Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Draft Action Plan for Coral Reef Restoration in the Main Hawaiian Islands
November 2021, Updated August 2022
Zac Forsman, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB)
Kira Hughes, HIMB
Kim Hum, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Luna Kekoa, Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR)
Lindsey Kramer, DAR/ Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative (HCRI)
Paulo Maurin, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Ryan Okano, DAR
Julia Rose, TNC
Shannon Ruseborn, NOAA
Bert Weeks, DAR
The Draft Action Plan benefited from input and feedback from the members of the
Advisory Committee that was established during the planning process: Gerry Davis
(NOAA), Alan Friedlander (National Geographic), Mark Hixon (University of Hawaiʻi,
UH), Brian Neilson (DAR), Bob Richmond (UH), and David Sakoda (DAR). Jeff
Maynard, of Symbioseas, led a climate vulnerability assessment and other analyses
used to guide the selection of geographic focus areas. The climate vulnerability
assessment was funded by the Lenfest Ocean Program (a Pew Charitable Trust) and
NOAA. We would also like to thank the following for their review of content through each
step of the planning process: Kitty Courtney (Tetratech), Tom Moore (NOAA), and
Jordan West (EPA). In addition, we would like to thank Elizabeth Shaver (Reef
Resilience Network, RRN), Cherie Wagner (RRN), and Lani Watson (NOAA) for their
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Project Description
In early 2020, the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) selected a planning team of
managers and scientists to follow the process in the Reef Resilience Network’s
Manager’s Guide to Coral Restoration Planning and Design. The planning team
developed this draft action plan with guidance and input from a coach and an advisor.
The team also received input and feedback on each of the four steps in the planning
process from an advisory committee of technical experts and resource managers, in
addition to mentors and Reef Resilience Network staff.
This draft Coral Restoration Action Plan fits within the State of Hawai‘i 2020-2030
Hawai‘i Coral Strategy, in particular the Makai Restoration Pillar, which is to “increase
the ecological function and integrity of coral reefs by: 1) developing DAR’s role in coral
reef ecosystem management for restoration projects statewide; and, 2) supporting
effective restoration projects, especially those that are led by public and private
partners” (State of Hawai‘i, 2020). The planning team also coordinated development of
a restoration permitting framework process, which is being led by the State.
To identify priority goals, the planning team considered the ecosystem services that
coral reefs provide as well as the stressors they are facing. Coral reef ecosystems are
important to the people of Hawai‘i and provide substantial economic value through
coastal fisheries and tourism. Other important services that coral reefs provide include
cultural value, coastal protection, and recreational uses. Additionally, as active coral
reef restoration is relatively new in the Pacific, the importance of developing and testing
methods was identified as critically important. Stressors include climate change impacts
(e.g., bleaching and ocean acidification), land-based sources of pollution, overfishing,
and intensive human uses in some areas.
This led to the following priority goals:
1. Build capacity to develop, test, and apply restoration methods that enhance the
resistance and recovery of coral reefs impacted by bleaching.
2. Develop and test restoration methods to enhance coastal protection.
3. Develop and test restoration methods to enhance fisheries habitat.
After further discussion, including input from the advisory committee, mentors, and
coaches, the planning team decided that the highest priority was the need to restore
corals lost during recent bleaching events, which have resulted in severe coral cover
declines in some areas. In 2014-2015, Hawai‘i experienced its first back-to-back mass-
bleaching event. Significant coral cover (up to 40%) was lost in some areas of the state,
in particular in West Hawai‘i and Maui. Hawai‘i experienced its second major bleaching
event in 2019, and coral mortality caused by this event is still being determined.
Importantly, these periodic marine heatwaves are projected to become more frequent
and severe as climate change intensifies, with some models predicting annual
bleaching by 2040. Additionally, the importance of building capacity and developing and
testing methods was determined as crucial to effectively implementing and scaling-up
restoration across Hawai‘i.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Priority Restoration Goal
The priority goal selected for this restoration action plan is: Build capacity to develop,
test, and apply restoration methods that enhance the resistance and recovery of
coral reefs impacted by bleaching.
Rationale for selecting geographic focus areas
Fourteen candidate regions for restoration were identified based on known areas that
had experienced severe impacts to coral communities during the recent bleaching
events. The candidate restoration regions are depicted in Figure 1. These regions were
analyzed using a climate vulnerability assessment (Appendix 1) as a proxy for coral
survivorship. Three of the 14 proposed regions (all on the north coast of Kaua’i) were
not considered, as the data underpinning the assessments were not available for these
Figure 1. Candidate regions for consideration.
Climate vulnerability is the output of combining projected future exposure to
disturbances with reef resilience and human impacts. The assessments identified areas
within the regions that have the lowest vulnerability and hence highest relative
restoration priority (in this analysis). The selection of geographic focus areas involved
numerous planning team meetings and two meetings with the advisory committee,
which included, (1) a discussion with Jeff Maynard (Symbioseas) to present the
vulnerability modelling process and candidate geographic area ranking results, and (2)
a presentation of the synthesis of top candidate geographic focus areas developed by
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
the planning team with feasibility and support integrated into the selection. The DAR
30x30 team and other DAR staff outside the planning team were also consulted for
responses to specific area questions and ground-truthing throughout the completion of
this step. Comments and feedback from these meetings and individual discussions
were integrated into contextual notes for each candidate area and ultimately guided the
selection of 11 candidate geographic focus areas from within the candidate regions.
