Channels of Impact: User reviews when quality is
dynamic and managers respond
Judith A. Chevalier
Yale School of Management and NBER
Yaniv Dover
Jerusalem School of Business, Hebrew University
Dina Mayzlin
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
This draft: August 2015
Preliminary and Incomplete - Do not post. Authors contributes
equally to the manuscript, and the names are are listed in
alphabetical order.
1 Introduction
Many Internet sites rely extensively on user contributions. User-generated
online reviews have become an important resource for consumers making
purchase decisions: retailers like Amazon rely on reviews to help match con-
sumers with products, and information portals like Tripadvisor and Yelp
have user-generated reviews at the core of their business models. One im-
portant similarity between Amazon and Tripadvisor is that both connect
multiple buyers and sellers: Amazon helps customers pick a vacation guide
book, and Tripadvisor helps customers choose a hotel. We refer to these
connector sites as ”platforms.”
Even on platforms with similar purposes, there is a substantial amount
of variation in the details of platform design. For example, some sites verify
that reviewers purchased the product, while others do not. Some platforms
allow reviewers to edit reviews after posting them; some do not. Despite the
importance of online reviews to both consumers and firms, it is not clear how
platform design features impact user review posting behavior. In part, this
is because it is not clear why consumers are motivated to expend time and
energy posting reviews. In this paper, we examine the impact of platform
design features on user review posting behavior. A distinguishing feature of
the environment we study is that the quality of the product being reviewed
can evolve over time.
In an environment in which product quality is time-invariant, customer
reviews are most naturally thought of as an avenue for customers to share in-
formation with each other. Firms may, of course, be an audience for reviews
in that they may consider reviews in designing future products. However,
given that the products being reviewed will not change as a function of the
review, the owner or manager of the product is likely not considered by con-
sumers to be the primary audience for the review. In this paper, we study
a product category for which product quality is dynamic and managerial
investments may alter product quality over time. In such cases, the con-
sumer may reasonably view both the management and other consumers as
an audience for the review.
In quality-variant product categories, a number
of platforms have increased the salience of the management as an audience
for reviews by allowing firms to directly respond to customer reviews. The
There is a sense in which the quality of physical products such as books or beauty
products could change over time. A book could become dated, or a products attributes
could become dominated by a newly-introduced product. However, these changes are not
a result of managerial investments as with hotels and restaurants and thus, the impact
issues we discuss are not completely relevant.
entry of the firm into the conversation potentially changes the nature of
the discourse, which in turn may impact the customers incentives to post
reviews. That is, while the firm always had the ability to collect and ana-
lyze customer reviews,
the ability to respond allows the firm to credibly
signal that it is reading reviews and responding to suggestions therein. The
response functionality can transform a peer-to-peer review system into a
hybrid peer review/customer complaint system.
We examine whether managerial response stimulates consumer review-
ing and we examine whether it changes the nature of the reviews posted.
Examining the relationship between the managerial response feature and
consumer reviewing behavior yields insights with important implications for
both managers and academics. Our research contributes to the nascent lit-
erature on reviewers’ motivations. Understanding these motivations in turn
may aid the platform hosts optimal design as well as the firms decision-
making when responding to consumer comments.
Reviewing platforms that allow managerial response generally allow it
in one of two ways. The first is private managerial response; owners or
managers of reviewed businesses can send a private communication to the
reviewer about the review.
The more common type of managerial response,
and the only type allowed by most reviewing sites, is public; the manager
cannot communicate privately and directly with the reviewer, but can post
a public textual response to the reviewer. Interestingly, the reviewer only
sees the reply if he or she happens to come back and look at the reviewed
service again (though some sites email reviewers when responses are posted).
However, other consumers and other potential reviewers will see the commu-
nication. Despite the fact that manager review responses are often written
in the style of personal communications (e.g. “I am sorry to hear that ev-
erything was not to your satisfaction”), other consumers are in fact likely
the primary audience for the managerial response.
We examine managerial response in the empirical setting of midtier to
luxury hotels. The primary hypothesis that we examine is whether public
managerial response communication stimulates reviewing activity. Quite
The fact that consumer reviews contain managerially-useful information is illustrated
by White (2014) which discusses the trend of hotels using customer reviews as ”blueprints”
for renovation.
Yelp is a prominent example of a reviewing platform that allows private commu-
nication. Yelp also (unusually) allows reviewers to change their reviews and the pri-
vate communication channel is often used to encourage reviewers to change a review.
See, for example, the Yelp Official Blog,
simply, the idea is this: because someone is listening, consumers talk more.
Specifically, we investigate whether the introduction of managerial responses
lead consumers to write more reviews and whether it leads them to put more
effort into reviewing, as measured by writing longer reviews. However, this
simple idea leads to a slightly more subtle hypothesis about review valence.
One of the primary motivations for responding to a review may be to
encourage consumers to view the experience described in a negative review
as unlikely to be repeated. Indeed, much of the online discussion about
managerial response strategies emphasizes the importance of responding
to negative reviews and advice about how to respond to them
We will
demonstrate that more negative reviews are more likely to receive manage-
rial responses on reviewing platforms than are more positive reviews and
that responses to negative reviews tend to be much longer (and therefore,
presumably more substantive) than the responses to more positive reviews.
However, in responding to reviews that contain criticisms, the manager sig-
nals to consumers that those criticisms will be read by management, possibly
responded to, and possibly acted upon. If consumers write hotel reviews in
order to have an impact on hotel quality, responding to reviews will encour-
age future reviewing activity. However, if consumers perceive that managers
concentrate their response activity to negative reviews or if negative reviews
receive responses that promise more action, consumers may be encouraged
to post more negative reviews. Thus, while the motivation for responding to
a negative review is to mitigate its effects, responding to a negative review
may actually disproportionately encourage the posting of more negative re-
views. While we have not seen others in the literature hypothesize that
managerial responses stimulate negative reviewing, this hypothesis derives
straightforwardly from extant evidence in the literature on reviewer behavior
and the importance of negative reviews to management responders.
