Young’s Wine Buddy 1-gallon 7-day Wine Kit
Please read these instructions before starting your wine
In the unlikely event of any problems with this kit.
Please contact Customer Services on 01902 353053
The following ingredients are included in this kit:
1 x Concentrate bottle
from which the wine will be made
Pack A: Yeast/Nutrient
to start the fermentation process
Pack B: French Oak Chips
to add a barrel-aged quality to your wine
Pack C: Stabiliser
to stop the fermentation process
Pack D: F-Pack(s)
to enhance the varietal characteristics of the wine
Pack E: Finings 1/Pack F: Finings 2/Pack G: Finings 3
to clear the wine
You will also need the following:
2 x fermentation containers
one to brew in, another to siphon fermented wine into
1 x fermentation container lid to
cover fermentation container and prevent contamination
1 x airlock (with cap & bung)
to allow the release of gas produced during fermentation
to stir your brew
to check that the fermentation process is complete
Syphon tube and clip
to transfer the wine from original container to other container
1 x Steriliser
to clean and steriliser all equipment
In addition to this you will also need 900g of sugar and 6x wine bottles & stoppers
Day 0 – Fermentation
1. Clean all equipment with sterilising solution (full instructions on pack).
2. Boil your kettle and allow water to cool to below 53
3. Fill your fermentation container to 1 litre with the hot water.
4. Pour 900g of sugar (if you have weighing scales) into the hot water or (if you don’t have a weighing scale) remove half a cupful of
sugar from a 1kg bag and add the remainder of the bag to the hot water, then stir for 30 seconds to completely dissolve the
5. Pour the contents of the concentrate bottle into the fermentation container and stir for 10 seconds, then rinse out the bottle using
a small amount of cold tap water then add this to the container. In the case of the grape juice crystalising.Please immerse in
warm water to clear
6. Top up the fermentation container with cold tap water to 4.8 litres and stir for 20 seconds.
7. Pour the contents of Pack A: Yeast/Nutrient and Pack B: French Oak Chips into the liquid, stir for 10 seconds then place the
lid loosely on the container and leave to ferment at warm room temperature (20
C) for 6 days. We recommend container is
placed on a tray or work surface in case of excessive frothing.
Day 6 – Clearing
8. After 6 days it is important to de-gas the wine. The best way to ensure complete de-gassing is to transfer the wine from one
container to the second container at least six times. The second container should first be washed out with hot water.
9. Once de-gassed, check that fermentation is complete using a hydrometer by carefully lowering it into the wine. The hydrometer
should float in the wine with only the tip showing above the surface of the liquid. If only the blue band on the hydrometer scale is
visible above the surface of the liquid this indicates that the specific gravity is 0.994 or lower and you can now proceed to
instruction 10. If the yellow or red bands are visible leave to ferment for a further day or until only the blue band is visible before
continuing to instruction 10. Fermentation can take longer than 6 days if the temperature has dropped below 20
C – do not
continue to instruction 10 until only the blue band is visible above the surface of the liquid.
10. Once the hydrometer has shown a specific gravity reading in the blue band, pour the contents of Pack C: Stabiliser into the
wine and stir for 30 seconds to dissolve the stabiliser.
11. Pour the contents of Pack D: F-Pack into the wine and stir for 10 seconds (for Sauvignon Blanc add parts A & B.) Do not worry if
the F-Pack contains any sediment or bits as this will be removed by the finings and will not affect the quality or appearance of
your wine.
12. Pour the contents of Pack E: Finings 1 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds and leave to stand for 1 hour.
13. After 1 hour, pour the contents of Pack F: Finings 2 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds and leave to stand for 1 hour.
14. Pour the contents of Pack G: Finings 3 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds then refit the lid loosely and leave to stand
for 24hrs. The container should be stood on a raised surface (like a kitchen work surface) to allow later siphoning.
Day 7 – Syphoning & Finishing-off
15. After 24hrs the wine should be clear, if not leave until clear before proceeding. To check the clarity of Blush and Red kits, syphon-
off half a glassful of wine from half way down the container and hold this up to the light. If the wine does not appear to be
completely clear, leave the container to stand for a further 24hrs before repeating the process. See beginners syphoning
instructions at the bottom of this page for more details.
16. Once clear, rinse the second container with hot water and syphon the wine into this using the syphon tube and bucket clip
provided. It is important to syphon-off as much liquid as possible while taking care not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of
the container. If the sediment is disturbed at any point during the syphoning process, pour any syphoned wine back into the
original container, cover and leave the sediment to re-settle for 24hrs or until clear.
17. If you wish to sweeten your wine it should be done at this stage. When sweetening, add one dessertspoon of sugar, stir to
dissolve then taste. Repeat until desired sweetness is achieved.
18. Finally, rinse 6x wine bottles and stoppers thoroughly with hot water, siphon the wine into the bottles and seal with stoppers (if
you are using second-hand or pre-used wine bottles/stoppers, these should first be sterilised using a suitable homebrew
Your wine is now ready to serve, drink and enjoy….
Think Drink………………………..Think Young’s
Types available
Sauvignon Blanc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Serving suggestion Storage suggestion
White wine: Serve chilled Special maturing ingredients have been
Red wine: Serve at room temperature included to allow immediate serving.
Wine will continue to improve during
the first 3 months of storage.
Consume within 12 months.
Beginner’s instructions for using a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of a wine
If you have not used a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of a wine before, please take time to follow these instructions
Beginners Syphoning Instructions
If you have not syphoned before, please take time to follow these instructions carefully.
a) Place the empty container about 50cm below the original fermentation container.
b) Submerge the end of the syphon tube so that the sediment trap is about half way down into the wine. Attach the syphon tube to
the container using the clip provided. Be careful
not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the container. You will not need to
touch the original fermentation container again until instruction d).
c) Crouch down to a level below the original fermentation container and continue
to suck the end of the syphon tube (in one go…do
not stop!) until you see the wine flow past the bottom of the original fermentation container – then quickly put the syphon tube
into the second empty container. The wine should now be flowing from the first to the second container. If the wine does not
flow but returns to the original container it means you did not suck for long enough – liquid will only flow downhill! You can now
forget about the second container providing it was positioned correctly in a) above.
d) As the liquid level drops in the original container, carefully and slowly lower the syphon tube further into the wine by gently
pushing the syphon tube through the clip (do not remove the clip). Keep an eye on the other end of the syphon tube to ensure it
is still well inside the second container.
e) To get the maximum amount of wine transferred, if you are very careful, you can lower the sediment trap of the syphon tube
slightly into the sediment – but it takes skill to avoid sediment being also transferred.
Beginners Hydrometer Instructions
If you have not used a hydrometer before, please take time to follow these instructions carefully.
use the hydrometer prior to bottling
a) Fill a test jar to within 20 mm of the top
b) Put the hydrometer into the test jar, pushing it down to the bottom then allowing it to float up and find it’s own level
c) The S.G. will be the mark on the hydrometer at the level of the liquid
Young’s Group, Cross Street, Bradley, Bilston, West Midlands, U.K.
Tel +44 (0)1902 353352