the incoming
byte array parameter.
This specification expands on this requirement and further defines the content of the Install Parameters. This
expansion affects both the implementation of an OPEN and the behavior of a Java Card applet developed for
a GlobalPlatform card. It does not affect the definition of the install method of the Class Applet of the Java
Card™ 2.2.x Application Programming Interface specification.
The Install Parameters shall identify the following data, present in the INSTALL [for install] command (see
section, Data Field for INSTALL [for install]):
The instance AID
The Privileges
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The Application Specific Parameters
The OPEN is responsible for ensuring that the parameters (bArray, bOffset, and bLength) contain the
following information:
The array, bArray, shall contain the following consecutive LV coded data:
Length of the instance AID
The instance AID
Length of the Privileges
The Privileges
Length of the Application Specific Parameters
The Application Specific Parameters
The byte, bOffset, shall contain an offset within the array pointing to the length of the instance AID.
The byte, bLength, shall contain a length indicating the total length of the above-defined data in the array.
The applet is required to utilize the instance AID as a parameter when invoking the register (byte []
bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) method of the Class Applet of the Java Card™ 2.2.x
Application Programming Interface specification.
T=0 Transmission Protocol
GlobalPlatform cards are intended to be functional in the widest range of environments (i.e. Card Acceptance
Devices). Currently the Java Card™ 2.2.x Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications describe the behavior
for case 2 commands (when using the T=0 protocol) in contradiction to EMV 2000. GlobalPlatform mandates
that the JCRE shall handle this case of command in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816: An applet receiving a
case 2 command builds the response and invokes the appropriate API to output the data. If the data is less
than the data expected by the terminal, the OPEN will store the data and output a '6Cxx' response code and
wait for the CAD to re-issue the command with the correct length. When the re-issued command is received
the JCRE will manage the outputting of the stored data.
Unless otherwise specified all internal persistent objects of the GlobalPlatform API must conform to a
transaction in progress.
All operations performed by this API, except the Application.processData() method shall be executed
atomically. Objects used to enforce the implementation of velocity checking shall not conform to a transaction
in progress.
Logical Channels
The following logical channel restrictions apply to Java Card™ 2.2.x (see the Java Card™ 2.2.x Runtime
Environment (JCRE) Specifications for more detail):
While the APDU command contains Install Parameters representing TLV coded system and Application Specific
Parameters, the application only requires knowledge of the Application Specific Parameters i.e. only LV of the TLV
coded structure ‘C9’ are present as parameters.
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Selection of an Application on a logical channel as defined in section 6.3, Command Dispatch, will be
unsuccessful if this same Application, or any other Application instantiated from code in the same package
from which the Application being selected was instantiated, is currently selected on another logical channel
but the application code does not implement the MultiSelectable interface. Security Domains shall
implement the MultiSelectable interface.
Changing context from a Security Domain to an Application as defined in section 7.3.2, Security Domain
Support for Application Personalization, will be unsuccessful if this same Application, or any other Application
instantiated from code in the same package from which the Application being personalized was instantiated,
is currently selected on another logical channel but the application code does not implement the
MultiSelectable interface.
An Application that has the Card Reset privilege and is intended for a card that supports Supplementary Logical
Channels should implement the MultiSelectable interface.
GlobalPlatform only defines the assignment of logical channel numbers by the card. Optionally and as defined
in Java Card 2.2, a card may also support assignment of logical channel numbers by the terminal.
Cryptographic Algorithms
GlobalPlatform cards supporting RSA cryptography should support key sizes not defined as constants in the
Key Builder class. More specifically support for key sizes being a multiple of 4 bytes (32 bits), and being within
the allowed key lengths defined by the implementation, should be available.
Level of Trust
The Java Card 2.2.x specifications assume that the RID of the AID of packages, applets and instances will be
utilized to ensure a level of trust between these entities. In section 4.2.2 AID Usage of the Java Card™ 2.2.1
Application Programming Interface it is defined that the RID of an AID of a component must match the RID of
the AID of the package and in the definition of the register (byte [] bArray, short bOffset,
byte bLength) method of the Java Card™ 2.2.x Application Programming Interface specification it is
defined that an exception must be thrown if the RID portion of the AID bytes in the bArray parameter does
not match the RID portion of the Java Card name of the applet.
From a real world implementation point of view, mandating that the RID of the instance AID must be the same
as the RID of the component from which it was instantiated, is not practical. GlobalPlatform implementations
shall not mandate that there be any link through the AID of an instance to its original package. It does however
assume that all applications in the same package share the same level of trust.
Invocation of GlobalPlatform Methods
The Application Programming Interface defined herein is accessible to any Java Card applet developed with
the intention of being present on a GlobalPlatform card. One limitation does exist relating to the constructor of
the applet and to the install() method of the Class Applet of the Java Card™ 2.2.x Application
Programming Interface. As this specification does not define exactly when the instance of an applet becomes
an entry in the card’s GlobalPlatform Registry, an applet developer can only assume that this has occurred
following the successful completion of the install method. To ensure interoperability, GlobalPlatform API
methods that require access to the GlobalPlatform Registry entry of the applet invoking the method, shall not
be invoked before registering the applet.
The following is a list of methods that may be invoked from within the constructor or the install() method:
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The required behavior of the card in the event that an Application incorrectly invokes a method of the
org.globalplatform.GPSystem class other than those listed above is undefined. For example, an
exception may be thrown and the processing of the install() method may be aborted.
On GlobalPlatform cards, if an error occurs during the processing of the select() method or if the
select() method returns false or if the Application cannot be selected because it does not implement the
Multiselectable interface, the OPEN shall continue searching through the GlobalPlatform Registry for a
subsequent full or partial match as defined in section
If no Application is selected, the corresponding logical channel remains open with no currently selected
Application. Since no Application is currently selected, any subsequent command, other than a MANAGE
CHANNEL or SELECT [by name] command, will be rejected. It is expected that the off-card entity will take
appropriate action on such an error; e.g. select another Application, close the corresponding logical channel,
reset or power off the card.
The Method Summary and Details for the GlobalPlatform Java Card™ API specification is now available in a
separate document which may be found on the GlobalPlatform website.
A.2 GlobalPlatform on MULTOS
The GlobalPlatform on MULTOS™ specification is now available in a separate document which may be found
on the GlobalPlatform website.
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B Algorithms (Cryptographic and Hashing)
A GlobalPlatform card may support many types of security functions for use by applications. This appendix
contains examples of several of the cryptographic algorithms and the hashing method that are possible for
B.1 Data Encryption Standard (DES)
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric cryptographic algorithm that requires the use of the same
secret key to encrypt and decrypt data. In its simplest form it uses an 8-byte key to encrypt an 8-byte block of
data and the same 8-byte key to decrypt and retrieve the original clear text.
Triple DES uses a compound operation of DES encryption and decryption. Triple DES as used in this
specification uses keying option 2 as defined in [ISO 18033-3].
B.1.1 Encryption/Decryption
For encryption two variants are defined.
B.1.1.1 CBC Mode
Triple DES in CBC mode, as defined in [ANSI X9.52] and [ISO 10116], is used with an Initial Chaining Value
equal to '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'.
B.1.1.2 ECB Mode
Triple DES in ECB mode, as defined in [ANSI X9.52] and [ISO 10116], is used.
B.1.2 MACing
The chaining data encryption methods are defined in [ISO 9797-1].
B.1.2.1 Full Triple DES MAC
The full triple DES MAC is as defined in [ISO 9797-1] as MAC Algorithm 1, with initial transformation 1 and
output transformation 1, without truncation, and with Triple DES taking the place of the block cipher.
B.1.2.2 Single DES Plus Final Triple DES MAC
This is also known as the Retail MAC. It is as defined in [ISO 9797-1] as MAC Algorithm 3, with initial
transformation 1 and output transformation 3, without truncation, and with DES taking the place of the block
B.1.3 DES Padding
Unless specified to the contrary, padding prior to performing a DES operation across a block of data is achieved
in the following manner:
Append an '80' to the right of the data block;
If the resultant data block length is a multiple of 8 bytes, no further padding is required;
Append binary zeroes to the right of the data block until the data block length is a multiple of 8 bytes.
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If the data is being padded with the intention of generating a MAC, the padding is discarded following the DES
B.2 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
AES is a symmetric cryptographic algorithm that requires the use of the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt
data. In its simplest form it uses a 16-byte key to encrypt a 16-byte block of data and the same 16-byte key to
decrypt and retrieve the original clear text.
Two other versions of AES exist that involve 24-byte key and 32-byte key respectively. In these versions, the
clear text and the cipher text are still 16-byte long. The different flavors may be referred to as AES-128,
AES-192, and AES-256.
A specification of AES with its different versions may be found in Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
FIPS 197 ([FIPS 197]).
This complies with the FIPS PUB 140-2 ([FIPS 140-2]) Annex A (Symmetric Key Encryption 1).
B.2.1 Encryption/Decryption
AES in CBC mode is used as specified in NIST 800-38A [800-38A]. The ICV should satisfy the requirements
of [800-38A] for unpredictable ICVs.
This complies with [FIPS 140-2] Annex A (Symmetric Key Encryption 1).
B.2.2 MACing
CMAC as specified in NIST SP 800-38B [800-38B] is used for MAC calculations. The resulting signature is
composed of 16 bytes. Note that [800-38B] also specifies the padding to be applied to the input.
This complies with [FIPS 140-2] Annex A (Message authentication 3).
B.2.3 AES Padding
Unless specified otherwise, padding prior to performing an AES operation across a block of data is achieved
in the following manner:
Append an '80' to the right of the data block;
If the resultant data block length is a multiple of 16, no further padding is required;
Append binary zeroes to the right of the data block until the data block length is a multiple of 16.
This padding complies with one of the padding schemes proposed in [800-38A].
B.3.1 Scheme 1
The schemes defined in this section shall be used with RSA keys of1024 bits.
B.3.1.1 Signature
The signature scheme is RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 as defined in PKCS#1 ([PKCS#1]). The hash function is SHA-
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B.3.1.2 Encryption
The encryption scheme is RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 as defined in PKCS#1 ([PKCS#1]).
B.3.2 Scheme 2
The schemes defined in this section shall be used with RSA keys longer than 1024 bits. It is recommended
that the key length is an integer multiple of 32
B.3.2.1 Signature
The following signature scheme shall be used for RSA signatures:
RSASSA-PSS as defined in [PKCS#1].
The following RSASSA-PSS scheme parameters shall be used for hash algorithm, mask generation function,
salt length and trailer field:
Hash algorithm: SHA-256.
MGF1 as defined in [PKCS#1] shall be used as mask generation function and the underlying hash
function shall be SHA-256.
PKCS#1 default salt length shall be the octet length of the hash value.
PKCS#1 defined 'BC' shall be used as trailer field.
B.3.2.2 Encryption
The following RSA encryption scheme shall be used:
RSAES-OAEP as defined in [PKCS#1].
The following RSA-OAEP scheme parameters shall be used for hash algorithm, mask generation function and
(optional) label:
Hash algorithm: SHA-256.
MGF1 as defined in [PKCS#1] shall be used as mask generation function and the underlying hash
function shall be SHA-256.
An empty label parameter shall be used.
B.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
B.4.1 Curve Parameters and Key Lengths
Elliptic Curve Cryptography over prime fields GF(p) shall be used.
Standardized Curve Parameters are recommended to be used. Such Parameters can be found in:
Digital Signature Standard (DSS) ([FIPS 186-4]), recommended by NIST, or
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard Curves and Curve Generation [RFC 5639],
recommended by BSI.
The following table lists recommended curves for different ECC key lengths.
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Table B-1: ECC Key Length and Recommended Curves
ECC Key Length
Curve Specified in [FIPS 186-4]
Curve specified in [RFC 5639]
B.4.2 Preloaded ECC Curve Parameters
A card may have one or multiple sets of preloaded ECC curve parameters. A set of curve parameters is
identified by a key parameter reference that is assigned at the time curve parameters are loaded. It is then
possible to refer to a set of curve parameters, with a particular key parameter reference, when loading a new
public or private ECC key, which avoids transferring curve parameters with each new key.
Key parameter references are coded on 1 or 2 bytes, bit b8 of the first byte indicating a coding on 2 bytes. Two
kinds of key parameter references are defined:
Global key parameter references and associated curve parameters can only be stored by the ISD and,
when loading a new key, can be referenced from any Security Domain on the card.
Local key parameter references and associated curve parameters can be stored by any Security
Domain on the card and, when loading a new key, can be referenced from this Security Domain or any
Security Domain in its sub-hierarchy.
Table B-2 describes reserved ranges of values for each kind of key parameter reference. A range is reserved
for global key parameter references defined by GlobalPlatform (RFU), another range is reserved for proprietary
global key parameter references, and another one is reserved for proprietary local key parameter references.
In this case, proprietary either means that no standard reference has been assigned to it yet by
GlobalPlatform, or that a standard set of parameters is loaded, at the discretion of a Security Domain owner,
under a local key parameter reference (e.g. because not preloaded by the card issuer).
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Table B-2: Key Parameter Reference Values
Key Parameter
Reference Value
as specified
in [FIPS 186-4]
as specified
in [RFC 5639]
'09' to '3F' and
'80 00' to 'BF FF'
Reserved for proprietary global key parameter
'40' to '5F' and
'C0 00' to 'DF FF'
Reserved for local key parameter references
'60' to '7F' and
'E0 00' to 'FF FF'
ECDSA (sometimes named EC-DSA) is a signature algorithm specified in ANSI X9.62 [ANSI X9.62] standard.
From an input message M, ECDSA produces a signature (r,s).
ECDSA requires a hash function. Unless defined otherwise, the security strength of the hash function used
shall meet or exceed the security strength associated with the order of the key according to [FIPS 186-4].
The following table lists the Hash algorithms that shall be used depending on specific ECC key lengths.
Table B-3: Hash Algorithms for ECDSA
ECC Key Length (in bits)
Hash Algorithm
The signature shall be coded in plain format as specified in [TR 03111]; i.e. it is the concatenation of the byte
string representation of r and s. Thus the signature will have a fixed length of twice the order length.
The ECDSA signature algorithm requires a random value as input. To protect against attacks, a high quality
random number generator is required for the entity generating the signature. Recommendations for appropriate
random number generators are given in [TR 02102] and NIST 800-90 [800-90].
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B.4.4 ECKA
Elliptic Curve Key Agreement Algorithm (ECKA) shall be performed according to the ElGamal Key Agreement
(ECKA-EG) described in [TR 03111] which uses one static and one ephemeral key pair. This scheme is
equivalent to the scheme named One-pass Diffie-Hellmann, C(1, 1, ECC CDH) in NIST 800-56A [800-56A]
for curves with a cofactor of 1. The recommendations in [800-56A] on the handling of ephemeral keys and of
intermediate results (e.g. the shared secret ShS) should be taken into account in an implementation.
The static or ephemeral public key shall be coded in uncompressed format as specified in [TR 03111]
section 3.2.1 with most significant byte coming first (hence the value shall start with the coding identifier byte
B.4.5 Key Derivation
The shared secret ShS generated by ECKA-EG is not used directly as a key for cryptographic operations, but
as an input to a key derivation process.
A key for calculating a receipt and the key set or the base key of a security domain are derived from an initial
secret as defined in [TR 03111] for the X9.63 Key Derivation Function. On request, this key derivation may
include additional entropy (a random number DR) generated on the card, which then becomes part of the
SharedInfo of the key derivation algorithm.
B.5 Hashing Algorithms
A hash is a one-way digest operation over an arbitrary length of data that returns a fixed length hash value. A
hash is not a cryptographic algorithm and it only provides integrity of the data. It does not provide authentication
or confidentiality.
B.5.1 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)
SHA-1 is defined in [ISO 10118-3] and FIPS PUB 180-2 ([FIPS 180-2]).
B.5.2 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256)
SHA-256 is defined in [ISO 10118-3] and FIPS PUB 180-2 ([FIPS 180-2]).
B.5.3 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-384)
SHA-384 is defined in [ISO 10118-3] and FIPS PUB 180-2 ([FIPS 180-2]).
B.5.4 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512)
SHA-512 is defined in [ISO 10118-3] and FIPS PUB 180-2 ([FIPS 180-2]).
B.5.5 MULTOS Asymmetric Hash Algorithm
The asymmetric hash algorithm for GlobalPlatform on MULTOS is described in MULTOS document
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B.6 Key Check Values
When loading a secret key to the card, a key check value shall be calculated as described below.
For a DES key, the key check value is computed by encrypting 8 bytes, each with value '00', with the key to
be checked and retaining the 3 highest-order bytes of the encrypted result.
For a AES key, the key check value is computed by encrypting 16 bytes, each with value '01', with the key to
be checked and retaining the 3 highest-order bytes of the encrypted result.
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C Secure Content Management
This appendix defines the different methods that shall be used to secure the changes and/or modifications to
the content of a GlobalPlatform card. At this point in time, these methods are the only ones specified for
GlobalPlatform cards. Depending on the implementation of the card, any subset of these methods may be
All Secure Content Management operations utilize creation or verification of a Signature using a key and
associated algorithm. The options available are summarized in Table C-1. Although it is possible for a Security
Domain to support multiple algorithms, a Security Domain shall process signatures in accordance with the key
type and key length of the key loaded for a particular content management operation.
Table C-1: Key Strength Requirements for Signature Schemes
Key Length
DES Scheme
128 bits (112 bit key as
key value contained on
7 bits of each byte)
AES Scheme
128 bits, 192 bits, or
256 bits
RSA Scheme 1
RSA Public Key
RSA Private Key
RSA Public Key
1024 bits
RSA Scheme 2
RSA Public Key
RSA Private Key
RSA Public Key
> 1024 bits
ECC Scheme
ECC Public Key
ECC Private Key
ECC Public Key
>= 256 bits
It is recommended that RSA keys are a multiple of 32 bits in length above the minimum length.
Table C-2: Key Strength Requirements for Cipher Schemes
Cipher Scheme
Ciphered Load
File Data Block
Key Length
DES Scheme
128 bits (112 bit key as key value contained on 7 bits of each
AES Scheme
128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits
C.1 Keys
In order to perform the Card Content management operations described in the subsequent sub-sections
different keys are required.
C.1.1 Token and Receipt Keys
If Delegated Management is supported then the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall have
knowledge of a token verification key and the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall have
knowledge of a receipt generation key.
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C.1.1.1 Token Key
If the card supports Delegated Management, the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege shall have
an unambiguously identified symmetric key or public asymmetric key to be used to verify a Token. Token
verification and the corresponding delegated management operation shall fail if the Token verification key is
not present. The list of supported Token Verification keys and their associated algorithms are outlined in
Table C-1.
C.1.1.2 Receipt Key
If the card supports Delegated Management, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege shall have
an unambiguously identified symmetric key or private asymmetric key to be used to generate Receipts. Receipt
generation and the corresponding delegated management operation shall fail if the Receipt generation key is
not present. The list of supported Receipt Generation keys and their associated algorithms are outlined in
Table C-1.
C.1.2 DAP Verification Keys
If the Security Domain has the DAP Verification privilege, it shall have an unambiguously identified symmetric
key or public asymmetric key to be used to verify Load File Data Block signatures. DAP Verification shall fail
if the DAP Verification key is not present. The list of supported DAP Verification keys and their associated
algorithms are outlined in Table C-1.
C.1.3 Load File Data Block Decryption Keys
If the card supports Ciphered Load File Data Block, the Security Domain with Ciphered Load File Data Block
privilege shall have an unambiguously identified symmetric key to be used to decrypt Load File Data Blocks.
Decryption of Load File Data Blocks shall fail if the Ciphered Load File Data Block key is not present. The list
of supported Ciphered Load File Data Block keys and their associated algorithms are outlined in Table C-2.
C.2 Load File Data Block Hash (LFDBH)
The Load File Data Block Hash (LFDBH) is a field that is required to be present in the INSTALL [for load]
command if Delegated Management loading is occurring, if the Load File contains one or more DAP Blocks,
or if the Load File Data Block is encrypted. The purpose of this field is to provide a digest of the Load File Data
Block and it is used to ensure that the contents of the Load File Data Block have not been modified in any way.
While the actual hash is not secured in any manner, it is used in other secure operations that ensure that the
Load File Data Block has not been modified and a new hash generated for the modified data. The OPEN shall
verify the integrity of the Load File Data Block prior to creating an Executable Load File.
The following figure details the calculation of the Load File Data Block Hash.
Figure C-1: Load File Data Block Hash Calculation
Message Digest
Load File Data Block
Load File Data
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Padding of the data is as defined by the hashing algorithm. The digest is generated prior to the Load File Data
Block being encapsulated in the TLV structure of the Load File (i.e. excluding tag 'C4' and its length).
Several mechanisms require the presence of a LFDBH: the presence of one or more DAP blocks, the presence
of a Load Token or Load File Data Block encryption. For each mechanism, the hash algorithm selected for
generating the LFDBH shall comply with the recommendations of NIST SP 800-57-1 [800-57-1] which are
recalled in Table C-3.
The LFDBH algorithms supported by the implementation shall be specified in the Card Capability Information
(see section The LFDBH algorithm corresponding to the LFDBH present in the INSTALL [for load]
command may either be known implicitly or be automatically detected by the OPEN (e.g. based on the length
of the LFDBH value). In all cases, the OPEN shall check that this algorithm does fulfill the requirements from
all the mechanisms used during a loading operation (see Table C-3).
Table C-3: Hash Selection for LFDBH
Hash Algorithm Used
by DAP or Load Token
Algorithm for Load File Data
Block Encryption
Acceptable Hash Algorithm(s) for LFDBH
Triple DES with 16 byte key
SHA-1 or SHA-256 or SHA-384 or SHA-512
SHA-256 or SHA-384 or SHA-512
SHA-384 or SHA-512
When Delegated Management is used, the Load Token is a signature of multiple fields including this hash and
is proof that the Card Issuer generated the Token for the Load File Data Block linked to the hash.
When DAP Verification is used, a DAP block is a signature of this hash and is proof that the DAP Block was
generated by an entity that verified the content of the Load File Data Block linked to the hash.