In this paper, we examine whether managerial response activity dispro-
portionately stimulates negative review production. In particular, we study
whether reviewing activity changes for a hotel following the first day of
posting of managerial responses on three websites that allow managers to
respond to reviews: TripAdvisor, Expedia, and
Of course, in testing our hypotheses, we are faced with an identification
challenge. Clearly, hotels that post managerial responses are different from
hotels that do not. In time, the decision to commence posting responses
See for example the many articles that TripAdvisor has written in its “TripAdvi-
sor Insights” article series on the topic of managerial responses to negative reviews,
is an endogenous decision of the manager. It is possible, for example, that
managers begin responding to reviews when something is going on at the
hotel that leads the manager to anticipate more reviews, and more negative
reviews being posted in the future.
To handle this identification challenge, we employ an extension of the
techniques we first employed to handle similar identification challenges in
Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006) and in Mayzlin and Dover (2014). Specifically,
our identification strategy has three components.
First, we undertake an “event study” technique in which we examine
reviewing activity for a given hotel for very short (6 week) time windows
before and after the posting of the first managerial response. Therefore,
we are not identifying the impact of review responses by straightforwardly
comparing hotels that do and do not post responses; we are examining the
change for a given hotel over time. Furthermore, by examining only the be-
fore/after change surrounding a discrete event in a very short time window,
we are discarding changes that may derive from longer run investments in
facilities, position, or quality of the hotel. We examine whether reviewing
activity changes in the very short time window for a given hotel before and
after managerial responses are posted.
Second, we undertake specifications in which the reviewing changes on
each of the focal sites on which managers may post responses are mea-
sured controlling for reviewing changes on other sites where managerial re-
sponses are not allowed. Specifically, managerial responses are not allowed
on the popular booking sites Priceline and Orbitz, and our reviewing activ-
ity changes are measured from specifications which control for the changes
in reviewing activity on Priceline and Orbitz. Thus, if a manager undertakes
his/her first response on TripAdvisor in anticipation of some physical change
in the hotel that will lead to negative reviews, the controls for changes in
Priceline and Orbitz reviews should remove that source of review changes.
This is similar to our approach in Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006) and Mayzlin
and Dover (2014), though the appropriate “treatment” and “control” sites
differ across the papers.
Finally, all of our specifications are conducted measuring the change in
the hotel’s reviews relative to changes in average reviews in the geographic
area on the same reviewing site. For example, when we are measuring
changes in TripAdvisor reviews around the commencement of managerial
response, we are measuring the change in reviewing activity for the hotel
relative to other hotels in the local area. This differencing strategy will
prevent us from attributing the changes in reviewing activity on TripAdvisor
to the managerial response by the hotel if, in fact, the change in reviewing
activity was caused by, for example, increased TripAdvisor advertising in
the local area. This is a variant of a strategy that we employed in Mayzlin
and Dover (2014).
In sum, this “multiple-difference” strategy controls for many of the un-
derlying sources of the identification challenge. We discuss more below the
extent to which remaining confounding effects can be eliminated and our
results can be interpreted as causal. We find that reviewing activity for
a given hotel increases on TripAdvisor in the six week window following a
managerial response relative to the six weeks prior and relative to the same
hotel on Priceline and Orbitz, and relative to the TripAdvisor reviews of
other hotels in the geographic area in the same six week window. We also
find, relative to the controls, a statistically significant decrease in review
valence and a statistically significant increase in the length of reviews. We
have many fewer managerial response episodes for Expedia and
However, we conduct the same exercise for these hotels. For these hotels,
as with TripAdvisor, we find an increase in reviewing activity following the
posting of a managerial response. For Expedia, we also find a significant de-
crease in review valence, and for, a significant increase in review
We explore further the decrease in review valence using our large Tri-
pAdvisor sample. We divide our sample according to what kind of reviews
the hotel responded to on its very first day of responding on TripAdvisor.
Some hotels, on the first day of responding, responded only to negative re-
views and some hotels responded to positive reviews or a mix of positive and
negative reviews. We find that hotels that respond only to negative reviews
have a significant increase in reviewing activity and a significant decrease
in reviewing valence. Hotels that respond to higher-rated reviews also have
an increase in reviewing activity, but have no significant change in review-
ing valence. While we are cautious about interpreting this particular set
of specifications causally, it does suggest that responding only to negative
reviews could lead consumers to believe that negative reviews will receive
managerial attention and be responded to, differentially increasing negative
reviewing effort.
Our paper proceeds as follows. Section 1 reviews the literature. Section
2 describes our data and provides summary statistics about our sample.
Section 3 describes our methodology. Section 4 provides our basic results.
Section 5 discusses robustness issues. Section 6 concludes.
2 Related Literature
A growing literature has addressed the question of why users post reviews.
For example, Berger (2014) suggests the following drivers of posting be-
havior: altruism, impact, impression management, emotion regulation and
social bonding. Wu and Huberman (2010) provide evidence that individuals
are more likely to post reviews on Amazon when their reviews will have a
greater impact on the overall average review. That is, reviewers are more
likely to post reviews when their opinion differs more from the consensus
and when there are fewer reviews. Given the overall positive valence of re-
views on review sites, the impact hypothesis is consistent with the findings
of Moe and Trusov (2011). They examine data from a beauty products
site and demonstrate that reviews become increasingly negative as ratings
environments mature. ? test the hypotheses of Wu and Huberman (2010)
using book data from and show that low-impact reviews are
more likely to be posted when reviewing costs are low. Specifically, they
demonstrate that the sequential decline in ratings is more pronounced for
high- than for low-cost reviews.