Oʻahu, two regions were selected with priority candidate restoration geographic focus
areas: 1) the Kāne'ohe Bay region included Heʻeia NERRS (includes Moku o Loʻe/
Coconut Island), HIMB, and South Kāne'ohe Bay, and 2) South shore including
Waialae/Kahala and the reef area adjacent to the Waikīkī.
Hawaiʻi Island, geographic focus areas were selected from two regions: 1) the South
Kona region included priority areas in the Kealakekua Bay MLCD and the Keauhou/
Kahaluʻu area, and 2) the South Kohala/North Kona region included areas at
Kaʻūpūlehu/ Kiholo Bay and the Mauna Lani resort area including Honokaʻope Beach
and Makaʻiwa Bay.
Maui, all selected geographic focus areas were within the Leeward region: Olowalu,
Maʻalaea, and Kealia (Sugar Beach). Geographic focus area options were also
discussed for Kaua‘i, Molokaʻi and Lana‘i, and were determined to have relatively lower
priority due to low feasibility, infrastructure, and capacity, as well as unknown
community support. These areas may be revisited in future planning discussions.
Hanauma Bay was then added by DAR for consideration. Data were then compiled
about the geographic focus areas (Figure 3) and were the focus of discussions with the
planning team and the advisory committee.
Five areas (Figure 2) were then selected as focus areas for restoration, based on a
combination of: recent bleaching impacts, climate vulnerability (Appendix 1), restoration
feasibility, existing management, local knowledge (e.g., site characteristic ground-
truthing), water quality, ability to source corals nearby, collaboration opportunities,
current community support and outreach needs (Table 1). Areas were also prioritized
based on the goal of “building capacity to develop and test methods.” The focus areas
are: Waikīkī and Hanauma Bay on Oʻahu, Olowalu on Maui, and Kaʻūpūlehu and
Kealakekua Bay on Hawaiʻi. Specific restoration sites within these geographic focus
areas will be selected as part of the implementation process, which will include site
specific planning.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Table 1. Dashboard of information that was considered during planning discussions that
narrowed the 11 candidate areas to the 5 geographic focus areas. Color-coded bins
represent a qualitative assessment conducted by the planning team, scientific advisors,
and other experts.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Figure 2. Map of the 5 priority geographic focus areas.
Summary of Geographic Focus Areas Prioritized for Restoration
Below is a brief description of the priority geographic focus areas prioritized for active
restoration interventions. For each focus area (Figure 2), information is provided on
relevance to restoration goal, potential to improve condition, climate vulnerability,
human impacts, and any other notes.
1. Waikīkī
Relevance to Restoration Goal:
This area has recently undergone thermal stress, with varying levels of coral cover loss
documented in recent bleaching events.
Potential to Improve Condition:
The Waikīkī Marine Life Conservation District prohibits take of marine life. The Waikīkī-
Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries Management Area closes fishing every other year.
In addition, this area currently has several complementary efforts to control invasive
macroalgae, and DAR has begun outplanting native urchins.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Extensive baseline data exist for this area, including historical studies (e.g., coral
surveys; Edmondson 1946, benthic surveys for beach sand replenishment projects;
Forsman et al. 2013, alien algal removal; Celia Smith & Cindy Hunter). These existing
data can provide context for future restoration activities and can help gauge improved
The area has excellent available infrastructure and collaborative opportunities (Waikīkī,
University of Hawaiʻi, Kewalo Marine Lab, DAR Coral Nursery, NOAA airport coral
nursery, Sea Grant). This area is unique in the potential partnership with sectors of the
hospitality industry; Waikīkī is internationally renowned with a thriving tourism industry
and has the potential for public/private partnerships. There may be interest in supporting
coral restoration through ecotours and other endeavors with local businesses (e.g.
Atlantis Adventures, local dive operators, Waikīkī hotels).
Climate vulnerability
Climate vulnerability of coral reefs near the Waikīkī MLCD is high relative to all sites
assessed (using 2019 NOAA NCMRP survey data) in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
Relative climate vulnerability is also high for this area when compared only to reef sites
around Oahu.
Human Impacts:
Coral restoration activities in this area may be challenged by human impacts, including
high levels of visitation and usage, possible water quality issues, frequent boat strikes,
and the presence of invasive macroalgae and possibly other invasive species.
Other Notes:
This area is relatively easily accessible via Honolulu boat harbors.
Coral restoration activities in this area may also be beneficial to the secondary and
tertiary goals of enhancing fisheries habitat and controlling coastal erosion. There are
also unique public education opportunities because Waikīkī is world famous.
There is currently experimental restoration research occurring in this area offshore of
the Halekulani Hotel (Mark Hixon, UH Mānoa, Coral Resilience Module Experiment).
This area has frequent summer swell events, the larger of which are known to dislodge
larger colonies of branching coral. Nearby sourcing potential for corals of opportunity is
high due to human impacts such as boat strikes and occasionally very high swell
There is a need to consider beach replenishment areas within sand channels when
siting restoration activities.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
2. Hanauma Bay
Relevance to Restoration Goal:
This area has recently undergone thermal stress and resultant coral bleaching events,
with minor levels of coral cover loss documented.