C.3 Load File Data Block Signature (DAP Verification)
The Load File Data Block Signature provides verification of the Load File Data Block prior to the processing of
the actual Load File Data Block. The OPEN shall request the Security Domain linked to the Load File Data
Block Signature to verify the signature.
DAP Verification requires the presence of a Security Domain with DAP Verification privilege which is
personalized with the appropriate key.
The Load File Data Block Signature is a signature of the Load File Data Block Hash (LFDBH). It is placed in a
TLV structured DAP Block along with the AID of the Security Domain responsible for verifying it. DAP Blocks
are positioned in the beginning of the Load File.
The following figure details the calculation of the Load File Data Block Signature.
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Figure C-2: Load File Data Block Signature Calculation
Load File Data Block
Load File Data
Block Hash
Application Provider DAP
Calculation Key
The following signature algorithms shall be used:
If the signing key is a DES key, the Load File Data Block Signature is generated according to
section B.1.2.2. Prior to signing, padding of the data (LFDBH) is performed as defined in section B.1.3.
If the signing key is an AES key, the Load File Data Block Signature is generated according to
section B.2.2.
If the signing key is an RSA private key, the Load File Data Block Signature is generated according to
section B.3.1.1 or B.3.2.1 depending on the size of the signing key. Notice that the PKCS#1 signature
algorithm includes a step where a digest of the input message must be computed. In our context, this
digest must not be confused with the input message, the Load File Data Block Hash, which is itself a
digest of the Load File Data Block.
If the signing key is an ECC private key, the Load File Data Block Signature is generated according to
section B.4.3.
C.4 Tokens
Tokens are signatures used as proof that an Application Provider has been authorized to perform a Card
Content Management operation. Tokens are generated and verified according to this appendix. Tokens may
be generated for use on one or multiple cards.
The following signature algorithms shall be used:
If the signing key is a DES key, the Token is generated according to section B.1.2.2. Prior to signing,
padding of the data (LFDBH) is performed as defined in section B.1.3.
If the signing key is an AES key, the Token is generated according to section B.2.2. The resulting
signature is composed of 16 bytes.
If the signing key is an RSA private key, the Load Token is generated according to section B.3.1.1 or
section B.3.2.1 depending on the size of the signing key. Notice that the PKCS#1 signature algorithm
includes a step where a digest of the input message must be computed. In our context, this digest
must not be confused with the input message, the Load File Data Block Hash, which is itself a digest
of the Load File Data Block.
If the signing key is an ECC private key, the Token is generated according to section B.4.3.
If a command includes a token and the command data without the token exceeds 255 bytes, the token shall
be computed across the non-segmented command which is defined as follows:
Reference control parameters P1 and P2 shall be set as for the last command of the sequence of
chained commands.
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Length of the following data fields shall indicate the length of the data following prior to the token
being added. It shall be coded on 3 bytes with values from '00 01 00' to '00 FF FF'.
This shall be followed by the concatenation of the data fields of all commands of the chained
C.4.1 Load Token
The Load Token is a signature authorizing the transmission of application code to the card. It allows for the
verification of the load request. The OPEN shall request the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege
to verify the Load Token.
The following figure shows the Load Token generation.
Figure C-3: Load Token Calculation
Token Calculation
[for load]
len, Executable
Load File AID
len, Security
Domain AID
Load Token
len, load
len, Load File
Data Block
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
Generating a Load Token ensures the following:
Only the application code (hash of the Load File Data Block) included in this signature may be loaded
to the card;
The AID of the Load File Data Block may only be that included in the signature;
The Executable Load File (derived from the Load File Data Block) and all Executable Modules within
the Executable Load File may only be associated with the Security Domain included in the signature;
The issuer of the Load Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security Domain with
Token Verification Privilege.
The Load Token is a signature of the following data that will be included in the actual INSTALL [for load]
command to be transmitted to the card.
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Table C-4: Data Elements Included in the Load Token
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields) see note below
1 or 3
Load File AID length
Load File AID
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length of the Load File Data Block Hash
Load File Data Block Hash
Load parameters field length
Load parameters field
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command, prior to a Token
being added. It is coded on 1 byte with for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.
C.4.2 Install Token
The Install Token allows for the verification of the installation process. The token is a signature authorizing the
installation to the card of an Application (Executable Module) contained in a previously loaded file (Executable
Load File). The OPEN shall request the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege to verify the Install
The following figure shows the Install Token generation.
Figure C-4: Install Token Calculation
Token Calculation
[for install]
len, Executable
Module AID
Install Token
len, install
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
len, Executable
Load File AID
Generating an Install Token ensures the following:
Only the application (Executable Module) included in this signature and present in the Executable
Load File may be installed on the card;
That only the instance AID included in this signature may be used as the AID to select the instance;
The Application may only be installed with the privileges included in this signature;
Only the parameters included in this signature may be used to install the Application;
The issuer of the Install Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security Domain with
Token Verification Privilege.
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The Install Token is a signature of the following data:
Table C-5: Input Data for Install Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields) see note below
1 or 3
Executable Load File AID length
Executable Load File AID
Executable Module AID length
AID within the Executable Load File
Instance AID length
Instance AID
Privileges length
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3)
1 or 3
Install Parameters field length
Install Parameters (system and Application) field
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command excluding the Token
and its length. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
C.4.3 Make Selectable Token
The Make Selectable Token allows for the verification of the installation for make selectable process. The
token is a signature authorizing the making selectable of an Application. The OPEN shall request the Security
Domain with Token Verification privilege to verify the Make Selectable Token.
The following figure shows the Make Selectable Token generation.
Figure C-5: Make Selectable Token Calculation
Token Calculation
make selectable]
len = 0
len, instance
len, make
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
len = 0
Generating a Make Selectable Token ensures the following:
Only the Application included in this signature and present in the Executable Load File may be made
selectable on the card;
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That only the instance AID included in this signature may be used as the AID to select the instance;
The Application may only be made selectable with the privileges included in this signature;
Only the parameters included in this signature may be used to make the Application selectable;
The issuer of the Make Selectable Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security
Domain with Token Verification Privilege.
The Make Selectable Token is a signature of the following:
Table C-6: Input Data for Make Selectable Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields) see note below
1 or 3
Executable Load File AID length (= '00')
Executable Module AID length (= '00')
Instance AID length
Instance AID
Privileges length
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3)
1 or 3
Make Selectable parameters field length
Make Selectable parameters field
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command excluding the Token
and its length. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
C.4.4 Extradition Token
The Extradition Token allows for the verification of the extradition process. The token is a signature authorizing
the extradition of an Application from one Security Domain to another. The OPEN shall request the Security
Domain with Token Verification privilege to verify the Extradition Token.
The following figure shows Extradition Token generation.
Figure C-6: Extradition Token Calculation
Token Calculation
len = 0
len, Application
or Executable
Load File AID
len = 0
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
len, Security
Domain AID
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Generating an Extradition Token ensures the following:
Only the Application or Executable Load File included in this signature may be extradited;
The issuer of the Extradition Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security Domain
with Token Verification Privilege.
The Extradition Token is a signature of the following data:
Table C-7: Input Data for Extradition Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields) see note below
1 or 3
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
Length = 0
Application or Executable Load File AID length
Application or Executable Load File AID
Length = 0
Length of Extradition Parameters field
Extradition Parameters field
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command excluding the Token
and its length. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
C.4.5 Registry Update Token
The Registry Update Token allows for the verification of the registry update process. The token is a signature
authorizing the updating of the GlobalPlatform Registry data for an Application, and optionally the extradition
of an Application from one Security Domain to another. The OPEN shall request the Security Domain with
Token Verification privilege to verify the Registry Update Token.
The following figure shows the Registry Update Token generation.
Figure C-7: Registry Update Token Calculation
Token Calculation
registry update]
= 0
len, Application
len, registry
update params
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
len, Security
Domain AID
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Generating a Registry Update Token ensures the following:
Only the Application included in this signature may have its GP Registry entry updated (and be
extradited, in the case of extradition using registry update);
The GP Registry entry of the Application may only be updated with the privileges and/or parameters
included in this signature;
The issuer of the Registry Update Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security
Domain with Token Verification Privilege
The Registry Update Token is a signature of the following data:
Table C-8: Input data for Registry Update Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields) see note below
1 or 3
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length = 0
Application AID length
Application AID
Length of Privileges
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3)
Length of Registry Update Parameters
Registry Update Parameters
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command excluding the Token
and its length. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
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C.4.6 Delete Token
The Delete Token is a signature authorizing the deletion of card content from the card. It allows for the
verification of the card content removal process The Token is a signature of selected fields within the DELETE
command APDU and is appended to the DELETE command.
The following figure shows the Delete Token generation.
Figure C-8: Delete Token Calculation
Token Calculation
DELETE P1,P2 Tag, Len, AID
Tag, Len, Control
Reference Template
for Digital Signature
Delete Token
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
remaining data
Generating a Delete Token ensures the following:
Only the Application or Executable Load File included in this signature may be deleted;
The issuer of the Delete Token may only be the Security Domain Provider of the Security Domain with
Token Verification Privilege.
The Delete Token is a signature of the following data:
Table C-9: Input Data for Delete Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields see note below
1 or 3
Application or Executable Load File AID tag ('4F')
AID length
Application or Executable Load File AID
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature tag ('B6')
0 or 1
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature length
Control Reference Template for Digital Signature (Token) as defined in Table 11-23,
comprising (in TLV format) Identification Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege (tag '42'), Image Number of the Security Domain with the Token
Verification privilege (tag '45'), Application Provider id (tag '5F20'), and Token
identifier/number (tag '93')
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the DELETE command, prior to a Token
being added. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
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C.4.7 Load, Install and Make Selectable Token
The combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token allows for the verification of the combined loading and
installation process. The token is a signature authorizing the combined loading of an Executable Load File and
installation to the card of an Application contained in a previously loaded file (Executable Load File). The OPEN
shall request the Security Domain with Token Verification privilege to verify the combined Load, Install and
Make Selectable Token.
The following figure shows the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token generation.
Figure C-9: Load, Install and Make Selectable Token Calculation
Token Calculation
load, install and
Load, Install and
Issuer Token
Calculation Key
Length of
Load File
[for load]
len, Executable
Load File AID
len, Security
Domain AID
len, load
len, Load File
Data Block
Length of
Generating a combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token ensures the following:
Only the application code included in this signature may be loaded to the card;
The AID of the Load File Data Block may only be that included in the signature;
The Executable Load File (derived from the Load File Data Block) and all Executable Modules within
the Executable Load File may only be associated with the Security Domain included in the signature;
Only the application (Executable Module) included in this signature and present in the Executable
Load File may be installed on the card;
That only the instance AID included in this signature may be used as the AID to select the instance;
The Application may only be installed with the privileges included in this signature;
Only the parameters included in this signature may be used to install the Application;
The issuer of the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token may only be the Security
Domain Provider of the Security Domain with Token Verification Privilege.
The combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Token is a signature of the following data:
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Table C-10: Input Data for Load, Install and Make Selectable Token Computation
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields)
1 or 3
Load File AID length
Load File AID
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length of the Load File Data Block Hash
Load File Data Block Hash
0 or 20
Load parameters field length
Load parameters field
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of the following data fields (including the length fields)
Executable Load File AID length
Executable Load File AID
0 or 5-16
Executable Module AID length
AID within the Executable Load File
0 or 5-16
Instance AID length
Instance AID
Privileges length
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3)
1 or 3
Install Parameters field length
Install Parameters (system and Application) field
Note that Length of the following data fields is the value of Lc of the INSTALL command excluding the Token
and its length. It is coded on 1 byte for a value up to 255 or 3 bytes for a value greater than 255.It is coded on
1 byte with a value up to 255.
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C.5 Receipts
Receipts are optional. They are generated by the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege, which
requires knowledge of the appropriate receipt key. The Receipt is comprised of data appropriate to the function
that has been performed, together with Card Unique Data generated by the Security Domain with Receipt
Generation privilege. The receipt generation algorithm is determined by the type and length of the receipt
generation key.
A Receipt is computed with one of the following methods:
Symmetric cryptography using a DES receipt key, an ICV of binary zeroes, and the signature method
described in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus Final Triple DES MAC, applied to the receipt data. Prior
to generating the signature, the data shall be padded according to section B.1.3
Asymmetric cryptography using an RSA private key and the signature method described in
section B.3.1.1 or B.3.2.1 (depending on the length of the key) applied to the receipt data.
Symmetric cryptography using an AES receipt key, an ICV of binary zeroes, and the signature method
described in section B.2.2 applied to the receipt data.
Asymmetric cryptography using an ECC private key of and the signature method described in
section B.4 applied to the receipt data.
In addition to the appropriate cryptographic key, the Security Domain with Receipt Generation privilege also
keeps track of a Confirmation Counter. The Confirmation Counter is a 16-bit value that is incremented by one
(1) following each receipt generation. The Confirmation Counter is initialized to zero. When reaching its
maximum value, the Confirmation Counter shall not be reset to zero. Cards are not required to support counter
values beyond 32767.
C.5.1 Load Receipt
The Load Receipt provides confirmation that a successful load has occurred through the delegated loading
process. A Load Receipt may be included in the response message for the last LOAD command of a sequence
of LOAD commands.
The following figure details the Load Receipt calculation.
Figure C-10: Load Receipt Calculation
len, Executable
Load File AID
len, Security
Domain AID
Load Receipt
Receipt Calculation
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
A Load Receipt is a signature of the following data:
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Table C-11: Data Elements Included in the Load Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
Executable Load File AID length
Executable Load File AID
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
C.5.2 Install Receipt and Make Selectable Receipt
The Install/Make Selectable Receipt provides confirmation card that a successful installation/make selectable
has occurred through the delegated installation/make selectable process. An Install/Make Selectable Receipt
may be returned in the response message to the INSTALL [for install] command, the INSTALL [for make
selectable] and the INSTALL [for install and make selectable] command. An Install Receipt is not returned in
the response message to the INSTALL [for personalization] command.
The following figure details the Install/Make Selectable Receipt calculation.
Figure C-11: Install/Make Selectable Receipt Calculation
len, Eecutable
Load File AID
len, Application
Install/Make Selectable
Receipt Calculation
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
An Install/Make Selectable Receipt is a signature of the following data:
Table C-12: Data Elements Included in the Install/Make Selectable Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
Executable Load File AID length
Executable Load File AID
Instance AID length indicator
Instance AID
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C.5.3 Extradition Receipt
The Extradition Receipt provides confirmation that the identified old Security Domain extradited the identified
Application or Executable Load File to the identified new Security Domain, on a specific card, through the
Delegated Management process. An Extradition Receipt may be returned in the response message to the
INSTALL [for extradition] command.
The following figure details the Extradition Receipt calculation performed by the Security Domain with Receipt
Generation privilege.
Figure C-12: Extradition Receipt Calculation
len, old Security
Domain AID
len, Application /
Executable Load File AID
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
len, new
Domain AID
An Extradition Receipt is a signature of the following data:
Table C-13: Data Elements Included in the Extradition Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
AID length indicator
Old Security Domain AID
AID length indicator
Application instance or Executable Load File AID
AID length indicator
New Security Domain AID
C.5.4 Registry Update Receipt
The Registry Update Receipt provides confirmation that GlobalPlatform Registry data (Privileges and/or
Registry Update Parameters) for the identified Application was modified to the specified values on a specific
If registry update is used for extradition, the Registry Update Receipt also provides confirmation that the
identified old Security Domain extradited the identified Application to the identified new Security Domain, on a
specific card, through the Delegated Management process.
The following figure details the Registry Update Receipt calculation performed by the Security Domain with
Receipt Generation privilege.
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Figure C-13: Registry Update Receipt Calculation
len, old Security
Domain AID
len, Application
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
len, new
Domain AID
len, Registry
A Registry Update Receipt is a signature of the following data:
Table C-14: Data Elements Included in the Registry Update Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
AID length indicator
Old Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
AID length indicator
Application AID
0 or 5-16
AID length indicator
New Security Domain AID
0 or 5-16
Length of Privileges
Privileges (byte 1 byte 2 byte 3)
0, 1, or 3
Length of Registry Update Parameters
Registry Update Parameters
The presence of conditional data depends on what Registry data (Privileges and/or Registry Update
Parameters) is being updated and whether registry update is being used for extradition. See sections and for further details and the format of data. Security Domain AIDs are present for
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C.5.5 Delete Receipt
The Delete Receipt provides proof that the identified Security Domain deleted an Application, an Executable
Load File, or an Executable Load File and all its Application instances from a specific card through the
delegated deletion process. The Delete Receipt may be returned in the response message to the DELETE
[card content] command.
The following figure details the Delete Receipt calculation performed by the Security Domain with Receipt
Generation privilege.
Figure C-14: Delete Receipt Calculation
Receipt Calculation
Confirmation Data
Delete Receipt
len, deleted AID
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
A Delete Receipt is a signature of the following data:
Table C-15: Data Elements Included in the Delete Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
AID length indicator
Application instance or Executable Load File AID
If the function was to delete an Executable Load File and all its Application instances, the receipt returns only
the Executable Load File AID.
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C.5.6 Combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt
The combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt provides confirmation card that a successful
installation has occurred through the delegated installation process. A combined Load, Install and Make
Selectable Receipt may be returned in the response message to the INSTALL [for load, install and make
selectable] command.
The following figure details the combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt calculation.
Figure C-15: Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt Calculation
len, Eecutable
Load File AID
len, Application
Combined Load, Install and
Make Selectable Receipt
Receipt Calculation
Security Domain Receipt
Generation Key
len, Security Domain
A combined Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt is a signature of the following data:
Table C-16: Data Elements Included in the Load, Install and Make Selectable Receipt
Confirmation Data as defined in section 11.1.6
Executable Load File AID length
Executable Load File AID
Instance AID length indicator
Instance AID
Security Domain AID length
Security Domain AID
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C.6 Encryption/Decryption of Load File Data Blocks
The Load File Data Block shall be encrypted if the associated Security Domain has the Ciphered Load File
Data Block privilege.
The following encryption algorithms shall be used:
If the encryption key is a DES key, the Load File Data Block shall be encrypted according to
section B.1.1.1. Prior to encryption the Load File Data Block shall be padded according to
section B.1.3.
If the encryption key is an AES key, the Load File Data Block shall be encrypted according to
section B.2.1. Prior to encryption the Load File Data Block shall be padded according to section B.2.3.
In both cases, CBC encryption shall be used. If tag 'D3' is missing, a zero ICV shall be used. Else the
ICV given in tag 'D3' shall be used which should be a random value. The length of the ICV shall be the
block size of the encryption algorithm.
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C.7 GlobalPlatform on MULTOS
C.7.1 Keys
In order to perform Card Content management operations a GlobalPlatform on MULTOS smart card requires
the following key:
Issuer’s key
The following keys may optionally be supplied to the card during a card content loading operation:
Application Provider’s key
Application Provider’s transport keys
These keys are described in [MAO-DOC-REF-009].
C.7.2 Cryptographic Structures
A GlobalPlatform on MULTOS smart card utilizes the following cryptographic structures:
Public Key Certificate
Card Content Management Certificates:
o Application Load Certificate
o Application Delete Certificate
Application Provider’s Signature
Key Transformation Unit
These structures are described in [MAO-DOC-REF-009].
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D Secure Channel Protocol '01' (Deprecated)Void
This Secure Channel Protocol is deprecated, and will be removed from a future version of the Specification.
Use of another Secure Channel Protocol, such as Secure Channel Protocol '02' (SCP02), is recommended.
D.1 Secure Communication
D.1.1 SCP01 Secure Channel
The 3 levels of security provided by SCP01 are:
Mutual authentication in which the card and the off-card entity each prove that they have knowledge of the
same secrets;
Integrity and data origin authentication in which the card ensures that the data being received from the
off-card entity actually came from an authenticated off-card entity in the correct sequence and has not been
Confidentiality in which data being transmitted from the off-card entity to the card is not viewable by an
unauthorized entity.
A further level of security applies to sensitive data (e.g. secret keys) that shall always be transmitted as
confidential data.
A maximum of 3 Supplementary Logical Channels is supported in SCP01.
Only explicit Secure Channel initiation is supported in SCP01. Both implicit and explicit Secure Channel
termination are supported in SCP01.
In SCP01 the card shall support the following implementation options defined by i (see Appendix H
GlobalPlatform Data Values):
“i” = '05': Initiation mode explicit, C-MAC on modified APDU, ICV set to zero, no ICV encryption, 3
Secure Channel Keys;
“i” = '15': Initiation mode explicit, C-MAC on modified APDU, ICV set to zero, ICV encryption, 3 Secure
Channel Keys.
Implementation option '15' is an enhancement over implementation option '05' and is therefore recommended.
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D.1.2 Mutual Authentication
Mutual authentication is achieved through the process of initiating a Secure Channel and provides assurance
to both the card and the off-card entity that they are communicating with an authenticated entity. If any step in
the mutual authentication process fails, the process shall be restarted; i.e. new challenges and Secure Channel
Session generated.
The Secure Channel is explicitly initiated by the off-card entity using the INITIALIZE UPDATE and EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE commands defined in this section. The Application may pass the APDU to the Security
Domain using the appropriate API e.g. the processSecurity() method of a GlobalPlatform Java Card.
The explicit Secure Channel initiation allows the off-card entity to instruct the card (see section D.4.2
EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command) as to what level of security is required for the current Secure
Channel (integrity and/or confidentiality) and apply this level of security to all the subsequent messages
exchanged between the card and the off-card entity until the end of the Secure Channel Session. It also gives
the off-card entity the possibility of selecting the Key Version Number and Key Identifier to be used (see the
Note: The explicit Secure Channel initiation also allows the card to inform the off-card entity what Secure
Channel Protocol is supported, using the returned Secure Channel Protocol identifier.
The Secure Channel is always initiated (see section D.4.1 INITIALIZE UPDATE Command) by the off-card
entity by passing a host challenge (random data unique to this Secure Channel Session) to the card.
The card, on receipt of this challenge, generates its own card challenge (again random data unique to this
Secure Channel Session).
The card, using the host challenge, the card challenge and its internal static keys, creates new secret Secure
Channel session keys and generates a first cryptographic value (card cryptogram) using one of its newly
created Secure Channel session keys (see section D.3.1 DES Session Keys).