Our paper is also related to recent literature on platform design and
mechanisms for eliciting consumer feedback. Numerous papers document
that many consumers who use an internet site do not post reviews. For
example, ? show that only thirteen percent of buyers posted a review on a
European hotel booking portal. Nosko and Tadelis (2014) show that sixty
percent of consumers leave feedback on Ebay while Fradkin and Pearson
(2015) show that about two thirds of consumers leave reviews on Airbnb.
The results of both Nosko and Tadelis (2014) and Fradkin and Pearson
(2015) suggest that eliciting negative feedback from consumers may be par-
ticularly difficult. For example, Nosko and Tadelis (2014) suggests that
consumers that have had negative experiences are less likely to leave feed-
back. Similarly, Horton and Golden (2015) demonstrates a positive skew in
reviewing on the temporary-labor site ODesk.
There is only a limited nascent academic literature on managerial re-
sponse to reviews. The papers of which we are aware are Park and Allen
(2013); Ye and Chen (2009); Proserpio and Zervas (2014) and Kim and
In a context distinct from product reviews, Zhang and Zhu (2011) provide support
for the impact hypothesis using data from Chinese Wikipedia postings. Zhang and Zhu
(2011) show that contributions to Chinese Wikipedia by contributors outside mainland
China declined dramatically when the site was blocked to readers in mainland China.
This suggests that contributors receive social benefits from posting their contributions;
reducing the size of potential readership reduces the benefits of contributing.
Brymer (2015). Park and Allen (2013) use a case study of four luxury ho-
tels; the authors examine why management choose to be active or not in
review responses. Kim and Brymer (2015) use proprietary data from an in-
ternational hotel chain and show a correlation between responses to negative
comments in online reviews and hotel performance. Ye and Chen (2009) con-
duct an experiment similar to ours and Proserpio and Zervas (2014). Using
data from two Chinese travel agents, Ye and Chen (2009) show that review-
ing activity and valence increases for hotels that post manager responses on
the travel site that allows responses relative to the travel site that does not.
However, the number of manager responses is quite low.
The closest paper to ours is Proserpio and Zervas (2014). This paper ex-
amines Texas hotels, comparing the six month window before and after the
initiation of managerial response on TripAdvisor. The identification scheme
is very similar to ours; however, these authors use Expedia as a control for
TripAdvisor, constraining their sample to hotels that do not use Expedia’s
response function. Interestingly, they have very different hypotheses than
ours; they hypothesize that responses will improve valence by establishing
reciprocity. They find evidence of valence improvement following the estab-
lishment of managerial response. The contrast between their results and
ours may yield interesting insights.
3 Data and Methodology
The starting point of our data collection efforts is the identification of 50
focal cities. As in citetpromoreviews, we identified the 25th to 75th largest
US cities to include in our sample. Our goal was to use cities that were large
enough to have many hotels, but not so large and dense that competition
patterns amongst hotels would be difficult to determine. Using data avail-
able on the Tripadvisor website in mid-2014, we identified all hotels that
Tripadvisor identifies as operating in these focal cities. We also obtained
data from Smith Travel Research, a market research firm that provides data
to the hotel industry ( STR attempts to cover the universe
of hotels in the US. We use name and address matching to hand-match the
TripAdvisor data to STR.
From STR, we obtain many characteristics of hotels including their class
gradings of hotels. STR grades hotels by brand and objective characteristics
into six quality tiers. For this paper, we exclude the bottom two quality
tiers. The excluded chains consist largely of roadside budget motel chains
such as Red Roof Inn, Super 8, Motel 6, Quality Inn, and La Quinta Inns.
We include hotels in STR’s “Upper Midtier” range and higher. ”Upper
Midtier” includes Holiday Inn, Hampton Inn, Fairfield Inn, and Comfort
Inn. We focus on “Upper Midtier” hotels and higher because ”Economy
Class” and ”Midscale Class” hotels have significantly fewer reviews per hotel
and hotel shoppers can perhaps be expected to be less quality-sensitive. Our
sample of hotels is more homogeneous. Furthermore, the Revinate data that
we will use for reviews has much better coverage for “Upper Midtier” hotels
and higher. In total, we obtain a sample of 2104 hotels that match between
STR and TripAdvisor in the “Upper Midtier” or higher categories.
Finally, our main source of review data comes from Revinate, a guest
feedback and reputation management solutions provider. Among other ser-
vices, Revinate provides client hotels a Review Reporting Dashboard. Client
hotels can view daily social media feed from all major reviewing sites on one
page, view the equivalent feed for their competitors, and respond to reviews
from multiple sites from the single interface. In order to provide this service,
Revinate has invested in creating robust matching of the same hotel across
multiple reviewing platforms.
Revinate has excellent coverage of the 2104 hotels in our target sample.
Revinate has substantial market share; they serve more than 23000 client
hotels worldwide. Many large chains subscribe to Revinate services for all
of their hotels. Crucially for us, they track not only their clients, but a large
group of client competitors. Overall, of the 2104 hotels in our target sample,
we are able to obtain Revinate data for 88 percent of them, for a total of
1843 hotels.
Even with this excellent coverage, the imperfect coverage presents a se-
lection bias. However, note that the hotels that we track contain both
Revinate clients and non-clients. The 261 hotels that we could not track
through Revinate are clearly not Revinate clients. In the analysis that
follows, we will undertake weighted specifications in which the non-clients
receive more weight to equate the weight on non-clients in the sample to the
weight of non-clients in the overall population.
