Administered April 2015
Copyright © 2015, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express
written permission from the Texas Education Agency.
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Page 4
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
A Hardworking Cat
1 A stationmaster is a person who keeps a train station running
smoothly. At Kishi Station in western Japan, however, the
stationmaster is not a person at all—it is a cat named Tama!
2 As a kitten Tama was a stray without a real home. She spent most
of her time at Kishi Station. A nearby grocery store owner gave
her food. Although she had no real owner or home, Tama seemed
to enjoy watching people at the station. Tama also enjoyed the
attention and affection she received from passengers.
3 In the early 2000s, the train company that ran Kishi Station was
losing money. Not enough people were riding the trains. By April
2006 the company could no longer afford to pay the people who
worked at the station. With no employees to help them,
passengers now had to manage their own travel.
4 Even though the employees were gone, Tama stayed at the
station. She continued to greet train riders with a warm nuzzle
and a purr. Soon visitors shared stories with others about the cat
at Kishi Station. People wanted to see the sweet cat that was
always on duty. The train company had fun with the unusual
situation. It gave Tama the title of “Kishi stationmaster.” The job
even came with a stationmaster’s uniform. It is a simple black
cap. Tama wears the hat every day at work. Instead of paying
Tama with money, the company pays her with cat food.
5 Perhaps Tama’s title was originally meant as a joke, but Tama
continues to perform her job wonderfully, like any hardworking
employee. She walks around the station in her uniform and greets
passengers. The black, white, and orange cat allows passengers to
pet her and take photographs with her. People continue to visit the
station just to see Tama.
Page 5
Tama sits at the ticket gate at Kishi
© AFP/Getty Images
6 When people come to Kishi Station to meet Tama, they spend
money on train tickets and gift items that will remind them of her.
This helps the train station. The visitors that Tama attracts also
help the town near the station. Visitors spend money at local
shops and restaurants. The money from these purchases adds up.
In 2007, Tama’s presence brought about 10 million dollars to her
region of Japan. Most importantly, this hardworking cat has helped
the Kishi Station remain open and provide transportation for
community members.
7 Tama was such a good stationmaster that she was promoted. Now
called the “super stationmaster,” Tama has her own small office. It
is an empty ticket booth. Since Tama is getting older and now likes
to nap more, she has been given two assistants that help her
greet passengers. They are both cats, of course.
8 Tama’s fame continues to grow. Tama has been featured in many
newspaper and magazine articles as well as on television shows
and in video clips. There is even a picture book called Diary of
Tama the Station Master, which includes photographs of Tama at
9 From stray cat to famous stationmaster, life is sweet for Tama!
Page 6
1 Read this sentence from paragraph 4.
Instead of paying Tama with money, the company pays
her with cat food.
This sentence helps the reader know that the train company —
A treats Tama well
B has too much food
C does not think Tama looks healthy
D wants to find a new home for Tama
2 Throughout the selection, the author describes Tama as being —
F adventurous
G br
H friendly
J clever
Page 7
3 Why did the train company decide to operate the station without workers?
A The train company was unable to find a person who wanted the job of
B The people who came to the train station were there only to see the
stationmaster cat.
C The train station was located in an area where people did not want to work.
D The train company was not earning enough money to pay people.
4 Tama has been given two cat assistants because she —
F is too busy to work
G is too famous to work
H needs more time to rest
J needs more time to eat
Page 8
5 The reader can tell that Tama is allowed to stay at the station because she —
A cares for other cats
B walks people to the train
C sits inside the ticket booth
D attracts more passengers
6 In paragraph 7, the word promoted means —
F finished with a task
G discussed by others
H required to work more hours
J given a better job
7 Which sentence shows that people are interested in learning about Tama?
A She spent most of her time at Kishi Station.
B She walks around the station in her uniform and greets passengers.
C Tama has been featured in many newspaper and magazine articles as well as
on television shows and in video clips.
D From stray cat to famous stationmaster, life is sweet for Tama!
Page 9
8 In what way does Tama’s presence at the train station help the nearby town?
F People in the town want to work at the train station.
G People in the town enjoy taking pictures with the visitors.
H People who come to see Tama often spend money in the town.
J People who come to see Tama want to move to the town.
9 The author wrote this selection most likely to —
A show the reader how cats are different from other animals
B explain why some stray cats like to be around people
C share an opinion about why cats make great pets
D inform the reader about a special cat that lives in an unusual place
Page 10
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Healing with Happiness
1 Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams decided early in his life that he wanted
to help make the world better. Many of the patients who have
visited his hospital would agree that he has done just that.