Potential to Improve Condition:
Hanauma Bay is one of the most famous and popular snorkeling spots in the state.
Hanauma Bay was the first MLCD designated in the State of Hawaiʻi with high levels of
enforcement and compliance. Baseline coral cover and fish abundance and biomass
data exist for both fixed and randomized areas in this area (CRAMP data, UH Mānoa
HIMB (Dr. Kuulei Rogers), and UH Mānoa Life Sciences (Dr. Mark Hixon)). These
existing data provide context for future restoration activities and can help gauge
improved conditions.
There is also a unique amount of action and collaboration between community groups in
the area, including the University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant Program’s Hanauma Bay
Education Program, Friends of Hanauma Bay, Mālama Maunalua, the Hixon Lab at the
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and the DLNR DAR Hawai‘i Coral Restoration Nursery
Climate vulnerability
Climate vulnerability of coral reefs within Hanauma Bay is medium-high relative to all
sites assessed (using 2019 NOAA NCMRP survey data) in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
However, climate vulnerability is medium-low and low for this area when compared only
to reef sites around Oʻahu. The presence of a robust herbivore assemblage may help
support existing coral assemblages and future coral restoration activities by helping to
mitigate surrounding algal growth.
Human Impacts:
This area is heavily utilized for recreational purposes and for diving and snorkel tourism.
An extensive outreach program is established at this area to help minimize visitor
impacts and visitation is somewhat controlled. Relatively few people visit the outer bay.
Other Notes:
Regular access to this area could be limited due to MLCD rules.
Nearby sourcing potential for corals of opportunity at this area may be low, but may be
available due to occasional diver or visitor damage and swell events.
There are currently other on-going coral restoration activities in the area, conducted by
the DAR Coral Nursery and the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Dr. Mark Hixon).
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
3. Olowalu (Leeward Maui)
Relevance to Restoration Goal:
This area has recently undergone thermal stress and resultant coral bleaching events,
with varying levels of coral cover loss documented in each event. Large massive corals
were impacted during recent bleaching events.
Potential to Improve Condition:
The 939-acre Olowalu reef has been identified as one of the most essential reefs on the
island of Maui and was declared a Mission Blue Hope Spot in 2017. Research has
shown that this large reef is an important source of larvae for other reefs in Maui Nui.
This area is regulated by statewide rules established by DAR. In addition, this area
currently has several complementary efforts to control erosion and sedimentation in the
adjacent watershed area (the Olowalu ahupuaʻa). TNC will be initiating multi-
stakeholder planning for sediment mitigation in the adjacent watersheds. DOFAW is
proposing to do large-scale watershed restoration projects including building fencing
and removing pigs that may impact sediment export to the reef.
Somewhat limited baseline coral cover and fish abundance and biomass data exist for
survey sites in this area (CRAMP, DAR, NOAA CRED). Sedimentation data may also
be available for specific subsites. These existing data can provide context for future
restoration activities and can help gauge improved conditions. An NCRMP Class III
monitoring super site will be established at Olowalu, including CO
/ocean acidification
buoy plus NCRMP fish, benthic, SfM, and climate monitoring, cetacean acoustic
monitoring, and water quality measurements (nutrients, total suspended solids, etc.).
Potential collaboration and partnership opportunities exist with the Maui Ocean Center,
the Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute (MOCMI), Maui Nui Marine Resource Council,
Hawai‘i Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, UH Mānoa/Maui, PacIOOS, and
community groups.
Climate vulnerability
Relative climate vulnerability of coral reefs near Olowalu varies when compared to all
sites assessed (using 2019 NOAA NCMRP survey data) in the Main Hawaiian Islands
and when compared only to sites in Maui. There are medium-low, medium-high, and
high vulnerability sites in the Olowalu area in both assessments. Coral diversity is high
in this area. This area is known to be a natal reef for all of Maui Nui. Numerous large,
massive poritid coral colonies were lost during recent bleaching events.
Human Impacts:
The adjacent watershed has experienced ongoing development and pressures from
feral ungulates and wild hogs that have potentially exacerbated erosion in the area and
sedimentation on the reef. A 2021 USGS report found that sediment plumes in West
Maui’s nearshore waters were caused by streambank erosion of historic fill terraces,
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
deposited as a legacy of agriculture
. However, several complementary efforts to control
erosion and sedimentation are currently underway and being proposed
Other Notes:
Coral restoration activities at this area may also be beneficial to the other restoration
goals of enhancing fisheries habitat and controlling coastal erosion.
The area is easily accessed by shoreline or boat.
The potential for sourcing corals of opportunity nearby is currently unknown.
4. Kaʻūpūlehu (North Kona, Hawaiʻi Island)
Relevance to Restoration Goal:
Kaʻūpūlehu also experienced severe coral mortality and loss in cover during the 2015
bleaching event
. A subsequent bleaching event occurred in 2019 with less severe
bleaching reported
. Both localized coral recovery and structural loss due to bioerosion
have been reported in this area.
Potential to Improve Condition:
Beginning in 2016, this area has been protected as a “no take” rest area as a result of
the Try Wait Initiative. Planning is currently underway to guide a sustainable reopening
in 2026. These protective regulations and current existing community and stakeholder
partnerships will likely enhance restoration activities. Currently, there’s a strong existing
network of partners and tentative community support for restoration in this area.