The Revinate data contains full text review information with date and
time stamps for every review for the sites that Revinate tracks for our 1843
hotels. They also collect full text of all managerial responses, again with date
and time stamps. Due to a peculiarity of the way that displays
review data, our review data for does not contain older reviews
for the site. We include some summary information about in
this section, but do not use Booking data at all in our analyses.
Table 1 contains summary statistics that describe the reviewing and
response data for our sample of hotels for six of the most popular booking
and reviewing sites:, Expedia,, Orbitz, Priceline,
and TripAdvisor.
Table 1 reveals several interesting stylized facts about the data. First,
note that there are no review responses on Booking, Priceline, and Orbitz
because they do not allow responses. TripAdvisor, Expedia, and
allow responses. In our sample, roughly half of TripAdvisor reviews receive
responses while only about 8 percent of Expedia reviews receive responses
and only 2 percent of Hotels reviews receive responses.
Revinate customers are much more likely to respond to reviews than non-
customers. This is likely partly due to selection; they have demonstrated
their interest in social meeting management by becoming customers. How-
ever, this is also likely due to the causal impact of the Revinate platform.
The platform makes it very easy to respond to reviews. Notice that the
customer vs. noncustomer review response rates are most disparate for non-
TripAdvisor sites. This makes sense because the Revinate interface makes
it equally easy to view all of the sites and post all of the responses; non-
Revinate customers may have more tendency to monitor only the perceived
most influential site, TripAdvisor. Again, our reweighting of customers vs.
non-customers is important to achieve representativeness.
Important for our purposes is the disparity between the valence of re-
views that are responded to and reviews that are not responded to. Reviews
that are responded to average 4.0 for TripAdvisor versus 4.2 for reviews that
do not receive responses. This disparity is greater for the other sites.
The differences in the valence of reviews responded to versus not re-
sponded to is largely due to the reviews selected for response rather than
the characteristics of the hotels that respond to reviews. Limiting the sample
of hotels to only hotels that have responded to five reviews produces similar
summary statistics. In unreported specifications, for each of the three sites
that allow responses, we take the sample of all reviews as observations, and
regress the indicator variable for “manager responded” on the review rat-
ing and hotel fixed effect. The coefficient for the review rating is strongly
negative and significant and is larger in magnitude and significance than
the coefficient when fixed effects are not included. This suggests that better
hotels respond to their worse reviews.
Table 2 provides summary data on review length of each of the sites.
Clearly, there are differences across sites in typical review length. For ex-
ample, reviews on are particularly short and reviews on Tri- are particularly long. Worse reviews tend to be significantly
more detailed across all sites.
Table 2 also provides summary data on review response length for the
Table 1: Summary Statistics - Reviews
Booking Expedia Orbitz Priceline TripAdvisor
Number of reviews
noncustomer 248065 252781 223450 94321 256143 624555
customer 80596 106207 81122 36973 93841 265944
weighted 337,465 367,960 312,503 134,642 359,075 912,666
Response share noncustomer 0 0.056 0.015 0 0 0.457
customer 0 0.132 0.041 0 0 0.517
weighted 0 0.078 0.022 0 0 0.474
Mean Rating
noncustomer no response 4.142 4.165 4.237 3.892 3.988 4.139
customer noresponse 4.146 4.158 4.241 3.891 4.011 4.194
weighted no response 4.143 4.163 4.238 3.892 3.994 4.155
noncustomer response 3.963 4.1309 4.0259
customer response 3.950 4.015 4.102
weighted response 0.000 3.959 4.101 0.000 0.000 4.048
Weighted: response vs no response
Percentage difference -4.9% -3.2% -2.6%
For the universe of hotels that have responded 5 times before the data of this review:
Mean Rating
noncustomer no response 4.142 4.163 4.234 3.887 3.989 4.135
customer no response 4.143 4.156 4.238 3.888 4.012 4.190
weighted no response 4.143 4.161 4.235 3.887 3.995 4.151
noncustomer response 3.964 4.131 4.026
customer response 3.949 4.015 4.102
weighted response 3.960 4.101 4.048
Weighted: response vs no response
Percentage difference -4.8% -3.2% -2.5%
Table 2: Review length and managerial response length
Booking Expedia Orbitz Priceline Tripadvisor
Review stars 3 review length 221.291 473.814 359.919 464.867 324.862 964.677
Review stars>3 review length 138.711 362.464 229.833 347.809 231.359 683.175
Percentage difference -37.3% -23.5% -36.1% -25.2% -28.8% -29.2%
Review stars 3 response length 518.891 514.179 703.007
Review stars>3 response length 387.266 361.037 516.219
Percentage difference -25.4% -29.8% -26.6%
All means are weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers.
three sites that allow review responses. Managers tend to provide longer
review responses on TripAdvisor versus the other two sites. Across all sites,
managers appear to put more effort into responding to negative reviews. The
summary table shows that, for all three sites that allow responses, responses
to more positive reviews (greater than three stars) are 25 to 30 percent
shorter than responses to more negative reviews.
4 Methodology
As discussed above, we consider the introduction of managerial responses on
a particular site to potentially present a discrete change in site experience for
customers who visit the site. Thus, our methodology focuses on changes in
reviewing activity in a very tight time window around the day that responses
are first posted.