2 Adams was born in Washington, D.C., but lived in many parts of
the world while growing up. His father was in the army, so the
family moved often. Moving to new places helped Adams become
good at making friends and accepting people for who they are.
3 As a child Adams performed well in school. He especially excelled
at math and science. Above all, like most kids, Adams liked to play
and have fun.
4 Adams decided to become a doctor. During his medical training he
developed his own style of working with patients. When he talked
with sick people, he wanted to understand how they were feeling.
He was friendly and thought of ways to make them laugh, hoping
to make them feel better. Some of Adams’s teachers were not
pleased with his way of treating patients. These teachers believed
that being friends with patients could get in the way of being a
good doctor.
5 Adams did not let his teachers’ attitude stop him from trying to
make patients laugh. One day he dressed in a clown costume. His
bright clothes and red nose made patients smile. After that,
Adams continued to wear silly costumes while studying to be a
6 After he finished medical school, Adams and 20 of his friends
opened their own hospital. They converted a large house with six
bedrooms into a hospital, where they provided free medical care.
They named their hospital the Gesundheit! Institute. Gesundheit
means “health” in the German language. It is also a funny-
sounding word, which makes it a perfect name for Adams’s
Page 11
7 Like at all hospitals, the
doctors and nurses at
Adams’s hospital worked
to make sick patients well
again. But Adams’s
hospital also provided fun
activities for patients.
They could garden and
fish. They could watch a
play or see a dance
performance. Adams
thought the patients
would begin to feel better
if they were engaged in
things they enjoyed
8 The doctors and nurses at
Adams’s hospital were
also trained to be funny
and kind to patients.
According to Adams,
humor is very important.
He thinks laughter and joy can sometimes help a sick person as
much as any medicine. Some days Adams dresses as a clown and
rides a unicycle through the halls of the hospital! He believes
taking the time to be friendly and silly with people shows them
that someone cares.
9 In the 1980s, Adams took his red clown nose and left the United
States to visit other countries. His goal was to make people
around the world feel better by providing them with medical care.
He hoped to make patients feel comfortable by talking with them
and telling jokes. He also brought medical supplies to the places
that needed them most. Whether Adams was giving medical care
or supplies, he made sure there was always a friendly smile under
that bright red nose!
Hunter “Patch” Adams often wears
clown clothes in public.
UNC Pembroke Photo
Page 12
10 Cracking funny jokes and
making people laugh is an
effortless talent for some.
However, it does not come
naturally to everyone. For
those doctors who feel they
need help, Adams spends
time teaching them how to be
friendly and silly with their
patients. He gives speeches
all over the world, and he still
wears a clown costume. The
Gesundheit! Institute is raising money to build a teaching center
and a bigger hospital. This hospital will also provide free care for
patients. And of course, Adams wants it to be a fun and playful
11 Adams has written books about his style of healing patients. He
writes that you don’t have to be a doctor to help someone feel
better. The most important thing anyone can do is visit people who
are sick. Sometimes letting someone know you care can be the
most powerful cure of all.
Adams and a Child in a
Colombian Hospital
© Carlo Durna Araujo/epa/CORBIS
Page 13
10 The details in paragraph 8 show that Adams believes that —
F sometimes doctors cannot make people laugh
G sometimes humor can help people heal
H doctors should be required to wear funny costumes
J patients should be required to joke with doctors
11 Which words from paragraph 3 help the reader understand the meaning of
A in school
B like most kids
C performed well
D at math and science
12 What is the most likely reason Adams opened his own hospital?
F He wanted to work in a hospital that had an unusual name.
G He needed a place where he could treat patients while writing a book.
H He wanted to provide medical care to patients in the way he believed was
J He needed a place where he could teach medical workers how to make
patients laugh.
Page 14
13 How can the reader identify this selection as a biography?
A It tells about a book that Adams wrote.
B It tells about important events from Adams’s life.
C It explains details about a hospital Adams helped start.
D It describes the training that doctors receive at Adams’s hospital.
14 The photographs are included in the selection to show —
F different costumes Adams wears to amuse people
G how Adams trains people who work at his hospital
H how Adams raises money for new hospitals
J different reactions people have when Adams wears a costume
Page 15
15 In paragraph 10, the reader can use the suffix “-less” to know that the word
effortless means —
A the result of trying hard
B without having to try hard
C a person who tries hard
D the process of trying hard
16 The author ends the selection with the information in paragraph 11 in order to —
F share advice about how the reader can help sick people
G describe one way Adams makes people laugh
H provide the reader with information on how to become a doctor
J identify the number of books Adams has written
Page 16
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
by Aileen Fisher
The trunk of a tree
is the road for me
on a sunny summer day.