Baseline coral cover and fish abundance and biomass data exist for both fixed and
randomized sites in this area (TNC, DAR, NOAA CRED, community monitoring). These
existing data provide context for future restoration activities and can help gauge
improved conditions.
Climate vulnerability
Climate vulnerability of coral reefs near Kaʻūpūlehu is low and medium-low relative to all
sites assessed (using 2019 NOAA NCMRP survey data) in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
Stock, J.D., and Cerovski-Darriau, Corina (2021) Sediment budget for watersheds of West Maui, Hawaii: U.S.
Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20205133, 61 p., 1 plate, scale 1:25,000,
Kramer KL, Cotton SP, Lamson MR, Walsh WJ (2016) Bleaching and catastrophic mortality of reef-building corals
along west Hawai‘i island: findings and future directions. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef
Symposium, Honolulu: 219-230
Winston M, Couch C, Huntingon B, Vargas-Ángel B, Suka R, Oliver T, Halperin A, Gray A, McCoy K, Asbury M,
Barkley H, Gove J, Smith N, Kramer L, Rose J, Conklin E, Sukhraj N, Morioka J. (2020) Preliminary results of patterns
of 2019 thermal stress and coral bleaching across the Hawaiian Archipelago. NOAA Admin Rep. H-20-04, 13 p.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
When compared only to sites around HawaiʻiIsland, coral reefs near Kaʻūpūlehu all have
low relative climate vulnerability.
Current “no-take” protective restrictions have resulted in replenished target fish
assemblages, including herbivores. The presence of a robust herbivore assemblage
may help support existing coral assemblages and future coral restoration activities by
helping to mitigate surrounding algal growth.
Human Impacts:
Human impacts are currently mitigated by regulations including ‘no-take’ restrictions for
a portion of the bay. Light to moderate tourism occurs at some shoreline areas of this
Other Notes:
Nearby coral sourcing potential is relatively low for this area. Corals of opportunity may
be generated by bioerosional processes and seasonal swell events.
Coral restoration activities at this area may also be beneficial to the tertiary goal of
enhancing fisheries habitat.
This area is only fairly accessible, with no immediately adjacent harbor for boating
access. The area is approximately 15 miles from Honokōhau Harbor or the Puakō boat
launch. Shoreline access may be coordinated with the adjacent resort and associated
facilities (Four Seasons).
5. Kealakekua Bay MLCD (South Kona, Hawaiʻi Island)
Relevance to Restoration Goal:
Kealakekua Bay experienced severe coral mortality and cover loss during the 2015
bleaching event. A subsequent bleaching event occurred in 2019 with less severe
mortality reported. Continual bioerosional processes have affected the remaining dead
coral structure (live rock), resulting in a reduction in complexity of the reef framework in
many areas. This area still hosts surviving populations of relatively uncommon coral
species, including Pavona duerdeni and Porites monticulosa, and has shown signs of
gradual recovery for certain common species, including Porites lobata.
Potential to Improve Condition:
Kealakekua Bay is one of the oldest Marine Life Conservation Districts (MLCD) on
Hawai‘i Island and complementary management regulations are already in place,
including ‘no-take’ restrictions for a portion of the bay. Currently, there is an existing
draft Management Plan for Kealakekua Bay State Park, which surrounds and includes
the MLCD. This document is scheduled for revision with additional community input and
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
finalization in 2022-2023. Additional management components will likely be
incorporated into the plan, including usage rules and possible visitor facilities.
In addition, baseline coral cover and fish abundance and biomass data exist for both
fixed and randomized sites in this area (DAR, NOAA CRED). These existing data
provide context for future restoration activities and can help gauge improved conditions.
Climate vulnerability
Climate vulnerability of coral reefs near Kealakekua is medium-high relative to all sites
assessed (using 2019 NOAA NCMRP survey data) in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Also,
when compared only to sites around HawaiʻiIsland, coral reefs near Kaʻūpūlehu are
assessed as having medium-high relative climate vulnerability.
Because of its ‘no-take’ status within a portion of the MLCD, the area hosts a robust
assemblage of both fish and invertebrate herbivores. Signs of intensive grazing are
apparent in this geographical focus area, and large macroalgal blooms have not been
documented since the severe loss in coral cover in 2015.
Human Impacts:
Human impacts are currently mitigated by regulations including ‘no-take’ restrictions for
a portion of the bay and other regulations associated with MLCD designation. This area
is heavily utilized by numerous dive, snorkel and recreational tourism companies. Many
of these charters include educational programs on the significance of natural and
cultural resources at the site.
Other Notes:
This area has strong potential for community collaboration and partnerships, despite
some ongoing controversy regarding site management. Several dive tourism companies
that frequent this area have expressed interest in coral restoration activities.
Nearby coral sourcing potential is relatively low for this area. Corals of opportunity may
be generated by bioerosional processes, diver/visitor damage and swell events.
Bleached and non-bleached colonies were tagged at Kealakekua during the 2019
bleaching event to start a "living library" with known coral histories to support future
coral resilience research.
Coral restoration activities at this area may also be beneficial to the tertiary goal of
enhancing fisheries habitat, as well as public education.