In Table 3, we examine summary statistics on the behavior of hotels on
the day of first managerial response posting. The first thing to notice about
Table 3 is that managers frequently respond to more than one review the
first time that review responses are posted. The average star of reviews
responded to, unsurprisingly, are more negative than the overall population
of reviews. For example for TripAdvisor, 641 of the 1807 hotels that post
Table 3: Characteristics of first day of responses
Expedia Tripadvisor
Reviews responded to the first day
Average star Noncustomer 3.54 3.78 3.12
Average star Customer 3.65 3.56 3.20
Average star weighted 3.57 3.72 3.14
Total number responded Noncustomer 1.91 1.69 1.94
Total number responded Customer 1.99 1.32 2.04
Number responded to weighted 1.93 1.60 1.97
responses, responses are posted to reviews with an overall average star rating
of strictly less than three on the first day of response posting.
Our identification scheme relies on a differences methodology. Our pri-
mary specifications examine the 6 week window before and after the posting
of first managerial response. We undertake robustness specifications below,
but describe our primary measurement strategy here.
We will describe the platforms in which the manager initially posts a
response as the “treatment” platforms. These are TripAdvisor, Expedia,
and which we will consider separately in separate specifications
(since the response posting time windows are different for the three sites).
The “control” platforms are Orbitz and Priceline.
First, in order to control for contemporaneous factors that may cause
within-platform changes in reviews in a geographic area, we straightfor-
wardly difference the before vs. after review measurements from the before
vs. after review measurements for the geographic area. We construct the
geographic mean for each TripAdvisor geocode imposing no restrictons on
the hotels included in the mean calculation. Our measure of review changes
measures the over time of the difference from the geographic mean for both
treatment and control platforms. Thus, for example, in all specifications
that use the number of TripAdvisor reviews in a time window, TripAdvisor
reviews for the observation hotel is calculated as the difference between Tri-
pAdvisor reviews in the time window minus the average number of reviews
for all other hotels in the same city for the same time window.
We have two platforms that we use as controls, Orbitz and Priceline.
An important issue in using one platform as a control for another is that
the platforms certainly may cater to different populations. This might be
particularly true for TripAdvisor vs. the other platforms, as TripAdvisor is
primarily a review platform while Expedia, Orbitz, and Priceline are book-
ing platforms. In including two controls, we allow the data to “choose” the
combination of platforms that are the best control. Thus, for any review
measurement constructed for our treatment sites TripAdvisor, Expedia, and
Hotels, we construct the corresponding measure for both Orbitz and Price-
line and use these as control variables in our regression specifications.
Table 4 summarizes the cross-sectional correlation in number of reviews,
review valence, and review length across sites but within hotels. Our iden-
tification strategy is predicated on the idea that hotel characteristics will be
similarly measured across sites. Table 4 suggests high correlation among the
sites for all of the measures. The correlation across sites is largest for review
valence and smallest for review length. Hotels that inspire longer reviews on
one site tend to receive longer reviews on other sites, but the effect is modest
in magnitude. Our two control sits, Orbitz and Priceline are less correlated
with each other across each of the measures than are any other pair of sites.
This suggests that there is plausibly different information about the hotel
captured by using each of them as a control.
Recall that our review measures of interest are: change in the number
of reviews between the six week windows, change in the valence of reviews,
and changes in measures of the length of reviews. For each measure, M, for
hotel i in city j, our simple estimating equation is :
T reat
T reat
P ost
T reat
T reat
P re
α + [(M
P rice
P rice
P ost
P rice
P rice
P re
P ost
P re
In this equation, “Pre” denotes the six week period prior to first man-
agerial response on the treatment site for hotel i, “Post” denotes the six
week period following the first managerial response on the treatment site.
The treatment site, Treat(TripAdvisor,Expedia, and M
notes the city-average variable. Note that, for each specification, α is our
variable of interest, as it is the change in the variable net of the changes in
the controls.
Our identification strategy is helpful in overcoming several potential en-
dogeneity challenges. When will our strategy fail? The primary weakness of
Table 4: Correlations within hotel and across sites
Review count correlations
TripAdvisor Expedia Hotels Priceline Orbitz
TripAdvisor 1.00
Expedia 0.78 1.00 0.63 0.58 1.00
Priceline 0.38 0.34 0.31 1.00
Orbitz 0.67 0.41 0.29 0.24 1.00
Average star correlations
TripAdvisor Expedia Hotels Priceline Orbitz
TripAdvisor 1.00
Expedia 0.81 1.00 0.71 0.80 1.00
Priceline 0.72 0.77 0.72 1.00
Orbitz 0.63 0.66 0.60 0.59 1.00
Length correlations
TripAdvisor Expedia Hotels Priceline Orbitz
TripAdvisor 1.00
Expedia 0.55 1.00 0.45 0.58 1.00
Priceline 0.30 0.34 0.31 1.00
Orbitz 0.34 0.41 0.29 0.24 1.00
our strategy is that it is possible that a hotel-specific time-specific platform-
specific factor is correlated with both the initiation of managerial response
for hotel i and with the future review process for hotel i on that specific plat-
form. We find the possibility of one category of such confounds slightly more
plausible for Expedia and than for This is be-
cause Expedia and are both booking sites, rather than purely a
review site. It is possible, for example that hotels systematically simulta-
neously commence participation in hotel-specific promotions on Expedia or and initiate managerial response on that site. Such a promotion
might plausibly lead, through an increase in platform-specific bookings, to
an increase in reviewing activity on those sites. Even if a hotel undertook
some kind of promotion on TripAdvisor, the consumer would click out to a
different site to book the reservation. While this is a concern, we note three
things about this concern: First, many of the plausible confounds that we
can think of (such as promotions) might lead people to book more rooms in
the short run, but the booking activity should somewhat more slowly work
its way into staying and reviewing activity (since many people book for a
stay occurring somewhat in the future). Second, it is not entirely clear why
such a promotion would also lead people to be systematically differentially
satisfied or unsatisfied with their experience; that is, there is not a natural
prediction for review valence. Third, there is also not a natural prediction
for review length.