This card cryptogram along with the card challenge, the Secure Channel Protocol identifier, and other data is
transmitted back to the off-card entity.
As the off-card entity should now have all the same information that the card used to generate the card
cryptogram, it should be able to generate the same Secure Channel session keys and the same card
cryptogram and by performing a comparison, it is able to authenticate the card.
The off-card entity now uses a similar process to create a second cryptographic value (host cryptogram) to be
passed back to the card (see section D.4.2 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command).
As the card has all the same information that the host used to generate the host cryptogram, it should be able
to generate the same host cryptogram and, by performing a comparison, it is able to authenticate the off-card
SCP01 Mutual Authentication Flow
The following flow is an example of mutual authentication between a card and an off-card entity. This flow
shows mutual authentication occurring between a Security Domain and an off-card entity.
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Figure D-1: Mutual Authentication Flow (Security Domain)
APDU Interface
Security Domain
SELECT Security Domain
SELECT Response
Generate host challenge
Generate card challenge;
Generate session keys;
Calculate card cryptogram
Generate session keys;
Verify card cryptogram;
Calculate host cryptogram
Verify host cryptogram
Expanding the authentication process shown in the flow described in section 7.3.1 Security Domain Support
for Secure Messaging, it can be seen how an Application would use the services of an associated Security
Domain to achieve mutual authentication.
Figure D-2: Mutual Authentication Flow (using services of Security Domain)
APDU Interface
Security Domain
Generate host challenge
Generate card challenge;
Generate session keys;
Calculate card cryptogram
Generate session keys;
Verify card cryptogram;
Calculate host cryptogram
Verify host cryptogram
security processing
security processing
D.1.3 Message Integrity
The C-MAC is generated by applying multiple chained DES operations (using a Secure Channel session key
generated during the mutual authentication process) across the header and data field of an APDU command.
The card, on receipt of the message containing a C-MAC, using the same Secure Channel session key,
performs the same operation and by comparing its internally generated C-MAC with the C-MAC received from
the off-card entity is assured of the integrity of the full command. (If message data confidentiality has also been
applied to the message, the C-MAC applies to the message data field before encryption.)
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The integrity of the sequence of commands being transmitted to the card is achieved by using the C-MAC from
the current command as the (possibly encrypted) Initial Chaining Vector (ICV) for the subsequent command.
This ensures the card that all commands in a sequence have been received.
D.1.4 Message Data Confidentiality
The message data field is encrypted by applying multiple chained DES operations (using a Secure Channel
session key generated during the mutual authentication process) across the entire data field of the command
message to be transmitted to the card, regardless of its contents (clear text data and/or already protected
sensitive data).
D.1.5 ICV Encryption
As an enhancement to the C-MAC mechanism, the ICV is encrypted before being applied to the calculation of
the next C-MAC. The encryption mechanism used is triple DES with the C-MAC session key. The first ICV of
a session, used to generate the C-MAC on the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, is not encrypted.
D.1.6 Security Level
The Current Security Level of a communication not included in a Secure Channel Session shall be set to
For Secure Channel Protocol '01', the Current Security Level established in a Secure Channel Session is a
bitmap combination of the following values: AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC, and C_DECRYPTION. The Current
Security Level shall be set as follows:
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL when a Secure Channel Session is terminated or not yet fully initiated;
AUTHENTICATED after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command:
AUTHENTICATED shall be cleared once the Secure Channel Session is terminated;
AUTHENTICATED and C_MAC after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE
command with P1 indicating C-MAC (P1 = '01'): AUTHENTICATED and C-MAC shall be cleared once
the Secure Channel Session is terminated;
AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC, and C_DECRYPTION after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command with P1 indicating C-MAC and command encryption (P1 = '03'):
AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC, and C_DECRYPTION shall be cleared once the Secure Channel
Session is terminated.
D.1.7 Protocol Rules
In accordance with the general rules described in Chapter 10 Secure Communication, the following protocol
rules apply to Secure Channel Protocol '01':
The successful initiation of a Secure Channel Session shall set the Current Security Level to the
security level indicated in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command: it is at least set to
The Current Security Level shall apply to the entire Secure Channel Session unless successfully
modified at the request of the Application;
When the Current Security Level is equal to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL:
o If the Secure Channel Session was aborted during the same Application Session, the incoming
command shall be rejected with a security error;
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o Otherwise no security verification of the incoming command shall be performed. The Application
processing the command is responsible to apply its own security rules.
If a Secure Channel Session is active (i.e. Current Security Level at least set to AUTHENTICATED),
the security of the incoming command shall be checked according to the Current Security Level
regardless of the command secure messaging indicator:
o When the security of the command does not match (nor exceeds) the Current Security Level, the
command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel Session aborted and the
Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o If a security error is found, the command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel
Session aborted and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o In all other cases, the Secure Channel Session shall remain active and the Current Security Level
unmodified. The Application is responsible for further processing the command.
If the Security Domain supports application data encryption and/or decryption, it shall decrypt or
encrypt a block of secret data upon request. If the service is not supported or if (one of) the
appropriate cryptographic key(s) is not available, the request shall be rejected but the Current Security
Level, Session Security Level and Secure Channel Session in operation (if any) shall not be impacted;
If a Secure Channel Session is aborted, it is still considered not terminated;
The current Secure Channel Session shall be terminated (if aborted or still open) and the Current
Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL on either:
o Attempt to initiate a new Secure Channel Session (new INITIALIZE UPDATE command);
o Termination of the Application Session (e.g. new Application selection);
o Termination of the associated logical channel;
o Termination of the Card Session (card reset or power off);
o Explicit termination by the Application (e.g. invoking GlobalPlatform API).
D.2 Cryptographic Keys
Table D-1: Security Domain Secure Channel Keys
Secure Channel Encryption Key (S-ENC)
Secure Channel Authentication &
Encryption (DES)
16 bytes
Secure Channel Message Authentication
Code Key (S-MAC)
Secure Channel MAC Verification
16 bytes
Data Encryption Key (DEK)
Sensitive Data Encryption and
Decryption (DES)
16 bytes
A Security Domain, including the Issuer Security Domain shall have at least one key set containing 3 keys to
be used in the initiation and use of a Secure Channel. These keys are all double length DES keys and are the
The Secure Channel encryption key (S-ENC) and the Secure Channel MAC key (S-MAC). These keys
are only used to generate Secure Channel session keys during the initiation of a Secure Channel;
The data encryption key (DEK) for encrypting and decrypting sensitive data; e.g. secret or private
keys. This key is a double length DES key and is used as a static key.
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D.3 Cryptographic Usage
D.3.1 DES Session Keys
DES session keys shall be generated every time a Secure Channel is initiated and are used in the mutual
authentication process. These same session keys may be used for subsequent commands if the Current
Security Level indicates that secure messaging is required.
Session keys are generated to ensure that a different set of keys is used for each Secure Channel Session.
While this is not required for key encryption operations, it is important for authentication operations, MAC
generation and verification and command message encryption and decryption. It is therefore only necessary
to create session keys from the static Secure Channel encryption key (S-ENC) and the Secure Channel MAC
key (S-MAC).
DES session keys are created using the static Secure Channel encryption key (S-ENC) and the Secure
Channel MAC key (S-MAC) and the random host and card challenges. Creating session keys involves 3 steps.
Generating the session key derivation data. (The same derivation data is used to create both the
Secure Channel encryption and Secure Channel MAC session keys.);
Creating the Secure Channel encryption session key;
Creating the Secure Channel MAC session key.
The DES operation used to generate these keys is always triple DES in ECB mode.
Figure D-3: Session Key Step 1 Generate Derivation Data
Card challenge (8 bytes) Host challenge (8 bytes)
Host challenge
(4 byte left half)
Card challenge
(4 byte right half)
Host challenge
(4 byte right half)
Card challenge
(4 byte left half)
Derivation data (16 bytes)
Figure D-4: Session Key Step 2 Create S-ENC Session Key
Static S-ENC key (16 bytes)
Derivation data (16 bytes)
Session S-ENC key (16 bytes)
ECB encryption
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Figure D-5: Session Key Step 3 Create S-MAC Session Key
Static S-MAC key (16 bytes)
Derivation data (16 bytes)
Session S-MAC key (16 bytes)
ECB encryption
D.3.2 Authentication Cryptograms
Both the card and the off-card entity (Host) generate an authentication cryptogram. The off-card entity verifies
the card cryptogram and the card verifies the host cryptogram. Generating or verifying an authentication
cryptogram uses the S-ENC session key and the signing method described in section B.1.2.1 Full Triple
D.3.2.1 Card Authentication Cryptogram
The generation and verification of the card cryptogram is performed by concatenating the 8-byte host challenge
and 8-byte card challenge resulting in a 16-byte block.
Applying the same padding rules defined in section B.1.3, the data shall be padded with a further 8-byte block
('80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00').
The signature method, using the S-ENC session key and an ICV of binary zeroes, is applied across this 24-byte
block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the card cryptogram.
D.3.2.2 Host Authentication Cryptogram
The generation and verification of the host cryptogram is performed by concatenating the 8-byte card challenge
and 8-byte host challenge resulting in a 16-byte block.
Applying the same padding rules defined in section B.1.3, the data shall be padded with a further 8-byte block
('80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00').
The signature method, using the S-ENC session key and an ICV of binary zeroes, is applied across this 24-byte
block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the host cryptogram.
D.3.3 APDU Command MAC Generation and Verification
The Secure Channel mandates the use of a MAC on the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command. Depending
on the Session Security Level defined in the initiation of the Secure Channel, all other commands within the
Secure Channel may require secure messaging and as such the use of a C-MAC.
A C-MAC is generated by an off-card entity and applied across the full APDU command being transmitted to
the card including the header (5 bytes) and the data field in the command message. (It does not include Le.)
Modification of the APDU command header and padding is required prior to the MAC operation being
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The rules for APDU command header modification are as follows:
The length of the command message (Lc) shall be incremented by 8 to indicate the inclusion of the
C-MAC in the data field of the command message;
The class byte shall be modified to indicate that this APDU command includes secure messaging.
This is achieved by setting bit b3 of the class byte. For all the commands defined in this specification,
the class byte of commands that contain secure messaging shall be '84'. The C-MAC generation and
verification does not reflect the logical channel information included in the class byte of the command:
the logical channel number is always assumed to be zero in the generation or verification of the
The rules for MAC padding are as defined in section B.1.3.
As the ICV is used to chain the commands for command sequence integrity, the value of the ICV depends on
which APDU command within the sequence the MAC is being generated for:
For the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, the ICV is set to binary zeroes;
For any command following the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, the ICV is the C-MAC value
successfully verified for the previous command received by the card. (Prior to using the ICV, the ICV
can be encrypted as described in section D.1.5 ICV Encryption.)
The signature method defined in section B.1.2.1 Full Triple DES, using the MAC session key and the ICV, is
applied across the padded data block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the C-MAC.
The C-MAC is appended at the end of the APDU command message excluding any padding but including the
modifications made to the command header (class and Lc).
Figure D-6: APDU Command MAC Generation and Verification
Data Field C-MAC
C-MAC Generation (full
triple DES)
C-MAC Session
Set bit 3
Lc = Lc + length
of C-MAC
Data Field
Data Field
If no other secure messaging is required, the message is now prepared for transmission to the card. The
C-MAC shall be retained and used as the ICV for the subsequent C-MAC verification (if any).
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The card, in order to verify the C-MAC, shall perform the same padding mechanism to the data and use the
same ICV and MAC session key employed by the off-card entity in order to verify the C-MAC. As with the
off-card entity, the C-MAC shall be retained and used as the ICV for the subsequent C-MAC verification (if
If the Secure Channel Session is occurring on a Supplementary Logical Channel, the logical channel number
is added to the class byte of the message after the C-MAC has been generated and prior to the message
being transmitted to the card. The card shall ignore any logical channel information in the class byte (i.e.
assume the logical channel number is zero) prior to verifying the C-MAC.
D.3.4 APDU Data Field Encryption and Decryption
Depending on the Session Security Level defined in the initiation of the Secure Channel, all subsequent APDU
commands within the Secure Channel may require secure messaging and as such the use of a C-MAC
(integrity) and encryption (confidentiality).
If confidentiality is required, the off-card entity encrypts the clear text data field of the command message
being transmitted to the card. (If the APDU command does not originally contain command data, encryption is
not performed.) This excludes the header and the C-MAC but includes any data within the data field that has
been protected for another purpose e.g. secret or private keys encrypted with the data encryption key (DEK).
Command message encryption and decryption uses the Secure Channel encryption (S-ENC) session key and
the full triple DES encryption method described in section B.1.1.1 Encryption/Decryption CBC Mode.
Prior to encrypting the data, the data shall be padded. Unlike the C-MAC, this padding now becomes part of
the data field and this necessitates further modification of the Lc value.
Padding of the data field to be encrypted is performed according to the following rules:
The length of the original, clear text, data field is appended to the left of, and becomes part of the
command data;
If the length of the data field is now a multiple of 8, no further padding is required else continue with
padding as defined in section B.1.3.
The number of bytes appended to the data field in order to fulfill the above padding shall be added to Lc. This
includes the mandatory length byte, the optional '80' and any optional binary zeroes.
The encryption can now be performed across the padded data field using the Secure Channel encryption
session key (S-ENC) and the result of each encryption becomes part of the encrypted data field in the
command message.
Figure D-7: APDU Data Field Encryption
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Field C-MAC
Encrypted Data Field
Data Field
Lc = Lc + 1 + length of padding
Encryption Session Key
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Note: The ICV and the chaining are only used to link the blocks of the data currently being encrypted. For this
reason the ICV for command data encryption is always binary zeroes.
The message is now prepared for transmission to the card.
The card is required to first decrypt the command message and strip off any padding prior to attempting to
verify the C-MAC. This decryption uses an ICV of binary zeroes and the same encryption session key
employed by the off-card entity. The padding shall be removed and Lc shall be modified to reflect the length
prior to encryption; i.e. original clear text data plus C-MAC length.
D.3.5 Key Sensitive Data Encryption and Decryption
Key data encryption is used when transmitting key sensitive data to the card and is over and beyond the
security level required for the Secure Channel. For instance all DES keys transmitted to a card should be
The key data encryption process uses the static data encryption key and the encryption method described in
section B.1.1.2 ECB Mode.
As all DES keys are by their very nature a multiple of 8-byte lengths no padding is required for key encryption
operations. Similarly the sensitive data block length shall be constructed as a multiple of 8-byte long block
before the data encryption operations: the eventual padding method is application specific.
The encryption is performed across the key sensitive data and the result of each encryption becomes part of
the encrypted key data. This encrypted key data becomes part of the clear text data field in the command
The on-card decryption of key data is the exact opposite of the above operation; in particular, no padding is
removed by the decryption operation.
D.4 Secure Channel APDU Commands
The following table provides the list of minimum security requirements for SCP01 commands.
Table D-2: Minimum Security Requirements for SCP01 Commands
Minimum Security
The following table provides the list of SCP01 command support per card Life Cycle State.
Table D-3: SCP01 Command Support per Card Life Cycle State
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Security Domain with Authorized Management privilege.
Supplementary Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege.
Supplementary Security Domain without Delegated Management privilege.
Other Security Domain.
Support required.
Blank cell
Support optional.
Striped cell
Support prohibited.
D.4.1.1 Definition and Scope
The INITIALIZE UPDATE command is used to transmit card and Secure Channel Session data between the
card and the host. This command initiates the initiation of a Secure Channel Session.
At any time during a current Secure Channel, the INITIALIZE UPDATE command can be issued to the card in
order to initiate a new Secure Channel Session.
This INITIALIZE UPDATE command is not to be confused with commands of the same name in legacy
D.4.1.2 Command Message
The INITIALIZE UPDATE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table D-4: INITIALIZE UPDATE Command Message
'80' - '83
See section 11.1.4
Key Version Number
Key Identifier
Length of host challenge
'xx xx…'
Host challenge
D.4.1.3 Reference Control Parameter P1 Key Version Number
The Key Version Number defines the Key Version Number within the Security Domain to be used to initiate
the Secure Channel Session. If this value is zero, the first available key chosen by the Security Domain will be
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D.4.1.4 Reference Control Parameter P2 Key Identifier
The Key Identifier together with the Key Version Number defined in reference control parameter P1 provide a
unique reference to the set of keys to be used to initiate the Secure Channel Session.
D.4.1.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains 8 bytes of host challenge. This challenge, chosen by the
off-card entity, should be unique to this session.
D.4.1.6 Response Message
The data field of the response message shall contain the concatenation without delimiters of the following data
Table D-5: INITIALIZE UPDATE Response Message
Key diversification data
10 bytes
Key information
2 bytes
Card challenge
8 bytes
Card cryptogram
8 bytes
The key diversification data is data typically used by a backend system to derive the card static keys.
The key information includes the Key Version Number and the Secure Channel Protocol identifier, here '01',
used in initiating the Secure Channel Session.
The card challenge is an internally generated random number.
The card cryptogram is an authentication cryptogram.
D.4.1.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3 General Error Conditions
or the following error condition:
Table D-6: INITIALIZE UPDATE Error Condition
Referenced data not found
D.4.2.1 Definition and Scope
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is used by the card to authenticate the host and to determine the
level of security required for all subsequent commands.
A successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command shall precede this command.
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D.4.2.2 Command Message
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table D-7: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message
'84' - '87'
See section 11.1.4
Security level
Reference control parameter P2
Length of host cryptogram and MAC
'xx xx…'
Host cryptogram and MAC
Not present
D.4.2.3 Reference Control Parameter P1 Security Level
The reference control parameter P1 defines the level of security for all secure messaging commands following
this EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command (it does not apply to this command) and within this Secure
Channel Session.
Table D-8: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Reference Control Parameter P1
No secure messaging expected.
D.4.2.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 shall always be set to '00'.
D.4.2.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains the host cryptogram and the APDU command MAC.
D.4.2.6 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message is not present.
D.4.2.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3 General Error Conditions
or the following error condition:
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Table D-9: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Error Condition
Authentication of host cryptogram failed
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E Secure Channel Protocol '02' (Deprecated)
This Secure Channel Protocol is deprecated, and will be removed from a future version of the Specification.
Use of another Secure Channel Protocol, such as Secure Channel Protocol '03' (SCP03), is recommended.
E.1 Secure Communication
Secure Channel Protocol '02' (SCP02) supports up to 19 Supplementary Logical Channels.
E.1.1 SCP02 Secure Channel
Either the card or the off-card entity may play the role of being the secure sending and receiving entities.
SCP02 provides the three followings levels of security:
Entity authentication in which the card authenticates the off-card entity and the off-card entity may
authenticate the card, proving that the off-card entity has knowledge of the same secret(s) as the card;
Integrity and Data origin authentication in which the receiving entity (the card or off-card entity) ensures
that the data being received actually came from an authenticated sending entity (respectively the off-card entity
or card) in the correct sequence and has not been altered;
Confidentiality in which data being transmitted from the sending entity (the off-card entity or card) to the
receiving entity (respectively the card or off-card entity) is not viewable by an unauthorized entity.
A further level of security applies to sensitive data (e.g. secret keys) that shall always be transmitted as
confidential data.
In SCP02 the “i” parameter (as defined in Appendix H, GlobalPlatform Data Values) shall be formed as a
bitmap on one byte as follows:
Table E-1: Values of Parameter i”
3 Secure Channel Keys
1 Secure Channel base key
C-MAC on unmodified APDU
C-MAC on modified APDU
Initiation mode explicit
Initiation mode implicit
ICV set to MAC over AID
ICV set to zero
ICV encryption for C-MAC session
No ICV encryption
R-MAC support
No R-MAC support
Well-known pseudo-random algorithm (card challenge)
Unspecified card challenge generation method
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Note: “i” is a subidentifier within an object identifier, and bit b8 is reserved for use in the structure of the object
identifier according to [ISO 8825-1].
The Security Domain shall support at least one of the following implementation options as defined by “i”:
“i” = '15': Initiation mode explicit, C-MAC on modified APDU, ICV set to zero, ICV encryption for
C-MAC session, 3 Secure Channel Keys, unspecified card challenge generation method, no R-MAC;
“i” = '1A': Initiation mode implicit, C-MAC on unmodified APDU, ICV set to MAC over AID, ICV
encryption for C-MAC session, 1 Secure Channel base key, no R-MAC;
“i” = '55': Initiation mode explicit, C-MAC on modified APDU, ICV set to zero, ICV encryption for
C-MAC session, 3 Secure Channel Keys, well-known pseudo-random algorithm (card challenge), no
E.1.2 Entity Authentication
Off-card entity authentication is achieved through the process of initiating a Secure Channel and provides
assurance to the card that it is communicating with an authenticated off-card entity. If any step in the off-card
authentication process fails, the process shall be restarted (i.e. new session keys generated).
The Secure Channel initiation and off-card entity authentication implies the creation of session keys derived
from card static key(s) using a Secure Channel Sequence Counter maintained by the Security Domain. The
Security Domain shall manage one Sequence Counter per Secure Channel base key or Secure Channel keys
sharing the same Key Version Number (see section E.2, Cryptographic Keys).
The Sequence Counter is incremented by 1 when and only when the first C-MAC of a secure channel (started
implicitly or explicitly) is verified as valid. It is incremented before the processing specific for the command.
The Sequence Counter is reset to zero on creation or update of the Secure Channel key(s). When the Secure
Channel key set contains more than one key (see section E.2, Cryptographic Keys), the Sequence Counter is
reset to zero on the creation or update of any one of the keys of this key set.
Note: the Sequence Counter is not updated for a C-MAC that is not the first of a Secure Channel Session or
when a Secure Channel Session is started and the C-MAC is invalid. In this respect, the Sequence Counter
keeps track of the number of valid Secure Channel Sessions the corresponding secure messaging key set has
experienced so far. When reaching its maximum value, the Sequence Counter shall not be reset to zero. Cards
are not required to support counter values beyond 32767.
E.1.2.1 Explicit Secure Channel Initiation
The Secure Channel may be explicitly initiated by the off-card entity using the INITIALIZE UPDATE and
EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE commands. The Application may pass the APDU to the Security Domain using
the appropriate API; e.g. the processSecurity() method of a GlobalPlatform Java Card.