More information for this area is available at: https://dlnr.Hawaiʻ
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Ongoing Management
All selected geographic focus areas are regulated by general statewide rules including
gear restrictions, regulated species rules, and lay net rules. More information about
DAR statewide rules is available at: https://dlnr.Hawaiʻ
The Waikīkī Geographic Focus Area is situated within the Waikīkī Marine Life
Conservation District. The adjacent Waikīkī-Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries
Management Area is closed to fishing in the area every other year. In addition, this area
currently has several complementary efforts to control invasive macroalgae, including
DAR’s project to outplant urchins and enhance herbivory in the area. More information
about the Waikīkī Marine Life Conservation District can be found at:
The Hanauma Bay Geographic Focus Area falls within the Hanauma Bay Marine Life
Conservation District. This MLCD was the first to be designated in the State of Hawai‘i.
Regulations prohibit the take of any marine life or geological feature. Visitation to the
bay is managed with a reservation system and associated fees.
More information about the Hanauma Bay Marine Life Conservation District can be
found at:
districts/oahu-hanauma-bay/ and
The Olowalu Geographic Focus Area does not have its own specific spatial
management rules and is regulated by the general DAR statewide rules described
above. On-going projects are occurring and planned in the adjacent ahupuaʻa
(watershed) to help control erosion and sedimentation at this site. In addition, the entire
island of Maui is within a Lay Net Prohibited Area.
More information about the Maui Lay Net Prohibited Area can be found at:
The Kaʻūpūlehu Geographic Focus area falls within the Ka‘ūpūlehu Marine Reserve,
and is currently protected as a temporary “no take” rest area as a result of the Try Wait
Initiative, which went into effect in July 2016. Planning is currently underway to help
guide a sustainable reopening in 2026. Detailed information about regulations at
Kaʻūpūlehu can be found at: https://dlnr.Hawaiʻ
Kealakekua Bay is one of the oldest Marine Life Conservation Districts (MLCD) on
Hawai’i Island and rules include ‘no-take’ restrictions for a portion of the bay. Currently,
there is an existing draft Management Plan for Kealakekua Bay State Park, which
surrounds and includes the MLCD. This document is scheduled for revision with
additional community input and finalization in 2022-2023. In addition, a collaborative
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
planning process with relevant stakeholders began in late 2021 to develop a
Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for this area.
Detailed information about regulations within Kealakekua Bay MLCD can be found at:
Additionally, several statewide management initiatives are currently being developed by
DLNR/DAR. Please see Appendix 3 for more details.
Restoration Interventions
To identify restoration options, the team used the National Academy’s Review of Coral
Interventions and other available resources, including DAR’s permitting framework
Six restoration intervention options were identified for potential implementation at the
priority geographic focus areas (Waikīkī, Hanauma Bay, Olowalu, Ka’upulehu,
Kealakekua Bay). The team did not assign specific interventions to each area, because
more detailed planning processes will be carried out at each geographic focus area
prior to pilot project implementation with local stakeholders. The six interventions
considered by the planning team were:
1. Opportunistic fragment, colony, and/or substrate stabilization (within site)
2. Direct transplantation of corals of opportunity to resilient sites (from adjacent
3. Coral gardening with corals of opportunity (in situ and ex situ)
4. Coral gardening through selective collection and propagation (4A Selecting
resilient corals for gardening, 4B Stress testing to inform selection)
5. Gamete and larval seeding and larval tenting
6. Substrate addition (artificial reefs, bio-rock, live rock/CCA)
In addition to the six active restoration interventions being considered, complementary
actions were identified to be conducted as part of the site preparation and site
maintenance. These could include coral predator management, herbivore introduction
and enhancement, and/or macroalgae removal.
The team developed a multi-criteria evaluation framework to rank and prioritize the
restoration intervention options while accounting for the priority restoration goal. The
evaluation framework consisted of seven criteria and associated weightings:
effectiveness potential, social/community involvement, feasibility, capacity development,
learning opportunity, risk, and external benefits. The evaluation framework was
distributed to the advisory committee and additional technical experts to complete.
15 experts completed the evaluation spreadsheets and additional input was gathered
during meetings. Average weights were used to determine the highest ranked
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Coral gardening was the highest ranked intervention, both with corals of opportunity and
selective collection (Options 3 and 4). These options are defined in more detail below.
Additional interventions that ranked high when considering individual areas were direct
transplantation for all areas and opportunistic stabilization for Olowalu, Hanauma Bay,
and Waikīkī.
Comments were summarized from evaluators and also taken into consideration and
coral gardening with selective collection received the most positive comments for an
intervention to achieve the defined restoration goal.
Coral gardening with corals of opportunity (in situ and ex situ)
Corals of opportunity within the restoration site or in close proximity to the restoration
site will be collected for propagation and a grow-out period. The dominant reef building
coral species for each site would be targeted by using modeling data (PACIOOS
website) and/or in-water survey data (DAR, NOAA CRED, TNC). Coral gardening would
involve either in situ or ex situ asexual propagation techniques (fragmenting,
microfragmenting and microskinning) or whole colony outplanting.
In situ nurseries would be established in protected sites or embayments or by using
structures able to withstand wave action. Ex situ nurseries require infrastructure, but
some institutions on O‘ahu and Maui already have available expertise and capacity
including: 1) the DAR Coral Nursery, 2) Maui Ocean Center, 3) Hawai’i Institute of
Marine Biology, 4) NOAA. Developing the infrastructure and capacity for an ex situ
nursery on Hawai‘i Island has been identified as a high priority.