A second scenario that would undermine our strategy is the possibility
that hotels that commence review response on a site are “getting organized”
about catering to the users of the site more generally. This might be a par-
ticular concern for TripAdvisor, since TripAdvisor has become so important
in the industry. Several factors, we believe, mitigate this concern in our set-
ting. First, this is somewhat less likely to be an important issue for Expedia
and since TripAdvisor is so important in the industry. Second,
the natural bias stories of this type seem to cut in the opposite direction of
our hypothesis and findings. If a hotel were launching a coherent TripAdvi-
sor management system with immediate implications, it is hard to see how
that would systematically lead to a decrease in review valence. Third, there
is not a clear natural prediction of this possibility for review length.
5 Results
Table 5 presents summary statistics of the variables used to estimate Equa-
tion 1.
Table 5: Summary statistics for six week difference variables
Summary statistics for first TripAdvisor response
Number of Average Average
Reviews Stars Length
TripAdvisor average 4.50 4.01 762.60
(sum six weeks before) (8.29) (0.82) (412.21)
Diff in Diff TA 1.27 -0.06 50.61
(5.64) (0.94) (514.00)
Diff in Diff Orbitz 0.14 0.00 6.54
(2.96) (2.35) (344.55)
Diff in Diff Priceline 0.12 0.05 3.56
(2.78) (2.28) (174.78)
Summary statistics for first Expedia response
Number of Average Average
Reviews Stars Length
Expedia average 4.97 4.19 351.13
(sum six weeks before) (6.55) (0.66) (191.49)
Diff in Diff Expedia 0.33 -0.07 9.94
(4.59) (0.81) (239.75)
Diff in Diff Orbitz -0.04 -0.13 -5.76
(2.20) -(3.34) (364.92)
Diff in Diff Priceline 0.12 0.07 16.59
(3.64) (2.20) (255.96)
Summary statistics for first response
Number of Average Average
Reviews Stars Length 9.49 4.25 236.77
(sum six weeks before) (13.19) (0.56) (132.19)
Diff in Diff Hotels 1.06 0.00 24.23
(8.57) (0.61) (207.88)
Diff in Diff Orbitz -0.04 0.30 -1.19
(3.61) (2.10) (337.62)
Diff in Diff Priceline -0.26 0.19 8.04
(4.24) (2.16) (192.40)
Standard deviations are in parentheses. Observations are weighted using the
probability weight for Revinate customers vs noncustomers.
Table 6 provides estimates of Equation 1 where TripAdvisor is the treat-
ment site. Column 1 examines the variable of primary interest to us, the
change in the number of reviews for the sample of 1807 first responders on
TripAdvisor. Note that both the Orbitz control and the Priceline control
coefficients are positive and significant at least at the ten percent level. The
number of reviews positively comoves across the sites. This is not surpris-
ing, as presumably all of the sites get more reviews in periods of particularly
high occupancy for the hotel relative to the local area. Note that both Or-
bitz reviews and Priceline reviews also experience review increases over the
period. The constant term is positive and statistically significant at the one
percent level. This suggests that, net of the controls, the number of reviews
increase by 1.2 reviews. The average number of reviews in the pre-review
period is 4.5 (from Table 6), so this represents a substantial sudden increase
in reviewing activity relative to the controls.
Table 6: TripAdvisor changes in reviewing activity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg Length star reviews star reviews
Orbitz controls 0.117** 0.001 -0.015 0.039 0.007
(0.059) (0.011) (0.048) (0.079) (0.048)
Priceline controls 0.110* -0.003 -0.020 0.104 0.089
(0.061) (0.013) (0.076) (0.224) (0.074)
Constant 1.240*** -0.064** 50.783*** 19.492 31.235**
(0.130) (0.027) (14.781) (32.402) (15.548)
Observations 1,807 1,210 1,210 516 1,037
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Column 2 examines average stars. When considering average stars, we
restrict the sample to hotels that had reviews in both the pre- and post- six
week windows. We see that average stars decrease significantly for hotels
that have commenced managerial response. This is consistent with our hy-
pothesis that reviewers respond with more substantive reviews when they
receive feedback that managers are listening. Interestingly, our results con-
trast Proserpio and Zervas (2014) in this regard. The point estimate is -0.06.
This may seem small, but recall that the average stars obtained in the pre-
period are 4.01 with a cross-sectional standard deviation of only 0.8. Thus,
small movements in the average stars can significantly move a hotel up or
down the rank ordering of hotels in a local area. An important issue consider
is that the Orbitz and Priceline controls are not statistically significant in
the regression. The hotels also have essentially no average star movement of
Priceline or Orbitz over the two six week windows. This is to be expected
if underlying quality at the hotel is, indeed, not significantly changing.
Column 3 displays results for the average length of review, with Columns
4-5 demonstrating review length for reviews of different star levels. Again,
we restrict the sample to hotels that had reviews in both the pre- and
post- period. Again, review length has not changed significantly over the 6
week windows for Priceline and Orbitz, suggesting that perhaps nothing has
changed at the hotel that fundamentally leads consumers to want to leave
longer reviews. However, reviews on TripAdvisor increase significantly. The
point estimate of the increase is 51 characters. Again, this is a large change
given the average length of reviews on TripAdvisor for the period prior to
the managerial response is 763 characters. We examine the change in review
length for negative valence (1,2, and 3 star) reviews and positive valence (4
and 5 star) reviews separately. In each case, we must restrict the sample to
hotels that have reviews in that category in both the pre and post windows.