The explicit Secure Channel initiation allows the off-card entity to instruct the card (see section E.5.2,
EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command) as to what level of security is required for the current Secure
Channel (integrity and/or confidentiality) and apply this level of security to all the subsequent messages
exchanged between the card and the off-card entity until the end of the session. It also gives the off-card entity
the possibility of selecting the Key Version Number to be used (see section E.5.1, INITIALIZE UPDATE
Note: The explicit Secure Channel Session initiation also allows the card to inform the off-card entity what
Secure Channel Protocol is supported, using the returned Secure Channel Protocol identifier.
The Secure Channel is always initiated (see section E.5.1, INITIALIZE UPDATE Command) by the off-card
entity by passing a host challenge (random data unique to this session) to the card.
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The card, on receipt of this challenge, generates its own card challenge (again random data unique to this
The card, using its internal Sequence Counter and static keys, creates new secret session keys and generates
a first cryptographic value (card cryptogram) using one of its newly created session keys (see section E.4.1,
DES Session Keys).
This card cryptogram along with the Sequence Counter, the card challenge, the Secure Channel Protocol
identifier, and other data is transmitted back to the off-card entity.
As the off-card entity should now have all the same information that the card used to generate the card
cryptogram, it should be able to generate the same session keys and the same card cryptogram and by
performing a comparison, it is able to authenticate the card.
The off-card entity now uses a similar process to create a second cryptographic value (host cryptogram) to be
passed back to the card (see section E.5.2, EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command).
As the card has all the same information that the host used to generate the host cryptogram, it should be able
to generate the same cryptogram and, by performing a comparison, it is able to authenticate the off-card entity.
The off-card entity also creates a MAC to be passed back to the card and verified by the card. The verified
MAC is used by the card to create the Initial Chaining Vector for the verification of the subsequent C-MAC
and/or R-MAC.
When the off-card entity is successfully authenticated, the card increments its internal Secure Channel
Sequence Counter.
Explicit Secure Channel Initiation Flow
The following flow is an example of explicit Secure Channel initiation between a card and an off-card entity.
Expanding the authentication process shown in the flow described in section 7.3.1, Security Domain Support
for Secure Messaging, it can be seen how an Application would use the services of a Security Domain to
achieve the explicit Secure Channel initiation.
Figure E-1: Explicit Secure Channel Initiation Flow
APDU Interface
Off-card Entity
Security Domain
Generate host challenge
Generate card challenge;
Generate session keys;
Calculate card cryptogram
Apply Secure Channel Protocol;
Generate session keys;
Verify card cryptogram;
Calculate host cryptogram
Verify host cryptogram;
Verify MAC & Initialize
security processing
security processing
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E.1.2.2 Implicit Secure Channel Initiation
The Secure Channel is implicitly initiated when receiving the first APDU command that contains a
cryptographic protection (C-MAC). The required level of security is implicitly known by both the card and
off-card entity as command message integrity only. The off-card entity implicitly knows which keys are to be
used and the current value of the Secure Channel Sequence Counter, or may have previously retrieved the
corresponding information using a GET DATA command.
The off-card entity, using the information it knows about the card static keys and its Secure Channel Sequence
Counter, creates new secret session keys and generates a C-MAC on an APDU command message.
The Secure Channel is initiated by the off-card entity by appending a C-MAC to an APDU command.
The card, on receipt of this first C-MAC, creates the C-MAC session key using its internal card static key(s)
and Secure Channel Sequence Counter.
The card has the same information that the host used to generate the C-MAC. It generates the same MAC
and, by performing a comparison, it authenticates the off-card entity.
When the off-card entity is successfully authenticated, the card increments its internal Secure Channel
Sequence Counter.
For sensitive data decryption, the card creates the data encryption session key using its internal card static
key(s) and the newly incremented value of the Secure Channel Sequence Counter. For R-MAC generation,
the card creates the R-MAC session key using its internal card static key(s) and the newly incremented value
of the Secure Channel Sequence Counter.
Note: In addition to command message integrity, the off-card entity may, at any moment during the Secure
Channel Session, initiate response message integrity using the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command.
E.1.3 Message Integrity
The MAC is generated by applying multiple chained DES operations (using a session key generated prior to
or when opening the Secure Channel) across an APDU message.
A MAC may be generated on the following:
C-MAC for APDU command messages (generated by the off-card entity);
R-MAC for APDU response messages (generated by the card).
The receiving entity, on receipt of the message containing a MAC, using the same session key, performs the
same operation and by comparing its generated MAC with the MAC received from the sending entity is assured
of the integrity of the full command or response. (If message data confidentiality has also been applied to the
message, the MAC applies to the message data field before encryption.)
The integrity of the sequence of APDU command or response messages being transmitted to the receiving
entity is achieved by using the MAC from the current command or response as the (possibly encrypted) Initial
Chaining Vector (ICV) for the subsequent command or response. This ensures the receiving entity that all
messages in a sequence have been received. Computing the ICV is detailed in section E.3, Cryptographic
E.1.4 Message Data Confidentiality
The message data field is encrypted by applying multiple chained DES operations (using a session key
generated during the Secure Channel initiation process) across the entire data field of either a command
message or a response, regardless of its contents (clear text data and/or already protected sensitive data).
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E.1.5 Security Level
The Current Security Level of a communication not included in a Secure Channel Session shall be set to
For Secure Channel Protocol '02' with explicit initiation mode, the Current Security Level established in a
Secure Channel Session is a bitmap combination of the following values: AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC,
R_MAC, and C_DECRYPTION. The Current Security Level shall be set as follows:
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL when a Secure Channel Session is terminated or not yet fully initiated;
AUTHENTICATED after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command:
AUTHENTICATED shall be cleared once the Secure Channel Session is terminated;
C_MAC after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command with P1
indicating C-MAC (P1 = 'x1' or 'x3'): C-MAC shall be cleared once the Secure Channel Session is
terminated. Note that C_MAC is always combined with AUTHENTICATED and simultaneously set and
C_DECRYPTION after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command with P1
indicating Command Encryption (P1 = 'x3'): C_DECRYPTION shall be cleared once the Secure
Channel Session is terminated. Note that C_DECRYPTION is always combined with
AUTHENTICATED and C_MAC and simultaneously set and cleared;
R_MAC after a successful processing of an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command with P1
indicating R-MAC (P1 = '1x'): R-MAC shall be cleared once the Secure Channel Session is
terminated. Note that in this case R_MAC is always combined with AUTHENTICATED and
simultaneously set and cleared. R_MAC may also be combined with C_MAC or C_DECRYPTION
(according to the P1 value of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command) and simultaneously set and
R_MAC after a successful processing of a BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command: R-MAC shall be
cleared after a successful processing of an END R-MAC SESSION command. Note that in this case
R_MAC may be combined with AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC, or C_DECRYPTION depending on the
pre-existing Current Security Level of the Secure Channel Session. R_MAC is set and cleared
For Secure Channel Protocol '02' with implicit initiation mode, the Current Security Level established in a
Secure Channel Session is a bitmap combination of the following values: AUTHENTICATED, C_MAC, and
R_MAC. The Current Security Level shall be set as follows:
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL when a Secure Channel Session is terminated or not yet initiated;
AUTHENTICATED and C_MAC after a successful verification of the C- MAC of the first command
message with a C-MAC. The Session Security Level shall be set to AUTHENTICATED only. C_MAC
shall be cleared after the reception of the first command message without a C-MAC.
AUTHENTICATED and C_MAC shall be cleared once the Secure Channel Session is terminated;
R_MAC after a successful processing of a BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command: R-MAC shall be
cleared after a successful processing of an END R-MAC SESSION command.
E.1.6 Protocol Rules
In accordance with the general rules described in Chapter 10, Secure Communication, the following protocol
rules apply to Secure Channel Protocol '02' with explicit initiation mode:
The successful explicit initiation of a Secure Channel Session shall set the Current Security Level to
the security level value indicated in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command: it is at least set to
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The Current Security Level shall apply to the entire Secure Channel Session unless successfully
modified at the request of the Application;
When the Current Security Level is not set to AUTHENTICATED (i.e. equal to
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL or R-MAC only case of a R-MAC session in progress originally initiated with
o If the Secure Channel Session was aborted during the same Application Session, the incoming
command shall be rejected with a security error;
o Otherwise no security verification of the incoming command shall be performed. The Application
processing the command is responsible for applying its own security rules.
If a Secure Channel Session is active for incoming commands (i.e. Current Security Level at least set
to AUTHENTICATED), the security of the incoming command shall be checked according to the
Current Security Level regardless of the command secure messaging indicator:
o When the security of the command does not match (nor exceeds) the Current Security Level, the
command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel Session aborted and the
Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o If a security error is found, the command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel
Session aborted and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o In all other cases, the Secure Channel Session shall remain active and the Current Security Level
unmodified. The Application is responsible for further processing the command.
If the Security Domain supports application data encryption and/or decryption, it shall decrypt or
encrypt a block of secret data upon request. If the service is not supported or if (one of) the
appropriate cryptographic key(s) is not available, the request shall be rejected but the Current Security
Level, Session Security Level and Secure Channel Session in operation (if any) shall not be impacted;
If a Secure Channel Session is aborted, it is still considered not terminated;
The current Secure Channel Session shall be terminated (if aborted or still open) and the Current
Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL on either:
o Attempt to initiate a new Secure Channel Session (new INITIALIZE UPDATE command);
o Termination of the Application Session (e.g. new Application selection);
o Termination of the associated logical channel;
o Termination of the Card Session (card reset or power off);
o Explicit termination by the Application (e.g. invoking GlobalPlatform API).
In accordance with the general rules described in Chapter 10, Secure Communication, the following protocol
rules apply to Secure Channel Protocol '02' with implicit initiation mode:
The successful implicit initiation of a Secure Channel Session for incoming commands shall set the
Current Security Level to AUTHENTICATED and C-MAC (the R-MAC indicator remaining as is);
The Session Security Level for incoming commands is implicit and set to AUTHENTICATED for the
entire Secure Channel Session. It is reset on the normal termination or abort of a Secure Channel
Session for incoming commands;
When the Current Security Level is not set to AUTHENTICATED (i.e. equal to
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL or R-MAC only), no Secure Channel Session is active for incoming
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o If no secure messaging is indicated in the incoming command, no security verification of the
command shall be performed. The Application processing the command is responsible to apply its
own security rules;
o If secure messaging is indicated, a new Secure Channel Session initiation for incoming commands
shall be attempted and the security of the incoming command verified.
If a Secure Channel Session is active for incoming commands (i.e. Current Security Level at least set
to AUTHENTICATED), the security of the incoming command shall be checked according to the
Current Security Level:
o If no secure messaging is indicated in the command, the Secure Channel Session shall remain
active, the Current Security Level set to AUTHENTICATED (the R-MAC indicator remaining as is)
and no further security verification of the command performed. The Application processing the
command is responsible to apply its own security rules;
o If secure messaging is indicated and the Current Security Level is set to AUTHENTICATED and
C-MAC (ignoring the R-MAC indicator), the security of the incoming command shall be verified:
If a security error is found, the command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure
Channel Session aborted and Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL or
R-MAC only (in case of a R-MAC session in progress);
Otherwise, the Secure Channel Session shall remain active and the Current Security Level
unmodified. The Application is responsible for further processing the command.
o If secure messaging is indicated and the Current Security Level is set to AUTHENTICATED
(ignoring the R-MAC indicator), the current Secure Channel Session for incoming commands shall
be terminated and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL or R-MAC only (in
case of a R-MAC session in progress). A new Secure Channel Session initiation for incoming
commands shall be attempted and the security of the incoming command verified.
The current Secure Channel Session shall be terminated (if aborted or still open) and the Current
Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL on either:
o Termination of the Application Session (e.g. new Application selection);
o Termination of the associated logical channel;
o Termination of the Card Session (card reset or power off);
o Explicit termination by the Application (e.g. invoking GlobalPlatform API).
E.2 Cryptographic Keys
A Security Domain, including the Issuer Security Domain, shall have at least one key set to be used in the
initiation and use of a Secure Channel. This key set shall contain at least one double length DES key, the
Secure Channel base key. This Secure Channel base key is only used to generate session keys during the
initiation of a Secure Channel.
Table E-2: SCP02 Security Domain Secure Channel Base Key
Secure Channel base
Secure Channel authentication, MAC verification, &
sensitive data decryption (DES)
16 bytes
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A Security Domains, including the Issuer Security Domains, Secure Channel key set may contain 3 double
length DES keys: the Secure Channel encryption key (S-ENC), the Secure Channel MAC key (S-MAC), and
the data encryption key (DEK) for encrypting and decrypting sensitive data; e.g. secret or private keys. These
keys are only used to generate session keys during the initiation of a Secure Channel.
Table E-3: SCP02 Security Domain Secure Channel Keys
Secure Channel encryption key
Secure Channel authentication &
encryption (DES)
16 bytes
Secure Channel message
authentication code key (S-MAC)
Secure Channel MAC verification and
generation (DES)
16 bytes
Data encryption key (DEK)
Sensitive data encryption and decryption
16 bytes
E.3 Cryptographic Algorithms
The cryptographic and hashing algorithms described in Appendix B, Algorithms (Cryptographic and Hashing),
apply to SCP02. This section defines the additional requirements for SCP02.
E.3.1 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
The Initial Chaining Vector (ICV) used for chained data encryption in CBC mode is always 8 bytes of binary
zero ('00').
The Initial Chaining Vector (ICV) used for chained message integrity in CBC mode is always 8 bytes and
initialized during the Secure Channel initiation.
E.3.2 Message Integrity ICV using Explicit Secure Channel Initiation
When using explicit Secure Channel initiation, SCP02 mandates the use of a MAC on the EXTERNAL
For the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command MAC verification, the ICV is set to zero.
Once successfully verified, the C-MAC of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command becomes the ICV for
the subsequent C-MAC verification and/or R-MAC generation. Notice that this is true also if the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command does not request R-MAC and R-MAC is subsequently requested by a BEGIN
R-MAC SESSION command; i.e. the ICV for R-MAC generation is the C-MAC of the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command that started the Secure Channel session.
E.3.3 Message Integrity ICV using Implicit Secure Channel Initiation
When using implicit Secure Channel Session initiation, the ICV shall be a MAC computed on the AID of the
selected Application. The ICV for the first C-MAC calculation of a new Secure Channel Session is calculated
as follows:
Apply reversible padding to the AID of the selected Application as defined in section B.1.3.
Calculate a MAC as defined in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus Final Triple DES MAC, with the
C-MAC key over the padded Application AID with an ICV value of binary zeroes.
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The resulting MAC is the ICV for the first C-MAC of the Secure Channel Session. This ICV makes the Secure
Channel Session application specific.
The ICV for the first R-MAC of a Secure Channel Session is calculated the same way, except that the R-MAC
key is used in step 2 for the MAC calculation.
E.3.4 ICV Encryption
As an enhancement to the C-MAC mechanism, the ICV is encrypted before being applied to the calculation of
the next C-MAC. The encryption mechanism used is single DES with the first half of the Secure Channel
C-MAC session key. The first ICV of a session is not encrypted.
E.4 Cryptographic Usage
E.4.1 DES Session Keys
DES session keys are generated every time a Secure Channel is initiated. These session keys may be used
for subsequent commands if secure messaging is required.
Session keys are generated to ensure that a different set of keys is used for each secure communication
DES session keys are created using the static Secure Channel key(s), a constant, the current value of the
Secure Channel Sequence Counter, and a padding of binary zeroes. Creating session keys is performed as
Generating the Secure Channel C-MAC session keys using the Secure Channel base key or MAC key
(S-MAC) and the session keys derivation data with a constant of '0101';
Generating the Secure Channel R-MAC session keys using the Secure Channel base key or MAC key
(S-MAC) and the session keys derivation data with a constant of '0102';
Generating the Secure Channel encryption session keys using the Secure Channel base key or
encryption key (S-ENC) and the session keys derivation data with a constant of '0182';
Generating the Secure Channel data encryption session keys using the Secure Channel base key or
data encryption key (DEK) and the session keys derivation data with a constant of '0181'.
The DES operation used to generate these keys is always triple DES in CBC mode.
R-MAC session keys are generated using the current value of the sequence counter at the time the R-MAC
session is initiated. If the R-MAC session starts with the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, the same
sequence counter value is used to generate the R-MAC session key as is used to generate the other session
keys for the same Secure Channel Session.
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Figure E-2: Create Secure Channel Session Key from the Base Key
Secure Channel base key (16 bytes)
Derivation data (16 bytes)
Session Key (16 bytes)
CBC encryption
(2 bytes)
(2 bytes)
(12 bytes)
E.4.2 Authentication Cryptograms in Explicit Secure Channel Initiation
Both the card and the off-card entity (host) generate an authentication cryptogram. The off-card entity verifies
the card cryptogram and the card verifies the host cryptogram. Generating or verifying an authentication
cryptogram uses the S-ENC session key and the signing method described in section B.1.2.1, Full Triple DES
E.4.2.1 Card Authentication Cryptogram
The generation and verification of the card cryptogram is performed by concatenating the 8-byte host
challenge, 2-byte Sequence Counter, and 6-byte card challenge resulting in a 16-byte block.
Applying the same padding rules defined in section B.1.3, the data shall be padded with a further 8-byte block
('80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00').
The signature method, using the S-ENC session key and an ICV of binary zeroes, is applied across this 24-byte
block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the card cryptogram.
E.4.2.2 Host Authentication Cryptogram
The generation and verification of the host cryptogram is performed by concatenating the 2-byte Sequence
Counter, 6-byte card challenge, and 8-byte host challenge resulting in a 16-byte block.
Applying the same padding rules defined in section B.1.3, the data shall be padded with a further 8-byte block
('80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00').
The signature method, using the S-ENC session key and an ICV of binary zeroes, is applied across this 24-byte
block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the host cryptogram.
E.4.2.3 Card Challenge
The card challenge is either a random or pseudo-random number that shall be unique to a Secure Channel
Session. A pseudo-random card challenge may be generated as follows:
The AID of the Application requesting to open the Secure Channel is padded according to the padding
rules defined in section B.1.3;
A MAC is calculated across the padded data as defined in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus Final
Triple DES MAC, using the C-MAC session key and an ICV of binary zeroes;
The six leftmost bytes of the resultant MAC constitute the card challenge.
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E.4.3 Authentication Cryptogram in Implicit Secure Channel Initiation
When using the implicit Secure Channel Session initiation, the authentication cryptogram is the first C-MAC
received by the card from the off-card entity.
The rules for C-MAC generation and verification are detailed in the following subsection.
E.4.4 APDU Command C-MAC Generation and Verification
A C-MAC is generated by an off-card entity and applied across the full APDU command being transmitted to
the card including the header and the data field in the command message. It does not include Le.
C-MAC generation and verification uses the Secure Channel C-MAC session key, an ICV and the signature
method described in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus Final Triple DES MAC. (Prior to using the ICV, the ICV
can be encrypted as described in section E.3.4, ICV Encryption).
The ICV is used to chain the commands for command sequence integrity; the initial value of the ICV is
described in section E.3, Cryptographic Algorithms. For any subsequent command following the first
successful C-MAC verification, the ICV is the C-MAC value successfully verified for the previous command
received by the card.
The signature method, using the Secure Channel C-MAC session key and the ICV, is applied across the
padded command message and the resulting 8-byte signature is the C-MAC. The rules for C-MAC padding
are as defined in section B.1.3.
In order to compute a C-MAC, the APDU command shall be prepared as follows:
Any indication of logical channel number shall be removed from the class byte.
Padding shall be added to APDU command data.
The two following methods are defined for the C-MAC generation:
C-MAC generation on unmodified APDU
o No further modification is required before generating the C-MAC.
o After generating the C-MAC, the length of the command message (Lc) shall be incremented by 8 to
indicate the inclusion of the C-MAC in the data field of the command message.
Figure E-3: C-MAC Generation on Unmodified APDU
Data Field C-MAC
C-MAC Generation
(single DES plus final
triple DES)
C-MAC Session
Set secure messaging bit
Lc = Lc + length of C-MAC
PaddingData Field
C-MAC generation on modified APDU
o Before generating the C-MAC, the following additional modifications shall be performed:
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The class byte shall have bit 4 set to 0 and bit 3 set to 1 to indicate GlobalPlatform proprietary
secure messaging.
The length of the command message (Lc) shall be incremented by 8 to indicate the inclusion of
the C-MAC in the data field of the command message.
Figure E-4: C-MAC Generation on Modified APDU
Data Field C-MAC
C-MAC Generation
(single DES plus final
triple DES)
C-MAC Session
Set secure
messaging bit
Lc = Lc + length
of C-MAC
Data Field
Data Field
Any padding shall be removed and the C-MAC shall be appended at the end of the APDU command message.
Any modification already made to the command header (class and/or Lc) shall be maintained.
If the command is sent on a logical channel, the logical channel number shall be added to the class byte. If
logical channel number 0 to 3 is used, the GlobalPlatform proprietary secure messaging shall be indicated in
the class byte by setting bit 3 to 1 see Table 11-11. If logical channel number 4 to 19 is used, the
GlobalPlatform proprietary secure messaging shall be indicated in the class byte setting bit 6 to 1 see
Table 11-12.
If data field encryption is required by the current Security Level, it shall now be performed according to
section E.4.6. Otherwise, the message is ready to be transmitted to the card.
The card shall apply the same padding mechanism and use the same ICV and C-MAC session key as the
off-card entity in order to verify the C-MAC. The verified C-MAC shall be retained and used as the ICV for any
subsequent C-MAC verification, regardless of whether the APDU completed successfully or not; i.e. a verified
C-MAC shall never be discarded in favor of a previously verified C-MAC.
E.4.5 APDU Response R-MAC Generation and Verification
When using explicit Secure Channel Session initiation, the off-card entity instructs the card whether R-MAC
generation applies to all the subsequent command/response messages. R-MAC computation does not include
the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command/response pair and lasts until the end of the Secure Channel
When using explicit or implicit Secure Channel Session initiation, the off-card entity instructs the card to start
APDU response message integrity using the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command (see section E.5.3, BEGIN
R-MAC SESSION Command). R-MAC computation includes the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION
command/response pair and lasts until reception of the END R-MAC SESSION command (see section E.5.4,
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The R-MAC is computed on the following data block:
The stripped APDU command message; i.e. without any C-MAC and modified command header (the
logical channel number is always assumed to be zero). In the case of a case 1 or case 2 command, Lc
is always present and set to zero;
In case of a successful execution or a warning, the response data preceded with a byte Li that codes
its length modulo 256. Li is generated by the Security Domain. If there is no response data this byte is
present and is set to zero;
In case of an error, a byte set to '00' indicating no response data;
The status bytes.