Coral gardening through selective collection and propagation
4A Selecting resilient corals for gardening
4B Stress testing to inform selection
This intervention entails selective collection of resilient corals or thermal stress testing of
corals of opportunity. Take of corals for propagation will target resilient corals to
enhance survival of outplants during future bleaching events. These corals will be
propagated through fragmenting, microfragging and microskinning techniques either
through ex-situ or in-situ options (see above).
Live coral take should be limited to:
4A: Known corals that have been identified, tagged, and the phenotype monitored
through one or more bleaching events. Researchers have already been tracking
individual coral colonies in certain locations (Coral Resilience Lab in Kāneʻohe Bay,
Kealakekua Bay, and Hixon lab in Waikīkī and Hanauma Bay).
4B: Small samples from live corals or corals of opportunity taken for thermal stress
testing in the laboratory to determine level of resilience to bleaching (Coral Resilience
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Lab currently conducting R & D on this technique on O‘ahu). This information could be
used to preferentially take fragments for asexual propagation from more resilient corals.
Objectives and Performance Metrics
The specific objectives and performance metrics that will be used to assess project
progress are detailed here. A summary is provided in Appendix 2 with more detailed
timelines. A team of scientists and technical experts is working to develop standardized
monitoring metrics for restoration projects statewide.
Objective 1.1: Within 3 years, two new pilot restoration sites from the five geographic
focus areas are established where restoration interventions are developed, tested, and
evaluated with engagement by community and partners.
Performance Metrics:
Number of site assessments conducted/baseline data collected at geographic
focus areas
Number of restoration permits obtained
Number of restoration sites/nurseries established
Number of methods/interventions being tested
Monitoring protocols developed
Research gaps/needs documented
Design parameters developed to determine efficacy (e.g., BACI), including
standardized methods across sites
Survival rate of outplanted corals
Community network knowledge exchange/sharing
Economics of restoration (scalability)
Identify and engage community stakeholders and partners to incorporate place-
based knowledge in site-specific planning
Develop site specific restoration plan(s) including experimental design, target
restoration outcomes, methods, and interventions for restoration and control sites
Determine in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery capacity options for each pilot site
Secure permits for restoration sites with technical/scientific advisor(s) identified
Synthesize existing data, conduct baseline monitoring, and site assessment
Establish 2 sites piloting active restoration interventions
Develop monitoring protocols and implement monitoring to evaluate efficacy of
Analyze data, write reports, synthesize project accomplishments, and share
lessons learned
Scope out development of nursery infrastructure on neighbor islands
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Objective 1.2: Within 6 years, ex-situ and/or in-situ nursery infrastructure is established
on at least three islands and effective restoration interventions are implemented at five
restoration sites, including active engagement with community groups and partners.
Performance Metrics:
Number of restoration sites established
Number of methods/interventions tested and applied
Number of ex-situ nurseries established
Number of corals outplanted and percent of resilient corals outplanted
Survival rate of outplanted corals
Number of community stakeholders and partners identified and engaged in
restoration planning and implementation
Collaborative network of restoration practitioners is established
Use lessons learned from pilot sites to inform implementation and replication of
effective restoration techniques at multiple sites
Establish in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery infrastructure on at least three islands that
is actively supporting restoration activities
Provide technical training in restoration and monitoring techniques to community
groups and partners and seek active participation when appropriate
Implement restoration activities at multiple sites, ensuring site-based planning
and permitting is completed at each site
Continue conducting monitoring to evaluate efficacy of restoration interventions
Facilitate a collaborative network of restoration practitioners and science advisors
and provide regular specialized trainings to build network capacity
Prepare for future climate impacts at restoration sites by analyzing data during
and after bleaching event(s) to determine efficacy of interventions and evaluate
potential mitigation efforts to ensure future restoration efforts are climate smart
Analyze data, write reports, synthesize project accomplishments, and share
lessons learned
Objective 1.3: Within 10 years, successful restoration techniques are being
implemented at a scale that increases the resilience of coral reefs in Hawaii.
Performance Metrics:
Number of methods/interventions applied
Number of restoration sites/nurseries implemented and maintained
Number of ex-situ nurseries established
Number of corals outplanted and percent of resilient corals outplanted
Size of corals outplanted
Survival rate of outplanted corals
Number of restoration practitioners using active interventions to restore Hawaiian
coral species
Compare survivorship between restoration interventions.
Compare survivorship through periods of bleaching conditions
Community capacity is scaled up across the state
Site workshops/ trainings/community involvement at local restoration site
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Expand to broader public/inter community sharing
Conduct evaluation of restoration efforts across multiple sites; synthesize data to
prioritize effective and climate-resilient restoration interventions at scale
Continue to implement restoration activities at multiple sites, ensuring site-based
planning and permitting is completed at each site
Maintain and expand in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery infrastructure that is actively
supporting restoration activities
Expand the implementation of restoration interventions that enhance the
resilience of coral reefs across Hawai‘i, ensuring appropriate permitting is
Conduct monitoring to evaluate efficacy of interventions at scale
Maintain and expand collaborative network of restoration practitioners, scientific
advisors, and community stakeholders
Ensure coral restoration projects are integrated into place-based management
plans across the state
Conduct a meta-analysis to determine ecosystem impacts, cost effectiveness of
restoration efforts
Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
Once the draft action plan is complete, the next step will be to reach out to partners and
stakeholders to share and gather input on the plan before it is finalized. These
engagement efforts will be focused on outreach about the planning process, draft action
plan, and selection of geographic focal areas. There will be a more detailed planning
process in the future at each geographic focus area prior to implementation where
restoration sites and interventions will be selected with involved discussions with local
stakeholders and community members.