This increase in reviewing effort is estimated to be positive both for negative
and positive valence reviews, although is is statistically different from zero
only for the 4 and 5 star reviews.
Table 7 provides estimates of Equation 1 where Expedia is the treatment
site. Of course, the sample of review responses is much smaller. Interest-
ingly, the number of reviews that the hotel has in the six weeks prior to the
first response is about the same for Expedia as for TripAdvisor, suggesting
that responders on Expedia tend to be hotels that garner a lot of Expedia
reviews. Despite the smaller number of observations, we find somewhat sim-
ilar, albeit weaker, results. The increase in the number of reviews net of the
controls is 0.3, about one-quarter of the magnitude of the effect estimated
for TripAdvisor, but still significantly different from zero at standard con-
fidence level. The decrease in review valence of 0.07 is very similar to the
TripAdvisor results. The increase in review length is small and insignificant,
Table 8 provides estimates of Equation 1 where is the treat-
ment site. Here, the sample of responding hotels is again quite small, as we
have only 332 Hotels that provide responses on Nonetheless,
we do find a significant increase in the number of reviews posted, no mea-
surable change in average star, a small (and significant at the ten percent
level) increase in review length overall.
Overall, we interpret the results in Tables 6, 7, and 8 as demonstrating
that reviewing activity increases following managerial response, that valence
decreases (at least modestly), and that the length of reviews (a measure of
reviewing effort) increases.
Table 7: Expedia changes in reviewing activity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg Length Star reviews Star reviews
Orbitz controls 0.135 0.006 0.026 -0.051 -0.005
(0.086) (0.012) (0.024) (0.054) (0.032)
Priceline controls 0.086* 0.017 -0.029 0.007 -0.017
(0.052) (0.013) (0.046) (0.077) (0.053)
Constant 0.329** -0.072** 10.568 -30.860 9.557
(0.145) (0.030) (9.055) (24.113) (9.056)
Observations 984 709 709 275 652
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Using our large sample of TripAdvisor first responses, we consider ho-
tels first-day reviewing strategy. In doing so, we caution that we do not
know why some hotels pursue different first-day reviewing strategies and
that, as discussed above, the weakness of our identification strategy stems
from circumstances in which there are review creation strategies that are
simultaneously platform- and hotel- and time-specific. Nonetheless, since
our hypothesis is that customers will more readily initiate complaints on
TripAdvisor when they believe that complaints will be listened to and acted
upon, we examine whether managerial response to complaining differentially
Table 8: changes in reviewing activity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg Length Star Reviews Star Reviews
Orbitz controls 0.412*** 0.004 0.028 -0.036 -0.012
(0.132) (0.019) (0.038) (0.077) (0.038)
Priceline controls 0.159 -0.022 -0.032 0.128 -0.026
(0.135) (0.019) (0.055) (0.096) (0.065)
Constant 1.116** 0.001 24.515* 12.047 19.924
(0.460) (0.038) (12.835) (30.852) (13.860)
Observations 332 265 265 136 256
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
stimulates negative reviews on the part of reviewers.
In Tables 9 and 10, we reestimate Equation 1 for TripAdvisor but sep-
arate the data into two separate groups. First, in Table 9, we consider the
set of TripAdvisor respondees whose first day responses are to reviews with
an average star value of less than three. Second, in Table 10, we consider
the disjoint set of TripAdvisor respondees whose first day responses are to
reviews with an average star value of three or more. For the 641 hotels that
respond to low average star reviews in Table 9, we see that, in the six weeks
after the first response, the number of reviews increases significantly, review
valence decreases significantly and average length increases. The decrease
in review valence is roughly double the magnitude of our estimate of the
review valence differences using the overall sample. On closer inspection of
the pattern of review length increases, review length increases are positive
but insignificant for the two valence categories. Overall, the results in this
table are suggestive that managerial responses that concentrate on respond-
ing to negative reviews encourages more and more detailed negative reviews
from consumers.
For the 839 hotels that respond to higher average star reviews in Table
10, we see that, in the six weeks after the first response, the number of
Table 9: Changes in reviewing activity for TripAdvisor reviewers who respond to
bad reviews
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg Length Star Reviews Star Reviews
Orbitz controls 0.093 -0.004 -0.046 0.085 0.002
(0.071) (0.016) (0.075) (0.112) (0.077)
Priceline Controls -0.035 -0.000 -0.041 -0.091 0.107
(0.055) (0.017) (0.108) (0.225) (0.107)
Constant 0.724*** -0.143*** 62.186*** 42.942 25.324
(0.157) (0.037) (20.537) (41.472) (20.336)
Observations 968 673 673 305 564
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
reviews increases significantly, review valences are unchanged (the point
estimate is positive) and average review length increases modestly. The
contrast between Table 9 and Table 10 is suggestive that negative reviewing
activity is differentially stimulated when managers use the response function
exclusively to respond to negative reviews. Again, this makes sense in an
environment in which consumers post reviews in order to have an impact on
hotel quality.
6 Robustness
We undertake a number of robustness specifications; for the robustness spec-
ifications, we focus on TripAdvisor, as we have a larger number of responders
on TripAdvisor.