When an R-MAC is returned in response to every command, in the event of case 1 and case 3 commands
received by the card, these commands shall be processed respectively as case 2 and case 4 commands with
Le set to zero.
The signature method, using the Secure Channel R-MAC session key and the ICV, is applied across the
padded data block and the resulting 8-byte signature is the R-MAC. The rules for R-MAC padding are as
defined in section B.1.3.
Figure E-5: R-MAC Generation
Header (CLA, INS, P1, P2)
R-MAC Session Key
Command Data
Response Data
Status Words
Response Data
R-MAC generation
Li: Length of
The R-MAC can be retrieved from the card by sending an END R-MAC SESSION command. The END R-MAC
SESSION command allows the off-card entity to instruct the card to either terminate or continue the R-MAC
session. The END R-MAC SESSION command is not included in the R-MAC computation.
The off-card entity, in order to verify the R-MAC, shall perform the same padding mechanism to the
command/response pair and use the same ICV and R-MAC session key employed by the card in order to
verify the R-MAC. The generated R-MAC shall be retained and used as the ICV for any subsequent R-MAC
generation. (This is true regardless of whether the APDU command completed successfully or not.)
If the Secure Channel Session is occurring on a Supplementary Logical Channel, the logical channel
information is not included in any of the R-MAC computations. The R-MAC is generated with a logical channel
number assumed to be zero and the off-card entity is either not aware of, or removes, any logical channel
information from the class byte of the corresponding command when verifying the R-MAC.
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E.4.6 APDU Command Data Field Encryption and Decryption
Depending on the Session Security Level defined in the explicit initiation of the Secure Channel, all subsequent
APDU commands within the Secure Channel may require secure messaging and as such the use of a C-MAC
(integrity) and encryption (confidentiality).
Note that, with an implicit initiation of the Secure Channel, command message data field encryption does not
If confidentiality is required, the off-card entity encrypts the data field of the command message being
transmitted to the card. This excludes the header and the C-MAC but includes any data within the data field
that has been protected for another purpose e.g. secret or private keys encrypted with the data encryption
session key.
Command message encryption and decryption uses the Secure Channel encryption session key and the
encryption method described in section B.1.1.1, Encryption/Decryption CBC Mode.
Prior to encrypting the data, the data shall be padded. Unlike the C-MAC, this padding now becomes part of
the data field and this necessitates further modification of the Lc value.
Padding of the data field to be encrypted is performed according to section B.1.3.
The number of bytes appended to the data field in order to fulfill the above padding shall be added to Lc. This
includes the mandatory '80' and any optional binary zeroes.
The encryption can now be performed across the padded data field using the Secure Channel encryption
session key and the result of each encryption becomes part of the encrypted data field in the command
Figure E-6: APDU Command Data Field Encryption
Lc = Lc +length of padding
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Field C-MAC
Encrypted Data Field C-MAC
Data Field
Encryption Session Key
Note: The ICV and the chaining are only used to link the blocks of the data currently being encrypted. For this
reason the ICV for command data encryption is always binary zeroes.
The message is now prepared for transmission to the card. The card is required to first decrypt the command
message and strip off any padding prior to attempting to verify the C-MAC. This decryption uses an ICV of
binary zeroes and the same encryption session key employed by the off-card entity. The padding shall be
removed and Lc shall be modified to reflect the length prior to encryption; i.e. original clear text data plus
C-MAC length.
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E.4.7 Sensitive Data Encryption and Decryption
Data encryption is used when transmitting sensitive data to the card and is over and beyond the Current
Security Level required for the Secure Channel; For instance all DES keys transmitted to a card (e.g. in a PUT
KEY command) should be encrypted.
The data encryption process uses the data encryption session key and the encryption method described in
section B.1.1.2, Encryption/Decryption ECB Mode, when using explicit initiation of the Secure Channel and
section B.1.1.1, Encryption/Decryption CBC Mode, when using implicit initiation of the Secure Channel.
As all DES keys are by their very nature a multiple of 8-byte lengths no padding is required for key encryption
operations. Similarly the sensitive data block length shall be constructed as a multiple of 8-byte long block
before the data encryption operations: the eventual padding method is application specific.
The encryption is performed across the sensitive data and the result of each encryption becomes part of the
encrypted data. This encrypted data becomes part of the clear text data field in the command message.
The on-card decryption of key data, is the exact opposite of the above operation: in particular, no padding is
removed by the decryption operation.
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E.5 Secure Channel APDU Commands
Table E-4: SCP02 Command Support
Secure Channel Initiation
The following table summarizes the minimum security requirements for the APDU commands.
Table E-5: Minimum Security Requirements for SCP02 Commands
Minimum Security
Dependent on the
Issuer security policy
Secure Channel initiation
Secure Channel initiation
Note that Table E-4 shall be used in conjunction with Table E-6 to determine SCP02 command support
requirements. The following table provides the list of SCP02 command support per card Life Cycle State.
Table E-6: SCP02 Command Support per card Life Cycle State
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Legend of Table E-4 and Table E-6:
Security Domain with Authorized Management privilege.
Supplementary Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege.
Other Security Domain.
Support required.
Blank cell
Support optional.
Striped cell
Support prohibited.
E.5.1.1 Definition and Scope
The INITIALIZE UPDATE command is used, during explicit initiation of a Secure Channel, to transmit card and
session data between the card and the host. This command initiates the initiation of a Secure Channel Session.
At any time during a current Secure Channel, the INITIALIZE UPDATE command can be issued to the card in
order to initiate a new Secure Channel Session.
This INITIALIZE UPDATE command is not to be confused with commands of the same name in legacy
E.5.1.2 Command Message
The INITIALIZE UPDATE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table E-7: INITIALIZE UPDATE Command Message
'80' - '83' or 'C0' - 'CF'
See section 11.1.4
Key Version Number
Reference control parameter P2
Length of host challenge
'xx xx…'
Host challenge
E.5.1.3 Reference Control Parameter P1 Key Version Number
The Key Version Number defines the Key Version Number within the Security Domain to be used to initiate
the Secure Channel Session. If this value is zero, the first available key chosen by the Security Domain will be
E.5.1.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 shall always be set to '00'.
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E.5.1.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains 8 bytes of host challenge. This challenge, chosen by the
off-card entity, should be unique to this session.
E.5.1.6 Response Message
The data field of the response message contains the concatenation without delimiters of the following data
Table E-8: INITIALIZE UPDATE Response Message
Key diversification data
10 bytes
Key information
2 bytes
Sequence Counter
2 bytes
Card challenge
6 bytes
Card cryptogram
8 bytes
The key diversification data is data typically used by a backend system to derive the card static keys.
The key information includes the Key Version Number and the Secure Channel Protocol identifier, here '02',
used in initiating the Secure Channel Session.
The Sequence Counter is an internal incremental counter used for creating session keys.
The card challenge is an internally generated random number.
The card cryptogram is an authentication cryptogram.
E.5.1.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or the following error condition:
Table E-9: INITIALIZE UPDATE Error Condition
Referenced data not found
E.5.2.1 Definition and Scope
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is used by the card, during explicit initiation of a Secure Channel,
to authenticate the host and to determine the level of security required for all subsequent commands.
A successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command shall precede this command.
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E.5.2.2 Command Message
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded according to the following table.
Table E-10: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message
'84' - '87' or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Security level
Reference control parameter P2
Length of host cryptogram and MAC
'xx xx…'
Host cryptogram and MAC
Not present
E.5.2.3 Reference Control Parameter P1 Security Level
The reference control parameter P1 defines the level of security for all secure messaging commands following
this EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command (it does not apply to this command) and within this Secure
Channel Session.
Table E-11: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Reference Control Parameter P1
No secure messaging expected.
E.5.2.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 shall always be set to '00'.
E.5.2.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message contains the host cryptogram and the C-MAC.
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E.5.2.6 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message is not present.
E.5.2.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or the following warning condition:
Authentication of host cryptogram failed
E.5.3.1 Definition and Scope
The BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command is used to initiate a Secure Channel Session for APDU response
message integrity. At any time, the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command may be issued to the card in order to
initiate a R-MAC session.
E.5.3.2 Command Message
The BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command message is coded according to the following table:
Table E-13: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Command Message
'80' - '87', 'C0' - 'CF' or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field, if any
'xx xx…'
BEGIN R-MAC SESSION data and C-MAC, if needed
Not present
E.5.3.3 Reference Control Parameter P1
The reference control parameter P1 defines the level of security for all subsequent APDU response messages
following this BEGIN R-MAC SESSION command (it does not apply to this command).
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Table E-14: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P1
Response Encryption and R-MAC (RFU)
No secure messaging expected
When P1 is set to '10' each APDU response message during the R-MAC session includes a R-MAC.
When P1 is set to '00' only the END R-MAC SESSION response message will contain a R-MAC.
E.5.3.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 defines the beginning of the session for APDU response message
Table E-15: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P2
Begin R-MAC session
E.5.3.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION contains an LV coded ‘data’ element and optionally a CMAC.
The card does not interpret the ‘data’. However since it is included in R-MAC calculation, this gives the off-card
entity the possibility to include a challenge in the R-MAC.
The following table details the BEGIN R-MAC SESSION data field:
Table E-16: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Command Data Field
Length of data
E.5.3.6 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of the response message is not present.
E.5.3.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or the following error condition:
Table E-17: BEGIN R-MAC SESSION Error Conditions
Referenced data not found
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E.5.4.1 Definition and Scope
The END R-MAC SESSION command is used to terminate a Secure Channel Session for APDU response
message integrity or to retrieve the current R-MAC without ending the R-MAC Session. The END R-MAC
SESSION command may be issued to the card at any time during an R-MAC session.
E.5.4.2 Command Message
The END R-MAC SESSION command message is coded according to the following table:
Table E-18: END R-MAC SESSION Command Message
'80' - '87', 'C0' - 'CF' or 'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1
'01' or '03'
Reference control parameter P2
Length of data field, if any
'xx xx…'
C-MAC, if needed
E.5.4.3 Reference Control Parameter P1
Reference control parameter P1 shall always be set to '00'.
E.5.4.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
The reference control parameter P2 is coded according to the following table:
Table E-19: END R-MAC SESSION Reference Control Parameter P2
End R-MAC session & return R-MAC
Return R-MAC
E.5.4.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the command message may optionally contain a C-MAC.
E.5.4.6 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field of response message contains the R-MAC of the current R-MAC session.
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E.5.4.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or the following error condition:
Table E-20: END R-MAC SESSION Error Conditions
Referenced data not found
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F Secure Channel Protocol '10'
F.1 Secure Communication
Secure Channel Protocol '10' (SCP10) supports up to 19 Supplementary Logical Channels.
F.1.1 SCP10 Secure Channel
SCP10 is a Secure Channel Protocol based on asymmetric cryptography and Public Key infrastructure (PKI).
The Secure Channel Protocol operates between a Security Domain on the card (or the Issuer Security Domain)
and an Off-Card Entity (OCE) which may be the Application Provider (or Card Issuer) or another party.
F.1.1.1 Synchronous Mode
The synchronous implementation of SCP10 provides the following levels of security:
Authentication - in which the Security Domain authenticates the Off-Card Entity and the Off-Card Entity may
authenticate the Security Domain. There are two aspects to this: Key Authentication which involves
establishing mutual trust in each others public key (PK); and Entity Authentication which involves establishing
that the other party in the Secure Channel Session is the authentic owner of that public key.
Integrity and data origin authentication in which the Security Domain and the Off-Card Entity ensure that the
data being received from the other entity actually came from its claimed source in the correct sequence and
has not been altered.
Confidentiality in which confidential data is not viewable by an unauthorized entity.
A further level of security applies to specific sensitive data (e.g. cryptographic keys) which may be encrypted
using a mechanism that is not part of the Secure Channel Session security.
F.1.1.2 Asynchronous Mode
The asynchronous mode allows off-line pre-packaging of encrypted and signed content and provides the
following levels of security:
Integrity and data origin authentication in which the Security Domain confirms the public-key-signed signature
of the supplied content. This enables that the content being received from the other entity actually came from
its claimed source in the correct sequence and has not been altered.
Confidentiality in which confidential data is not viewable by an unauthorized entity. Confidential content is
encrypted with the public key of the desired Security Domain.
F.1.2 Initiating a Secure Channel
The steps involved in initiating a Secure Channel Protocol are as follows:
1. Certificate Verification (optional) the Security Domain and the Off-Card Entity (OCE) may need
to traverse and verify a chain of certificates from established trust points down to each others public
key. The extent to which this is needed depends on what keys are currently validated by each party:
the null condition is where they have both already validated each others public key, in which case
no explicit Certificate Verification is necessary;
2. Entity Authentication the Security Domain and optionally the Off-Card Entity further check the
authenticity of the other party by verifying the signature of a challenge sent to the other party;
3. Session Key Establishment the two parties establish symmetric session keys for subsequent
secure messaging.
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Only explicit Secure Channel initiation is supported in SCP10. There is no specific command to terminate a
Some of the variations on the Secure Channel Protocol supported by the card or the Security Domain are
announced in the parameter “i” in Card Recognition Data or Security Domain Management Data. See
Appendix H, GlobalPlatform Data Values, for details of Card Recognition Data and Security Domain
Management Data. The value “i” is coded on one byte as a bitmap as follows:
Table F-1: Values of Parameter “i”
Not available
Key Transport
Not available
Key Agreement
Not available
Signature with message recovery
Not available
Signature without message recovery
Note: “i” is a subidentifier within an object identifier, and bit b8 is reserved for use in the structure of the object
identifier according to [ISO 8825-1].
Key transport and key agreement relate to the process of establishing session keys for the Secure Channel
With key agreement the Security Domain and the Off-Card Entity exchange secret values when the
Secure Channel is being initiated, and session keys are then derived from those secrets using an
algorithm known to both the Off-Card Entity and the Security Domain;
With key transport the Security Domain receives session keys to be used for the Secure Channel
Session from the Off-Card Entity during Secure Channel initiation.
Signature with message recovery and signature without message recovery refer to the signature scheme used
for digital signatures in data messages during Entity Authentication. (Note that these mechanisms apply also
with the signatures on digital certificates, but the value i” does not refer to this.)
With signature with message recovery, part or all of the message data that is signed is contained in
the signature block and is recovered during the process of verifying the signature. Signature with
message recovery is standardized in [ISO 9796-2];
With signature without message recovery, the signature does not contain any part of the message
data that is signed, but comprises an appendix to the complete message. Such a scheme is also
known as a signature scheme with appendix. Signature without message recovery is standardized in
[PKCS#1], and is also used in ITU Recommendation X.509 ([X.509]).
The Security Domain may support any combination of values of parameter “i”, but shall support at least one of
the following options as defined by “i”:
“i” = '01': Signature with recovery, key agreement;
“i” = '02': Signature without recovery, key transport.
There is no requirement for a Security Domain to support more than one certificate format.
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F.1.3 Certificate Verification
F.1.3.1 Overview
The Security Domain verifies a certificate of the Off-Card Entity to establish the validity of its public key. A
certificate must be issued by the Trust Point for External Authentication (TP_EX) or a subordinate key authority
of the TP_EX. On the other hand, the Off-Card Entity establishes the validity of the Security Domains public
key by verifying a certificate issued by the Key Authority of the Security Domain. The Security Domain shall
hold a single (default) public key of the Trust Point for External Authentication (PK.TP_EX.AUT) and may also
hold the validated public keys of other authorities in a certificate chain.
The Off-Card Entity may know implicitly what other public keys have already been validated by the Security
Domain, and can use this knowledge to reduce the number of certificates the Security Domain is asked to
verify, potentially down to zero.
By default the Security Domain expects the first certificate presented for verification to be signed by the
PK.TP_EX.AUT, and each subsequent certificate to be signed by the public key validated with the previous
certificate. The Off-Card Entity may request the Security Domain to use a different default initial public key by
indicating it with a MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT command.
The Off-Card Entity establishes the validity of the Security Domains public key by checking a (chain of)
The minimum set of keys and certificates to be stored by a Security Domain that supports asymmetric Secure
Channel Protocol '10' shall be as follows:
One Public Key for Trust Point for External Authentication (PK.TP_EX.AUT);
One Security Domain Private Key (SK.SD.AUT);
One Security Domain Public Key (PK.SD.AUT); and
One Security Domain Certificate (CERT.SD.AUT) corresponding to the Security Domain Public Key
and signed by the Security Domain Key Authority.
The Security Domain may also hold:
The Off-Card Entitys Public Key(s) (PK.OCE.AUT) for External Authentication which has been
The Key Authoritys Public Key(s) (PK.KA_EX.AUT) for External Authentication in a valid certificate
chain from the Trust Point for External Authentication to the Off-Card Entity; and
The Key Authoritys Certificate(s) for Internal Authentication (CERT.KA_IN.AUT) in a valid certificate
chain from the Trust Point for Internal Authentication to the Security Domain.
The minimum set of keys and certificates to be available to an Off-Card Entity (OCE) that wishes to
communicate with a specific Security Domain is assumed to be as follows:
One Public Key for Trust Point for Internal Authentication (PK.TP_IN.AUT) );
One Off-Card Entity Public Key (PK.OCE.AUT);
One Off-Card Entity Certificate (CERT.OCE.AUT) corresponding to the Off-Card Entity Public Key and
signed by the Off-Card Entity’s Key Authority;
The Off-Card Entity Trust Point Certification Public Key (PK.TP_OCE.AUT) that participates in a chain
of certificates down to the Security Domains Public Key.
The Off-Card Entity may also hold:
The Key Authoritys Certificate(s) for External Authentication (CERT.KA_EX.AUT) in a valid certificate
chain from the Trust Point for External Authentication to the Off-Card Entity.
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Note that the Security Domains owner may be considered to be the Application Provider (for a Security
Domain) or the Card Issuer (for the Issuer Security Domain).
The first example in Figure F-1 is a simple case where the Trust Point for External Authentication (TP_EX) and
the Trust Point for Internal Authentication (TP_IN) certify the public key of the Key Authority of the Off-Card
Entity and the Security Domain respectively, and the Key Authority of the Off-Card Entity (KA_OCE) certifies
the public key of the Off-Card Entity.
Figure F-1: Certificate Chains Example a
The second example in Figure F-2 illustrates that the Trust Point for External Authentication (TP_EX) and
Internal Authentication (TP_IN) directly certifies the public key of both the Off-Card Entity and the Security
Domains Key Authority; and the Security Domains Key Authority in turn certifies the Security Domains public
Figure F-2: Certificate Chains Example b
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The third example in Figure F-3 illustrates that the Trust Point for External Authentication (TP_EX) and Internal
Authentication (TP_IN) cross-certify each others public keys, and there are two certificate chains down to the
Security Domain and OCE public keys.
Figure F-3: Certificate Chains Example c
F.1.3.2 Certificate Verification Process Flow
The following flow is an example of the Certificate Verification stage of Secure Channel initiation. Expanding
on the authentication processing shown in the flow described in section F.3.1.1 it can be seen how an
Application would use the services of a Security Domain to perform Certificate Verification.
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Figure F-4: Certificate Verification Flow
Optionally specify SCP
Select a starting public
key for certificate
verification (defaults to
Off-card Entity
Security Domain
OPERATION [verify certificate]
GET DATA [certificate]
Command and Response
Supply OCE
Request certificates
or certificate
information from the
Retrieve certificates from the
card for verification, or
information about
certificates held on the card
Verify certificates
Receive a chain of
certificates for
verification, starting
from the highest
Supply certificate data
Verify certificates
The following commands shall be supported:
MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT containing a ‘cryptographic mechanism reference’ designating
the GlobalPlatform Secure Channel Protocol '10', see section F.4.5 for further details;
PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command, see section F.4.7 for further details;
GET DATA [certificate] command, see section F.4.3 for further details.
On receipt of a MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT command, any existing Secure Channel Session (on
the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) shall be terminated, regardless of the validity of the
command: both the Current Security Level and Session Security Level are reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL.
The MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT command may refer to a previously validated public key. If the
MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT command is omitted, Security Domain default values and options shall
apply, in particular for the initial default public key to use in subsequent command processing.
On receipt of a PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command not preceded by a MANAGE
SECURITY ENVIRONMENT or another PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command,
any existing Secure Channel Session (on the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) shall be
terminated, regardless of the result of the certificate verification: both the Current Security Level and Session
Security Level are reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL.
Multiple PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] commands may be received. In this case, a
chain of certificates is presented to the Security Domain and the certificate contained in each command is
verified using the Current Public Key. The Current Public Key is the public key that the Security Domain
validated when verifying the last certificate presented by the Off-Card Entity during the same Secure Channel
Session initiation. The Security Domain shall have a default Current Public Key at the start of a Secure Channel
Session initiation phase: Trust Point for External Authentication (PK.TP_EX.AUT).
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Any failure in verifying an Off-Card Entity’s certificate aborts the current Secure Channel Session initiation
phase, and any public keys validated during that initiation phase shall be discarded.
Multiple GET DATA [certificate] commands may be received. They may be interleaved with PERFORM
SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] commands. The Security Domain makes no assumptions about
whether the Off-Card Entity has obtained enough certificates in order to validate the Security Domains public
key. The Off-Card Entity may use the GET DATA [certificate] command for EF.OD to retrieve information about
the different certificates the Security Domain holds, see F.1.2.3 for further details on EF.OD.
F.1.3.3 Certificate Information
The Security Domain shall support access to EF.OD with a data object id set to '5031'. EF.OD identifies each
certificate that can be retrieved by the Off-Card Entity for verification. EF.OD contains a set of Cryptographic
Information Objects (CIOs) as defined in [ISO 7816-15], each of which describes a certificate and gives a
pointer (in the form of a data object id) to the certificate data present within the Security Domain. The contents
of EF.OD and its consistency with the certificates actually present within the Security Domain are the
responsibility of the Security Domain’s Provider and beyond the control of the card.