Up the bark
5 that is brown and dark
through tunnels of leaves that sway
and tickle my knees
in the trembly breeze,
that’s where I make my way.
10 Leaves in my face
and twigs in my hair
in a squeeze of a place,
but I don’t care!
Some people talk
15 of a summer walk
through clover and weeds and hay.
Some people stride
where the hills are wide
and the rocks are speckled gray.
20 But the trunk of a tree
is the road for me
on a sunny summer day.
From IN THE WOODS IN THE MEADOW IN THE SKY by Aileen Fisher. Copyright © 1965, 1993 Aileen Fisher. All Rights
Renewed and Reserved. Used by permission of Marian Reiner on behalf of the Boulder Public Library Foundation, Inc.
Page 17
17 The speaker is tickled when —
A the wind blows leaves against her
B twigs get tangled in her hair
C she walks through a field
D she climbs a hill
18 Lines 10 through 13 show that the speaker —
F is not certain when she will stop climbing
G knows of a perfect spot to rest while climbing
H agrees with what others say about climbing trees
J is not bothered by the challenges of climbing trees
19 What part of the tree is compared to a road?
A The trunk
B The leaves
C The bark
D The twigs
Page 18
20 According to the speaker, climbing a tree can be difficult because —
F the bark on the tree is rough
G there are too many people trying to climb the tree
H there is not a lot of space to move around in some areas of the tree
J the leaves on the tree do not provide enough shade from the sun
21 In line 17, what does the word stride
A Sleep
B Fall
C Build
D Walk
Page 19
22 Which line from the poem helps the reader imagine the speaker’s experience
while climbing the tree?
F through tunnels of leaves that sway
G thats where I make my way
H where the hills are wide
J But the trunk of a tree
23 Which of these lines from the poem rhyme?
A Lines 2 and 4
B Lines 8 and 9
C Lines 11 and 13
D Lines 15 and 16
Page 20
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Good Question, Chowderhead
by Melissa Herr
1 My name is Chelsea Chowderhead. A chowder is a stew or thick
soup. My father says that our early ancestors may have invented
chowder. I wonder if our early ancestors got made fun of all the
time, too. For me, the last name teasing began as soon as I
started school. So when my family moved to South Carolina, I
decided that it was my chance for a fresh start. I asked my dad if I
could change my name.
2 “But the Chowderhead name has a long and rich history—,
Dad started.
3 “I know, I know. We were makers of thick soups or stews.
4 “Why do you want to change it?” he asked. My dad always asks
lots of questions.
5 I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I didn’t want to go
through another school year as a Chowderhead, either. “I get
teased all the time. Even a compliment like ‘Good idea,
Chowderhead’ sounds mean.
6 “I know its not always easy being a Chowderhead,” said Dad.
“I’ve been a Chowderhead my whole life, and I’ve been teased a
lot. But you shouldn’t change who you are. Let people get to know
you first and your name later.
7 “How can people get to know me before they know my name?”
I asked.
8 He said, “Ask good questions.
9 I looked at him blankly. He went on, “When you meet someone
new, ask them a question. It can’t be a mean question, and it has
to be something that you’re really curious about. Once people
Page 21
start talking about themselves, they don’t judge you. They’re just
happy that someone is interested in what they have to say.
10 Two days later I headed to my new school for the first day of
class. As soon as I got to my classroom, a girl named Claire
introduced herself. I noticed that Claire was wearing pretty woven
bracelets. I asked her where she got them. Her face lit up, and
she explained that she made them herself. She’d gotten a
bracelet-making kit for her birthday, and these were her first try.
She offered to make me one.
11 By lunch, I’d talked to lots of people and was getting the hang
of finding the right question. But there were two kids, twin
brothers, who didn’t seem to talk to anyone but each other. When
they looked at me, I felt as if they already knew that I was a
Chowderhead. Still, my dad’s advice had worked out well, so I
decided to give it one more try. I asked Claire if we should sit with
the twins. She looked a little surprised, but shrugged her
shoulders and followed me.
12 “Do you mind if we sit with you?” I asked. The twins stared at
us. I sat down and opened my milk. No one said anything. I
realized that if the twins never said anything, I’d never think of a
question. Claire didn’t say anything, either. I looked at their
lunches for some kind of clue and noticed that the lunchboxes
were identical. That’s when it came to me.
Page 22
13 “What’s it like being a twin?” I asked.
14 The twins looked astonished. Then they both started talking at
the same time.
15 “No one has ever asked us that!” one said.
16 “Most of the time it’s good,” the other said.