First, we investigate using a longer window both before and after the
managerial response. In Table 11, we undertake the basic specifications of
Equation 1 for TripAdvisor, allowing a 10 week window before and after the
managerial response. The cost of a longer window is that it is more plausi-
ble that long-run investments in hotel quality that could be systematically
coincident with the advent of managerial response are being experienced by
Table 10: Changes in reviewing activity for TripAdvisor reviewers who respond
to good reviews
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg Length Star Reviews Star Reviews
Orbitz controls 0.161 0.007 0.012 -0.008 0.012
(0.104) (0.016) (0.061) (0.120) (0.061)
Priceline controls 0.269** -0.009 -0.005 0.348 0.071
(0.113) (0.018) (0.108) (0.402) (0.105)
Constant 1.806*** 0.034 37.490* -9.838 38.204
(0.210) (0.040) (20.990) (50.474) (24.044)
Observations 839 537 537 211 473
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
consumers. The benefit of a longer window is that, of course, over short
time periods reviews and the correlation of the reviews across sites will be
The results in Table 11 look very similar to our base results in Table 6.
The constant term in the number of reviews specification has increased from
1.24 to 2.27. Recall that we are measuring changes in reviews in levels; if the
treatment effect of managerial response is permanent, we would anticipate
roughly a 67 percent increase in the coefficient given the 67 percent increase
in the time period. The average star measure is nearly identical in Table 11
and Table 6 as are the review length results.
We also examine potentially heterogeneity of results across hotel types.
Recall that STR classifies all hotels into tiers using largely time-invariant
characteristics. The tiers that we use in this paper are Luxury, Upper Up-
scale, Upscale, and Upper Midscale. The categories that we excluded are
the “motel” categories Economy and Midscale. Even among the tiers we
use, there is considerable heterogeneity in the type of hotel and the charac-
teristics of the customers. The lowest tier we use, Upper Midscale, includes
ordinary traveler hotels such as Hampton Inns or Fairfield Inns. The Luxury
Table 11: TripAdvisor specifications- longer time window
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg length Star reviews Star reviews
Orbitz controls 0.108* 0.008 -0.034 0.059 0.039
(0.055) (0.010) (0.047) (0.061) (0.043)
Priceline controls 0.205* 0.005 0.015 0.052 0.024
(0.105) (0.011) (0.063) (0.121) (0.061)
Constant 2.270*** -0.059** 35.761*** 14.992 29.455**
(0.209) (0.023) (13.188) (26.845) (12.769)
Observations 1,807 1,385 1,385 738 1,248
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
category includes hotels such as the Four Seasons and the Ritz-Carlton. It
is reasonable to expect that reviewing dynamics and the role of managerial
responses will differ across those hotels.
We investigate this in Table 12. In Table 12, we replace the constant term
in each specification of Equation 1 with indicator variables for hotel type.
Of the 1807 responding hotels, 560 are Upper Midscale, 635 are Upscale,
435 are Upper Upscale, and 149 are Luxury. Eventual responders represent
70 percent of the Upper Midscale hotels in our sample and over 90 percent
of the other classes of hotels.
The results suggest that the change in reviewing activity is monotonically
increasing in the ex ante hotel quality. That is, the increment to reviews
is greatest for luxury hotels. However, the increases in review length are
monotonically decreasing in the quality tier of hotels. That is, review length
is particularly stimulated for Upper Midscale Hotels. The results for valence
are mixed as large significant decreases in review valence are only found for
the Luxury and Upscale hotels.
*Additional robustness results to come*
Table 12: Heterogeneity in review responses across hotel classes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Length 1/2/3 Length 4/5
VARIABLES Num Reviews Avg Star Avg length Star reviews Star reviews
Priceline controls 0.097 -0.004 -0.816 0.037 0.006
(0.060) (0.013) (5.880) (0.079) (0.048)
Orbitz controls 0.109* 0.001 -0.014 0.107 0.101
(0.057) (0.011) (0.075) (0.225) (0.074)
Luxury class 2.143*** -0.129** 3.767 32.848 -63.935
(0.556) (0.057) (43.256) (102.777) (40.269)
Upper Upscale Class 1.987*** 0.013 31.283 -7.630 15.282
(0.347) (0.044) (27.520) (46.301) (31.625)
Upscale Class 0.965*** -0.140*** 56.468** 81.052 29.319
(0.186) (0.050) (25.789) (70.591) (26.284)
Upper Midscale Class 0.788*** -0.040 78.070*** -7.604 89.169***
(0.184) (0.057) (28.078) (62.779) (28.776)
Observations 1,807 1,210 1,210 516 1,037
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Regressions weighted to overrepresent Revinate non-customers
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
7 Conclusion
Allowing management to respond to user reviews has become a common
feature of reviewing platforms, especially platforms geared to services such
as hotels. We argue that allowing managerial response can fundamentally
change the nature of the reviewing platform if users view themselves as
in a dialogue with management rather than only leaving information for
future customers. The nature of this communication is interesting because
platforms typically require the manager’s response to be public. How the
manager responds could impact the consumer purchase decision in ways that
we do not yet understand.
Casual empiricism and the advice proffered to hotel managers on the web
suggests that managers attempt to use the response function to mitigate
the impact of criticism, often by promising change. However, the prior
literature suggests that consumers post reviews to have an “impact” on
others and that they are more motivated to post when they perceive that
they can have more impact. These observations lead to our hypothesis
that the managerial response function promotes reviewing generally and
promotes the production of critical reviews specifically. Our empirical results
rely on a multiple-difference strategy to address endogeneity issues. Our
results are generally supportive of the hypothesis that managerial response
encourages critical reviewing.
These results have implications for the growing literature on online col-
laborative information creation. Our results suggest that seemingly small
tweaks to the platform design can have measurable implications for con-
sumer reviewing behavior and potentially the utility of reviews for future
consumers. In the future, we intend to explore further why reviewing behav-
ior may change when managerial response is implemented. In particular, we
have begun exploring linguistic characteristics of reviews before and after
the implementation of managerial response.
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