According to [ISO 7816-15], an individual CIO for a certificate may be coded as follows (xxCertificate being of
type CertificateChoice):
label Label OPTIONAL
flags CommonObjectFlags OPTIONAL,
authId Identifier OPTIONAL,
userConsent INTEGER (1..cia-ub-userConsent) OPTIONAL,
accessControlRules SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessControlRule OPTIONAL,
id Identifier,
identifier CredentialIdentifier {{KeyIdentifiers}} OPTIONAL,
certHash [0] CertHash OPTIONAL,
trustedUsage [1] Usage OPTIONAL
identifiers [2] SEQUENCE OF CredentialIdentifier {{KeyIdentifiers}} OPTIONAL,
validity [4] Validity OPTIONAL,
value ObjectValue {Certificate},
Where typeAttributes vary per type of CertificateChoice, for instance x509CertificateAttributes are:
value ObjectValue {Certificate},
subject Name OPTIONAL,
issuer [0] Name OPTIONAL,
serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL,
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F.1.3.4 Certificate Formats
Certificate contents and encoding are outside the scope of this specification. Examples are given for illustration
only. Certificates may contain various data objects and elements as defined in [ISO 7816-4], [ISO 7816-6], and
ISO 7816-8 (using application tagging), [X.509] (universal and context-specific tagging) and elsewhere. The
data objects included are defined by the certificate issuer (CA).
The following table identifies some data items that appear in certificates presence indicates when the item
can be expected to be present:
Table F-2: Example of Data Included in Certificates
Name as used in [X.509]
Name as used in
ISO 7816-8
Application Tag
assigned by ISO 7816
Issuer Identification
'42' (7816-8)
Certificate holder reference
Cardholder name
'5F20' (7816-8)
Cardholder public key
'5F49' or '7F49' (7816-8)
Certificate holder
'5F4C' (7816-9)
As required
Certificate serial number
Certificate contents
'5F4E' (7816-8)
Non-self descriptive
Static internal authorization
Digital signature
'9E' (7816-8)
Public key remainder
'5F38' ([ISO 7816-6])
Signature scheme
with recovery
Certificates may either be self descriptive, where the signature is across individual data objects; or non-self
descriptive, where the signature is across concatenated value fields, without tags and lengths. Whether the
certificate to be verified by the Security Domain is self-descriptive or non-self descriptive must be indicated in
the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command.
A Security Domain is only required to handle a single certificate format throughout a chain of certificates to be
verified by the Security Domain.
Tag '67' in Card Recognition Data or Security Domain Management Data may contain one or more OIDs
identifying the Security Domains Trust Points certification policy and/or the format of certificates that can be
verified by the Security Domain and/or the format of certificates that can be retrieved from the Security Domain.
They may also identify the cryptographic algorithms used for certificates, unless they are indicated in the
certificates themselves.
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F. Certificate without Message Recovery
The data and public key to be certified are concatenated and a digest is created. A signature block is then
prepared containing the digest and any necessary padding, constant and random data. The format of the
signature block is defined by the certificate issuer (CA). The signature block size depends on the asymmetric
algorithm and the certifying key size. The signature block is then signed using the certificate issuers private
certifying key, to form the value field of the Certificate Signature data object. The result is a certificate typically
containing the data and public key to be certified and the Certificate Signature.
Certificate without Message Recovery, Self Descriptive Certificate
The data objects to be certified, including the public key data object, are TLV encoded and are concatenated
TLV-encoded before the digest is created and the signature block prepared. The result of the signing operation
is the Certificate Signature. The certificate is TLV encoded as a series of data objects, containing all the data
objects to be certified, including the public key data object and the Certificate Signature data object. X.509
certificates fall into this category.
The formation of the certificate is shown in the following example:
Figure F-5: Certificate Formation Self Descriptive Certificate without Message Recovery
Data to be certified
signature block
TL V = signature
Certificate Signature
Padding etc
RSA operationprivate key
Certificate without Message Recovery, Non-Self Descriptive Certificate
The data and public key to be certified are a concatenated set of value fields. The format of the value fields
included is defined by the certificate issuer (CA) and implicitly known to the recipients. A digest of the
concatenated value fields is created and the signature block prepared. The result of the signing operation is
the Certificate Signature. The certificate contains two data objects: the Certificate Contents, whose value is
the concatenated set of value fields being certified, and the Certificate Signature.
The formation of the certificate is shown in the following example:
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Figure F-6: Certificate Formation Non-Self Descriptive Certificate without Message Recovery
Data to be certified
TL V = data values
signature block
TL V = signatureCertificate
Certificate Contents Certificate Signature
Padding etc
RSA operationprivate key
F. Certificate with Message Recovery
The data and public key to be certified is concatenated and a digest is created. A signature block is then
prepared containing the digest, as much of the concatenated set of data and public key to be certified as can
be included in the block and any necessary padding, constant and random data. The format of the signature
block is defined by the certificate issuer (CA). The signature block size depends on the asymmetric algorithm
and the certifying key size. The signature block is then signed using the certificate issuers private certifying
key, to form the value field of the Certificate Signature data object. Any part of the public key that could not be
included in the Certificate Signature is then included in the value field of a separate Public Key Remainder
data object. The result is a certificate typically containing two data objects: the Public Key Remainder and the
Certificate Signature.
Certificate with Message Recovery, Self Descriptive Certificate
The data objects to be certified, including the public key data object, are TLV encoded and are concatenated
TLV-encoded before the digest is created and the signature block prepared. The result of the signing operation
is the Certificate Signature.
The formation of the certificate is shown in the following diagram:
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Figure F-7: Certificate Formation Self Descriptive Certificate with Message Recovery
Data to be certified
TL V = PK Remainder
signature block
TL V = signature
Public Key Remainder
Certificate Signature
Combine, with padding etc
RSA operationprivate key
Subject / Certificate
Holder Public Key (PK)
Certificate with Message Recovery, Non-Self Descriptive Certificate
The data and public key to be certified is a concatenated set of value fields. The format of the value fields
included is defined by the certificate issuer (CA) and implicitly known to the recipients. A digest of the
concatenated value fields is created and the signature block prepared. The result of the signing operation is
the Certificate Signature.
The formation of the certificate is shown in the following diagram:
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Figure F-8: Certificate Formation Non-Self Descriptive Certificate with Message Recovery
Data to be certified
Value field
TL V = PK Remainder
signature block
TL V = signature
Public Key Remainder
Certificate Signature
Combine, with padding etc
RSA operationprivate key
F.1.4 Entity Authentication
F.1.4.1 Overview of Entity Authentication
Once the parties have validated each others public key, the Security Domain shall authenticate the Off-Card
Entity using a challenge / response mechanism, and the Off-Card Entity may also authenticate the Security
Domain in the same way.
Entity authentication of the Security Domain is optional, at the discretion of the Off-Card Entity. However, if the
INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is required for use in session key agreement, then authentication of
the Security Domain is performed.
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F.1.4.2 Entity Authentication Process Flow
The following diagram gives an overview of the flow for Entity Authentication.
Figure F-9: Entity Authentication Flow
Request card
Generate card
Off-card Entity
Security Domain
Sign card challenge and
session data
Generate off-card entity
Verify card signature
Sign off-card entity
challenge and session
Verify off-card entity
OPERATION [decipher] response
OPERATION [decipher]
Generate DES session
Encrypt with SD public key
Decrypt session keys
with SD private key
Store DES session keys
The following commands shall be supported:
PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command, see section F.4.6 for further details;
GET CHALLENGE command, see section F.4.2 for further details;
EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, see section F.4.1 for further details;
INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, see section F.4.4 for further details.
The PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command is optional but shall be executed when value
'02' of parameter “i” is supported see section F.1.1.
The successful processing of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command (i.e. successful verification of the
Off-Card Entity’s signature) shall set both the Current Security Level and Session Security Level according to
the rules described in section F.1.5.2, Security Level Establishment. The failed processing of the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command (i.e. unsuccessful verification of the Off-Card Entity’s signature) shall reset both
the Current Security Level and Session Security Level to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL and all the public keys
previously verified within the current initiation phase shall be discarded.
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The INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is optional for the key transport option and mandatory for key
agreement. The INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command shall only be received and processed once during
Secure Channel Session initiation. Any error in the sequence flow or signing operation must abort the current
Secure Channel Session: both the Current Security Level and Session Security Level shall be reset to
F.1.4.3 Security Domain Authentication
The format and contents of Security Domain signature vary depending on the options chosen, as follows:
Key transport, signature without message recovery
The Security Domain signature is the result of generating a digest (hash) over a set of data, creating a signature
block, and signing the signature block with the Security Domain private key (SK.SD.AUT). The data to be
hashed and the contents of the signature block are as shown below.
Table F-3: Data to Hash
Session Key(s)
n x (16 or 24)
Off-Card Entity challenge
Session Keys shall be in the same order as provided in the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher]
command; see sections F.3.1.2 and F.4.7.
Table F-4: Security Domain Signature Block
Padding ('FF')
Padding ('00')
DER encoded digest algorithm id - encoded
as an object identifier
'xxxx...' (see section F.2.2)
DER encoded Hash (length and contents
depend on the digest algorithm)
Key agreement, signature with message recovery
The Security Domain signature is the result of generating a digest (hash) over a set of data, creating a signature
block, and signing the signature block with the Security Domain private key (SK.SD.AUT). The data to be
hashed and the contents of the signature block are as shown below.
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Table F-5: Data to Hash
Random Padding (RP)
Same value as RP in Table F-6
Card Secret (CS)
Same value as CS in Table F-6
Off-Card Entity challenge
Off-Card Entity id
'xxxx...' (part of CERT.OCE.AUT)
Table F-6: Security Domain Signature Block
Random Padding (RP)
Same value as RP in Table F-5
Card Secret (CS)
Same value as CS in Table F-5
The Security Domain signature is encrypted to ensure that the Card Secret is not divulged. To do this, the
minimum of the values SIG.SD.AUT and (N.PK.SD.AUT SIG.SD.AUT) is encrypted with the Off-Card Entity
public key (PK.OCE.AUT), where N.PK.SD.AUT denotes the modulus of the Security Domain public key. This
ensures that the data to be encrypted is always smaller than the modulus of the Off-Card Entity public key.
Note that the modulus of the Security Domain public key and modulus of the Off-Card Entity public key must
have the same length in bits. See [ISO 9796-2], Digital Signature scheme 1.
F.1.4.4 Off-Card Entity Authentication
The format and contents of Off-Card Entity signature vary depending on the option chosen, as follows:
Key transport, signature without message recovery
The Off-Card Entity signature is the result of generating a digest (hash) over a set of data, creating a signature
block, and signing the signature block with the Off-Card Entity private key (SK.OCE.AUT). The data to be
hashed and the contents of the signature block are as shown below.
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Table F-7: Data to Hash
Tag of Security Level
Length of Security Level
Security Level
Control reference template (CRT) tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for Session Key(s)
CRT tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for Session Key(s)
Card challenge
The control reference templates (CRTs) include session keys, and must be in the same order as provided in
the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command see Table F-32.
Table F-8: Off-Card Entity Signature Block
Padding ('0001')
Padding ('FF')
Padding ('00')
DER encoded digest algorithm id (encoded
as an object identifier)
'xxxx...' (see section F.2.2)
DER encoded Hash (length and contents
depend on the digest algorithm)
Control reference templates (CRTs) include session keys, and must be in the same order as provided in the
The format and contents of Card Signature vary depending on the options chosen, as discussed below.
Key agreement, signature with message recovery
The Off-Card Entity signature is the result of generating a digest (hash) over a set of data, creating a signature
block, and signing the signature block with the Off-Card Entity private key (SK.OCE.AUT). The data to be
hashed and the contents of the signature block are as shown below.
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Table F-9: Data to Hash
Random Padding (RPD)
Same value as RPD in Table F-10
Tag of Security Level
Length of Security Level
Security Level
CRT tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for session key(s)
CRT tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for Session Key(s)
Off-Card Entity Secret (OES)
Same value as OES in Table F-10
Card challenge
Card id: TBD (part of CERT.SD.AUT)
Control reference templates (CRTs) exclude session keys, and must be in the same order as provided in
signature block.
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Table F-10: Off-Card Entity Signature Block
Random Padding (RPD)
Same value as RPD in Table F-9
Tag of Security Level
Length of Security Level
Security Level
CRT tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for session key(s)
CRT tag
'B4' or 'B8'
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT for Session Key(s)
Off-Card Entity Secret (OES)
Same value as OES in Table F-9
Control reference templates (CRTs) exclude session keys, and must be in the same order as input to the hash
The Off-Card Entity signature is encrypted to ensure that the Off-Card Entity secret is not divulged. To do this,
the minimum of the values SIG.OCE.AUT and (N.PK.OCE.AUT SIG.OCE.AUT) is encrypted using the
Security Domain public key (PK.SD.AUT). N.PK.OCE.AUT denotes the modulus of the Off-Card Entity public
key. This ensures that the data to be encrypted is always smaller than the modulus of the Security Domain
public key. Note that the modulus of the Security Domain public key and modulus of the Off-Card Entity public
key must have the same length in bits. See [ISO 9796-2], Digital Signature scheme 1.
F.1.5 Session Key and Security Level Establishment
When using the key transport option, Entity Authentication is preceded by the session keys and requested
Security Level being sent to the Security Domain using the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher]
command; the Security Domain stores them until session initiation is complete.
A Security Domain supporting the key transport option shall decrypt with its private key (SK.SD.AUT or if the
Security Domain has more than one key pair, the private key identified in the MANAGE SECURITY
ENVIRONMENT command) the command data field of the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher]
command. Any failure in the decryption operation aborts the current Secure Channel Session initiation phase,
and any public keys validated during that initiation phase shall be discarded.
In the key transport option the Secure Channel Session is established after successful processing of the
immediately after the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command without secure messaging.
In the key agreement option the Secure Channel Session is established after successful processing of the
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F.1.5.1 Session Key Establishment
The Off-Card Entity supplies the Security Domain with details of what session keys are to be established. This
information is in the form of control reference templates (see section F.3.1.2) which are supplied either in the
PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command (with the key transport option) or in the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command (with the key agreement option).
If the key transport option is used, then the session keys are provided by the Off-Card Entity within the control
reference templates (see section F.3.1.2).
If the key agreement option is used, then the secrets exchanged between the Off-Card Entity and the Security
Domain during the Entity Authentication process are used to establish session keys, as defined in
section F.3.1, DES Session Keys.
Once session keys have been established successfully, ICV sequence counter(s), used for secure messaging
on subsequent commands and responses, are initialized as described in section F.3.2, Secure Messaging.
F.1.5.2 Security Level Establishment
The requested Security Level is supplied in the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command
(with the key transport option) or in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command (with the key agreement
The successful initiation of a Secure Channel Session shall set the Current Security Level and Session Security
Level to the requested Security Level combined with the AUTHENTICATED or ANY_AUTHENTICATED
indicator (see section 10.4.2, Authentication with Asymmetric Cryptography, for further details). If the
requested Security Level is set to zero, the successful initiation of a Secure Channel Session shall set the
Current Security Level and Session Security Level to AUTHENTICATED or ANY_AUTHENTICATED only.
F.1.6 Protocol Rules
The Current Security Level of a communication not included in a Secure Channel Session shall be set to
NO_SECURITY_LEVEL. In accordance with the general rules described in Chapter 10, Secure
Communication, the following rules shall apply:
The successful initiation of a Secure Channel Session shall set the Current Security Level to the
requested Security Level from the selected Applications perspective: it is at least set to
AUTHENTICATED or ANY_AUTHENTICATED (see section 10.4.2, Authentication with Asymmetric
Cryptography, for details;
The Current Security Level shall apply to the entire Secure Channel Session unless successfully
modified at the request of the Application;
When the Current Security Level is set to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL, then:
o If the Secure Channel Session was aborted during the same Application Session, the incoming
command shall be rejected with a security error;
o Otherwise no security verification of the incoming command shall be performed. The Application
processing the command is responsible for applying its own security rules.
If a Secure Channel Session is active for incoming commands (i.e. Current Security Level at least set
to either AUTHENTICATED or ANY_AUTHENTICATED), the security of the incoming command shall
be checked according to the Current Security Level, or if the APDU class byte indicates Secure
Messaging and Secure Messaging data objects are present in the command data field:
o When the security of the command does not match or exceed the Current Security Level, the
command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel Session aborted and the
Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
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o If a security error is found, the command shall be rejected with a security error, the Secure Channel
Session aborted and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o If (one of) the appropriate session key(s) is not available, the command shall be rejected with a
security error, the Secure Channel Session aborted and the Current Security Level reset to
o In all other cases, the Secure Channel Session shall remain active and the Current Security Level
shall reflect the level of security established by the current command (e.g. C-MAC and/or
C-ENCRYPTION). The Application is responsible for further processing the command.
If a Secure Channel Session is active for outgoing responses (i.e. Current Security Level at least set
to AUTHENTICATED or ANY_AUTHENTICATED), secure messaging protection shall be applied to
the outgoing response according to the Current Security Level (i.e. R-MAC and/or R-ENCRYPTION):
o If a cryptographic error occurs, a security error shall be returned, the Secure Channel Session
aborted and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o If (one of) the appropriate session key(s) is not available, a security error shall be returned, the
Secure Channel Session aborted and the Current Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL;
o Otherwise, the Secure Channel Session shall remain active and the Current Security Level
If a Secure Channel Session is aborted, it is still considered not terminated;
If the Security Domain supports application data encryption and/or decryption, it shall decrypt or
encrypt a block of secret data upon request. If the service is not supported or if (one of) the
appropriate cryptographic key(s) is not available, the request shall be rejected but the Current Security
Level, Session Security Level and Secure Channel Session in operation (if any) shall not be impacted;
The current Secure Channel Session shall be terminated (if aborted or still open), both the Current
Security Level and Session Security Level reset to NO_SECURITY_LEVEL on either:
o Attempt to initiate a new Secure Channel Session;
o Termination of the Application Session (e.g. new Application selection);
o Termination of the associated logical channel;
o Termination of the Card Session (card reset or power off);
o Explicit termination by the Application (e.g. invoking GlobalPlatform API).
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F.2 Cryptographic Algorithms
The cryptographic and hashing algorithms described in Appendix B, Algorithms (Cryptographic and Hashing),
apply to SCP10. This section defines the additional requirements for SCP10.
F.2.1 Asymmetric Cryptography
In this appendix, signing means the deciphering of a signature block using the signers private RSA key.
For certificates to be verified by the card, and message signatures signed and verified by the card, the
cryptographic scheme shall be RSA. The signature block and signature are the same length as the key
In Entity Authentication, Digital Signature Scheme 1 in [ISO 9796-2] shall be used for signature with message
recovery, and the signature scheme with appendix RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 in [PKCS#1] for signature without
message recovery.
The details of the signature scheme for certificates shall be either implicitly known by the Off-Card Entity or
specified by the Security Domain Trust Point through the contents of Card Recognition Data or Security
Domain Management Data in tag '67'.
In the key transport option, the cryptographic scheme for encrypting the session keys and their CRT templates
shall be RSA according to the encryption scheme RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 as defined in [PKCS#1].
F.2.2 Digest Algorithm
The default digest algorithm for use in conjunction with SCP10 asymmetric cryptography in Entity
Authentication shall be SHA-1 for this version of the Specification. An alternative algorithm may be specified
in Card Recognition Data or Security Domain Management Data in tag '67'.
The Object Identifier for SHA-1 is:
{iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) algorithms(2) 26}
which is DER-TLV encoded as '2B 0E 03 02 1A'.
F.2.3 Message Integrity ICV
The ICV for the each C-MAC and R-MAC calculation is obtained by enciphering an ICV sequence counter.
The ICV sequence counter is initialized during Secure Channel initiation to either:
the value supplied in tag '91' of the control reference template, for the key transport option (separate
initial value for each key), or
the concatenation of the last 4 bytes of the card secret and the last 4 bytes of Off-Card Entity secret,
for the key agreement option (same initial value for all keys).
The ICV sequence counter is incremented by one for each C-MAC and R-MAC. For calculating a C-MAC ICV,
the ICV sequence counter is single-DES enciphered using the first part of the Secure Channel C-MAC key.
For calculating an R-MAC ICV, the ICV sequence counter is single-DES enciphered using the first part of the
Secure Channel R-MAC key.
F.2.4 Message Integrity C-MAC and R-MAC
Message integrity is achieved by applying a MAC to message data. The MAC may be:
C-MAC for APDU command messages (generated by the Off-Card Entity);
R-MAC for APDU response messages (generated by the card).
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The receiving entity, on receipt of the message containing a MAC, using the same session key, performs the
same operation and by comparing its generated MAC with the MAC received from the sending entity is assured
of the integrity of the full command or response.
The integrity of the sequence of APDU command or response messages being transmitted to the receiving
entity is achieved by using an encrypted sequence counter as part of the MAC generation. This ensures the
receiving entity that all messages in a sequence have been received.
F.2.5 APDU Encryption and Decryption for Message Confidentiality
Message confidentiality is achieved by encrypting the whole of the command or response data field. This
includes any data within the data field that has already been protected for another purpose, such as secret or
private keys encrypted with the data encryption key.
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F.3 Cryptographic Usage
F.3.1 DES Session Keys
F.3.1.1 Overview
All session keys shall be double or triple length DES keys.
The Off-Card Entity supplies information on cryptographic keys to be established for the session in a set of
control reference templates. Each control reference template specifies the usage of the key.
In the case of key transport, the templates are supplied in the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher]
command and contain the actual key values.
In the case of key agreement, the templates are supplied in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command, and
do not contain the key values.
F.3.1.2 Control Reference Templates
A control reference template (CRT) is structured as follows:
Table F-11: Single CRT
'B4' or 'B8'
'00' - '7F'
CRT tag = 'B4' (CCT) or 'B8' (CT)
Key Usage Qualifier =
'10' (secure messaging for commands)
'20' (secure messaging for responses)
'30' (secure messaging for commands and responses)
'40' (encipherment of sensitive data in responses)
'80' (encipherment of sensitive data in commands)
'C0' (encipherment of sensitive data in commands &
0 or 1
Optional cryptographic mechanism. Contains Key Type, coded
according to Table 11-16
0, 16, or 24
Off-Card Entity Session Key
0 or 8
Initial value of sequence counter, for use in secure messaging
Note: Key Usage Qualifier and the CRT tag together define the key usage, which is C-MAC and/or R-MAC for
control reference template 'B4', and C-ENC and/or R-ENC or DEK for control reference template 'B8'.