The planning team identified the following key steps:
1. Outreach to critical stakeholders, community members, and decision makers in
the five priority geographic focal areas. These will be small, targeted
conversations to gather input and feedback and obtain their support. This will be
an opportunity to understand community priorities, other activities/projects
underway in the area, and other stakeholders to engage in the detailed planning
2. Outreach to a broader audience of the coral restoration community. This will be
in webinar format targeted at stakeholders engaged in coral reef and watershed
restoration, research, and management. This may consist of multiple
presentations to communities here in Hawai‘i, the broader Pacific, and
3. Stakeholder engagement during site-specific planning process. This will entail
working directly with local stakeholder and community members prior to
implementation. Topics will include restoration site selection, restoration
interventions, restoration targets, species, etc.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Appendix 1. Summary of Climate Vulnerability Assessment for the Main Hawaiian
A climate vulnerability assessment was completed to evaluate potential coral
restoration areas for likelihood of coral survivorship and probability of restoration
project success. This assessment integrated data on: 1) projected future exposure to
bleaching conditions under a business-as-usual emissions scenario; 2) reef resilience
(using available data for coral and macroalgal cover, reef builder ratio, herbivore
biomass, and temperature variability); and 3) human impacts (using a cumulative
impacts index; Lecky 2019). Relative vulnerability was assessed for ~600 sites that
were surveyed in 2019. Vulnerability for each site was assessed as relative to sites
only at that island (intra-island), as well as sites at all islands (inter-island). The
assessment rated sites as low, medium-low, medium-high, and high vulnerability.
Corals likely have a greater chance to survive at sites with lower relative vulnerability,
so vulnerability was an important consideration when evaluating the focus areas. The
results of the all-islands and inter-island vulnerability assessment are shown below as
Figures A1 and A2.
Figure A1. Relative climate vulnerability assessed as all sites relative to sites at all islands,
based on 2019 NOAA NCRMP survey data.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Figure A2. Relative climate vulnerability assessed with sites compared intra-island, based on
2019 NOAA NCRMP survey data.
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Appendix 2. Action Plan Summary Matrix
Goal: Build capacity to develop, test, and apply restoration methods that enhance the
resistance and recovery of coral reefs impacted by bleaching.
SMART Objective 1.1: Within 3 years, two new pilot restoration sites from the five
geographic focus areas are established where restoration interventions are developed,
tested, and evaluated with engagement by community and partners.
Performance metrics
Short-term (1-3 years)
• Number of site assessments conducted/baseline data collected at priority sites
• Number of restoration permits obtained
• Number of restoration sites/nurseries established
• Monitoring protocols developed
• Research gaps/needs documented
• Design parameters developed to determine efficacy (e.g. BACI)
Identify and engage community stakeholders and partners to
incorporate place-based knowledge in site-specific planning
Year 1
Develop site specific restoration plan(s) including experimental
design, methods, and interventions for restoration and control sites
Year 1
Determine in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery capacity options for each
Year 1
Secure permits for restoration sites with technical/scientific
advisor(s) identified
Year 1
Synthesize existing data, conduct baseline monitoring, and site
Year 1
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Establish 2 sites piloting active restoration interventions Years 1-2
Develop monitoring protocols and implement monitoring to evaluate
efficacy of interventions
Years 1-3
Analyze data, write reports, synthesize project accomplishments,
and share lessons learned
Year 3
SMART Objective 1.2: Within 6 years, ex-situ and/or in-situ nursery infrastructure is
established on at least three islands and effective restoration interventions are
implemented at five restoration sites, including active engagement with community groups
and partners.
Performance metrics:
Mid-term (4-6 years)
• Number of restoration sites/nurseries established
• Number of methods/interventions tested and applied
• Number of ex-situ nurseries established
• Number of corals outplanted and percent of resistant corals outplanted
• Survival rate of outplanted corals
• Number of community stakeholders and partners identified and engaged in restoration
planning and implementation
• Collaborative network of restoration practitioners is established
Use lessons learned from pilot sites to inform implementation and
replication of effective restoration techniques at multiple sites
Year 4
Establish in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery infrastructure on at least
three islands that is actively supporting restoration activities
Years 4-6
Provide technical training in restoration and monitoring techniques
to community groups and partners and seek active participation
when appropriate
Years 4-6
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Implement restoration activities at multiple sites, ensuring site-
based planning and permitting is completed at each site
Years 4-6
Continue conducting monitoring to evaluate efficacy of restoration
Years 4-6
Facilitate a collaborative network of restoration practitioners and
science advisors and provide regular specialized trainings to build
network capacity
Years 5-6
Prepare for future climate impacts at restoration sites by analyzing
data during and after bleaching event(s) to determine efficacy of
interventions and evaluate potential mitigation efforts to ensure
future restoration efforts are climate smart
Years 4-6
Analyze data, write reports, synthesize project accomplishments,
and share lessons learned
Year 6
SMART Objective 1.3: Within 10 years, successful restoration techniques are being
implemented at a scale that increases the resilience of coral reefs in Hawaii.
