Public Comment for 2313 Green Street
1/11/24, 10:26 AM
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2313 Green St., Demolition and new construction.
Kathleen Leonard <[email protected]>
Wed 1/10/2024 1:55 PM
To: preservation <[email protected]>
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Philadelphia Historical Society
City of Philadelphia, Office of Special Events
1515 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19102
I am writing to express my strongest opposition to the demolition and three story construction proposal
for the backyard property belonging to 2313 Green Street.
My husband and I are the property owners of 2315 Greet St., a single family home attached to 2313
Green Street. It has been our home for 41 years.
I strongly urge the Commission members to visit the site and to understand firsthand the impact this
construction will have on us and the surrounding neighbors before coming to a final decision. The blue
prints provided do not genuinely represent the existing surroundings.
The one lane driveway provides egress to the five condominiums in Wallace Place, 2313 Wallace St.
garage and 2315 Wallace Street garage. It is unclear to us how construction of a major project will impact
this common, rather limited easement.
The 2300 block of Wallace Street is a one way street and is the throughway for Saint Francis Xavier
schoolyard pick up and drop off, morning and afternoon. What will be the impact on that while
construction is ongoing?
Wallace Place neighbors are concerned about the integrity of their hundred year old brick wall that
separates them from the 2313 backyard. Our garage is attached to the garage that is cited for demo. It’s
unclear how that will have an impact on our building.
The project creates more density and does not provide adequate parking, which is always at a premium.
Finally, there is absolutely nothing aesthetically pleasing about the structure. It’s as though a large
helicopter is going to drop a three story commercial container in the backyard, maximizing and
overbuilding the site. Other than the front façade being somewhat attractive from Wallace Street,the rest
of the structure does not hold up to the standard which the Philadelphia Historic Society strives to
Kindly give consideration to my suggestion to visit the site. I am eager to give you access to my
backyard so you can visualize from all directions how this is going to negatively impact the existing
structures and neighbors.
Mrs. Thomas, A. Leonard (Kathleen M.)
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