The Key Type identifies the cryptographic algorithm.
The Off-Card Entity Session Key and sequence counter data objects are only present with the key transport
The sequence counter data object is used in secure messaging as the initial value for the ICV sequence
counter for this key, which is encrypted as defined in section F.2.3, Message Integrity ICV, to derive the ICV
for the first MAC generated using this key.
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F.3.1.3 Session Key Derivation
With the key agreement option, session keys are derived from the secret data exchanged during Secure
Channel initiation as follows:
The two 32-byte secrets Off-Card Entity Secret and Card Secret are exclusive or-ed, giving result (1);
A 32-byte binary counter is set to a value depending on the key usage and its position in the set of
CRTs supplied, as shown below;
Result (1) is appended with a 32 bit binary counter with the appropriate value for this key, and the
result is hashed using SHA-1, giving result (2);
Bytes 1-16 of result (2) form the double-length DES session key.
Table F-12: Counter Value for Session Key Calculation
Counter Value
The MAC key whose CRT is first in the set of CRTs supplied by the Off-Card Entity
The ENC key whose CRT is first in the set of CRTs supplied by the Off-Card Entity
A subsequent MAC key, if any
A subsequent ENC key, if any
The data encryption key whose CRT is first in the set of CRTs supplied by the Off-Card
A subsequent data encryption key, if any
F.3.2 Secure Messaging
F.3.2.1 APDU Command C-MAC Protection
This section applies where command integrity (C-MAC) is required but not command confidentiality (C-ENC).
A C-MAC is generated by an Off-Card Entity and applied across the full APDU command being transmitted to
the card including the header, the command data field (if present) and Le (if present). Input data to the MAC
calculation is first prepared as defined in [ISO 7816-4]:
The following data is concatenated:
o The command header CLA, INS, P1, P2 from the unprotected APDU, with the logical channel bits
in the CLA byte set to zero, and appended with four bytes '80 00 00 00';
o If a command data field is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '81'
containing the complete original command data field, regardless of its contents and format;
o If Le is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '97' containing the
original Le value;
DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
A C-MAC is generated using the Secure Channel C-MAC session key, the encrypted sequence counter as the
ICV as defined in section F.2.3, and the signature method described in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus Final
Triple DES MAC, across the input data.
To reflect the presence of a C-MAC in the command message, the unprotected APDU shall be modified as
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The class byte shall be modified to indicate that this APDU command includes secure messaging.
This is achieved by setting to 11 bits 4-3 of a class byte indicating a logical channel number 0 to 4
(unprotected CLA set to '00' - '03' or '80' - '83') or by setting to ‘1 bit b6 of a class byte indicating a
logical channel number 4 to 19 (unprotected CLA set to '40' - '4F' or 'C0' - 'CF'); see section 11.1.4.
The logical channel bits are unchanged;
The length of the command message (Lc) shall be incremented by:
o 10 bytes to allow for the C-MAC data object, plus
o 2 or more bytes to allow for the tag and length of the command data field data object (if command
data is present - note: the length field may be longer than one byte), plus
o 3 bytes to allow for the Le data object (if Le is present).
The command data, if present in the unprotected APDU, shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data
object with tag '81' and a length field coded according to [ISO 8825-1];
The Le byte, if present in the unprotected APDU, shall be contained in a BER-TLV data object with
tag '97';
The C-MAC shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '8E' and appended at the end of
the command data field.
No padding is present in the transmitted APDU.
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the Off-Card Entity when a
command is protected for integrity.
Figure F-10: APDU C-MAC Generation
Unprotected APDU
CLA INS P1 P2 [ Lc ] [ Data ] [ Le ]
'80 00 00 00' [ tag '81' L Data ] [ tag '97' L Le ] '80 [ 00... ]'
[ tag '81' L Data ] [ tag '97' L Le ] tag '8E' L C-MAC [ Le ]CLA INS P1 P2 LC '
CLA set to
indicate secure
Zero padding to
multiple of 8
C-MAC session key
Protected APDU
ICV = Sequence counter
The card, in order to verify the C-MAC, shall perform the same procedure as employed by the Off-Card Entity
in order to verify the C-MAC. The ICV sequence counter used in ICV calculation is then incremented. This is
true regardless of whether the APDU processing completes successfully or not; i.e. a new sequence counter
value shall always be used for the next C-MAC or R-MAC.
F.3.2.2 APDU Command C-ENC Protection
This section applies where command confidentiality (C-ENC) is required but not command integrity (C-MAC).
No encryption shall be applied to a command where there is no command data field: in this case the command
message (header and optional Le) is sent without modification.
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Otherwise the Off-Card Entity encrypts the command data field of the command message being transmitted
to the card. This includes any data within the data field that has already been protected for another purpose;
e.g. secret or private keys encrypted with the data encryption session key.
Prior to encrypting the data, DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
The padded command data field is enciphered using triple DES in CBC mode as defined in section B.1.1.1,
the C-ENC session key established during the Secure Channel initiation process and an ICV of zero.
To reflect the C-ENC protection of the command, the unprotected APDU shall be modified as follows:
The class byte shall be modified to indicate that this APDU command includes secure messaging.
This is achieved by setting to 10 bits 4-3 of a class byte indicating a logical channel number 0 to 4
(unprotected CLA set to '00' - '03' or '80' - '83') or by setting to 1 bit b6 of a class byte indicating a
logical channel number 4 to 19 (unprotected CLA set to '40' - '4F' or 'C0' - 'CF'); see section 11.1.4.
The logical channel bits are unchanged;
Lc shall be incremented by:
o 4 or more bytes to allow for the tag and length of the command data field data object, the padding
indicator and the variable padding (the length field may be longer than one byte), plus
o 3 bytes to allow for the Le data object (if Le is present).
The encrypted command data shall be preceded by the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' and
encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '86' and a length field coded according to
[ISO 8825-1];
The Le byte, if present in the unprotected APDU, shall be contained in a BER-TLV data object with
tag '96'.
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the Off-Card Entity when a
command is protected for confidentiality.
Figure F-11: Secure Messaging: Command Message Protected for Confidentiality
Unprotected APDU
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data [ Le ]
Data '80 [ 00 ... ] '
tag '86' L '01' ciphertext [ tag '96' L Le ]CLA INS P1 P2 Lc '
CLA set to
indicate secure
Zero padding to
multiple of 8
C-ENC session key
Protected APDU
indicates ISO/IEC 7816-4
[ Le ]
ICV = zero
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F.3.2.3 APDU Command C-MAC and C-ENC Protection
This section applies where both command confidentiality (C-ENC) and integrity (C-MAC) are required.
No encryption shall be applied to a command where there is no command data field: in this case the message
shall be protected as defined in section F.3.2.1, APDU Command C-MAC Protection.
Otherwise the Off-Card Entity first encrypts the command data field of the command message being
transmitted to the card as defined in section F.3.2.2.
A C-MAC is generated by an Off-Card Entity as defined in section F.3.2.1. Input data to the MAC calculation
is first prepared as defined in [ISO 7816-4]:
The following data is concatenated:
o The command header CLA, INS, P1, P2 from the unprotected APDU, with the logical channel bits
in the CLA byte set to zero, appended with four bytes '80 00 00 00';
o If a command data field is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '87'
containing the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' followed by the encrypted command data;
o If Le is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '97' containing the
original Le value;
DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
To reflect the presence of a C-MAC and C-ENC protection of the command, the unprotected APDU shall be
modified as follows:
The class byte shall be modified to indicate that this APDU command includes secure messaging.
This is achieved by setting to 11 bits 4-3 of a class byte indicating a logical channel number 0 to 4
(unprotected CLA set to '00' - '03' or '80' - '83') or by setting to 1 bit b6 of a class byte indicating a
logical channel number 4 to 19 (unprotected CLA set to '40' - '4F' or 'C0' - 'CF'); see section 11.1.4.
The logical channel bits are unchanged;
Lc shall be incremented by:
o 10 bytes to allow for the C-MAC data object, plus
o 4 or more bytes to allow for the tag and length of the command data field data object, the padding
indicator and the variable padding (the length field may be longer than one byte), plus
o 3 bytes to allow for the Le data object (if Le is present).
The encrypted command data shall be preceded by the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' and
encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '87' and a length field coded according to
[ISO 8825-1];
The Le byte, if present in the unprotected APDU, shall be contained in a BER-TLV data object with
tag '97';
The C-MAC shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '8E' and appended at the end of
the command data field.
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the Off-Card Entity when a
command is protected for integrity and confidentiality.
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Figure F-12: Secure Messaging: Command Message Protected for Integrity and Confidentiality
Unprotected APDU
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data [ Le ]
Data '80 [ 00 ... ] '
tag '87' L '01' ciphertext ' 80 [ 00 ...] 'CLA INS P1 P2 '80 00 00 00'
CLA set to
Zero padding to
multiple of 8 bytes
C-ENC session key
Protected APDU
indicates ISO/IEC
7816-4 padding
[ tag '97' L Le ]
Zero padding to
multiple of 8 bytes
C-MAC session key
tag '87' L '01' ciphertext tag '8E' L C-MACCLA INS P1 P2 Lc ' [ tag '97' L Le ] [ Le ]
ICV = zero
ICV = Sequence counter
F.3.2.4 APDU Response R-MAC Protection
This section applies where response integrity (R-MAC) is required but not confidentiality (R-ENC).
No R-MAC shall be generated and no protection shall be applied to a response where status bytes SW1 and
SW2 indicate an error: in this case only status bytes shall be returned in the response.
When R-MAC protection is required for a case 1 or case 3 command, the card shall process the command as
a case 2 or case 4 command respectively and treat Le as if it were present and set to zero.
An R-MAC is generated by the card across the response data field (if present) and status bytes. Input data to
the MAC calculation is first prepared as defined in [ISO 7816-4]:
The following data is concatenated:
o If a response data field is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '81'
containing the complete original response data field, regardless of its contents and format;
o A BER-TLV data object with tag '99', containing the original status word SW1 - SW2 value.
DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
An R-MAC is generated using the Secure Channel R-MAC session key, the encrypted sequence counter as
the ICV as defined in section F.2.3, and the signature method described in section B.1.2.2, Single DES Plus
Final Triple DES MAC, across the input data.
To reflect the presence of an R-MAC protection of the response, the unprotected APDU shall be modified as
The response data, if present in the unprotected APDU, shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data
object with tag '81' and a length field coded according to [ISO 8825-1];
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The status word SW1 - SW2 of the unprotected APDU shall be contained in a BER-TLV data object
with tag '99';
The R-MAC shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '8E' and appended at the end of
the response data field.
No padding is present in the transmitted APDU.
The Off-Card Entity, in order to verify the R-MAC, shall perform the same processing in order to generate an
R-MAC and compare it with the transmitted R-MAC.
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the card when a response
message is protected for integrity.
Figure F-13: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Integrity
Unprotected APDU
[ Response Data ] SW1 SW2
[ tag '81' L Response Data ] ' 80 [ 00 ...] '
Protected APDU
tag '99' L SW1 SW2
Zero padding to
multiple of 8 bytes
R-MAC session key
tag '99' L SW1 SW2 SW1 SW2[ tag '81' L Response Data ] tag '8E' L R-MAC
ICV = Sequence counter
F.3.2.5 APDU Response R-ENC Protection
This section applies where response confidentiality (R-ENC) is required but not integrity (R-MAC).
No protection shall be applied to a response where status bytes SW1 and SW2 indicate an error or where
there is no response data field: in this case only status bytes shall be returned in the response.
Otherwise, the Security Domain encrypts the response data field. This includes any data within the data field
that has already been protected for another purpose, such as secret or private keys encrypted with the data
encryption session key.
Prior to encrypting the response data field, DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
The padded response data field is then enciphered using triple DES in CBC mode as defined in section B.1.1.1,
CBC Mode, the R-ENC session key established during the Secure Channel initiation process and an ICV of
To reflect the R-ENC protection of the response, the unprotected APDU shall be modified as follows:
The encrypted response data shall be preceded by the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' and
encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '86' and a length field coded according to
[ISO 8825-1].
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the card when a response
message is protected for confidentiality.
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Figure F-14: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Confidentiality
Unprotected APDU
Response Data SW1 SW2
'80 [ 00 ... ] '
Zero padding to
multiple of 8 bytes
R-ENC session key
Protected APDU
indicates ISO/IEC
7816-4 padding
SW1 SW2tag '86' L '01' ciphertext
Response Data
ICV = zero
F.3.2.6 APDU Response R-MAC and R-ENC Protection
This section applies where both response confidentiality (R-ENC) and response integrity (R-MAC) are
No R-MAC or encryption shall be applied to a response where status bytes SW1 and SW2 indicate an error:
in this case only status bytes shall be returned in the response.
No encryption shall be applied to a response where there is no response data field: in this case the message
shall be protected as defined in section F.3.2.4, APDU Response R-MAC Protection.
Otherwise, the card first encrypts the response data field of the response message being transmitted to the
Off-Card Entity as defined in section F.3.2.5.
An R-MAC is then generated by the card as defined in section F.3.2.4. Input data to the MAC calculation is
first prepared as defined in [ISO 7816-4]:
The following data is concatenated:
o If a response data field is present in the unprotected APDU, a BER-TLV data object with tag '87'
containing the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' followed by the encrypted response data;
o A BER-TLV data object with tag '99' containing the original SW1 - SW2 status word value.
DES padding is applied as defined in section B.1.3.
To reflect the presence of an R-MAC and R-ENC protection of the response, the unprotected APDU shall be
modified as follows:
The encrypted response data shall be preceded by the ISO/IEC 7816 padding indicator '01' and
encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '87' and a length field coded according to
[ISO 8825-1];
The status word SW1 - SW2 of the unprotected APDU shall be contained in a BER-TLV data object
with tag '99';
The R-MAC shall be encapsulated in a BER-TLV data object with tag '8E' and appended at the end of
the response data field.
No R-MAC padding is present in the transmitted APDU.
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The Off-Card Entity, in order to verify the R-MAC, shall perform the same processing in order to generate an
R-MAC and compare it with the transmitted R-MAC.
The following diagram shows the message reformatting that is performed by the card when a response
message is protected for integrity and confidentiality.
Figure F-15: Secure Messaging: Response Message Protected for Integrity and Confidentiality
Unprotected APDU
Response Data SW1 SW2
'80 [ 00 ... ] '
tag '87' L '01' ciphertext ' 80 [ 00 ...] '
Zero padding to
multiple of 8 bytes
R-ENC session key
Protected APDU
indicates ISO/IEC
7816-4 padding
tag '99' L SW1 SW2
padding to
multiple of 8
R-MAC session key
tag '99' L SW1 SW2 SW1 SW2tag '87' L '01' ciphertext tag '8E' L R-MAC
Response Data
ICV = zero
ICV = Sequence counter
F.3.2.7 Sensitive Data Encryption and Decryption
Data encryption is used when transmitting sensitive data to and from the card. For instance all keys transmitted
to a card (e.g. in a PUT KEY command) should be encrypted. Data encryption is over and beyond the Current
Security Level required for the Secure Channel Session. The encryption process uses the relevant data
encryption session key (DEK) for sensitive data in command messages or for sensitive data in response
messages. The encryption method uses DES in ECB or CBC mode depending on the Key Type of the DEK
Key in the CRT; see section B.1.1.1, CBC Mode, or section B.1.1.2, ECB Mode. If the key type is omitted for
the DEK Key it shall be known implicitly. The sensitive data block length shall be constructed as a multiple of
8-byte long block before the encryption operations: the eventual padding method is application specific.
The encryption is performed across the sensitive data and the result of each encryption becomes part of the
encrypted data. This encrypted data becomes part of the clear text data field in the command/response
message. The decryption is the exact opposite of the above operation: in particular, no padding is removed by
the decryption operation.
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F.4 Commands
Because certificates, digital signatures and some data fields can be long, command and response chaining as
defined in [ISO 7816-4] is used to transfer successive data blocks.
With command chaining, the command data is sent in multiple APDUs, the command data being segmented
arbitrarily. All except the final command in the chain shall indicate command chaining by setting to 1 bit 5 of
the class byte according to [ISO 7816-4].
With response chaining, the response data is sent in multiple APDUs, the response data being segmented
Table F-13: SCP10 Command Support
Secure Channel Initiation
Signature Without
Message Recovery
Signature With
Message Recovery
GET DATA [certificate]
The following table summarizes the minimum security requirements for the APDU commands.
Table F-14: Minimum Security Requirements for SCP10 commands
Minimum Security
Validated PK.OCE.AUT and card challenge
GET DATA [certificate]
Current Security Level is at least
The following table provides the list of SCP10 command support per card Life Cycle State.
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Table F-15: SCP10 Command Support per Card Life Cycle State
[verify certificate]
Legend of Table F-13 and Table F-15
Security Domain with Authorized Management privilege.
Supplementary Security Domain with Delegated Management privilege.
Other Security Domain.
Support required.
Blank cell
Support optional.
Striped cell
Support prohibited.
F.4.1.1 Definition and Scope
This command is used to authenticate the Off-Card Entity by the Security Domain. This command is also used
with the key agreement option to support session key establishment. It shall be immediately preceded (on the
same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) by a GET CHALLENGE command. It may be followed
(on the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) by an INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
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F.4.1.2 Command Message
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded as follows:
Table F-16: EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message
'00' - '03', '40' - '4F', '10' - '13', or
'50' - '5F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1: no information given
Reference control parameter P2: no information given
Length of Entity Signature (key transport) or encrypted
Off-Card Entity Signature (key agreement)
'xx xx…'
Command data field
Not present
A Security Domain may support other values of Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2 as defined in
[ISO 7816-4].
F.4.1.3 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message contains the Off-Card Entity Signature
(key transport) or encrypted Off-Card Entity Signature (key agreement) see section F.1.4.4, Off-Card Entity
Authentication, for further details.
F.4.1.4 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
No data is returned by this command.
F.4.1.5 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following specific errors and warning conditions.
Table F-17: Error Conditions
Verification of certificate failed
Algorithm not supported
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F.4.2.1 Definition and Scope
This command is used to obtain a random challenge from the Security Domain, to support authentication of
the Off-Card Entity to the Security Domain. It precedes the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command. It shall
have been preceded (on the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface), immediately or not, by a
F.4.2.2 Command Message
The GET CHALLENGE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table F-18: GET CHALLENGE Command Message
'00' - '03' or '40' - '4F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference Control Parameter P1: no information given
Reference Control Parameter P2: no information given
A Security Domain may support other values of Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2 as defined in
[ISO 7816-4].
F.4.2.3 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
There is no command data.
F.4.2.4 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
Data returned comprises a card challenge, coded on 8 bytes with the key agreement option and 16 bytes with
the key transport option.
F.4.2.5 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
The command may return a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions.
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F.4.3 GET DATA [certificate] Command
F.4.3.1 Definition and Scope
The GET DATA [certificate] command is used to retrieve either information about all certificates that can be
retrieved from the card, or a single certificate. This command may be issued at any time, in particular it may
be interleaved with PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] commands. If it is issued when a
Secure Channel Session is active, it must comply with the Current Security Level of that Secure Channel
F.4.3.2 Command Message
The following command is used to obtain certificate information or a single certificate from the Security Domain.
Table F-19: GET DATA [certificate] Command Message
'00' - '0F', '40' - '4F',
'60' - '6F', '80' - '8F',
'C0' - 'CF', or
'E0' - 'EF'
See section 11.1.4
'CA' or 'CB'
If CLA = '00' - '0F', '40' - '4F', or '60' - '6F', even or odd instruction code
'CA' or 'CB'
If CLA = '80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF', even instruction code 'CA'
P1 P2
Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2: there are three options:
'7F 21'
Tag of certificate
'50 31'
Data object identifier of EF.OD
'xx xx'
(Any other value) data object identifier of a certificate
'xx' or omitted
Not present if P1 P2 = '7F 21', otherwise length of command data
'xx xx...' or omitted
Not present, or command data
F.4.3.3 Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2
If P1 P2 = '7F 21', the command is a request to retrieve the certificate of the Security Domain’s default public
Otherwise, for any value other than those defined in section 11.3, GET DATA Command, the command is a
request to access EF.OD or another certificate and the instruction code shall be set to 'CA' if the class byte
indicates a GlobalPlatform command (CLA set to '80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF') or 'CB' if the class byte
indicates an ISO command (CLA set to '00' - '0F', '40' - '4F', or '60' - '6F').
If P1 P2 = '50 31', the command is a request to retrieve details of all available certificates held by the
Security Domain for retrieval and verification by an Off-Card Entity;
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Otherwise, for any other value of P1 P2, the command shall be treated as a request to retrieve a
certificate whose pointer is given in P1 P2. This would typically follow a command with P1 P2 =
'50 31', where the Cryptographic Information Objects returned in the response have pointers to
individual certificates. However, the Off-Card Entity may already know the location of a required
certificate, and issue this command directly.
F.4.3.4 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
When P1-P2 is different from '7F21', the command data shall be present and coded as follows:
Table F-20: GET DATA [certificate] Command Data Message
Tag list tag
Tag list length
'00' (empty, indicating ‘retrieve all data)
F.4.3.5 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
When the command is issued to retrieve a certificate (P1-P2 different from '5031') and the class byte indicates
a GlobalPlatform command (CLA set to '80' - '8F', 'C0' - 'CF', or 'E0' - 'EF'), the certificate shall be returned
TLV-coded as follows:
Table F-21: GET DATA [certificate] Response Data Field Certificate
Certificate tag
Certificate length
1, 2, or 3
'00' - '7F', or '81 80' - '81 FF', or '82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Certificate data
'xxxx...' (as defined in section F.1.3.4).
When the command is issued to retrieve a certificate (P1-P2 different from '5031') and the class byte indicates
an ISO command (CLA set to '00' - '0F', '40' - '4F', or '60' - '6F'), only the certificate value shall be returned.