Performance metrics:
Long-term (7-10 years)
• Number of methods/interventions tested and applied
• Number of restoration sites/nurseries implemented
• Number of ex-situ nurseries established
• Number of corals outplanted and percent of resistant corals outplanted
• Survival rate of outplanted corals
• Number of restoration practitioners using active interventions to restore Hawaiian coral
• Community capacity is scaled up across the state
• Site workshops/trainings/community involvement at local restoration sites
• Expand to broader public/inter community sharing/larger community network knowledge
• Economics of restoration (Scalability)
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Conduct evaluation of restoration efforts across multiple sites;
synthesize data to prioritize effective and climate-resilient
restoration interventions at scale
Year 7
Continue to implement restoration activities at multiple sites,
ensuring site-based planning and permitting is completed at each
Years 7-10
Maintain and expand in-situ and/or ex-situ nursery infrastructure
that is actively supporting restoration activities
Years 7-10
Expand the implementation of restoration interventions that
enhance the resilience of coral reefs across Hawaiʻi, ensuring
appropriate permitting is secured
Years 7-10
Conduct monitoring to evaluate efficacy of interventions at scale Years 7-10
Maintain and expand collaborative network of restoration
practitioners, scientific advisors, and community stakeholders
Years 7-10
Integrate coral restoration as a key intervention in place-
based management plans across the state
Years 9-10
Conduct a meta-analysis to determine ecosystem impacts,
cost effectiveness of restoration efforts
Year 10
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Appendix 3. Relevant Statewide Management Initiatives
On Sept. 1, 2016, Governor David Ige announced the Sustainable Hawai‘i Initiative,
including a commitment to effectively manage Hawai‘i’s nearshore waters by 2030. Now
known as, ‘Holomua: Marine 30x30,’ the goal is to effectively manage Hawai‘i’s
nearshore waters, with at least 30% established as marine management areas. This
initiative aims to focus on a broad range of marine management measures to sustain,
conserve, and enhance marine resources so that communities can continue to benefit
from abundant nearshore waters now and in the future. DLNR has since established
new strategic directions to better nearshore resources by addressing local and global
impacts. Currently, the Holomua team is working to develop management plans for
existing managed areas.
More about the DLNR/DAR Holomua (30x30) program can be viewed at:
DLNR/DAR is currently conducting public scoping and development of herbivore-
specific statewide rules. These rules are intended to help enhance coral reef protection
and post- bleaching recovery. The DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) held a
series of virtual scoping meetings in late 2020 to compile community input on options for
management of key herbivores. Bag limits, size limits, gear regulations and/or seasonal
protections are currently being evaluated.
More information about the scoping for statewide herbivore rules can be viewed at:
DLNR/ DAR is in the process of developing a framework for evaluating special activity
permits (SAPs) for proposed coral restoration projects in the state. This initiative has
involved compiling existing and new SAP documents into a statewide database and
mapping coral collection data to help track on-going projects and inform future
permitting decisions. In addition, a draft permit evaluation tool was developed to
quantitatively assess proposed intervention methods for new restoration projects.
In 2020, the DLNR/DAR updated its Hawai‘i Coral Reef Strategy, which now includes a
pillar for Makai Restoration. The goal of this pillar is to increase the ecological function
and integrity of coral reefs, with key objectives including: 1) developing DAR’s role in
coral reef ecosystem management for restoration projects statewide, and 2) supporting
effective restoration projects, especially those that are led by public and private
partners. The Hawai‘i Coral Reef Strategy 2030 can be viewed at:
During the 2021 legislative session DLNR/DAR submitted eight administrative bills,
seven of which passed, including the creation of an ocean stewardship special fund,
natural resource inspection authorization for DOCARE, updated laynet rules, and new
adaptive management rules. Effective Oct. 1, 2021, the Board of Land and Natural
Resource (BLNR) is able to temporarily adopt, amend, and repeal certain natural
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
resource rules by formal action at a public meeting if BLNR finds it necessary to
implement management measures in response to rapidly changing resource conditions.
The DLNR/DAR Aquatic Invasive Species team has several current projects, primarily
on O‘ahu to control invasive species and resulting damage to natural resources. AIS
team projects include invasive algae reporting and control, marine debris inspection and
removal, and ballast water/biofouling response. A key focus of the AIS team is to control
of Kappaphycus/ Eucheuma (smothering seaweed) along with a variety of other species
using physical clearing methods and herbivore reintroduction. More information about
the AIS team is available at: https://dlnr.Hawaiʻ
The DLNR/DAR the Ānuenue Coral Restoration Nursery located on Sand Island, O‘ahu,
aims to use professional-level coral husbandry techniques to grow small coral
fragments, recombine them into large colonies, and then transplant them into the field in
a fraction of the time it would take these corals to grow naturally. The Hawai‘i nursery
primarily uses corals for transplantation from harbors as they, 1) have lower ecological
value compared to corals from natural areas, 2) may be more resilient to disturbances
and environmental changes, and 3) do not impact natural reefs, and 4) support upkeep
and maintenance of manmade structures. More information about the DAR Coral
Nursery is available at:
Please note the contents of the Draft Action Plan for Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration is still draft and subject to change
Appendix 4. Current Permitted Coral Restoration Projects in the Main Hawaiian