17 It turns out that being a twin is as complicated as being a
Chowderhead. When you’re a twin you always have someone to
talk to and have lunch with, but people think that you’re exactly
18 In no time at all we were laughing and talking. Then one of the
brothers said, “I’m Nicholas, and this is my brother, Nathaniel.
What’s your name?”
19 I gulped, took a deep breath, and said, “I’m Chelsea
20 “Chowder? Like the soup?” asked Nathaniel.
21 “Yes,” I replied, looking down and blushing. “Like a thick soup
or stew.
22 “Hey, cool. Do you and Claire want to come over after school
and play basketball with us?” Nathaniel asked.
23 “I’d love to,” I said.
24 “Me too,” Claire agreed.
25 And that is how I learned to ask good questions and became
friends with Nicholas and Nathaniel Noodlenoggin.
“Good Question, Chowderhead” story © SEPS: Licensed by Curtis Licensing, Indianapolis, IN. All rights
Page 23
24 Which sentence best shows Chelsea’s problem in the story?
F My dad always asks lots of questions.
G I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I didn’t want to go through another
school year as a Chowderhead, either.
H Two days later I headed to my new school for the first day of class.
J But there were two kids, twin brothers, who didn’t seem to talk to anyone but
each other.
25 Read the dictionary entry.
judge \
jəj\ verb
1. to listen to and decide a court
2. to choose the winner of a
3. to form an opinion about
4. to make a careful guess
Which meaning of judge is used in paragraph 9?
A Meaning 1
B Meaning 2
C Meaning 3
D Meaning 4
Page 24
26 Paragraphs 18 through 25 are important because they help the reader
understand —
F how Chelsea thinks of ideas to talk about when meeting people
G why the twins don’t make fun of Chelsea after they learn her name
H what activities the twins and Chelsea both find interesting
J when Chelsea plans to spend time with her new friends
27 Chelsea’s conversation with her father shows that he —
A understands how she feels about her name
B knows she will appreciate her name someday
C believes their name is more interesting than other names
D thinks she misunderstands what kids say about her name
Page 25
28 What is the best summary of this story?
F Chelsea talks to her father about how she feels about their last name.
Chelsea’s father tells her about the long history of their family name and gives
her some advice.
G Chelsea is interested in changing her last name, but her father helps her
understand why that is not a good idea. Chelsea goes to school and sits with
twin brothers at lunch.
H Chelsea wants to change her last name before going to a new school. After
talking to her father, she follows his advice and is able to make friends at her
new school.
J Chelsea is nervous about going to a new school because she thinks it will be
difficult to make new friends. When she goes to her new school, she meets a
nice girl and feels much better.
29 Read this sentence from paragraph 10.
Her face lit up, and she explained that she made them herself.
The author includes this description of Claire to show that she is —
A embarrassed that Chelsea notices her br
B unsure why Chelsea asks about her bracelets
C worried that Chelsea might make better bracelets
D pleased that Chelsea is interested in her bracelets
Page 26
30 Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?
F I asked my dad if I could change my name.
G “I get teased all the time.”
H “But you shouldn’t change who you are.”
J In no time at all we were laughing and talking.
31 In the last paragraph, the reader learns that Chelsea —
A is not sure whether the twins really like her
B does not want Claire to find out how she feels about her name
C is not the only person who experiences her problem
D does not want to play with the twins after school
Page 27
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
One Giant Paper Airplane
1 The Wright brothers made their famous first airplane flight in
North Carolina in 1903. More than 100 years later, 12-year-old
Arturo Valdenegro enjoyed his own kind of fame when a giant
paper airplane that he helped design flew over the desert in
The Great Paper Airplane Fly-Off
2 Arturo’s adventure started with a contest called the Great Paper
Airplane Fly-Off. It was organized by the Pima Air and Space
Museum in Tucson, Arizona. The goal of the contest is to help
children learn more about how airplanes fly and to encourage
them to explore science and inventing.
3 The rules of the contest say that all airplanes have to be
constructed from one piece of letter-size paper. The paper can be
folded and cut as many times as needed. But the finished plane
cannot contain any glue, tape, staples, or paper clips.
4 Arturo and about 200 other children ages 6 to 14 entered the
contest. The winner of the contest would be the person who made
the paper airplane that flew the farthest.
5 The 2012 Great Paper Airplane Fly-Off had four rounds of
competition. In the first three rounds, the children were put into
small groups and took turns flying their planes. The plane that
flew the farthest in each group was the winner of the round. Each
winner went to the next round and repeated the same process.
But the final round was different. The children did not fly their own
paper airplanes. Instead, a paper-airplane Guinness World Record
holder named Ken Blackburn flew each of the planes. Arturo’s
paper airplane flew the farthest. He won the contest. But winning
was just the start of his adventure.