If the command was issued to retrieve certificate information details (P1-P2 = '5031'), the contents of EF.OD
listing all the Cryptographic Information Objects for the different certificates held in by the Security Domain
shall be returned as defined in section F.1.3.3.
F.4.3.6 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following errors and warning conditions:
Table F-22: Error Conditions
Incorrect values in command data
Referenced data not found
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F.4.4.1 Definition and Scope
This command is used to authenticate the Security Domain, by the Off-Card Entity. This command is also used
with the key agreement option, to support session key establishment. It shall be immediately preceded (on the
same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) by an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
F.4.4.2 Command Message
The INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded according to the following table:
Table F-23: INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message
'00' - '03' or '40' - '4F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference control parameter P1: no information given
Reference control parameter P2: no information given
Length of Off-Card Entity challenge
'xx xx…'
Command data field
A Security Domain may support other values of Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2 as defined in
[ISO 7816-4].
F.4.4.3 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message contains the following data:
Table F-24: INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Data Field
Off-Card Entity challenge
8 or 16
Off-Card Entity id
'xxxx...' (part of CERT.OCE.AUT)
Off-Card Entity challenge is 16 bytes for the key transport option, 8 bytes for the key agreement option.
F.4.4.4 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The Card Signature (key transport) or encrypted Card Signature (key agreement) is returned see
section F.1.4.3 for details.
F.4.4.5 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following specific errors and warning conditions:
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Table F-25: Warning Conditions
Table F-26: Error Conditions
F.4.5.1 Definition and Scope
This command selects the Secure Channel Protocol '10' and its options as well as defining specific keys to be
used by the Security Domain. If a Secure Channel Session is active on this logical channel and card I/O
interface, it shall be terminated on receipt of this command, regardless of the validity of the command.
F.4.5.2 Command Message
The MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT command message is coded according to the following table:
'00' - '03' or
'40' - '4F'
See section 11.1.4
'81' or 'C1'
Reference Control Parameter P1
'81': External (Off-Card Entity) Authentication only
'C1': External and Internal (Mutual) Authentication
'A4' or 'B6'
Reference Control Parameter P2:
'A4': Authentication: no certificate verification will be performed by the card
'B6': Digital signature: certificate verification will be performed by the card
Length of command data
'xx xx…'
Off-Card Entity data
Not present
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F.4.5.3 Reference Control Parameter P1
The value of P1 is based on [ISO 7816-4], as follows:
Table F-28: MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Reference Control Parameter P1
Verification, encipherment, external authentication
and key agreement
Computation, decipherment, internal authentication
and key agreement
Values defined in [ISO 7816-4]
F.4.5.4 Reference Control Parameter P2
This is set according to the template that is appropriate for the subsequent message flow, as defined in
[ISO 7816-4]: 'A4' if certificate verification by the card is omitted, 'B6' if certificate verification is to be performed
by the card.
F.4.5.5 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The command data field is formatted as follows:
Cryptographic mechanism reference: SCP id + options “i” (= scp || i )
0 or 1-n
Public key reference
0 or 1-n
Private key reference
The ‘cryptographic mechanism reference’ (tag '80', value '10') designates GlobalPlatform asymmetric Secure
Channel Protocol '10' (SCP10) and its options, and distinguishes it from any other protocol that might be
supported by the selected Issuer Security Domain, Security Domain or Application. Option “i” is described in
section F.1.1.
The ‘public key reference’ (tag '83') designates the public key to be used by the Security Domain in subsequent
cryptographic operations during Secure Channel Session initiation. The referenced public key shall have
already been validated by the Security Domain or shall be the public key of the Security Domain’s Trust Point
for External Authentication. If no reference value is provided in the command, the Security Domain shall use
by default the public key of its Trust Point for External Authentication, designated PK.TP_EX.AUT, as the first
key to use for certificate verification within a session; see section F.1.3.1.
The ‘private key reference (tag '84') designates the private key to be used by the Security Domain in
subsequent cryptographic operations during Secure Channel Session initiation. The referenced private key
shall be present and known to the Security Domain. If no reference value is provided in the command, the
Security Domain shall use by default its private key designated SK.SD.AUT
A Security Domain may support other data elements as defined in [ISO 7816-4].
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F.4.5.6 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
There is no data returned from this command.
F.4.5.7 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following specific errors and warning conditions.
Table F-30: Error Conditions
Referenced data not found
Algorithm not supported
F.4.6.1 Definition and Scope
This command is used with the session key transport option, and transmits the DES session keys from the
Off-Card Entity to the Security Domain. It shall have been preceded (on the same logical channel of the same
card I/O interface), immediately or not, by a MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT or PERFORM SECURITY
OPERATION [verify certificate] command.
F.4.6.2 Command Message
The PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command message is coded according to the following
Table F-31: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] Command Message
'00' - '03', '40' - '4F',
'10' - '13', or '50' - '5F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference Control Parameter P1: clear text object
Reference Control Parameter P2: cryptogram (plain value encoded in
BER-TLV) present in the command
Length of encrypted data
'xx xx…'
Encrypted data
Not present
A Security Domain may support other values of Reference Control Parameters P1 and P2 as defined in
[ISO 7816-4].
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F.4.6.3 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The data field of the PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [decipher] command message contains the
Encrypted Off-Card Entity Session Data.
The Off-Card Entity session keys are in control reference templates as defined in section F.3.1.2, one template
per session key, concatenated for encryption. Off-Card Entity Session Key Data is formed by padding the
session key CRTs to the length of the Security Domain public key modulus as shown in the table below, and
encrypting the result with the Security Domain public key (PK.SD.AUT).
Table F-32: Off-Card Entity Session Key Data Clear Text before Encryption
Tag of Security Level ('D3')
Length of Security Level
Security Level
CRT tag
'B4' (CCT) or 'B8' (CT)
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT contents (with session key)
CRT tag
'B4' (CCT) or 'B8' (CT)
Length of CRT
'00' - '7F'
CRT contents (with session key)
F.4.6.4 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
No data is returned from this command.
F.4.6.5 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following specific errors and warning conditions.
Table F-33: Error Conditions
Incorrect values in command data
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F.4.7 PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command
F.4.7.1 Definition and Scope
This command is used to provide a certificate to the Security Domain for verification. It may be preceded (on
the same logical channel of the same card I/O interface) by a MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT
command or a PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command and may be interleaved with
GET DATA [certificate] commands.
F.4.7.2 Command Message
The PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command message is coded according to the
following table:
Table F-34: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command Message
'00' - '03',
'40' - '4F',
'10' - '13' or
'50' - '5F'
See section 11.1.4
Reference Control Parameter P1: no object in the response
'AE' or 'BE'
Reference Control Parameter P2: input template for certificate verification
present in the command
'AE': non-self descriptive card verifiable certificate (only the concatenated
value fields are certified)
'BE': self-descriptive card verifiable certificate (the TLV data elements are
Length of certificate data
'xx xx…'
Certificate data
Not present
F.4.7.3 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The command data field is certificate data as follows.
Table F-35: PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] Command Data Field
Certificate tag
Certificate length
1, 2, or 3
'00' - '7F', or '81 80' - '81 FF' or '82 01 00' - '82 FF FF'
Certificate data
'xxxx...' (as described in section F.1.3.4)
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The Security Domain verifies the certificate presented using the Current Public Key as known to the Security
Domain. For the first certificate presented in the session, the Current Public Key is either the default Public
Key - the Public Key of the Trust Point, or another Public Key as announced in the MANAGE SECURITY
ENVIRONMENT command. A series of certificates can be presented to the Security Domain in subsequent
PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] commands. For each subsequent PERFORM
SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command, the Current Public Key is the one that was certified in
the certificate presented in the previous PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION [verify certificate] command.
F.4.7.4 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
No data is returned from this command.
F.4.7.5 Processing State Returned in the Response Message
A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'.
This command may return either a general error condition as listed in section 11.1.3, General Error Conditions,
or one of the following specific errors and warning conditions.
Table F-36: Error Conditions
Verification of the certificate failed
The last command of the chain was expected
Incorrect values in command data
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G Trusted Framework Inter-Application Communication
GlobalPlatform supports a general Trusted Framework scheme for inter-application communication. This
general scheme is compatible with the CAT Runtime Environment and secure communication as defined in
[TS 102 225], [TS 102 241], and related specifications. In summary:
An Application, the Receiving Entity, receives a message from an off-card entity, whose contents is
destined to another Application (the Target Application);
The Receiving Entity interacts with a Trusted Framework on the card to communicate with the Target
The Trusted Framework handles the security of the inter-application communication by applying its
own rules to the interaction, which may include finding the Security Domain associated with the Target
Application and having it handle the security of the incoming message;
The Trusted Framework finds the appropriate interface of the Target Application and passes to it the
incoming message contents;
The Target Application processes the event and eventually provides to the Trusted Framework some
response message to be returned;
The Trusted Framework, being responsible of the inter-application communication security, applies its
own security rules to the response message, which may include requesting the Security Domain
associated with the Target Application to handle the response message security;
The Receiving Entity handles the transmission of the response message to the off-card entity.
Passing the incoming message through to the Target Application, and returning the Target Application’s
response to the off-card entity implies security requirements for not only the Trusted Framework but also the
Receiving Entity. Each Application present on the card playing the role of a Receiving Entity shall:
Enforce the Issuers security rules for inter-application communication;
Ensure that incoming messages are properly provided unaltered to the Trusted Framework;
Ensure that any response messages are properly returned unaltered to the off-card entity.
The Trusted Path privilege qualifies an Application as a Receiving Entity.
To be able to interact with a required Trusted Framework, the Receiving Entity shall obtain a handle to the
required Trusted Framework.
To be able to receive incoming messages from a Receiving Entity, the Target Application declares its
interface(s) to the corresponding Trusted Framework. The Target Application is registered at installation time
for each event it is capable of handling.
When requested to perform inter-application communication, the Trusted Framework shall check that:
The Receiving Entity has the Trusted Path privilege or is somehow registered as a valid Receiving
Entity by the OPEN;
The Target Application is registered as being willing to accept the event or incoming message.
Trusted Frameworks shall comply with the general requirements stated in this section but are otherwise outside
the scope of this version of the specification.
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H GlobalPlatform Data Values
H.1 Miscellaneous Data Values
H.1.1 GlobalPlatform OID
The Object Identifier (OID) assigned to GlobalPlatform is as follows:
GlobalPlatform OID ::= {iso(1) member-body(2) country-USA(840) GlobalPlatform(114283)}
The hexadecimal representation of the above OID is '2A864886FC6B'. The Object Identifier value for Card
Recognition Data {globalPlatform 1} or {1 2 840 114283 1}, which also identifies GlobalPlatform
as the Tag Allocation Authority for Card Recognition Data objects has an hexadecimal representation of
'2A864886FC6B01' and so on and so forth for all subsequent GlobalPlatform Object Identifiers.
The encoding of an OID is defined in [ISO 8825-1].
H.1.2 GlobalPlatform RID
The Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) assigned to GlobalPlatform is as follows:
The definition of a RID is described in [ISO 7816-4].
H.1.3 Default AID for Issuer Security Domain
Based on the above ISO assigned RID, the default AID of the Issuer Security Domain is:
H.2 Structure of Card Recognition Data
All data is TLV encoded. Application tags not defined in this specification are RFU. GlobalPlatform may assign
additional Application tags in the future.
Many of the data objects contain Object Identifiers (OIDs). An OID is made up of a series of numeric values.
Each OID is shown here in curly brackets, with its component values separated by spaces. The actual numeric
values of some of the symbolic OID values shown, such as globalPlatform, are defined in this document and
may themselves comprise a series of values.
Card Recognition Data shall be formatted according to Table H-1 or Table H-2. Off-card entities interested in
such data should be able to interpret both formats correctly.
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Table H-1: Structure of Card Recognition Data (Format 1)
Card Data tag
Data objects identified in [ISO 7816-6],
including tag '73'
Data tag
Data objects listed below
OID tag
{globalPlatform 1}
OID for Card Recognition Data, also
identifies GlobalPlatform as the Tag
Allocation Authority
Application tag 0
See note 2
OID tag
{globalPlatform 2 v}
OID for Card Management Type and
Application tag 3
See note 3
OID tag
{globalPlatform 3}
OID for Card Identification Scheme
Application tag 4
See note 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Issuer Security Domain and its
implementation options
Application tag 4
See note 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Issuer Security Domain and its
implementation options
Application tag 5
Card configuration details see note 5
Application tag 6
Card / chip details see note 6
Application tag 7
Issuer Security Domain’s Trust Point
certificate information see note 7
Application tag 8
Issuer Security Domain certificate
information see note 8
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Table H-2: Structure of Card Recognition Data (Format 2)
Card Data tag
Data objects identified in [ISO 7816-6],
including tag '73'
Data tag
Data objects listed below
OID tag
{globalPlatform 1}
OID for Card Recognition Data, also
identifies GlobalPlatform as the Tag
Allocation Authority
Application tag 0
See note 2
OID tag
{globalPlatform 2 v}
OID for Card Management Type and
Application tag 3
See note 3
OID tag
{globalPlatform 3}
OID for Card Identification Scheme
Application tag 4
See note 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Issuer Security Domain and its
implementation options
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Issuer Security Domain and its
implementation options
Application tag 5
Card configuration details see note 5
Application tag 6
Card / chip details see note 6
Application tag 7
Issuer Security Domain’s Trust Point
certificate information see note 7
Application tag 8
Issuer Security Domain certificate
information see note 8
Note 1: Void.
Note 2: Tag '60': The OID {globalPlatform 2 v} identifies a card that conforms to the GlobalPlatform Card
Specification version v. Thus a card conforming to the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.3 would use OID
{globalPlatform 2 2 3} and a card conforming to the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.1 would use
OID {globalPlatform 2 2 2 1}.
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Note 3: Tag '63': The OID {globalPlatform 3} indicates a GlobalPlatform card that is uniquely identified by
the Issuer Identification Number (IIN) and Card Image Number (CIN), as defined in sections, Issuer
Identification Number, and, Card Image Number. The objective is that an off-card entity is able to
construct a globally unique identifier for the card by concatenating this {globalPlatform 3} OID, the IIN, and
the CIN.
Note 4: Tag '64'. The OID {globalPlatform 4 scp i} identifies the Secure Channel Protocol of the Issuer
Security Domain. scp identifies the Secure Channel Protocol identifier as defined in section 10.7, Secure
Channel Protocol Identifier. i identifies the eventual implementation. Using Format 1 (see Table H-1), one
occurrence (at least) or multiple occurrences of tag '64' may be present, each one embedding a single OID.
Using Format 2 (see Table H-2), a single occurrence of tag '64' shall be present, embedding one (at least) or
multiple OID(s).
Note 5: The data object with tag '65' may contain information about the GlobalPlatform implementation details
or commonly used Card Issuer options. Such information shall be TLV encoded. The structure of this data
object is under definition by GlobalPlatform.
Note 6: Tag '66': This data object may contain information about the card and chip implementation, such as
the operating system/runtime environment or a security kernel. Such information shall be TLV encoded and
may consist of one (or more) OID(s), each OID being introduced by tag '06' and indicating the organization
responsible for specifying the operating system, runtime environment or security kernel, and the identification
of the corresponding specification and its version number.
Note 7: Tag '67': This data object is related to the use of Secure Channel Protocol '10' and may contain
information on the certification policies, certificate formats and certificate ids associated with the Issuer Security
Domains Trust Point (TP_ISD), primarily relating to the use of a public key Secure Channel Protocol. Such
information shall be TLV encoded and may consist of one (or more) OID(s).
Note 8: Tag '68': This data object is related to the use of Secure Channel Protocol '10' and may contain
information such as certificate types, formats and ids associated with on-card Security Domains relating to the
use of a public key Secure Channel Protocol. Such information shall be TLV encoded and may consist of one
(or more) OID(s).
H.3 Structure of Security Domain Management Data
The Security Domain Management Data may be returned in the SELECT response message within
template '73' as described in section, Data Field Returned in the Response Message. When present,
the Security Domain Management Data shall be formatted according to Table H-3 or Table H-4. Off-card
entities interested in such data should be able to interpret both formats correctly.
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table H-3: Security Domain Management Data (Format 1)
Data tag
Data objects listed below
OID tag
{globalPlatform 1}
OID for Card Recognition Data, also
identifies GlobalPlatform as the Tag
Allocation Authority
Application tag 0
OID tag
{globalPlatform 2 v}
OID for Card Management Type and
Application tag 3
OID tag
{globalPlatform 3}
OID for Card Identification Scheme
Application tag 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Security Domain and its implementation
Application tag 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Security Domain and its implementation
Application tag 5
Card configuration details
Application tag 6
Card / chip details
Application tag 7
Security Domain’s Trust Point certificate
Application tag 8
Security Domain certificate information
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Copyright 2006-2018 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table H-4: Security Domain Management Data (Format 2)
Data tag
Data objects listed below
OID tag
{globalPlatform 1}
OID for Card Recognition Data, also
identifies GlobalPlatform as the Tag
Allocation Authority
Application tag 0
OID tag
{globalPlatform 2 v}
OID for Card Management Type and
Application tag 3
OID tag
{globalPlatform 3}
OID for Card Identification Scheme
Application tag 4
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Issuer Security Domain and its
implementation options
OID tag
{globalPlatform 4 scp i}
OID for Secure Channel Protocol of the
Security Domain and its implementation
Application tag 5
Card configuration details
Application tag 6
Card / chip details
Application tag 7
Security Domain’s Trust Point certificate
Application tag 8
Security Domain certificate information
The data objects in above tables are equivalent to those in Table H-1 and Table H-2, but are specific to this
Security Domain and override data objects in Card Recognition Data. See Table H-1 and Table H-2 and the
notes that follow them for further details of each data object.
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
H.4 Structure of Card Capability Information
Card Capability Information provides information complementary to Card Recognition Data about the cipher
suites actually supported by the card. If available, Card Capability Information as follows:
Table H-5: Card Capability Information
Data / Description
Card Capability Information
SCP information for first or only SCP
SCP information for additional SCP(s)
Privileges that can be assigned to an SSD
Privileges that can be assigned to any application
Supported LFDBH algorithms
Cipher suites for LFDB encryption
Cipher suites supported for tokens
Cipher suites supported for receipts
Cipher suites supported for DAPs
Key Parameter Reference List
Tag 'A0' indicates support of a Secure Channel Protocol by the card. At least one occurrence of tag 'A0' shall
be present. This tag may occur more than once if the card supports several Secure Channel Protocols.
Tag '81' shall be present if the card supports Supplementary Security Domains. It shall be encoded as a bitmap
of privileges, as specified in section 11.1.2, and shall indicate the privileges that may actually be assigned to
Supplementary Security Domains on this card.
Tag '82' shall be present. It shall be encoded as a bitmap of privileges, as specified in section 11.1.2, and shall
indicate the privileges that may actually be assigned to Applications on this card.
Tag '83' shall be present. It shall indicate the algorithms supported by the card to compute the Load File Data
Block Hash.
Tags '84' shall be present if the card supports Ciphered Load File Data Block. It shall be encoded as specified
in Table H-8 and shall indicate the encryption schemes supported by the card.
Tags '85' and '86' shall be present if the card supports Delegated Management. These tags shall be encoded
as specified in Table H-9 and Table H-10 and shall indicate the signature schemes supported by the card,
respectively for Token Verification and Receipt Generation.
Tag '87' shall be present if the card supports Supplementary Security Domains. It shall be encoded as specified
in Table H-9 and Table H-10 and shall indicate signature schemes supported by the card for DAP Verification.
Tag '88' shall be present if the card supports Delegated Management and/or DAP Verification schemes based
on EC cryptography.
The following table describes the structure of the SCP Information TLV:
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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Table H-6: SCP Information
Data / Description
SCP information
SCP type ('02', '03', '80', '81')
List of supported options for that protocol (e.g. '15 55' for SCP02)
Supported keys for SCP03
Supported TLS cipher suites for SCP81
Maximum length of Pre Shared Key in bytes (unsigned integer) (for
SCP81 only)
The following table describes the coding of the Supported Keys for SCP03 TLV:
Table H-7: Supported Keys for SCP03
RFU (0)
The Supported TLS cipher suites for SCP81 TLV contains a sequence of supported cipher suite numbers as
defined in [RFC 4279], [RFC 4785], and [RFC 5487] (limited to cipher suites actually referenced in [Amd B]).
Each cipher suite number is itself a 2-byte data.
The Supported LFDBH algorithms TLV contains a sequence of supported LFDBH algorithms. Each LFDBH
algorithm is encoded as a single byte as follows:
'01' SHA-1
'02' SHA-256
'03' SHA-384
'04' SHA-512
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
The following table describes the coding of the Cipher Suites for LFDB Encryption TLV:
Table H-8: Cipher Suites for LFDB Encryption
Triple DES with 16 byte key length
ICV supported for LFDB encryption
RFU (0)
Additional bytes may be appended in the future.
The following tables describe the coding of the Cipher Suites for Tokens, Cipher Suites for Receipts, and
Cipher Suites for DAPs TLVs:
Byte 1:
Table H-9: Cipher Suites for Signatures Byte 1
RSA-1024 / RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 / SHA-1
(see section B.3.1.1)
RSA >1024 / RSASSA-PSS / SHA-256
(see section B.3.2.1)
16 byte key / Single DES plus Final Triple DES MAC
(see section B.1.2.2)
CMAC using AES-128 (see section B.2.2)
CMAC using AES-192 (see section B.2.2)
CMAC using AES-256 (see section B.2.2)
ECDSA using ECC-256 and SHA-256
(see section B.4.3)
ECDSA using ECC-384 and SHA-384
(see section B.4.3)
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information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Byte 2:
Table H-10: Cipher Suites for Signatures Byte 2
ECDSA using ECC-512 and SHA-512 (see section B.4.3)
ECDSA using ECC-521 and SHA-512 (see section B.4.3)
RFU (0)
Byte 2 may be missing if its content is zero. Additional bytes may be appended in the future.
The Key Parameter Reference List TLV contains a sequence of global Key Parameter References
corresponding to the sets of ECC curve parameters that are available on the card.