Page 28
Arturo’s Desert Eagle
6 As part of the contest, the winner’s plane design was used to
create a giant paper airplane. The museum brought together a
team of experts to build a much larger version of Arturo’s airplane,
with Arturo’s help. They used a similar design but with materials
that could fly higher and farther than a small paper airplane. The
team built the huge plane out of a strong type of paper. By the
time the plane was finished, it was 45 feet long and weighed 800
pounds. They named it Arturo’s Desert Eagle.
7 Th
e next step w
as to
whether the giant
per airplane could
At 800 pounds this
plane was too heavy to
throw like a typical
paper airplane. Instead,
a helicopter lifted the
plane into the air with
a strong chain. Once
the plane reached a height of 2,703 feet, it was released over an
open, unpopulated area in the desert. During its short flight the
plane reached a speed of 98 miles per hour. Then it crashed into
the desert. It was a messy landing, with broken parts scattered
over the ground. But because the plane flew for six seconds, the
team had a reason to celebrate.
The Museum Display
uro’s Desert Eagle will not be forgotten. A part of the wing and
veral other pieces are now on permanent display at the Pima Air
d Space Museum. The museum plans to continue offering its
paper airplane contest to young scientists. The museum hopes
that Arturo’s Desert Eagle will inspire young paper airplane
designers to practice their skills. Just like Arturo, their winning
designs may soar into history one day!
8 Art
© Joshua Lott/Reuters
Page 29
© Ken Blackburn
Ken Blackburn’s Simple Paper Airplane
1. Get a piece of typing paper and crease it length-wise
2. Fold one corner to the center crease
3. Fold the other corner to the center line
4. Fold in half
5. Fold one wing down
6. Fold the other wing down
7. Fold the wings out, and add paper clips to nose (3 small, 2 big)
8. Bend the back of the wing up a little bit
Throw it gently forward. If it needs adjusting, try another paper clip on the nose,
and adjust the amount you bend the back of the wing up.
Page 30
32 Which section provides information about the rules of the contest?
F The Great Paper Airplane Fly-Off
G Arturo’s Desert Eagle
H The Museum Display
J Ken Blackburn’s Simple Paper Airplane
33 Which of these is a synonym for the word scattered in paragraph 7?
A Found
B Buried
C Carried
D Spread
Page 31
34 What is the best summary of the section titled “Arturo’s Desert Eagle”?
F A team built a giant paper airplane. It could fly higher and farther than a small
paper airplane. A helicopter was used to release the giant paper airplane into
the air.
G Arturo Valdenegro won the paper airplane contest after several rounds of
competition. He worked with experts at the museum to build a giant paper
airplane. It was called Arturo’s Desert Eagle.
H After the contest a team built a giant paper airplane. It was based on the
design of the winning paper airplane. A helicopter released the paper airplane
into the air. After a short flight the paper airplane crashed into the desert.
J A boy named Arturo Valdenegro won a paper airplane contest. Winning the
contest meant that his airplane design would be used to build a giant paper
airplane. The giant paper airplane was called Arturo’s Desert Eagle.
35 The photographs included in the section titled “Ken Blackburn’s Simple Paper
Airplane” help the reader —
A choose the best design for a paper airplane
B understand the steps for making a paper airplane
C understand how a paper airplane should be thrown
D select the best kind of paper for making a paper airplane
Page 32
36 One reason the Pima Air and Space Museum has a paper airplane contest is to —
F give people a reason to visit the museum
G teach children how to make objects out of paper
H show visitors that there are different kinds of airplanes
J encourage children to become more interested in science
37 Which sentence from the selection is best supported by the photograph next to
paragraph 7?
A The goal of the contest is to help children learn more about how airplanes fly
and to encourage them to explore science and inventing.
B At 800 pounds this plane was too heavy to throw like a typical paper airplane.
C During its short flight the plane reached a speed of 98 miles per hour.
D The museum plans to continue offering its paper airplane contest to young
Page 33
38 What happened to Arturo’s Desert Eagle at the end of its flight?
F It broke into pieces.
G It got stuck in the sand.
H It was carried away by a helicopter.
J It was rebuilt to inspire other children.
39 How is the paper airplane in “Ken Blackburn’s Simple Paper Airplane” different
from the paper airplane Arturo made in the contest?
A It has staples.
B It uses paper clips.
C It is folded many times.
D It uses one piece of paper.
40 Arturo won the paper airplane contest because his plane —
F flew the greatest distance
G reached the fastest speed
H had the most original design
J had the fewest number of folds
867179 ISD72331 2 3 4 5 A B C D E Printed in the USA
April 2015